Exemple #1
	TDevice* create_rawinput_device(running_machine &machine, PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST rawinputdevice)
		TDevice* devinfo = nullptr;
		INT name_length = 0;
		// determine the length of the device name, allocate it, and fetch it if not nameless
		if (get_rawinput_device_info(rawinputdevice->hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, NULL, &name_length) != 0)
			return nullptr;

		std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tname = std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(name_length + 1);
		if (name_length > 1 && get_rawinput_device_info(rawinputdevice->hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, tname.get(), &name_length) == -1)
			return nullptr;

		// if this is an RDP name, skip it
		if (_tcsstr(tname.get(), TEXT("Root#RDP_")) != NULL)
			return nullptr;

		// improve the name and then allocate a device
		tname = std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]>(rawinput_device_improve_name(tname.release()));

		// convert name to utf8
		auto osd_deleter = [](void *ptr) { osd_free(ptr); };
		auto utf8_name = std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(osd_deleter)>(utf8_from_tstring(tname.get()), osd_deleter);

		devinfo = devicelist()->create_device<TDevice>(machine, utf8_name.get(), *this);

		// Add the handle

		return devinfo;
Exemple #2
	TDevice* create_rawinput_device(running_machine &machine, PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST rawinputdevice)
		TDevice* devinfo;
		UINT name_length = 0;
		// determine the length of the device name, allocate it, and fetch it if not nameless
		if ((*get_rawinput_device_info)(rawinputdevice->hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, nullptr, &name_length) != 0)
			return nullptr;

		std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> tname = std::make_unique<TCHAR[]>(name_length + 1);
		if (name_length > 1 && (*get_rawinput_device_info)(rawinputdevice->hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, tname.get(), &name_length) == -1)
			return nullptr;

		// if this is an RDP name, skip it
		if (_tcsstr(tname.get(), TEXT("Root#RDP_")) != nullptr)
			return nullptr;

		// improve the name and then allocate a device
		std::wstring name = rawinput_device_improve_name(tname.get());

		// convert name to utf8
		std::string utf8_name = osd::text::from_wstring(name.c_str());

		// set device id to raw input name
		std::string utf8_id = osd::text::from_wstring(tname.get());

		devinfo = devicelist()->create_device<TDevice>(machine, utf8_name.c_str(), utf8_id.c_str(), *this);

		// Add the handle

		return devinfo;