void OgreApp::setCommandLine(const Ogre::String &commandLine)
	String configFile;
	mCommandLine = commandLine;

		// splits command line in a vector without spliting text between quotes
		StringVector quoteSplit = Ogre::StringUtil::split(commandLine, "\"");

		// if the first char was a quote, split() ignored it.
		if(commandLine[0] == '\"')
			quoteSplit.insert(quoteSplit.begin(), " "); // insert a space in the list to reflect the presence of the first quote
		// insert a space instead of an empty string because the next split() will ingore the space but not the empty string
		// split(" ")->{} / split("")->{""}

		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < quoteSplit.size(); i++)
			if(i&1) // odd elements : between quotes
			else // even elements : outside quotes
				StringVector spaceSplit = Ogre::StringUtil::split(quoteSplit[i]);
				mCommandLineArgs.insert(mCommandLineArgs.end(), spaceSplit.begin(), spaceSplit.end());
Exemple #2
* Counts keywords in string.
* \param base string to search
* \param container set of keywords
* \param count number of keywords found
* \param mode allowable leading/trailing character mode (1=exclude keywords surrounded by exclude characters, 2=include only keywords preceded by include1 characters and followed by include2 characters)
* \param exclude list of characters that may not surround keywords found (if mode=1)
* \param include1 list of characters that must precede keywords found (if mode=2)
* \param include2 list of characters that must follow keywords found (if mode=2)
* \param counter_container stores list of individual keyword counts (if specified)
* \param casesensitive language is case sensitive?
void CUtil::CountTally(const string &base, StringVector &container, unsigned int &count, int mode, const string &exclude,
                       const string &include1, const string &include2, UIntVector* counter_container, bool casesensitive)
    string::size_type idx;
    string base1;
    StringVector::iterator vit;
    UIntVector::iterator cit;
    unsigned int single_count = 0;
    base1 = " " + base + " ";

    if (counter_container)
        cit = counter_container->begin();

    if (casesensitive == false)
        base1 = CUtil::ToLower(base1);
        for (vit = container.begin(); vit != container.end(); vit++)
            (*vit) = CUtil::ToLower((*vit));

    if (mode == 1)
        // exclude mode
        for (vit = container.begin(); vit != container.end(); vit++)
            idx = base1.find((*vit));
            while (idx != string::npos)
                if ((exclude.find(base1[idx+((*vit).size())]) == string::npos) &&
                        (exclude.find(base1[idx-1]) == string::npos))
                idx = base1.find((*vit), idx + ((*vit).size()));
            if (counter_container)
                (*cit) += single_count;
                single_count = 0;
    else if (mode == 2)
        // include mode
        for (vit = container.begin(); vit != container.end(); vit++)
            idx = base1.find((*vit));
            while (idx != string::npos)
                if ((include1.find(base1[idx-1]) != string::npos) &&
                        (include2.find(base1[idx+((*vit).size())]) != string::npos))
                idx = base1.find((*vit), idx + ((*vit).size()));
 std::vector<std::string> SimulationControl_Impl::annualSimulationEnvironmentPeriods() const {
   StringVector result;
   OptionalSqlFile oSqlFile = model().sqlFile();
   if (oSqlFile && runSimulationforWeatherFileRunPeriods()) {
     RunPeriodVector runPeriods = this->runPeriods();
     StringVector environmentPeriods = oSqlFile->availableEnvPeriods();
     for (const RunPeriod& runPeriod : runPeriods) {
       if (runPeriod.isAnnual() && !runPeriod.isRepeated()) {
         std::string rpName = runPeriod.name().get();
         StringVector::const_iterator it = std::find_if(environmentPeriods.begin(),environmentPeriods.end(),std::bind(istringEqual,rpName,std::placeholders::_1));
         if (it != environmentPeriods.end()) {
     if (result.empty()) {
       // try environment name from WeatherFile
       OptionalWeatherFile oWeatherFile = model().getOptionalUniqueModelObject<WeatherFile>();
       if (oWeatherFile) {
         OptionalString os = oWeatherFile->environmentName();
         if (os) {
           std::string candidate = *os;
           StringVector::const_iterator it = std::find_if(environmentPeriods.begin(),environmentPeriods.end(),std::bind(istringEqual,candidate,std::placeholders::_1));
           if (it != environmentPeriods.end()) {
   return result;
	bool TestLexer::doTest( )

