Exemple #1
void IniConfig::Read(const FileSystem::FileData &data)
	StringRange buffer = data.AsStringRange();
	buffer = buffer.StripUTF8BOM();

	while (!buffer.Empty()) {
		StringRange line = buffer.ReadLine().StripSpace();

		// if the line is a comment, skip it
		if (line.Empty() || (line[0] == '#')) continue;
		const char *kend = line.FindChar('=');
		// if there's no '=' sign, skip the line
		if (kend == line.end) {
			fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ignoring invalid line in config file:\n   '%.*s'\n", int(line.Size()), line.begin);

		StringRange key(line.begin, kend);
		StringRange value(kend + 1, line.end);
		// strip whitespace
		key.end = key.RFindNonSpace();
		value = value.StripSpace();

		m_map[key.ToString()] = value.ToString();
Exemple #2
void IniConfig::Read(const FileSystem::FileData &data)
	StringRange buffer = data.AsStringRange();
	buffer = buffer.StripUTF8BOM();

	std::string section_name;
	MapType *section_map = 0;

	while (!buffer.Empty()) {
		StringRange line = buffer.ReadLine().StripSpace();

		// if the line is a comment, skip it
		if (line.Empty() || (line[0] == '#')) continue;

		// check for a section header
		if ((line.Size() >= 2) && (line[0] == '[') && (line.end[-1] == ']')) {
			section_name = line.ToString();
			section_map = 0;

		const char *kend = line.FindChar('=');
		// if there's no '=' sign, skip the line
		if (kend == line.end) {
			Output("WARNING: ignoring invalid line in config file:\n   '%.*s'\n", int(line.Size()), line.begin);

		StringRange key(line.begin, kend);
		StringRange value(kend + 1, line.end);
		// strip whitespace
		key.end = key.RFindNonSpace();
		value = value.StripSpace();

		if (!section_map)
			section_map = &m_map[section_name];

		(*section_map)[key.ToString()] = value.ToString();
Exemple #3
	Shader(GLenum type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &defines) 
		RefCountedPtr<FileSystem::FileData> filecode = FileSystem::gameDataFiles.ReadFile(filename);

		if (!filecode.Valid())
			Error("Could not load %s", filename.c_str());

		std::string strCode(filecode->AsStringRange().ToString());
		size_t found = strCode.find("#include");
		while (found != std::string::npos) 
			// find the name of the file to include
			const size_t begFilename = strCode.find_first_of("\"", found + 8) + 1;
			const size_t endFilename = strCode.find_first_of("\"", begFilename + 1);

			const std::string incFilename = strCode.substr(begFilename, endFilename - begFilename);

			// check we haven't it already included it (avoids circular dependencies)
			const std::set<std::string>::const_iterator foundIt = previousIncludes.find(incFilename);
			if (foundIt != previousIncludes.end()) {
				Error("Circular, or multiple, include of %s\n", incFilename.c_str());
			else {

			// build path for include
			const std::string incPathBuffer = stringf("shaders/opengl/%0", incFilename);

			// read included file
			RefCountedPtr<FileSystem::FileData> incCode = FileSystem::gameDataFiles.ReadFile(incPathBuffer);

			if (incCode.Valid()) {
				// replace the #include and filename with the included files text
				strCode.replace(found, (endFilename + 1) - found, incCode->GetData(), incCode->GetSize());
				found = strCode.find("#include");
			else {
				Error("Could not load %s", incPathBuffer.c_str());
		// Store the modified text with the included files (if any)
		const StringRange code(strCode.c_str(), strCode.size());

		// Build the final shader text to be compiled
		if (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) {
			AppendSource("#define VERTEX_SHADER\n");
		} else {
			AppendSource("#define FRAGMENT_SHADER\n");
#if 0
		static bool s_bDumpShaderSource = true;
		if (s_bDumpShaderSource) {
			const char SHADER_OUT_DIR_NAME[] = "shaders";
			const char SHADER_OGL_OUT_DIR_NAME[] = "shaders/opengl";
			const std::string outFilename(FileSystem::GetUserDir() + "/" + filename);
			FILE *tmp = fopen(outFilename.c_str(), "wb");
			if(tmp) {
				Output("%s", filename);
				for( Uint32 i=0; i<blocks.size(); i++ ) {
					const char *block = blocks[i];
					const GLint sizes = block_sizes[i];
					if(block && sizes>0) {
						fprintf(tmp, "%.*s", sizes, block);
			} else {
				Output("Could not open file %s", outFilename.c_str());
		shader = glCreateShader(type);
			throw ShaderException();


		// CheckGLSL may use OS::Warning instead of Error so the game may still (attempt to) run
		if (!check_glsl_errors(filename.c_str(), shader))
			throw ShaderException();