Exemple #1
// Returns a String with double quotes escaped
static const String withEscapedQuotes (String const& string)
    String escaped;

    int i0 = 0;
    int i;

        i = string.indexOfChar (i0, '"');

        if (i == -1)
            escaped << string.substring (i0, string.length ());
            escaped << string.substring (i0, i) << "\\\"";
            i0 = i + 1;
    while (i != -1);

    return escaped;
Exemple #2
// Converts escaped quotes back into regular quotes
static const String withUnescapedQuotes (String const& string)
    String unescaped;

    int i0 = 0;
    int i;

        i = string.indexOfChar (i0, '\\');

        if (i == -1)
            unescaped << string.substring (i0, string.length ());
            // peek
            if (string.length () > i && string[i + 1] == '\"')
                unescaped << string.substring (i0, i) << '"';
                i0 = i + 2;
                unescaped << string.substring (i0, i + 1);
                i0 = i + 1;
    while (i != -1);

    return unescaped;
    RegistryKeyWrapper (String name, const bool createForWriting, const DWORD wow64Flags)
        : key (0), wideCharValueName (nullptr)
        HKEY rootKey = 0;

        if (name.startsWithIgnoreCase ("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\"))        rootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
        else if (name.startsWithIgnoreCase ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\"))  rootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
        else if (name.startsWithIgnoreCase ("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\"))   rootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;

        if (rootKey != 0)
            name = name.substring (name.indexOfChar ('\\') + 1);

            const int lastSlash = name.lastIndexOfChar ('\\');
            valueName = name.substring (lastSlash + 1);
            wideCharValueName = valueName.toWideCharPointer();

            name = name.substring (0, lastSlash);
            const wchar_t* const wideCharName = name.toWideCharPointer();
            DWORD result;

            if (createForWriting)
                RegCreateKeyEx (rootKey, wideCharName, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
                                KEY_WRITE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | wow64Flags, 0, &key, &result);
                RegOpenKeyEx (rootKey, wideCharName, 0, KEY_READ | wow64Flags, &key);
Exemple #4
String BirdID::returnSpeciesName(int predictedClass)
	XmlDocument myDocument (File ("C:/Users/Aneesh/Desktop/BirdID_Data/species.xml"));
	ScopedPointer<XmlElement> element = myDocument.getDocumentElement();

	XmlElement* speciesElement = element->getChildElement(0);
	int numSpecies = speciesElement->getAllSubText().getIntValue();
	speciesElement = element->getChildElement(1);
	String speciesText = speciesElement->getAllSubText();
	int startIndex = 0;
	String tempString;

	for(int i=0;i<numSpecies;i++)
		int endIndex = speciesText.indexOfChar(startIndex+1,',');
				tempString = speciesText.substring(startIndex,endIndex);
		startIndex = endIndex+1;

	element = nullptr;
	return tempString;
Exemple #5
Font Font::fromString (const String& fontDescription)
    int start = 0;
    int separator = fontDescription.indexOfChar (';');

    String family = fontDescription.substring (start, separator).trim();
    start = separator + 1;
    separator = fontDescription.indexOfChar (start, ';');
    String style = fontDescription.substring (start, separator).trim();
    String sizeAndStyle (fontDescription.substring (separator + 1));

    float height = sizeAndStyle.getFloatValue();
    if (height <= 0)
        height = 10.0f;

    return Font (height, family, style);
Exemple #6
bool URL::isProbablyAnEmailAddress (const String& possibleEmailAddress)
    auto atSign = possibleEmailAddress.indexOfChar ('@');

    return atSign > 0
        && possibleEmailAddress.lastIndexOfChar ('.') > (atSign + 1)
        && ! possibleEmailAddress.endsWithChar ('.');
Exemple #7
UnitTests::TestList UnitTests::selectTests (
    String const& match, TestList const& tests) const noexcept
    TestList list;
    list.ensureStorageAllocated (tests.size ());

    int const indexOfDot = match.indexOfChar ('.');
    String const package = (indexOfDot == -1) ? match : match.substring (0, indexOfDot);
    String const testname = (indexOfDot == -1) ? ""
        : match.substring (indexOfDot + 1, match.length () + 1);

    if (package != String::empty)
        if (testname != String::empty)
            // "package.testname" : First test which matches
            for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); ++i)
                UnitTest* const test = tests [i];
                if (package.equalsIgnoreCase (test->getPackageName ()) &&
                    testname.equalsIgnoreCase (test->getClassName ()))
                    list.add (test);
            // Get all tests in the package
            list = selectPackage (package, tests);

