TH1* GetOne(UShort_t sNN, const TString& trigger) { Long_t p = gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("Drawer::GetStack(0, \"pp\", %d, " "\"%s\", false, true)", sNN, trigger.Data())); THStack* s = (THStack*)p; TList* l = s->GetHists(); TH1* h = 0; TIter n(l); l->ls(); while ((h = static_cast<TH1*>(n()))) { TString m(h->GetName()); if (m.EqualTo("dndetaForward_all")) break; } if (h) { switch (sNN) { case 900: h->SetTitle("900GeV"); h->SetMarkerColor(kRed+2); break; case 2760: h->SetTitle("2.76TeV"); h->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); break; case 7000: h->SetTitle("7TeV"); h->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+2); break; case 8000: h->SetTitle("8TeV"); h->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); break; } } return h; }
void DrawEmpirical(const char* filename="Empirical.root", Bool_t fmd=true) { gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ"); if (!file) return; Double_t yr = 0.3; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c","c", 1000,1000); TPad* p1 = new TPad("p1","p1",0,0,1,yr); TPad* p2 = new TPad("p2","p2",0,yr,1,1); c->cd(); p1->Draw(); c->cd(); p2->Draw(); gDirectory->cd("Forward"); THStack* r = DrawOne(p1, yr, false, gDirectory, "ratios"); THStack* e = DrawOne(p2, yr, true, gDirectory, "empirical"); r->SetMinimum(0.945); r->SetMaximum(1.055); r->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#it{#eta}"); r->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio to mean"); e->SetMinimum(0.005); e->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#it{E_{c}}(#it{#eta})"); TIter nextE(e->GetHists()); TIter nextR(r->GetHists()); TH1* hist = 0; Color_t cols[] = { kRed+2, kGreen+2, kBlue+2, kMagenta+2, 0 }; Color_t *ptr = cols; Style_t stys[] = { 20, 21, 22, 23 }; Style_t* sty = stys; while (*ptr) { hist = static_cast<TH1*>(nextE()); hist->SetMarkerColor(*ptr); hist->SetMarkerSize(2); hist->SetMarkerStyle(*sty); hist = static_cast<TH1*>(nextR()); hist->SetMarkerColor(*ptr); hist->SetMarkerSize(2); hist->SetMarkerStyle(*sty); ptr++; sty++; } TLegend* l = p2->BuildLegend(0.35, .2, .65, .8); l->SetFillColor(0); l->SetFillStyle(0); l->SetBorderSize(0); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->cd(); c->Print("empirical.png"); }
void CalcQCDNormFactor() { //TFile *f = TFile::Open("results/Plotter_out_2016_05_29_22h19m32.root"); // 76X Silver JSON TFile *f = TFile::Open("results/Plotter_out_2016_06_21_15h27m59.root"); // 76X Golden JSON TCanvas *c = (TCanvas*)f->Get("NJet/PlotSamples_Pass5Cuts_PassHLT"); THStack *s = (THStack*)c->GetListOfPrimitives()->At(1); TH1D *data = (TH1D*)c->GetListOfPrimitives()->At(3); double MC_integral = 0; double QCD_count = 0; for (int i=s->GetHists()->GetEntries()-1; i>=0; --i) { TH1D* h = (TH1D*)s->GetHists()->At(i); if (i==s->GetHists()->GetEntries()-1) QCD_count = h->Integral(); std::cout<<h->GetName()<<" "<<h->Integral()<<std::endl; MC_integral += h->Integral(); } double data_QCD_estimate = data->Integral()- (MC_integral-QCD_count); double QCD_scale = data_QCD_estimate/QCD_count; std::cout<<"MC: "<<MC_integral<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Data: "<<data->Integral()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"MC (QCD only): "<<QCD_count<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Data (QCD only est): "<<data_QCD_estimate<<std::endl; std::cout<<"QCD Scale: "<<QCD_scale<<std::endl; TH1D* qcd = (TH1D*)s->GetHists()->At(s->GetHists()->GetEntries()-1); qcd->Scale(QCD_scale); c->Draw(); //TCanvas *c = (TCanvas*)f->Get("NJet/PlotSamples_Pass5Cuts_PassHLT_Ratio"); // //TH1D* ratio = (TH1D*)((TVirtualPad*)c->cd(2))->GetListOfPrimitives()->At(0); //TF1* fit = new TF1("fit","pol1", 400, 2000); //ratio->Fit("fit","RBQ0"); //fit->SetLineColor(2); //fit->SetLineWidth(1); //TF1* fit_up = (TF1*)fit->Clone("fit_up"); //TF1* fit_down = (TF1*)fit->Clone("fit_down"); //fit_up ->SetParameter(0,fit->GetParameter(0)+fit->GetParError(0)*1); //fit_down->SetParameter(0,fit->GetParameter(0)-fit->GetParError(0)*1); //fit_up ->SetParameter(1,fit->GetParameter(1)+fit->GetParError(1)*1); //fit_down->SetParameter(1,fit->GetParameter(1)-fit->GetParError(1)*1); //fit_up ->SetLineColor(4); fit_up ->Draw("SAME"); //fit_down->SetLineColor(4); fit_down->Draw("SAME"); //fit->Draw("SAME"); // //std::cout<<"Fit result:"<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"p0: "<<fit->GetParameter(0)<<" +- "<<fit->GetParError(0)*1<<std::endl; //std::cout<<"p1: "<<fit->GetParameter(1)<<" +- "<<fit->GetParError(1)*1<<std::endl; //f->Close(); }
void fit() { FILE *ofile; ofile = fopen("xsect-integrated-me.txt","w"); TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("h3maker-hn.root","update"); _file0->Delete("*_f;*"); TH2 *h2xsect = new TH2("hq2wXsect","Q^2:W",32,1.6,3.2,7,1.5,5.1); Double_t qbinedges[] = { 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.76, 3.3, 5.1 }; h2xsect->GetYaxis()->Set(7,qbinedges); TH3 *h3 = (TH3*)_file0->Get("hq2wmmp"); int qbins = h3->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(); int wbins = h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); fprintf(ofile, "W\tQ2\txsect\terror\tpol4p0\tpol4p1\tpol4p2\tpol4p3\tpol4p4\tgN\tgM\tgS\n"); for (int iq = 0; iq < qbins; iq++) { TString hsn = TString::Format("hs%d",iq); THStack *hs = (THStack*)_file0->Get(hsn.Data()); TIter next(hs->GetHists()); //while (TObject *obj = next()) { //TH1 *h = (TH1*)obj; while (TH1 *h = (TH1*)next()) { float *wq = getwq(h); float wval = wq[0]; float qval = wq[1]; fitmmp(h); TH1 *htmp = (TH1*)h->Clone("hbgsubtracted"); TF1 *fbg = (TF1*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fbg"); htmp->Add(fbg,-1); double N = htmp->Integral(34,43); double qwidth = h3->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(iq+1); int wbin = h3->GetYaxis()->FindBin(wval); double wwidth = h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(wbin); double xsect = N/(0.891*wwidth*qwidth*19.844); double err2 = 0; for (int immp = 34; immp < 44; immp++) err2 += htmp->GetBinError(immp)*htmp->GetBinError(immp); //fprintf(ofile, "%.3f\t%.3f\t%.0f\t%.0f",wval,qval,xsect/(1e6), sqrt(err2)/(1e6)); fprintf(ofile, "%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3e\t%.3e",wval,qval,xsect/(1e6), sqrt(err2)/(1e6)); TF1 *ftmp = (TF1*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->At(0); int npar = ftmp->GetNpar(); for (int ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++) fprintf(ofile, "\t%.3e", ftmp->GetParameter(ipar)); fprintf(ofile, "\n"); } hsn.Append("_f"); _file0->WriteObject(hs,hsn.Data()); delete hs; } fclose(ofile); delete _file0; }
TH1F* GetHisto(TFile* fin, string region, string process, string varname, float& norm, bool do_norm, float input_norm) { string cname = CHANNEL_NAME+string("/")+region+"/"+varname; TCanvas* c = (TCanvas*) fin->Get(cname.c_str()); string hname = "v:"+varname+"|p:"+process+"|r:"+region+string("|c:")+CHANNEL_NAME+string("|t:1DEntries"); TH1F* h = 0; if(VERBOSE>0){ cerr<<"cname :"<<cname<<endl; cerr<<"histo name: "<<hname<<endl; cerr<<"pointer: "<<c<<endl; } TList* l = c->GetListOfPrimitives(); TPad* pad = (TPad*) l->At(0); THStack* stack = (THStack*) pad->GetPrimitive(""); h = (TH1F*) stack->GetHists()->FindObject(hname.c_str()); if(do_norm) h->Scale(input_norm/h->Integral()); norm = h->Integral(); return (TH1F*) h->Clone(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PlotAlignmentValidation::plotSS( const std::string& options, const std::string& residType ) { if (residType == "") { plotSS( options, "ResXvsXProfile"); plotSS( options, "ResXvsYProfile"); return; } int plotLayerN = 0; // int plotRingN = 0; // bool plotPlain = false; bool plotLayers = false; // overrides plotLayerN // bool plotRings = false; // Todo: implement this? bool plotSplits = false; int plotSubDetN = 0; // if zero, plot all TRegexp layer_re("layer=[0-9]+"); Ssiz_t index, len; if (options.find("split") != std::string::npos) { plotSplits = true; } if (options.find("layers") != std::string::npos) { plotLayers = true; } if ((index = layer_re.Index(options, &len)) != -1) { if (plotLayers) { std::cerr << "Warning: option 'layers' overrides 'layer=N'" << std::endl; } else { std::string substr = options.substr(index+6, len-6); plotLayerN = atoi(substr.c_str()); } } TRegexp subdet_re("subdet=[1-6]+"); if ((index = subdet_re.Index(options, &len)) != -1) { std::string substr = options.substr(index+7, len-7); plotSubDetN = atoi(substr.c_str()); } // If layers are plotted, these are the numbers of layers for each subdetector static int numberOfLayers[6] = { 3, 2, 4, 3, 6, 9 }; setNiceStyle(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas c("canv", "canv", 600, 600); setCanvasStyle( c ); // todo: title, min/max, nbins? // Loop over detectors for (int iSubDet=1; iSubDet<=6; ++iSubDet) { // TEC requires special care since rings 1-4 and 5-7 are plotted separately bool isTEC = (iSubDet==6); // if subdet is specified, skip other subdets if (plotSubDetN!=0 && iSubDet!