TLorentzVector makePtEtaPhiE(double ptCor, double pt, double eta, double phi, double e, bool rescaleEnergy=true) { TLorentzVector j; j.SetPtEtaPhiE(ptCor, eta, phi, (rescaleEnergy ? (e * ptCor / pt) : e)); return j; }
void SingleTopTree::FillJets(){ Jets.clear(); bJets.clear(); TLorentzVector muon; int tightMuIndex; bool mu = TightIso06Muons.size() > 0; if( mu ) tightMuIndex = TightIso06Muons[0] ; if(!mu){ mu = Tight12IsoMuons.size() > 0 ; if( mu ) tightMuIndex = Tight12IsoMuons[0] ; } muon.SetPtEtaPhiE( muons_Pt[tightMuIndex] , muons_Eta[tightMuIndex] , muons_Phi[tightMuIndex] , muons_E[tightMuIndex] ); for( int jid = 0 ; jid < jetsAK4_size ; jid++ ){ //if( Event_EventNumber == 672782113 ) cout << (jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] > 40) << " " << (fabs( jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) < 4.7) << " " << jetsAK4_PassesID[jid]; if( jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] > 40 && fabs( jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) < 4.7 && jetsAK4_PassesID[jid] ){ double DR = 1.0 ; if( mu ){ TLorentzVector jet; jet.SetPtEtaPhiE( jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] , jetsAK4_Eta[jid] , jetsAK4_Phi[jid] , jetsAK4_CorrE[jid] ); DR = muon.DeltaR( jet ); } // if( Event_EventNumber == 672782113 ) // cout << DR << endl; if ( DR > 0.3 ){ Jets.push_back( jid ); if( jetsAK4_IsCSVT[jid] && fabs( jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) <= 2.4 ){ bJets.push_back(jid); } } } //if( Event_EventNumber == 672782113 ) //cout << endl; } }
//Getting FourVectors TLorentzVector D3PDSelector::GetFourVecByType(std::string ObjectType, unsigned int index) { TLorentzVector par; float E = GetValByType<float>(ObjectType, "_E", index); float eta = GetValByType<float>(ObjectType, "_eta", index); float phi = GetValByType<float>(ObjectType, "_phi", index); float pt = GetValByType<float>(ObjectType, "_pt", index); par.SetPtEtaPhiE(pt,eta,phi,E); return par; }
float BDTOhio_v2::Evaluate(std::string categoryLabel, const std::vector<pat::Muon>& selectedMuons, const std::vector<pat::Electron>& selectedElectrons, const std::vector<pat::Jet>& selectedJets, const std::vector<pat::Jet>& selectedJetsLoose, const pat::MET& pfMET){ if(selectedMuons.size()+selectedElectrons.size()!=1){ // cerr << "BDTOhio_v2: not a SL event" << endl; return -2; } // ================================================== // construct object vectors etc TLorentzVector lepton_vec; TLorentzVector met_vec; vector<TLorentzVector> jet_vecs; vector<double> jetCSV; vector< vector<double> > jets_vvdouble; vector<TLorentzVector> jet_loose_vecs; vector<TLorentzVector> tagged_jet_vecs; vector<double> jetCSV_loose; vector<double> sortedCSV; if(selectedMuons.size()>0) lepton_vec.SetPtEtaPhiE(selectedMuons[0].pt(),selectedMuons[0].eta(),selectedMuons[0].phi(),selectedMuons[0].energy()); if(selectedElectrons.size()>0) lepton_vec.SetPtEtaPhiE(selectedElectrons[0].pt(),selectedElectrons[0].eta(),selectedElectrons[0].phi(),selectedElectrons[0].energy()); met_vec.SetPtEtaPhiE(,0,pfMET.phi(),; for(auto jet=selectedJets.begin();jet!=selectedJets.end(); jet++){ TLorentzVector jetvec; jetvec.SetPtEtaPhiE(jet->pt(),jet->eta(),jet->phi(),jet->energy()); jet_vecs.push_back(jetvec); if(MiniAODHelper::GetJetCSV(*jet)>btagMcut){ tagged_jet_vecs.push_back(jetvec); } vector<double> pxpypzE; pxpypzE.push_back(jet->px()); pxpypzE.push_back(jet->py()); pxpypzE.push_back(jet->pz()); pxpypzE.push_back(jet->energy()); jets_vvdouble.push_back(pxpypzE); jetCSV.push_back(MiniAODHelper::GetJetCSV(*jet)); } sortedCSV=jetCSV; std::sort(sortedCSV.begin(),sortedCSV.end(),std::greater<float>()); for(auto jet=selectedJetsLoose.begin();jet!=selectedJetsLoose.end(); jet++){ TLorentzVector jetvec; jetvec.SetPtEtaPhiE(jet->pt(),jet->eta(),jet->phi(),jet->energy()); jet_loose_vecs.push_back(jetvec); jetCSV_loose.push_back(MiniAODHelper::GetJetCSV(*jet)); } // TODO loose jet and csv defintion // ================================================== // calculate variables // aplanarity and sphericity float aplanarity,sphericity; bdtvar.getSp(lepton_vec,met_vec,jet_vecs,aplanarity,sphericity); // Fox Wolfram float h0,h1,h2,h3,h4; bdtvar.getFox(jet_vecs,h0,h1,h2,h3,h4); // best higgs mass 1 double minChi,dRbb; TLorentzVector bjet1,bjet2; float bestHiggsMass = bdtvar.getBestHiggsMass(lepton_vec,met_vec,jet_vecs,jetCSV,minChi,dRbb,bjet1,bjet2, jet_loose_vecs,jetCSV_loose); // study top bb system TLorentzVector dummy_metv; double minChiStudy, chi2lepW, chi2leptop, chi2hadW, chi2hadtop, mass_lepW, mass_leptop, mass_hadW, mass_hadtop, dRbbStudy, testquant1, testquant2, testquant3, testquant4, testquant5, testquant6, testquant7; TLorentzVector b1,b2; bdtvar.study_tops_bb_syst (, pfMET.phi(), dummy_metv, lepton_vec, jets_vvdouble, jetCSV, minChiStudy, chi2lepW, chi2leptop, chi2hadW, chi2hadtop, mass_lepW, mass_leptop, mass_hadW, mass_hadtop, dRbbStudy, testquant1, testquant2, testquant3, testquant4, testquant5, testquant6, testquant7, b1, b2); float dEta_fn=testquant6; // ptE ratio float pt_E_ratio = bdtvar.pt_E_ratio_jets(jets_vvdouble); // etamax float jet_jet_etamax = bdtvar.get_jet_jet_etamax (jets_vvdouble); float jet_tag_etamax = bdtvar.get_jet_tag_etamax (jets_vvdouble,jetCSV); float tag_tag_etamax = bdtvar.get_tag_tag_etamax (jets_vvdouble,jetCSV); // jet variables float sum_pt_jets=0; float dr_between_lep_and_closest_jet=99; float mht_px=0; float mht_py=0; TLorentzVector p4_of_everything=lepton_vec; p4_of_everything+=met_vec; for(auto jetvec = jet_vecs.begin() ; jetvec != jet_vecs.end(); ++jetvec){ dr_between_lep_and_closest_jet=fmin(dr_between_lep_and_closest_jet,lepton_vec.DeltaR(*jetvec)); sum_pt_jets += jetvec->Pt(); mht_px += jetvec->Px(); mht_py += jetvec->Py(); p4_of_everything += *jetvec; } mht_px+=lepton_vec.Px(); mht_py+=lepton_vec.Py(); float mass_of_everything=p4_of_everything.M(); float sum_pt_wo_met=sum_pt_jets+lepton_vec.Pt(); float; float MHT=sqrt( mht_px*mht_px + mht_py*mht_py ); float Mlb=0; // mass of lepton and closest bt-tagged jet float minDr_for_Mlb=999.; for(auto tagged_jet=tagged_jet_vecs.begin();tagged_jet!=tagged_jet_vecs.end();tagged_jet++){ float drLep=lepton_vec.DeltaR(*tagged_jet); if(drLep<minDr_for_Mlb){ minDr_for_Mlb=drLep; Mlb=(lepton_vec+*tagged_jet).M(); } } float closest_tagged_dijet_mass=-99; float minDrTagged=99; float sumDrTagged=0; int npairs=0; float tagged_dijet_mass_closest_to_125=-99; for(auto tagged_jet1=tagged_jet_vecs.begin();tagged_jet1!=tagged_jet_vecs.end();tagged_jet1++){ for(auto tagged_jet2=tagged_jet1+1;tagged_jet2!=tagged_jet_vecs.end();tagged_jet2++){ float dr=tagged_jet1->DeltaR(*tagged_jet2); float m = (*tagged_jet1+*tagged_jet2).M(); sumDrTagged+=dr; npairs++; if(dr<minDrTagged){ minDrTagged=dr; closest_tagged_dijet_mass=m; } if(fabs(tagged_dijet_mass_closest_to_125-125)>fabs(m-125)){ tagged_dijet_mass_closest_to_125=m; } } } float avgDrTagged=-1; if(npairs!=0) avgDrTagged=sumDrTagged/npairs; // M3 float m3 = -1.; float maxpt_for_m3=-1; for(auto itJetVec1 = jet_vecs.begin() ; itJetVec1 != jet_vecs.end(); ++itJetVec1){ for(auto itJetVec2 = itJetVec1+1 ; itJetVec2 != jet_vecs.end(); ++itJetVec2){ for(auto itJetVec3 = itJetVec2+1 ; itJetVec3 != jet_vecs.end(); ++itJetVec3){ TLorentzVector m3vec = *itJetVec1 + *itJetVec2 + *itJetVec3; if(m3vec.Pt() > maxpt_for_m3){ maxpt_for_m3 = m3vec.Pt(); m3 = m3vec.M(); } } } } // btag variables float averageCSV = 0; float lowest_btag=99; int njets=selectedJets.size(); int ntags=0; for(auto itCSV = jetCSV.begin() ; itCSV != jetCSV.end(); ++itCSV){ if(*itCSV<btagMcut) continue; lowest_btag=fmin(*itCSV,lowest_btag); averageCSV += fmax(*itCSV,0); ntags++; } if(ntags>0) averageCSV /= ntags; else averageCSV=1; if(lowest_btag>90) lowest_btag=-1; float csvDev = 0; for(auto itCSV = jetCSV.begin() ; itCSV != jetCSV.end(); ++itCSV){ if(*itCSV<btagMcut) continue; csvDev += pow(*itCSV - averageCSV,2); } if(ntags>0) csvDev /= ntags; else csvDev=-1.; // ================================================== // Fill variable map variableMap["all_sum_pt_with_met"]=sum_pt_with_met; variableMap["aplanarity"]=aplanarity; variableMap["avg_btag_disc_btags"]=averageCSV; variableMap["avg_dr_tagged_jets"]=avgDrTagged; variableMap["best_higgs_mass"]=bestHiggsMass; variableMap["closest_tagged_dijet_mass"]=closest_tagged_dijet_mass; variableMap["dEta_fn"]=dEta_fn; variableMap["dev_from_avg_disc_btags"]=csvDev; variableMap["dr_between_lep_and_closest_jet"]=dr_between_lep_and_closest_jet; variableMap["fifth_highest_CSV"]=njets>4?sortedCSV[4]:-1.; variableMap["first_jet_pt"]=jet_vecs.size()>0?jet_vecs[0].Pt():-99; variableMap["fourth_highest_btag"]=njets>3?sortedCSV[3]:-1.; variableMap["fourth_jet_pt"]=jet_vecs.size()>3?jet_vecs[3].Pt():-99; variableMap["h0"]=h0; variableMap["h1"]=h1; variableMap["h2"]=h2; variableMap["h3"]=h3; variableMap["HT"]=sum_pt_jets; variableMap["invariant_mass_of_everything"]=mass_of_everything; variableMap["lowest_btag"]=lowest_btag; variableMap["M3"]=m3; variableMap["maxeta_jet_jet"]=jet_jet_etamax; variableMap["maxeta_jet_tag"]=jet_tag_etamax; variableMap["maxeta_tag_tag"]=tag_tag_etamax; variableMap["min_dr_tagged_jets"]=minDrTagged; variableMap["MET"]; variableMap["MHT"]=MHT; variableMap["Mlb"]=Mlb; variableMap["pt_all_jets_over_E_all_jets"]=pt_E_ratio; variableMap["second_highest_btag"]=njets>1?sortedCSV[1]:-1.; variableMap["second_jet_pt"]=jet_vecs.size()>1?jet_vecs[1].Pt():-99; variableMap["sphericity"]=sphericity; variableMap["tagged_dijet_mass_closest_to_125"]=tagged_dijet_mass_closest_to_125; variableMap["third_highest_btag"]=njets>2?sortedCSV[2]:-1.; variableMap["third_jet_pt"]=jet_vecs.size()>2?jet_vecs[2].Pt():-99; // ================================================== // evaluate BDT of current category return readerMap[categoryLabel]->EvaluateMVA("BDT"); }
void pgsAnalysis::Loop() { double tHrec, tZ1m, tZ2m, tcosthetaStar, tPhi, tPhi1, tcostheta1, tcostheta2,tHrec_constr,tZ1m_constr, tZ2m_constr; string ttype; hists->Branch("Hrec", &tHrec); hists->Branch("Z1m", &tZ1m); hists->Branch("Z2m", &tZ2m); hists->Branch("costhetaStar", &tcosthetaStar); hists->Branch("Phi", &tPhi); hists->Branch("Phi1", &tPhi1); hists->Branch("costheta1", &tcostheta1); hists->Branch("costheta2", &tcostheta2); hists->Branch("type", &ttype); //event type!! int eeee, xxxx, eexx, xxee; double Zmass = 91.19; double vZmass; if (pairing == 0){ vZmass = 91.19; } else{ vZmass = 45.; } TVectorT<double> elSum(4); TVectorT<double> muSum(4); //electrons array vector<int> el; int elC = 0; //muons array vector<int> mu; int muC = 0; //antielectrons array vector<int> antiel; int antielC = 0; //antimuons array vector<int> antimu; int antimuC = 0; vector<TVector3> leptons; TVector3 lep1,lep2,lep3,lep4; TVector3 Za, Zb, Zc, Zd, H; int lCounter = 0; int totaLlCounter = 0; int goodEventCounter = 0; int histCounter = 0; if (fChain == 0) return; int nentries = n; // cout << " nentries are "<<nentries<<endl; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; el.clear(); antiel.clear(); mu.clear(); antimu.clear(); lCounter = 0; eeee = 0; xxxx = 0; eexx = 0; xxee = 0; //particles identified by type, ntrk for (int inst = 0; inst < npart; inst++){ // inst from "instance" on the scan tree // cout<< " instance "<< inst <<endl; // cout<< pT[inst]<< endl; //fill el mu vectors if ( typ[inst] == 1 && ntrk[inst] == -1){ el.push_back(inst); elC++; lCounter++; totaLlCounter++; } if ( typ[inst] == 1 && ntrk[inst] == 1){ antiel.push_back(inst); antielC++; lCounter++; totaLlCounter++; } if ( typ[inst] == 2 && ntrk[inst] == -1){ mu.push_back(inst); muC++; lCounter++; totaLlCounter++; } if ( typ[inst] == 2 && ntrk[inst] == 1){ antimu.push_back(inst); antimuC++; lCounter++; totaLlCounter++; } if ( (typ[inst] == 4 && jmas[inst] > 10. )|| (typ[inst] == 6 && pT[inst] > 10. )){ lCounter = 0; //dont count the event } }//end instance loop (particles in an event // cout<< "leptons in the event are "<< lCounter<<endl; // if (lCounter == 4) { fillFlag = false; // If else if loops reconstructing the particles according to the type 4e,4mu, 2e2mu if (el.size() == 1 && mu.size() == 1 && antiel.size() == 1 && antimu.size() == 1){ //2e2m goodEventCounter++; lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[0]], eta[el[0]] , phi[el[0]]); //set up of lepton four-vectors lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[0]], eta[antiel[0]] , phi[antiel[0]]); lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[0]], eta[mu[0]] , phi[mu[0]]); lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[0]], eta[antimu[0]] , phi[antimu[0]]); Za = lep1 + lep2; Zb = lep3 + lep4; mZ1 = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2()); // reconstruct z masses mZ2 = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2()); //select leading Z if(mZ1 > mZ2) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZ1); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZ2); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());eexx++;} //to set the highest mass the z else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZ1); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZ2); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());xxee++;} fillFlag = true; } else if (el.size() == 2 && mu.size() == 0 && antiel.size() == 2 && antimu.size() == 0){ //4e goodEventCounter++; lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[0]], eta[el[0]] , phi[el[0]]); lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[0]], eta[antiel[0]] , phi[antiel[0]]); lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[el[1]], eta[el[1]] , phi[el[1]]); lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antiel[1]], eta[antiel[1]] , phi[antiel[1]]); Za = lep1 + lep2; Zb = lep3 + lep4; Zc = lep1 + lep4; Zd = lep3 + lep2; double mZa = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2()); double mZb = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2()); double mZc = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zc.Mag2()); double mZd = sqrt(pow(lep2.Mag()+lep3.Mag(),2)-Zd.Mag2()); double s1a; double s1b; double s2a; double s2b; if ( pairing == 0){ s1a = pow(mZa-vZmass,2) + pow(mZb-Zmass,2); s1b = pow(mZa-Zmass,2) + pow(mZb-vZmass,2); s2a = pow(mZc-vZmass,2) + pow(mZd-Zmass,2); s2b = pow(mZc-Zmass,2) + pow(mZd-vZmass,2); } else{ s1a = fabs(mZb-Zmass); s1b = fabs(mZa-Zmass); s2a = fabs(mZd-Zmass); s2b = fabs(mZc-Zmass); } elSum[0] = s1a; elSum[1] = s1b; elSum[2] = s2a; elSum[3] = s2b; int min = TMath::LocMin(4, &elSum[0]); if( (min == 0 || min == 1) ){ if(mZa > mZb) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());} //to set the highest mass the z else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());} } else if( (min == 2 || min == 3) ){ if(mZc > mZd) { Z1.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z2.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());} //to set the highest mass the z else { Z2.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z1.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());} } eeee++; fillFlag = true; } else if(el.size() == 0 && mu.size() == 2 && antiel.size() == 0 && antimu.size() == 2 ) { //4m goodEventCounter++; lep1.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[0]], eta[mu[0]] , phi[mu[0]]); lep2.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[0]], eta[antimu[0]] , phi[antimu[0]]); lep3.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[mu[1]], eta[mu[1]] , phi[mu[1]]); lep4.SetPtEtaPhi( pT[antimu[1]], eta[antimu[1]] , phi[antimu[1]]); Za = lep1 + lep2; Zb = lep3 + lep4; Zc = lep1 + lep4; Zd = lep3 + lep2; double mZa = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep2.Mag(),2)-Za.Mag2()); double mZb = sqrt(pow(lep3.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zb.Mag2()); double mZc = sqrt(pow(lep1.Mag()+lep4.Mag(),2)-Zc.Mag2()); double mZd = sqrt(pow(lep2.Mag()+lep3.Mag(),2)-Zd.Mag2()); double s1a; double s1b; double s2a; double s2b; if ( pairing == 0){ s1a = pow(mZa-vZmass,2) + pow(mZb-Zmass,2); s1b = pow(mZa-Zmass,2) + pow(mZb-vZmass,2); s2a = pow(mZc-vZmass,2) + pow(mZd-Zmass,2); s2b = pow(mZc-Zmass,2) + pow(mZd-vZmass,2); } else{ s1a = fabs(mZb-Zmass); s1b = fabs(mZa-Zmass); s2a = fabs(mZd-Zmass); s2b = fabs(mZc-Zmass); } muSum[0] = s1a; muSum[1] = s1b; muSum[2] = s2a; muSum[3] = s2b; int min = TMath::LocMin(4, &muSum[0]); if( (min == 0 || min == 1) ){ if(mZa > mZb) { Z1.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z2.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());} //to set the highest mass the z else { Z2.SetVectM( Za, mZa); Z1.SetVectM(Zb,mZb); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag());} } else if( (min == 2 || min == 3) ){ if(mZc > mZd) { Z1.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z2.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());} //to set the highest mass the z else { Z2.SetVectM( Zc, mZc); Z1.SetVectM(Zd,mZd); lep_min2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep1.Pt(),lep1.Eta(), lep1.Phi(),lep1.Mag()); lep_plus2.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep4.Pt(),lep4.Eta(), lep4.Phi(),lep4.Mag()); lep_min1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep3.Pt(),lep3.Eta(), lep3.Phi(),lep3.Mag()); lep_plus1.SetPtEtaPhiE(lep2.Pt(),lep2.Eta(), lep2.Phi(),lep2.Mag());} } xxxx++; fillFlag = true; } if ( fillFlag == true && goodEventCounter < 25001) { //if it fullfills the specs then fill and find angles rec_H = Z1 + Z2; double Hmass = rec_H.M(); tHrec = Hmass; // cout<<tHrec<<endl; double Z1mass = Z1.M(); tZ1m = Z1mass; double Z2mass = Z2.M(); tZ2m = Z2mass; double ptlepp1 = lep_plus1.Pt(); double ptlepm1 = lep_min1.Pt(); double ptlepp2 = lep_plus2.Pt(); double ptlepm2 = lep_min2.Pt(); double dR1 = sqrt(pow(fabs(lep_min1.Eta() - lep_plus1.Eta()),2)+pow(fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1)),2)); double dR2 = sqrt(pow(fabs(lep_min2.Eta() - lep_plus2.Eta()),2)+pow(fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2)),2)); // if ( /*Hmass<120 || Hmass>130 || */Z1mass < 49 || Z1mass>107 || Z2mass < 12 || Z2mass> 115 ){continue;} //constrains //filling the simple histogram values h_Z1_m -> Fill(Z1.M()); h_Z1_E -> Fill(Z1.E()); h_Z1_Pt -> Fill(Z1.Pt()); h_Z1_eta -> Fill(Z1.Eta()); h_Z1_phi -> Fill(Z1.Phi()); h_Z2_m -> Fill(Z2.M()); h_Z2_E -> Fill(Z2.E()); h_Z2_Pt -> Fill(Z2.Pt()); h_Z2_eta -> Fill(Z2.Eta()); h_Z2_phi -> Fill(Z2.Phi()); h_rec_H_m -> Fill(Hmass); h_rec_H_E -> Fill(rec_H.E()); h_rec_H_Pt -> Fill(rec_H.Pt()); h_rec_H_eta -> Fill(rec_H.Eta()); h_rec_H_phi -> Fill(rec_H.Phi()); h_lep_plus1_E -> Fill(lep_plus1.E()); h_lep_plus1_Pt -> Fill(ptlepp1); h_lep_plus1_eta -> Fill(lep_plus1.Eta()); h_lep_plus1_phi -> Fill(lep_plus1.Phi()); h_lep_min1_E -> Fill(lep_min1.E()); h_lep_min1_Pt -> Fill(ptlepm1); h_lep_min1_eta -> Fill(lep_min1.Eta()); h_lep_min1_phi -> Fill(lep_min1.Phi()); h_lep_plus2_E -> Fill(lep_plus2.E()); h_lep_plus2_Pt -> Fill(ptlepp2); h_lep_plus2_eta -> Fill(lep_plus2.Eta()); h_lep_plus2_phi -> Fill(lep_plus2.Phi()); h_lep_min2_E -> Fill(lep_min2.E()); h_lep_min2_Pt -> Fill(ptlepm2); h_lep_min2_eta -> Fill(lep_min2.Eta()); h_lep_min2_phi -> Fill(lep_min2.Phi()); //reconstructing the two lepton pairs Lorentz vectors lpair1 = lep_plus1 + lep_min1; lpair2 = lep_plus2 + lep_min2; //constructing 3-vectors in the lab frame lep_plus1_lab = lep_plus1.Vect(); lep_plus2_lab = lep_plus2.Vect(); //.Vect() gives 3 vector from 4vector lep_min1_lab = lep_min1.Vect(); lep_min2_lab = lep_min2.Vect(); lpair1_lab = lep_plus1_lab.Cross(lep_min1_lab); lpair2_lab = lep_plus2_lab.Cross(lep_min2_lab); // cout << " pt of lepton pair1 on rest frame is: "<< lpair1.Perp()<<endl; //Filling up Histograms with angles defined in the lab frame h_angle_lab_pair1 -> Fill(lep_plus1_lab.Angle(lep_min1_lab)); h_angle_lab_pair2 -> Fill(lep_plus2_lab.Angle(lep_min2_lab)); //Filling up histograms with variables from articles h_angle_lab_deleta1 -> Fill(fabs(lep_min1.Eta() - lep_plus1.Eta())); h_angle_lab_delphi1 -> Fill(fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1))); h_angle_lab_deleta2 -> Fill(fabs(lep_min2.Eta() - lep_plus2.Eta())); h_angle_lab_delphi2 -> Fill(fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2))); //Looking at the Higgs rest frame TVector3 boost_rH = -rec_H.BoostVector(); //NOTE the minus sign! WHY - sign??? TVector3 boost_rZ1 = -Z1.BoostVector(); TVector3 boost_rZ2 = -Z2.BoostVector(); Higgs_rest = rec_H; Z1_rH = Z1; Z2_rH = Z2; lep_p1_rH = lep_plus1; // lep_m1_rH = lep_min1; lep_p2_rH = lep_plus2; lep_m2_rH = lep_min2; lep_p1_rZ1 = lep_plus1; lep_m2_rZ2 = lep_min2; lep_p2_rZ2 = lep_plus2; lep_m1_rZ1 = lep_min1; //Boosting vectors to the Higgs rest frame Higgs_rest.Boost(boost_rH); Z1_rH.Boost(boost_rH); Z2_rH.Boost(boost_rH); lep_p1_rH.Boost(boost_rH); lep_m1_rH.Boost(boost_rH); lep_p2_rH.Boost(boost_rH); lep_m2_rH.Boost(boost_rH); //Boosting