Exemple #1
   TH1F* bookHist(const char* hname, const char* htitle, int nBinsMET, int nBinsHT, int sampleIndex ) {
      int nbins = nBinsMET*(nBinsHT+1) + 1 ;
      TH1F* retVal = new TH1F( hname, htitle, nbins, 0.5+0.05*(sampleIndex-5), nbins+0.5+0.05*(sampleIndex-5) ) ;
      TAxis* xaxis = retVal->GetXaxis() ;
      for ( int mbi=0; mbi<nBinsMET; mbi++ ) {
         for ( int hbi=0; hbi<nBinsHT; hbi++ ) {
            int histbin = 1 + (nBinsHT+1)*mbi + hbi + 1 ;
            char binlabel[1000] ;
            sprintf( binlabel, "M%d_H%d", mbi+1, hbi+1 ) ;
            xaxis->SetBinLabel( histbin, binlabel ) ;
         } // hbi.
      } // mbi.
      retVal->SetLabelSize(0.055,"x") ;
      xaxis->LabelsOption("v") ;
      return retVal ;
   TH1F* bookHist(const char* hname, const char* htitle, const char* selstring, int nbjet, int nBinsMET, int nBinsHT ) {
      int nbins = nBinsMET*(nBinsHT+1) + 1 ;
      TH1F* retVal = new TH1F( hname, htitle, nbins, 0.5 + 0.1*(nbjet-2), nbins+0.5 + 0.1*(nbjet-2) ) ;
      TAxis* xaxis = retVal->GetXaxis() ;
      for ( int mbi=0; mbi<nBinsMET; mbi++ ) {
         for ( int hbi=0; hbi<nBinsHT; hbi++ ) {
            int histbin = 1 + (nBinsHT+1)*mbi + hbi + 1 ;
            char binlabel[1000] ;
            sprintf( binlabel, "%s_M%d_H%d_%db", selstring, mbi+1, hbi+1, nbjet ) ;
            xaxis->SetBinLabel( histbin, binlabel ) ;
         } // hbi.
      } // mbi.
      retVal->SetLabelSize(0.055,"x") ;
      xaxis->LabelsOption("v") ;
      return retVal ;
Exemple #3
void SampleDiagnostics::write() const
  if (passedRate == 0) {
    std::cerr << "WARNING :  No accumulated rate for " << name << ". Maybe you just didn't run over it/them?" << std::endl;

  //.. Histogram output .......................................................
  const Int_t       numDatasets   = static_cast<Int_t>(size());
  const UInt_t      numBins       = numDatasets + 3;
  TH2*              hCorrelation  = new TH2F("h_correlation_" + name, name, numBins, 0, numBins, numBins, 0, numBins);
  TH2*              hSharedRate   = new TH2F("h_shared_rate_" + name, name, numBins, 0, numBins, numBins, 0, numBins);

  Double_t          overhead      = 0;
  Double_t          overheadErr   = 0;
  for (Int_t iSet = 0, xBin = 1; iSet < numDatasets; ++iSet, ++xBin) {
    const Dataset&  dataset       = at(iSet);
    if (!dataset.isNewTrigger) {
      overhead     += dataset.rate;
      overheadErr  += dataset.rateUncertainty2;      // I think this is over-estimating it because the values are NOT uncorrelated, but oh well

    if (iSet == firstNewTrigger)    ++xBin;
    if (dataset.rate == 0)          continue;
    for (Int_t jSet = 0, yBin = 1; jSet <= numDatasets; ++jSet, ++yBin) {
      if (jSet == firstNewTrigger)  ++yBin;
      if (jSet == numDatasets)      ++yBin;

      hCorrelation->SetBinContent (xBin, yBin, commonRates[iSet][jSet] / dataset.rate);
      hCorrelation->SetBinError   (xBin, yBin, ratioError(commonRates[iSet][jSet], commonRateUncertainties2[iSet][jSet], dataset.rate, dataset.rateUncertainty2));
      hSharedRate ->SetBinContent (xBin, yBin, commonRates[iSet][jSet]);
      hSharedRate ->SetBinError   (xBin, yBin, TMath::Sqrt(commonRateUncertainties2[iSet][jSet]));
    } // end loop over other datasets