=plotSubDetN) continue; // Skips plotting too high layers if (plotLayerN > numberOfLayers[iSubDet-1]) { continue; } int minlayer = plotLayers ? 1 : plotLayerN; int maxlayer = plotLayers ? numberOfLayers[iSubDet-1] : plotLayerN; for (int layer = minlayer; layer <= maxlayer; layer++) { // two plots for TEC, skip first for (int iTEC = 0; iTEC<2; iTEC++) { if (!isTEC && iTEC==0) continue; char selection[1000]; if (!isTEC){ if (layer==0) sprintf(selection,"subDetId==%d",iSubDet); else sprintf(selection,"subDetId==%d && layer == %d",iSubDet,layer); } else{ // TEC if (iTEC==0) // rings sprintf(selection,"subDetId==%d && ring <= 4",iSubDet); else sprintf(selection,"subDetId==%d && ring > 4",iSubDet); } // Title for plot and name for the file TString subDetName; switch (iSubDet) { case 1: subDetName = "BPIX"; break; case 2: subDetName = "FPIX"; break; case 3: subDetName = "TIB"; break; case 4: subDetName = "TID"; break; case 5: subDetName = "TOB"; break; case 6: subDetName = "TEC"; break; } TString myTitle = "Surface Shape, "; myTitle += subDetName; if (layer!=0) { myTitle += TString(", layer "); myTitle += Form("%d",layer); } if (isTEC && iTEC==0) myTitle += TString(" R1-4"); if (isTEC && iTEC>0) myTitle += TString(" R5-7"); // Save plot to file std::ostringstream plotName; plotName << outputDir << "/SurfaceShape_" << subDetName << "_"; plotName << residType; if (layer!=0) plotName << "_" << "layer" << layer; if (isTEC && iTEC==0) plotName << "_" << "R1-4"; if (isTEC && iTEC>0) plotName << "_" << "R5-7"; plotName << ".eps"; // Generate histograms with selection THStack *hs = addHists(selection, residType); if (!hs || hs->GetHists()==0 || hs->GetHists()->GetSize()==0) { std::cout << "No histogram for " << subDetName << ", perhaps not enough data?" << std::endl; continue; } hs->SetTitle( myTitle ); hs->Draw("nostack PE"); // Adjust Labels TH1* firstHisto = (TH1*) hs->GetHists()->First(); TString xName = firstHisto->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(); TString yName = firstHisto->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(); hs->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitleColor( kBlack ); hs->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( xName ); hs->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitleColor( kBlack ); hs->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( yName ); // Save to file c.Update(); c.Print(plotName.str().c_str()); } } } return; }
bool check(int n = 2) { TFile *file = TFile::Open(TString::Format("merged%d.root",n)); bool result = true; TH1F *h; file->GetObject("h1",h); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 not added properly"); result = false; } THnSparseF *sparse; file->GetObject("sparse",sparse); if (!sparse) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse is missing\n"); result = false; } else { Int_t coordIdx[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Double_t cont = sparse->GetBinContent(coordIdx); if (cont > n + 0.4 || cont < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected bin content %g, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, cont); result = false; } Double_t entries = sparse->GetEntries(); if (entries > n + 0.4 || entries < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected %g entries, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, entries); result = false; } } THStack *stack; file->GetObject("stack",stack); if (!stack) { Error("execFileMerger","stack is missing\n"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_1"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 not added properly"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_2"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(4) != n || h->GetBinContent(5) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 not added properly"); result = false; } TGraph *gr; file->GetObject("exgraph",gr); if (!gr) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph is missing\n"); result = false; } if (gr->GetN() != ( n * 3)) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly n=%d rather than %d",gr->GetN(),n*3); result = false; } else { for(Int_t k = 0; k < gr->GetN(); ++k) { double x,y; gr->GetPoint(k,x,y); if ( x != ( (k%3)+1 ) || y != ( (k%3)+1 ) ) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly"); result = false; } } } TTree *tree; file->GetObject("tree",tree); if (!tree) { Error("execFileMerger","tree is missing\n"); result = false; } if (tree->GetEntries() != n*2) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected number of entries: %lld rather than %d",tree->GetEntries(),n*2); result = false; } else { if ( tree->GetEntries("data==1") != n ) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected data. We got %lld entries with 'data==1' rather than %d",tree->GetEntries("data==1"),n); tree->Scan(); result = false; } } return result; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PlotHiggsRes_LP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void RunMakeRazorPlots ( string signalfile, string signalLabel, vector<string> bkgfiles,vector<string> bkgLabels, int boxOption = 0, int option = -1, string label = "", string latexlabel = "") { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== double intLumi = 2000; //in units of pb^-1 string Label = ""; if (label != "") Label = "_" + label; vector<string> inputfiles; vector<string> processLabels; bool hasSignal = false; if (signalfile != "") { hasSignal = true; inputfiles.push_back(signalfile); processLabels.push_back(signalLabel); } assert(bkgfiles.size() == bkgLabels.size()); for (int i=0; i < bkgfiles.size(); ++i) { inputfiles.push_back(bkgfiles[i]); processLabels.push_back(bkgLabels[i]); } //******************************************************************************************* //Define Histograms //******************************************************************************************* TH1F* histMRAllBkg = new TH1F( "MRAllBkg",";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", 100, 400, 2400); TH1F* histRsqAllBkg = new TH1F( "RsqAllBkg", ";R^{2};Number of Events", 24, 0.25, 1.45); histMRAllBkg->SetStats(false); histRsqAllBkg->SetStats(false); vector<TH1F*> histMR; vector<TH1F*> histRsq; vector<TH2F*> histMRRsq; vector<TH1F*> histUnrolled; vector<TH1F*> histUnrolled2bins; vector<TH1F*> histUnrolledPercentage; vector<TH1F*> histUnrolledPercentage2bins; // float MRBinLowEdges[] = {500, 600, 700, 900, 1200, 1600, 2500, 4000}; // float RsqBinLowEdges[] = {0.25, 0.30, 0.41, 0.52, 0.64, 1.5}; // float MRBinLowEdges[] = {500, 600, 700, 900, 1200, 1600, 2500, 4000}; // Multijet Bins // float RsqBinLowEdges[] = {0.25, 0.30, 0.41, 0.52, 0.64, 1.5}; // Multijet Bins float MRBinLowEdges[] = {400, 500, 600, 700, 900, 1200, 1600, 2500, 4000}; // Lepton boxes float RsqBinLowEdges[] = {0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.41, 0.52, 0.64, 1.5}; // Lepton boxes const int nMRBins = sizeof(MRBinLowEdges)/sizeof(float)-1; const int nRsqBins = sizeof(RsqBinLowEdges)/sizeof(float)-1; std::cout<<"AAAAAAA "<<nMRBins<<" "<<nRsqBins<<std::endl; assert (inputfiles.size() == processLabels.size()); for (int i=0; i < inputfiles.size(); ++i) { // histMR.push_back( new TH1F( Form("MR_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", 100, 400, 2400)); histMR.push_back( new TH1F( Form("MR_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histMR[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histMR[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histMR[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histMR[i]->SetStats(false); histMR[i]->Sumw2(); // histRsq.push_back( new TH1F( Form("Rsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";R^{2} ;Number of Events", 24, 0.25, 1.45)); histRsq.push_back( new TH1F( Form("Rsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";R^{2} ;Number of Events", nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histRsq[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histRsq[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histRsq[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histRsq[i]->SetStats(false); histMRRsq.push_back( new TH2F( Form("MRRsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}]; R^{2}", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges, nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histMRRsq[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histMRRsq[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histMRRsq[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histMRRsq[i]->SetStats(false); histMRRsq[i]->Sumw2(); histUnrolled.push_back( new TH1F( Form("Unrolled_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";Bin Number ;Number of Events", nMRBins*nRsqBins, 0, nMRBins*nRsqBins)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histUnrolled[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histUnrolled[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histUnrolled[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histUnrolled[i]->SetStats(false); histUnrolled2bins.push_back( new