leptons to Z rest frames lep_p1_rZ1.Boost(boost_rZ1); lep_m1_rZ1.Boost(boost_rZ1); lep_p2_rZ2.Boost(boost_rZ2); lep_m2_rZ2.Boost(boost_rZ2); //Setting 3Vectors in Higgs rest frame Z3_1_rH = Z1_rH.Vect(); Z3_2_rH = Z2_rH.Vect(); lep3_plus1_rH = lep_p1_rH.Vect(); lep3_min1_rH = lep_m1_rH.Vect(); lep3_plus2_rH = lep_p2_rH.Vect(); lep3_min2_rH = lep_m2_rH.Vect(); TVector3 Z3_1plane_rH = lep3_plus1_rH.Cross(lep3_min1_rH); //wrong? TVector3 Z3_2plane_rH = lep3_plus2_rH.Cross(lep3_min2_rH); //Setting 3Vectors in Z1/Z2 rest frame lep3_plus1_rZ1 = lep_p1_rZ1.Vect(); lep3_plus2_rZ2 = lep_p2_rZ2.Vect(); lep3_min1_rZ1 = lep_m1_rZ1.Vect(); lep3_min2_rZ2 = lep_m2_rZ2.Vect(); //Filling up histogram for the phi angle distribution //pairnoume ta monadiaia dianysmata twn kathetwn pediwn, prwta ypologizoume to metro tous, meta eswteriko ginomeno, meta tokso tou costheta tous double metro1 = sqrt((pow(Z3_1plane_rH.X(),2))+(pow(Z3_1plane_rH.Y(),2))+(pow(Z3_1plane_rH.Z(),2))); double metro2 = sqrt((pow(Z3_2plane_rH.X(),2))+(pow(Z3_2plane_rH.Y(),2))+(pow(Z3_2plane_rH.Z(),2))); TVector3 Z3_1plane_rH_un = Z3_1plane_rH.Unit(); TVector3 Z3_2plane_rH_un = Z3_2plane_rH.Unit(); TVector3 drtPlane = Z3_1plane_rH_un.Cross(Z3_2plane_rH_un); double phi = acos(-Z3_1plane_rH_un.Dot(Z3_2plane_rH_un))*(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata))/fabs(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata)); h_angle_rH_phi -> Fill( phi ); tPhi = phi; //****Phi one angle , same procedure as before. Now the plane is the first Z boson vector with beam axis, so they form a plane, phi1 is angle between this plane and the Z1 plane (apo to decay twn 2 leptoniwn) TVector3 niScatter_un = (beamAxis.Cross(Z3_1_rH)).Unit(); TVector3 drtPlane2 = Z3_1plane_rH_un.Cross(niScatter_un); double phiOne = acos(Z3_1plane_rH_un.Dot(niScatter_un))*(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata2))/fabs(Z3_1_rH.Dot(skata2)); h_angle_rH_phiOne -> Fill( phiOne ); tPhi1 = phiOne; //Filling up histogram for theta* angle: Z1/Z2 with Higgs boost vector h_angle_rH_thetaZ2 -> Fill(Z3_2_rH.CosTheta()); double cosThetaStar = Z3_1_rH.CosTheta(); h_angle_rH_thetaZ1 -> Fill(cosThetaStar); tcosthetaStar = cosThetaStar; // boosting the z to the other z frame TLorentzVector Z_1_rZ2 = Z1; Z_1_rZ2.Boost(boost_rZ2); TVector3 Z3_1_rZ2 = Z_1_rZ2.Vect(); TLorentzVector Z_2_rZ1 = Z2; Z_2_rZ1.Boost(boost_rZ1); TVector3 Z3_2_rZ1 = Z_2_rZ1.Vect(); double cosTheta1 = cos(lep3_min1_rZ1.Angle(-Z3_2_rZ1)); double cosTheta2 = cos(lep3_min2_rZ2.Angle(-Z3_1_rZ2)); h_angle_rZ1_lp1Z1 -> Fill(cos(lep3_plus1_rZ1.Angle(-Z3_2_rZ1))); h_angle_rZ1_lm1Z1 -> Fill(cosTheta1); // theta1 h_angle_rZ2_lp2Z2 -> Fill(cos(lep3_plus2_rZ2.Angle(-Z3_1_rZ2))); h_angle_rZ2_lm2Z2 -> Fill(cosTheta2); // theta2 tcostheta1 = cosTheta1; tcostheta2 = cosTheta2; h_angle_rH_delphi1 -> Fill(fabs(lep_p1_rH.DeltaPhi(lep_m1_rH))); h_angle_rH_delphi2 -> Fill(fabs(lep_p2_rH.DeltaPhi(lep_m2_rH))); h_mZ1mZ2 -> Fill(Z1.M(),Z2.M()); h_mVsPtZ1 -> Fill(Z1.M(),Z1.Pt()); h_delphi1VsPtZ1_lab -> Fill(Z1.Pt(),fabs(lep_min1.DeltaPhi(lep_plus1))); h_delphi2VsPtZ2_lab -> Fill(Z2.Pt(),fabs(lep_min2.DeltaPhi(lep_plus2))); if (eexx ==1){ttype = "eexx";} else if(xxee ==1){ttype = "xxee";} else if(eeee ==1){ttype = "eeee";} else if(xxxx ==1){ttype = "xxxx";} hists->Fill(); histCounter++; hists->Close(); } //end if fill ////////////// fill out the decay type // filling the TTree }//end entries loop (events) //some regular reports cout<<endl; cout<<" good events are "<<goodEventCounter<<endl; cout<<" we see % "<< (double) goodEventCounter/n <<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" histogram fills are "<<histCounter<<endl; // cout<<" we see % "<< (double) goodEventCounter/n <<endl; }//end loop void
void TreeFinalizerC_ZJet::finalize() { TString dataset_tstr(dataset_); gROOT->cd(); std::string outfileName; if( DEBUG_ ) outfileName = "provaZJet_"+dataset_; else { if(dataset_!="") outfileName = "ZJet_"+dataset_; else outfileName = "ZJet"; } outfileName = outfileName; if( nBlocks_ >1 ) { char blockText[100]; sprintf( blockText, "_%d", iBlock_ ); std::string iBlockString(blockText); outfileName = outfileName + iBlockString; } outfileName += ".root"; TFile* outFile = new TFile(outfileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"); outFile->cd(); TTree* tree_passedEvents = new TTree("tree_passedEvents", "Unbinned data for statistical treatment"); TH1D* h1_cutflow_50100 = new TH1D("cutflow_50100", "", 6, 0, 6); h1_cutflow_50100->Sumw2(); TH1F* h1_nvertex = new TH1F("nvertex", "", 21, -0.5, 20.5); h1_nvertex->Sumw2(); TH1F* h1_nvertex_PUW = new TH1F("nvertex_PUW", "", 21, -0.5, 20.5); h1_nvertex_PUW->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_3050 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_3050", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_5080 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_5080", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_80120 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_80120", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_3050 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_antibtag_3050", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_5080 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_antibtag_5080", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_80120 = new TH1D("quarkFraction_antibtag_80120", "", 1, 0., 1.); h1_quarkFraction_antibtag_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptJetReco = new TH1D("ptJetReco", "", 100, 0., 300); h1_ptJetReco->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_pt2ndJetReco = new TH1D("pt2ndJetReco", "", 100, 5., 400); h1_pt2ndJetReco->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_3050 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_3050 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_3050", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_3050 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_3050", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_3050 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_3050 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_antibtag_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_3050 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_antibtag_3050", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_3050 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_3050", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_3050 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_3050 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_3050 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_3050", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_3050->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_5080 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_5080 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_5080", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_5080 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_5080", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_5080 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_5080 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_antibtag_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_5080 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_antibtag_5080", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_5080 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_5080", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_5080 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_5080 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_5080 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_5080", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_5080->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_80120 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_80120 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_80120", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_80120 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_80120", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_80120 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_80120 = new TH1D("ptDJetReco_antibtag_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_ptDJetReco_antibtag_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_80120 = new TH1D("nChargedJetReco_antibtag_80120", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nChargedJetReco_antibtag_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_80120 = new TH1D("nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_80120", "", 51, -0.5, 50.5); h1_nNeutralJetReco_antibtag_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_80120 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_80120 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_gluon_80120->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_80120 = new TH1D("QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_80120", "", 50, 0., 1.0001); h1_QGLikelihoodJetReco_antibtag_quark_80120->Sumw2(); Double_t ptBinning[4]; ptBinning[0] = 30.; ptBinning[1] = 50.; ptBinning[2] = 80.; ptBinning[3] = 120.; TH1D* h1_nEvents_passed = new TH1D("nEvents_passed", "", 3, ptBinning); h1_nEvents_passed->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_nEvents_passed_quark = new TH1D("nEvents_passed_quark", "", 3, ptBinning); h1_nEvents_passed_quark->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_ptZ = new TH1D("ptZ", "", 500, 0., 500.); h1_ptZ->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_mZ = new TH1D("mZ", "", 100, 50., 150.); h1_mZ->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_etaZ = new TH1D("etaZ", "", 15, -1.3, 1.3); h1_etaZ->Sumw2(); TH1D* h1_phiZ = new TH1D("phiZ", "", 15, -3.1416, 3.1416); h1_phiZ->Sumw2(); Int_t run; tree_->SetBranchAddress("run", &run); Int_t LS; tree_->SetBranchAddress("LS", &LS); Int_t event; tree_->SetBranchAddress("event", &event); Int_t nvertex; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nvertex", &nvertex); Float_t eventWeight; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eventWeight", &eventWeight); Float_t eventWeight_genjets; Float_t eMet; Float_t phiMet; tree_->SetBranchAddress("epfMet", &eMet); tree_->SetBranchAddress("phipfMet", &phiMet); Float_t ptHat; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptHat", &ptHat); Int_t nPU; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nPU", &nPU); Int_t PUReWeight; tree_->SetBranchAddress("PUReWeight", &PUReWeight); Float_t rhoPF; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rhoPF", &rhoPF); Float_t rhoJetPF; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rhoJetPF", &rhoJetPF); Float_t eLeptZ1; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eLeptZ1", &eLeptZ1); Float_t ptLeptZ1; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptLeptZ1", &ptLeptZ1); Float_t etaLeptZ1; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaLeptZ1", &etaLeptZ1); Float_t phiLeptZ1; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiLeptZ1", &phiLeptZ1); Float_t eLeptZ2; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eLeptZ2", &eLeptZ2); Float_t ptLeptZ2; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptLeptZ2", &ptLeptZ2); Float_t etaLeptZ2; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaLeptZ2", &etaLeptZ2); Float_t phiLeptZ2; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiLeptZ2", &phiLeptZ2); Bool_t matchedToMC; tree_->SetBranchAddress("matchedToMC", &matchedToMC); Int_t nJets; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nJets", &nJets); Float_t eJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eJet", eJet); Float_t ptJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptJet", ptJet); Float_t etaJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaJet", etaJet); Float_t phiJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiJet", phiJet); Int_t nChargedJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nChargedJet", nChargedJet); Int_t nNeutralJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nNeutralJet", nNeutralJet); Float_t eChargedHadronsJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eChargedHadronsJet", eChargedHadronsJet); Float_t eNeutralHadronsJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eNeutralHadronsJet", eNeutralHadronsJet); Float_t ePhotonsJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ePhotonsJet", ePhotonsJet); Float_t eHFHadronsJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eHFHadronsJet", eHFHadronsJet); Float_t eHFEMJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eHFEMJet", eHFEMJet); Float_t ptDJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptDJet", ptDJet); Float_t rmsCandJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rmsCandJet", rmsCandJet); Float_t betaStarJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("betaStarJet", betaStarJet); Float_t QGLikelihoodJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("QGLikelihoodJet", QGLikelihoodJet); Float_t trackCountingHighEffBJetTagsJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("trackCountingHighEffBJetTagsJet", trackCountingHighEffBJetTagsJet); Float_t combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTagJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTagJet", combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTagJet); Int_t pdgIdPartJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("pdgIdPartJet", pdgIdPartJet); Float_t ptPartJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptPartJet", ptPartJet); Float_t etaPartJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaPartJet", etaPartJet); Float_t phiPartJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiPartJet", phiPartJet); Float_t ptGenJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptGenJet", ptGenJet); Float_t etaGenJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaGenJet", etaGenJet); Float_t phiGenJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiGenJet", phiGenJet); Float_t axis1Jet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("axis1Jet",axis1Jet); Float_t axis2Jet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("axis2Jet",axis2Jet); Float_t pullJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("pullJet",pullJet); Float_t tanaJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("tanaJet",tanaJet); Float_t ptD_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptD_QCJet",ptD_QCJet); Float_t rmsCand_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rmsCand_QCJet",rmsCand_QCJet); Float_t axis1_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("axis1_QCJet",axis1_QCJet); Float_t axis2_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("axis2_QCJet",axis2_QCJet); Float_t pull_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("pull_QCJet",pull_QCJet); Float_t tana_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("tana_QCJet",tana_QCJet); Int_t nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet",nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet); //Float_t nChg_ptCutJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nChg_ptCutJet",nChg_ptCutJet); //Float_t nChg_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nChg_QCJet",nChg_QCJet); //Float_t nChg_ptCut_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nChg_ptCut_QCJet",nChg_ptCut_QCJet); //Float_t nNeutral_ptCutJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nNeutral_ptCutJet",nNeutral_ptCutJet); Float_t RchgJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("RchgJet",RchgJet); Float_t RneutralJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("RneutralJet",RneutralJet); Float_t RJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("RJet",RJet); Float_t Rchg_QCJet[50]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("Rchg_QCJet",Rchg_QCJet); Bool_t secondJetOK; Bool_t btagged; Bool_t matchedToGenJet; Float_t deltaPhi_jet; Float_t eventWeight_noPU; Float_t ptZ, etaZ, mZ; Float_t QGlikelihood, QGlikelihood2012; Float_t ptJet0_t; Float_t etaJet0_t; Int_t nChargedJet0_t; Int_t nNeutralJet0_t; Float_t ptDJet0_t; Float_t ptD_QCJet0_t; Float_t axis1_QCJet0_t; Float_t axis2_QCJet0_t; Int_t nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet0_t; Int_t pdgIdPartJet_t; Float_t betaStarJet0_t; Float_t ptJet1_t; Float_t etaJet1_t; tree_passedEvents->Branch( "run", &run, "run/I" ); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "LS", &LS, "LS/I" ); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nPU", &nPU, "nPU/I" ); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "PUReWeight", &PUReWeight, "PUReWeight/F" ); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "event", &event, "event/I" ); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "eventWeight", &eventWeight, "eventWeight/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "eventWeight_noPU", &eventWeight_noPU, "eventWeight_noPU/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nvertex", &nvertex, "nvertex/I"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "rhoPF", &rhoPF, "rhoPF/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "rhoJetPF", &rhoJetPF, "rhoJetPF/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "secondJetOK", &secondJetOK, "secondJetOK/O"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "btagged", &btagged, "btagged/O"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "mZ", &mZ, "mZ/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "ptZ", &ptZ, "ptZ/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "etaZ", &etaZ, "etaZ/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "ptJet0", &ptJet0_t, "ptJet0_t/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "etaJet0", &etaJet0_t, "etaJet0_t/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "ptJet1", &ptJet1_t, "ptJet1_t/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "etaJet1", &etaJet1_t, "etaJet1_t/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nChargedJet0", &nChargedJet0_t, "nChargedJet0_t/I"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nNeutralJet0", &nNeutralJet0_t, "nNeutralJet0_t/I"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "ptDJet0", &ptDJet0_t, "ptDJet0_t/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "rmsCandJet0", &rmsCandJet0_t, "rmsCandJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "betaStarJet0", &betaStarJet0_t, "betaStarJet[0]/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "QGLikelihoodJet0", &QGlikelihood, "QGlikelihood/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "QGLikelihood2012Jet0", &QGlikelihood2012, "QGlikelihood2012/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "pdgIdPartJet0", &pdgIdPartJet_t, "pdgIdPart_t/I"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "deltaPhi_jet", &deltaPhi_jet, "deltaPhi_jet/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "axis1Jet0" , &axis1Jet[0] , "axis1Jet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "axis2Jet0" , &axis2Jet[0] , "axis2Jet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "pullJet0" , &pullJet[0] , "pullJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "tanaJet0" , &tanaJet[0] , "tanaJet[0]/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "ptD_QCJet0" , &ptD_QCJet0_t , "ptD_QCJet0_t/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "rmsCand_QCJet0" , &rmsCand_QCJet[0] , "rmsCand_QCJet[0]/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "axis1_QCJet0" , &axis1_QCJet0_t , "axis1_QCJet0_t/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "axis2_QCJet0" , &axis2_QCJet0_t , "axis2_QCJet0_t/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "pull_QCJet0" , &pull_QCJet[0] , "pull_QCJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "tana_QCJet0" , &tana_QCJet[0] , "tana_QCJet[0]/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet" , &nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet0_t , "nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet0_t/I"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nChg_ptCutJet0" , &nChg_ptCutJet[0] , "nChg_ptCutJet[0]/I"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nChg_QCJet0" , &nChg_QCJet[0] , "nChg_QCJet[0]/I"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nChg_ptCut_QCJet0" , &nChg_ptCut_QCJet[0] , "nChg_ptCut_QCJet[0]/I"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "nNeutral_ptCutJet0" , &nNeutral_ptCutJet[0] , "nNeutral_ptCutJet[0]/I"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "RchgJet0" , &RchgJet[0] , "RchgJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "RneutralJet0" , &RneutralJet[0] , "RneutralJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "RJet0" , &RJet[0] , "RJet[0]/F"); //tree_passedEvents->Branch( "Rchg_QCJet0" , &Rchg_QCJet[0] , "Rchg_QCJet[0]/F"); tree_passedEvents->Branch( "betaStarJet0" , &betaStarJet0_t , "betaStarJet0_t/F"); QGLikelihoodCalculator* qglikeli = new QGLikelihoodCalculator("/afs/"); TRandom3* rand = new TRandom3(13); int nEntries = tree_->GetEntries(); //nEntries = 100000; std::map< int, std::map<int, std::vector<int> > > run_lumi_ev_map; int blockSize = TMath::Floor( (float)nEntries/nBlocks_ ); int iEventMin = iBlock_*blockSize; int iEventMax = (iBlock_+1)*blockSize; if( iEventMax>nEntries ) iEventMax = nEntries; std::cout << "-> Running on events: " << iEventMin << " - " << iEventMax << std::endl; for(int iEntry=iEventMin; iEntry<iEventMax; ++iEntry) { if( ((iEntry-iEventMin) % 100000)==0 ) std::cout << "Entry: " << (iEntry-iEventMin) << " /" << blockSize << std::endl; tree_->GetEntry(iEntry); if( eventWeight <= 0. ) eventWeight = 1.; int icut = 0; h1_cutflow_50100->Fill( icut++, eventWeight ); h1_nvertex->Fill( nvertex, eventWeight); bool isMC = run<5; if( isMC ) { // PU reweighting: eventWeight_noPU = eventWeight; } else { //it's data: remove duplicate events (if any): std::map<int, std::map<int, std::vector<int> > >::iterator it; it = run_lumi_ev_map.find(run); if( it==run_lumi_ev_map.end() ) { std::vector<int> events; events.push_back(event); std::map<int, std::vector<int> > lumi_ev_map; lumi_ev_map.insert( std::pair<int,std::vector<int> >(LS, events)); run_lumi_ev_map.insert( std::pair<int, std::map<int, std::vector<int> > > (run, lumi_ev_map) ); } else { //run exists, look for LS std::map<int, std::vector<int> >::iterator it_LS; it_LS = it->second.find( LS ); if( it_LS==(it->second.end()) ) { std::vector<int> events; events.push_back(event); it->second.insert( std::pair<int, std::vector<int> > (LS, events) ); } else { //LS exists, look for event std::vector<int>::iterator ev; for( ev=it_LS->second.begin(); ev!