Exemple #1
Boolean CUsbManager::PropertyContainsFunction(
    /* [in] */ const String& property,
    /* [in] */ const String& function)
    AutoPtr<ISystemProperties> sp;
    String functions;
    sp->Get(property, String(""), &functions);
    Int32 index = functions.IndexOf(function);

    if (index < 0) {
        return FALSE;

    Char32 c1 = functions.GetChar(index - 1);
    if (index > 0 && c1 != ',') {
        return FALSE;

    Int32 charAfter = index + function.GetLength();
    Char32 c2 = functions.GetChar(charAfter);
    if (charAfter < (Int32)functions.GetLength() && c2 != ',') {
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
String WifiTile::RemoveDoubleQuotes(
    /* [in] */ const String& string)
    if (string == NULL) return String(NULL);
    const Int32 length = string.GetLength();
    if ((length > 1) && (string.GetChar(0) == '"') && (string.GetChar(length - 1) == '"')) {
        return string.Substring(1, length - 1);
    return string;
Exemple #3
AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > HexDump::HexStringToByteArray(
    /* [in] */ const String& hexString)
    Int32 length = hexString.GetLength();
    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > buffer = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(length / 2);

    for (Int32 i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
        (*buffer)[i / 2] = (Byte)((ToByte(hexString.GetChar(i)) << 4) | ToByte(hexString.GetChar(i+1)));

    return buffer;
String CHttpAuthHeader::TrimDoubleQuotesIfAny(
    /* [in] */ const String& value)
    if (value != NULL) {
        Int32 len = value.GetLength();
        if (len > 2
                && value.GetChar(0) == '\"'
                && value.GetChar(len -1) == '\"') {
            return value.Substring(1, len - 1);

    return value;
Exemple #5
String File::Join(
    /* [in] */ const String& prefix,
    /* [in] */ const String& suffix)
    Int32 prefixLength = prefix.GetLength();
    Boolean haveSlash = (prefixLength > 0 && prefix.GetChar(prefixLength - 1) == sSeparatorChar);
    if (!haveSlash) {
        haveSlash = (suffix.GetLength() > 0 && suffix.GetChar(0) == sSeparatorChar);
    String joinStr = prefix;
    if (!haveSlash) joinStr.AppendFormat("%c", sSeparatorChar);
    joinStr += suffix;
    return joinStr;
Int32 CSplitClockView::GetAmPmPartEndIndex(
    /* [in] */ const String& formatString)
    Boolean hasAmPm = FALSE;
    Int32 length = formatString.GetLength();
    for (Int32 i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Char32 c = formatString.GetChar(i);
        Boolean isAmPm = c == 'a';
        Boolean isWhitespace = Character::IsWhitespace(c);
        if (isAmPm) {
            hasAmPm = TRUE;
        if (isAmPm || isWhitespace) {
        if (i == length - 1) {

            // First character was not AM/PM and not whitespace, so it's not ending with AM/PM.
            return -1;
        } else {

            // If we have AM/PM at all, return last index, or -1 to indicate that it's not
            // ending with AM/PM.
            return hasAmPm ? i + 1 : -1;

    // Only AM/PM and whitespaces? The whole string is AM/PM. Else: Only whitespaces in the
    // string.
    return hasAmPm ? 0 : -1;
ECode CEmojiFactory::GetAndroidPuaFromVendorSpecificPua(
    /* [in] */ const String& vspString,
    /* [out] */ String* retValue)
    *retValue = NULL;

    if (vspString.IsNull()) {

    Int32 minVsp = NativeGetMinimumVendorSpecificPua(mNativeEmojiFactory);
    Int32 maxVsp = NativeGetMaximumVendorSpecificPua(mNativeEmojiFactory);

