Traversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (
     SgNode* astNode,
     InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute,
     SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
     if (inheritedAttribute == false)
       // The inherited attribute is false, i.e. we are not inside any
       // function, so there can be no loops here.
          return false;
       // Fold up the list of child attributes using logical or, i.e. the local
       // result will be true iff one of the child attributes is true.
          SynthesizedAttribute localResult =
          std::accumulate(childAttributes.begin(), childAttributes.end(),
                          false, std::logical_or<bool>());
          if (isSgFunctionDefinition(astNode) && localResult == true)
               printf ("Found a function containing a for loop ...\n");
          if (isSgForStatement(astNode))
               localResult = true;
          return localResult;
Traversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (
     SgNode* astNode,
     InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute,
     SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
    SynthesizedAttribute result;

    #if 1
    // Accumulate the names in the children into the names at the parent (current node).
    SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator i;
    for (i = childAttributes.begin(); i != childAttributes.end(); ++i)
        vector<NameStructureType>::iterator n;
        for (n = i->nameList.begin(); n != i->nameList.end(); ++n)

    if (isSgScopeStatement(astNode) != NULL)
        // Now process the collected names.
        processNames(astNode, result);

    return result;
Exemple #3
// must pass low_ids from children to parents to accumulate. ids do
// not need to be passed because they are an accumulative attribute.
pair<long, long> TreeSerializer::
defaultSynthesizedAttribute(Tree* node, Tree* inh,
			    SynthesizedAttributesList& synl)
  // compute node's low_id
  long low_id = -1;
  int nChildren = 0;

  for (SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator sa_itr = synl.begin();
       sa_itr!=synl.end(); ++sa_itr) {
    if ( (*sa_itr).second>=0 ) {  // valid low_id
      if ( nChildren==0 )
	low_id = (*sa_itr).second;
	low_id = min(low_id, (*sa_itr).second);


  // These skipped nodes do not store ids or low_ids to save time and space.
  if ( nChildren<=0 )
    return pair<long, long>(-1, -1); // return invalid ids and invalid low_ids;
    return pair<long, long>(-1, low_id); // return invalid ids and valid low_ids accumulated from children.
 std::string evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(SgNode *node, SynthesizedAttributesList synAttributes)
     std::string result = "";
     SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator s;
     for (s = synAttributes.begin(); s != synAttributes.end(); ++s)
         std::string &str = *s;
         result += str;
         if (str.size() > 0 && str[str.size()-1] != '\n')
             result += "\n";
     return result;
visitorTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* n, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
  // Fold up the list of child attributes using logical or, i.e. the local
  // result will be true iff one of the child attributes is true.
     SynthesizedAttribute localResult =
         std::accumulate(childAttributes.begin(), childAttributes.end(),
                         false, std::logical_or<bool>());

     if (isSgForStatement(n) != NULL)
          printf ("Found a for loop ... \n");
          localResult = true;

     return localResult;
PrefixSuffixGenerationTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute (
     SgNode* astNode,
     PrefixInheritedAttribute inputInheritedAttribute,
     SynthesizedAttributesList inputSynthesizedAttributeList )
#if 0
     printf ("@@@ In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute: astNode = %s \n",astNode->sage_class_name());
     printf ("     inputSynthesizedAttributeList.size() = %zu \n",inputSynthesizedAttributeList.size());

     return PrefixSynthesizedAttribute();
Exemple #7
// Skipped nodes are not linked into the Sq-Tree. We can use the fact to improve performance.
pair<long, long> RelevantNoAtomicParent_TreeSerializer::
defaultSynthesizedAttribute(Tree* node, Tree* inh,
			    SynthesizedAttributesList& synl)
  // want to assign each node a unique id, even if the node is
  // skippable, to make is_tree_in_subtree logically clearer.

  long low_id = id;		// ids always valid for this case.

  for (SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator sa_itr = synl.begin();
       sa_itr!=synl.end(); ++sa_itr) {
    low_id = min(low_id, (*sa_itr).second);

#ifdef outputnodeids
  fprintf(stdout, "Skipped tree node type = %d, #tokens = %d, id = %d, low_id = %d\n", node->type, node->terminal_number, id, low_id);
  node->attributes.insert(pair<NodeAttributeName_t, pair<long, long>*>(NODE_ID, new pair<long, long>(id, low_id)));

  return pair<long, long>(id-1, low_id);
visitorTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* n, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
     SynthesizedAttribute localResult;

  // printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(n = %p = %s) \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());

  // Build the list from children (in reverse order to preserve the final ordering)
     for (SynthesizedAttributesList::reverse_iterator child = childAttributes.rbegin(); child != childAttributes.rend(); child++)