=it_LS->second.end(); ++ev ) if( *ev==event ) break; if( ev==it_LS->second.end() ) { it_LS->second.push_back(event); } else { std::cout << "DISCARDING DUPLICATE EVENT!! Run: " << run << " LS: " << LS << " event: " << event << std::endl; continue; } } } } //if is mc h1_nvertex_PUW->Fill( nvertex, eventWeight); TLorentzVector lept1, lept2; lept1.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptLeptZ1, etaLeptZ1, phiLeptZ1, eLeptZ1 ); lept2.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptLeptZ2, etaLeptZ2, phiLeptZ2, eLeptZ2 ); TLorentzVector Z = lept1 + lept2; ptZ = Z.Pt(); mZ = Z.M(); etaZ = Z.Eta(); h1_mZ->Fill( Z.M(), eventWeight ); if( Z.M()<70. || Z.M()>110. ) continue; if( nJets==0 ) continue; if( ptJet[0] < 20. ) continue; // jet id: TLorentzVector jet; jet.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptJet[0], etaJet[0], phiJet[0], eJet[0] ); if( fabs(jet.Eta())<2.4 && nChargedJet[0]==0 ) continue; if( (nNeutralJet[0]+nChargedJet[0])==1 ) continue; if( (ePhotonsJet[0]+eHFEMJet[0])/jet.E()>0.99 ) continue; if( (eNeutralHadronsJet[0])/jet.E()>0.99 ) continue; pdgIdPartJet_t = 0; if( isMC ) { // check if matched to parton/genjet TLorentzVector part; part.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptPartJet[0], etaPartJet[0], phiPartJet[0], ptPartJet[0] ); TLorentzVector genJet; genJet.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptGenJet[0], etaGenJet[0], phiGenJet[0], ptGenJet[0] ); float deltaR_jet_part = jet.DeltaR(part); if( deltaR_jet_part<0.3 ) { pdgIdPartJet_t = pdgIdPartJet[0]; } else { float deltaR_jet_genjet = jet.DeltaR(genJet); if( deltaR_jet_genjet < 0.3 ) { //undefined pdgIdPartJet_t = -999; } else { pdgIdPartJet_t = 0; //PU } } // else (if not matched to parton) } // if is MC //leading jet and Z back2back in transverse plane bool back2back = true; deltaPhi_jet = fabs(delta_phi(Z.Phi(), phiJet[0])); Float_t pi = TMath::Pi(); float deltaPhiThreshold = 1.; if( fabs(deltaPhi_jet) < (pi - deltaPhiThreshold) ) back2back = false; //loose back to back for now // cut away b-jets: //if( trackCountingHighEffBJetTagsJetReco>1.7 ) continue; btagged = combinedSecondaryVertexBJetTagJet[0]>0.244; if( btagged ) continue; if( nJets>1 ) secondJetOK = ( ptJet[1] < secondJetThreshold_*Z.Pt() || ptJet[1] < 10. ); else secondJetOK = true; ptJet0_t = jet.Pt(); etaJet0_t = jet.Eta(); nChargedJet0_t = nChargedJet[0]; nNeutralJet0_t = nNeutralJet[0]; ptDJet0_t = ptDJet[0]; ptD_QCJet0_t = ptD_QCJet[0]; axis1_QCJet0_t = axis1_QCJet[0]; axis2_QCJet0_t = axis2_QCJet[0]; betaStarJet0_t= betaStarJet[0]; nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet0_t = nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet[0]; ptJet1_t = (nJets>0) ? ptJet[1] : 0.; etaJet1_t = (nJets>0) ? etaJet[1] : 10.; QGlikelihood = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( ptJet[0], rhoPF, nChargedJet[0], nNeutralJet[0], ptDJet[0], -1. ); QGlikelihood2012 = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood2012( ptJet[0], etaJet[0], rhoPF, nPFCand_QC_ptCutJet[0], ptD_QCJet[0], axis2_QCJet[0] ); tree_passedEvents->Fill(); } outFile->cd(); tree_passedEvents->Write(); h1_cutflow_50100->Write(); h1_nvertex->Write(); h1_nvertex_PUW->Write(); h1_ptZ->Write(); h1_mZ->Write(); h1_phiZ->Write(); h1_etaZ->Write(); h1_ptJetReco->Write(); h1_pt2ndJetReco->Write(); h1_nEvents_passed_quark->Write(); h1_nEvents_passed->Write(); outFile->Close(); }
void analysisClass::Loop() { //STDOUT("analysisClass::Loop() begins"); if (fChain == 0) return; /*//------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * Get all Pre-cut values! * * * *///----------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decide which plots to save (default is to save everything) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- fillSkim ( !true ) ; fillAllPreviousCuts ( !true ) ; fillAllOtherCuts ( !true ) ; fillAllSameLevelAndLowerLevelCuts( !true ) ; fillAllCuts ( !true ) ; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Electron cut values //----------------------------------------------------------------- double ele_PtCut_STORE = getPreCutValue2("ele_PtCut"); double ele_PtCut_ANA = getPreCutValue1("ele_PtCut"); double eleEta_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleEta_bar"); double eleEta_end_min = getPreCutValue1("eleEta_end"); double eleEta_end_max = getPreCutValue2("eleEta_end"); if ( ele_PtCut_STORE > ele_PtCut_ANA ) { STDOUT("ERROR in Electron cut values: all storage cuts must be looser or equal to analysis cuts."); exit(0) ; } // For WP80 double eleMissingHitsWP = getPreCutValue1("eleMissingHitsWP" ); double eleDistWP = getPreCutValue1("eleDistWP" ); double eleDCotThetaWP = getPreCutValue1("eleDCotThetaWP" ); double eleCombRelIsoWP_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleCombRelIsoWP" ); double eleCombRelIsoWP_end = getPreCutValue2("eleCombRelIsoWP" ); double eleSigmaIetaIetaWP_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleSigmaIetaIetaWP" ); double eleSigmaIetaIetaWP_end = getPreCutValue2("eleSigmaIetaIetaWP" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP" ); double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP" ); double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP" ); double eleUseEcalDrivenWP = getPreCutValue1("eleUseEcalDrivenWP" ); double eleUseHasMatchConvWP = getPreCutValue1("eleUseHasMatchConvWP" ); // For HEEP 3.1 double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep" ); double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep" ); double eleHoEHeep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleHoEHeep" ); double eleHoEHeep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleHoEHeep" ); double eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep" ); double eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep" ); double eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_1_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_2_bar = getPreCutValue2("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_1_end = getPreCutValue3("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_2_end = getPreCutValue4("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_PTthr_end = getPreCutValue2("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_PTthr"); double eleHcalIsoD2Heep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleHcalIsoD2Heep" ); double eleTrkIsoHeep_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleTrkIsoHeep" ); double eleTrkIsoHeep_end = getPreCutValue2("eleTrkIsoHeep" ); double eleMissingHitsHeep = getPreCutValue1("eleMissingHitsHeep" ); double eleUseEcalDrivenHeep = getPreCutValue1("eleUseEcalDrivenHeep" ); // For HEEP 3.2 double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32" ); double eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32" ); double eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32" ); double eleHoEHeep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleHoEHeep32" ); double eleHoEHeep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleHoEHeep32" ); double eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep32" ); double eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep32" ); double eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep32" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_1_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_2_bar = getPreCutValue2("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_1_end = getPreCutValue3("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_2_end = getPreCutValue4("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32" ); double eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_PTthr_end = getPreCutValue2("eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_PTthr"); //double eleHcalIsoD2Heep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleHcalIsoD2Heep32" ); double eleTrkIsoHeep32_bar = getPreCutValue1("eleTrkIsoHeep32" ); double eleTrkIsoHeep32_end = getPreCutValue2("eleTrkIsoHeep32" ); double eleMissingHitsHeep32 = getPreCutValue1("eleMissingHitsHeep32" ); double eleUseEcalDrivenHeep32 = getPreCutValue1("eleUseEcalDrivenHeep32" ); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Vertex cut values //----------------------------------------------------------------- double vertexMinimumNDOF = getPreCutValue1("vertexMinimumNDOF"); double vertexMaxAbsZ = getPreCutValue1("vertexMaxAbsZ"); double vertexMaxd0 = getPreCutValue1("vertexMaxd0"); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Which algorithms to use? //----------------------------------------------------------------- int eleAlgorithm = (int) getPreCutValue1("eleAlgorithm"); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Counters //----------------------------------------------------------------- int N_probe_PassEleOffline = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80 = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOffline_end = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end = 0; int N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end = 0; //Histograms CreateUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", 50, -5, 5); CreateUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", 40, 0, 200); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline_bar", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline_end", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", 50, -5, 5); CreateUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", 40, 0, 200); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", 50, -5, 5); CreateUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", 40, 0, 200); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar", 50, 0, 50); CreateUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end", 50, 0, 50); /*//------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * Start analysis loop! * * * *///----------------------------------------------------------------- Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntries(); //Long64_t nentries = 100000; STDOUT("analysisClass::Loop(): nentries = " << nentries); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { // Begin of loop over events Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if(jentry < 10 || jentry%1000 == 0) STDOUT("analysisClass::Loop(): jentry = " << jentry << "/" << nentries ); //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Do pileup re-weighting, if necessary // --> To be done after the skim, so commented out for now //----------------------------------------------------------------- // double event_weight = getPileupWeight ( PileUpInteractions, isData ) ; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Get trigger information, if necessary //----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( isData ) { getTriggers ( HLTKey, HLTInsideDatasetTriggerNames, HLTInsideDatasetTriggerDecisions, HLTInsideDatasetTriggerPrescales ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Selection: Electrons //----------------------------------------------------------------- vector<int> v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_STORE; vector<int> v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA; vector<int> v_idx_ele_IDISO; //Loop over electrons for(int iele=0; iele<ElectronPt->size(); iele++){ int passEleSel = 0; int isBarrel = 0; int isEndcap = 0; if( fabs( ElectronSCEta->at(iele) ) < eleEta_bar ) isBarrel = 1; if( fabs( ElectronSCEta->at(iele) ) > eleEta_end_min && fabs( ElectronSCEta->at(iele) ) < eleEta_end_max ) isEndcap = 1; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // HEEP ID application 3.1 //----------------------------------------------------------------- if ( eleAlgorithm == 1 ) { if(isBarrel) { if( fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep_bar && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep_bar && ElectronHoE->at(iele) < eleHoEHeep_bar && (ElectronE2x5OverE5x5->at(iele) >eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep_bar || ElectronE1x5OverE5x5->at(iele) > eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep_bar ) && ( ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele) ) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_1_bar + eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_2_bar*ElectronPt->at(iele) && ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) <eleTrkIsoHeep_bar && ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) == 0 && ElectronHasEcalDrivenSeed->at(iele) ) passEleSel = 1; }//end barrel if(isEndcap) { int passEcalHcalIsoCut=0; if(ElectronPt->at(iele) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_PTthr_end && (ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele)) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_1_end) passEcalHcalIsoCut=1; if(ElectronPt->at(iele) > eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_PTthr_end && (ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele)) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_1_end+eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_2_end*(ElectronPt->at(iele)-eleEcalHcalIsoHeep_PTthr_end) ) passEcalHcalIsoCut=1; if(fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep_end && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep_end && ElectronHoE->at(iele) < eleHoEHeep_end && ElectronSigmaIEtaIEta->at(iele) < eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep_end && passEcalHcalIsoCut == 1 && ElectronHcalIsoD2DR03->at(iele) < eleHcalIsoD2Heep_end && ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) < eleTrkIsoHeep_end && ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) == 0 && ElectronHasEcalDrivenSeed->at(iele) ) passEleSel = 1; }//end endcap } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // WP80 ID application //----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( eleAlgorithm == 2 ) { // ecal driven if( eleUseEcalDrivenWP && !ElectronHasEcalDrivenSeed->at(iele) ) continue; // isolation double ElectronCombRelIsoWP_bar = ( ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) + max( 0., ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele) - 1. ) + ElectronHcalIsoDR03FullCone->at(iele) - rhoIso*TMath::Pi()*0.3*0.3 ) / ElectronPt->at(iele) ; double ElectronCombRelIsoWP_end = ( ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) + ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele) + ElectronHcalIsoDR03FullCone->at(iele) - rhoIso*TMath::Pi()*0.3*0.3 ) / ElectronPt->at(iele) ; // conversions int isPhotConv = 0; if(eleUseHasMatchConvWP) { if( ElectronHasMatchedConvPhot->at(iele) ) isPhotConv = 1; } else { if( ElectronDist->at(iele) < eleDistWP && ElectronDCotTheta->at(iele) < eleDCotThetaWP ) isPhotConv = 1; } if(isBarrel) { if( ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) <= eleMissingHitsWP && isPhotConv == 0 && ElectronCombRelIsoWP_bar < eleCombRelIsoWP_bar && ElectronSigmaIEtaIEta->at(iele) < eleSigmaIetaIetaWP_bar && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP_bar && fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP_bar ) passEleSel = 1; }//end barrel if(isEndcap) { if( ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) == eleMissingHitsWP && isPhotConv == 0 && ElectronCombRelIsoWP_end < eleCombRelIsoWP_end && ElectronSigmaIEtaIEta->at(iele) < eleSigmaIetaIetaWP_end && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCWP_end && fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCWP_end ) passEleSel = 1; }//end endcap } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // HEEP ID application 3.2 //----------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( eleAlgorithm == 3 ) { if(isBarrel) { if( fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32_bar && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32_bar && ElectronHoE->at(iele) < eleHoEHeep32_bar && (ElectronE2x5OverE5x5->at(iele) >eleE2x5OverE5x5Heep32_bar || ElectronE1x5OverE5x5->at(iele) > eleE1x5OverE5x5Heep32_bar ) && ( ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele) ) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_1_bar + eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_2_bar*ElectronPt->at(iele) && ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) <eleTrkIsoHeep32_bar && ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) == 0 && ElectronHasEcalDrivenSeed->at(iele) ) passEleSel = 1; }//end barrel if(isEndcap) { int passEcalHcalIsoCut=0; if(ElectronPt->at(iele) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_PTthr_end && (ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele)) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_1_end) passEcalHcalIsoCut=1; if(ElectronPt->at(iele) > eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_PTthr_end && (ElectronEcalIsoDR03->at(iele)+ElectronHcalIsoD1DR03->at(iele)) < eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_1_end+eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_2_end*(ElectronPt->at(iele)-eleEcalHcalIsoHeep32_PTthr_end) ) passEcalHcalIsoCut=1; if(fabs(ElectronDeltaEtaTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaEtaTrkSCHeep32_end && fabs(ElectronDeltaPhiTrkSC->at(iele)) < eleDeltaPhiTrkSCHeep32_end && ElectronHoE->at(iele) < eleHoEHeep32_end && ElectronSigmaIEtaIEta->at(iele) < eleSigmaIetaIetaHeep32_end && passEcalHcalIsoCut == 1 //&& ElectronHcalIsoD2DR03->at(iele) < eleHcalIsoD2Heep32_end && ElectronTrkIsoDR03->at(iele) < eleTrkIsoHeep32_end && ElectronMissingHits->at(iele) == 0 && ElectronHasEcalDrivenSeed->at(iele) ) passEleSel = 1; }//end endcap } if ( passEleSel ) { v_idx_ele_IDISO.push_back ( iele ) ; if ( ElectronPt -> at (iele) >= ele_PtCut_STORE ) v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_STORE.push_back ( iele ) ; if ( ElectronPt -> at (iele) >= ele_PtCut_ANA ) v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA .push_back ( iele ) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Selection: vertices //----------------------------------------------------------------- vector<int> v_idx_vertex_good; // loop over vertices for(int ivertex = 0; ivertex<VertexChi2->size(); ivertex++){ if ( !