TH1F( Form("Unrolled2bins_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";Bin Number ;Event Density", 3, 0, 3)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetStats(false); histUnrolledPercentage2bins.push_back( new TH1F( Form("UnrolledPercentage2bins_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";;Event Density", 3, 0, 3)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetStats(false); histUnrolledPercentage.push_back( new TH1F( Form("UnrolledPercentage_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";Bin Number ; Fraction of total", nMRBins*nRsqBins, 0, nMRBins*nRsqBins)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histUnrolledPercentage[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histUnrolledPercentage[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histUnrolledPercentage[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histUnrolledPercentage[i]->SetStats(false); } //******************************************************************************************* //Define Counts //******************************************************************************************* //******************************************************************************************* //Read files //******************************************************************************************* for (uint i=0; i < inputfiles.size(); ++i) { TFile* inputFile = new TFile(inputfiles[i].c_str(),"READ"); assert(inputFile); TTree* tree = 0; tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("RazorInclusive"); float weight = 0; int box = -1; int nBTaggedJets = 0; float dPhiRazor = 0; float MR = 0; float Rsq = 0; float mT = 0; int nGenMuons = 0; int nGenElectrons = 0; int nGenTaus = 0; // bool Flag_HBHENoiseFilter = false; // bool Flag_goodVertices = false; // bool Flag_eeBadScFilter = false; // bool Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter = false; tree->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weight); tree->SetBranchAddress("box",&box); tree->SetBranchAddress("nBTaggedJets",&nBTaggedJets); tree->SetBranchAddress("dPhiRazor",&dPhiRazor); tree->SetBranchAddress("MR",&MR); tree->SetBranchAddress("Rsq",&Rsq); tree->SetBranchAddress("mT",&mT); tree->SetBranchAddress("nGenMuons",&nGenMuons); tree->SetBranchAddress("nGenElectrons",&nGenElectrons); tree->SetBranchAddress("nGenTaus",&nGenTaus); // tree->SetBranchAddress("Flag_HBHENoiseFilter",&Flag_HBHENoiseFilter); // tree->SetBranchAddress("Flag_goodVertices",&Flag_goodVertices); // tree->SetBranchAddress("Flag_eeBadScFilter",&Flag_eeBadScFilter); // tree->SetBranchAddress("Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter",&Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter); cout << "Process : " << processLabels[i] << " : Total Events: " << tree->GetEntries() << "\n"; for (int n=0;n<tree->GetEntries();n++) { // for (int n=0;n<10000;n++) { tree->GetEntry(n); if (n % 1000000 == 0) cout << "Processing Event " << n << "\n"; // if (intLumi*weight > 100) continue; //Box Options if (option == 0 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 0) continue; } if (option == 1 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 1) continue; } if (option == 2 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 2) continue; } if (option == 3 ) { if (nBTaggedJets < 3) continue; } if (option == 4 ) { if (nBTaggedJets < 0) continue; // all b-tag categories combined } //Box Options if (boxOption == 0) { // Multijet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 11 || box == 12) ) continue; } if (boxOption == 1) { // MuonMultijet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 3 || box == 4) ) continue; } if (boxOption == 2) { // EleMultijet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 6 || box == 7) ) continue; } // LeptonMultijet Box for Jamboree if(boxOption == 1 || boxOption == 2) if(mT<120) continue; // Multijet Box for Jamboree if (boxOption == 0) if(fabs(dPhiRazor) > 2.8) continue; //apply baseline cuts if(boxOption == 1 || boxOption == 2) if (!(MR > 400 && Rsq > 0.15)) continue; if(boxOption == 0) if (!(MR > 500 && Rsq > 0.25)) continue; // if(!Flag_HBHENoiseFilter) continue; // if(!Flag_goodVertices) continue; // if(!Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter) continue; // if(!Flag_eeBadScFilter) continue; // fill the histos if (!hasSignal || i>0) { histMRAllBkg->Fill(MR, intLumi*weight); histRsqAllBkg->Fill(Rsq, intLumi*weight); } if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "TTJets")==NULL && strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "T1bbbb")==NULL) histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); // if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "T1bbbb")!=NULL) // histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight*2.69506e-07); histMR[i]->Fill(MR, intLumi*weight); histRsq[i]->Fill(Rsq, intLumi*weight); // separate by number of gen leptons for lepton boxes if(boxOption==1 || boxOption==2) { if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "TTJets")!=NULL && strstr(bkgLabels[i].c_str(), "2L")!=NULL) { if(nGenMuons+nGenElectrons>=2) histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); } else if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "TTJets")!=NULL && strstr(bkgLabels[i].c_str(), "Tau")!=NULL) { if((nGenMuons+nGenElectrons+nGenTaus>=2) && !(nGenMuons+nGenElectrons>=2)) histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); } else if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "TTJets")!=NULL && strstr(bkgLabels[i].c_str(), "1L")!=NULL) { if(!(nGenMuons+nGenElectrons>=2) && !(nGenMuons+nGenElectrons+nGenTaus>=2)) histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); } } // Multijet box top if(boxOption==0) if(strstr(processLabels[i].c_str(), "TTJets")!=NULL) { histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); } } inputFile->Close(); delete inputFile; } //******************************************************************************************* //Draw Plots //******************************************************************************************* cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.7,0.53,0.90,0.88); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); for (Int_t i = histMRRsq.size()-1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (hasSignal && i==0) { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "L"); } else { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "F"); } } THStack *stackUnrolled = new THStack(); THStack *stackUnrolled2bins = new THStack(); THStack *stackUnrolledPercentage = new THStack(); THStack *stackUnrolledPercentage2bins = new THStack(); float bintotal[nMRBins*nRsqBins] = {0.}; // fill out the unrolled histograms for (uint i=0; i < histMRRsq.size(); ++i) { int binN = 0; float total_SB = 0.; float total_SR = 0.; for(int ii = 0; ii<nMRBins; ii++) for (int jj = 0; jj<nRsqBins; jj++) { float value = (histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) > 0) ? histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) : 0. ; float Xrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+1); float Yrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+1); float area =1.; if(density) area = Xrange*Yrange; //normalize each bin by its area histUnrolled[i]->SetBinContent(binN+1, value/area); if(!hasSignal || i>0) bintotal[binN+1] += value/area; if(ii<1 || jj<1) total_SB += value/area; else total_SR += value/area; binN++; } histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetBinContent(1, total_SB); histUnrolled2bins[i]->SetBinContent(2, total_SR); histUnrolled[i]->SetMinimum(0.00001); if ( histUnrolled[i]->Integral() > 0) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ) stackUnrolled->Add(histUnrolled[i]); } if ( histUnrolled[i]->Integral() > 0) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ) stackUnrolled2bins->Add(histUnrolled2bins[i]); } cout << "Process : " << processLabels[i] << "\n"; } // Unroll into two bins for fractions float AllBkg_SB = 0; float AllBkg_SR = 0; for (uint i=0; i < histMRRsq.size(); ++i) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ){ AllBkg_SB += histUnrolled2bins[i]->GetBinContent(1); AllBkg_SR += histUnrolled2bins[i]->GetBinContent(2); } } for (uint i=0; i < histMRRsq.size(); ++i) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ){ histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->SetBinContent(1, histUnrolled2bins[i]->GetBinContent(1)/AllBkg_SB); histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->SetBinContent(2, histUnrolled2bins[i]->GetBinContent(2)/AllBkg_SR); } if ( histUnrolled2bins[i]->Integral() > 0) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ) stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->Add(histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]); } } /// // fill out the unrolled percentage histograms for (uint i=0; i < histMRRsq.size(); ++i) { if( hasSignal && i == 0 ) continue; int binN = 0; for(int ii = 0; ii<nMRBins; ii++) for (int