		StringVector files = _getFileNames();
		report( "Scanning the following files:\n " 
			<< hydrazine::toString( files.begin(), files.end(), "\n " )  );
		for( StringVector::iterator fi = files.begin(); 
			fi != files.end(); ++fi )
			ptxFile = *fi;
			if(  !_testScan( ) )
				status << "For file " << ptxFile 
					<< ", Test Point 1 (Scan): Failed\n";
				return false;
			status << "For file " << ptxFile 
				<< ", Test Point 1 (Scan): Passed\n";
		return true;
Exemple #5
  FrameStoreInit::addXmlFrames(Miro::ConfigDocument& xmlConfig)
    // get all frames defined in the config file
    typedef Miro::ConfigDocument::StringVector StringVector;
    StringVector frames = xmlConfig.getInstances("rapid::FrameRpyParameters");

    // add all frames specified in RPY
    StringVector::iterator first, last = frames.end();
    for (first = frames.begin(); first != last; ++first) {
      FrameRpyParameters frame;
      xmlConfig.getType("rapid::FrameRpyParameters", *first, frame);
      addRpyFrame(keyFrameSubstitute(*first), frame);

    // add all frames specified in Quaternios
    frames = xmlConfig.getInstances("rapid::FrameQParameters");
    last = frames.end();
    for (first = frames.begin(); first != last; ++first) {
      FrameQParameters frame;
      xmlConfig.getType("rapid::FrameQParameters", *first, frame);
      addQFrame(keyFrameSubstitute(*first), frame);
EStatusCode Type1ToCFFEmbeddedFontWriter::AddDependentGlyphs(StringVector& ioSubsetGlyphIDs)
	EStatusCode status = PDFHummus::eSuccess;
	StringSet glyphsSet;
	StringVector::iterator it = ioSubsetGlyphIDs.begin();
	bool hasCompositeGlyphs = false;

	for(;it != ioSubsetGlyphIDs.end() && PDFHummus::eSuccess == status; ++it)
		bool localHasCompositeGlyphs;
		status = AddComponentGlyphs(*it,glyphsSet,localHasCompositeGlyphs);
		hasCompositeGlyphs |= localHasCompositeGlyphs;

		StringSet::iterator itNewGlyphs;

		for(it = ioSubsetGlyphIDs.begin();it != ioSubsetGlyphIDs.end(); ++it)

		for(itNewGlyphs = glyphsSet.begin(); itNewGlyphs != glyphsSet.end(); ++itNewGlyphs)
	return status;	
ModuleLinkerPass::StringVector ModuleLinkerPass::getAllSymbolsUsedByKernel(
	const std::string& kernelName) const
	StringSet usedSymbols;