(VertexIsFake->at(ivertex)) && VertexNDF->at(ivertex) > vertexMinimumNDOF && fabs( VertexZ->at(ivertex) ) <= vertexMaxAbsZ && fabs( VertexRho->at(ivertex) ) <= vertexMaxd0 ) { v_idx_vertex_good.push_back(ivertex); //STDOUT("v_idx_vertex_good.size = "<< v_idx_vertex_good.size() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill your single-object variables with values //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the evaluation of the cuts to false and clear the variable values and filled status resetCuts(); fillVariableWithValue( "PassJSON", passJSON(run, ls, isData) ); // Set the value of the variableNames listed in the cutFile to their current value //event info fillVariableWithValue( "isData" , isData ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "bunch" , bunch ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "event" , event ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "ls" , ls ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "orbit" , orbit ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "run" , run ) ; // nVertex and pile-up fillVariableWithValue( "nVertex", VertexChi2->size() ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "nVertex_good", v_idx_vertex_good.size() ) ; // Trigger (L1 and HLT) if(isData==true) { fillVariableWithValue( "PassBPTX0", isBPTX0 ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassPhysDecl", isPhysDeclared ) ; bool PassHLT = false; if( triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v1") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v2") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v3") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v4") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v5") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v6") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v7") || triggerFired ("HLT_Ele32_CaloIdT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_SC17_v8") ) { PassHLT = true; } fillVariableWithValue( "PassHLT", PassHLT ) ; } else { fillVariableWithValue( "PassBPTX0", true ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassPhysDecl", true ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassHLT", true ) ; } //Event filters at RECO level fillVariableWithValue( "PassBeamScraping", !isBeamScraping ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassPrimaryVertex", isPrimaryVertex ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassHBHENoiseFilter", passHBHENoiseFilter ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassBeamHaloFilterLoose", passBeamHaloFilterLoose ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassBeamHaloFilterTight", passBeamHaloFilterTight ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassTrackingFailure", !isTrackingFailure ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassCaloBoundaryDRFilter", passCaloBoundaryDRFilter ) ; fillVariableWithValue( "PassEcalMaskedCellDRFilter", passEcalMaskedCellDRFilter ) ; // Evaluate cuts (but do not apply them) evaluateCuts(); //Basic Event Selection if( passedCut("PassJSON") && passedCut("run") && passedCut("PassBPTX0") && passedCut("PassBeamScraping") && passedCut("PassPrimaryVertex") && passedCut("PassHBHENoiseFilter") && passedCut("PassBeamHaloFilterTight") && passedCut("PassHLT") ) { //Loop over probes for(int iprobe=0; iprobe<HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTSC17HEDoubleFilterPt->size(); iprobe++) { TLorentzVector probe; probe.SetPtEtaPhiE(HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTSC17HEDoubleFilterPt->at(iprobe), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTSC17HEDoubleFilterEta->at(iprobe), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTSC17HEDoubleFilterPhi->at(iprobe), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTSC17HEDoubleFilterEnergy->at(iprobe) ); int isProbeBarrel = 0; int isProbeEndcap = 0; if( fabs( probe.Eta() ) < eleEta_bar ) isProbeBarrel = 1; if( fabs( probe.Eta() ) > eleEta_end_min && fabs( probe.Eta() ) < eleEta_end_max ) isProbeEndcap = 1; CreateAndFillUserTH1D("Pt_Probe", 200, 0, 200, probe.Pt() ); //Loop over tags for(int itag=0; itag<HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPt->size(); itag++) { TLorentzVector tag; tag.SetPtEtaPhiE(HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPt->at(itag), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterEta->at(itag), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPhi->at(itag), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterEnergy->at(itag) ); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("DR_ProbeVsTag", 100, 0, 10, probe.DeltaR(tag) ); //----------------- //if the tag matches in DR with the probe --> move to the next tag candidate if( probe.DeltaR(tag) < 0.5) continue; //----------------- //Now we should have a good (tag-probe) pair bool IsProbeMatchedWithOfflineEle = false; bool IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerWP80 = false; bool IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerTag = false; bool IsTagMatchedWithOfflineEle = false; //Loop over offline electrons TLorentzVector RecoEleMatchedWithProbe; TLorentzVector RecoEleMatchedWithTag; for(int iele=0; iele<v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA.size(); iele++) { TLorentzVector ele; ele.SetPtEtaPhiE( ElectronPt->at(v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA[iele]), ElectronEta->at(v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA[iele]), ElectronPhi->at(v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA[iele]), ElectronEnergy->at(v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA[iele]) ); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("DR_ProbeVsEle", 100, 0, 10, probe.DeltaR(ele) ); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("DR_TagVsEle", 100, 0, 10, tag.DeltaR(ele) ); if( probe.DeltaR(ele) < 0.2 ) { IsProbeMatchedWithOfflineEle = true; RecoEleMatchedWithProbe = ele; } if( tag.DeltaR(ele) < 0.2 ) { IsTagMatchedWithOfflineEle = true; RecoEleMatchedWithTag = ele; } } //Loop over trigger WP80 electrons for(int iwp80=0; iwp80<HLTEle27WP80TrackIsoFilterPt->size(); iwp80++) { TLorentzVector wp80; wp80.SetPtEtaPhiE(HLTEle27WP80TrackIsoFilterPt->at(iwp80), HLTEle27WP80TrackIsoFilterEta->at(iwp80), HLTEle27WP80TrackIsoFilterPhi->at(iwp80), HLTEle27WP80TrackIsoFilterEnergy->at(iwp80) ); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("DR_ProbeVsWP80", 100, 0, 10, probe.DeltaR(wp80) ); if( probe.DeltaR(wp80) < 0.2 ) IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerWP80 = true; } //Loop over trigger tag for(int itag2=0; itag2<HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPt->size(); itag2++) { TLorentzVector tag2; tag2.SetPtEtaPhiE(HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPt->at(itag2), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterEta->at(itag2), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterPhi->at(itag2), HLTEle32CaloIdTCaloIsoTTrkIdTTrkIsoTEle17TrackIsolFilterEnergy->at(itag2) ); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("DR_ProbeVsTag2", 100, 0, 10, probe.DeltaR(tag2) ); if( probe.DeltaR(tag2) < 0.2 ) IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerTag = true; } TLorentzVector tag_probe_system; tag_probe_system = tag + probe; double mass = tag_probe_system.M(); CreateAndFillUserTH1D("Mass_TagProbeSystem_NoCutOnProbe", 200, 0, 200, mass ); if( IsProbeMatchedWithOfflineEle && IsTagMatchedWithOfflineEle ) { CreateAndFillUserTH1D("Mass_TagProbeSystem_ProbeMatchedOfflineEle", 200, 0, 200, mass ); if( mass > 75 && mass < 95) { CreateAndFillUserTH1D("Mass_TagProbeSystem_ForEfficiencyCalculation", 200, 0, 200, mass ); FillUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Eta() ); FillUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Pt() ); FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); N_probe_PassEleOffline++; if( isProbeBarrel ) { N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline_bar", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } if( isProbeEndcap ) { N_probe_PassEleOffline_end++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOffline_end", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } if(IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerWP80) { FillUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Eta() ); FillUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Pt() ); FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80++; if( isProbeBarrel ) { N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } if( isProbeEndcap ) { N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } } if(IsProbeMatchedWithTriggerTag) { FillUserTH1D("eta_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Eta() ); FillUserTH1D("pt_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", RecoEleMatchedWithProbe.Pt() ); FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag++; if( isProbeBarrel ) { N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } if( isProbeEndcap ) { N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end++; FillUserTH1D("NPV_recoEleMatchProbe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end", getVariableValue("nVertex") ); } } }//mass cut }//IsProbeMatchedWithOfflineEle }//end loop over tag }//end loop over probe // fillVariableWithValue( "PassEcalMaskedCellDRFilter", passEcalMaskedCellDRFilter ) ; //triggerFired ("HLT_Photon30_CaloIdVL_v1") //v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA.size() //CreateAndFillUserTH1D("ElePt_AfterPhoton30", 100, 0, 1000, ElectronPt -> at (v_idx_ele_PtCut_IDISO_ANA[0]) ); }//end Basic Event Selection } // End of loop over events //################################################## /*//------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * * End analysis loop! * * * *///----------------------------------------------------------------- //Printout double eff_WP80 = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline); double eff_Tag = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline); cout << "*** ALL ***" << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOffline: " << N_probe_PassEleOffline << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80 << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag << endl; cout << endl; cout << "eff_WP80: " << eff_WP80 << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_WP80 * (1- eff_WP80) / N_probe_PassEleOffline ) << endl; cout << "eff_Tag: " << eff_Tag << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_Tag * (1- eff_Tag) / N_probe_PassEleOffline ) << endl; cout << endl; double eff_WP80_bar = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar); double eff_Tag_bar = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar); cout << "*** BARREL ***" << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar: " << N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_bar << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_bar << endl; cout << endl; cout << "eff_WP80_bar: " << eff_WP80_bar << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_WP80_bar * (1- eff_WP80_bar) / N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar ) << endl; cout << "eff_Tag_bar: " << eff_Tag_bar << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_Tag_bar * (1- eff_Tag_bar) / N_probe_PassEleOffline_bar ) << endl; cout << endl; double eff_WP80_end = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline_end); double eff_Tag_end = double(N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end)/double(N_probe_PassEleOffline_end); cout << "*** ENDCAP ***" << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOffline_end: " << N_probe_PassEleOffline_end << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndWP80_end << endl; cout << "N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end: " << N_probe_PassEleOfflineAndTag_end << endl; cout << endl; cout << "eff_WP80_end: " << eff_WP80_end << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_WP80_end * (1- eff_WP80_end) / N_probe_PassEleOffline_end ) << endl; cout << "eff_Tag_end: " << eff_Tag_end << " +/- " << sqrt(eff_Tag_end * (1- eff_Tag_end) / N_probe_PassEleOffline_end ) << endl; cout << endl; STDOUT("analysisClass::Loop() ends"); }
int PhotonJet::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topnode) { cout<<"at event number "<<nevents<<endl; //get the nodes from the NodeTree JetMap* truth_jets = findNode::getClass<JetMap>(topnode,"AntiKt_Truth_r04"); JetMap *reco_jets = findNode::getClass<JetMap>(topnode,"AntiKt_Tower_r04"); PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topnode,"G4TruthInfo"); RawClusterContainer *clusters = findNode::getClass<RawClusterContainer>(topnode,"CLUSTER_CEMC"); SvtxTrackMap *trackmap = findNode::getClass<SvtxTrackMap>(topnode,"SvtxTrackMap"); JetEvalStack* _jetevalstack = new JetEvalStack(topnode,"AntiKt_Tower_r04","AntiKt_Truth_r04"); PHG4TruthInfoContainer::Range range = truthinfo->GetPrimaryParticleRange(); if(!truth_jets){ cout<<"no truth jets"<<endl; return 0; } if(!reco_jets){ cout<<"no reco jets"<<endl; return 0; } if(!truthinfo){ cout<<"no truth track info"<<endl; return 0; } if(!clusters){ cout<<"no cluster info"<<endl; return 0; } if(!trackmap){ cout<<"no track map"<<endl; return 0; } if(!_jetevalstack){ cout<<"no good truth jets"<<endl; return 0; } JetRecoEval* recoeval = _jetevalstack->get_reco_eval(); /*********************************************** GET THE TRUTH PARTICLES ************************************************/ for( PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator iter = range.first; iter!=range.second; ++iter){ PHG4Particle *truth = iter->second; truthpx = truth->get_px(); truthpy = truth->get_py(); truthpz = truth->get_pz(); truthp = sqrt(truthpx*truthpx+truthpy*truthpy+truthpz*truthpz); truthenergy = truth->get_e(); TLorentzVector vec; vec.SetPxPyPzE(truthpx,truthpy,truthpz,truthenergy); truthpt = sqrt(truthpx*truthpx+truthpy*truthpy); if(truthpt<0.5) continue; truthphi = vec.Phi(); trutheta = vec.Eta(); truthpid = truth->get_pid(); truth_g4particles->Fill(); } /*********************************************** GET THE EMCAL CLUSTERS ************************************************/ RawClusterContainer::ConstRange begin_end = clusters->getClusters(); RawClusterContainer::ConstIterator clusiter; for(clusiter = begin_end.first; clusiter!=begin_end.second; ++clusiter){ RawCluster *cluster = clusiter->second; clus_energy = cluster->get_energy(); clus_eta = cluster->get_eta(); clus_theta = 2.*TMath::ATan((TMath::Exp(-1.*clus_eta))); clus_pt = clus_energy*TMath::Sin(clus_theta); clus_phi = cluster->get_phi(); if(clus_pt<0.5) continue; TLorentzVector *clus = new TLorentzVector(); clus->SetPtEtaPhiE(clus_pt,clus_eta,clus_phi,clus_energy); float dumarray[4]; clus->GetXYZT(dumarray); clus_x = dumarray[0]; clus_y = dumarray[1]; clus_z = dumarray[2]; clus_t = dumarray[3]; clus_px = clus_pt*TMath::Cos(clus_phi); clus_py = clus_pt*TMath::Sin(clus_phi); clus_pz = sqrt(clus_energy*clus_energy-clus_px*clus_px-clus_py*clus_py); cluster_tree->Fill(); //only interested in high pt photons to be isolated if(clus_pt<mincluspt) continue; if(fabs(clus_eta)>(1.0-isoconeradius)) continue; float energysum = ConeSum(cluster,clusters,trackmap,isoconeradius); bool conecut = energysum > 0.1*clus_energy; if(conecut) continue; isolated_clusters->Fill(); GetRecoHadronsAndJets(cluster, trackmap, reco_jets,recoeval); } /*********************************************** GET THE SVTX TRACKS ************************************************/ SvtxEvalStack *svtxevalstack = new SvtxEvalStack(topnode); svtxevalstack->next_event(topnode); SvtxTrackEval *trackeval = svtxevalstack->get_track_eval(); for(SvtxTrackMap::Iter iter = trackmap->begin(); iter!=trackmap->end(); ++iter){ SvtxTrack *track = iter->second; //get reco info tr_px = track->get_px(); tr_py = track->get_py(); tr_pz = track->get_pz(); tr_p = sqrt(tr_px*tr_px+tr_py*tr_py+tr_pz*tr_pz); tr_pt = sqrt(tr_px*tr_px+tr_py*tr_py); if(tr_pt<0.5) continue; tr_phi = track->get_phi(); tr_eta = track->get_eta(); if(fabs(tr_eta)>1) continue; charge = track->get_charge(); chisq = track->get_chisq(); ndf = track->get_ndf(); dca = track->get_dca(); tr_x = track->get_x(); tr_y = track->get_y(); tr_z = track->get_z(); //get truth info PHG4Particle *truthtrack = trackeval->max_truth_particle_by_nclusters(track); truth_is_primary = truthinfo->is_primary(truthtrack); truthtrackpx = truthtrack->get_px(); truthtrackpy = truthtrack->get_py(); truthtrackpz = truthtrack->get_pz(); truthtrackp = sqrt(truthtrackpx*truthtrackpx+truthtrackpy*truthtrackpy+truthtrackpz*truthtrackpz); truthtracke = truthtrack->get_e(); TLorentzVector *Truthtrack = new TLorentzVector(); Truthtrack->SetPxPyPzE(truthtrackpx,truthtrackpy,truthtrackpz,truthtracke); truthtrackpt = Truthtrack->Pt(); truthtrackphi = Truthtrack->Phi(); truthtracketa = Truthtrack->Eta(); truthtrackpid = truthtrack->get_pid(); tracktree->Fill(); } /*************************************** TRUTH JETS ***************************************/ for(JetMap::Iter iter = truth_jets->begin(); iter!=truth_jets->end(); ++iter){ Jet *jet = iter->second; truthjetpt = jet->get_pt(); if(truthjetpt<10.) continue; truthjeteta = jet->get_eta(); if(fabs(truthjeteta)>2.) continue; truthjetpx = jet->get_px(); truthjetpy = jet->get_py(); truthjetpz = jet->get_pz(); truthjetphi = jet->get_phi(); truthjetmass = jet->get_mass(); truthjetp = jet->get_p(); truthjetenergy = jet->get_e(); truthjettree->Fill(); } /*************************************** RECONSTRUCTED JETS ***************************************/ for(JetMap::Iter iter = reco_jets->begin(); iter!=reco_jets->end(); ++iter){ Jet *jet = iter->second; Jet *truthjet = recoeval->max_truth_jet_by_energy(jet); recojetpt = jet->get_pt(); if(recojetpt<4.) continue; recojeteta = jet->get_eta(); if(fabs(recojeteta)>2.) continue; recojetid = jet->get_id(); recojetpx = jet->get_px(); recojetpy = jet->get_py(); recojetpz = jet->get_pz(); recojetphi = jet->get_phi(); recojetmass = jet->get_mass(); recojetp = jet->get_p(); recojetenergy = jet->get_e(); if(truthjet){ truthjetid = truthjet->get_id(); truthjetp = truthjet->get_p(); truthjetphi = truthjet->get_phi(); truthjeteta = truthjet->get_eta(); truthjetpt = truthjet->get_pt(); truthjetenergy = truthjet->get_e(); truthjetpx = truthjet->get_px(); truthjetpy = truthjet->get_py(); truthjetpz = truthjet->get_pz(); } else{ truthjetid = 0; truthjetp = 0; truthjetphi = 0; truthjeteta = 0; truthjetpt = 0; truthjetenergy = 0; truthjetpx = 0; truthjetpy = 0; truthjetpz = 0; } recojettree->Fill(); } nevents++; tree->Fill(); return 0; }
void Ntp1Analyzer_HWWlvjj::Loop(){ DEBUG_VERBOSE_ = false; if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries; if( DEBUG_ ) nentries = 100000; else nentries = fChain->GetEntries(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; TRandom3 rand; float Cont_inclusive=0., Cont_PV=0., Cont_MU=0., Cont_ELE=0., Cont_VetoMU=0., Cont_VetoELE=0., Cont_JetsELE=0., Cont_JetsMU=0.; Long64_t Jentry; requiredTriggerElectron.push_back("1-164237:HLT_Ele27_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v"); requiredTriggerElectron.push_back("165085-166967:HLT_Ele32_CaloIdVT_CaloIsoT_TrkIdT_TrkIsoT_v"); requiredTriggerElectron.push_back("166968-999999:HLT_Ele52_CaloIdVT_TrkIdT_v"); requiredTriggerMuon.push_back("1-163261:HLT_Mu15_v"); requiredTriggerMuon.push_back("163262-164237:HLT_Mu24_v"); requiredTriggerMuon.push_back("165085-166967:HLT_Mu30_v"); requiredTriggerMuon.push_back("163262-166967:HLT_IsoMu17_v"); requiredTriggerMuon.push_back("167039-999999:HLT_IsoMu20_eta2p1_v"); for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; Jentry=jentry; if( DEBUG_VERBOSE_ ) std::cout << "entry n." << jentry << std::endl; if( (jentry%100000) == 0 ) std::cout << "Event #" << jentry << " of " << nentries << std::endl; //HLT_Mu11_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_Mu11"); //HLT_Ele17_SW_EleId_L1R_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_Ele17_SW_EleId_L1R"); //HLT_DoubleMu3_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_DoubleMu3"); run_ = runNumber; LS_ = lumiBlock; event_ = eventNumber; eventWeight_ = -1.; //default Cont_inclusive++;//Other; if( !isGoodEvent( jentry ) ) continue; //this takes care also of integrated luminosity and trigger if( nPV==0 ) continue; bool goodVertex = (ndofPV[0] >= 4.0 && sqrt(PVxPV[0]*PVxPV[0]+PVyPV[0]*PVyPV[0]) < 2. && fabs(PVzPV[0]) < 24. ); if( !goodVertex ) continue; nvertex_ = nPV; rhoPF_ = rhoFastjet; Cont_PV++; //Other //trigger: // not yet if( !isMC_ ){ reloadTriggerMask(runNumber); bool passedElectronTrigger=true, passedMuonTrigger=true; std::string SingEle("SingleElectron_6july");//WW std::string SingMuo("SingleMu_6july"); int,; if( elect==0 ){ passedElectronTrigger = hasPassedHLT(0); } if( muo==0 ){ passedMuonTrigger = hasPassedHLT(1); } if( elect!=0 && muo!=0 ){ std::cout<<"Trigger doesn't works; dataset wrong"<<std::endl; } if( !passedElectronTrigger && elect==0 ){ continue;} if( !passedMuonTrigger && muo==0 ){ continue;} } ptHat_ = (isMC_) ? genPtHat : ptHat_; //if( isMC_ ) // if( (ptHat_ > ptHatMax_) || (ptHat_ < ptHatMin_) ) continue; bool noLeptons = false; TLorentzVector lept1MC, lept2MC; int wIndexqq=-1; int wIndexll=-1; if( isMC_ ) { // first look for W->qq' std::vector<TLorentzVector> quarksMC; for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc && quarksMC.size()<2; ++iMc ) { // quarks have status 3 if( statusMc[iMc] != 3 ) continue; TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); if( fabs(idMc[iMc])<7 && fabs(idMc[mothMc[iMc]])==24 ) { wIndexqq = mothMc[iMc]; quarksMC.push_back( *thisParticle ); } } // (checked that always 2 quarks are found) if( quarksMC.size()==2 && wIndexqq!