Exemple #1
/// Displays FileSave dialog prompting the user to select a file name for savinng the document.
/// Filters out read-only files.
TDocManager::SelectSave(TDocument& doc)
  TDocTemplate* tpl = doc.GetTemplate();

  if (!tpl || !tpl->GetFileFilter())
    return false;

  tchar filepath[_MAX_PATH];
  if (doc.GetDocPath())
    ::_tcscpy(filepath, doc.GetDocPath());
    filepath[0] = 0;    // no initial file path

  int index = SelectDocPath(&tpl, 1, filepath, COUNTOF(filepath), 0, true, &doc);
  return index ? doc.SetDocPath(filepath) : false;
Exemple #2
/// Given a list of templates, prompts the user to select one of the templates to use for the file to be
/// opened. Returns the template index used for the selection, or 0 if unsuccessful.
/// For a file open operation, save is false. For a file save operation, save is
/// true. This function can be overridden to provide a customized user interface.
/// \note This is Windows-specific, using the system-provided file open dialog box
TDocManager::SelectDocPath(TDocTemplate** tpllist, int tplcount,
                           LPTSTR path, int buflen, long flags,
                           bool save, TDocument* doc)
  // Compute length of description(s) and filter(s)
  int len = GetTemplateDescription(tpllist, tplcount);

  // Put together a string of description and filters
  TAPointer<tchar> filtbuf(new tchar[++len]);
  GetTemplateDescription(tpllist, tplcount, filtbuf, len);

  // Find the (default) template to select
  int index, count;
  TDocument* curDoc = save ? (doc ? doc : GetCurrentDoc()) : 0;
  CHECK(!save || curDoc);
  if (save) {
    for (index = count = 0; count < tplcount; count++) {
      if (tpllist[count] == curDoc->GetTemplate()) {
        index = count;
  else {
    for (index = count = 0; count < tplcount; count++) {
      if (tpllist[count]->IsFlagSet(dtSelected)) {
        index = count;

  // Initialize data structure used for launching Common Dialog
  flags = (tpllist[index]->GetFlags() | flags);
  flags &= 0x000FFFFF; // Clear Doc/View related flags.
  flags |= AdditionalFileDialogFlags; // Add extended flags, e.g. OFN_ENABLESIZING.
  flags &= ~dtProhibited; // Clear unsupported flags, e.g. OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE.
  TDvOpenSaveData data(flags,                             // flags
                       filtbuf,                           // filter
     CONST_CAST(LPTSTR, tpllist[index]->GetDirectory()),  // initDir.
     CONST_CAST(LPTSTR, tpllist[index]->GetDefaultExt()), // defExt.
                       index ? index+1 : 0,               // filterIndex
                       tpllist,                           // template list
                       tplcount);                         // template count

  //--- Sirma (Krasi)
    LPCTSTR fName = path && *path ? path : (doc ? doc->GetTitle() : 0);
    if (fName && *fName)
      _tcsncpy(data.FileName, fName, buflen);
  //--- Sirma (Krasi) ---

  // Execute dialog
  int result;
  TWindow* parent = GetApplication()->GetMainWindow();
  if (save)
    result = TDvFileSaveDialog(parent, data).Execute();
    result = TDvFileOpenDialog(parent, data).Execute();

  // Dialog was cancelled!
  if (result != IDOK) {
    WARNX(OwlDocView, data.Error != 0, 0, _T("Common dialog error: ") << \
                      data.Error << _T(" in SelectDocPath()") );
    return 0;
  // !BB
  // Here, there's a major dilemma! How, do we know the user did not
  // mislead us? For example, the user may have selected the *wrong*
  // template for saving a particular document... This is crucial when
  // saving documents!!!

  // Update templates to 'remember' the template last used
  for (count = 0; count < tplcount; count++) {
    if (count == index-1)

  // Update selected template with directory
  // // !BB Yeah! Where's the meat?

  // Copy file name over
  if (data.FileName && data.FileName[0]) {
    WARNX(OwlDocView, ::_tcslen(data.FileName) < (size_t)buflen, 0,
          _T("SelectDocPath: Specified buffer is too small"));
    _tcsncpy(path, data.FileName, buflen);
    *path = 0;

  // Return index [1-based] of selected template
  CHECK(data.FilterIndex >= 1);
  CHECK(data.FilterIndex <= tplcount);
  return data.FilterIndex;