	StringVector unprocessedSymbols = getAllSymbolsUsedByThisKernel(
		kernelName, _linkedModule);
		StringVector newSymbols;
		for(auto symbol = unprocessedSymbols.begin();
			symbol != unprocessedSymbols.end(); ++symbol)
			if(!usedSymbols.insert(*symbol).second) continue;
			if(!isKernelSymbol(_linkedModule, *symbol)) continue;
			StringVector kernelSymbols = getAllSymbolsUsedByThisKernel(
				*symbol, _linkedModule);
			newSymbols.insert(newSymbols.end(), kernelSymbols.begin(),
		unprocessedSymbols = std::move(newSymbols);
	return StringVector(usedSymbols.begin(), usedSymbols.end());
Exemple #8
int RuleMap::shouldFilterByShortcut(const Url & mainURL,const Url & url,FilterType t)
	int iRet = 0;
	StringVector shortcuts;
	collectShortcuts(url.GetString(), shortcuts);
	for (StringVector::iterator it = shortcuts.begin(); it != shortcuts.end(); ++it) 
		iRet = m_ShortcutWhiteRules.doFilter(mainURL, *it, url, t);
		if (iRet != 0)
			return 0;
	for (FilterRuleVector::iterator it =
		this->m_UnshortcutWhiteRules.begin(); it
		!= this->m_UnshortcutWhiteRules.end(); ++it) 
			iRet = (*it)->shouldFilter(mainURL, url, t);
			if (iRet != 0)
				return 0;
	for (StringVector::iterator it = shortcuts.begin(); it != shortcuts.end(); ++it)
		iRet = this->m_ShortcutFilterRules.doFilter(mainURL, *it, url, t);
		if (iRet != 0)
			return iRet;
	for (FilterRuleVector::iterator it = this->m_UnshortcutFilterRules.begin(); it != this->m_UnshortcutFilterRules.end(); ++it) 
		iRet = (*it)->shouldFilter(mainURL, url, t);
		if (iRet != 0)
			return iRet;
	return iRet;
	void CDirectoryManagerBase::AppendFileArray(const std::string& path, const std::string& fileExt, StringVector& fileArray)const
		std::string filter = path + "*" + fileExt;

		StringVector tmp = WBSF::GetFilesList(filter, m_nameType);
		fileArray.insert(fileArray.begin(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
* 1.Function Description:
*	 Changes a given string to have a sorted list of File Extensions with related Language names (1 file Extension per line)
* 2.Parameters:
*    eachLangCounters    IN      reference to struct holding pointers to Language specific parser classes
*    extensionsAndLangs  IN/OUT  reference to string to hold file Extensions and related Language names
* 3.Creation Time And Owner:
*	 Version 2015.12
void GetExtensionsAndLanguages( CounterForEachLangType & eachLangCounters, string & extensionsAndLangs, bool & multipleLangs )
	CounterForEachLangType::iterator iter = eachLangCounters.begin();
	CounterForEachLangType::iterator end  = eachLangCounters.end();

	StringVector extensions;
	string		oneLine;
	for ( ; iter != end; iter++ )
		if ( iter->second->language_name == "UNDEF" )
			continue;	// skip 1st placeholder and Web as User can't change them

		StringVector::iterator itExt = iter->second->file_extension.begin();
		for ( ; itExt != iter->second->file_extension.end(); itExt++ )
			oneLine = *itExt + " " + iter->second->language_name;
			extensions.push_back( oneLine );

	sort( extensions.begin(), extensions.end() );

	multipleLangs = false;
	string	temp, tempLang, previousExtension, previousLang;

	StringVector::iterator itExt = extensions.begin();
	for ( ; itExt != extensions.end(); itExt++ )
		temp = *itExt;
		unsigned int position = temp.find_first_of(" ");
		if ( position == (unsigned int)string::npos )
			// A really strange ERROR happened
			userIF->AddError( "Error: GetExtensionsAndLanguages created wrong string", false, 1, 1 );
		tempLang = temp.substr( position );
		temp = temp.substr( 0, position );
		if ( previousExtension.compare( temp ) == 0 )
			multipleLangs = true;	// MORE than 1 Language uses the same File Extension !
			char buf[512];
		#ifdef _MSC_VER
			// Use more Secure C library API
			sprintf_s( buf, sizeof( buf ),
			// Use older less Secure C library API
			sprintf( buf, 
			"Warning: %s file extension is assigned to both %s and %s but only 1 language will be used.",
			temp.c_str(), previousLang.c_str(), tempLang.c_str() );
			string err = buf;
			userIF->AddError( err, false, 1, 1 );
		previousExtension = temp;
		previousLang = tempLang;
		extensionsAndLangs += *itExt + "\n";
Exemple #11
StringVector Component::path() const {
    StringVector ret;
    if (hasParent()) {
        StringVector b = parent()->path();
        ret.insert(ret.begin(), b.begin(), b.end());
    return ret;
String ForeignKeyConstraint::joinedLocalColumnNames(const String& sep) const {
    StringVector v = localColumnNames();
    std::stringstream ss;
    for (StringVectorConstIterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) {
        if (i != v.begin()) {
            ss << sep;
        ss << (*i);
    return ss.str();
Exemple #13
String Component::pathString(const String& sep) const {
    String ret;
    StringVector p = path();
    for (StringVectorConstIterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i) {
        if (i != p.begin()) {
            ret += sep;
        ret += (*i);
    return ret;
TEST(Checksum, UUIDs) {
  StringVector checksums;
  for (unsigned i = 0, n = 1000; i < n; ++i) {
  auto itStart = checksums.begin();
  for (auto it = checksums.begin(), itEnd = checksums.end(); 
       itStart != itEnd; ++it, ++itStart) {
    EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(itStart,itEnd,*it) == itEnd);
Exemple #15
void get_same_encoding_C_locale (const std::string &lname,
                                 const std::string &cname,
                                 StringVector      &libc_locales)
    // get the aliases for both name and codeset
    StringVector la;
    StringVector ca;