=-1 ) { eQuark1_=quarksMC[0].E(); ptQuark1_=quarksMC[0].Pt(); etaQuark1_=quarksMC[0].Eta(); phiQuark1_=quarksMC[0].Phi(); eQuark2_=quarksMC[1].E(); ptQuark2_=quarksMC[1].Pt(); etaQuark2_=quarksMC[1].Eta(); phiQuark2_=quarksMC[1].Phi(); TLorentzVector WqqMC; WqqMC.SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[wIndexqq]*sin(thetaMc[wIndexqq]), etaMc[wIndexqq], phiMc[wIndexqq], energyMc[wIndexqq] ); ptWqqMC_ = WqqMC.Pt(); eWqqMC_ = WqqMC.Energy(); etaWqqMC_ = WqqMC.Eta(); phiWqqMC_ = WqqMC.Phi(); //float deltaRqq = quarksMC[0].DeltaR(quarksMC[1]); // h1_deltaRqq->Fill(deltaRqq); } // now look for W->lv std::vector<TLorentzVector> electronMC; std::vector<TLorentzVector> muonMC; std::vector<TLorentzVector> neutrinoMC; for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc; ++iMc ) { if( statusMc[iMc] != 3 ) continue; TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); if( fabs(idMc[iMc])==11 && fabs(idMc[mothMc[iMc]])==24 ) {electronMC.push_back( *thisParticle ); wIndexll = mothMc[iMc]; } if( fabs(idMc[iMc])==13 && fabs(idMc[mothMc[iMc]])==24 ) {muonMC.push_back( *thisParticle ); wIndexll = mothMc[iMc]; } if( (fabs(idMc[iMc])==12 || fabs(idMc[iMc])==14 ) && fabs(idMc[mothMc[iMc]])==24 ) { neutrinoMC.push_back( *thisParticle ); wIndexll = mothMc[iMc]; }//for comparison with fit delete thisParticle; thisParticle = 0; } if( electronMC.size()==1 && neutrinoMC.size()==1 ) { lept1MC = electronMC[0]; lept2MC = neutrinoMC[0]; if( (fabs(lept1MC.Eta()) < 2.5) && ( fabs(lept1MC.Eta())<1.4442 || fabs(lept1MC.Eta())>1.566) ){ h1_nEvents_vs_ptEle->Fill( lept1MC.Pt() );} h1_nEvents_vs_ptEle->Fill( lept2MC.Pt() ); } else if( muonMC.size()==1 && neutrinoMC.size()==1 ) { lept1MC = muonMC[0]; lept2MC = neutrinoMC[0]; if( fabs(lept1MC.Eta()) < 2.4 ){ h1_nEvents_vs_ptMuon->Fill( lept1MC.Pt() );} h1_nEvents_vs_ptMuon->Fill( lept2MC.Pt() ); } else { //taus noLeptons=true; } if( !noLeptons ) { eLeptMC_=lept1MC.E(); ptLeptMC_=lept1MC.Pt(); etaLeptMC_=lept1MC.Eta(); phiLeptMC_=lept1MC.Phi(); eNeuMC_=lept2MC.E(); ptNeuMC_=lept2MC.Pt(); etaNeuMC_=lept2MC.Eta(); phiNeuMC_=lept2MC.Phi(); } //if is a tau or a not recognized e/mu default values are setted if( noLeptons ) { eLeptMC_=1.; ptLeptMC_=1.; etaLeptMC_=10.; phiLeptMC_=1.; eNeuMC_=1.; ptNeuMC_=1.; etaNeuMC_=10.; phiNeuMC_=1.; } if( !noLeptons ) { TLorentzVector WllMC; WllMC.SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[wIndexll]*sin(thetaMc[wIndexll]), etaMc[wIndexll], phiMc[wIndexll], energyMc[wIndexll] ); ptWllMC_ = WllMC.Pt(); eWllMC_ = WllMC.Energy(); etaWllMC_ = WllMC.Eta(); phiWllMC_ = WllMC.Phi(); } // now look for the higgs: if( wIndexll!=-1 && wIndexqq!=-1 ) { int higgsIndex = mothMc[wIndexll]; if( idMc[higgsIndex] == 25 ) { TLorentzVector HiggsMC; HiggsMC.SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[higgsIndex]*sin(thetaMc[higgsIndex]), etaMc[higgsIndex], phiMc[higgsIndex], energyMc[higgsIndex] ); eHiggsMC_ = HiggsMC.Energy(); ptHiggsMC_ = HiggsMC.Pt(); etaHiggsMC_ = HiggsMC.Eta(); phiHiggsMC_ = HiggsMC.Phi(); } // if higgs } //if found two W's } //if isMC // ----------------------------- // FROM NOW ON RECO // ----------------------------- energyPFMet_ = energyPFMet[0]; phiPFMet_ = phiPFMet[0]; pxPFMet_ = pxPFMet[0]; pyPFMet_ = pyPFMet[0]; // ----------------------------- //### uncorrEnergyJet (to use in Neutrino's fit if you don't have SumEt) // ----------------------------- for( int i=0;i<nAK5Jet;i++ ){ uncorrEnergyAK5Jet_ += uncorrEnergyAK5Jet[i]; } // ----------------------------- //### SumEt // ----------------------------- SumEt_ = sumEtPFMet[0]; // ------------------ // MUON // ------------------ std::vector<AnalysisMuon> muon; bool looseMuon=false; for( unsigned int iMuon=0; iMuon<nMuon; ++iMuon ) { AnalysisMuon thisMuon( pxMuon[iMuon], pyMuon[iMuon], pzMuon[iMuon], energyMuon[iMuon] ); // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisMuon.Pt() < 10. ) continue; if( fabs(thisMuon.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue; //2.4 OtherMine thisMuon.isGlobalMuonPromptTight = (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>8)&1; thisMuon.isAllTrackerMuon = (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>11)&1; // // -------------- // // ID: // // -------------- // if( !( (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>8)&1 ) ) continue; //GlobalMuonPromptTight // if( !( (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>11)&1 ) ) continue; //AllTrackerMuon //if( numberOfValidPixelBarrelHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]==0 && numberOfValidPixelEndcapHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]==0 ) continue; thisMuon.pixelHits = numberOfValidPixelBarrelHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]+numberOfValidPixelEndcapHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]; thisMuon.trackerHits = trackValidHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]; thisMuon.nMatchedStations = numberOfMatchesMuon[iMuon]; // This branch not exists yet in WW500 // to compute dxy, look for leading primary vertex: int hardestPV = -1; float sumPtMax = 0.0; for(int v=0; v<nPV; v++) { if(SumPtPV[v] > sumPtMax) { sumPtMax = SumPtPV[v]; hardestPV = v; } } float dxy; if( hardestPV==-1 ) { dxy = 0.; } else { dxy = fabs(this->trackDxyPV(PVxPV[hardestPV], PVyPV[hardestPV], PVzPV[hardestPV], trackVxTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], trackVyTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], trackVzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pxTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pyTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]])); } float dz = fabs(trackVzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]-PVzPV[hardestPV]); thisMuon.dxy = dxy; = dz; thisMuon.sumPt03 = sumPt03Muon[iMuon]; thisMuon.emEt03 = emEt03Muon[iMuon]; thisMuon.hadEt03 = hadEt03Muon[iMuon]; if( !thisMuon.passedVBTF() ) continue; // -------------- // isolation: // -------------- // (this is sum pt tracks) //if( sumPt03Muon[iMuon] >= 3. ) continue; // combined isolation < 15%: //if( (sumPt03Muon[iMuon] + emEt03Muon[iMuon] + hadEt03Muon[iMuon]) >= 0.15*thisMuon.Pt() ) continue; // looking at loose muon looseMuon=true; if( thisMuon.Pt()<20. ) continue; // for now simple selection, will have to optimize this (T&P?) chargeLept_=chargeMuon[iMuon]; muon.push_back( thisMuon ); looseMuon=false; } //for muon // ------------------ // ELECTRON // ------------------ std::vector<AnalysisElectron> electron; bool looseEle = false; //Other for( unsigned int iEle=0; iEle<nEle ; ++iEle ) { AnalysisElectron thisEle( pxEle[iEle], pyEle[iEle], pzEle[iEle], energyEle[iEle] ); // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisEle.Pt() < 15. ) continue; if( (fabs(thisEle.Eta()) > 2.5) || ( fabs(thisEle.Eta())>1.4442 && fabs(thisEle.Eta())<1.566) ) continue; // isolation thisEle.dr03TkSumPt = dr03TkSumPtEle[iEle]; thisEle.dr03EcalRecHitSumEt = dr03EcalRecHitSumEtEle[iEle]; thisEle.dr03HcalTowerSumEt = dr03HcalTowerSumEtEle[iEle]; // electron ID thisEle.sigmaIetaIeta = (superClusterIndexEle[iEle]>=0) ? covIEtaIEtaSC[superClusterIndexEle[iEle]] : covIEtaIEtaSC[PFsuperClusterIndexEle[iEle]]; thisEle.deltaPhiAtVtx = deltaPhiAtVtxEle[iEle]; thisEle.deltaEtaAtVtx = deltaEtaAtVtxEle[iEle]; thisEle.hOverE = hOverEEle[iEle]; // conversion rejection thisEle.expInnerLayersGsfTrack = expInnerLayersGsfTrack[gsfTrackIndexEle[iEle]]; thisEle.convDist = convDistEle[iEle]; thisEle.convDcot = convDcotEle[iEle]; bool passed_VBTF95 = thisEle.passedVBTF95(); bool passed_VBTF80 = thisEle.passedTrigger80();//thisEle.passedVBTF80(); if( !passed_VBTF80 && passed_VBTF95 ) looseEle=true; //Other if( !passed_VBTF80 ) continue; if( thisEle.Pt() < 20. ) continue; // if is not a loose ele I require a higher Pt // check that not matched to muon (clean electron faked by muon MIP): bool matchedtomuon=false; for( std::vector<AnalysisMuon>::iterator iMu=muon.begin(); iMu!=muon.end(); ++iMu ) if( iMu->DeltaR(thisEle)<0.1 ) matchedtomuon=true; if( matchedtomuon ) continue; // for now simple selection, will have to optimize this (T&P?) // one electron required to pass VBTF80, the other VBTF95 chargeLept_=chargeEle[iEle]; electron.push_back( thisEle ); } //for electron // FILL LEPTONS // Fill Efficiency for Others bool findJetELE=false; bool findJetMU=false; if( electron.size() >= 1 ) { Cont_ELE++; if( electron.size() == 1 && muon.size()==0 && !looseEle && !looseMuon ) { Cont_VetoELE++; findJetELE=true; } } if( muon.size() >= 1 ) { Cont_MU++; if( muon.size() == 1 && electron.size()==0 && !looseEle && !looseMuon ) { Cont_VetoMU++; findJetMU=true; } } // Fill lepton if( electron.size() > 1 || muon.size() > 1 ) continue; if( electron.size() < 1 && muon.size() < 1 ) continue; // // clean electron faked by muon MIP in ECAL // for( std::vector<TLorentzVector>::iterator iEle=electron.begin(); iEle!=electron.end(); ++iEle ) { // for( std::vector<TLorentzVector>::iterator iMu=muon.begin(); iMu!=muon.end(); ++iMu ) { // if( iMu->DeltaR(*iEle)<0.1 ) { // std::cout << "lll" << std::endl; // electron.erase(iEle); // } // } //for ele // } //for mu // if( electron.size() < 2 && muon.size() < 1 ) continue; std::vector< AnalysisLepton > leptons; if( electron.size() == 1 && muon.size() == 1 ) continue; if( electron.size() == 1 && (looseEle || looseMuon) ) continue; if( muon.size() == 1 && (looseEle || looseMuon) ) continue; if( electron.size() == 1 && (!looseEle || !looseMuon) ) { //Other leptType_ = 1; leptons.push_back( electron[0] ); } else if( muon.size() == 1 && (!looseEle || !looseMuon) ) { leptType_ = 0; leptons.push_back( muon[0] ); } else { std::cout << "There must be an error this is not possible." << std::endl; exit(9101); } eLept_ = leptons[0].Energy(); ptLept_ = leptons[0].Pt(); etaLept_ = leptons[0].Eta(); phiLept_ = leptons[0].Phi(); //chargeLept_ filled before // -------------------- // match leptons to MC: // -------------------- int correctIdMc = (leptType_==0 ) ? 13 : 11; float deltaRmin = 100.; TLorentzVector matchedLeptonMC; for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc; ++iMc ){ if( statusMc[iMc]==1 && fabs(idMc[iMc])==correctIdMc && idMc[mothMc[mothMc[iMc]]]==24 ) { TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); float thisDeltaR = leptons[0].DeltaR( *thisParticle ); if( thisDeltaR < deltaRmin ) { deltaRmin = thisDeltaR; matchedLeptonMC = *thisParticle; } delete thisParticle; thisParticle = 0; } //if correct id mc } // for i mc if( !noLeptons ) { if( leptType_==0 ) { h1_deltaRmatching_muons->Fill( deltaRmin ); if( deltaRmin<0.1 ) { h1_passed_vs_ptMuon->Fill( matchedLeptonMC.Pt() ); } } else if( leptType_==1 ) { h1_deltaRmatching_electrons->Fill( deltaRmin ); if( deltaRmin<0.1 ) { h1_passed_vs_ptEle->Fill( matchedLeptonMC.Pt() ); } } //if lept type } //if yes leptons // ------------------ // JETS // ------------------ float jetPt_thresh = 20.; bool matched=false; // first save leading jets in event: std::vector<AnalysisJet> leadJets; std::vector<int> leadJetsIndex; //index in the event collection (needed afterwards for PFCandidates) int nJets30=0; //QGLikelihoodCalculator qglc; for( unsigned int iJet=0; iJet<nAK5PFPUcorrJet; ++iJet ) { AnalysisJet thisJet( pxAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], pyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], pzAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], energyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] ); thisJet.eChargedHadrons = chargedHadronEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.ePhotons = photonEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.eNeutralEm = neutralEmEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.eNeutralHadrons = neutralHadronEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.eElectrons = electronEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.eMuons = muonEnergyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChargedHadrons = chargedHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nPhotons = photonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutralHadrons = neutralHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nElectrons = electronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nMuons = muonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nCharged = chargedHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]+electronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]+muonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutral = neutralHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]+photonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.rmsCand = rmsCandAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.ptD = ptDAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.trackCountingHighEffBJetTag = trackCountingHighEffBJetTagsAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; if( thisJet.Pt()>jetPt_thresh ) nJets30++; // save at least 3 lead jets (if event has them) and all jets with pt>thresh: if( leadJets.size()>=3 && thisJet.Pt()<jetPt_thresh ) break; // far away from leptons: if( leptType_==0){ if(thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[0] ) < 0.5 ) continue;} if( leptType_==1){ if(thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[0] ) < 0.5 ) continue;} // jet ID: int multiplicity = thisJet.nCharged + thisJet.nNeutral + HFEMMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + HFHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; if( multiplicity < 2 ) continue; if( fabs(thisJet.Eta())<2.4 && thisJet.nChargedHadrons == 0 ) continue; if( thisJet.eNeutralHadrons >= 0.99*thisJet.Energy() ) continue; if( thisJet.ePhotons >= 0.99*thisJet.Energy() ) continue; // match to genjet: float bestDeltaR=999.; TLorentzVector matchedGenJet; bool matched=false; for( unsigned iGenJet=0; iGenJet<nAK5GenJet; ++iGenJet ) { TLorentzVector thisGenJet(pxAK5GenJet[iGenJet], pyAK5GenJet[iGenJet], pzAK5GenJet[iGenJet], energyAK5GenJet[iGenJet]); if( thisGenJet.DeltaR(thisJet) < bestDeltaR ) { bestDeltaR=thisGenJet.DeltaR(thisJet); matchedGenJet=thisGenJet; matched==true; } } if(matched){ thisJet.ptGen = (isMC_) ? matchedGenJet.Pt() : 0.; thisJet.etaGen = (isMC_) ? matchedGenJet.Eta() : 20.; thisJet.phiGen = (isMC_) ? matchedGenJet.Phi() : 0.; thisJet.eGen = (isMC_) ? matchedGenJet.Energy() : 0.;} else{ thisJet.ptGen = 0.; thisJet.etaGen = 20.; thisJet.phiGen = 0.; thisJet.eGen = 0.;} // match to parton: float bestDeltaR_part=999.; TLorentzVector matchedPart; int pdgIdPart=0; for( unsigned iPart=0; iPart<nMc; ++iPart ) { if( statusMc[iPart]!=3 ) continue; //partons if( idMc[iPart]!=21 && abs(idMc[iPart])>6 ) continue; //quarks or gluons TLorentzVector thisPart; thisPart.SetPtEtaPhiE(pMc[iPart]*sin(thetaMc[iPart]), etaMc[iPart], phiMc[iPart], energyMc[iPart]); if( thisPart.DeltaR(thisJet) < bestDeltaR_part ) { bestDeltaR_part=thisPart.DeltaR(thisJet); matchedPart=thisPart; pdgIdPart=idMc[iPart]; } } leadJets.push_back(thisJet); leadJetsIndex.push_back(iJet); }//iJet h1_nJets30->Fill(nJets30); if( leadJets.size()<2 ) continue; if( leadJets[1].Pt()<jetPt_thresh ) continue; //at least 2 jets over thresh // now look for best invariant mass jet pair float Wmass = 80.399; float bestMass = 0.; int best_i=-1; int best_j=-1; int best_i_eventIndex=-1; int best_j_eventIndex=-1; nPairs_ = 0; nPart_ = 0; for( unsigned iJet=0; iJet<leadJets.size(); ++iJet ) { AnalysisJet thisJet = leadJets[iJet]; // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisJet.Pt() < jetPt_thresh ) continue; if( fabs(thisJet.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue; for( unsigned int jJet=iJet+1; jJet<leadJets.size(); ++jJet ) { AnalysisJet otherJet = leadJets[jJet]; // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( otherJet.Pt() < jetPt_thresh ) continue; if( fabs(otherJet.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue; if( nPairs_>=50 ) { std::cout << "MORE than 50 jet pairs found. SKIPPING!!" << std::endl; } else { eJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].Energy(); ptJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].Pt(); etaJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].Eta(); phiJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].Phi(); eChargedHadronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eChargedHadrons; ePhotonsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].ePhotons; eNeutralEmJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eNeutralEm; eNeutralHadronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eNeutralHadrons; eElectronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eElectrons; eMuonsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eMuons; nChargedHadronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nChargedHadrons; nPhotonsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nPhotons; nNeutralHadronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nNeutralHadrons; nElectronsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nElectrons; nMuonsJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nMuons; trackCountingHighEffBJetTagJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].trackCountingHighEffBJetTag; trackCountingHighEffBJetTagJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].trackCountingHighEffBJetTag; ptDJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].ptD; rmsCandJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].rmsCand; nChargedJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nCharged; nNeutralJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].nNeutral; QGlikelihoodJet1_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].QGlikelihood; eJet1Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].eGen; ptJet1Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].ptGen; etaJet1Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].etaGen; phiJet1Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[iJet].phiGen; eJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].Energy(); ptJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].Pt(); etaJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].Eta(); phiJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].Phi(); eChargedHadronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eChargedHadrons; ePhotonsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].ePhotons; eNeutralEmJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eNeutralEm; eNeutralHadronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eNeutralHadrons; eElectronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eElectrons; eMuonsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eMuons; nChargedHadronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nChargedHadrons; nPhotonsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nPhotons; nNeutralHadronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nNeutralHadrons; nElectronsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nElectrons; nMuonsJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nMuons; ptDJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].ptD; rmsCandJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].rmsCand; nChargedJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nCharged; nNeutralJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].nNeutral; QGlikelihoodJet2_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].QGlikelihood; eJet2Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].eGen; ptJet2Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].ptGen; etaJet2Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].etaGen; phiJet2Gen_[nPairs_] = leadJets[jJet].phiGen; nPairs_++; } } //for j } //for i if( findJetELE && nPairs_>=1 ) {Cont_JetsELE++;} //Other if( findJetMU && nPairs_>=1 ) {Cont_JetsMU++;} //Other if( isMC_ ) { // store event partons in tree: for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc; ++iMc ) { //if( statusMc[iMc]==3 && (fabs(idMc[iMc])<=6 || idMc[iMc]==21) ) { if( statusMc[iMc]==3 && pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc])>0.1 ) { TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); if( nPart_<20 ) { ptPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Pt(); etaPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Eta(); phiPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Phi(); ePart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Energy(); pdgIdPart_[nPart_] = idMc[iMc]; motherPart_[nPart_] = idMc[mothMc[iMc]]; nPart_++; } else { std::cout << "Found more than 20 partons, skipping." << std::endl; } delete thisParticle; thisParticle = 0; } //if correct id mc } // for i mc } // if is mc reducedTree_->Fill(); } //for entries // Other float proportion = 2061760. /*109989.*/ /Cont_inclusive; if( Jentry == (nentries-1) ){ // std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << "Inclusive: " << Cont_inclusive*proportion << " PV: " << Cont_PV*proportion << " MU: " << Cont_MU*proportion << " ELE: " << Cont_ELE*proportion << " VetoMU: " << Cont_VetoMU*proportion //<< " VetoELE: " << Cont_VetoELE*proportion << " JetsELE: " << Cont_JetsELE*proportion << " JetsMU: " << Cont_JetsMU*proportion << std::endl; h1_Cont_inclusive->SetBinContent(1,Cont_inclusive*proportion); h1_Cont_PV->SetBinContent(1,Cont_PV*proportion); h1_Cont_TightMu->SetBinContent(1,Cont_MU*proportion); h1_Cont_TightEle->SetBinContent(1,Cont_ELE*proportion); h1_Cont_VetoMU->SetBinContent(1,Cont_VetoMU*proportion); h1_Cont_VetoELE->SetBinContent(1,Cont_VetoELE*proportion); h1_Cont_JetsELE->SetBinContent(1,Cont_JetsELE*proportion); h1_Cont_JetsMU->SetBinContent(1,Cont_JetsMU*proportion); } } //loop
