// Append something appropriate to strDesc for foreground and background color, depending on whether // either or both is unspecified (knNinch). void AppendTextIs(StrApp & strDesc, COLORREF clrFore, COLORREF clrBack, bool & fFirst) { StrApp strT; StrApp strT2; StrApp strT3; if (clrBack == (COLORREF)kclrTransparent) clrBack = (COLORREF)knNinch; // treat transparent as no background color. // If we have a foreground color but no background display something like "Text is red" if (clrFore != knNinch && clrBack == knNinch) { strT2.Load(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clrFore))); strT3.Load(kstidTextIsFmt); strT.Format(strT3.Chars(), strT2.Chars()); } else if (clrBack != knNinch) { strT2.Load(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clrBack))); strT3.Load(kstidTextOnFmt); StrApp strT4; if (clrFore != knNinch) strT4.Load(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clrFore))); strT.Format(strT3.Chars(), strT4.Chars(), strT2.Chars()); } AppendDescPart(strDesc, strT, fFirst); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set the root directory for where things are located, which should be the directory where this file is located. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SetTestDir() { if (g_strTestDir.Length()) return; // Set this only once! // Get the path to the template files. HKEY hk; if (::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\SIL\\FieldWorks"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { achar rgch[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cb = isizeof(rgch); DWORD dwT; if (::RegQueryValueEx(hk, _T("RootCodeDir"), NULL, &dwT, (BYTE *)rgch, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Assert(dwT == REG_SZ); StrApp str(rgch); int ich = str.FindStrCI(_T("\\distfiles")); if (ich >= 0) str.Replace(ich, str.Length(), _T("")); ich = str.FindCh('\\', str.Length() - 1); if (ich >= 0) str.Replace(ich, str.Length(), _T("")); str.Append(_T("\\Src\\Cellar\\Test\\")); g_strTestDir.Assign(str); } RegCloseKey(hk); } if (!g_strTestDir.Length()) g_strTestDir.Assign("C:\\FW\\Src\\Cellar\\Test\\"); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This method is called when the user presses Browse button. It opens a dialog to browse for a help file, then if OK is pressed it puts that filename and path into the help edit box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DetailsPropDlgTab::OnBrws() { // Open file dialog. achar szFile[MAX_PATH]; ::ZeroMemory(szFile, MAX_PATH); OPENFILENAME ofn; ::ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); // the constant below is required for compatibility with Windows 95/98 (and maybe NT4) ofn.lStructSize = OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.hwndOwner = m_hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("Compiled HTML Help Files (*.chm)\0*.chm\0"); StrApp str(kstidOpenHelp); ofn.lpstrTitle = str.Chars(); StrApp strHelpPath = AfApp::Papp()->GetFwCodePath().Chars(); strHelpPath.Append(_T("\\Helps\\")); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = strHelpPath.Chars(); ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; if (IDOK != ::GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return; // We do not save the results ::SetWindowText(::GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, kctidDetailsPropTabHelpF), szFile); m_ppropd->SetHelpFile(szFile); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the version information for a module. It is passed the path name to the module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ StrUni GetModuleVersion(const OLECHAR * pchPathName) { StrUni stuRet; #ifdef WIN32 StrApp staPathName = pchPathName; achar * pchaPathName = const_cast<achar *>(staPathName.Chars()); DWORD dwDum; // Always set to zero. DWORD cb = GetFileVersionInfoSize(pchaPathName, &dwDum); LPVOID pBlock = (LPVOID) _alloca(cb); if (!GetFileVersionInfo(pchaPathName, 0, cb, pBlock)) return stuRet; // Can't get requested info VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * pffi; uint nT; ::VerQueryValue(pBlock, _T("\\"), (void **)&pffi, &nT); stuRet.Format(L"Version: %d, %d, %d, %d", HIWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionMS), LOWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionMS), HIWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionLS), LOWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionLS)); #endif return stuRet; }
// Add the part to the description (preceded by a comma if it isn't the first thing added). void AppendDescPart(StrApp & strDesc, const achar * pszPart, bool & fFirst) { if (*pszPart == 0) return; if (fFirst) fFirst = false; // Subsequent calls will add a comma. else strDesc.Append (","); strDesc.Append(pszPart); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add menu items for the right-click context Insert menu over tree pane. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CleDeSplitChild::AddContextInsertItems(HMENU & hmenu) { StrApp str; CleMainWnd * pcmw = dynamic_cast<CleMainWnd *>(MainWindow()); Assert(pcmw); PossListInfo * ppli = pcmw->GetPossListInfoPtr(); AssertPtr(ppli); if (!ppli->GetIsSorted()) { str.Assign(_T("List Item &Above")); ::AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING, kcidInsItemBef, str.Chars()); str.Assign(_T("List Item &Below")); ::AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING, kcidInsItemAft, str.Chars()); } else { str.Assign(_T("List &Item")); ::AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING, kcidInsItem, str.Chars()); } if (ppli->GetDepth() != 1) { str.Assign(_T("List &Subitem")); ::AppendMenu(hmenu, MF_STRING, kcidInsSubItem, str.Chars()); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process notifications from the user. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool FmtGenDlg::OnNotifyChild(int ctidFrom, NMHDR * pnmh, long & lnRet) { AssertPtr(pnmh); switch (pnmh->code) { case EN_KILLFOCUS: // Edit control modified. // Suppress updating the style from the control when we are trying to update the // control from the style. if (m_fSuppressLossOfFocus) break; if (ctidFrom == kctidFgEdName) { if (!m_pafsd->StyleIsSelected()) return true; StyleInfo & styiSelected = m_pafsd->SelectedStyle(); StrApp strOldName(styiSelected.m_stuName); // Save old name. StrApp strNewName; StrUni stuName; strNewName = GetName(); // If the name has not changed, there is nothing to do. if (strNewName.Equals(strOldName)) return true; stuName.Assign(strNewName); // If the style cannot be named stuName, put the old name back into the control. if (!m_pafsd->SetName(styiSelected, stuName)) { ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strOldName.Chars()); return true; } // Otherwise update the comboboxes for BasedOn and Next. Also update the edit box // to handle stripping of leading/trailing blanks. else { ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strNewName.Chars()); UpdateComboboxes(strOldName, strNewName); } } return true; case CBN_SELCHANGE: // Combo box item changed. return OnComboChange(pnmh, lnRet); default: break; } return AfWnd::OnNotifyChild(ctidFrom, pnmh, lnRet); }
// Append information about one border, if it is defined void AppendBorderInfo(StrApp & strDesc, int mp, int stid, bool & fFirst) { if (mp == knNinch) return; StrAppBuf strb; AfUtil::MakeMsrStr (mp , knpt, &strb); StrApp strFmt(stid); StrApp strT; strT.Format(strFmt.Chars(), strb.Chars()); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strT, fFirst); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called by the framework to initialize the dialog. All one-time initialization should be done here (that is, all controls have been created and have valid hwnd's, but they need initial values.) See ${AfDialog#FWndProc} @param hwndCtrl (not used) @param lp (not used) @return true if Successful ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool FwPropDlg::OnInitDlg(HWND hwndCtrl, LPARAM lp) { StrApp str; str.Format(_T("%r %r"), AfApp::Papp()->GetAppPropNameId(), kstidPropProperties); ::SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)str.Chars()); m_pszHelpUrl = m_strHelpF.Chars(); GeneralPropDlgTabPtr qgenp; qgenp.Attach(NewObj GeneralPropDlgTab(this, m_ctidName)); qgenp->EnableLocation(true); qgenp->EnableSize(true); qgenp->EnableModified(true); qgenp->EnableDescription(true); AfDialogViewPtr qdlgv; qdlgv = qgenp; m_vqdlgv.Push(qdlgv); m_hwndTab = ::GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, kcidLangProjPropDlgTab); // WARNING: If this ever gets changed to anything but a fixed length buffer, make sure // ti.pszText is set after loading each string, since the memory pointed to by strb // could be different each time. StrAppBuf strb; TCITEM ti; ti.mask = TCIF_TEXT; ti.pszText = const_cast<achar *>(strb.Chars()); // Add a tab to the tab control for each dialog view. strb.Load(kstidGeneralPropTab); TabCtrl_InsertItem(m_hwndTab, 0, &ti); // This section must be after at least one tab gets added to the tab control. RECT rcTab; ::GetWindowRect(m_hwndTab, &rcTab); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(m_hwndTab, false, &rcTab); POINT pt = { rcTab.left, rcTab.top }; ::ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &pt); m_dxsClient = pt.x; m_dysClient = pt.y; // Subclass the Help button. AfButtonPtr qbtn; qbtn.Create(); qbtn->SubclassButton(m_hwnd, kctidHelp, kbtHelp, NULL, 0); ShowChildDlg(m_itabInitial); AfApp::Papp()->EnableMainWindows(false); ::SetFocus(m_hwndTab); return SuperClass::OnInitDlg(hwndCtrl, lp); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the what's-this help string for the Date Dialog ellipsis button. @param pt not used. @param pptss Address of a pointer to an ITsString COM object for returning the help string. @return true. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool AfDeFeEdBoxBut::DeButton::GetHelpStrFromPt(Point pt, ITsString ** pptss) { AssertPtr(pptss); StrApp str; str.Load(kstidEllipsisBtnDateWhatsThisHelp); // No context help available ITsStrFactoryPtr qtsf; qtsf.CreateInstance(CLSID_TsStrFactory); StrUni stu(str); CheckHr(qtsf->MakeString(stu.Bstr(), m_pdee->UserWs(), pptss)); return true; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selects the "basedOn" style of the specified style in the "basedOn" combobox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::SetBasedOnStyleComboboxValue(StyleInfo & styi) { StrApp strTemp; // Temporary string. bool fProtectedStyle = m_pafsd->IsStyleProtected(styi.m_stuName); // Select the "Based On" value from styi for the combobox. strTemp = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(styi.m_hvoBasedOn); int icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_SETCURSEL, icombobox, 0); // Disable the control for styles originally provided by FieldWorks. ::EnableWindow(m_hwndBasedOn, !fProtectedStyle); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AfStylesDlg calls this when the user edits the name of a style. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::SetName(StrApp & strNewName) { StrApp strOldName; strOldName = GetName(); // Get the name from the editbox. // If the name has not changed, there is nothing to do. if (strNewName.Equals(strOldName)) return; ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strNewName.Chars()); UpdateComboboxes(strOldName, strNewName); // Update the names in the comboboxes. }