jj = 0; jj<nRsqBins; jj++) { float value = (histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) > 0) ? histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) : 0. ; float Xrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+1); float Yrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+1); float area =1.; if(density) area = Xrange*Yrange; //normalize each bin by its area if(bintotal[binN+1]>0) histUnrolledPercentage[i]->SetBinContent(binN+1, (value/area)/bintotal[binN+1]); binN++; } if ( histUnrolled[i]->Integral() > 0) { stackUnrolledPercentage->Add(histUnrolledPercentage[i]); } cout << "Unrolling Percentage for Process : " << processLabels[i] << "\n"; } /// Unrolled plots in bins of R&MR TLatex t1(0.1,0.92, "CMS Preliminary"); TLatex t2(0.6,0.92, "#sqrt{s}=13 TeV, L = 2 fb^{-1}"); TLatex t3(0.4,0.92, Form("%s",latexlabel.c_str()) ); t1.SetNDC(); t2.SetNDC(); t3.SetNDC(); t1.SetTextSize(0.05); t2.SetTextSize(0.05); t3.SetTextSize(0.02); t1.SetTextFont(42); t2.SetTextFont(42); t3.SetTextFont(42); stackUnrolled->Draw(); stackUnrolled->SetMinimum(0.0001); // stackUnrolled->SetMaximum(1000); cv->SetLogy(); stackUnrolled->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolled->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolled->Draw(); if(hasSignal) histUnrolled[0]->Draw("same hist"); legend->Draw(); t1.Draw(); t2.Draw(); t3.Draw(); cv->SaveAs(Form("Unrolled%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); // Unrolled plots in percentages cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.85,0.20,0.95,0.80); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); for (Int_t i = histMRRsq.size()-1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (hasSignal && i==0) { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "L"); } else { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "F"); } } stackUnrolledPercentage->Draw(); stackUnrolledPercentage->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolledPercentage->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); // stackUnrolledPercentage->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 35); stackUnrolledPercentage->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolledPercentage->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); if(hasSignal) histUnrolledPercentage[0]->Draw("same hist"); legend->Draw(); t1.Draw(); t2.Draw(); t3.Draw(); cv->SaveAs(Form("UnrolledPercentage%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); // Unrolled plots in sideband vs signal box cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.85,0.20,0.95,0.80); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); for (Int_t i = histMRRsq.size()-1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (hasSignal && i==0) { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "L"); } else { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "F"); } } stackUnrolled2bins->Draw(); stackUnrolled2bins->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled2bins->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolled2bins->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled2bins->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); if(hasSignal) histUnrolled2bins[0]->Draw("same hist"); legend->Draw(); t1.Draw(); t2.Draw(); t3.Draw(); cv->SaveAs(Form("Unrolled2bins%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); // Unrolled plots in sideband vs signal box in fractions cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.7,0.23,0.90,0.88); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); for (Int_t i = histMRRsq.size()-1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (hasSignal && i==0) { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "L"); } else { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "F"); } } stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->Draw(); stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "Sideband"); stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Signal Sensitive Region"); if(hasSignal) histUnrolledPercentage2bins[0]->Draw("same hist"); legend->Draw(); t1.Draw(); t2.Draw(); t3.Draw(); cv->SaveAs(Form("UnrolledPercentage2bins%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //============================================================================================================== TFile *file = TFile::Open(("RazorPlots"+Label+".root").c_str(), "RECREATE"); file->cd(); for(int i=0; i<int(inputfiles.size()); i++) { file->WriteTObject(histMR[i], Form("histMR_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), "WriteDelete"); file->WriteTObject(histRsq[i], Form("histRsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), "WriteDelete"); file->WriteTObject(histMRRsq[i], Form("histMRRsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), "WriteDelete"); histUnrolled[i]->Write(); histUnrolled2bins[i]->Write(); histUnrolledPercentage[i]->Write(); histUnrolledPercentage2bins[i]->Write(); } stackUnrolled->Write(); stackUnrolled2bins->Write(); stackUnrolledPercentage->Write(); stackUnrolledPercentage2bins->Write(); }
void fit(float bgpar2smudge=1.0) { TF1 *fsig = new TF1("fsig",&d_sig,0.4,2,5); FILE *ofile; ofile = fopen("xsect-integrated-me.txt","w"); TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open("h3maker-hn.root","update"); _file0->Delete("*_f;*"); TH2 *h2xsect = new TH2("hq2wXsect","Q^2:W",32,1.6,3.2,7,1.5,5.1); Double_t qbinedges[] = { 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.76, 3.3, 5.1 }; h2xsect->GetYaxis()->Set(7,qbinedges); TH3 *h3 = (TH3*)_file0->Get("hq2wmmp"); int qbins = h3->GetZaxis()->GetNbins(); //int wbins = h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); fprintf(ofile, "W\tQ2\txsect\terror\tpol4p0\tpol4p1\tpol4p2\tpol4p3\tpol4p4\tgN\tgM\tgS\tstepx0\tstepx1\txsectFn\n"); for (int iq = 0; iq < qbins; iq++) { TString hsn = TString::Format("hs%d",iq); THStack *hs = (THStack*)_file0->Get(hsn.Data()); TIter next(hs->GetHists()); //while (TObject *obj = next()) { //TH1 *h = (TH1*)obj; while (TH1 *h = (TH1*)next()) { float *wq = getwq(h); float wval = wq[0]; float qval = wq[1]; delete [] wq; int wbin = h3->GetYaxis()->FindBin(wval); float wlow = h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(wbin); float step_x0 = sqrt(wlow*wlow+MASS_P*MASS_P-2*wlow*MASS_P); float whigh = h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(wbin+1); float step_x1 = sqrt(whigh*whigh+MASS_P*MASS_P-2*whigh*MASS_P); fitmmp(h,step_x0,step_x1,wval); TH1 *htmp = (TH1*)h->Clone("hbgsubtracted"); TF1 *fbg = (TF1*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("fbg"); htmp->Add(fbg,-1); double N = htmp->Integral(34,43); double qwidth = h3->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(iq+1); //int wbin = h3->GetYaxis()->FindBin(wval); double wwidth = h3->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(wbin); TF1 *ftmp = (TF1*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->At(0); fsig->SetParameter(0,ftmp->GetParameter(5)); fsig->SetParameter(1,ftmp->GetParameter(6)); fsig->SetParameter(2,ftmp->GetParameter(7)); fsig->SetParameter(3,step_x0); fsig->SetParameter(4,step_x1); fsig->SetLineWidth(2); fsig->SetLineColor(kBlue+1); h->GetListOfFunctions()->Add((TF1*)fsig->Clone("fsig")); //fsig->Print(); double Nfn = 0; for (int b = 1; b < h->GetNbinsX(); b++) { double x = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(b); Nfn += fsig->Eval(x); } //printf("**** %.3e\t\%.3e\n",Nfn,N); double xsect = N/(0.891*wwidth*qwidth*19.844); double xsectFn = Nfn/(0.891*wwidth*qwidth*19.844); double err2 = 0; for (int immp = 34; immp < 44; immp++) err2 += htmp->GetBinError(immp)*htmp->GetBinError(immp); //fprintf(ofile, "%.3f\t%.3f\t%.0f\t%.0f",wval,qval,xsect/(1e6), sqrt(err2)/(1e6)); fprintf(ofile, "%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3e\t%.3e",wval,qval,xsect/(1e6), sqrt(err2)/(1e6)); int npar = ftmp->GetNpar(); for (int ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++) fprintf(ofile, "\t%.3e", ftmp->GetParameter(ipar)); fprintf(ofile,"\t%.3e",xsectFn/(1e6)); fprintf(ofile, "\n"); } hsn.Append("_f"); _file0->WriteObject(hs,hsn.Data()); delete hs; } fclose(ofile); delete _file0; }
