SymbolicVal ApplyBinOP( SymOpType t, const SymbolicVal &v1, const SymbolicVal &v2) { SymbolicVal r; switch (t) { case SYMOP_PLUS: { PlusApplicator op; r = ApplyBinOP(op, v1, v2); if (DebugOp()) std::cerr << v1.toString() << " + " << v2.toString() << " = " << r.toString() << std::endl; return r; } case SYMOP_MULTIPLY: { MultiplyApplicator op; r = ApplyBinOP(op, v1, v2); if (DebugOp()) std::cerr << v1.toString() << " * " << v2.toString() << " = " << r.toString() << std::endl; return r; } case SYMOP_MIN: r = Min(v1,v2); if (DebugOp()) std::cerr << "Min( " << v1.toString() << " , " << v2.toString() << ") = " << r.toString() << std::endl; return r; case SYMOP_MAX: return Max(v1, v2); r = Max(v1,v2); if (DebugOp()) std::cerr << "Max( " << v1.toString() << " , " << v2.toString() << ") = " << r.toString() << std::endl; return r; case SYMOP_POW: { int val2; int vu1, vd1; if (!v2.isConstInt(val2)) assert(false); if (v1 == 1 || val2 == 1) r = v1; else if (val2 == -1 && v1.isConstInt(vu1, vd1)) r = new SymbolicConst(vd1, vu1); else r = new SymbolicPow(v1, val2); if (DebugOp()) std::cerr << "Pow( " << v1.toString() << " , " << v2.toString() << ") = " << r.toString() << std::endl; return r; } default: assert(false); } }
bool ArrayInterface :: GetArrayBound( AstInterface& _fa, const AstNodePtr& array, int dim, int &lb, int &ub) { CPPAstInterface& fa = static_cast<CPPAstInterface&>(_fa); SymbolicFunctionDeclarationGroup len; if (!is_array_exp( fa, array, 0, &len)) assert(false); std::vector<SymbolicVal> pars; pars.push_back( SymbolicConst(dim)); SymbolicVal rval; if (!len.get_val( pars, rval)) return false; if (!rval.isConstInt(ub)) return false; lb = 0; return true; }
bool AnalyzeEquation(const CoeffVec& vec, const BoundVec& bounds, BoundOp& boundop, Dep& result, const DepRel& rel) { int dim = vec.size()- 1; std::vector<int> signs; for (int index = 0; index < dim; ++index) { if (vec[index]==0) { signs.push_back(0); continue; } SymbolicBound cb = GetValBound(vec[index], boundop); assert(! && !cb.ub.IsNIL()); const SymbolicBound& b = bounds[index]; assert(! && !b.ub.IsNIL()); if ( >= 0) { if ( >= 0) signs.push_back(1); else if (cb.ub <= 0) signs.push_back(-1); else { if (DebugDep()) std::cerr << "unable to decide sign of coeff when lb >=0 for ivar[" << index << "]\n"; //return false; signs.push_back(2); } } else if (b.ub <= 0) { if ( >= 0) signs.push_back(-1); else if (cb.ub <= 0) signs.push_back(1); else { if (DebugDep()) std::cerr << "unable to decide sign of coeff when ub <=0 for ivar[" << index << "]\n"; //return false; signs.push_back(2); } } else { if (DebugDep()) std::cerr << "unable to decide sign of ivar[" << index << "]\n"; //return false; signs.push_back(2); } } if (vec[dim] == 0) signs.push_back(0); else { SymbolicVal leftval = vec[dim]; if (leftval.IsNIL()) { if (DebugDep()) std::cerr << "unable to decide sign of leftval\n"; return false; } SymbolicBound lb = GetValBound(vec[dim], boundop); if (lb.ub <= 0) signs.push_back(-1); else if ( >= 0) signs.push_back(1); else { if (DebugDep()) std::cerr << "unable to decide sign of leftval\n"; return false; //signs.push_back(2); } } for (int i = 0; i < dim ; ++i) { if (signs[i] == 0) continue; SymbolicVal coeff = vec[i]; assert(!coeff.IsNIL()); int j = 0; for ( j = i+1; j < dim; ++j) { if (signs[j] == 0 || coeff + vec[j] != 0) continue; int left = 0, k; for (k = 0; k < dim ; ++k) { if (k == i || k == j) continue; if (left == 0) left = signs[k]; else if (signs[k] == 2 || signs[k] * left < 0) break; } if ( k < dim || left == 2 || left * signs[dim] < 0) continue; int diff = 0, c = 1; bool hasdiff = false; if (left == 0 && vec[dim].isConstInt(diff) && (diff == 0 || coeff.isConstInt(c))) { if (diff != 0 && c != 1) { int odiff = diff; diff = diff / c; if (odiff != diff * c) { //DepStats.AddAdhocDV(DepStats.RoseToPlatoDV(DepRel(DEPDIR_NONE))); result[i][j] = DepRel(DEPDIR_NONE); return true; } } hasdiff = true; } if (hasdiff) { //DepStats.AddAdhocDV(DepStats.RoseToPlatoDV(DepRel(DEPDIR_EQ, diff))); result[i][j] = rel * DepRel(DEPDIR_EQ, diff); return true; // precise dependence } else if (signs[i] != 2) { if (signs[dim]* signs[i] > 0) { //DepStats.AddAdhocDV(DepStats.RoseToPlatoDV(DepRel(DEPDIR_GE, diff))); result[i][j] = rel * DepRel(DEPDIR_GE, diff); } else { //DepStats.AddAdhocDV(DepStats.RoseToPlatoDV(DepRel(DEPDIR_LE, diff))); result[i][j] = rel * DepRel(DEPDIR_LE, diff); } } } } return false; }
bool LoopUnrolling::operator() ( AstInterface& fa, const AstNodePtr& s, AstNodePtr& r) { bool isLoop = false; if (enclosingloop == s || (enclosingloop == AST_NULL && (isLoop = fa.IsLoop(s)))) { for (enclosingloop = fa.GetParent(s); enclosingloop != AST_NULL && !fa.IsLoop(enclosingloop); enclosingloop = fa.GetParent(enclosingloop)); if (!isLoop) return false; } AstNodePtr body; SymbolicVal stepval, ubval, lbval; SymbolicVar ivar; if (!SymbolicValGenerator::IsFortranLoop(fa, s, &ivar, &lbval, &ubval, &stepval, &body)) return false; if (opt & POET_TUNING) { AutoTuningInterface* tune = LoopTransformInterface::getAutoTuningInterface(); if (tune == 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: AutoTuning Interface not defined!\n"; assert(0); } tune->UnrollLoop(fa,s, unrollsize); } else { AstNodePtr r = s; SymbolicVal nstepval = stepval * unrollsize; SymbolicVal nubval = ubval; bool hasleft = true, negativeStep = (stepval < 0); std::vector<AstNodePtr> bodylist; AstNodePtr leftbody, lefthead; int stepnum=0, loopnum = 0; SymbolicVal loopval = ubval - lbval + 1; if (stepval.isConstInt(stepnum) && loopval.isConstInt(loopnum) && !(loopnum % stepnum)) { hasleft = false; } else { nubval = ubval - SymbolicVal(unrollsize - 1); if (opt & COND_LEFTOVER) { leftbody = fa.CreateBlock(); lefthead = leftbody; } else { leftbody = fa.CopyAstTree(body); lefthead = fa.CreateLoop( ivar.CodeGen(fa), AstNodePtr(), ubval.CodeGen(fa), stepval.CodeGen(fa), leftbody, negativeStep); } } fa.RemoveStmt(body); AstNodePtr s1 = fa.CreateLoop(ivar.CodeGen(fa), lbval.CodeGen(fa), nubval.CodeGen(fa), nstepval.CodeGen(fa), body, negativeStep); fa.ReplaceAst( s,s1); r = s1; AstNodePtr origbody = fa.CopyAstTree(body); std::string nvarname = ""; SymbolicVal nvar; if (opt & USE_NEWVAR) { nvarname = fa.NewVar(fa.GetType("int"),"",true,body, ivar.CodeGen(fa)); nvar = SymbolicVar(nvarname,body); } bodylist.push_back(body); for (int i = 1; i < unrollsize; ++i) { AstNodePtr bodycopy = fa.CopyAstTree(origbody); if (opt & USE_NEWVAR) { AstNodePtr nvarassign = fa.CreateAssignment(nvar.CodeGen(fa), (nvar+1).CodeGen(fa)); fa.BlockAppendStmt( body, nvarassign); AstTreeReplaceVar repl(ivar, nvar); repl( fa, bodycopy); } else { AstTreeReplaceVar repl(ivar, ivar+i); repl( fa, bodycopy); } fa.BlockAppendStmt( body, bodycopy); bodylist.push_back(bodycopy); if (hasleft && (opt & COND_LEFTOVER)) { AstNodePtr cond = fa.CreateBinaryOP( AstInterface::BOP_LE, ivar.CodeGen(fa), (ubval-(i-1)).CodeGen(fa)); AstNodePtr body1 = fa.CopyAstTree(bodylist[i-1]); AstNodePtr ifstmt = fa.CreateIf( cond, body1); fa.BlockAppendStmt( leftbody, ifstmt); leftbody = body1; } } if (hasleft) { fa.InsertStmt( r, lefthead, false, true); } r = s; return true; } return false; }