GeodeticGraticuleOptions::addLevel( float maxRange, float minRange, unsigned subFactor, const Style& lineStyle, const Style& textStyle )
    Level level;
    level._maxRange = maxRange;
    level._minRange = minRange;
    level._subdivisionFactor = subFactor;
    if ( !lineStyle.empty() )
        level._lineStyle = lineStyle;
    if ( !textStyle.empty() )
        level._textStyle = textStyle;

Exemple #2
Style::combineWith( const Style& rhs ) const
    // start by deep-cloning this style.
    Style newStyle(*this);
    if ( !this->empty() && !rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( _name + std::string(":") + rhs.getName() );
    else if ( !this->empty() && rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( _name );
    else if ( this->empty() && !rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( rhs.getName() );
        newStyle.setName( _name );
    return newStyle;
Exemple #3
Feature::Feature( Geometry* geom, const Style& style, FeatureID fid ) :
_geom ( geom ),
_fid  ( fid )
    if ( !style.empty() )
        _style = style;
GeodeticGraticule::addLevel(float        maxRange,
                            float        minRange,
                            unsigned     subdivFactor,
                            const Style& style)
    if ( _autoLevels )
        _autoLevels = false;

    // the "-2" here is because normal tile paging gives you one subdivision already,
    // so we only need to account for > 1 subdivision factor.
    unsigned cellsPerTile = subdivFactor <= 2u ? 1u : 1u << (subdivFactor-2u);

    Level level;
    level._maxRange = maxRange;
    level._minRange = minRange;
    _profile->getNumTiles( _levels.size(), level._tilesX, level._tilesY );
    level._cellsPerTileX = std::max(1u, cellsPerTile);
    level._cellsPerTileY = std::max(1u, cellsPerTile);

    if ( !style.empty() )
        level._style = style;
        level._style = _levels.size() > 0 ? _levels[_levels.size()-1]._style : _defaultLineStyle;

    _levels.push_back( level );
Exemple #5
Feature::Feature( Geometry* geom, const SpatialReference* srs, const Style& style, FeatureID fid ) :
_geom ( geom ),
_srs  ( srs ),
_fid  ( fid )
    if ( !style.empty() )
        _style = style;

Exemple #6
Style::combineWith( const Style& rhs ) const
    // start by deep-cloning this style.
    Config conf = getConfig( false );
    Style newStyle( conf );

    // next, merge in the symbology from the other style.
    newStyle.mergeConfig( rhs.getConfig(false) );

    if ( !this->empty() && !rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( _name + std::string(":") + rhs.getName() );
    else if ( !this->empty() && rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( _name );
    else if ( this->empty() && !rhs.empty() )
        newStyle.setName( rhs.getName() );
        newStyle.setName( _name );

    return newStyle;
Exemple #7
FeatureNode::FeatureNode(Feature* feature,
                         const Style& in_style,
                         const GeometryCompilerOptions& options,
                         StyleSheet* styleSheet) :
_options           ( options ),
_needsRebuild      ( true ),
_styleSheet        ( styleSheet ),
_clampDirty        (false),
_index             ( 0 )
    _features.push_back( feature );

    Style style = in_style;
    if (style.empty() && feature->style().isSet())
        style = *feature->style();

    setStyle( style );
Exemple #8
FeatureNode::FeatureNode(MapNode* mapNode,
                         Feature* feature,
                         const Style& in_style,
                         const GeometryCompilerOptions& options,
                         StyleSheet* styleSheet) :
_options           ( options ),
_needsRebuild      ( true ),
_styleSheet        ( styleSheet )
    _features.push_back( feature );

    FeatureNode::setMapNode( mapNode );
    Style style = in_style;
    if (style.empty() && feature->style().isSet())
        style = *feature->style();

    setStyle( style );
 * Querys the feature source;
 * Visits each feature and uses the Style Expression to resolve its style class;
 * Sorts the features into bins based on style class;
 * Compiles each bin into a separate style group;
 * Adds the resulting style groups to the provided parent.
FeatureModelGraph::queryAndSortIntoStyleGroups(const Query&            query,
                                               const StringExpression& styleExpr,
                                               FeatureSourceIndex*     index,
                                               osg::Group*             parent)
    // the profile of the features
    const FeatureProfile* featureProfile = _session->getFeatureSource()->getFeatureProfile();

    // get the extent of the full set of feature data:
    const GeoExtent& extent = featureProfile->getExtent();
    // query the feature source:
    osg::ref_ptr<FeatureCursor> cursor = _session->getFeatureSource()->createFeatureCursor( query );
    if ( !cursor.valid() )

    // establish the working bounds and a context:
    Bounds bounds = query.bounds().isSet() ? *query.bounds() : extent.bounds();
    FilterContext context( _session.get(), featureProfile, GeoExtent(featureProfile->getSRS(), bounds), index );
    StringExpression styleExprCopy( styleExpr );

    // visit each feature and run the expression to sort it into a bin.
    std::map<std::string, FeatureList> styleBins;
    while( cursor->hasMore() )
        osg::ref_ptr<Feature> feature = cursor->nextFeature();
        if ( feature.valid() )
            const std::string& styleString = feature->eval( styleExprCopy, &context );
            styleBins[styleString].push_back( feature.get() );

    // next create a style group per bin.
    for( std::map<std::string,FeatureList>::iterator i = styleBins.begin(); i != styleBins.end(); ++i )
        const std::string& styleString = i->first;
        FeatureList&       workingSet  = i->second;

        // resolve the style:
        Style combinedStyle;

        // if the style string begins with an open bracket, it's an inline style definition.
        if ( styleString.length() > 0 && styleString.at(0) == '{' )
            Config conf( "style", styleString );
            conf.setReferrer( styleExpr.uriContext().referrer() );
            conf.set( "type", "text/css" );
            combinedStyle = Style(conf);

        // otherwise, look up the style in the stylesheet. Do NOT fall back on a default
        // style in this case: for style expressions, the user must be explicity about 
        // default styling; this is because there is no other way to exclude unwanted
        // features.
            const Style* selectedStyle = _session->styles()->getStyle(styleString, false);
            if ( selectedStyle )
                combinedStyle = *selectedStyle;

        // if there is a valid style, create the node and add it. (Otherwise we will skip
        // the feature.)
        if ( !combinedStyle.empty() )
            osg::Group* styleGroup = createStyleGroup(combinedStyle, workingSet, context);
            if ( styleGroup )
                parent->addChild( styleGroup );