/** * Process a single type - i.e., one of <i>symmetric</i>, * <i>positive</i>, <i>negative</i>, or <i>other</i> - by looping * over all contained objects and call ProcessBin for each found * bin. * * @param measured Input collection of measured data * @param corrections Input collection of correction data * @param method Unfolding method to use * @param regParam Regularisation parameter * @param out Output directory. * @param sys Collision system * @param sNN Collision energy */ void ProcessType(TCollection* measured, TCollection* corrections, UInt_t method, Double_t regParam, TDirectory* out, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN) { Printf(" Processing %s ...", measured->GetName()); TDirectory* dir = out->mkdir(measured->GetName()); // Make some summary stacks THStack* allMeasured = new THStack("measured", "Measured P(#it{N}_{ch})"); THStack* allTruth = new THStack("truth", "MC 'truth' P(#it{N}_{ch})"); THStack* allTruthA = new THStack("truthAccepted", "MC 'truth' accepted P(#it{N}_{ch})"); THStack* allUnfolded = new THStack("unfolded", "Unfolded P(#it{N}_{ch})"); THStack* allCorrected = new THStack("corrected", "Corrected P(#it{N}_{ch})"); THStack* allRatio = (sys != 1 ? 0 : new THStack("ratios", "Ratios to other")); TMultiGraph* allALICE = (sys != 1 ? 0 : new TMultiGraph("alice", "ALICE Published")); TMultiGraph* allCMS = (sys != 1 ? 0 : new TMultiGraph("cms", "CMS Published")); // Loop over the list of objects. static TRegexp regex("[pm][0-9]d[0-9]*_[pm][0-9]d[0-9]*"); TIter next(measured); TObject* o = 0; Int_t i = 0; Double_t r = regParam; while ((o = next())) { // Go back to where we where dir->cd(); // if not a collection, don't bother if (!o->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TCollection::Class())) continue; // If it doesn't match our regular expression, don't bother TString n(o->GetName()); if (n.Index(regex) == kNPOS) { // Warning("ScanType", "%s in %s doesn't match eta range regexp", // n.Data(), real->GetName()); continue; } TCollection* mBin = static_cast<TCollection*>(o); TCollection* cBin = GetCollection(corrections, n.Data()); if (!cBin) continue; THStack* binS = ProcessBin(mBin, cBin, method, r, dir); if (!binS) continue; TH1* result = 0; Bin2Stack(binS, i, allMeasured, allTruth, allTruthA, allUnfolded, allCorrected, result); TGraph* alice = 0; TGraph* cms = 0; Other2Stack(o->GetName(), i, sNN, allALICE, allCMS, alice, cms); Ratio2Stack(i, result, alice, cms, allRatio); i++; } dir->Add(allMeasured); dir->Add(allTruth); dir->Add(allTruthA); dir->Add(allUnfolded); dir->Add(allCorrected); if (allALICE && allALICE->GetListOfGraphs()) { if (allALICE->GetListOfGraphs()->GetEntries() > 0) dir->Add(allALICE); else delete allALICE; } if (allCMS && allCMS->GetListOfGraphs()) { if (allCMS->GetListOfGraphs()->GetEntries() > 0) dir->Add(allCMS); else delete allCMS; } if (allRatio && allRatio->GetHists()) { if (allRatio->GetHists()->GetEntries() > 0) dir->Add(allRatio); else delete allRatio; } }
void browseStacks( bool makePictures=false, bool wait=true , bool addHistName = false, Double_t maxYScaleF = 1., bool logScale = false, bool setMinZero = true) { gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); bool keep2D=false; //fix the hNJet histos TList *list = gDirectory->GetList(); TIterator *iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject *obj = 0; while(obj = iter->Next()) { if(TString(obj->GetName()).Contains("hnJet") && obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) { int nbins = ((TH1F*)obj)->GetNbinsX(); float overflow = ((TH1F*)obj)->GetBinContent(nbins+1); float lastbinval = ((TH1F*)obj)->GetBinContent(nbins); ((TH1F*)obj)->SetBinContent(nbins, overflow+lastbinval); ((TH1F*)obj)->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(nbins, "#geq4"); } } // Find out what the names of the existing histograms are // The histogram names are XX_YY_ZZ, where XX is the sample, // eg, "tt", YY is the actual name, ZZ is the final state, eg, "ee" TObjArray* myNames = getMyHistosNames("ttdil","ee",keep2D); // Now loop over histograms, and make stacks TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(); c->Divide(2,2); char* suffix[4]; suffix[0] = "ee"; suffix[1] = "mm"; suffix[2] = "em"; suffix[3] = "all"; if (makePictures) c->Print("out/["); for (int i=0; i<myNames->GetEntries(); i++) { for (int sample=0; sample<4; sample++) { hist::stack(Form("st_%s_%s",myNames->At(i)->GetName(),suffix[sample]), Form("%s_%s$",myNames->At(i)->GetName(), suffix[sample])); THStack* thisStack = (THStack*) gROOT->FindObjectAny( Form("st_%s_%s", myNames->At(i)->GetName(), suffix[sample])); thisStack->SetMaximum(thisStack->GetMaximum()*maxYScaleF); if(TString(myNames->At(i)->GetName()).Contains("hnJet")) { TList* histolist = thisStack->GetHists(); int hatchcount = 0; // for(int j = 0; j<histolist->GetSize();j++) { // if(TString(histolist->At(j)->GetName()).Contains("tt") || // TString(histolist->At(j)->GetName()).Contains("tautau") || // TString(histolist->At(j)->GetName()).Contains("ww") ) continue; // hatch(histolist->At(j)->GetName(), FavoriteHatches[hatchcount]); // hatchcount++; // } } TLegend* thisLeg = hist::legend(thisStack, "lpf", 0, 0, 0.75, 0.65, 0.99, 0.99); c->cd(sample+1); if (logScale) gPad->SetLogy(); else gPad->SetLogy(0); double stackMax = ((TH1*)thisStack->GetHists()->At(0))->GetMaximum(); double stackMin = ((TH1*)thisStack->GetHists()->At(0))->GetMinimum(); thisStack->SetMinimum(stackMin); if (setMinZero) thisStack->SetMinimum(0); if (logScale && stackMin <=0) thisStack->SetMinimum(1e-2*stackMax); if (logScale && stackMax == 0) thisStack->SetMinimum(1e-12); thisStack->Draw("hist"); string xtitle( ((TH1*)gROOT->FindObjectAny(Form("ttdil_%s_%s", myNames->At(i)->GetName(), suffix[sample])))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); string ytitle( ((TH1*)gROOT->FindObjectAny(Form("ttdil_%s_%s", myNames->At(i)->GetName(), suffix[sample])))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); thisStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitle.c_str()); thisStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle.c_str()); TString hname = thisStack->GetName(); if(hname.Contains("hnJet")) { thisStack->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.075); thisStack->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); thisStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("N_{jets}"); } thisLeg->Draw(); TPaveText *pt1 = new TPaveText(0.1, 0.95, 0.4, 0.999, "brNDC"); pt1->SetName("pt1name"); pt1->SetBorderSize(0); pt1->SetFillStyle(0); TText *blah; if (addHistName) blah = pt1->AddText(hname); else blah = pt1->AddText("CMS Preliminary"); blah->SetTextSize(0.05); pt1->Draw(); c->Modified(); c->Update(); } if (makePictures) { c->Print("out/"); // c->Print(Form("out/stacks_%d.png",i+1)); //c->Print(Form("out/stacks_%s.png",myNames->At(i)->GetName())); c->Print(Form("out/stacks_%s.eps",myNames->At(i)->GetName())); } if (wait) { cout << "Enter carriage return for the next set of plots....q to quit" << endl; char in = getchar(); if (in == 'q') break; } } if (makePictures) c->Print("out/]"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PlotHiggsRes_LP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void RunMakeRazorPlots ( string signalfile, string signalLabel, vector<string> bkgfiles,vector<string> bkgLabels, int boxOption = 0, int option = -1, string label = "", string latexlabel = "") { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== double intLumi = 2100; //in units of pb^-1 string Label = ""; if (label != "") Label = "_" + label; vector<string> inputfiles; vector<string> processLabels; bool hasSignal = false; if (signalfile != "") { hasSignal = true; inputfiles.push_back(signalfile); processLabels.push_back(signalLabel); } assert(bkgfiles.size() == bkgLabels.size()); for (int i=0; i < bkgfiles.size(); ++i) { inputfiles.push_back(bkgfiles[i]); processLabels.push_back(bkgLabels[i]); } //******************************************************************************************* //Define Histograms //******************************************************************************************* vector<TH1F*> histUnrolled; float MRBinLowEdges[] = {500, 600, 700, 900, 1200, 1600, 2500, 4000}; // Multijet Bins float RsqBinLowEdges[] = {0.25, 0.30, 0.41, 0.52, 0.64, 1.5}; // Multijet Bins const int nMRBins = 7; const int nRsqBins = 5; TH1F* histMRAllBkg = new TH1F( "MRAllBkg",";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges); TH1F* histRsqAllBkg = new TH1F( "RsqAllBkg", ";R^{2};Number of Events", nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges); histMRAllBkg->SetStats(false); histRsqAllBkg->SetStats(false); histRsqAllBkg->Sumw2(); histMRAllBkg->Sumw2(); TH1F* histMRQCD = new TH1F( "MRQCD",";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges); TH1F* histRsqQCD = new TH1F( "RsqQCD", ";R^{2};Number of Events", nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges); histMRQCD->SetStats(false); histRsqQCD->SetStats(false); histRsqQCD->Sumw2(); histMRQCD->Sumw2(); TH1F* histMRData = new TH1F( "MRData",";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}];Number of Events", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges); TH1F* histRsqData = new TH1F( "RsqData", ";R^{2};Number of Events", nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges); vector<TH1F*> histMR; vector<TH1F*> histRsq; vector<TH2F*> histMRRsq; histMRQCD->SetFillColor(kAzure+4); histMRAllBkg->SetFillColor(kMagenta); histMRQCD->SetFillStyle(1001); histMRAllBkg->SetFillStyle(1001); histMRQCD->SetLineColor(kAzure+4); histMRAllBkg->SetLineColor(kMagenta); assert (inputfiles.size() == processLabels.size()); for (int i=0; i < inputfiles.size(); ++i) { histMRRsq.push_back( new