    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Int32> > codePoints = ArrayOf<Int32>::Alloc(vspString.GetCharCount(0, len));\
    Int32 new_len = 0;

    for (Int32 i=0; i < len; i++,new_len++)
        Int32 codePoint = (Int32)vspString.GetChar(i);
        if (minVsp <= codePoint && codePoint <= maxVsp) {
            Int32 newCodePoint = GetAndroidPuaFromVendorSpecificPua(codePoint);
            if (newCodePoint > 0) {
                    (*codePoints)[new_len] = newCodePoint;
        (*codePoints)[new_len] = codePoint;
 * Return the next command line option. This has a number of special cases
 * which closely, but not exactly, follow the POSIX command line options
 * patterns:
 * <pre>
 * -- means to stop processing additional options
 * -z means option z
 * -z ARGS means option z with (non-optional) arguments ARGS
 * -zARGS means option z with (optional) arguments ARGS
 * --zz means option zz
 * --zz ARGS means option zz with (non-optional) arguments ARGS
 * </pre>
 * Note that you cannot combine single letter options; -abc != -a -b -c
 * @return Returns the option string, or null if there are no more options.
String Monkey::NextOption()
    if (mNextArg >= mArgs->GetLength()) {
        return String();
    String arg = (*mArgs)[mNextArg];
    if (!arg.StartWith("-")) {
        return String();
    if (arg.Equals("--")) {
        return String();
    if (arg.GetLength() > 1 && arg.GetChar(1) != '-') {
        if (arg.GetLength() > 2) {
            mCurArgData = arg.Substring(2);
            return arg.Substring(0, 2);
        else {
            mCurArgData = String();
            return arg;
    mCurArgData = String();
    return arg;
String UrlUtils::CanonicalizePath(
    /* [in] */ const String& _path,
    /* [in] */ Boolean discardRelativePrefix)
    String path = _path;
    // the first character of the current path segment
    Int32 segmentStart = 0;

    // the number of segments seen thus far that can be erased by sequences of '..'.
    Int32 deletableSegments = 0;

    for (Int32 i = 0; i <= path.GetLength(); ) {
        Int32 nextSegmentStart;
        if (i == path.GetLength()) {
            nextSegmentStart = i;
        } else if (path.GetChar(i) == '/') {
            nextSegmentStart = i + 1;
        } else {

         * We've encountered either the end of a segment or the end of the
         * complete path. If the final segment was "." or "..", remove the
         * appropriate segments of the path.
        if (i == segmentStart + 1 && path.RegionMatches(segmentStart, String("."), 0, 1)) {
            // Given "abc/def/./ghi", remove "./" to get "abc/def/ghi".
            String part = path.Substring(0, segmentStart);
            part += path.Substring(nextSegmentStart);
            path = part;
            i = segmentStart;
        else if (i == segmentStart + 2 && path.RegionMatches(segmentStart, String(".."), 0, 2)) {
            if (deletableSegments > 0 || discardRelativePrefix) {
                // Given "abc/def/../ghi", remove "def/../" to get "abc/ghi".
                Int32 prevSegmentStart = path.LastIndexOf('/', segmentStart - 2) + 1;
                String part = path.Substring(0, prevSegmentStart);
                part += path.Substring(nextSegmentStart);
                path = part;
                i = segmentStart = prevSegmentStart;
            else {
                // There's no segment to delete; this ".." segment must be retained.
                segmentStart = i;
        else {
            if (i > 0) {
            segmentStart = i;
    return path;
Char32 CMenuInflater::MenuState::GetShortcut(
    /* [in] */ const String& shortcutString)
    if (shortcutString.IsNull()) {
        return 0;
    else {
        return shortcutString.GetChar(0);
Exemple #11
ECode CAuthorityEntry::constructor(
    /* [in] */ const String& host,
    /* [in] */ const String& port)
    mOrigHost = host;
    mWild = host.GetLength() > 0 && host.GetChar(0) == '*';
    mHost = mWild ? host.Substring(1)/*.intern()*/ : host;
    mPort = !port.IsNull() ? port.ToInt32() : -1;
    return NOERROR;
Int32 AbstractVerifier::CountDots(
    /* [in] */ const String& s)
    Int32 count = 0;
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < s.GetLength(); i++) {
        if(s.GetChar(i) == '.') {
    return count;
void ApprExpansionDatabase::doWrite(wxOutputStream& out) {
	wxTextOutputStream tout(out, wxEOL_DOS);
	// write in order first
	FOR_EACH(c, order) {
		String code = c;
		if (code.GetChar(0) != _('-')) {
			// but not the rarities
			tout << code << _("-") << expansions[c] << _("\n");
ECode CQName::ValueOf(
    /* [in] */ String qNameAsString,
    /* [out] */  IQName** qName)
    // null is not valid
    if (qNameAsString == NULL) {
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot create QName from \"null\" or \"\" String");

    // "" local part is valid to preserve compatible behavior with QName 1.0
    if (qNameAsString.GetLength() == 0) {
        return CQName::New(