    // Rightmost column is the fraction of rate out of the total
    hCorrelation->SetBinContent   (numBins, xBin, dataset.rate / passedRate);
    hCorrelation->SetBinError     (numBins, xBin, ratioError(dataset.rate, dataset.rateUncertainty2, passedRate, passedRateUncertainty2));
    hSharedRate ->SetBinContent   (numBins, xBin, dataset.rate);
    hSharedRate ->SetBinError     (numBins, xBin, TMath::Sqrt(dataset.rateUncertainty2));
  } // end loop over datasets

  // Top-right cell is the total overhead for the _current_ datasets (not including new triggers)
  hSharedRate ->SetBinContent     (numBins, numBins, overhead);
  hSharedRate ->SetBinError       (numBins, numBins, TMath::Sqrt(overheadErr));
  overheadErr       = ratioError  (overhead, overheadErr, passedRate, passedRateUncertainty2);
  overhead         /= passedRate; // Can only do this after error is computed
  overhead         -= 1;
  hCorrelation->SetBinContent     (numBins, numBins, overhead);
  hCorrelation->SetBinError       (numBins, numBins, overheadErr);

  // Histogram format
  hCorrelation->SetTitle  (TString::Format("%s (overhead = %.3g%% #pm %.3g%%)" , hCorrelation->GetTitle(), 100*overhead, 100*overheadErr));
  hSharedRate ->SetTitle  (TString::Format("%s (total rate = %.3g #pm %.3g Hz)", hSharedRate ->GetTitle(), passedRate, TMath::Sqrt(passedRateUncertainty2)));
  hCorrelation->SetZTitle ("(X #cap Y) / X");   hSharedRate->SetZTitle ("X #cap Y");
  hCorrelation->SetOption ("colz");             hSharedRate->SetOption ("colz");
  hCorrelation->SetStats  (kFALSE);             hSharedRate->SetStats  (kFALSE);
  hCorrelation->SetMinimum(0);                  hSharedRate->SetMinimum(0);

  std::vector<TAxis*>     axes;
  axes.push_back(hCorrelation->GetXaxis());     axes.push_back(hCorrelation->GetYaxis());
  axes.push_back(hSharedRate ->GetXaxis());     axes.push_back(hSharedRate ->GetYaxis());
  const UInt_t            numAxes   = axes.size();
  for (UInt_t iAxis = 0; iAxis < numAxes; ++iAxis) {
    TAxis*                axis      = axes[iAxis];
    for (Int_t iSet = 0, bin = 1; iSet < numDatasets; ++iSet, ++bin) {
      if (iSet == firstNewTrigger)  ++bin;
      axis->SetBinLabel(bin, at(iSet).name);
    } // end loop over datasets
    axis->SetLabelSize    (0.04f);
    axis->LabelsOption    ("v");
    axis->SetTitle        (iAxis % 2 == 0 ? "X" : "Y");
  } // end loop over axes to format
  hCorrelation->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(numBins, "rate / total");
  hCorrelation->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(numBins, "overlap / rate");
  hSharedRate ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(numBins, "rate");
  hSharedRate ->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(numBins, "overlap");

  if (gDirectory->GetDirectory("unnormalized") == 0)
  gDirectory->cd("unnormalized");     hSharedRate ->Write();
  gDirectory->cd("/");                hCorrelation->Write();
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  using namespace boost::program_options;
  using namespace std;

  string programName(argv[0]);
  string descString(programName);
  descString += " [options] ";
  descString += "data_file \nAllowed options";
  options_description desc(descString);

  desc.add_options()(kHelpCommandOpt, "produce help message")(kAutoLoadCommandOpt,
                                                              "automatic library loading (avoid root warnings)")(
      kDataFileCommandOpt, value<string>(), "data file")(kAlphabeticOrderCommandOpt,
                                                         "sort by alphabetic order (default: sort by size)")(
      kPlotCommandOpt, value<string>(), "produce a summary plot")(
      kPlotTopCommandOpt, value<int>(), "plot only the <arg> top size branches")(
      kSavePlotCommandOpt, value<string>(), "save plot into root file <arg>")(kVerboseCommandOpt, "verbose printout");

