	 * sends an HTTP response with content, but not content-length provided
	 * @param request the HTTP request to respond to
	 * @param tcp_conn the TCP connection to send the response over
	void sendResponseWithContentButNoLength(HTTPRequestPtr& request,
											TCPConnectionPtr& tcp_conn)
		// make sure it will get closed when finished
		// prepare the response headers
		HTTPResponse http_response(*request);
		// send the response headers
		boost::system::error_code error_code;
		http_response.send(*tcp_conn, error_code);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(! error_code);
		// send the content buffer
		tcp_conn->write(boost::asio::buffer(m_big_buf, BIG_BUF_SIZE), error_code);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(! error_code);
		// finish (and close) the connection