  // Add in the information from the current node
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* commentsAndDirectives = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (commentsAndDirectives != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;

            // Use a reverse iterator so that we preserve the order when using push_front to add each directive to the accumulatedList
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::reverse_iterator i;
               for (i = commentsAndDirectives->rbegin(); i != commentsAndDirectives->rend(); i++)
                 // The different classifications of comments and directives are in ROSE/src/frontend/SageIII/rose_attributes_list.h
                    if ((*i)->getTypeOfDirective() == PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorDefineDeclaration)
#if 0
                         printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                            ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
                      // use push_front() to end up with source ordering of final list of directives

  // printf ("localResult after adding current node info \n");
  // localResult.display();

     return localResult;
AstNodePtrs::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(SgNode* node,SynthesizedAttributesList l) { 

  string s=string(node->sage_class_name())+"(";
  bool nullValueExists=false;
  for(SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator i=l.begin(); i!=l.end();i++) {
    if((*i).node==NULL) {
      s+=", NULL";
    } else {
      s+=string(", ")+(*i).node->sage_class_name();
  //if(nullValueExists) {
  //  cout << s << endl;
  //  if(SgDotExp* dotNode=dynamic_cast<SgDotExp*>(node)) {
  //    cout << "AST TEST: SgDotExp(" << dotNode->get_lhs_operand_i() << ", " << dotNode->get_rhs_operand_i() << ") found." << endl;
  //  }

  // provide a list of node pointers for some simple operations on the AST
  AstNodePointersList pl;
  for(SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator i=l.begin(); i!=l.end();i++) {
    SgNode* np=(*i).node;

  AstNodePtrSynAttr syn;
  return syn;
Exemple #10
pair<long, long> TreeSerializer::
evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(Tree* node, Tree* in,
			     SynthesizedAttributesList& synl)
  // establish serialized tree chains:
  if ( previous_node!=NULL ) {
    map<NodeAttributeName_t, void*>::iterator attr_itr = previous_node->attributes.find(NODE_SERIALIZED_NEIGHBOR);
    assert( attr_itr!=previous_node->attributes.end() );
    ((pair<Tree*, Tree*>*)(*attr_itr).second)->second = node;
    node->attributes.insert(pair<NodeAttributeName_t, pair<Tree*, Tree*>*>(NODE_SERIALIZED_NEIGHBOR, new pair<Tree*, Tree*>(previous_node, NULL)));
  } else {
    // its the first visited node:
    serialized_tree.chain_header = node;
    node->attributes.insert(pair<NodeAttributeName_t, pair<Tree*, Tree*>*>(NODE_SERIALIZED_NEIGHBOR, new pair<Tree*, Tree*>(NULL, NULL)));

  previous_node = node;
  serialized_tree.chain_tail = node;

  // compute node id and its low_id
  long low_id = id;		// It's the id of the current node.
  for (SynthesizedAttributesList::iterator sa_itr = synl.begin();
       sa_itr!=synl.end(); ++sa_itr) {
    if ( (*sa_itr).first>=0 )	// valid id and low_id
      low_id = min(low_id, (*sa_itr).second);

#ifdef outputnodeids
  fprintf(stdout, "Tree node type = %d(%s), #tokens = %d, id = %d, low_id = %d, value=%s\n", node->type, node->terminal_number, id, low_id, node->toTerminal()?node->toTerminal()->value->c_str():"<NULL>");
  node->attributes.insert(pair<NodeAttributeName_t, pair<long, long>*>(NODE_ID, new pair<long, long>(id, low_id)));
  id2node.insert(pair<long, Tree*>(id, node));

  return pair<long, long>(id-1, low_id);
Traversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* astNode, InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
     SynthesizedAttribute localResult;

  // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): astNode = %p = %s inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile = %s \n",astNode,astNode->class_name().c_str(),inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile ? "true" : "false");

  // Accumulate any valid pointer to main on a child node and pass it to the local synthesized attribute.
     for (size_t i = 0; i < childAttributes.size(); i++)
          if (childAttributes[i].main_function != NULL)
               localResult.main_function = childAttributes[i].main_function;

     if (inheritedAttribute.isFirstFile == true)
          SgGlobal* globalScope = isSgGlobal(astNode);
          if (globalScope != NULL)
            // Gather all of the functions in global scope of the first file.

               vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> globalScopeDeclarationsToMove = globalScope->get_declarations();
               inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file = globalScopeDeclarationsToMove;

            // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Gather all of the functions in global scope of the first file inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size() = %zu \n",inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size());

            // Erase the declarations in the global scope of the first file.

          SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(astNode);
          if (declarationStatement != NULL && isSgGlobal(declarationStatement->get_parent()) != NULL)
            // Mark as a transformation (recursively mark the whole subtree).
            // printf ("*** Mark as a transformation: declarationStatement = %p \n",declarationStatement);
               if (declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() != NULL)
          SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(astNode);
          if (functionDeclaration != NULL && functionDeclaration->get_name() == "main")
            // Save the pointer to the main function (in the second file).
               localResult.main_function = functionDeclaration;
            // printf ("Found the main function ...(saved pointer) inheritedAttribute.main_function = %p \n",localResult.main_function);

       // printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): localResult.main_function = %p \n",localResult.main_function);

       // Test for the selected insertion point in the 2nd file for the declarations gathered from the first file.
          SgGlobal* globalScope = isSgGlobal(astNode);
          if (globalScope != NULL && localResult.main_function != NULL)
               printf ("evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(): Found the main function ...\n");
               vector<SgDeclarationStatement*>::iterator i = find(globalScope->get_declarations().begin(),globalScope->get_declarations().end(),localResult.main_function);
#if 0
            // Set the parents of each declaration to match the new location (avoids warning that might later be an error).
               for (size_t i = 0; i < inheritedAttribute.statements_from_first_file.size(); i++)

     return localResult;
ChildUses DefsAndUsesTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(SgNode* node, SynthesizedAttributesList attrs)
    if (StaticSingleAssignment::getDebug())
        cout << "---------<" << node->class_name() << node << ">-------" << node << endl;

    //We want to propagate the def/use information up from the varRefs to the higher expressions.
    if (SgInitializedName * initName = isSgInitializedName(node))
        VarUniqueName * uName = StaticSingleAssignment::getUniqueName(node);

        //Add this as a def, unless this initialized name is a preinitialization of a parent class. For example,
        //in the base of B : A(3) { ... } where A is a superclass of B, an initialized name for A appears.
        //Clearly, the initialized name for the parent class is not a real variable
        if (initName->get_preinitialization() != SgInitializedName::e_virtual_base_class
                && initName->get_preinitialization() != SgInitializedName::e_nonvirtual_base_class)

            if (StaticSingleAssignment::getDebug())
                cout << "Defined " << uName->getNameString() << endl;

        return ChildUses();
    //Variable references are where all uses originate
    else if (isSgVarRefExp(node))
        //Get the unique name of the def.
        VarUniqueName * uName = StaticSingleAssignment::getUniqueName(node);

        //In some cases, a varRef isn't actually part of a variable name. For example,
        //foo().x where foo returns a structure. x is an SgVarRefExp, but is not part of a variable name.
        if (uName == NULL)
            return ChildUses();

        //Add this as a use. If it's not a use (e.g. target of an assignment), we'll fix it up later.

        if (StaticSingleAssignment::getDebug())
            cout << "Found use for " << uName->getNameString() << " at " << node->cfgForBeginning().toStringForDebugging() << endl;

        //This varref is both the only use in the subtree and the current variable
        return ChildUses(node, isSgVarRefExp(node));
    //Catch all types of Binary Operations
    else if (SgBinaryOp * binaryOp = isSgBinaryOp(node))
        ROSE_ASSERT(attrs.size() == 2 && "Error: BinaryOp without exactly 2 children.");
        ChildUses& lhs = attrs[0];
        ChildUses& rhs = attrs[1];

        //If we have an assigning operation, we want to list everything on the LHS as being defined
        //Otherwise, everything is being used.
        vector<SgNode*> uses;
        switch (binaryOp->variantT())
                //All the binary ops that define the LHS
            case V_SgAndAssignOp:
            case V_SgDivAssignOp:
            case V_SgIorAssignOp:
            case V_SgLshiftAssignOp:
            case V_SgMinusAssignOp:
            case V_SgModAssignOp:
            case V_SgMultAssignOp:
            case V_SgPlusAssignOp:
            case V_SgPointerAssignOp:
            case V_SgRshiftAssignOp:
            case V_SgXorAssignOp:
            case V_SgAssignOp:
                //All the uses from the RHS are propagated
                uses.insert(uses.end(), rhs.getUses().begin(), rhs.getUses().end());

                //All the uses from the LHS are propagated, unless we're an assign op
                uses.insert(uses.end(), lhs.getUses().begin(), lhs.getUses().end());

                SgVarRefExp* currentVar = lhs.getCurrentVar();

                if (currentVar != NULL)
                    vector<SgNode*>::iterator currVarUse = find(uses.begin(), uses.end(), currentVar);

                    //An assign op doesn't use the var it's defining. So, remove that var from the uses
                    if (isSgAssignOp(binaryOp))
                        if (currVarUse != uses.end())