            // If no trailing slash on package, try tests
            if (list.size () == 0 && indexOfDot == -1)
                // Try "package" as a testname
                list = selectTest (package, tests);
    else if (testname != String::empty)
        list = selectTest (testname, tests);
        // All non manual tests
        for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); ++i)
            UnitTest* const test = tests [i];
            if (test->getWhen () != UnitTest::runManual)
                list.add (test);

    return list;
    static bool decomposeURL (const String& url, String& host, String& path, int& port)
        if (! url.startsWithIgnoreCase ("http://"))
            return false;

        const int nextSlash = url.indexOfChar (7, '/');
        int nextColon = url.indexOfChar (7, ':');
        if (nextColon > nextSlash && nextSlash > 0)
            nextColon = -1;

        if (nextColon >= 0)
            host = url.substring (7, nextColon);

            if (nextSlash >= 0)
                port = url.substring (nextColon + 1, nextSlash).getIntValue();
                port = url.substring (nextColon + 1).getIntValue();
            port = 0; // indicates the default port

            if (nextSlash >= 0)
                host = url.substring (7, nextSlash);
                host = url.substring (7);

        if (nextSlash >= 0)
            path = url.substring (nextSlash);
            path = "/";

        return true;
Exemple #9
const String ParseTurn(const String& r, const String& t)
    if (!r.startsWith(T("[Ibex]")))
        return T("malformed turn file");

    int p1=r.indexOf(t);
    if (p1==-1)
        return String::empty; //tag not found

    int p2=r.indexOf(p1,T("="));
    if (p2==-1)
        return String::empty; //equals sign not found

    int p3=r.indexOfChar(p2,(char)10);

    return r.substring(p2+1,p3);
Exemple #10
static void addFileWithGroups (Project::Item& group, const RelativePath& file, const String& path)
    auto slash = path.indexOfChar (File::getSeparatorChar());

    if (slash >= 0)
        auto topLevelGroup = path.substring (0, slash);
        auto remainingPath = path.substring (slash + 1);

        auto newGroup = group.getOrCreateSubGroup (topLevelGroup);
        addFileWithGroups (newGroup, file, remainingPath);
        if (! group.containsChildForFile (file))
            group.addRelativeFile (file, -1, false);
Exemple #11
static void addFileWithGroups (Project::Item& group, const RelativePath& file, const String& path)
    const int slash = path.indexOfChar (File::separator);

    if (slash >= 0)
        const String topLevelGroup (path.substring (0, slash));
        const String remainingPath (path.substring (slash + 1));

        Project::Item newGroup (group.getOrCreateSubGroup (topLevelGroup));
        addFileWithGroups (newGroup, file, remainingPath);
        if (! group.containsChildForFile (file))
            group.addRelativeFile (file, -1, false);
Exemple #12
Font Font::fromString (const String& fontDescription)
    const int separator = fontDescription.indexOfChar (';');
    String name;

    if (separator > 0)
        name = fontDescription.substring (0, separator).trim();

    if (name.isEmpty())
        name = getDefaultSansSerifFontName();

    String sizeAndStyle (fontDescription.substring (separator + 1));

    float height = sizeAndStyle.getFloatValue();
    if (height <= 0)
        height = 10.0f;

    const String style (sizeAndStyle.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (" ", false, false));

    return Font (name, style, height);
Exemple #13
static var parseModuleDesc (const StringArray& lines)
    DynamicObject* o = new DynamicObject();
    var result (o);