    // local part only?
    if (qNameAsString.GetChar(0) != '{') {
        return CQName::New(

    // Namespace URI improperly specified?
    if (qNameAsString.StartWith(String("{") + IXMLConstants::NULL_NS_URI + "}")) {
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        //     "Namespace URI .equals(XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI), "
        //     + ".equals(\"" + XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI + "\"), "
        //     + "only the local part, "
        //     + "\"" + qNameAsString.substring(2 + XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI.length()) + "\", "
        //     + "should be provided.");

    // Namespace URI and local part specified
    Int32 endOfNamespaceURI = qNameAsString.IndexOf('}');
    if (endOfNamespaceURI == -1) {
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        //     "cannot create QName from \""
        //         + qNameAsString
        //         + "\", missing closing \"}\"");
    return CQName::New(
        qNameAsString.Substring(1, endOfNamespaceURI),
        qNameAsString.Substring(endOfNamespaceURI + 1),
ECode CRandomAccessFile::WriteBytes(
    /* [in] */ const String& str)
    if (str.IsNullOrEmpty())
        return NOERROR;

    AutoPtr<ArrayOf<Byte> > bytes = ArrayOf<Byte>::Alloc(str.GetLength());
    for (Int32 index = 0; index < str.GetLength(); index++) {
        bytes->Set(index, (Byte)(str.GetChar(index) & 0xFF));
    return Write(bytes);
ECode CFastXmlSerializer::WriteText(
    /* [in] */ const String& text)
    if (mInTag) {
        mInTag = FALSE;
    if (mIndent) {
        mLineStart = text.GetLength() > 0 && (text.GetChar(text.GetLength()-1) == '\n');
    return NOERROR;
Exemple #17
ECode DhcpPacket::AddTlv(
    /* [in] */ IByteBuffer* buf,
    /* [in] */ Byte type,
    /* [in] */ const String& str)
    if (str != NULL) {
        buf->Put((Byte) str.GetLength());
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < str.GetLength(); i++) {
            buf->Put((Byte) str.GetChar(i));
    return NOERROR;
String TextIOHandler::getLine() {
	String result;
	Char buffer[2048];
	while (!feof(stdin)) {
		if (!IF_UNICODE(fgetws,fgets)(buffer, 2048, stdin)) {
			return result; // error
		result += buffer;
		if (result.GetChar(result.size()-1) == _('\n')) {
			// drop newline, done
			result.resize(result.size() - 1);
			return result;
	return result;
Exemple #19
String decodeUTF8BOM(const String& s) {
#ifdef UNICODE
    if (!s.empty() && s.GetChar(0) == L'\xFEFF') {
        // skip byte-order-mark
        return s.substr(1);
    } else {
        return s;
    wxWCharBuffer buf = s.wc_str(wxConvUTF8);
    if (buf && buf[size_t(0)] == L'\xFEFF') {
        // skip byte-order-mark
        return String(buf + 1, *wxConvCurrent);
    } else {
        return String(buf,     *wxConvCurrent);
Exemple #20
String english_plural(const String& str) {
	if (str.size() > 2) {
		Char a = str.GetChar(str.size() - 2);
		Char b = str.GetChar(str.size() - 1);
		if (b == _('y') && is_constant(a)) {
			return str.substr(0, str.size() - 1) + _("ies");
		} else if (b == _('o') && is_constant(a)) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else if ((a == _('s') || a == _('c')) && b == _('h')) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else if (b == _('s')) {
			return str + _("es");
		} else {
			return str + _("s");
	return str + _("s");
Exemple #21
StringFilter* StringFilter::GetFilter(
    /* [in] */ ValueProvider* valueProvider,
    /* [in] */ IXmlPullParser* parser,
    /* [in] */ Int32 attributeIndex)
    String attributeName;
    String attriValue;
    parser->GetAttributeName(attributeIndex, &attributeName);
    parser->GetAttributeValue(attributeIndex, &attriValue);

    switch (attributeName.GetChar(0)) {
        case 'e':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_EQUALS)) {
                return NULL;
            return new EqualsFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
        case 'i':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_IS_NULL)) {
                return NULL;
            return new IsNullFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
        case 's':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_STARTS_WITH)) {
                return NULL;
            return new StartsWithFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
        case 'c':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_CONTAINS)) {
                return NULL;
            return new ContainsFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
        case 'p':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_PATTERN)) {
                return NULL;
            return new PatternStringFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
        case 'r':
            if (!attributeName.Equals(ATTR_REGEX)) {
                return NULL;
            return new RegexFilter(valueProvider, attriValue);
    return NULL;
Exemple #22
String FileUtils::BuildValidFatFilename(
    /* [in] */ const String& name)
    if (name.IsEmpty() || name.Equals(String(".")) || name.Equals(String(".."))) {
        return String("(invalid)");