TH2F( Form("MRRsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";M_{R} [GeV/c^{2}]; R^{2}", nMRBins, MRBinLowEdges, nRsqBins, RsqBinLowEdges)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histMRRsq[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histMRRsq[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histMRRsq[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histMRRsq[i]->SetStats(false); histMRRsq[i]->Sumw2(); histUnrolled.push_back( new TH1F( Form("Unrolled_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), ";Bin Number ;Number of Events", nMRBins*nRsqBins, 0, nMRBins*nRsqBins)); if (!hasSignal || i != 0) histUnrolled[i]->SetFillColor(color[i]); if (hasSignal && i==0) histUnrolled[i]->SetLineWidth(3); histUnrolled[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); histUnrolled[i]->SetStats(false); } THStack *stackUnrolled = new THStack(); //******************************************************************************************* //Define Counts //******************************************************************************************* //******************************************************************************************* //Read files //******************************************************************************************* for (uint i=0; i < inputfiles.size(); ++i) { TFile* inputFile = new TFile(inputfiles[i].c_str(),"READ"); assert(inputFile); TTree* tree = 0; tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("RazorInclusive"); // if (box == 0) { // tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("MultiJet"); // } else if (box == 1) { // tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("LooseLeptonMultiJet"); // } else if (box == 2) { // tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("MuMultiJet"); // } else if (box == 3) { // tree = (TTree*)inputFile->Get("EleMultiJet"); // } float weight = 0; int box = -1; int nBTaggedJets = 0; float dPhiRazor = 0; float MR = 0; float Rsq = 0; float mT = 0; tree->SetBranchAddress("weight",&weight); tree->SetBranchAddress("box",&box); tree->SetBranchAddress("nBTaggedJets",&nBTaggedJets); tree->SetBranchAddress("dPhiRazor",&dPhiRazor); tree->SetBranchAddress("MR",&MR); tree->SetBranchAddress("Rsq",&Rsq); tree->SetBranchAddress("mT",&mT); cout << "Process : " << processLabels[i] << " : Total Events: " << tree->GetEntries() << "\n"; for (int n=0;n<tree->GetEntries();n++) { // for (int n=0;n<1000;n++) { tree->GetEntry(n); if (n % 1000000 == 0) cout << "Processing Event " << n << "\n"; // if (intLumi*weight > 100) continue; //Box Options if (option == 0 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 0) continue; } if (option == 1 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 1) continue; } if (option == 2 ) { if (nBTaggedJets != 2) continue; } if (option == 3 ) { if (nBTaggedJets < 3) continue; } if (option == 4 ) { if (nBTaggedJets < 0) continue; // all b-tag categories combined } if (boxOption == 0) { // Multijet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 11 || box == 12) ) continue; } if (boxOption == 1) { // LeptonJet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 3 || box == 4 || box == 6 || box == 7) ) continue; } if (boxOption == 2) { // Multijet Box for Jamboree if( !(box == 14) ) continue; } //apply baseline cuts if (!(MR > 400 && Rsq > 0.25)) continue; // if (!(MR < 500 )) continue; // if (!(Rsq < 0.3)) continue; if (!(fabs(dPhiRazor) > 2.8)) continue; if (!hasSignal || i>1) { histMRAllBkg->Fill(MR, intLumi*weight); histRsqAllBkg->Fill(Rsq, intLumi*weight); histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight); } if(i==1){ if (intLumi*weight > 30) continue; float qcdweight = 1.56841; histMRQCD->Fill(MR, intLumi*weight*qcdweight); histRsqQCD->Fill(Rsq, intLumi*weight*qcdweight); histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq, intLumi*weight*qcdweight); } if (hasSignal && i==0) { histMRData->Fill(MR); histRsqData->Fill(Rsq); histMRRsq[i]->Fill(MR, Rsq); } } inputFile->Close(); delete inputFile; } std::cout<<"Data: "<<histMRData->Integral()<<", All Backgrounds: "<<histMRAllBkg->Integral()<<" , QCD: "<<histMRQCD->Integral()<<", Data2 "<< histMRRsq[0]->Integral() <<" QCD2 "<<histMRRsq[1]->Integral() <<std::endl; //******************************************************************************************* //Draw Plots //******************************************************************************************* // fill out the unrolled histograms std::cout<<"Rsq bins: "<<nRsqBins<<" "<<nMRBins<<std::endl; for (uint i=0; i < histMRRsq.size(); ++i) { int binN = 0; for(int ii = 0; ii<nMRBins; ii++) for (int jj = 0; jj<nRsqBins; jj++) { float value = (histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) > 0) ? histMRRsq[i]->GetBinContent(ii+1, jj+1) : 0. ; float Xrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(jj+1); float Yrange = histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+2) - histMRRsq[i]->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ii+1); float area =1.; if(density) area = Xrange*Yrange; //normalize each bin by its area histUnrolled[i]->SetBinContent(binN+1, value/area); binN++; } histUnrolled[i]->SetMinimum(0.00001); if ( histUnrolled[i]->Integral() > 0) { if( !hasSignal || i > 0 ) stackUnrolled->Add(histUnrolled[i]); } cout << "Process : " << processLabels[i] << "\n"; } TCanvas *cv = 0; TLegend *legend = 0; TLatex *tex = 0; cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.7,0.53,0.90,0.88); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); for (Int_t i = histMRRsq.size()-1 ; i >= 0; --i) { if (hasSignal && i==0) { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "L"); } else { legend->AddEntry(histMRRsq[i],processLabels[i].c_str(), "F"); } } /// Unrolled plots in bins of R&MR TLatex t1(0.1,0.92, "CMS Preliminary"); TLatex t2(0.6,0.92, "#sqrt{s}=13 TeV, L = 2.1 fb^{-1}"); TLatex t3(0.4,0.92, Form("%s",latexlabel.c_str()) ); t1.SetNDC(); t2.SetNDC(); t3.SetNDC(); t1.SetTextSize(0.05); t2.SetTextSize(0.05); t3.SetTextSize(0.02); t1.SetTextFont(42); t2.SetTextFont(42); t3.SetTextFont(42); stackUnrolled->Draw(); stackUnrolled->SetMinimum(0.01); stackUnrolled->SetMaximum(1000); cv->SetLogy(); stackUnrolled->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolled->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackUnrolled->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); stackUnrolled->Draw(); if(hasSignal) histUnrolled[0]->Draw("same PE"); legend->Draw(); t1.Draw(); t2.Draw(); t3.Draw(); cv->SaveAs(Form("Unrolled_QCD%s.root",Label.c_str())); //// //******************************************************************************************* //MR //******************************************************************************************* cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.50,0.54,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); tex = new TLatex(); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextSize(0.030); tex->SetTextFont(42); tex->SetTextColor(kBlack); tex->DrawLatex(0.2, 0.92, Form("CMS Simulation #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV, #int L = %d fb^{-1}, %s",int(intLumi/1000), latexlabel.c_str())); THStack *stackMR = new THStack("stackMR", ""); THStack *stackRsq = new THStack(); //******************************************************************************************* //MR Before and After DPhi Cut //******************************************************************************************* ////////////////// stackMR->Add(histMRAllBkg); stackMR->Add(histMRQCD); cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.50,0.54,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); stackMR->Draw(); stackMR->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackMR->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackMR->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackMR->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); stackMR->Draw(""); histMRData->Draw("same PE"); legend->Draw(); cv->SetLogy(); cv->SaveAs(Form("MRStack_QCD_%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); /////////////////////// cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.50,0.54,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); histMRAllBkg->SetLineColor(kRed); histMRAllBkg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Events"); histMRAllBkg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); histMRData->SetMarkerStyle(8); legend->AddEntry(histMRAllBkg, "All Backgrounds", "L"); legend->AddEntry(histMRData, "Data", "L"); histMRAllBkg->Add(histMRQCD, 1.0); histMRAllBkg->Draw("hist"); histMRData->Draw("PE same"); legend->Draw(); cv->SetLogy(); cv->SaveAs(Form("MR_QCD_%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); ////// cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.50,0.54,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); histRsqAllBkg->SetLineColor(kRed); histRsqAllBkg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Events"); histRsqAllBkg->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); histRsqData->SetMarkerStyle(8); legend->AddEntry(histRsqAllBkg, "All