Exemple #1
void dump_tbufc_content_desandcontent_address_len_size(TBufC<16> &aBufC)
    // Look at: 
    //   1. Descriptor content
    //   2. Address of descriptor
    //   3. Address of descriptor data area
    //   4. Length of descriptor
    //   5. Size of descriptor
    // Address of descriptor data area is 
    // different from the address of cstr but
    // is offset 4 from the start of the 
    // descriptor itself.
    // Descriptor length is 12.
    // The template parameter value defines 
    // the length of the descriptor data area 
    // and, therefore, governs its size 
    // (depending on the build variant).
    // Size of data is 24
    console->Printf(KContentFormat, &aBufC);
    console->Printf(KDesAndContentAddressFormat, &aBufC, aBufC.Ptr());
    _LIT(KFormat4, "Length()=%d; Size()=%d\n");
    console->Printf(KFormat4, aBufC.Length(), aBufC.Size());
Exemple #2
void dump_tbufc_contentaddress_len_size(TBufC<16> &aBufC)
    console->Printf(KContentAddressLenSizeFormat, &aBufC, aBufC.Ptr(),
            aBufC.Length(), aBufC.Size());