    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
        String line = trimCommentCharsFromStartOfLine (lines[i]);

        int colon = line.indexOfChar (':');

        if (colon >= 0)
            String key = line.substring (0, colon).trim();
            String value = line.substring (colon + 1).trim();

            o->setProperty (key, value);

    return result;
Exemple #14
void Blender::actionListenerCallback(const String &message)
    int mixer_id = 0;
    int channel_id = 0;
    int mixer_id_index = message.indexOfChar(':') + 1;
    int channel_id_index = message.indexOfChar('+') + 1;
    String idStr(String::empty);
    String type(message.upToFirstOccurrenceOf(":", false, false));
    String valStr(message.fromLastOccurrenceOf("=", false, false));
    uint32 value = valStr.getIntValue();
    bool bUpdateGui = false;

    if (mixer_id_index >= 0)
        idStr = message.substring(mixer_id_index, mixer_id_index+2);
        mixer_id = idStr.getIntValue();

        if (channel_id_index >= 0)
            idStr = message.substring(channel_id_index, channel_id_index+2);
            channel_id = idStr.getIntValue();

            if (0 == type.compare("gain"))
                int gain = jmin<int>(130, (int)value);
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[channel_id].gain = gain;
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[channel_id].gain_dbv = m_dBvMap[gain];
            else if (0 == type.compare("master_gain"))
                // master gain
                int gain = jmin<int>(130, (int)value);
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.gain = gain;
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.gain_dbv = m_dBvMap[gain];
            else if (0 == type.compare("pan"))
                // channel strip pan
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[channel_id].pan = (int)value;
            else if (0 == type.compare("master_mute"))
                // master out mute
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.muting = (value != 0);
            else if (0 == type.compare("mute"))
                uint32 muting = (uint32)value;
                uint32 channel_bit = 1<<channel_id;

                // channel strip mute
                if (muting)
                    // mute
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes |= channel_bit;
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted |= channel_bit;

                    // handle solos
                    if (0 != m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos)
                        if (m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos == channel_bit)
                            // a solo was active only on that channel, unsolo all and restore mutes
                            m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos = 0;
                            m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes = m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted;
                            bUpdateGui = true;
                        // other solos are active, unsolo only this one if soloed
                        else if (m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos & channel_bit)
                            m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos ^= channel_bit;
                            m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes |= (m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted & channel_id);
                            bUpdateGui = true;
                    // unmute
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes ^= channel_bit;
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted ^= channel_bit;

                    // handle solos
                    if (0 != m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos)
                        // a solo was active on another channel, solo this one too
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos |= channel_bit;
                        bUpdateGui = true;
            else if (0 == type.compare("solo"))
                uint32 soloing = (uint32)value;
                uint32 channel_bit = 1<<channel_id;

                if (soloing)
                    // is this the first soloed channel?
                    if (0 == m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos)
                        // solo
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos |= channel_bit;

                        // mute all others
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes = ~channel_bit;
                        bUpdateGui = true;
                        // solo this one also
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos |= channel_bit;
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes ^= channel_bit;
                        bUpdateGui = true;
                    // channel was soloed

                    // was this the only soloed channel?
                    if (m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos == channel_bit)
                        // unsolo all
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos = 0;

                        // restore mute states
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes = m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted;
                        bUpdateGui = true;
                        // other channels are soloed, so unsolo this one only
                        m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos ^= channel_bit;

                        // restore mute state
                        if (m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted & channel_bit)
                            m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes |= channel_bit;
                        bUpdateGui = true;

            else if (0 == type.compare("dirout"))
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].direct_out = (0 != value);

                sendDirout(mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].direct_out);
                String msg(String::formatted("dirout: mixer id:%d, %d", mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].direct_out));
            else if (0 == type.compare("reset"))
                for (int i=0; i<m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].num_channels; i++)
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[i].gain = 101;
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[i].gain_dbv = m_dBvMap[101];
                    sendChGain(mixer_id, i, 101);
                    m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].channel[i].pan = 0;
                    sendChPan(mixer_id, i, 0);
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes = 0;
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].was_muted = 0;
                sendChMutes(mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes);
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos = 0;
                sendChSolos(mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos);