Bool_t Analysis::Process(Long64_t entry) { jpt ->clear(); jeta ->clear(); jphi ->clear(); jmass->clear(); jconst->clear(); toppt->clear(); jhasb->clear(); jhasq->clear(); if (entry%1==0) cout << "\r Events " << entry << "\r" << flush; this->GetEntry(entry); double rho = 2*173.5; double min_r = 0.4; double max_r = 1.5; double ptmin = 200.; // fill jets //----------------------------------------------- vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> pseudojets; pseudojets.clear(); for (int ijet=0;ijet<jets_n;++ijet){ if(jets_isBad->at(ijet)!=0) return kFALSE; if(jets_pt->at(ijet)<20.) continue; if(fabs(jets_eta->at(ijet))>2.8) continue; TLorentzVector tvit = TLorentzVector(); tvit.SetPtEtaPhiE(jets_pt->at(ijet), jets_eta->at(ijet), jets_phi->at(ijet), jets_e->at(ijet)); pseudojets.push_back( fastjet::PseudoJet(tvit.Px(), tvit.Py(), tvit.Pz(), tvit.E()) ); } // fill truth //---------------------------------------------- vector<int> tops; vector<int> Wq1s; vector<int> Wq2s; vector<int> bs; for (int imc=0;imc<mc_n;++imc) if (fabs(mc_pdgId->at(imc))==6){ int windex = mc_children_index->at(imc)[0]; int bindex = mc_children_index->at(imc)[1]; int wq1 = mc_children_index->at(windex)[0]; int wq2 = mc_children_index->at(windex)[1]; if(fabs(mc_pdgId->at(wq1))>5 || fabs(mc_pdgId->at(wq2))>5) continue; tops.push_back( imc ); Wq1s.push_back( wq1 ); Wq2s.push_back( wq2 ); bs.push_back( bindex ); toppt->push_back( mc_pt->at(imc) ); }//endif for (int it=0;it<tops.size();++it){ fastjet::PseudoJet wq1; wq1.reset_PtYPhiM(1e-10,mc_eta->at(Wq1s[it]),mc_phi->at(Wq1s[it])); fastjet::PseudoJet wq2; wq2.reset_PtYPhiM(1e-10,mc_eta->at(Wq2s[it]),mc_phi->at(Wq2s[it])); fastjet::PseudoJet bq; bq.reset_PtYPhiM(1e-10,mc_eta->at(bs[it]),mc_phi->at(bs[it])); wq1.set_user_info(new MyUserInfo(it, false)); wq1.set_user_info(new MyUserInfo(it, false)); bq.set_user_info(new MyUserInfo(it, true)); pseudojets.push_back( wq1 ); pseudojets.push_back( wq2 ); pseudojets.push_back( bq ); }// top loop fastjet::contrib::VariableRPlugin lvjet_pluginAKT(rho, min_r, max_r, fastjet::contrib::VariableRPlugin::AKTLIKE); fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def(&lvjet_pluginAKT); fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seqAKT(pseudojets, jet_def); vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusive_jetsAKT = clust_seqAKT.inclusive_jets(ptmin); for (int ijet=0;ijet<inclusive_jetsAKT.size();++ijet){ fastjet::PseudoJet *jet = &(inclusive_jetsAKT[ijet]); jpt->push_back( jet->pt() ); jeta->push_back( jet->eta() ); jphi->push_back( jet->phi() ); jmass->push_back( jet->m() ); int ntruth=0; vector<int> hasb; vector<int> hasq; for (int iconst=0;iconst<jet->constituents().size();++iconst){ fastjet::PseudoJet *jetconst = &(jet->constituents()[iconst]); if (jetconst->has_user_info<MyUserInfo>()){ ntruth++; int topid = jetconst->user_info<MyUserInfo>().top(); bool isbq = jetconst->user_info<MyUserInfo>().isbq(); if(isbq) hasb.push_back(topid); else hasq.push_back(topid); }//endif is truth }//loop constituents jconst->push_back( jet->constituents().size()-ntruth ); jhasb->push_back( hasb ); jhasq->push_back( hasq ); }// loop reclustered jets outtree->Fill(); return kTRUE; }
void data13TeV() { //TFile f1("/tmp/rchawla/eos/cms/store/group/phys_smp/rchawla/nTuples/analysis_4March/SE_Run2015.root") TFile f1("eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/arun/DYAnalysis_76X_Calibrated/Data/SE_2015.root"); TTree *T1 = (TTree*)f1.Get("ntupler/ElectronTree"); vector<float> *genPostFSR_Pt; vector<float> *genPostFSR_Eta; vector<float> *genPostFSR_Rap; vector<float> *genPostFSR_Phi; vector<float> *genPostFSR_En; vector<int> *passVetoId; vector<int> *passLooseId; vector<int> *passMediumId; vector<int> *passTightId; vector<int> *passHEEPId; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoPt; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoScEta; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoDEta; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoDPhi; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoSigmaEtaEta; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoHOverE; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoDxy; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoDz; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoEInvP; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoPFIso; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoConVeto; vector<int> *isPassMedium_NoMissHits; vector<float> *ptElec; vector<float> *etaElec; vector<float> *rapElec; vector<float> *phiElec; vector<float> *energyElec; vector<float> *etaSC; Int_t tauFlag; Double_t theWeight; Bool_t Ele23_WPLoose; Int_t nPV; vector<double> *pt_Ele23; vector<double> *eta_Ele23; vector<double> *phi_Ele23; genPostFSR_Pt = 0; genPostFSR_Eta = 0; genPostFSR_Rap = 0; genPostFSR_Phi = 0; genPostFSR_En = 0; ptElec = 0; etaElec = 0; rapElec = 0; phiElec = 0; energyElec = 0; etaSC = 0; passVetoId = 0; passLooseId = 0; passMediumId = 0; passTightId = 0; passHEEPId = 0; isPassMedium_NoPt = 0; isPassMedium_NoScEta = 0; isPassMedium_NoDEta = 0; isPassMedium_NoDPhi = 0; isPassMedium_NoSigmaEtaEta = 0; isPassMedium_NoHOverE = 0; isPassMedium_NoDxy = 0; isPassMedium_NoDz = 0; isPassMedium_NoEInvP = 0; isPassMedium_NoPFIso = 0; isPassMedium_NoConVeto = 0; isPassMedium_NoMissHits = 0; pt_Ele23 = 0; eta_Ele23 = 0; phi_Ele23 = 0; T1->SetBranchAddress("genPostFSR_Pt", &genPostFSR_Pt); T1->SetBranchAddress("genPostFSR_Eta", &genPostFSR_Eta); T1->SetBranchAddress("genPostFSR_Rap", &genPostFSR_Rap); T1->SetBranchAddress("genPostFSR_Phi", &genPostFSR_Phi); T1->SetBranchAddress("genPostFSR_En", &genPostFSR_En); T1->SetBranchAddress("ptElec", &ptElec); T1->SetBranchAddress("etaElec", &etaElec); T1->SetBranchAddress("rapElec", &rapElec); T1->SetBranchAddress("phiElec", &phiElec); T1->SetBranchAddress("energyElec", &energyElec); T1->SetBranchAddress("etaSC", &etaSC); T1->SetBranchAddress("passVetoId", &passVetoId); T1->SetBranchAddress("passLooseId", &passLooseId); T1->SetBranchAddress("passMediumId", &passMediumId); T1->SetBranchAddress("passTightId", &passTightId); T1->SetBranchAddress("passHEEPId", &passHEEPId); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoPt", &isPassMedium_NoPt); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoScEta", &isPassMedium_NoScEta); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoDEta", &isPassMedium_NoDEta); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoDPhi", &isPassMedium_NoDPhi); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoSigmaEtaEta", &isPassMedium_NoSigmaEtaEta); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoHOverE", &isPassMedium_NoHOverE); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoDxy", &isPassMedium_NoDxy); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoDz", &isPassMedium_NoDz); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoEInvP", &isPassMedium_NoEInvP); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoPFIso", &isPassMedium_NoPFIso); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoConVeto", &isPassMedium_NoConVeto); T1->SetBranchAddress("isPassMedium_NoMissHits", &isPassMedium_NoMissHits); T1->SetBranchAddress("tauFlag", &tauFlag); T1->SetBranchAddress("theWeight", &theWeight); T1->SetBranchAddress("Ele23_WPLoose", &Ele23_WPLoose); T1->SetBranchAddress("nPV", &nPV); T1->SetBranchAddress("Ele23_WPLoose", &Ele23_WPLoose); T1->SetBranchAddress("pt_Ele23", &pt_Ele23); T1->SetBranchAddress("eta_Ele23", &eta_Ele23); T1->SetBranchAddress("phi_Ele23", &phi_Ele23); TFile *file = new TFile("MediumId_Calibrated/SingleElectron_UnScaleCorr.root", "recreate"); TTree *tree = new TTree("tree"," after preselections tree"); int mediumId, dzMaskId, passId; bool trigMatch_lead, trigMatch_slead; double dR, dR1, dR2; TLorentzVector ele1,ele2,dielectron; TLorentzVector recoElec; // Branch variable declaration double primVtx; double Ele1PT, Ele2PT, Ele1Eta, Ele2Eta, Ele1Phi, Ele2Phi, Ele1Enr, Ele2Enr; double ZMass, ZPT, ZEta, ZRapidity, ZPhi; bool BB, BE, EE; // Branch declaration tree->Branch("primVtx", &primVtx, "primVtx/D"); tree->Branch("Ele1PT", &Ele1PT, "Ele1PT/D"); tree->Branch("Ele2PT", &Ele2PT, "Ele2PT/D"); tree->Branch("Ele1Eta", &Ele1Eta, "Ele1Eta/D"); tree->Branch("Ele2Eta", &Ele2Eta, "Ele2Eta/D"); tree->Branch("Ele1Phi", &Ele1Phi, "Ele1Phi/D"); tree->Branch("Ele2Phi", &Ele2Phi, "Ele2Phi/D"); tree->Branch("Ele1Enr", &Ele1Enr, "Ele1Enr/D"); tree->Branch("Ele2Enr", &Ele2Enr, "Ele2Enr/D"); tree->Branch("ZMass", &ZMass, "ZMass/D"); tree->Branch("ZPT", &ZPT, "ZPT/D"); tree->Branch("ZEta", &ZEta, "ZEta/D"); tree->Branch("ZRapidity", &ZRapidity, "ZRapidity/D"); tree->Branch("ZPhi", &ZPhi, "ZPhi/D"); tree->Branch("BB", &BB, "BB/B"); tree->Branch("BE", &BE, "BE/B"); tree->Branch("EE", &EE, "EE/B"); vector <double> newelePt; vector <double> neweleEta; vector <double> neweleEnr; vector <double> newelePhi;vector <double> newscEta; vector <double> elePt; vector <double> eleEta; vector <double> eleEnr; vector <double> elePhi; vector <double> elescEta; TClonesArray *eleP4 = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector", 1500); int nentries = T1->GetEntries(); //int nentries = 10000; cout<<"entries: "<<nentries<<endl; for (unsigned int jentry=0; jentry < nentries; jentry++) { T1->GetEntry(jentry); if(jentry%1000000 == 0){ cout << "Events Processed : " << jentry << endl; } trigMatch_lead = false; trigMatch_slead = false; dR = 0.; dR1 = 0.; dR2 = 0.; BB=false; BE=false; EE=false; mediumId = 0; dzMaskId = 0; passId =0; newelePt.clear(); neweleEta.clear(); newelePhi.clear(); neweleEnr.clear();newscEta.clear(); elePt.clear(); eleEta.clear(); elePhi.clear(); eleEnr.clear();elescEta.clear(); recoElec.SetPtEtaPhiE(0.,0.,0.,0.); eleP4->Clear(); primVtx = nPV; if(!Ele23_WPLoose) continue; for(int i=0;i<ptElec->size();i++){ recoElec.SetPtEtaPhiE(ptElec->at(i),etaElec->at(i), phiElec->at(i), energyElec->at(i)); new ((*eleP4)[i]) TLorentzVector(recoElec); TLorentzVector* fourmom = (TLorentzVector*) eleP4->At(i); // if(fourmom->Eta() < 1.4442) *fourmom *= 0.9994; // if(fourmom->Eta() > 1.566) *fourmom *= 1.0034; if(fourmom->Eta() < 1.4442) *fourmom *= 1.0; if(fourmom->Eta() > 1.566) *fourmom *= 1.0; // mediumId = passHEEPId->at(i); mediumId = passMediumId->at(i); passId = mediumId; // if (ptElec->at(i) < 500.) { passId = mediumId; } // else { passId = dzMaskId; } if(passId) { if(fabs(etaSC->at(i)) < 2.5 && !(fabs(etaSC->at(i)) > 1.4442 && fabs(etaSC->at(i)) < 1.566)){ newelePt.push_back(fourmom->Pt()); neweleEta.push_back(fourmom->Eta()); neweleEnr.push_back(fourmom->Energy()); newelePhi.push_back(fourmom->Phi()); newscEta.push_back(etaSC->at(i)); } } } // Sorting int index[newelePt.size()]; float pt[newelePt.size()]; for(unsigned int el=0; el<newelePt.size(); el++) { pt[el]; } int size = sizeof(pt)/sizeof(pt[0]); TMath::Sort(size,pt,index,true); if(newelePt.size()==2){ for(unsigned int j = 0; j < pt_Ele23->size(); j++){ double dR1_comp = 1000.; double dR2_comp = 1000.; dR1 = deltaR([0]),[0]), eta_Ele23->at(j), phi_Ele23->at(j)); dR2 = deltaR([1]),[1]), eta_Ele23->at(j), phi_Ele23->at(j)); if(dR1 < 0.1){ if (dR1 < dR1_comp) { dR1_comp = dR1; trigMatch_lead = true; } } // dR1 if(dR2 < 0.1){ if (dR2 < dR2_comp) { dR2_comp = dR2; trigMatch_slead = true; } } // dR2 } // pt_Ele23 if(trigMatch_lead || trigMatch_slead){ if([0]) > 30. &&[1]) > 10.) { ele1.SetPtEtaPhiE([0]),[0]),[0]),[0])); ele2.SetPtEtaPhiE([1]),[1]),[1]),[1])); dielectron=ele1+ele2; Ele1PT =[0]); Ele2PT =[1]); Ele1Eta =[0]); Ele2Eta =[1]); Ele1Phi =[0]); Ele2Phi =[1]); ZMass = dielectron.M(); ZPT = dielectron.Pt(); ZEta = dielectron.Eta(); ZRapidity = dielectron.Rapidity(); ZPhi = dielectron.Phi(); /* if(fabs([0])) < 1.4442 && fabs([1])) < 1.4442) BB = true; if((fabs([0])) < 1.4442 && fabs([1])) > 1.566) || (fabs([0])) > 1.566 && fabs([1])) < 1.4442)) BE =true; if(fabs([0])) > 1.566 && fabs([1])) > 1.566) EE =true; */ if(fabs([0])) < 1.4442 && fabs([1])) < 1.4442) BB = true; if((fabs([0])) < 1.4442 && fabs([1])) > 1.566) || (fabs([0])) > 1.566 && fabs([1])) < 1.4442)) BE =true; if(fabs([0])) > 1.566 && fabs([1])) > 1.566) EE =true; tree->Fill(); } // pt } // trig matching } // size==2 } // event file->Write(); file->Close(); }
void MassPlotterSingleTop::singleTopAnalysis(TList* allCuts, Long64_t nevents ,TString myfileName ){ TopUtilities topUtils ; int lumi = 0; TIter nextcut(allCuts); TObject *objcut; std::vector<TString> alllabels; while( objcut = nextcut() ){ ExtendedCut* thecut = (ExtendedCut*)objcut ; alllabels.push_back( thecut->Name ); } //alllabels.push_back( "NoCut" ); alllabels.push_back( "Trigger" ); //alllabels.push_back( "MuonSelection" ); //alllabels.push_back( "MuonVeto1" ); //alllabels.push_back( "MuonVeto" ); alllabels.push_back( "== 1#mu" ); alllabels.push_back( "== 2-Jets" ); alllabels.push_back( "== 1-bJet" ); alllabels.push_back( "MT >50 GeV" ); //alllabels.push_back( "j'-bVeto" ); alllabels.push_back( "mtop" ); //cout << alllabels.size() << endl; ExtendedObjectProperty cutflowtable("" , "cutflowtable" , "1" , alllabels.size() , 0 , alllabels.size() , "2", {}, &alllabels ); ExtendedObjectProperty cutflowtablew1("" , "cutflowtablew1" , "1" , alllabels.size() , 0 , alllabels.size() , "2", {}, &alllabels ); TString fileName = fOutputDir; if(!fileName.EndsWith("/")) fileName += "/"; Util::MakeOutputDir(fileName); bool printEventIds = false; vector< ofstream* > EventIdFiles; if(printEventIds){ for( int i = 0 ; i < alllabels.size() ; i++ ){ ofstream* filetxt = new ofstream(fileName + "/IPM_" + myfileName + "_step" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(i) + ".txt" ); EventIdFiles.push_back( filetxt ); } } ExtendedObjectProperty nJetsBeforeCut("LeptonVeto" , "nJets" , "1" , 8 , 0 , 8 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nJets20_47("OneBjet" , "nJets20_47" , "1" , 8 , 0 , 8 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nJets20_24("OneBjet" , "nJets20_24" , "1" , 8 , 0 , 8 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nbJets("Jets" , "nbJets" , "1" , 3 , 0 , 3 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty MTBeforeCut("OneBjetNoMT" , "MT" , "1" , 30 , 0 , 300 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nPVBeforeCutsUnCorr("nPVBeforeCutsUnCorr" , "nPVBeforeCutsUnCorr" , "1" , 100 , 0 , 100 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nPVBeforeCuts("nPVBeforeCuts" , "nPVBeforeCuts" , "1" , 100 , 0 , 100 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nPVAfterCutsUnCorr("nPVAfterCutsUnCorr" , "nPVAfterCutsUnCorr" , "1" , 100 , 0 , 100 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nPVAfterCuts("nPVAfterCuts" , "nPVAfterCuts" , "1" , 100 , 0 , 100 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty TopMass("OneBjet" , "TopMass" , "1" , 30 , 100 , 400 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty jprimeEta("OneBjet" , "jPrimeEta" , "1" , 10 , 0 , 5.0 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty jprimeEtaSB("SideBand" , "jPrimeEtaSB" , "1" , 10 , 0 , 5.0 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty jprimePt("OneBjet" , "jPrimePt" , "1" , 30 , 30 , 330 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty muPtOneB("OneBjet" , "muPt" , "1" , 20 , 20 , 120 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty muCharge("OneBjet" , "muCharge" , "1" , 40 , -2 , 2 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty muEtaOneB("OneBjet" , "muEta" , "1" , 10 , -2.5 , 2.5 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty METOneBSR("OneBjet" , "MET_SR" , "1" , 20 , 0 , 200 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty METOneBSB("OneBjet" , "MET_SB" , "1" , 20 , 0 , 200 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty METOneBAll("OneBjet" , "MET_ALL" , "1" , 20 , 0 , 200 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty bPtOneB("OneBjet" , "bPt" , "1" , 30 , 30 , 330 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty bEtaOneB("OneBjet" , "bEta" , "1" , 10 , 0 , 5.0 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nonbCSV("OneBjet" , "jpCSV" , "1" , 20 , 0 , 1.0 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets1EJ24("1EJ24" , "nLbJets_1EJ24" , "1" , 2 , 0 , 2 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets1EJ24("1EJ24" , "nTbJets_1EJ24" , "1" , 2 , 0 , 2 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets2EJ24("2EJ24" , "nLbJets_2EJ24" , "1" , 3 , 0 , 3 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets2EJ24("2EJ24" , "nTbJets_2EJ24" , "1" , 3 , 0 , 3 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets3EJ24("3EJ24" , "nLbJets_3EJ24" , "1" , 4 , 0 , 4 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets3EJ24("3EJ24" , "nTbJets_3EJ24" , "1" , 4 , 0 , 4 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets4EJ24("4EJ24" , "nLbJets_4EJ24" , "1" , 5 , 0 , 5 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets4EJ24("4EJ24" , "nTbJets_4EJ24" , "1" , 5 , 0 , 5 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets1EJ47("1EJ47" , "nLbJets_1EJ47" , "1" , 2 , 0 , 2 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets1EJ47("1EJ47" , "nTbJets_1EJ47" , "1" , 2 , 0 , 2 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets2EJ47("2EJ47" , "nLbJets_2EJ47" , "1" , 3 , 0 , 3 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets2EJ47("2EJ47" , "nTbJets_2EJ47" , "1" , 3 , 0 , 3 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets3EJ47("3EJ47" , "nLbJets_3EJ47" , "1" , 4 , 0 , 4 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets3EJ47("3EJ47" , "nTbJets_3EJ47" , "1" , 4 , 0 , 4 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nLbjets4EJ47("4EJ47" , "nLbJets_4EJ47" , "1" , 5 , 0 , 5 , "2", {}); ExtendedObjectProperty nTbjets4EJ47("4EJ47" , "nTbJets_4EJ47" , "1" , 5 , 0 , 5 , "2", {}); TH1* hTopMass = new TH1D("hTopMass" , "Top Mass" , 500 , 0 , 500 ); TH1* hTopMassEtaJ = new TH2D( "hTopMassEtaJ" , "Top Mass" , 500 , 0 , 500 , 20 , 0 , 5.0 ); TH1* hEtajPDFScales[102]; double ScalesPDF[102]; double CurrentPDFWeights[102]; for(int i=0 ; i < 102 ; i++){ TString s(to_string(i)); hEtajPDFScales[i] = new TH1D( TString("hEtaJp_PDF")+s , "" , 10 , 0 , 5.0 ); ScalesPDF[i] = 0 ; CurrentPDFWeights[i] = 0; } TH1* hEtajWScales[9]; double WScalesTotal[9]; double CurrentLHEWeights[9]; for(int i=0; i < 9; i++){ TString s(to_string(i)); hEtajWScales[i] = new TH1D( TString("hEtaJp_")+s , "" , 10 , 0 , 5.0 ); WScalesTotal[i] = 0 ; CurrentLHEWeights[i] = 0; } std::vector<ExtendedObjectProperty*> allProps = {&cutflowtable, &cutflowtablew1 , &nJetsBeforeCut , &nbJets , &MTBeforeCut, &TopMass , &jprimeEta , &jprimeEtaSB , &jprimePt , &muPtOneB, &muCharge, &muEtaOneB , &METOneBSR ,&METOneBSB , &METOneBAll , & bPtOneB , &bEtaOneB , &nonbCSV ,&nJets20_24, &nJets20_47,&nPVAfterCuts, &nPVBeforeCuts , &nPVAfterCutsUnCorr , &nPVBeforeCutsUnCorr}; std::vector<ExtendedObjectProperty*> JbJOptimizationProps = {&nLbjets1EJ24,&nTbjets1EJ24,&nLbjets2EJ24,&nTbjets2EJ24,&nLbjets3EJ24,&nTbjets3EJ24,&nLbjets4EJ24,&nTbjets4EJ24,&nLbjets1EJ47,&nTbjets1EJ47,&nLbjets2EJ47,&nTbjets2EJ47,&nLbjets3EJ47,&nTbjets3EJ47,&nLbjets4EJ47,&nTbjets4EJ47}; nextcut.Reset(); //codes for 2j0t selection TFile *theTreeFile = NULL; if(IsQCD==1) theTreeFile = new TFile( (fileName+ myfileName + "_Trees.root" ).Data(), "RECREATE"); double MT_QCD_Tree , TOPMASS_QCD_Tree , MuIso_QCD_Tree , Weight_QCD_Tree; TTree* theQCD_Tree = NULL; //end of 2j0t for(int ii = 0; ii < fSamples.size(); ii++){ int data = 0; sample Sample = fSamples[ii]; TEventList* list = 0; if(Sample.type == "data"){ data = 1; }else lumi = Sample.lumi; if( theTreeFile ){ TString treename = Sample.sname ; if( data ) treename = "Data"; if( theTreeFile->Get( treename ) ){ theQCD_Tree = (TTree*) (theTreeFile->Get( treename )) ; }else{ theTreeFile->cd(); theQCD_Tree = new TTree( treename , treename + " tree for QCD shape/normalization studies" ); theQCD_Tree->Branch( "MT/D" , &MT_QCD_Tree ); theQCD_Tree->Branch( "TOPMASS/D" , &TOPMASS_QCD_Tree ); theQCD_Tree->Branch( "MuIso/D" , &MuIso_QCD_Tree ); theQCD_Tree->Branch( "Weight/D" , &Weight_QCD_Tree ); } } double Weight = Sample.xsection * Sample.kfact * Sample.lumi / (Sample.nevents*Sample.PU_avg_weight); //Weight = 1.0; if(data == 1) Weight = 1.0; Sample.Print(Weight); SingleTopTree fTree( Sample.tree ); Sample.tree->SetBranchStatus("*", 1); string lastFileName = ""; Long64_t nentries = Sample.tree->GetEntries(); Long64_t maxloop = min(nentries, nevents); int counter = 0; double EventsIsPSeudoData ; int cutPassCounter = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<maxloop;jentry++, counter++) { Sample.tree->GetEntry(jentry); // //cout << fTree.Event_EventNumber << endl; // if( !