DEFINE_THIS_FILE #define gle (GetLastError()) #define lenof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #define MAXNAMELEN 1024 // max name length for found symbols #define IMGSYMLEN ( sizeof IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL ) #define TTBUFLEN 65536 // for a temp buffer /// Add the given string to Sta. If Sta is not empty, add a semi-colon first void AppendToStaWithSep(StrApp sta, const achar * pch) { if (sta.Length()) sta.Append(";"); sta.Append(pch); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loads the "next" combobox for the specified style ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::LoadNextStyleCombobox(StyleInfo & styi) { StrApp strTemp; // Temporary string. // "Next Style" combobox. ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for (int istyi = 0; istyi < m_pafsd->m_vstyi.Size(); istyi++) { StyleInfo * pstyiTemp = &m_pafsd->m_vstyi[istyi]; if (pstyiTemp->m_fDeleted) continue; strTemp = pstyiTemp->m_stuName; if (pstyiTemp->m_st == styi.m_st) ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set the values for the dialog controls based ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TeStylesDlg::SetDialogValues() { // Fill list combobox. StrApp staTemp; ::SendMessage(m_hwndList, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); staTemp.Load(kstidTesdListBasic); ::SendMessage(m_hwndList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)staTemp.Chars()); // 0 staTemp.Load(kstidTesdListAll); ::SendMessage(m_hwndList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)staTemp.Chars()); // 1 staTemp.Load(kstidTesdListCustom); ::SendMessage(m_hwndList, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)staTemp.Chars()); // 2 // Select the value in the combo box that represents the selected level. int nSelect; if (m_nCustomStyleLevel == 0) nSelect = ksttBasic; else if (m_nCustomStyleLevel > 10) nSelect = ksttAll; else nSelect = ksttCustom; ::SendMessage(m_hwndList, CB_SETCURSEL, nSelect, 0); SuperClass::SetDialogValues(); }
// Append a measurement, never with preceding comma. stid contains a %s which is replaced // with the nVal (initially mp) converted to the appropriate display units. void AppendMeasurement(StrApp & strDesc, int nVal, MsrSysType nMsrSys, int stid) { if (nVal == knNinch) return; StrAppBuf strb; AfUtil::MakeMsrStr(nVal , nMsrSys, &strb); StrApp strFmt(stid); strDesc.FormatAppend(strFmt.Chars(), strb.Chars()); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overrides the LoadNextStyleCombobox in the FmtGenDlg.cpp file so that we can limit the styles by context. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TeFmtGenDlg::LoadNextStyleCombobox(StyleInfo & styi) { TeStylesDlg * ptesd = dynamic_cast<TeStylesDlg*>(m_pafsd); StrApp strTemp; // We have to refill the Next combo box to show only styles with compatible text styles. // "Next" styles are compatible if they have the same Context and a compatible Structure. ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for (int istyi = 0; istyi < ptesd->m_vstyi.Size(); istyi++) { StyleInfo& styiTemp = ptesd->m_vstyi[istyi]; if (styiTemp.m_fDeleted) continue; strTemp = styiTemp.m_stuName; if (CompatibleNextStyle(styi, styiTemp)) ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create a new TssEdit. ptss can be NULL if the control should start out empty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TssEdit::Create(HWND hwndPar, int cid, DWORD dwStyle, HWND hwndToolTip, ITsString * ptss, ILgWritingSystemFactory * pwsf, int ws, IActionHandler * pacth) { AssertPtr(pwsf); PreCreate(pwsf, ws, ptss, pacth); m_cid = cid; m_hwndToolTip = hwndToolTip; m_wsBase = ws; m_qwsf = pwsf; if (!m_wsBase) CheckHr(pwsf->get_UserWs(&m_wsBase)); // get the user interface writing system id. // Create the window. WndCreateStruct wcs; wcs.lpszClass = _T("AfVwWnd"); wcs.hwndParent = hwndPar; wcs.SetWid(cid); wcs.style = dwStyle; CreateHwnd(wcs); // Add a tool tip. if (HasToolTip()) { // Add the combo information to the tooltip. TOOLINFO ti = { isizeof(ti), TTF_IDISHWND }; #ifdef DEBUG static StrApp s_str; s_str.Format(_T("Missing a tooltip for edit control with ID %d"), m_cid); ti.lpszText = const_cast<achar *>(s_str.Chars()); #else // !DEBUG ti.lpszText = _T("Dummy text"); #endif // !DEBUG ti.hwnd = Hwnd(); ti.uId = (uint)ti.hwnd; ::GetClientRect(Hwnd(), &ti.rect); ::SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti); } PostCreate(ptss); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selects the "next" style of the specified style in the "next" combobox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::SetNextStyleComboboxValue(StyleInfo & styi) { StrApp strTemp; // Temporary string. int icombobox; bool fProtectedStyle = m_pafsd->IsStyleProtected(styi.m_stuName); // Select the "Next Style" values from styi for the combobox. if (styi.m_st == kstCharacter) { icombobox = -1; // Makes it blank. ::EnableWindow(m_hwndNext, false); // And disables it. } else { strTemp = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(styi.m_hvoNext); icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); // Disable the control for styles originally provided by FieldWorks. ::EnableWindow(m_hwndNext, !fProtectedStyle); } ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_SETCURSEL, icombobox, 0); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loads the "basedOn" combox for the specified style ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::LoadBasedOnStyleCombobox(StyleInfo & styi) { StrApp strName = styi.m_stuName; StrApp strTemp; // Temporary string. // "Based On" combobox. ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for (int istyi = 0; istyi < m_pafsd->m_vstyi.Size(); istyi++) { StyleInfo * pstyiTemp = &m_pafsd->m_vstyi[istyi]; if (pstyiTemp->m_fDeleted) continue; if ((pstyiTemp->m_nContext == knContextInternal || pstyiTemp->m_nContext == knContextInternalMappable) && !styi.m_fBuiltIn) continue; strTemp = pstyiTemp->m_stuName; if (pstyiTemp->m_st == styi.m_st) { // The based-on list should not include any style that is already based on the // newly selected one, even indirectly. if (strName != strTemp && !m_pafsd->IsBasedOn(pstyiTemp, styi.m_hvoStyle)) ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); } } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace strOldName with strNewName in the BasedOn and Next comboboxes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::UpdateComboboxes(StrApp & strOldName, StrApp & strNewName) { if (!m_pafsd->StyleIsSelected()) return; StyleInfo styiSelected = m_pafsd->SelectedStyle(); StrApp strTemp; int icombobox; // Update the name in the BasedOn combobox if it is there. icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strOldName.Chars()); if (CB_ERR != icombobox) { ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_DELETESTRING, icombobox, 0); ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)strNewName.Chars()); // Select the BasedOn value. strTemp = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(styiSelected.m_hvoBasedOn); icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); if (CB_ERR != icombobox) ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_SETCURSEL, icombobox, 0); } // Update the name in the Next combobox, but only for a paragraph style. if (kstParagraph == styiSelected.m_st) { icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strOldName.Chars()); if (CB_ERR != icombobox) { ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_DELETESTRING, icombobox, 0); ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)strNewName.Chars()); // Select the "Next Style" value. strTemp = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(styiSelected.m_hvoNext); icombobox = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strTemp.Chars()); if (CB_ERR != icombobox) ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_SETCURSEL, icombobox, 0); } } return; }
void AppendOffsetInfo(StrApp & strDesc, int mpOffset, bool & fFirst) { if (mpOffset && mpOffset != knNinch) { StrApp strFmt; if (mpOffset < 0) strFmt.Load(kstidLoweredFmt); else strFmt.Load(kstidRaisedFmt); StrApp strAmt; StrAppBuf strb; AfUtil::MakeMsrStr (abs(mpOffset) , knpt, &strb); StrApp strT; strT.Format(strFmt.Chars(), strb.Chars()); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strT, fFirst); } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the final values for the dialog controls, after the dialog has been closed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::GetDialogValues(StyleInfo & styi, bool & fBasedOnChanged) { StrUni stuName = GetName(); StrApp strName = stuName; achar rgcha[1024]; Vector<achar> vch; achar * pszT; memcpy(rgcha, strName.Chars(), strName.Length() * isizeof(achar)); if (stuName != styi.m_stuName) { StrApp strOldName(styi.m_stuName); StrApp strNewName(stuName); if (!m_pafsd->SetName(styi, stuName)) { // Error: restore the old name. ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strOldName.Chars()); } // Otherwise update the comboboxes for BasedOn and Next. // This allows the later code which reads from them to work correctly, // so it is worth doing even here in a read routine. // Also update the edit box to handle stripping of leading/trailing blanks. else { ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strNewName.Chars()); UpdateComboboxes(strOldName, strNewName); } } int iitem = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETCURSEL, 0,0); // <0 means the item is blank (e.g., Normal is not based on anything). // But if we pass -1 to CB_GETLBTEXT, we get the text of the first item. // This can change Normal to be based on Normal, with bad consequences. // if (iitem < 0) { pszT = _T(""); } else { int cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)iitem, 0); if (cch < 1024) { pszT = rgcha; } else { vch.Resize(cch + 1); pszT = vch.Begin(); } cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETLBTEXT, iitem, (long)pszT); if (cch < 0) pszT = _T(""); } stuName = pszT; HVO hvoBasedOn = m_pafsd->GetHvoOfStyleNamed(stuName); if (styi.m_hvoBasedOn != hvoBasedOn) { m_pafsd->SetBasedOn(styi, hvoBasedOn); // Sets m_fDirty. // Note that this is initialised to false in AfStylesDlg::UpdateTabCtrl. fBasedOnChanged = true; } iitem = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_GETCURSEL, 0,0); if (iitem < 0) { pszT = _T(""); } else { int cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)iitem, 0); if (cch < 1024) { pszT = rgcha; } else { vch.Resize(cch + 1); pszT = vch.Begin(); } cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndNext, CB_GETLBTEXT, iitem, (long)pszT); if (cch < 0) pszT = _T(""); } stuName = pszT; HVO hvoNext = m_pafsd->GetHvoOfStyleNamed(stuName); if ((styi.m_hvoNext != hvoNext) && (styi.m_st != kstCharacter)) { m_pafsd->SetNext(styi, hvoNext); // Sets m_fDirty. } } //:> FmtGenDlg::GetDialogValues.
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set the values for the dialog controls based on the style styi. @param vwsProj Union of the current Vernacular and Analysis encodings for the project. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void FmtGenDlg::SetDialogValues(StyleInfo & styi, Vector<int> & vwsProj) { // During SetDialogValues we never need to handle loss of focus in the name control, // because if anything needed to be done about updating that, it was done during // GetDialogValues, which is always called before SetDialogValues. We need to suppress it // because during this call the current style index and the current value of the control // may not agree: the purpose of this method is to update the control from the new style. // The normal loss-of-focus code is trying to synchronize in the opposite direction, and // can cause problems, for example, when we are disabling the control. For example: // - Disabling the window causes it to lose focus if it previously had focus. // - There is a kill focus event that tries to make the contents of the box agree with // the name of the current style. // - when this method is called, the old style is still the current one, so if we // already changed the text in the box, we wind up trying to rename the old style // to the name of the 'provided' style and produce a name conflict error. try { m_vwsProj = vwsProj; StrApp strDesc; m_fSuppressLossOfFocus = true; StrApp strName = styi.m_stuName; StrApp strTemp; // Temporary string. bool fProtectedStyle = m_pafsd->IsStyleProtected(styi.m_stuName); // Name edit box. ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgEdName, strName.Chars()); // Diable the control for styles originally provided by FieldWorks. ::EnableWindow(m_hwndName, !fProtectedStyle); // Style type ltext. switch (styi.m_st) { case kstParagraph: strTemp.Load(kstidParagraph); break; case kstCharacter: strTemp.Load(kstidCharacter); break; default: Assert(false); // Should not happen. } ::SetWindowText(m_hwndType, strTemp.Chars()); // Update the "next" and "basedOn" comboboxes LoadNextStyleCombobox(styi); SetNextStyleComboboxValue(styi); LoadBasedOnStyleCombobox(styi); SetBasedOnStyleComboboxValue(styi); // ENHANCE LarryW(JohnT): When shortcut is implemented initialize the value instead. ::EnableWindow(m_hwndShortcut, false); // Disables it. // ************************************** m_vesi.Clear(); strDesc = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(styi.m_hvoBasedOn); strDesc.Append(" + "); ITsTextProps * pttp = styi.m_qttp; if (pttp) { StrApp strT; StrAppBuf strb; // a temp, used for making strings with units // Add default font info bool fFirstPart = true; SmartBstr sbstr; CheckHr(pttp->GetStrPropValue(ktptFontFamily, &sbstr)); StrUni stuFont(sbstr.Chars()); AppendDescPart(strDesc, FwStyledText::FontStringMarkupToUi(false, stuFont), fFirstPart); int val, var; CheckHr(pttp->GetIntPropValues(ktptFontSize, &var, &val)); if (var != -1) { AfUtil::MakeMsrStr (val , knpt, &strb); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strb, fFirstPart); } CheckHr(pttp->GetIntPropValues(ktptBold, &var, &val)); if (val == kttvForceOn || val == kttvInvert) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidBold, fFirstPart); CheckHr(pttp->GetIntPropValues(ktptItalic, &var, &val)); if (val == kttvForceOn || val == kttvInvert) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidItalic, fFirstPart); CheckHr(pttp->GetIntPropValues(ktptSuperscript, &var, &val)); if (val == kssvSuper) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidFfdSuperscript, fFirstPart); else if (val == kssvSub) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidFfdSubscript, fFirstPart); AppendTextIs(strDesc, (COLORREF)ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptForeColor), (COLORREF)ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBackColor), fFirstPart); AppendUnderlineInfo(strDesc, (COLORREF)ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptUnderColor), ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptUnderline), fFirstPart); AppendOffsetInfo(strDesc, ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptOffset), fFirstPart); // Add info about other tabs int nDir = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptRightToLeft); AddIf(strDesc, nDir == 0, kstidLeftToRight, fFirstPart); AddIf(strDesc, nDir == 1, kstidRightToLeft, fFirstPart); static const Keyval rgkeyvals[] = { {ktalLeading, kstidFpAlignLead}, {ktalLeft, kstidFpAlignLeft}, {ktalCenter, kstidFpAlignCenter}, {ktalRight, kstidFpAlignRight}, {ktalTrailing, kstidFpAlignTrail}, {ktalJustify, kstidFpAlignJustify}, //TODO: support when in use. {0, 0} }; AddFromList(strDesc, ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptAlign), rgkeyvals, fFirstPart); int nLeadIndent = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptLeadingIndent); int nTrailIndent = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptTrailingIndent); int nFirstIndent = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptFirstIndent); if (nLeadIndent != knNinch || nTrailIndent != knNinch || nFirstIndent != knNinch) { AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidIndentColon, fFirstPart); AppendMeasurement(strDesc, nLeadIndent, m_nMsrSys, kstidLeadingFmt); if (nFirstIndent != knNinch) { if (nFirstIndent < 0) AppendMeasurement(strDesc, -nFirstIndent, m_nMsrSys, kstidHangingFmt); else AppendMeasurement(strDesc, nFirstIndent, m_nMsrSys, kstidFirstLineFmt); } AppendMeasurement(strDesc, nTrailIndent, m_nMsrSys, kstidTrailingFmt); } // line spacing CheckHr(pttp->GetIntPropValues(ktptLineHeight, &var, &val)); StrApp strSpacing; StrApp strFmt; if (var == ktpvMilliPoint) { if (val < 0) strFmt.Load(kstidFpLsExactFmt); else strFmt.Load(kstidFpLsAtLeastFmt); StrAppBuf strb; AfUtil::MakeMsrStr (val , knpt, &strb); strSpacing.Format(strFmt.Chars(), strb.Chars()); } else if (var == ktpvRelative) { if (val >= kdenTextPropRel * 2) strSpacing.Load(kstidFpLsDouble); else if (val >= kdenTextPropRel * 3 / 2) strSpacing.Load(kstidFpLs15Lines); else strSpacing.Load(kstidFpLsSingle); } if (strSpacing.Length() != 0) { strFmt.Load(kstidLineSpacingFmt); strT.Format(strFmt.Chars(), strSpacing.Chars()); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strT, fFirstPart); } int mpBefore = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptSpaceBefore); int mpAfter = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptSpaceAfter); if (mpBefore != knNinch || mpAfter != knNinch) { AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidSpace, fFirstPart); AppendMeasurement(strDesc, mpBefore, knpt, kstidBeforeFmt); AppendMeasurement(strDesc, mpAfter, knpt, kstidAfterFmt); } int bulnum = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBulNumScheme); AddIf(strDesc, bulnum >= kvbnBulletBase && bulnum < kvbnBulletMax, kstidBulleted, fFirstPart); AddIf(strDesc, bulnum >= kvbnNumberBase && bulnum < kvbnNumberMax, kstidNumbered, fFirstPart); int mpBTop = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBorderTop); int mpBB = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBorderBottom); int mpBL = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBorderLeading); int mpBTr = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBorderTrailing); if (mpBTop != knNinch || mpBB != knNinch || mpBL != knNinch || mpBTr != knNinch) { AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidBorderColon, fFirstPart); int clrBorder = ReadValOrNinch(pttp, ktptBorderColor); bool fFirstBorder = true; if (clrBorder != knNinch) { StrApp strClr; strClr.Load(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clrBorder))); strDesc.Append(strClr.Chars()); fFirstBorder = false; } AppendBorderInfo(strDesc, mpBTop, kstidTopBdrFmt, fFirstBorder); AppendBorderInfo(strDesc, mpBB, kstidBottomBdrFmt, fFirstBorder); AppendBorderInfo(strDesc, mpBL, kstidLeadingBdrFmt, fFirstBorder); AppendBorderInfo(strDesc, mpBTr, kstidTrailingBdrFmt, fFirstBorder); } // Add info about writing-system overrides of font info. Vector<int> vwsSoFar; // Get the appropropriate writing system