// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExprUDPMsg::HandleReceivedDataL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CExprUDPMsg::HandleRecievedMsgL( TDes8& aData, TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aLength )
    // Check if the prefix matches
    aStartPos = aData.Find( KUDPPrefix );

    if ( aStartPos != KErrNotFound  )
        // Found a matching prefix
        // Let the observer know

        TPtr8 dataToParse( aData.MidTPtr( aStartPos ) );

        TInt err = TryParsingL( dataToParse, aLength );

        if ( err != KErrNone )
            // corrupted data in the frame
            iObserver->ProtocolErrorL( err, aData );
            // delete the corrupted data
            aData.SetLength( 0 );

        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

Implementation of pure virtual function.
@see    MWTCacheInterface::ReadL()
void CDynamicDirCache::ReadL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aDes)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        // cache is disabled for debug purposes
        __PRINT(_L("CDynamicDirCache disabled"));
        User::LeaveIfError(iDrive.ReadNonCritical(aPos, aLength, aDes));
#endif //_DEBUG

    const TUint32 PageSz = iPageSizeInBytes;//-- cache page size

    TInt64 pageStartMedPos = CalcPageStartPos(aPos);
    const TUint32 bytesToPageEnd = (TUint32)(pageStartMedPos + PageSz - aPos); //-- number of bytes from aPos to the end of the page

//    __PRINT5(_L("CDynamicDirCache::ReadL: aPos=%lx, aLength=%x, page:%lx, pageSz:%x, bytesToPageEnd=%x"), aPos, aLength, pageStartMedPos, PageSz, bytesToPageEnd);
    // if all data needed is on a single page
    if((TUint32)aLength <= bytesToPageEnd)
        ReadDataFromSinglePageL(aPos, aLength, aDes);
    // or data to be read cross cache page boundary or probably we have more than 1 page to read
        __PRINT(_L("CDynamicDirCache::ReadL() CROSS PAGE!"));
        TUint32 dataLen(aLength);   //-- current data length
        TInt64  currMediaPos(aPos); //-- current media position

        //-- 1. read data that are already in the current page
        ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, bytesToPageEnd, aDes);
        dataLen -= bytesToPageEnd;
        currMediaPos += bytesToPageEnd;

        TPtr8 dataNext = aDes.MidTPtr(aDes.Length());

        //-- 2. read whole pages of data
        while (dataLen >= PageSz)
            //-- find out if currMediaPos is in cache. If not, find a spare page and read data there
            ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, PageSz, dataNext);
            currMediaPos += PageSz;
            dataLen -= PageSz;
            dataNext = dataNext.MidTPtr(dataNext.Length());