    Int32 length = name.GetLength();
    StringBuilder res(length);
    for (Int32 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Char32 c = name.GetChar(i);
        if (IsValidFatFilenameChar(c)) {
        else {
    return res.ToString();
Boolean CLocaleBuilder::IsValidVariantSubtag(
    /* [in] */ const String& subTag)
    // The BCP-47 spec states that :
    // - Subtags can be between [5, 8] alphanumeric chars in length.
    // - Subtags that start with a number are allowed to be 4 chars in length.
    if (subTag.GetLength() >= 5 && subTag.GetLength() <= 8) {
        if (CLocale::IsAsciiAlphaNum(subTag)) {
            return TRUE;
    else if (subTag.GetLength() == 4) {
        Char32 firstChar = subTag.GetChar(0);
        if ((firstChar >= '0' && firstChar <= '9') && CLocale::IsAsciiAlphaNum(subTag)) {
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Exemple #24
String english_singular(const String& str) {
	if (str.size() > 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("ies"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 3) + _("y");
	} else if (str.size() > 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("oes"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("ches"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("shes"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 4 && is_substr(str, str.size()-4, _("sses"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2);
	} else if (str.size() > 5 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("ves")) && (is_substr(str, str.size()-5, _("el")) || is_substr(str, str.size()-5, _("ar")) )) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 3) + _("f");
	} else if (str.size() > 1 && str.GetChar(str.size() - 1) == _('s')) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 1);
	} else if (str.size() >= 3 && is_substr(str, str.size()-3, _("men"))) {
		return str.substr(0, str.size() - 2) + _("an");
	} else {
		return str;
Exemple #25
AutoPtr<ITimeZone> TimeZone::GetCustomTimeZone(
    /* [in] */ const String& id)
    AutoPtr<IMatcher> m;
    CUSTOM_ZONE_ID_PATTERN->Matcher(id, (IMatcher**)&m);
    Boolean isMatches = FALSE;
    if (!isMatches) {
        return NULL;

    Int32 hour = 0;
    Int32 minute = 0;
    String grstr;
    (IMatchResult::Probe(m))->Group(1 , &grstr);
    hour = StringUtils::ParseInt32(grstr);
    (IMatchResult::Probe(m))->Group(3, &grstr);
    if (!grstr.IsNull()) {
        minute = StringUtils::ParseInt32(grstr);

    if (hour < 0 || hour > 23 || minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
       return NULL;
    Char32 sign = id.GetChar(3);
    Int32 raw = (hour * 3600000) + (minute * 60000);
    if (sign == '-') {
       raw = -raw;