factory. ILgWritingSystemFactoryPtr qwsf; AssertPtr(m_pafsd); m_pafsd->GetLgWritingSystemFactory(&qwsf); AssertPtr(qwsf); //- IWritingSystemPtr qws; // Each iteration of this loop processes information about one writing system. SmartBstr sbstrCharStyles; CheckHr(pttp->GetStrPropValue(kspWsStyle, &sbstrCharStyles)); if (sbstrCharStyles.Length()) { FwStyledText::DecodeFontPropsString(sbstrCharStyles, m_vesi, vwsSoFar); SmartBstr sbstrWs; StrApp strWs; int wsUser; CheckHr(qwsf->get_UserWs(&wsUser)); SmartBstr sbstrAbbr; for (int iesi = 0; iesi < m_vesi.Size(); iesi++) { WsStyleInfo & esi = m_vesi[iesi]; if (vwsSoFar[iesi] == 0) continue; // Ignore writing system set to 0. fFirstPart = true; StrApp strT; StrApp strT2; strT.Format(_T("\n")); // Use the abbreviation in the user ws if it exists. // else try for an abbreviation in each ws in m_vwsProj in turn, // else use the ICU locale name as a last resort. IWritingSystemPtr qws; CheckHr(qwsf->GetStrFromWs(vwsSoFar[iesi], &sbstrWs)); CheckHr(qwsf->get_Engine(sbstrWs, &qws)); CheckHr(qws->get_Abbr(wsUser, &sbstrAbbr)); if (sbstrAbbr.Length() == 0) { for (int iws = 0; iws < m_vwsProj.Size(); ++iws) { CheckHr(qws->get_Abbr(m_vwsProj[iws], &sbstrAbbr)); if (sbstrAbbr.Length() != 0) break; } } if (sbstrAbbr.Length() == 0) strWs.Assign(sbstrWs.Chars(), sbstrWs.Length()); else strWs.Assign(sbstrAbbr.Chars(), sbstrAbbr.Length()); strT2.Format(_T("%s: "), strWs.Chars()); if (strT2 == _T("___: ")) strT2.Load(kctidFgUnknown); strT.Append(strT2); strDesc.Append (strT); AppendDescPart(strDesc, FwStyledText::FontStringMarkupToUi(false, esi.m_stuFontFamily), fFirstPart); if (esi.m_mpSize != knNinch) { AfUtil::MakeMsrStr (esi.m_mpSize , knpt, &strb); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strb, fFirstPart); } if (esi.m_fBold == kttvForceOn || esi.m_fBold == kttvInvert) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidBold, fFirstPart); if (esi.m_fItalic == kttvForceOn || esi.m_fItalic == kttvInvert) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidItalic, fFirstPart); if (esi.m_ssv == kssvSuper) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidFfdSuperscript, fFirstPart); else if (esi.m_ssv == kssvSub) AppendDescPart(strDesc, kstidFfdSubscript, fFirstPart); AppendTextIs(strDesc, esi.m_clrFore, esi.m_clrBack, fFirstPart); AppendUnderlineInfo(strDesc, esi.m_clrUnder, esi.m_unt, fFirstPart); AppendOffsetInfo(strDesc, esi.m_mpOffset, fFirstPart); } // 'for' loop } } ::SetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, kctidFgDescription, strDesc.Chars()); // ************************************** } catch(...) { m_fSuppressLossOfFocus = false; throw; } m_fSuppressLossOfFocus = false; } //:> FmtGenDlg::SetDialogValues.
// Append to strDesc appropriate info about underline if any. void AppendUnderlineInfo(StrApp & strDesc, COLORREF clrUnder, int unt, bool & fFirst) { StrApp strColor; if (clrUnder != (COLORREF)knNinch) strColor.Load(g_ct.GetColorRid(g_ct.GetIndexFromColor(clrUnder))); StrApp strFmt; switch (unt) { case kuntDotted: strFmt.Load(kstidDottedUnderFmt); break; case kuntDashed: strFmt.Load(kstidDashedUnderFmt); break; case kuntStrikethrough: strFmt.Load(kstidStrikethroughUnderFmt); break; case kuntSingle: strFmt.Load(kstidSingleUnderFmt); break; case kuntDouble: strFmt.Load(kstidDoubleUnderFmt); break; default: return; } StrApp strT; strT.Format(strFmt.Chars(), strColor.Chars()); AppendDescPart(strDesc, strT, fFirst); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handle a change in a combo box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool FmtGenDlg::OnComboChange(NMHDR * pnmh, long & lnRet) { AssertPtr(pnmh); // Do nothing if we're not handling a change in the based on style name combo. if (pnmh->idFrom != kctidFgCbBasedOn) { lnRet = 0; return true; } achar rgchaName[1024]; // Name in the combobox. Vector<achar> vch; achar * pszT; bool fKeepChange = true; // Get the name from the combobox. int index = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); int cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, index, (LPARAM)0); if (cch < 1024) pszT = rgchaName; else { vch.Resize(cch + 1); pszT = vch.Begin(); } cch = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_GETLBTEXT, index, (long)pszT); if (cch < 0) pszT = _T(""); // Trim leading and trailing space characters. StrApp strNewBasedOnName; StrUtil::TrimWhiteSpace(pszT, strNewBasedOnName); // Get the name of the style whose based on style is being changed. StrUni stuCurrStyleName(m_pafsd->GetNameOfSelectedStyle()); // Get the HVO of the new based on style. StrUni stuName; stuName.Assign(strNewBasedOnName); HVO hvoNewBasedOn = m_pafsd->GetHvoOfStyleNamed(stuName); // Check that the selected style will not be based on itself. if (stuCurrStyleName.Equals(strNewBasedOnName)) fKeepChange = false; else { int hvo = m_pafsd->GetBasedOnHvoOfStyle(hvoNewBasedOn); // Loop through the inheritance chain to make sure none of the based on // styles are the same as the currently selected style. while (hvo && fKeepChange) { if (stuCurrStyleName.Equals(m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(hvo))) fKeepChange = false; else hvo = m_pafsd->GetBasedOnHvoOfStyle(hvo); } } // If keeping the new based on style, then notify the styles dialog of its change. if (fKeepChange) { StyleInfo styi = m_pafsd->SelectedStyle(); m_pafsd->SetBasedOn(styi, hvoNewBasedOn); m_pafsd->BasedOnStyleChangeNotification(hvoNewBasedOn); LoadNextStyleCombobox(styi); SetNextStyleComboboxValue(styi); } else { StrApp strMsg(kstidAfsdSameBasedOnMsg); StrApp strMsgTitle(kstidStyles); // Raise a message alerting the user to his mistake. ::MessageBox(m_hwnd, strMsg.Chars(), strMsgTitle.Chars(), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); // Return the combobox to its original value. strNewBasedOnName = m_pafsd->GetNameOfStyle(m_pafsd->SelectedStyle().m_hvoBasedOn); int index = ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)strNewBasedOnName.Chars()); ::SendMessage(m_hwndBasedOn, CB_SETCURSEL, index, 0); } lnRet = 0; return true; } //:> FmtGenDlg::OnComboChange.