                        //Also remove the use from the varRef node, because it's not really a use.
                        //All the other ops always use the var they're defining (+=, -=, /=, etc)
                        if (currVarUse == uses.end())

                //Set all the uses as being used at this node
                addUsesToNode(binaryOp, uses);

                //Set the current var as being defined here
                //It's possible that the LHS has no variable references. For example,
                //foo() = 3, where foo() returns a reference
                if (currentVar != NULL)
                    addDefForVarAtNode(currentVar, binaryOp);

                return ChildUses(uses, currentVar);
                //Otherwise cover all the non-defining Ops
                //We want to set all the varRefs as being used here
                std::vector<SgNode*> uses;
                uses.insert(uses.end(), lhs.getUses().begin(), lhs.getUses().end());
                uses.insert(uses.end(), rhs.getUses().begin(), rhs.getUses().end());

                //Set all the uses as being used here.
                addUsesToNode(binaryOp, uses);

                //Propagate the current variable up. The rhs variable is the one that could be potentially defined up the tree
                return ChildUses(uses, rhs.getCurrentVar());
    //Catch all unary operations here.
    else if (isSgUnaryOp(node))
        SgUnaryOp* unaryOp = isSgUnaryOp(node);

        //Now handle the uses. All unary operators use everything in their operand
        std::vector<SgNode*> uses;
        if (isSgAddressOfOp(unaryOp) && isSgPointerMemberType(unaryOp->get_type()))
            //SgAddressOfOp is special; it's not always a use of its operand. When creating a reference to a member variable,
            //we create reference without providing a variable instance. For example,
            //          struct foo { int bar; };
            //          void test()
            //          {
            //                  int foo::*v = &foo::bar;  <---- There is no use of on this line
            //                  foo b;
            //                  b.*v = 3;
            //          }
            //In this case, there are no uses in the operand. We also want to delete any uses for the children
            vector<SgNode*> successors = SageInterface::querySubTree<SgNode > (unaryOp);

            foreach(SgNode* successor, successors)
            //Guard against unary ops that have no children (exception rethrow statement)
            if (attrs.size() > 0)
interleaveAcrossArraysCheck::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* n, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
    //cout << " Node: " << n->unparseToString() << endl;

    InterleaveAcrossArraysCheckSynthesizedAttributeType localResult;

    for (SynthesizedAttributesList::reverse_iterator child = childAttributes.rbegin(); child != childAttributes.rend(); child++)
        InterleaveAcrossArraysCheckSynthesizedAttributeType childResult = *child;
        localResult.isArrayRef |= childResult.isArrayRef;
        localResult.isFunctionRefExp |= childResult.isFunctionRefExp;

        SgVariableDeclaration* varDecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(n);
        SgInitializedNamePtrList & varList = varDecl->get_variables();

        for(SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator initIter = varList.begin(); initIter!=varList.end() ; initIter++)
            SgInitializedName* var = *initIter;
            SgType *variableType = var->get_type();
            ROSE_ASSERT (variableType != NULL);
            string type = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(variableType);
            string variableName = var->get_name().str();

            //Case 6
            if(outputName == variableName)
                cout << " ERROR: Substituting Array " << outputName << " already declared in the file." << endl;

            if(type!="doubleArray" && type !="floatArray" && type!="intArray")
                return localResult;

            cout << " Var Name: " << variableName << " Type: " << type << endl;

            storeArrayReference(var, variableName, type );
    else if(isSgPntrArrRefExp(n))
        SgVarRefExp* varRefExp = isSgVarRefExp(isSgPntrArrRefExp(n)->get_lhs_operand());

        if(varRefExp != NULL)
            SgVariableSymbol* variableSymbol = varRefExp->get_symbol();
            ROSE_ASSERT (variableSymbol != NULL);
            SgInitializedName* initializedName = variableSymbol->get_declaration();
            ROSE_ASSERT (initializedName != NULL);
            string variableName = initializedName->get_name().str();
            SgType* type = variableSymbol->get_type();
            ROSE_ASSERT (type != NULL);
            string typeName = TransformationSupport::getTypeName(type);

            // A++ Supported Arrays
            if(typeName !="doubleArray" && typeName !="floatArray" && typeName !="intArray")
                return localResult;

            // Check if variableName matches the input list
                localResult.isArrayRef = true;
    else if(isSgFunctionCallExp(n))
        // Case 1
        // Check for array being present in function Call
        if(localResult.isFunctionRefExp && localResult.isArrayRef)
            cout << " ERROR: Array Reference present in a function call " << endl;
    else if(isSgFunctionRefExp(n))
        localResult.isFunctionRefExp = true;
    else if(isSgStatement(n))
        //Case 2
            cout << " ERROR: Array Declaration are not contigous. " << endl;
    return localResult;