    get_lname_aliases (lname, la);
    get_cname_aliases (cname, ca);

    // find all the installed C library locales that are equivalent
    // to the locale named by `lname' and that use the encoding given
    // by `cname'

    char* locname = get_installed_locales ();

    for (; *locname; locname += std::strlen (locname) + 1) {

        bool match_found = false;

        typedef StringVector::iterator Iterator;

        // iterate through the aliases and see if any one of them
        // starts with the same sequence
        for (Iterator it = la.begin (); it != la.end (); ++it) {

            if (0 != ci_pre_compare (locname, (*it).c_str ()))

            // this is a good match, test to see if the encodings match
            if (0 == std::setlocale (LC_CTYPE, locname))

            const char* const cs = nl_langinfo (CODESET);

            // compare the codeset to the aliases
            for (Iterator it1 = ca.begin (); it1 != ca.end (); ++it1) {
                if (0 != ci_compare (cs, (*it1).c_str ()))

                // found a match and save it
                libc_locales.push_back (std::string (locname));
                match_found = true;

            if (match_found)
static void writeReport ( const SearchCompareParams& params, const vector <SearchResults*>& searchResults )
	bool remove = params.getRemove ();
	bool multisample = params.getMultiSample ();
	string reportHomologousProteins = params.getReportHomologousProteins ();
	string reportType = params.getReportType ();
	char format = params.getSaveFormat ();
	bool quanProteinFlag = PPProteinHitQuanInfo::getQuan ();

	StringVector idList = searchResults [0]->getIDList ();
	StringVector idFilterList = params.getIDFilterList ();
	sort ( idFilterList.begin (), idFilterList.end () );
	StringVector idUsedList;
	if ( !idFilterList.empty () && multisample )
		set_intersection ( idList.begin (), idList.end (), idFilterList.begin (), idFilterList.end (), back_inserter ( idUsedList ) );
		idUsedList = idList;
	sort ( idUsedList.begin (), idUsedList.end (), sortIDs () );