                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.gain = 101;
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.gain_dbv = m_dBvMap[101];
                sendMasterGain(mixer_id, 101);
                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].master.muting = false;
                sendMasterMute(mixer_id, false);

                m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].direct_out = 0;
                sendDirout(mixer_id, 0);

                bUpdateGui = true;
            // update mixer coeff's

        if (bUpdateGui)
            sendChMutes(mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].mutes);
            sendChSolos(mixer_id, m_bl_desc.mixer[mixer_id].solos);
Exemple #15
 static int findStartOfPath (const String& url)
     return url.indexOfChar (findStartOfNetLocation (url), '/') + 1;
// TODO what is this doing in Processor? Should be in MLScale.
void MLPluginProcessor::loadScale(const File& f) 
	MLScale* pScale = mEngine.getScale();
	if (!pScale) return;

	String scaleName = f.getFileNameWithoutExtension();
	String scaleDir = f.getParentDirectory().getFileNameWithoutExtension();
	String scaleStr = f.loadFileAsString();
	const String delim = "\n\r";
	int a, b;
	int contentLines = 0;
	int ratios = 0;

	// debug() << "MLPluginProcessor: loading scale " << scaleDir << "/" << scaleName << "\n";		

	a = b = 0;
	while(b >= 0)
		b = scaleStr.indexOfAnyOf(delim, a, false);
//		debug() << "[" << a << ", " << b << "] > " << scaleStr.substring(a, b) << "\n";
		String inputLine = scaleStr.substring(a, b);
		if (inputLine[0] != '!')
				case 1:
					const char* descStr = inputLine.toUTF8();
					const char* nameStr = scaleName.toUTF8();
				case 2:
//					int notes = inputLine.getIntValue(); // unused
				default: // after 2nd line, add ratios.
					if (inputLine.contains("."))
						double ratio = inputLine.getDoubleValue();
						if (inputLine.containsChar('/'))
							int s = inputLine.indexOfChar('/');
							String numStr = inputLine.substring(0, s);
							String denomStr = inputLine.substring(s + 1, inputLine.length());
							int num = numStr.getIntValue();
							int denom = denomStr.getIntValue();
//	debug() << "n:" << num << " denom: " << denom << "\n";
							if ((num > 0) && (denom > 0))
								pScale->addRatio(num, denom);
							int num = inputLine.getIntValue();
							if (num > 0)
								pScale->addRatio(num, 1);
		a = b + 2;	
	if (ratios > 0)
		// TODO load .kbm mapping file if one exists
Exemple #17
static bool parseFile (const File& rootFolder,
                       const File& newTargetFile,
                       OutputStream& dest,
                       const File& file,
                       StringArray& alreadyIncludedFiles,
                       const StringArray& includesToIgnore,
                       const StringArray& wildcards,
                       bool isOuterFile,
                       bool stripCommentBlocks)
    if (! file.exists())
        std::cout << "!! ERROR - file doesn't exist!";
        return false;

    StringArray lines;
    lines.addLines (file.loadFileAsString());

    if (lines.size() == 0)
        std::cout << "!! ERROR - input file was empty: " << file.getFullPathName();
        return false;

    bool lastLineWasBlank = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
        String line (lines[i]);
        String trimmed (line.trimStart());

        if ((! isOuterFile) && trimmed.startsWith ("//================================================================"))
            line = String::empty;

        if (trimmed.startsWithChar ('#')
             && trimmed.removeCharacters (" \t").startsWithIgnoreCase ("#include\""))
            const int endOfInclude = line.indexOfChar (line.indexOfChar ('\"') + 1, '\"') + 1;
            const String lineUpToEndOfInclude (line.substring (0, endOfInclude));
            const String lineAfterInclude (line.substring (endOfInclude));

            const String filename (line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false)
                                       .upToLastOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false));
            const File targetFile (file.getSiblingFile (filename));

            if (targetFile.exists() && targetFile.isAChildOf (rootFolder))
                if (matchesWildcard (filename.replaceCharacter ('\\', '/'), wildcards)
                     && ! includesToIgnore.contains (targetFile.getFileName()))
                    if (line.containsIgnoreCase ("FORCE_AMALGAMATOR_INCLUDE")
                        || ! alreadyIncludedFiles.contains (targetFile.getFullPathName()))
                        if (! canFileBeReincluded (targetFile))
                            alreadyIncludedFiles.add (targetFile.getFullPathName());