(fTree.Event_EventNumber == 11112683 || fTree.Event_EventNumber == 11112881 ) ){ // //cout << " " ; // continue; // } // else{ // cutPassCounter ++ ; // cout << cutPassCounter << " : " << fTree.Event_EventNumber << " : " << endl; // } EventsIsPSeudoData = PSeudoDataRandom->Uniform(); if( ((TChain*)Sample.tree)->GetFile()->GetName() ) != 0 ) { for(auto prop : allProps) prop->SetTree( Sample.tree , Sample.type, Sample.sname ); for(auto prop2 : JbJOptimizationProps ) prop2->SetTree( Sample.tree , Sample.type, Sample.sname ); nextcut.Reset(); while( objcut = nextcut() ){ ExtendedCut* thecut = (ExtendedCut*)objcut ; thecut->SetTree( Sample.tree , , Sample.sname , Sample.type , Sample.xsection, Sample.nevents, Sample.kfact , Sample.PU_avg_weight); } lastFileName = ((TChain*)Sample.tree)->GetFile()->GetName() ; cout << "new file : " << lastFileName << endl; } if ( counter == 100000 ){ fprintf(stdout, "\rProcessed events: %6d of %6d ", jentry + 1, nentries); fflush(stdout); counter = 0; } nextcut.Reset(); double weight = Weight; if( !data ){ weight *= fTree.Event_puWeight ; } if( Sample.UseLHEWeight ){ //cout << "SIGNAL" << endl; weight *= fTree.Event_LHEWeightSign ; // if(fTree.Event_LHEWeightSign < 0.0) // cout << fTree.Event_LHEWeightSign << endl; } #ifdef SingleTopTreeLHEWeights_h for( int i = 0 ; i < 102 ; i++ ){ CurrentPDFWeights[i] = fTree.GetPDFWeight(i)/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; ScalesPDF[i] += CurrentPDFWeights[i] ; } if( == "WJets" || == "Signal" ){ if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(0) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight0) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(0) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(1) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight1) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(1) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(2) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight2) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(2) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(3) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight3) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(3) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(4) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight4) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(4) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(5) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight5) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(5) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(6) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight6) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(6) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(7) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight7) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(7) Value" << endl; if(fTree.GetLHEWeight(8) != fTree.Event_LHEWeight8) cout << "Wrong GetLHEWeight(8) Value" << endl; // CurrentLHEWeights[0] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight /fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[1] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight1/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[2] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight2/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[3] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight3/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[4] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight4/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[5] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight5/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[6] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight6/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[7] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight7/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; // CurrentLHEWeights[8] = fTree.Event_LHEWeight8/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; for(int i = 0 ; i<9 ;i++){ CurrentLHEWeights[i] = fTree.GetLHEWeight(i)/fabs(fTree.Event_LHEWeight) ; WScalesTotal[i] += CurrentLHEWeights[i]; } } #endif double cutindex = 0.5; bool pass=true; while( objcut = nextcut() ){ ExtendedCut* thecut = (ExtendedCut*)objcut ; pass &= thecut->Pass(jentry , weight); if(! pass ){ break; }else{ if( isfinite (weight) ){ cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); } else cout << "non-finite weight : " << weight << endl; } cutindex+=1.0; } if(! pass) continue; int cut = 0; //cout << alllabels[ int(cutindex) ] << endl; // cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutindex ++ ; // if( data && !(fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_eta2p1_v2 > 0.5) ) // continue; // if( !data && !(fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_eta2p1_v1 > 0.5) ) // continue; nPVBeforeCutsUnCorr.Fill( fTree.Event_nPV , weight/fTree.Event_puWeight , false , true ); nPVBeforeCuts.Fill( fTree.Event_nPV , weight , false, true); // if( printEventIds ) // (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << fTree.Event_EventNumber << endl; // cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutindex ++ ; if( data && !(fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_v2 > 0.5 || fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_v1 > 0.5 || fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_v3 > 0.5) ) continue; if(!data && !(fTree.Event_passesHLT_IsoMu20_v1 > 0.5) ) continue; if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << fTree.Event_EventNumber << endl; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex ++ ; //cout << "nMuons : " << fTree.muons_size << endl; int tightMuIndex =-1; int nonTightMuIndex = -1; int nLooseMuos = 0; int nTightMuons = 0; int nTightNonIsoMuons = 0; for( int imu=0 ; imu < fTree.muons_size ; imu++ ){ // cout << imu << " : " << fTree.muons_Pt[imu] << "-" << fTree.muons_Eta[imu] << "-" // << fTree.muons_IsTightMuon[imu] << "-" << fTree.muons_Iso04[imu] << endl; bool isTight = false; if( fTree.muons_Pt[imu] > 22.0 && fabs(fTree.muons_Eta[imu]) < 2.1 && fTree.muons_IsTightMuon[imu] > 0.5 ){ if( fTree.muons_Iso04[imu] < 0.06 ){ isTight = true; nTightMuons ++; if( tightMuIndex == -1 ) tightMuIndex = imu; }else if( fTree.muons_Iso04[imu] < 0.15 ){ nTightNonIsoMuons ++; if( nonTightMuIndex == -1 ) nonTightMuIndex = imu; } } if( ! isTight ) if( fTree.muons_Pt[ imu ] > 10.0 && fTree.muons_IsLooseMuon[ imu ] > 0.5 && fabs(fTree.muons_Eta[imu]) < 2.5 && fTree.muons_Iso04[imu] < 0.20 ){ nLooseMuos++; } } if(IsQCD){ nLooseMuos = nTightMuons ; nTightMuons = nTightNonIsoMuons ; tightMuIndex = nonTightMuIndex ; } if( nTightMuons != 1 ) continue; bool isiso = true; if( nLooseMuos > 0 ) continue; #ifdef MUONCHARGEP if(fTree.muons_Charge[tightMuIndex] < 0) continue; #endif #ifdef MUONCHARGEN if(fTree.muons_Charge[tightMuIndex] > 0) continue; #endif // if( printEventIds ) // (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; // cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutindex ++ ; int nLooseElectrons = 0; for( int iele = 0 ; iele < fTree.electrons_size;iele ++ ){ if( fTree.electrons_Pt[iele] > 20 && fabs(fTree.electrons_Eta[iele]) < 2.5 && ( fabs(fTree.electrons_Eta[iele]) < 1.4442 || fabs(fTree.electrons_Eta[iele]) > 1.566) && fTree.electrons_vidVeto[iele] > 0.5 ) nLooseElectrons++; } if( nLooseElectrons > 0 ) continue; if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex ++ ; int j1index = -1; int j2index = -1; int j3index = -1; int nJets = 0 ; int howManyBJets = 0; int bjIndex = -1; int bj2Index = -1; int jprimeIndex ; int nJetsPt20_47 = 0; int nJetsPt20_24 = 0; int nLbJetsPt20 = 0; int nTbJetsPt20 = 0; TLorentzVector muon; muon.SetPtEtaPhiE( fTree.muons_Pt[tightMuIndex] , fTree.muons_Eta[tightMuIndex] , fTree.muons_Phi[tightMuIndex] , fTree.muons_E[tightMuIndex] ); if( muon.Energy() == 0.0 ) cout << "ZERO???" <<endl; for( int jid = 0 ; jid < fTree.jetsAK4_size ; jid++ ){ float NHF = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_neutralHadronEnergyFraction[jid] ; float NEMF = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_neutralEmEnergyFraction[jid] ; float NumConst = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_numberOfDaughters[jid] ; float eta = fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ; float CHF = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_chargedHadronEnergyFraction[jid] ; float CHM = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_chargedMultiplicity[jid] ; float CEMF = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_chargedEmEnergyFraction[jid] ; float NumNeutralParticle = fTree.jetsAK4_JetID_neutralMultiplicity[jid] ; bool looseid ; if( abs(eta)<=3.0 ) { looseid = (NHF<0.99 && NEMF<0.99 && NumConst>1) && ((abs(eta)<=2.4 && CHF>0 && CHM>0 && CEMF<0.99) || abs(eta)>2.4) ; } else looseid = (NEMF<0.90 && NumNeutralParticle>10) ; if( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] > 20 && fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) < 4.7 && looseid ){ TLorentzVector jet; jet.SetPtEtaPhiE( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] , fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jid] , fTree.jetsAK4_Phi[jid] , fTree.jetsAK4_CorrE[jid] ); double DR = muon.DeltaR( jet ); if ( DR > 0.3 ){ if( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[jid] <= 40 ){ nJetsPt20_47 ++ ; if( fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) < 2.4 ){ nJetsPt20_24 ++; if( fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[jid] > 0.97 ) nTbJetsPt20++; else if( fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[jid] > 0.605 ) nLbJetsPt20++; } continue; } nJets++; if( nJets == 1 ) j1index = jid ; else if(nJets == 2 ) j2index = jid ; else if( nJets == 3 ) j3index = jid ; if( fTree.jetsAK4_IsCSVT[jid] == true && fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jid] ) <= 2.4 ){ howManyBJets ++; if(howManyBJets==1) bjIndex = jid ; else if(howManyBJets==2) bj2Index = jid ; }else jprimeIndex = jid ; } } } nJetsBeforeCut.Fill( nJets , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); if (nJets != NUMBEROFJETS) continue; if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex ++ ; nbJets.Fill( howManyBJets , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); if( howManyBJets != NUMBEROFBJETS ) continue; if( !data ){ if( NUMBEROFBJETS == 2 ) weight *= fTree.Event_bWeight2CSVT ; else if (NUMBEROFBJETS == 1 ) weight *= fTree.Event_bWeight1CSVT ; } //weight = 1.0; if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex ++ ; double MT = sqrt( 2*fTree.met_Pt* fTree.muons_Pt[tightMuIndex]*(1-TMath::Cos( Util::DeltaPhi(fTree.met_Phi , fTree.muons_Phi[tightMuIndex]) ) ) ) ; MTBeforeCut.Fill( MT , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); // if( fTree.met_Pt < 45 ) // continue; if( MT < 50 && (NUMBEROFBJETS == 1 && NUMBEROFJETS == 2) && !IsQCD ) continue; if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex ++ ; nonbCSV.Fill( fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[jprimeIndex] , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); // if( fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[jprimeIndex] > 0.605 ) // continue; // if( printEventIds ) // (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; // cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); // cutindex ++ ; nJets20_47.Fill( nJetsPt20_47 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nJets20_24.Fill( nJetsPt20_24 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); if(nJetsPt20_24 < 2){ nLbjets1EJ24.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets1EJ24.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_24 < 3){ nLbjets2EJ24.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets2EJ24.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_24 < 4){ nLbjets3EJ24.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets3EJ24.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_24 < 5){ nLbjets4EJ24.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets4EJ24.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_47 < 2){ nLbjets1EJ47.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets1EJ47.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_47 < 3){ nLbjets2EJ47.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets2EJ47.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_47 < 4){ nLbjets3EJ47.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets3EJ47.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if(nJetsPt20_47 < 5){ nLbjets4EJ47.Fill( nLbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); nTbjets4EJ47.Fill( nTbJetsPt20 , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } if( NUMBEROFBJETS == 2 ) if( fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[bj2Index] > fTree.jetsAK4_CSV[bjIndex] ) std::swap( bj2Index , bjIndex ); //int jprimeIndex = (bjIndex == j1index) ? j2index : j1index ; TLorentzVector muLV; muLV.SetPtEtaPhiE( fTree.muons_Pt[tightMuIndex] , fTree.muons_Eta[tightMuIndex] , fTree.muons_Phi[ tightMuIndex ] , fTree.muons_E[tightMuIndex] ); TLorentzVector bjetLV; bjetLV.SetPtEtaPhiE( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[ bjIndex ] , fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[ bjIndex ] , fTree.jetsAK4_Phi[ bjIndex ] , fTree.jetsAK4_CorrE[ bjIndex ] ) ; double topMass = topUtils.top4Momentum( muLV , bjetLV , fTree.met_Px , fTree.met_Py ).mass(); TopMass.Fill( topMass , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); //fTree.resolvedTopSemiLep_Mass[0] MT_QCD_Tree = MT; TOPMASS_QCD_Tree = topMass ; MuIso_QCD_Tree = fTree.muons_Iso04[tightMuIndex]; Weight_QCD_Tree = weight ; if( IsQCD ) theQCD_Tree->Fill(); if( (130. < topMass && topMass < 225.) || NUMBEROFBJETS == 2 ){ nPVAfterCutsUnCorr.Fill( fTree.Event_nPV , weight/fTree.Event_puWeight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); nPVAfterCuts.Fill( fTree.Event_nPV , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); #ifdef SingleTopTreeLHEWeights_h for(int i = 0 ; i< 102 ; i++){ hEtajPDFScales[i]->Fill( fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jprimeIndex] ) , weight*fabs( CurrentPDFWeights[i] ) ); } if( == "WJets" || == "Signal"){ for(int i=0;i<9;i++) hEtajWScales[i]->Fill( fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jprimeIndex] ) , weight*fabs( CurrentLHEWeights[i] ) ); } #endif jprimeEta.Fill( fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jprimeIndex] ) , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); jprimePt.Fill( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[jprimeIndex] , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); muPtOneB.Fill( fTree.muons_Pt[tightMuIndex] , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); muCharge.Fill( fTree.muons_Charge[tightMuIndex] , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); muEtaOneB.Fill( fabs(fTree.muons_Eta[tightMuIndex]) , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight), isiso ); METOneBSR.Fill( fTree.met_Pt , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); bPtOneB.Fill( fTree.jetsAK4_CorrPt[bjIndex] , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight), isiso ); bEtaOneB.Fill(fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[bjIndex] ) , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight), isiso ); if( printEventIds ) (*(EventIdFiles[cutindex])) << (fTree.Event_EventNumber) << endl ; cutflowtable.Fill( cutindex , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutflowtablew1.Fill( cutindex , weight/fabs(weight) , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) ); cutindex++; }else{ jprimeEtaSB.Fill( fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jprimeIndex] ) , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso ); METOneBSB.Fill( fTree.met_Pt , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); } METOneBAll.Fill( fTree.met_Pt , weight , EventsIsPSeudoData < fabs(weight) , isiso); if( == "Signal" ) hTopMass->Fill( topMass , weight ); if( == "WJets") hTopMassEtaJ->Fill( topMass ,fabs( fTree.jetsAK4_Eta[jprimeIndex] ) ); } theQCD_Tree->Write(); } theTreeFile->Close(); // TString fileName = fOutputDir; // if(!fileName.EndsWith("/")) fileName += "/"; // Util::MakeOutputDir(fileName); fileName += myfileName + ".root" ; TFile *theFile = new TFile(fileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); nonbCSV.CalcSig( 0 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; nonbCSV.CalcSig( 0 , 4 , -1 , 0.1); nonbCSV.CalcSig( 0 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; nJets20_24.CalcSig( 0 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; nJets20_24.CalcSig( 0 , 4 , -1 , 0.1 ) ; nJets20_24.CalcSig( 0 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; nJets20_47.CalcSig( 0 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; nJets20_47.CalcSig( 0 , 4 , -1 , 0.1 ) ; nJets20_47.CalcSig( 0 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 0 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 0 , 4 , -1 , 0.1 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 0 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 1 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 1 , 4 , -1 , 0.1 ) ; muCharge.CalcSig( 1 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; for(auto prop : allProps) prop->Write( theFile , 1000 ); #ifdef SingleTopTreeLHEWeights_h TDirectory* dirWScales = theFile->mkdir("WJScales"); dirWScales->cd(); for(int i=0;i<9;i++){ cout << "WScalesTotal[i]" << WScalesTotal[i] << "," << WScalesTotal[0]/WScalesTotal[i] << endl; hEtajWScales[i]->Scale( WScalesTotal[0]/WScalesTotal[i] ); hEtajWScales[i]->Write(); } TDirectory* dirPDFScales = theFile->mkdir("PDFScales"); dirPDFScales->cd(); for(int i=0;i<102;i++){ cout << "PDFScales[i]" << ScalesPDF[i] << "," << WScalesTotal[0]/ScalesPDF[i] << endl; hEtajPDFScales[i]->Scale( WScalesTotal[0]/ScalesPDF[i] ); hEtajPDFScales[i]->Write(); } #endif TDirectory* dir2 = theFile->mkdir("JbJOptimizationProps"); dir2->cd(); for(auto prop2 : JbJOptimizationProps){ prop2->CalcSig( 0 , 0 , -1 , 0 ) ; prop2->CalcSig( 0 , 4 , -1 , 0.1 ) ; prop2->CalcSig( 0 , 2 , -1 , 0 ) ; prop2->Write( dir2 , 1000 ); } theFile->cd(); hTopMass->Write(); hTopMassEtaJ->Write(); //cutflowtable.Print("cutflowtable"); theFile->Close(); if( printEventIds ) for( auto a : EventIdFiles ){ a->close(); } }