Backgrounds", "L"); legend->AddEntry(histRsqData, "Data", "L"); histRsqAllBkg->Add(histRsqQCD, 1.0); histRsqAllBkg->Draw("hist"); histRsqData->Draw("PE same"); legend->Draw(); cv->SetLogy(); cv->SaveAs(Form("Rsq_QCD_%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); ////////////////// histRsqQCD->SetFillColor(kAzure+4); histRsqAllBkg->SetFillColor(kMagenta); stackRsq->Add(histRsqAllBkg); stackRsq->Add(histRsqQCD); cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv", 800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.50,0.54,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); stackRsq->Draw(); stackRsq->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackRsq->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); stackRsq->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackRsq->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); stackRsq->Draw(); histRsqData->Draw("same PE"); legend->Draw(); cv->SetLogy(); cv->SaveAs(Form("RsqStack_QCD_%s.pdf",Label.c_str())); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //============================================================================================================== TFile *file = TFile::Open(("RazorPlots"+Label+".root").c_str(), "RECREATE"); file->cd(); for(int i=0; i<int(inputfiles.size()); i++) { file->WriteTObject(histMRRsq[i], Form("histMRRsq_%s",processLabels[i].c_str()), "WriteDelete"); histUnrolled[i]->Write(); } stackUnrolled->Write(); }
void view() { TFile* f = TFile::Open("result.root"); int signalColorTable[20], backgroundColorTable[20]; for ( int i=0; i<20; ++i ) { signalColorTable[i] = kAzure+10-i; backgroundColorTable[i] = kOrange+10-i; } TList* signalPlots = makePlots((TDirectory*)f->Get("MC_Signal_EMEM"), signalColorTable); TList* backgroundPlots = makePlots((TDirectory*)f->Get("MC_Background_EMEM"), backgroundColorTable, true); if ( signalPlots == 0 || backgroundPlots == 0 ) return; const int nPlots = signalPlots->GetSize(); for ( int i=0; i<nPlots; ++i ) { THStack* hSignal = (THStack*)signalPlots->At(i); THStack* hBackground = (THStack*)backgroundPlots->At(i); TString histName = hSignal->GetName(); bool doLog = histName.Contains("Pt");// || histName.Contains("RelIso"); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(TString("c")+hSignal->GetName(), hSignal->GetTitle(), 1200, 600); TPad* pad; c->Divide(2,1); TString xTitle, yTitle; pad = (TPad*)c->cd(1); if ( doLog ) pad->SetLogy(); pad->SetBorderSize(0); pad->SetBorderMode(0); hBackground->Draw(); xTitle = ((TH1*)hBackground->GetHists()->At(0))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(); yTitle = ((TH1*)hBackground->GetHists()->At(0))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(); hBackground->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xTitle); hBackground->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yTitle); pad->BuildLegend(0.6, 0.6, 0.98, 0.98); pad = (TPad*)c->cd(2); if ( doLog ) pad->SetLogy(); pad->SetBorderSize(0); pad->SetBorderMode(0); hSignal->Draw("nostack"); xTitle = ((TH1*)hSignal->GetHists()->At(0))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(); yTitle = ((TH1*)hSignal->GetHists()->At(0))->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(); hSignal->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xTitle); hSignal->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yTitle); pad->BuildLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.98, 0.98); c->Print(TString(c->GetName())+".png"); } }
void BiasDiff () { vector<TH1F*> AIC; for (UInt_t i = 1 ; i <= 7; i++){ AIC.push_back( new TH1F( Form("AIC_%d",i), " ", 9, 0,10 )); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"category 0"); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,""); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"category 1"); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,""); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"category 2"); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,""); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7,"category 3"); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8,""); AIC[i-1]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9,"Inclusive"); AIC[i-1]->SetFillColor(bkgColors[i-1]); AIC[i-1]->SetLineColor(bkgColors[i-1]); } AIC[0]->Fill(1.0,0.02); AIC[0]->Fill(3.0,0.3089); AIC[0]->Fill(5.0,0.62); AIC[0]->Fill(7.0,0.36); AIC[0]->Fill(9.0,0.03); AIC[1]->Fill(1.0,0.08); AIC[1]->Fill(3.0,0.21); AIC[1]->Fill(5.0,0.08); AIC[1]->Fill(7.0,0.16); AIC[1]->Fill(9.0,0.33); AIC[2]->Fill(1.0,0.01); AIC[2]->Fill(3.0,0.02); AIC[2]->Fill(5.0,0.01); AIC[2]->Fill(7.0,0.02); AIC[2]->Fill(9.0,0.04); AIC[3]->Fill(1.0,0.20); AIC[3]->Fill(3.0,0.38); AIC[3]->Fill(5.0,0.24); AIC[3]->Fill(7.0,0.451); AIC[3]->Fill(9.0,0.60); AIC[4]->Fill(1.0,0.03); AIC[4]->Fill(3.0,0.08); AIC[4]->Fill(5.0,0.017); AIC[4]->Fill(7.0,0.001); AIC[4]->Fill(9.0,0.0001); AIC[5]->Fill(1.0,0.58); AIC[5]->Fill(3.0,0.001); AIC[5]->Fill(5.0,0.03); AIC[5]->Fill(7.0,0.007); AIC[5]->Fill(9.0,0.000003); AIC[6]->Fill(1.0,0.08); AIC[6]->Fill(3.0,0.0001); AIC[6]->Fill(5.0,0.003); AIC[6]->Fill(7.0,0.001); AIC[6]->Fill(9.0,0.0000004); TCanvas *cv = 0; TLegend *legend = 0; bool firstdrawn = false; // =================================== // AIC // =================================== cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv",800,600); legend = new TLegend(0.64,0.64,0.90,0.84); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); THStack *stackAIC = new THStack(); for (Int_t i = AIC.size()-1; i>=0; i--) { if (AIC[i]->Integral()>0) { stackAIC->Add(AIC[i]); legend->AddEntry(AIC[i],modelLegendLabels[i].c_str(),"F"); } } stackAIC->Draw(); stackAIC->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(((TH1F*)(stackAIC->GetHists()->At(0)))->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); legend->Draw(); cv->SaveAs("AICvalues.pdf"); // ======================================================= //double x[7] = {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0}; double x[4] = {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}; double comps[4],singEs[4],doubEs[4],tripEs[4],modEs[4],polys[4],pows[4],dpows[4]; //Composite //comps[0] = ( (0.0042-0.0033)/0.0033+(0.0007-0.0036)/0.0036+(0.0180-0.012)/0.012+(0.0090-0.0023)/0.0023+ (0.0033-0.0031)/0.0031 ) /5; comps[0] = ( (0.0045-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0035-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0074-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0053-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0016-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; //comps[2] = ( (0.0036-0.0049)/0.0049 + (0.0075-0.0029)/0.0029 + (0.0125-0.0126)/0.0126 + (0.0041-0.0031)/0.0031 + (0.0053-0.0027)/0.0027 )/ 5; comps[1] = ( (0.0088-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0072-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0064-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; comps[2] = ( (0.0142-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0118-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0024-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0057-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; //comps[5] = ((0.0047 - 0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0091 - 0.0083)/0.0083 + (0.0062 - 0.0071)/0.0071 + (0.0129-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0035 - 0.0014)/0.0014 ) / 5; comps[3] = ( (0.0040 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.004 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0088 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0026 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0014 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //singE singEs[0] = ( (0.0221-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0079-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0084-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0033-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0082-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; singEs[1] = ( (0.0050-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0084-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0114-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; singEs[2] = ( (0.0196-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0024-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0008-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0003-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; //singEs[3] = ( (0.0126 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.0174 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0129 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0193 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0181 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; singEs[3] = 3.0; //doubE doubEs[0] = 