        //-- 3. read the rest of the data
        if(dataLen > 0)
            ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, dataLen, dataNext);
        } //else((TUint32)aLength <= bytesToPageEnd)
Sets the MTP dataset buffer to be managed.
@param aBuffer The MTP dataset buffer to be managed.
EXPORT_C void TMTPTypeFlatBase::SetBuffer(const TDes8& aBuffer)
EXPORT_C void TMTPTypeNull::SetBuffer(const TDes8& aBuffer)
void CRFC3984Encode::FragmentNaluL(
    TDes8 & aBuffer, 
    TUint32 /*aTimeStamp*/, 
    TUint32 & aMarkerBit, 
    TInt & aNalCount, 
    TInt aStartIndex, 
    TInt aSize, 
    TUint16 aDON )
	TInt index = 0;
	TInt fragsPacketized = 0;
	TUint8 headerByte = 0; // FU-A packet header byte (contains F, NRI, Type Fields) 
	TUint8 fragHeaderByte = 0;
	TInt length = 0;
	// maximum size of fragment, 4 is to cater for DON field in FU-B
	TInt fragMaxSize = iMaxPacketSize - 4; 
	TInt fragSize = 0; // size of fragment
	HBufC8 * pBuffer = NULL;
	// index keeps track of indexes in the buffer
	index = aStartIndex; 
	// length of data packetized, the code decrements this after each fragment is made
	length = aSize;	
	while ( length > 0 )
	     // Actually should be based on (PacketizationMode == INTERLEAVED && fragsPacketized == 0)
		TBool fuB = EFalse;
		headerByte = aBuffer[aStartIndex]  & ( 0x07 << 5 ); // Extracting F and NRI bits
		// taking lower 5 type bits and putting into fragHeader
		fragHeaderByte = aBuffer[aStartIndex] & 0x1f; 
		if ( fragsPacketized == 0 )
		    fragHeaderByte |= (0x1 << 7); // setting start bit
		if ( length <= fragMaxSize )
			fragHeaderByte |= ( 0x1 << 6 );	// setting end byte
			aMarkerBit = 1;	
			aMarkerBit = 0;
		if ( fragsPacketized == 0 )	// skipping payload header byte for FU packets 
		    index += 1;
			length -= 1;	
	    fragSize = ( length > fragMaxSize ) ? fragMaxSize+2 : length+2; // 2 bytes for headers
		if( !fuB )
			headerByte |= PACKET_FU_A;	
			fragSize += 2; // for additional DON field
			headerByte |= PACKET_FU_B;
		// allocating memory for fragmented NAL unit
	    pBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(fragSize);
 		TPtr8 pDes = pBuffer->Des(); //new (ELeave) TBuf8<size>;
		pDes.Append( &headerByte, 1 ); // appending FU-A packet header byte
		pDes.Append( &fragHeaderByte, 1 ); // appending Fragment header
		if ( fuB )
		    // writing DON in network byte order
			TUint16 val = ByteOrder::Swap16( aDON );
			TUint8* ptrByte = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &val );
			pDes.Append( ptrByte, 2 );
		TPtr8 pStart = aBuffer.MidTPtr( index ); // pStart contains the data pointer    		
    	if ( !fuB )
    		pDes.Append( pStart.Ptr(), fragSize-2 ); // copying data	
    		index += Min( length, fragMaxSize );    	
    		length -= ( fragSize-2 );
    	    // copying data, subtracting DON and header size from total size to copy
    		pDes.Append( pStart.Ptr( ), fragSize-4 );
			index += Min( length, fragMaxSize );
			length -= ( fragSize-4 );    		
    	// inserting into the payloadized NAL unit buffer for retreival
    	iPayloadizedBuffers.InsertL( pBuffer, iNalCount );
    	CleanupStack::Pop( pBuffer );
    	pBuffer = NULL; // ownership transferred
    	fragsPacketized++; // to count the number of fragments
	    } // end while()
	aNalCount = iNalCount;
void CRFC3984Encode::PayloadizeNaluL(
    TDes8 & aBuffer, 
    TUint32 /*aTimeStamp*/, 
    TUint32& /*aMarkerBit*/, 
    TInt & aNalCount )
	TInt startIndex = 0;
	TInt size = 0;
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iToPayloadizeCount > 0, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iToPayloadizeBuffer.Count() == iToPayloadizeSizeBuffer.Count(), 
	                 User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
	if ( iToPayloadizeCount == 1 ) // SNALU packet
		startIndex = iToPayloadizeBuffer[0];
		size = iToPayloadizeSizeBuffer[0];	
		TPtr8 start = aBuffer.MidTPtr( startIndex );
		AddSnaluPacketL( start, size );
	else // payloadize STAP-A packet
		TInt count = 0;
		TInt totalSize = 0;
		TUint8 headerByte = 0;
		for ( count = 0; count < iToPayloadizeCount; count++ )
		    // finding total size of all the NALU's to aggregate
			totalSize += iToPayloadizeSizeBuffer[count]; 
		// addding the total size fields and STAP-A header size	
		totalSize += ( iToPayloadizeCount*2 + 1 ); 
		count = 0;
		// allocating memory for the total buffer size		
		HBufC8* pBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC( totalSize );
		TUint16 value = 0;
		TPtr8 pDes1 = pBuffer->Des();
		headerByte = PACKET_STAP_A | ( aBuffer[iToPayloadizeBuffer[count]] & ( 0x7 << 5 ) ); 
		pDes1.Append( &headerByte, 1 );
		 // Pps and sps are handled as SNALUs, 
		 // if there's nothing else to packetize, stap-a packet is not created
		TBool stapPacketCreated( EFalse );
		for( count = 0; count < iToPayloadizeCount; count++ )
			startIndex = iToPayloadizeBuffer[count];
			size = iToPayloadizeSizeBuffer[count];
			TPtr8 pStart = aBuffer.MidTPtr( startIndex ); // getting start index
			if ( TMccCodecInfo::IsAvcPpsOrSpsData( pStart, ETrue ) )
			    AddSnaluPacketL( pStart, size );
    			// convert to network byte order
    			value = ByteOrder::Swap16( static_cast<TUint16>( size ) ); 
    			TUint8* ptrByte = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>( &value );
    			pDes1.Append( ptrByte, 2 );
    			pDes1.Append( pStart.Ptr(), size );
    			stapPacketCreated = ETrue;
		if ( stapPacketCreated )
    		// inserting stap-a packet into the payloadized NAL unit buffer for retrieval
        	iPayloadizedBuffers.InsertL( pBuffer, iNalCount );
		    // stap-a packet not created
    //Now cleaning up the buffer
    iToPayloadizeCount = 0;
	aNalCount = iNalCount;
Exemple #7
TInt ParseMixedBinaryAsciiDataL(TDes8& aTextToConvert)
Parses aTextToConvert based on the following rules:
'\\' (double backslash) is used to denote a single '\'
(single backslash)
'\xnn' denote a byte of binary data where nn is in hex-decimal.
The '\xnn' in aTextToConvert is replaced by the binary byte
that it represents.