  positional_options_description p;

  p.add(kDataFileOpt, -1);

  variables_map vm;
  try {
    store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm);
  } catch (const error &) {
    return 7000;

  if (vm.count(kHelpOpt)) {
    cout << desc << std::endl;
    return 0;

  if (!vm.count(kDataFileOpt)) {
    string shortDesc("ConfigFileNotFound");
    cerr << programName << ": no data file given" << endl;
    return 7001;


  if (vm.count(kAutoLoadOpt) != 0) {

  string fileName = vm[kDataFileOpt].as<string>();
  TFile file(fileName.c_str());
  if (!file.IsOpen()) {
    cerr << programName << ": unable to open data file " << fileName << endl;
    return 7002;

  TObject *o = file.Get("Events");
  if (o == 0) {
    cerr << programName << ": no object \"Events\" found in file: " << fileName << endl;
    return 7003;

  TTree *events = dynamic_cast<TTree *>(o);
  if (events == 0) {
    cerr << programName << ": object \"Events\" is not a TTree in file: " << fileName << endl;
    return 7004;

  TObjArray *branches = events->GetListOfBranches();
  if (branches == 0) {
    cerr << programName << ": tree \"Events\" in file " << fileName << " contains no branches" << endl;
    return 7004;

  bool verbose = vm.count(kVerboseOpt) > 0;

  BranchVector v;
  const size_t n = branches->GetEntries();
  cout << fileName << " has " << n << " branches" << endl;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    TBranch *b = dynamic_cast<TBranch *>(branches->At(i));
    assert(b != 0);
    string name(b->GetName());
    if (name == "EventAux")
    size_type s = GetTotalSize(b, verbose);
    v.push_back(make_pair(b->GetName(), s));
  if (vm.count(kAlphabeticOrderOpt)) {
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), sortByName());
  } else {
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), sortByCompressedSize());
  bool plot = (vm.count(kPlotOpt) > 0);
  bool save = (vm.count(kSavePlotOpt) > 0);
  int top = n;
  if (vm.count(kPlotTopOpt) > 0)
    top = vm[kPlotTopOpt].as<int>();
  TH1F uncompressed("uncompressed", "branch sizes", top, -0.5, -0.5 + top);
  TH1F compressed("compressed", "branch sizes", top, -0.5, -0.5 + top);
  int x = 0;
  TAxis *cxAxis = compressed.GetXaxis();
  TAxis *uxAxis = uncompressed.GetXaxis();

  for (BranchVector::const_iterator b = v.begin(); b != v.end(); ++b) {
    const string &name = b->first;
    size_type size = b->second;
    cout << size << " " << name << endl;
    if (x < top) {
      cxAxis->SetBinLabel(x + 1, name.c_str());
      uxAxis->SetBinLabel(x + 1, name.c_str());
      compressed.Fill(x, size.second);
      uncompressed.Fill(x, size.first);
  //  size_type branchSize = GetTotalBranchSize( events );
  //  cout << "total branches size: " << branchSize.first << " bytes (uncompressed), "
  //       << branchSize.second << " bytes (compressed)"<< endl;
  size_type totalSize = GetTotalSize(events);
  cout << "total tree size: " << totalSize.first << " bytes (uncompressed), " << totalSize.second
       << " bytes (compressed)" << endl;
  double mn = DBL_MAX;
  for (int i = 1; i <= top; ++i) {
    double cm = compressed.GetMinimum(i), um = uncompressed.GetMinimum(i);
    if (cm > 0 && cm < mn)
      mn = cm;
    if (um > 0 && um < mn)
      mn = um;
  mn *= 0.8;
  double mx = max(compressed.GetMaximum(), uncompressed.GetMaximum());
  mx *= 1.2;
  //  compressed.SetMaximum( mx );
  if (plot) {
    string plotName = vm[kPlotOpt].as<string>();
    TCanvas c;
  if (save) {
    string fileName = vm[kSavePlotOpt].as<string>();
    TFile f(fileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
  return 0;