0; doubEs[1] = ( (0.0079-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0084-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0073-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; doubEs[2] = ( (0.0069-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0002-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0016-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0093-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; doubEs[3] = ( (0.0035 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.004 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0097 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0041 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0052 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //tripE tripEs[0] = ( (0.0045-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0035-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0074-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0053-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0016-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; tripEs[1] = ( (0.0079-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0084-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0073-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; tripEs[2] = ( (0.0069-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0004-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0017-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0027-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; tripEs[3] = ( (0.0039 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.0043 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0092 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0015 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0039 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //modE modEs[0] = ( (0.0076-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0022-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0022-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0071-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0008-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; modEs[1] = 0; modEs[2] = ( (0.0051-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.001-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0017-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0041-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; modEs[3] = ( (0.0026 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.0037 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0088 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0072 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0049 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //poly **** polys[0] = ( (0.0094-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0041-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0178-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0019-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0036-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; polys[1] = ( (0.0088-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0050-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0544-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; polys[2] = 0; polys[3] = ( (0.0111 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.0070 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0091 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0055 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0099 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //pow pows[0] = ( (0.0042-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0093-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.026-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0183-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0082-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; pows[1] = ( (0.0022-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0031-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0052-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; pows[2] = ( (0.0018-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0153-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0194-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0149-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; pows[3] = ( (0.0058 - 0.0059)/0.0059 + (0.0009 - 0.0009)/0.0009 + (0.0045 - 0.0046)/0.0046 + (0.0047 - 0.0033)/0.0033 + (0.0021 - 0.0022)/0.0022 ) / 5; //dpow **** dpows[0] = ( (0.0005-0.0043)/0.0043 + (0.0093-0.0018)/0.0018 + (0.0261-0.0084)/0.0084 + (0.0183-0.0065)/0.0065 + (0.0082-0.0029)/0.0029 ) /5; dpows[1] = ( (0.0022-0.0122)/0.0122 + (0.0030-0.0064)/0.0064 + (0.0052-0.0057)/0.0057 ) / 3; dpows[2] = ( (0.0018-0.0254)/0.0254 + (0.0153-0.0120)/0.0120 + (0.0194-0.0105)/0.0105 + (0.0097-0.0102)/0.0102 ) / 4; dpows[3] = 0; TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); TGraph *comp = new TGraph(4, x,comps); TGraph *singE = new TGraph(4,x,singEs); TGraph *doubE = new TGraph(4,x,doubEs); TGraph *tripE = new TGraph(4,x,tripEs); TGraph *modE = new TGraph(4,x,modEs); TGraph *poly = new TGraph(4,x,polys); TGraph *pow = new TGraph(4,x,pows); TGraph *dpow = new TGraph(4,x,dpows); legend = new TLegend(0.64,0.64,0.92,0.94); //comp->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"Single Exp."); dpow->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"Double Exp."); //comp->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Triple Exp."); dpow->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"Modified Exp."); dpow->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Polynomial"); //comp->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,"Single Power"); dpow->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"Double Power"); singE->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[0]); doubE->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[1]); tripE->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[2]); modE->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[3]); poly->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[4]); pow->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[5]); dpow->SetMarkerColor(bkgColors[6]); comp->SetMarkerColor(28); singE->SetLineColor(bkgColors[0]); doubE->SetLineColor(bkgColors[1]); tripE->SetLineColor(bkgColors[2]); modE->SetLineColor(bkgColors[3]); poly->SetLineColor(bkgColors[4]); pow->SetLineColor(bkgColors[5]); dpow->SetLineColor(bkgColors[6]); comp->SetLineColor(28); legend->AddEntry(comp,"Composite","p"); legend->AddEntry(singE,"Single Exponential","p"); legend->AddEntry(doubE,"Double Exponential","p"); legend->AddEntry(tripE,"Triple Exponential","p"); legend->AddEntry(modE,"Modified Exponential","p"); legend->AddEntry(poly,"Polynomial","p"); legend->AddEntry(pow,"Power Law","p"); legend->AddEntry(dpow,"Double Power Law","p"); mg->Add(comp); mg->Add(singE); mg->Add(doubE); mg->Add(tripE); mg->Add(modE); mg->Add(poly); mg->Add(pow); mg->Add(dpow); //mg->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1,3); cv = new TCanvas("cv","cv",800,600); mg->Draw("apl"); legend->Draw(); cv->Update(); cv->SaveAs("BiasAverages.pdf"); }
//____________________________________________________________________ void DrawResCollection(TCollection* top, const TString& name) { TCollection* c = GetCollection(top, name, false); if (!c) return; THStack* s = GetStack(c, "all"); s->SetTitle(""); DrawInPad(fBody, 0, s, "nostack", kLogy); TLegend* l = new TLegend(.5, .75, .98, .98, "P(#it{N}_{ch})"); l->SetBorderSize(0); // l->SetBorderMode(0); l->SetFillColor(0); l->SetFillStyle(0); TIter next(s->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; Bool_t hasTrue = false; while ((h = static_cast<TH1*>(next()))) { TString n(h->GetTitle()); if (n.BeginsWith("True")) { hasTrue = true; continue; } n.ReplaceAll("Raw P(#it{N}_{ch}) in ", ""); TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", n, "p"); e->SetMarkerStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle()); } if (hasTrue) { TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", "Raw", "p"); e->SetMarkerStyle(20); e->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); e = l->AddEntry("dummy", "MC truth", "p"); e->SetMarkerStyle(24); e->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1); e = l->AddEntry("dummy", "MC truth selected", "p"); e->SetMarkerStyle(24); e->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+1); } fBody->cd(); l->Draw(); PrintCanvas(Form("%s results", name.Data())); // return; TIter nextO(c); TObject* o = 0; while ((o = nextO())) { Double_t etaMin = 999; Double_t etaMax = 999; TCollection* bin = GetEtaBin(o, etaMin, etaMax); if (!bin) continue; fBody->Divide(2,3); DrawInPad(fBody, 1, GetH1(bin, "rawDist"), "", kLogy); DrawInPad(fBody, 1, GetH1(bin, "truthAccepted", false), "same", kSilent); DrawInPad(fBody, 1, GetH1(bin, "truth", false),"same", kSilent|kLegend); DrawInPad(fBody, 2, GetH1(bin, "coverage")); DrawInPad(fBody, 3, GetH2(bin, "corr"), "colz"); DrawInPad(fBody, 4, GetH2(bin, "response", false), "colz", kLogz|kSilent); DrawInPad(fBody, 5, GetH1(bin, "triggerVertex", false), "", kSilent); PrintCanvas(Form("%+5.1f < #eta < %+5.1f", etaMin, etaMax)); } }