bool OgitorWorld::LoadGlobalObject(const String_t &type, const Register::Table &dict) { if(("Caelum Object") == 0) || ("Viewport Object") == 0)) { return true; } else if("OctreeSceneManager") == 0) { auto &render = OgreEngine::Render::GetInstance(); render.SetAmbientColor(Register::GetColour(dict, "ambient")); return true; } else if("Terrain Group Object") == 0) { m_pclTerrainGroupTable = &dict; return true; } else if("Terrain Page Object") == 0) { m_pclTerrainPageTable = &dict; return true; } return false; }
bool OgitorWorld::LoadStaticObject(StaticObject_s &object, const String_t &name, const String_t &type, const Register::Table &dict) { TempStaticObject_s temp; temp.m_fParent = dict.TryGetString(PH_ENTITY_KEY_PARENT_NODE, object.strParent) && ( != 0); temp.m_strName = name; if("Node Object") == 0) { this->LoadNodeObject(temp, dict); } else if("Light Object") == 0) { this->LoadLightObject(temp, dict); } else if("Entity Object") == 0) { this->LoadEntityObject(temp, dict); } else { LogMakeStream() << "[OgitorWorld::LoadStaticObject] Error, unknown static object type: " << type << "\n"; return false; } temp.Commit(object); //Check if we have a directional light after commit, to avoid dangling pointers if((object.m_pclLight != NULL) && (object.m_pclLight->getType() == Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL)) m_pclTerrainLight = object.m_pclLight; return true; }
bool Phobos::System::KeyboardInputDevice::TryGetActionId(const String_t &name, UInt_t &out) const { if(name.length() == 1) { Char_t ch = name[0]; if(IS_ASCII_CHAR(ch)) { out = static_cast<UInt_t>(ch); return true; } else return false; } else { UInt_t i = 0; for(;stInputKeyNames_g[i].pstrzName != NULL; ++i) { if([i].pstrzName) == 0) { out = stInputKeyNames_g[i].uKey; return true; } } return false; } }
void Phobos::Register::Table::SetString(const String_t &key, const String_t &value) { CheckForKeyword(key); m_mapValues[key] = Value_s(value); if( == 0) { m_strInherit = value; m_pclInherit = NULL; } if( == 0) { m_strBaseHive = value; m_pclInherit = NULL; } }
void Phobos::Register::Table::CheckInvalidKey(const String_t &key, const char *keys[], const char *message) const { for(int i = 0;keys[i]; ++i) { if([i]) == 0) { std::stringstream stream; stream << "Value " << key << " " << message; PH_RAISE(INVALID_PARAMETER_EXCEPTION, "Phobos::Register::Table::CheckInvalidKey", stream.str()); } } }
void Phobos::Register::Table::Load(Parser &parser) { String_t idName; String_t value; ParserTokens_e token = parser.GetToken(&value); if(token != TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE) RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE, token, value, "Phobos::Register::Table::Load"); for(;;) { token = parser.GetToken(&value); if(token == TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE) break; idName.clear(); //Accepts name in the format: //model= //RenderCompoenent.model= for(;;) { if(token != TOKEN_ID) RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_ID, token, value, "Phobos::Register::Table::Load"); idName.append(value); token = parser.GetToken(&value); if(token == TOKEN_DOT) { idName.append(value); token = parser.GetToken(&value); continue; } if(token == TOKEN_EQUAL) break; RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_EQUAL, token, value, "Phobos::Register::Table::Load"); } token = parser.GetToken(&value); switch(token) { case TOKEN_ID: if("new") == 0) { this->ParseSpecialValue(idName, parser); break; } //not special, just store it //fall thought case TOKEN_NUMBER: case TOKEN_STRING: this->SetString(idName, value); break; default: RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_STRING, token, idName, "Phobos::Register::Table::Load"); break; } token = parser.GetToken(&value); if(token != TOKEN_SEMI_COLON) RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_SEMI_COLON, token, value, "Phobos::Register::Table::Load"); } }
void Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue(const String_t &idName, Parser &parser) { String_t type; ParserTokens_e token; if((token = parser.GetToken(&type)) != TOKEN_ID) { RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_ID, token, type, "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue"); } if("CharMatrix") == 0) { if((token = parser.GetToken(NULL)) != TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN) { RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN, token, type, "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue"); } String_t matrix; String_t row; UInt16_t numColumns = 0; UInt16_t numRows = 0; bool first = true; for(;;) { token = parser.GetToken(&row); if(token == TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN) { if(first) { //do not allow empty matrix RaiseParseException(parser, "matrix data", "closing parenthesis", "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue"); } this->SetCharMatrix(idName, matrix, numRows, numColumns); break; } else if(token == TOKEN_STRING) { if(first) { numColumns = row.length(); if(numColumns == 0) PH_RAISE(PARSER_EXCEPTION, "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue", "Matrix cannot be empty"); first = false; } else if(numColumns != row.length()) { PH_RAISE(PARSER_EXCEPTION, "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue", "Matrix rows should always have the same length"); } matrix.append(row); ++numRows; } else { RaiseParseException(parser, TOKEN_STRING, token, row, "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue"); } } } else { RaiseParseException(parser, " valid especial type, ie CharMatrix", type.c_str(), "Phobos::Register::Table::ParseSpecialValue"); } }