	if ( reportType == "Calibration" ) {
		for ( StringVectorSizeType i = 0 ; i < idUsedList.size () ; i++ ) {
			SearchResultsPeptideReport srpr ( searchResults, idUsedList [i] );
			printAbortFunctions ( cout );
			srpr.printHTMLCalibration ( cout );
	else {
		vector <SearchResultsReport*> srr;
		for ( StringVectorSizeType i = 0 ; i < idUsedList.size () ; i++ ) {
			if ( reportType == "Protein" ) {
				if ( quanProteinFlag ) {
					srr.push_back ( new SearchResultsPeptideReport ( searchResults, remove, params.getAccessionNumbers (), params.getSortType (), params.getSortType2 (), params.getReportHitsType (), reportHomologousProteins, idUsedList [i] ) );
				else {
					srr.push_back ( new SearchResultsProteinReport ( searchResults, remove, params.getAccessionNumbers (), params.getReportHitsType (), reportHomologousProteins, idUsedList [i] ) );
			else if ( reportType == "Peptide" || reportType == "Modifications" || sresXLinks ) {
				srr.push_back ( new SearchResultsPeptideReport ( searchResults, remove, params.getAccessionNumbers (), params.getSortType (), params.getSortType2 (), params.getReportHitsType (), reportHomologousProteins, idUsedList [i] ) );
			else if ( sresTime ) {
				srr.push_back ( new SearchResultsPeptideReport ( searchResults, remove, params.getAccessionNumbers (), params.getSortType (), params.getSortType2 (), params.getUnmatchedSpectra (), params.getReportHitsType (), reportHomologousProteins, idUsedList [i], format != 'P' && format != 'F' && format != 'V' ) );
			else ErrorHandler::genError ()->error ( "Invalid report type.\n" );
		printAbortFunctions ( cout );
		ujm->deletePreviousMessage ( cout );
		doReport ( cout, params, idUsedList, srr );
		for ( std::vector <SearchResultsReport*>::size_type j = 0 ; j < srr.size () ; j++ ) delete srr [j];
Exemple #17
void Session::debugEntity(Entity* e) {
    std::cout << "Entity:" << std::endl;
    InsertVisitor iv;
    StringVector pnv = e->propertyNames();
    for (StringVectorConstIterator i = pnv.begin(); i != pnv.end(); ++i) {
        Property p = e->property(*i);
        std::cout << "\t" << p << std::endl;
    std::cout << "INSERT Visitor: " << std::endl << "\t" << iv.query()->sql() << std::endl;
    StringVector valueKeys = iv.query()->keys();
    for (StringVector::const_iterator i = valueKeys.begin(); i != valueKeys.end(); ++i) {
        std::cout << "\t\t" << *i << ": " << iv.query()->value(*i) << std::endl;
Exemple #18
void LoadBof(void)
	char file_load_path[MAX_PATH+FILENAME_MAX];
	char file_copy_path[MAX_PATH+FILENAME_MAX];
	int files_loaded = 0;
   StringVector files;
   if (FindMatchingFiles(file_load_path, &files))
      for (StringVector::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
			sprintf(file_load_path,"%s%s",ConfigStr(PATH_BOF), it->c_str());
			sprintf(file_copy_path,"%s%s",ConfigStr(PATH_MEMMAP), it->c_str());
			if (BlakMoveFile(file_load_path,file_copy_path))
	if (!files.empty())
	dprintf("LoadBof moved in %i of %i found new .bof files\n",files_loaded,files.size());

	//dprintf("starting to load bof files\n");
	files_loaded = 0;
   if (FindMatchingFiles(file_load_path, &files))
      for (StringVector::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
			sprintf(file_load_path,"%s%s",ConfigStr(PATH_MEMMAP), it->c_str());
			if (LoadBofName(file_load_path))
				eprintf("LoadAllBofs can't load %s\n", it->c_str());

	dprintf("LoadBof loaded %i of %i found .bof files\n",files_loaded,files.size());
void Cache<T>::garbageCollect()
	if (!conf.cacheEnabled)
	time_t now = GameWindow::instance().time();
	typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
	StringVector dead;
	for (CacheMapIter it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++) {
		const std::string& name = it->first;
		CacheEntry& cache = it->second;
		bool unused = !cache.resource || cache.resource.unique();
		if (!unused)
		if (cache.lastUsed == IN_USE_NOW) {
			cache.lastUsed = now;
//			Log::info("Cache", name + ": unused");
		else if (now > cache.lastUsed + conf.cacheTTL*1000) {
			Log::info("Cache", name + ": purged");
	for (StringVector::iterator it = dead.begin(); it != dead.end(); it++)
void timeSeriesGeneralTests(SqlFile& file, const SqlFileTimeSeriesQueryVector& allQueries) {
  // list of time series from vector should be same as all available from file
  StringSet tsNames = timeSeriesNames(allQueries);
  StringVector tsNamesFromFile = file.availableTimeSeries();
  StringSet tsSetFromFile(tsNamesFromFile.begin(),tsNamesFromFile.end());
  EXPECT_TRUE(tsNames == tsSetFromFile);
void environmentPeriodGeneralTests(SqlFile& file, const SqlFileTimeSeriesQueryVector& allQueries) {
  // list of unique periods from vector should match that from file
  StringSet envPeriodsFromVector = environmentPeriods(allQueries);
  StringVector envPeriodsFromFile = file.availableEnvPeriods();
  StringSet envSetFromFile(envPeriodsFromFile.begin(),envPeriodsFromFile.end());
  EXPECT_TRUE(envSetFromFile == envPeriodsFromVector);
void OldMaterialReader::parseLayerAttrib( const String& line, MaterialPtr& pMat, TextureUnitState* pLayer)
	StringVector vecparams;