                        dest << newLine << "/*** Start of inlined file: " << targetFile.getFileName() << " ***/" << newLine;

                        if (! parseFile (rootFolder, newTargetFile,
                                         dest, targetFile, alreadyIncludedFiles, includesToIgnore,
                                         wildcards, false, stripCommentBlocks))
                            return false;

                        dest << "/*** End of inlined file: " << targetFile.getFileName() << " ***/" << newLine << newLine;

                        line = lineAfterInclude;
                        line = String::empty;
                    line = lineUpToEndOfInclude.upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", true, false)
                            + targetFile.getRelativePathFrom (newTargetFile.getParentDirectory())
                                        .replaceCharacter ('\\', '/')
                            + "\""
                            + lineAfterInclude;

        if ((stripCommentBlocks || i == 0) && trimmed.startsWith ("/*") && (i > 10 || ! isOuterFile))
            int originalI = i;
            String originalLine = line;

            for (;;)
                int end = line.indexOf ("*/");

                if (end >= 0)
                    line = line.substring (end + 2);

                    // If our comment appeared just before an assertion, leave it in, as it
                    // might be useful..
                    if (lines [i + 1].contains ("assert")
                         || lines [i + 2].contains ("assert"))
                        i = originalI;
                        line = originalLine;


                line = lines [++i];

                if (i >= lines.size())

            line = line.trimEnd();
            if (line.isEmpty())

        line = line.trimEnd();

            // Turn initial spaces into tabs..
            int numIntialSpaces = 0;
            int len = line.length();
            while (numIntialSpaces < len && line [numIntialSpaces] == ' ')

            if (numIntialSpaces > 0)
                int tabSize = 4;
                int numTabs = numIntialSpaces / tabSize;
                line = String::repeatedString ("\t", numTabs) + line.substring (numTabs * tabSize);

            if (! line.containsChar ('"'))
                // turn large areas of spaces into tabs - this will mess up alignment a bit, but
                // it's only the amalgamated file, so doesn't matter...
                line = line.replace ("        ", "\t", false);
                line = line.replace ("    ", "\t", false);

        if (line.isNotEmpty() || ! lastLineWasBlank)
            dest << line << newLine;

        lastLineWasBlank = line.isEmpty();

    return true;
Exemple #18
  ParsedInclude parseInclude (String const& line, String const& trimmed)
    ParsedInclude parsed;

    if (trimmed.startsWithChar ('#'))
      const String removed = trimmed.removeCharacters (" \t");

      if (removed.startsWithIgnoreCase ("#include\""))
        parsed.endOfInclude = line.indexOfChar (line.indexOfChar ('\"') + 1, '\"') + 1;
        parsed.filename = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false)
                              .upToLastOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false);

        parsed.isIncludeLine = true;

        parsed.preventReinclude = m_preventReincludes.contains (parsed.filename);
        parsed.forceReinclude = m_forceReincludes.contains (parsed.filename);
      else if (removed.startsWithIgnoreCase ("#include<"))
        if (m_checkSystemIncludes) {
          parsed.endOfInclude = line.indexOfChar (line.indexOfChar ('<') + 1, '>') + 1;
          parsed.filename = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("<", false, false)
                                .upToLastOccurrenceOf (">", false, false);
          parsed.isIncludeLine = true;

          parsed.preventReinclude = m_preventReincludes.contains (parsed.filename);
          parsed.forceReinclude = m_forceReincludes.contains (parsed.filename);
      else if (removed.startsWithIgnoreCase ("#include"))
        String name;

#if 1 
        if (line.contains ("/*"))
          name = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("#include", false, false)
                     .upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("/*", false, false).trim ();
          name = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("#include", false, false).trim ();

        parsed.endOfInclude = line.upToFirstOccurrenceOf (name, true, false).length ();
        name = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("#include", false, false).trim ();