    String cleanId("");
    cleanId.AppendFormat("GMT%c%02d:%02d", sign, hour, minute);
    AutoPtr<ITimeZone> tz;
    CSimpleTimeZone::New(raw, cleanId , (ITimeZone **)&tz);
    return tz;
Exemple #26
void MultipleChoiceValue::normalForm() {
	String val = value->toString();
	// which choices are active?
	vector<bool> seen(field().choices->lastId());
	for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < val.size() ; ) {
		if (val.GetChar(pos) == _(' ')) {
			++pos; // ingore whitespace
		} else {
			// does this choice match the one asked about?
			size_t end = val.find_first_of(_(','), pos);
			if (end == String::npos) end = val.size();
			// find this choice
			for (size_t i = 0 ; i < seen.size() ; ++i) {
				if (is_substr(val, pos, field().choices->choiceName((int)i))) {
					seen[i] = true;
			pos = end + 1;
	// now put them back in the right order
	for (size_t i = 0 ; i < seen.size() ; ++i) {
		if (seen[i]) {
			if (!val.empty()) val += _(", ");
			val += field().choices->choiceName((int)i);
	// empty choice name
	if (val.empty()) {
		val = field().empty_choice;
	// store
	value = with_defaultness_of(value, to_script(val));
bool DropDownList::onCharInParent(wxKeyEvent& ev) {
    // keyboard codes
    int k = ev.GetKeyCode();
    if (IsShown()) {
        if (open_sub_menu) {
            // sub menu always takes keys
            return open_sub_menu->onCharInParent(ev);
        } else {
            switch (k) {
            case WXK_UP:
                return selectItem(selected_item - 1);
            case WXK_DOWN:
                return selectItem(selected_item + 1);
            case WXK_RETURN:
                if (!showSubMenu() && (selected_item == NO_SELECTION || itemEnabled(selected_item))) {
                    hide(true, false); // don't veto; always close
            case WXK_SPACE:
                if (!showSubMenu() && (selected_item == NO_SELECTION || itemEnabled(selected_item))) {
            case WXK_ESCAPE:
            case WXK_LEFT:
                if (parent_menu) hide(false);
            case WXK_RIGHT:
                return showSubMenu();
                // match first character of an item, start searching just after the current selection
                size_t si = selected_item != NO_SELECTION ? selected_item + 1 : 0;
                size_t count = itemCount();
                for (size_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
                    size_t index = (si + i) % count;
                    if (!itemEnabled(index)) continue;
                    String c = itemText(index);
#ifdef UNICODE
                    if (!c.empty() && toUpper(c.GetChar(0)) == toUpper(ev.GetUnicodeKey())) {
                    if (!c.empty() && toUpper(c.GetChar(0)) == toUpper(ev.GetKeyCode())) {
                        // first character matches
                        selected_item = index;
                        return true;
        return true;
    else if (k==WXK_SPACE || k==WXK_RETURN || k==WXK_DOWN) {
        // drop down list is not shown yet, show it now
        show(false, wxPoint(0,0));
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #28
ECode CURI::ParseAuthority(
    /* [in] */ Boolean forceServer)
    if (mAuthority.IsNull()) {
        return NOERROR;

    String tempUserInfo;
    String temp = mAuthority;
    Int32 index = temp.IndexOf('@');
    Int32 hostIndex = 0;
    if (index != -1) {
        // remove user info
        tempUserInfo = temp.Substring(0, index);
        FAIL_RETURN(ValidateUserInfo(mAuthority, tempUserInfo, 0));
        temp = temp.Substring(index + 1); // host[:port] is left
        hostIndex = index + 1;

    index = temp.LastIndexOf(':');
    Int32 endIndex = temp.IndexOf(']');

    String tempHost;
    Int32 tempPort = -1;
    if (index != -1 && endIndex < index) {
        // determine port and host
        tempHost = temp.Substring(0, index);

        Char32 firstPortChar = temp.GetChar(index + 1);
        if (firstPortChar >= '0' && firstPortChar <= '9') {
            // allow only digits, no signs
            ECode ec = StringUtils::Parse(temp.Substring(index + 1), &tempPort);
            if (ec == (ECode)E_NUMBER_FORMAT_EXCEPTION) {
                if (forceServer) {
                    ALOGE("%s Invalid port number %d", mAuthority.string(), hostIndex + index + 1);
                    return E_URI_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION;
                return NOERROR;
        } else {
            if (forceServer) {
                ALOGE("%s Invalid port number %d", mAuthority.string(), hostIndex + index + 1);
                return E_URI_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION;
            return NOERROR;
    else {
        tempHost = temp;

    if (tempHost.IsEmpty()) {
        if (forceServer) {
            return E_URI_SYNTAX_EXCEPTION;
        return NOERROR;

    Boolean isValid = FALSE;
    FAIL_RETURN(IsValidHost(forceServer, tempHost, &isValid));
    if (!isValid) {
        return NOERROR;

    // this is a server based uri,
    // fill in the userInfo, host and port fields
    mUserInfo = tempUserInfo;
    mHost = tempHost;
    mPort = tempPort;
    mServerAuthority = TRUE;

    return NOERROR;
	// the remaing expansions (our new set)
	FOR_EACH(e, expansions) {
		String code = e.first;
		if (code.GetChar(0) != _('-')) {
			tout << code << _("-") << e.second << _("\n");
	// and at last the rarities
	FOR_EACH(c, order) {
		String code = c;
		if (code.GetChar(0) == _('-')) {
			tout << c << _("-") << expansions[c] << _("\n");