void StackDumper::ShowStackCore( HANDLE hThread, CONTEXT& c ) { // This makes this code custom for 32-bit windows. There is a technique to find out what // machine type we are running on, but this should do us for a good while. DWORD imageType = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386; HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); int frameNum; // counts walked frames DWORD offsetFromSymbol; // tells us how far from the symbol we were DWORD symOptions; // symbol handler settings IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL *pSym = (IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL *) malloc( IMGSYMLEN + MAXNAMELEN ); IMAGEHLP_MODULE Module; IMAGEHLP_LINE Line; StrApp strSearchPath; // path to search for symbol tables (I think...JT) achar *tt = 0; STACKFRAME s; // in/out stackframe memset( &s, '\0', sizeof s ); tt = new achar[TTBUFLEN]; if (!tt) return; // Build symbol search path. // Add current directory if (::GetCurrentDirectory( TTBUFLEN, tt ) ) AppendToStaWithSep(strSearchPath, tt); // Add directory containing executable or DLL we are running in. if (::GetModuleFileName( 0, tt, TTBUFLEN ) ) { StrUni stuPath = tt; // convert to Unicode if necessary, allows use of wchars const OLECHAR * pchPath = stuPath.Chars(); const OLECHAR * pch; for (pch = pchPath + wcslen(pchPath) - 1; pch >= pchPath; -- pch ) { // locate the rightmost path separator if ( *pch == L'\\' || *pch == L'/' || *pch == L':' ) break; } // if we found one, p is pointing at it; if not, tt only contains // an exe name (no path), and p points before its first byte if ( pch != pchPath ) // path sep found? { if ( *pch == L':' ) // we leave colons in place ++ pch; if (strSearchPath.Length()) strSearchPath.Append(";"); strSearchPath.Append(pchPath, (pch - pchPath)); } } // environment variable _NT_SYMBOL_PATH if (::GetEnvironmentVariable( _T("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"), tt, TTBUFLEN )) AppendToStaWithSep(strSearchPath, tt); // environment variable _NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH if (::GetEnvironmentVariable( _T("_NT_ALTERNATE_SYMBOL_PATH"), tt, TTBUFLEN )) AppendToStaWithSep(strSearchPath, tt); // environment variable SYSTEMROOT if (::GetEnvironmentVariable( _T("SYSTEMROOT"), tt, TTBUFLEN )) AppendToStaWithSep(strSearchPath, tt); // Why oh why does SymInitialize() want a writeable string? Surely it doesn't modify it... // The doc clearly says it is an [in] parameter. // Also, there is not a wide character version of this function! StrAnsi staT(strSearchPath); if ( !::SymInitialize( hProcess, const_cast<char *>(staT.Chars()), false ) ) goto LCleanup; // SymGetOptions() symOptions = SymGetOptions(); symOptions |= SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES; symOptions &= ~SYMOPT_UNDNAME; SymSetOptions( symOptions ); // SymSetOptions() // Enumerate modules and tell imagehlp.dll about them. // On NT, this is not necessary, but it won't hurt. EnumAndLoadModuleSymbols( hProcess, GetCurrentProcessId() ); // init STACKFRAME for first call // Notes: AddrModeFlat is just an assumption. I hate VDM debugging. // Notes: will have to be #ifdef-ed for Alphas; MIPSes are dead anyway, // and good riddance. s.AddrPC.Offset = c.Eip; s.AddrPC.Mode = AddrModeFlat; s.AddrFrame.Offset = c.Ebp; s.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; memset( pSym, '\0', IMGSYMLEN + MAXNAMELEN ); pSym->SizeOfStruct = IMGSYMLEN; pSym->MaxNameLength = MAXNAMELEN; memset( &Line, '\0', sizeof Line ); Line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof Line; memset( &Module, '\0', sizeof Module ); Module.SizeOfStruct = sizeof Module; offsetFromSymbol = 0; if (!m_pstaDump) { try { m_pstaDump = NewObj StrAnsiBufHuge; } catch (...) { goto LCleanup; } } // If the stack dump gets too big, we remove some entries from near the // middle, and insert a marker. This counts the characters up to the // end of the marker. int ichEndLowHalf; ichEndLowHalf = 0; m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "\r\n--# FV EIP----- RetAddr- FramePtr StackPtr Symbol\r\n" ); // EberhardB: a stack of 1.000 frames should be enough in most cases; limiting it // prevents a mysterious infinite(?) loop on our build machine. for ( frameNum = 0; frameNum < 1000; ++ frameNum ) { // get next stack frame (StackWalk(), SymFunctionTableAccess(), SymGetModuleBase()) // if this returns ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS (487) or ERROR_NOACCESS (998), you can // assume that either you are done, or that the stack is so hosed that the next // deeper frame could not be found. if ( ! StackWalk( imageType, hProcess, hThread, &s, &c, NULL, SymFunctionTableAccess, SymGetModuleBase, NULL ) ) break; // display its contents m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "%3d %c%c %08x %08x %08x %08x ", frameNum, s.Far? 'F': '.', s.Virtual? 'V': '.', s.AddrPC.Offset, s.AddrReturn.Offset, s.AddrFrame.Offset, s.AddrStack.Offset ); if ( s.AddrPC.Offset == 0 ) { m_pstaDump->Append( "(-nosymbols- PC == 0)\r\n" ); } else { // we seem to have a valid PC char undName[MAXNAMELEN]; // undecorated name //char undFullName[MAXNAMELEN]; // undecorated name with all shenanigans // show procedure info (SymGetSymFromAddr()) if ( ! SymGetSymFromAddr( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromSymbol, pSym ) ) { if ( gle != 487 ) m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "SymGetSymFromAddr(): gle = %u\r\n", gle ); } else { UnDecorateSymbolName( pSym->Name, undName, MAXNAMELEN, UNDNAME_NAME_ONLY ); //UnDecorateSymbolName( pSym->Name, undFullName, MAXNAMELEN, UNDNAME_COMPLETE ); m_pstaDump->Append( undName ); //if ( offsetFromSymbol != 0 ) // m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( " %+d bytes", offsetFromSymbol ); //m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "\r\n Sig: %s\r\n", pSym->Name ); //m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "\r\n Decl: %s\r\n", undFullName ); } // show line number info, NT5.0-method (SymGetLineFromAddr()). If we can't get this function, // or it doesn't work, leave out line number info. if (! g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr) { StrApp staModName("IMAGEHLP.DLL"); g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr = (PFNSYMGETLINEFROMADDR) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle(staModName.Chars()), "SymGetLineFromAddr"); } if (! g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr || ! g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &offsetFromSymbol, &Line ) ) { if ( g_pfnSymGetLineFromAddr && gle != 487 ) // apparently a magic number indicating not in symbol file. m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "SymGetLineFromAddr(): gle = %u\r\n", gle ); else m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( " (no line # avail)\r\n"); } else { m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( " %s(%u)\r\n", Line.FileName, Line.LineNumber ); } #ifdef JT_20010626_WantModuleInfo // If we want this info adapt the printf and _snprintf in the following. // show module info (SymGetModuleInfo()) if ( ! SymGetModuleInfo( hProcess, s.AddrPC.Offset, &Module ) ) { m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "SymGetModuleInfo): gle = %u\r\n", gle ); } else { // got module info OK m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( " Mod: %s[%s], base: 0x%x\r\n Sym: type: ", Module.ModuleName, Module.ImageName, Module.BaseOfImage ); switch ( Module.SymType ) { case SymNone: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "-nosymbols-"); break; case SymCoff: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "COFF"); break; case SymCv: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "CV"); break; case SymPdb: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "PDB"); break; case SymExport: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "-exported-"); break; case SymDeferred: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "-deferred-"); break; case SymSym: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "SYM"); break; default: m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( "symtype=%d", (long) Module.SymType); break; } m_pstaDump->FormatAppend( ", file: %s\r\n", Module.LoadedImageName); } // got module info OK #endif // JT_20010626_WantModuleInfo // We don't want to return more than about 10K of info (enough for an email). // This also serves to make sure there's enough room in the buffer for more. // The idea is that we'd like to keep both the top and bottom of the stack. // So we delete frames from the middle until we have less than 10K. if (m_pstaDump->Length() > MAXDUMPLEN) { if (!ichEndLowHalf) { static char * pszGap = "\r\n\r\n\r\n******************Frames skipped here***************\r\n\r\n\r\n"; int cchGap = strlen(pszGap); ichEndLowHalf = FindStartOfFrame(MAXDUMPLEN / 2); // Overwrite some of what's there with the gap marker. The incomplete // frame will be part of what gets deleted. m_pstaDump->Replace(ichEndLowHalf, ichEndLowHalf + cchGap, pszGap, cchGap); ichEndLowHalf += cchGap; } int cchLeave = m_pstaDump->Length(); int ichKeep = ichEndLowHalf; while (cchLeave > MAXDUMPLEN) { int ichKeepT = FindStartOfFrame(ichKeep + 1); cchLeave -= ichKeepT - ichKeep; ichKeep = ichKeepT; } m_pstaDump->Replace(ichEndLowHalf, ichKeep, (char *)NULL, 0); } } // we seem to have a valid PC // no return address means no deeper stackframe if ( s.AddrReturn.Offset == 0 ) { // avoid misunderstandings in the printf() following the loop SetLastError( 0 ); break; } } // for ( frameNum ) if ( gle != 0 ) printf( "\r\nStackWalk(): gle = %u\r\n", gle ); LCleanup: ResumeThread( hThread ); // de-init symbol handler etc. SymCleanup( hProcess ); free( pSym ); delete [] tt; #ifdef DEBUG ::OutputDebugStringA(m_pstaDump->Chars()); #endif }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up the crawler to work on a given database. @param stuServerName - name of the database server @param stuDatabase - name of the database @param pstrmLog - pointer to the log stream (may be NULL) @param padvi3 - pointer to the progress report object (defaults to NULL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool DbStringCrawler::Init(StrUni stuServerName, StrUni stuDatabase, IStream * pstrmLog, IAdvInd3 * padvi3) { m_qstrmLog = pstrmLog; m_stuServerName = stuServerName; m_stuDatabase = stuDatabase; m_qadvi3 = padvi3; try { m_qode.CreateInstance(CLSID_OleDbEncap); // Get the IStream pointer for logging. NULL returned if no log file. StrUni stuMasterDb(L"master"); CheckHr(m_qode->Init(m_stuServerName.Bstr(), stuMasterDb.Bstr(), m_qstrmLog, koltMsgBox, koltvForever)); CreateCommand(); } catch (...) { // Cannot connect to master database. StrApp strMsg; strMsg.Load(kstidCannotGetMasterDb); ::MessageBox(NULL, strMsg.Chars(), m_strProgDlgTitle.Chars(), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return false; } if (m_qadvi3) m_qadvi3->SetRange(0, 100); #ifndef NO_AFMAINWINDOW if (!m_fDontCloseMainWnd) { m_fNeedRelaunch = true; // In closing the final window, FwTool is going to call // AfApp::DecExportedObjects() which would normally post a quit message to // the application if there is only one window open. We don't want it to // quit yet, so we need to temporarily add an extra count until we get our // new window open. AfApp::Papp()->IncExportedObjects(); // Now close the current database with all its windows. AfApp::Papp()->CloseDbAndWindows(m_stuDatabase.Chars(), m_stuServerName.Chars(), false); // Give users time to log off, then force them off anyway: ComBool fDisconnected; try { IDisconnectDbPtr qdscdb; qdscdb.CreateInstance(CLSID_FwDisconnect); // Set up strings needed for disconnection: StrUni stuReason(kstidReasonDisconnectStrCrawl); // Get our own name: DWORD nBufSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; achar rgchBuffer[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; GetComputerName(rgchBuffer, &nBufSize); StrUni stuComputer(rgchBuffer); StrUni stuFmt(kstidRemoteReasonStrCrawl); StrUni stuExternal; stuExternal.Format(stuFmt.Chars(), stuComputer.Chars()); qdscdb->Init(m_stuDatabase.Bstr(), stuServerName.Bstr(), stuReason.Bstr(), stuExternal.Bstr(), (ComBool)false, NULL, 0); qdscdb->DisconnectAll(&fDisconnected); } catch (...) { fDisconnected = false; } if (!fDisconnected) { // User canceled, or it was impossible to disconnect people. This will leave us in // possibly a funny state, and nothing will be changed, but at least we'll open up // a new window on the app. return false; } } #endif return true; }