        String value = m_macrosDefined [name];

        if (m_verbose)
          std::cout << "name = " << name << "\n";

        if (value.startsWithIgnoreCase ("\""))
          parsed.endOfInclude = line.trimEnd().length () + 1;
          parsed.filename = value.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false)
                                .upToLastOccurrenceOf ("\"", false, false);

          parsed.isIncludeLine = true;
        else if (value.startsWithIgnoreCase ("<") && m_checkSystemIncludes)
          parsed.endOfInclude = line.trimEnd().length () + 1;
          parsed.filename = value.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("<", false, false)
                                .upToLastOccurrenceOf (">", false, false);
          parsed.isIncludeLine = true;

        parsed.preventReinclude = parsed.isIncludeLine && m_preventReincludes.contains (name);
        parsed.forceReinclude = parsed.isIncludeLine && m_forceReincludes.contains (name);

    return parsed;
Exemple #19
String XmlDocument::expandExternalEntity (const String& entity)
    if (needToLoadDTD)
        if (dtdText.isNotEmpty())
            dtdText = dtdText.trimCharactersAtEnd (">");
            tokenisedDTD.addTokens (dtdText, true);

            if (tokenisedDTD [tokenisedDTD.size() - 2].equalsIgnoreCase ("system")
                 && tokenisedDTD [tokenisedDTD.size() - 1].isQuotedString())
                const String fn (tokenisedDTD [tokenisedDTD.size() - 1]);

                tokenisedDTD.addTokens (getFileContents (fn), true);
                const int openBracket = dtdText.indexOfChar ('[');

                if (openBracket > 0)
                    const int closeBracket = dtdText.lastIndexOfChar (']');

                    if (closeBracket > openBracket)
                        tokenisedDTD.addTokens (dtdText.substring (openBracket + 1,
                                                                   closeBracket), true);

            for (int i = tokenisedDTD.size(); --i >= 0;)
                if (tokenisedDTD[i].startsWithChar ('%')
                     && tokenisedDTD[i].endsWithChar (';'))
                    const String parsed (getParameterEntity (tokenisedDTD[i].substring (1, tokenisedDTD[i].length() - 1)));
                    StringArray newToks;
                    newToks.addTokens (parsed, true);

                    tokenisedDTD.remove (i);

                    for (int j = newToks.size(); --j >= 0;)
                        tokenisedDTD.insert (i, newToks[j]);

        needToLoadDTD = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < tokenisedDTD.size(); ++i)
        if (tokenisedDTD[i] == entity)
            if (tokenisedDTD[i - 1].equalsIgnoreCase ("<!entity"))
                String ent (tokenisedDTD [i + 1].trimCharactersAtEnd (">").trim().unquoted());

                // check for sub-entities..
                int ampersand = ent.indexOfChar ('&');

                while (ampersand >= 0)
                    const int semiColon = ent.indexOf (i + 1, ";");

                    if (semiColon < 0)
                        setLastError ("entity without terminating semi-colon", false);

                    const String resolved (expandEntity (ent.substring (i + 1, semiColon)));

                    ent = ent.substring (0, ampersand)
                           + resolved
                           + ent.substring (semiColon + 1);

                    ampersand = ent.indexOfChar (semiColon + 1, '&');

                return ent;

    setLastError ("unknown entity", true);

    return entity;
Exemple #20
String File::parseAbsolutePath (const String& p)
    if (p.isEmpty())
        return String();

    // Windows..
    String path (p.replaceCharacter ('/', '\\'));

    if (path.contains ("\\..\\"))
        path = removeEllipsis (path);

    if (path.startsWithChar (separator))
        if (path[1] != separator)
            /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

            path = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getFullPathName().substring (0, 2) + path;
    else if (! path.containsChar (':'))
        /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
            If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
            you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
            this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
            "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
            path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.
		// #ZEN(Changed 2016/04/03): Removed jassert, put in DBG call instead due to live constant ed.
		DBG("Passed relative path to juce_File line 130! Jassert Bypassed");

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();
    // Mac or Linux..