	// Split params on space
	vecparams = StringUtil::split(line, " \t");
	StringVector::iterator params = vecparams.begin();

	// Look up first param (command setting)
	LayerAttribParserList::iterator iparsers = mLayerAttribParsers.find(params[0]);
	if (iparsers == mLayerAttribParsers.end())
		// BAD command. BAD!
		LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Bad texture layer attribute line: '"
			+ line + "' in " + pMat->getName() + ", unknown command '" + params[0] + "'");
		// Use parser
        if (params[0] != "texture" && params[0] != "cubic_texture" && params[0] != "anim_texture")
            // Lower case all params if not texture
            for( size_t p = 1; p < vecparams.size(); ++p )

		iparsers->second(params, (unsigned int)vecparams.size(), pMat, pLayer);

 *	Replaces the command history list.
void LineEditor::setHistory(const StringVector & history)
	struct decodeSpaces
		static std::string doit(const std::string &input)
			std::string output = input;
			std::string::size_type pos = 0;
			while ((pos = output.find("\\s", pos)) != std::string::npos)
				output.replace(pos, 2, " ");
			pos = 0;
			while ((pos = output.find("\\c", pos)) != std::string::npos)
				output.replace(pos, 2, "\\");
			return output;

	std::reverse_copy(history.begin(), history.end(), this->history_.begin());
		this->history_.begin(), this->history_.end(), 
		this->history_.begin(), &decodeSpaces::doit);
	this->historyShown_ = -1;
	ERMsg CEnvCanGribForecast::OpenDatasets(CCallback& callback)
		ERMsg msg;
		StringVector filesList = GetFilesList(GetOutputFilePath("*"));//don't put extensionbea cause of the 2.5km trouble

		callback.PushTask("load gribs files (" + ToString(filesList.size()) + ")", filesList.size());
		for (StringVector::const_iterator it = filesList.begin(); it != filesList.end() && msg; it++)
			if (IsEqual(GetFileExtension(*it), ".grib2"))
				size_t hhh = Gethhh(*it); ASSERT(hhh <= 52);
				size_t vv = GetVariable(*it);
				ASSERT(vv != NOT_INIT);

				msg += m_datasets[hhh][vv].OpenInputImage(*it);
				msg += callback.StepIt();

		//msg += m_datasets[0][0].OpenInputImage("E:/Travaux/Install/DemoBioSIM/Update/EnvCan/Forecast/HRDPS/CMC_hrdps_continental_DPT_TGL_2_ps2.5km_2016050806_P000-00.grib2");

		if (msg)
			m_geo2gribs.Set(PRJ_WGS_84, m_datasets[0][0].GetPrjID());
			msg += m_geo2gribs.Create();
		return msg;
Exemple #25
KML_Geometry::parseCoords( xml_node<>* node, KMLContext& cx )
    xml_node<>* coords = node->first_node("coordinates", 0, false);
    if ( coords )
        StringVector tuples;
        StringTokenizer( coords->value(), tuples, " \n", "", false, true );
        for( StringVector::const_iterator s=tuples.begin(); s != tuples.end(); ++s )
            StringVector parts;
            StringTokenizer( *s, parts, ",", "", false, true );
            if ( parts.size() >= 2 )
                osg::Vec3d point;
                point.x() = as<double>( parts[0], 0.0 );
                point.y() = as<double>( parts[1], 0.0 );
                if ( parts.size() >= 3 ) {
                    point.z() = as<double>( parts[2], 0.0 );
// Get all positions (vertices) from XMarkerList
PositionsVector getAllPositionsFromXMarkerList(const ml::XMarkerList positionsList, const std::string allowedPositionTypes, double pointSize)
  PositionsVector result;
  PositionStruct newPosition;