For example: If aTextToConvert contains "abc\\def\xFF",
after parsing, it will contain "abc\def?" where ? = 0xFF.

@param aTextToConvert Modifiable buffer which will be parsed. 

@return KErrNone if aTextToConvert is in valid
        EAdditionalParamDataFormatMixedBinaryAndAscii format.
        KErrArgument if aTextToConvert is in an incorrect format.

@panic KErrNoMemory if there is not enough memory to do the parsing.
	// Pointer to unparsed portion of additionalParamDataBuffer
	HBufC8* resultBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(aTextToConvert.Length());

	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(resultBuffer, PanicClient(KErrNoMemory));
	TPtr8 result(resultBuffer->Des());
	// Position of backslash
	TInt pos = 0;

	while ((pos = aTextToConvert.Locate('\\')) != KErrNotFound)
		// Check that the backslash is followed by at least one more character
		if ((pos+1) >= aTextToConvert.Length())
			return KErrArgument;

		TUint8 modifier = aTextToConvert[pos+1];

		// Parse depending on character after the backslash
		switch (modifier)
		case '\\':
			// Next character after the '\' is another '\'.
			// Replace it with a single '\' and move
			// on.
			aTextToConvert.Delete(0, pos+2);
		case 'x':
			// Next character is an 'x' so check that there are three 
			// characters after the backslash (one for the x and two
			// characters of HEX.
			if ((pos+3) >= aTextToConvert.Length()) 
				return KErrArgument;
			// Convert those to HEX and replace '\xNN' with this.
			TUint8 hexAsInt;
			if (AsciiHexToNum(aTextToConvert.MidTPtr(pos+2,2), hexAsInt) != KErrNone)
				return KErrArgument;
			// Append the raw byte to the result
			result[result.Length()-1] = hexAsInt;
			aTextToConvert.Delete(0, pos+4);
		} // End while
	aTextToConvert.Insert(0, result);
	return KErrNone;