    // Yes, I know it's legal for a unix pathname to contain a backslash, but this assertion is here
    // to catch anyone who's trying to run code that was written on Windows with hard-coded path names.
    // If that's why you've ended up here, use File::getChildFile() to build your paths instead.
    jassert ((! p.containsChar ('\\')) || (p.indexOfChar ('/') >= 0 && p.indexOfChar ('/') < p.indexOfChar ('\\')));

    String path (p);

    if (path.contains ("/../"))
        path = removeEllipsis (path);

    if (path.startsWithChar ('~'))
        if (path[1] == separator || path[1] == 0)
            // expand a name of the form "~/abc"
            path = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userHomeDirectory).getFullPathName()
                    + path.substring (1);
            // expand a name of type "~dave/abc"
            const String userName (path.substring (1).upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false));

            if (struct passwd* const pw = getpwnam (userName.toUTF8()))
                path = addTrailingSeparator (pw->pw_dir) + path.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false);
    else if (! path.startsWithChar (separator))
        if (! (path.startsWith ("./") || path.startsWith ("../")))
            /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

           #if JUCE_LOG_ASSERTIONS
            Logger::writeToLog ("Illegal absolute path: " + path);

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();

    while (path.endsWithChar (separator) && path != separatorString) // careful not to turn a single "/" into an empty string.
        path = path.dropLastCharacters (1);

    return path;
Exemple #21
String File::parseAbsolutePath (const String& p)
    if (p.isEmpty())
        return String::empty;

    // Windows..
    String path (p.replaceCharacter ('/', '\\'));

    if (path.startsWithChar (File::separator))
        if (path[1] != File::separator)
            /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

            path = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getFullPathName().substring (0, 2) + path;
    else if (! path.containsChar (':'))
        /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
            If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
            you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
            this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
            "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
            path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();
    // Mac or Linux..

    // Yes, I know it's legal for a unix pathname to contain a backslash, but this assertion is here
    // to catch anyone who's trying to run code that was written on Windows with hard-coded path names.
    // If that's why you've ended up here, use File::getChildFile() to build your paths instead.
    jassert ((! p.containsChar ('\\')) || (p.indexOfChar ('/') >= 0 && p.indexOfChar ('/') < p.indexOfChar ('\\')));

    String path (p);

    if (path.startsWithChar ('~'))
        if (path[1] == File::separator || path[1] == 0)
            // expand a name of the form "~/abc"
            path = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userHomeDirectory).getFullPathName()
                    + path.substring (1);
            // expand a name of type "~dave/abc"
            const String userName (path.substring (1).upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false));

            struct passwd* const pw = getpwnam (userName.toUTF8());
            if (pw != nullptr)
                path = addTrailingSeparator (pw->pw_dir) + path.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false);
    else if (! path.startsWithChar (File::separator))
        /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
            If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
            you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
            this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
            "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
            path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.
        jassert (path.startsWith ("./") || path.startsWith ("../")); // (assume that a path "./xyz" is deliberately intended to be relative to the CWD)

        return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (path).getFullPathName();

    while (path.endsWithChar (separator) && path != separatorString) // careful not to turn a single "/" into an empty string.
        path = path.dropLastCharacters (1);

    return path;
Exemple #22
bool CSPIniReadWrite::loadFromBuffer(byte* pBuffer, uint length)
	if (pBuffer)

		uint i = 0;
		uint start = 0;
		uint end = 0;

		String strOneLine;				// 一行文本内容
		String strKey;					// 键名
		String strValue;				// 键值
		Section *myPG = nullptr;		// 段的iter
		int squarebrackets_left = -1;	// 左中括号的位置
		int squarebrackets_right = - 1;	// 右中括号的位置
		int equalsymbol = -1;			// 等号的位置

		if (length >= 2 && pBuffer[0] == 0xFF && pBuffer[1] == 0xFE)
			CharPointer_UTF16::CharType byTemp;
			CharPointer_UTF16::CharType* pTBuffer = (CharPointer_UTF16::CharType*)(pBuffer + 2);
			length = (length - 2)/2;
// 			i = 2;
// 			start = i;
			while (1)
				byTemp = pTBuffer[i];
				if (byTemp != 0 && byTemp != L'\r' && byTemp != L'\n' && i < length)
					end = i;
					if (start == end)
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;
					strOneLine = String(CharPointer_UTF16(pTBuffer + start), CharPointer_UTF16(pTBuffer + end)).trim();