  StringVector allowedPositionTypesVector = stringSplit(allowedPositionTypes, ",", false);

  size_t positionsListLength = positionsList.size();

  for (int i = 0; i < positionsListLength; i++)
    ml::XMarker thisPosition = positionsList[i];

    // If thisPoint is of allowed type
    if (  ("all" == allowedPositionTypes) || ( std::find(allowedPositionTypesVector.begin(), allowedPositionTypesVector.end(), intToString(thisPosition.type)) != allowedPositionTypesVector.end() )  )
      newPosition.position.x = thisPosition.x();
      newPosition.position.y = thisPosition.y();
      newPosition.position.z = thisPosition.z();
      newPosition.color      = Vector3(0);       // Not defined by XMarkerList
      newPosition.alpha      = 1;                // Not defined by XMarkerList
      newPosition.size       = pointSize;


  return result;
Exemple #27
extern void print_strvec(const StringVector &vec){
  for( StrVecIter it=vec.begin() ; it!=vec.end() ; it++ ){
    std::cout << *it;
    if(it+1!=vec.end()) std::cout << "/";
  std::cout << std::endl;
    void ContentModule::initializeTextures() const
		String resourceGroup = isCommon() ?
            ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME : getId();

		StringVector texLocations = getTextureLocations();
		for(StringVector::iterator iter = texLocations.begin();
			iter != texLocations.end();
			String location = *iter;
			if (location.find(".zip") != String::npos)
                	getDirectory() + "/materials/" + location, "Zip", resourceGroup);
                	getDirectory() + "/materials/" + location, "FileSystem", resourceGroup);

		addSearchPath(getDirectory()+"/materials", resourceGroup);
void ConfigCenter::printConfigData(std::ostream& s) const
  StringVector v;
  for(StringValueVector::size_type i = 0;i < m_stringValues.size();i++)
    v.push_back(m_stringValues[i].pathToString() + " = \"" + (*m_stringValues[i].value) + "\"");
  for(StringListValueVector::size_type i = 0;i < m_stringListValues.size();i++)
      std::string k = m_stringListValues[i].pathToString() + " =";
      const StringVector& values = *m_stringListValues[i].value;
      for(StringVector::size_type j = 0;j < values.size();j++)
	  k += " \"" + values[j] + "\"";
	  if (j + 1 < values.size())
	    k += ",";
  for(BooleanValueVector::size_type i = 0;i < m_booleanValues.size();i++)
    v.push_back(m_booleanValues[i].pathToString() + " = " + ((*m_booleanValues[i].value)?"yes":"no"));
  for(UIntValueVector::size_type i = 0;i < m_uintValues.size();i++)
      std::ostringstream ss;
      ss << m_uintValues[i].pathToString() << " = " << (*m_uintValues[i].value);
  std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
  for(StringVector::size_type i = 0;i < v.size();i++)
    s << v[i] << std::endl;
Exemple #30
 * LoadRsc: Loads the RESOURCE_RSC_SPEC files (.rsc or .rsb).
void LoadRsc(void)
   char file_load_path[MAX_PATH+FILENAME_MAX];
   char *filespec = ConfigStr(RESOURCE_RSC_SPEC);
   char *filepath = ConfigStr(PATH_RSC);

   int files_loaded = 0;
   sprintf(file_load_path, "%s%s", filepath, filespec);
   StringVector files;
   if (FindMatchingFiles(file_load_path, &files))
      for (StringVector::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it)
         sprintf(file_load_path, "%s%s", filepath, it->c_str());

         if (RscFileLoad(file_load_path, EachLoadRsc))
            if (stricmp(filespec, "*.rsb") == 0)
            eprintf("LoadRsc error loading %s\n", it->c_str());

   dprintf("LoadRsc loaded %i of %i found %s files\n",
      files_loaded, files.size(), filespec);