					// 判断是否是空行
					if (strOneLine.isEmpty())
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;

					squarebrackets_left = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'[');
					squarebrackets_right = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L']');

					// 以下处理建
					if ((squarebrackets_left != -1) && (squarebrackets_right != -1) && (squarebrackets_left < squarebrackets_right))
						int equalPos = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');
						if (equalPos == -1 || (equalPos > squarebrackets_left && equalPos < squarebrackets_right))
							strKey = strOneLine.substring(squarebrackets_left + 1, squarebrackets_right);

							myPG = new Section(strKey);

							if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
								start = end + 1;
								i = start;

					// 以下处理key
					equalsymbol = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');
					strKey = strOneLine.substring(0, equalsymbol).trim();	// 取得键名

					// 取得键值
					strValue = strOneLine.substring(equalsymbol + 1, strOneLine.length()).trim();

					m_ini.back()->m_tKeys.insert(pair_Key(strKey, strValue));

					if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
					start = end + 1;
					i = start;
		else if (length >= 3 && pBuffer[0] == 0xEF && pBuffer[1] == 0xBB && pBuffer[2] == 0xBF)
			i = 3;// 要先减去标志位
			start = i;
			CharPointer_UTF8::CharType byTemp;

			while (1)
				byTemp = pBuffer[i];
				if (byTemp != 0 && byTemp != '\r' && byTemp != '\n' && i < length)
					end = i;
					if (start == end)
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;
					strOneLine = String(CharPointer_UTF8((CharPointer_UTF8::CharType*)(pBuffer + start)),
						CharPointer_UTF8((CharPointer_UTF8::CharType*)(pBuffer + end))).trim();

					// 判断是否是空行
					if (strOneLine.isEmpty())
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;

					squarebrackets_left = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'[');
					squarebrackets_right = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L']');

					// 以下处理建
					if ((squarebrackets_left != -1) && (squarebrackets_right != -1) && (squarebrackets_left < squarebrackets_right))
						int equalPos = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');
						if (equalPos == -1 || (equalPos > squarebrackets_left && equalPos < squarebrackets_right))
							strKey = strOneLine.substring(squarebrackets_left + 1, squarebrackets_right);
							myPG = new Section(strKey);

							if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
								start = end + 1;
								i = start;

					// 以下处理key
					equalsymbol = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');

					strKey = strOneLine.substring(0, equalsymbol).trim();	// 取得键名

					// 取得键值
					strValue = strOneLine.substring(equalsymbol + 1, strOneLine.length()).trim();

					m_ini.back()->m_tKeys.insert(pair_Key(strKey, strValue));

					if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
					start = end + 1;
					i = start;
			CharPointer_ASCII::CharType byTemp;

			while (1)
				byTemp = pBuffer[i];
				if (byTemp != 0 && byTemp != '\r' && byTemp != '\n' && i < length)
					end = i;
					if (start == end)
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;
					strOneLine = String((CharPointer_ASCII::CharType*)(pBuffer + start), end - start).trim();

					// 判断是否是空行
					if (strOneLine.isEmpty())
						if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
							start = end + 1;
							i = start;

					squarebrackets_left = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'[');
					squarebrackets_right = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L']');

					// 以下处理建
					if ((squarebrackets_left != -1) && (squarebrackets_right != -1) && (squarebrackets_left < squarebrackets_right))
						int equalPos = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');
						if (equalPos == -1 || (equalPos > squarebrackets_left && equalPos < squarebrackets_right))
							strKey = strOneLine.substring(squarebrackets_left + 1, squarebrackets_right);
							myPG = new Section(strKey);

							if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
								start = end + 1;
								i = start;

					// 以下处理key
					equalsymbol = strOneLine.indexOfChar(L'=');
					if (equalsymbol != -1)
						strKey = strOneLine.substring(0, equalsymbol).trim();	// 取得键名

						// 取得键值
						strValue = strOneLine.substring(equalsymbol + 1, strOneLine.length()).trim();

						m_ini.back()->m_tKeys.insert(pair_Key(strKey, strValue));

					if (byTemp == 0 || i >= length)
					start = end + 1;
					i = start;

		return true; 
	return false;