void TagAndProbeAnalysis::Loop() { if (fChain == 0) return; readR9Weights(); // output file TFile *outFile[5]; outFile[0] = new TFile(outFileNamePrefix+"_tag"+tagTightnessLevel+(mcMatch==0 ? "" : "_mcMatch"+TString::Format("%d",mcMatch))+"_HLT"+".root","RECREATE"); outFile[1] = new TFile(outFileNamePrefix+"_tag"+tagTightnessLevel+(mcMatch==0 ? "" : "_mcMatch"+TString::Format("%d",mcMatch))+"_HLT"+"30.root","RECREATE"); outFile[2] = new TFile(outFileNamePrefix+"_tag"+tagTightnessLevel+(mcMatch==0 ? "" : "_mcMatch"+TString::Format("%d",mcMatch))+"_HLT"+"50.root","RECREATE"); outFile[3] = new TFile(outFileNamePrefix+"_tag"+tagTightnessLevel+(mcMatch==0 ? "" : "_mcMatch"+TString::Format("%d",mcMatch))+"_HLT"+"75.root","RECREATE"); outFile[4] = new TFile(outFileNamePrefix+"_tag"+tagTightnessLevel+(mcMatch==0 ? "" : "_mcMatch"+TString::Format("%d",mcMatch))+"_HLT"+"90.root","RECREATE"); // output trees declaration TTree *myTree[5]; for (int ii=0; ii<5; ii++) { outFile[ii]->cd(); TDirectory* outputDirectory = outFile[ii]->mkdir("myTaPDir"); outputDirectory->cd(); myTree[ii] = new TTree(); myTree[ii] -> SetName("myTree"); } float mass; float probe_eta, probe_abseta, probe_phi, probe_pt, probe_r9; int numvtx; float rho; float r9weight_EB; float r9weight_EE; float puW; float puW30, puW50, puW75, puW90; int okLooseElePtEta, okLooseEleID; int okMediumElePtEta, okMediumEleID; int okTightElePtEta, okTightEleID; int okMVA_005, okMVA_01, okMVA_02; int hasPromptElectronMatched; for (int ii=0; ii<5; ii++) { myTree[ii] -> Branch("mass",&mass,"mass/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("probe_eta",&probe_eta,"probe_eta/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("probe_abseta",&probe_abseta,"probe_abseta/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("probe_phi",&probe_phi,"probe_phi/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("probe_pt",&probe_pt,"probe_pt/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("probe_r9",&probe_r9,"probe_r9/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("numvtx",&numvtx,"numvtx/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("rho",&rho,"rho/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("puW", &puW, "puW/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("r9WeightEB", &r9weight_EB, "r9WeightEB/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("r9WeightEE", &r9weight_EE, "r9WeightEE/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("puW30",&puW30,"puW30/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("puW50",&puW50,"puW50/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("puW75",&puW75,"puW75/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("puW90",&puW90,"puW90/F"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okLooseElePtEta",&okLooseElePtEta,"okLooseElePtEta/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okLooseEleID",&okLooseEleID,"okLooseEleID/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okMediumElePtEta",&okMediumElePtEta,"okMediumElePtEta/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okMediumEleID",&okMediumEleID,"okMediumEleID/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okTightElePtEta",&okTightElePtEta,"okTightElePtEta/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okTightEleID",&okTightEleID,"okTightEleID/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okMVA_005",&okMVA_005,"okMVA_005/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okMVA_01",&okMVA_01,"okMVA_01/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("okMVA_02",&okMVA_02,"okMVA_02/I"); myTree[ii] -> Branch("hasPromptElectronMatched",&hasPromptElectronMatched,"hasPromptElectronMatched/I"); } // Loop over events Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; cout << "Going to loop over " << nentries << " events" << endl; cout << endl; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (jentry%5000==0) cout << "Read entry " << jentry << endl; for (int iEle=0; iEle<nEle; iEle++) { if (isMC && mcMatch) if (!isGenMatchEle[iEle]) continue; if (tagTightnessLevel=="Tight") { if (!isTagTightEle[iEle]) continue; } else if (tagTightnessLevel=="Medium") { if (!isTagMediumEle[iEle]) continue; } else if (tagTightnessLevel=="Loose") { if (!isTagLooseEle[iEle]) continue; } else { std::cout << "Tag Selection undefined" << std::endl; exit(-1); } TLorentzVector theEle; // theEle.SetPtEtaPhiE(electron_pt[iEle], electron_eta[iEle], electron_phi[iEle], electron_energy[iEle]); theEle.SetPtEtaPhiM(electron_pt[iEle], electron_eta[iEle], electron_phi[iEle], 0.); for (int iPho=0; iPho<nPhot; iPho++) { if (isMC && mcMatch) if (!isGenMatchPhot[iPho]) continue; //apply preselection as probe selection for photons (should be loosened to measure preselection SF) if (!isProbePreselPhot[iPho]) continue; TLorentzVector thePho; thePho.SetPtEtaPhiE(ptPhot[iPho], etaPhot[iPho], phiPhot[iPho], ePhot[iPho]); TLorentzVector theTaP = theEle + thePho; float theMass = theTaP.M(); if (fabs(theMass-91.181)>DeltaMZ) continue; // filling the tree mass = theMass; probe_eta = etascPhot[iPho]; probe_abseta = fabs(etascPhot[iPho]); probe_phi = phiPhot[iPho]; probe_pt = ptPhot[iPho]; probe_r9 = r9Phot[iPho]; numvtx = nvtx; rho=rhoAllJets; if(isMC) { puW = pu_weight; puW30 = pu_weight30; puW50 = pu_weight50; puW75 = pu_weight75; puW90 = pu_weight90; } else { puW = 1.; puW30 = 1.; puW50 = 1.; puW75 = 1.; puW90 = 1.; } if (r9Reweight) { r9weight_EB=r9weights_EB->GetBinContent(r9weights_EB->FindBin(r9Phot[iPho])); r9weight_EE=r9weights_EE->GetBinContent(r9weights_EE->FindBin(r9Phot[iPho])); } else { r9weight_EB=1.; r9weight_EE=1.; } okLooseElePtEta = 1; okLooseEleID = isProbeLoosePhot[iPho]; okMediumElePtEta = 1; okMediumEleID = isProbeMediumPhot[iPho]; okTightElePtEta = 1; okTightEleID = isProbeTightPhot[iPho]; hasPromptElectronMatched = hasMatchedPromptElePhot[iPho]; // MVA WPs okMVA_005 = 0; okMVA_01 = 0; okMVA_02 = 0; if (isEBPhot[iPho]) { if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.711099 ) okMVA_005 = 1; if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.812948 ) okMVA_01 = 1; if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.878893 ) okMVA_02 = 1; } else { if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.581733 ) okMVA_005 = 1; if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.73721 ) okMVA_01 = 1; if ( mvaIDPhot[iPho]>0.850808 ) okMVA_02 = 1; } // check HLT and pT range if (!isMC) { if ( isHLT_TandP() ) myTree[0]->Fill(); if ( isHLT_30() && ptPhot[iPho]>=40 && ptPhot[iPho]<65 ) myTree[1]->Fill(); if ( isHLT_50() && ptPhot[iPho]>=65 && ptPhot[iPho]<90 ) myTree[2]->Fill(); if ( isHLT_75() && ptPhot[iPho]>=90 && ptPhot[iPho]<105 ) myTree[3]->Fill(); if ( isHLT_90() && ptPhot[iPho]>=105 && ptPhot[iPho]<200000 ) myTree[4]->Fill(); } if (isMC) { myTree[0]->Fill(); if ( ptPhot[iPho]>=40 && ptPhot[iPho]<65 ) myTree[1]->Fill(); if ( ptPhot[iPho]>=65 && ptPhot[iPho]<90 ) myTree[2]->Fill(); if ( ptPhot[iPho]>=90 && ptPhot[iPho]<105 ) myTree[3]->Fill(); if ( ptPhot[iPho]>=105 && ptPhot[iPho]<200000 ) myTree[4]->Fill(); } } // loop over photons } // loop over electrons } for (int ii=0; ii<5; ii++) { outFile[ii]->cd("myTaPDir"); myTree[ii]->Write(); outFile[ii]->Close(); } }
void MakeHist(TString infilename = "Graviton_genlevel_3000.root") { TChain * chain = new TChain("demo/ExTree"); chain->Add(infilename); vector<const reco::Candidate *> *phig; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pmu; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pele; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pjet; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pnu; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pwplus; vector<const reco::Candidate *> *pwminus; chain-> SetBranchAddress("phig", &phig); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pmu", &pmu); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pele", &pele); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pjet", &pjet); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pnu", &pnu); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pwplus", &pwplus); chain-> SetBranchAddress("pwminus", &pwminus); //---------------------------------get hist----------------------------------------------- //const float normal = 1000;// number of entries normalize to 1000 //eta bin float inix= -2.5; float finx= 2.5; float nbinx= 20.0; //pt bin float iniy= 0.0; float finy= 100.0; float nbiny= 20.0; TH2F *h1= new TH2F("h1","h1",nbinx,inix,finx,nbiny,iniy,finy); h1->Sumw2(); int nbins_lvjj = 300; int masswindow_low = 200; int masswindow_high = 4000; //histograms for differeny methods TH1F * hlvjj0 = new TH1F ("hlvjj0","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj1 = new TH1F ("hlvjj1","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj2 = new TH1F ("hlvjj2","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj2_1 = new TH1F ("hlvjj2_1","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj3 = new TH1F ("hlvjj3","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj4 = new TH1F ("hlvjj4","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj5 = new TH1F ("hlvjj5","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj5_1 = new TH1F ("hlvjj5_1","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj5_2 = new TH1F ("hlvjj5_2","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH1F * hlvjj6 = new TH1F ("hlvjj6","hlvjj",nbins_lvjj,masswindow_low,masswindow_high); TH2F * h2= new TH2F("h2","h2",100,0,200,100,0,200); // for wlv and wjj TH2F * h3= new TH2F("h3","h3",5,0,200,5,0,200); // for percentage TH2F * hjjpt = new TH2F("hjjpt","hjjpt",10,0,1000,10,0,1000); TH2F * hlvpt = new TH2F("hlvpt","hlvpt",10,0,1000,10,0,1000); TH1F * hwlv = new TH1F("hwlv","hwlv",100,0,200); TH1F * hleppz_all = new TH1F("hleppz_all","hleppz_all",100,0,80); TH1F * hleppz_low = new TH1F("hleppz_low","hleppz_low",100,0,80); TH2F * hlvpz = new TH2F("hlvpz","hlvpz",10,0,1000,10,0,1000); double xbins[4] = {0,65,95,200}; double ybins[4] = {0,65,95,200}; h3->GetXaxis()->Set(3,xbins); h3->GetYaxis()->Set(3,ybins); //comparison hists TH1F * pz_comparison1 = new TH1F("pz_comparison1","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison2 = new TH1F("pz_comparison2","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison2_1 = new TH1F("pz_comparison2_1","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison3 = new TH1F("pz_comparison3","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison4 = new TH1F("pz_comparison4","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison5 = new TH1F("pz_comparison5","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison5_2 = new TH1F("pz_comparison5_2","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison5_1 = new TH1F("pz_comparison5_1","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * pz_comparison6 = new TH1F("pz_comparison6","pz_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison1 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison1","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison2 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison2","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison2_1 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison2_1","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison3 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison3","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison4 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison4","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison5 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison5","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison5_1 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison5_1","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison5_2 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison5_2","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TH1F * lvjj_comparison6 = new TH1F("lvjj_comparison6","lvjj_comparison",200,-1,1); TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas(); TLorentzVector lep; TLorentzVector jet1; TLorentzVector jet2; TLorentzVector neu; TLorentzVector temp; double mlvjj; double lvjjmass_true; cout<<chain->GetEntries()<<endl; for(int i=0; i<chain->GetEntries(); i++) { //if(i>5000)break;//for test if(i%5000==0)cout<<"Processing the events: "<<i<<endl; chain->GetEntry(i); //higgs 2D //h1->Fill(phig->at(0)->eta(),phig->at(0)->pt(),normal/(float)chain->GetEntries()); //------------------------------neutrino pz if(!pmu->empty())lep.SetPtEtaPhiE(pmu->at(0)->pt(), pmu->at(0)->eta(),pmu->at(0)->phi(),pmu->at(0)->energy()); else if(!pele->empty())lep.SetPtEtaPhiE(pele->at(0)->pt(), pele->at(0)->eta(),pele->at(0)->phi(),pele->at(0)->energy()); else { cout<<"skip event: "<<i<<" no lepton here"<<endl; //cout<<phig->size()<<endl; continue; } if(pjet->size()!=2) { cout<<"skip event: "<<i<<" jet sise != 2 "<<endl; continue; } jet1.SetPtEtaPhiE(pjet->at(0)->pt(), pjet->at(0)->eta(),pjet->at(0)->phi(),pjet->at(0)->energy()); jet2.SetPtEtaPhiE(pjet->at(1)->pt(), pjet->at(1)->eta(),pjet->at(1)->phi(),pjet->at(1)->energy()); if(jet1.Pt()<jet2.Pt()) { temp=jet1; jet1=jet2; jet2=temp; } neu.SetPxPyPzE(pnu->at(0)->px(), pnu->at(0)->py(),pnu->at(0)->pz(),pnu->at(0)->energy());//real neutrino double px = pnu->at(0)->px(); double py = pnu->at(0)->py(); double pz=0; // ------------------------------- make cuts---------------------------- //mt //double mt = sqrt(2. * lep.Pt() * neu.Pt() * ( 1 - cos(deltaPhi(lep.Phi(), neu.Phi()) ) ) ); //if(mt>20)continue; //lepton pt,eta if(lep.Pt()<50)continue; //if(!pmu->empty()&&pmu->at(0)->pt()<24)continue; //if(!pele->empty()&&pele->at(0)->pt()<27)continue; //if(lep.Eta()>2.5)continue; //jet pt,eta if(jet1.Pt()<50)continue; //if(jet1.Eta()>2.4)continue; if(jet2.Pt()<50)continue; //if(jet2.Eta()>2.4)continue; //met or neutrino pt //double met = sqrt(px*px+py*py); if(neu.Pt()<50)continue; //mjj //double mjj = (jet1+jet2).M(); //if(mjj>95||mjj<65)continue; //wjj on //if(mjj<95&&mjj>65)continue; //wjj off // 0---------direct method pz = pnu->at(0)->pz(); temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj0->Fill(mlvjj); lvjjmass_true = mlvjj; /* // 1----------nu pz = 0 pz = 0; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj1->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison1->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison1->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); // 2----------nu pz = lep pz pz=lep.Pz(); temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj2->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison2->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison2->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); //--check pz //hleppz_all->Fill(pz); //if(mlvjj>130)continue; //hleppz_low->Fill(pz); //2_1 ---------nu pz =lep pz -x pz=lep.Pz(); int pz_correct=20; if(pz>pz_correct)pz=pz-pz_correct; if(pz<-pz_correct)pz=pz+pz_correct; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj2_1->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison2_1->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison2_1->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); // 3----------nu pz = far jet pz----------------use theta to choose double angle1 = lep.Vect().Angle(jet1.Vect()); double angle2 = lep.Vect().Angle(jet2.Vect()); if(angle1>angle2)pz=jet1.Pz(); else pz = jet2.Pz(); temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj3->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison3->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison3->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); //4 ---------nu pz = far jet pz--------------------use DetaR to choose double dR1 = deltaR(lep.Eta(),lep.Phi(),jet1.Eta(),jet1.Phi()); double dR2 = deltaR(lep.Eta(),lep.Phi(),jet2.Eta(),jet2.Phi()); if(dR1>dR2)pz=jet1.Pz(); else pz = jet2.Pz(); temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj4->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison4->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison4->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); */ // 5 ---------------------slove the function ------------milano float alpha = lep.Px()*pnu->at(0)->px() + lep.Py()*pnu->at(0)->py(); float delta = (alpha + 0.5*80.399*80.399)*(alpha + 0.5*80.399*80.399) - lep.Pt()*lep.Pt()*pnu->at(0)->pt()*pnu->at(0)->pt(); if( delta < 0. ) { delta = 0.; } //double wlv = (lep+neu).M(); //hwlv->Fill(wlv); //cout<<"event with imaginary roots :"<<i<<" mwlv is "<<wlv<<endl; //else continue;//use only imaginary root float pz1 = ( lep.Pz()*(alpha + 0.5*80.399*80.399) + lep.Energy()*sqrt(delta) ) / lep.Pt() / lep.Pt(); float pz2 = ( lep.Pz()*(alpha + 0.5*80.399*80.399) - lep.Energy()*sqrt(delta) ) / lep.Pt() / lep.Pt(); if( delta >= 0. )//choose the larger pz { if(fabs(pz1)<fabs(pz2))pz=pz2; else pz=pz1; } //else continue;//discard unreal pz temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj5->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison5->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison5->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); //4 choose the smaller pz if( delta >= 0. ) { if(fabs(pz1)>fabs(pz2))pz=pz2; else pz=pz1; } temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj4->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison4->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison4->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); //3 choose the one closest to lep pz if(fabs(pz1-lep.Pz())>fabs(pz2-lep.Pz()))pz=pz2; else pz=pz1; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj3->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison3->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison3->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); //2 feimilab ---- choose the one closest to lep pz, when it is over 300, choose the central one if(pz>300) { if(fabs(pz1)>fabs(pz2))pz=pz2; else pz=pz1; } temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj2->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison2->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison2->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); /* // 5_1 ---------------- Sara---if you have real roots, take the solutions where neutrino and charged lepton are the closest in DR. if( delta >= 0. ) { pz=pz1; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); //cout<<temp.Phi()<<" "<<neu.Phi()<<endl; double dR1 = deltaR(lep.Eta(),lep.Phi(),temp.Eta(),temp.Phi()); pz=pz2; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); double dR2 = deltaR(lep.Eta(),lep.Phi(),temp.Eta(),temp.Phi()); if(dR1>dR2)pz=pz2; else pz=pz1; } //else continue;//discard unreal pz temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj5_1->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison5_1->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison5_1->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); */ //5_2 -------------------- another method to select right real root //use also delta = 0 in real root case //use +delta root pz=pz1; temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj5_2->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison5_2->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison5_2->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); /* // 6 --------------------- Fracesco----boost case lepton and neutrino are like parallel pz = neu.Pt()/lep.Pt()*lep.Pz(); temp.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)); mlvjj = (lep + jet1 + jet2 + temp).M(); if (mlvjj>masswindow_low&&mlvjj<masswindow_high)hlvjj6->Fill(mlvjj); pz_comparison6->Fill((pz-pnu->at(0)->pz())/pnu->at(0)->pz()); lvjj_comparison6->Fill((mlvjj-lvjjmass_true)/lvjjmass_true); */ //------------------------------2D plots of Wjj and Wlv mass---------------------------------------- //double wlv = (lep+neu).M(); //double wjj = (jet1+jet2).M(); //hwlv->Fill(wlv); //h2-> Fill(wlv,wjj); //h3-> Fill(wlv,wjj,1.0/(float)chain->GetEntries()); //h3-> Fill(wlv,wjj); //hjjpt->Fill(jet1.Pt(),jet2.Pt()); //hlvpt->Fill(lep.Pt(),neu.Pt()); //hlvpz->Fill(abs(lep.Pz()),abs(neu.Pz())); } /* h2-> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("wlv"); h2-> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("wjj"); h3-> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("wlv"); h3-> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("wjj"); h3->Draw("COLZ"); h3->Draw("TEXTEsame"); h3->SetStats(0); c1->Print("percent.png","png"); //h1->Draw("SURF1"); hjjpt-> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("leading jet pt"); hjjpt-> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("jet2 pt"); hlvpt-> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("lepton pt"); hlvpt-> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("neotrino pt"); hjjpt->Draw("COLZ"); hjjpt->Draw("TEXTEsame"); c1->Print("jjpt.png","png"); hlvpt->Draw("COLZ"); hlvpt->Draw("TEXTEsame"); c1->Print("lvpt.png","png"); hlvpz-> GetXaxis()->SetTitle("lepton pz"); hlvpz-> GetYaxis()->SetTitle("neotrino pz"); hlvpz->Draw("COLZ"); hlvpz->Draw("TEXTEsame"); c1->Print("lvpz.png","png"); */ hlvjj0->Draw(); hlvjj0->SetTitle("lvjj_original"); c1->Print("lvjj_original.png","png"); /* hlvjj1->Draw(); hlvjj1->SetTitle("lvjj_pz0"); c1->Print("lvjj_pz0.png","png"); */ hlvjj2->Draw(); hlvjj2->SetTitle("lvjj_fermilab"); c1->Print("lvjj_fermilab.png","png"); // hlvjj2_1->Draw(); // hlvjj2_1->SetTitle("lvjj_leptonpz_improve"); // c1->Print("lvjj_leptonpz_improve.png","png"); hlvjj3->Draw(); hlvjj3->SetTitle("lvjj_close_to_lep_pz"); c1->Print("lvjj_close_to_lep_pz.png","png"); hlvjj4->Draw(); //hlvjj4->SetTitle("lvjj_jetpz_DeltaR"); //c1->Print("lvjj_jetpz_DeltaR.png","png"); hlvjj4->SetTitle("lvjj_function_smaller"); c1->Print("lvjj_function_smaller.png","png"); hlvjj5->Draw(); hlvjj5->SetTitle("lvjj_function_larger"); c1->Print("lvjj_function_larger.png","png"); hlvjj5_1->Draw(); hlvjj5_1->SetTitle("lvjj_function_sara"); c1->Print("lvjj_function_sara.png","png"); hlvjj5_2->Draw(); hlvjj5_2->SetTitle("lvjj_function_pz1"); c1->Print("lvjj_function_pz1.png","png"); hlvjj6->Draw(); hlvjj6->SetTitle("lvjj_Francesco"); c1->Print("lvjj_Francesco.png","png"); //hwlv->Draw(); //hwlv->SetTitle("hwlv"); //c1->Print("hwlv.png","png"); //hleppz_all->Draw(); //c1->Print("hleppz_all.png","png"); //hleppz_low->Draw(); //c1->Print("hleppz_low.png","png"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.65, 0.5, 1, 1, NULL, "brNDC"); /* leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison1,"neu pz = 0","l") ; */ leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison2,"neu pz = fermilab","l") ; // leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison2_1,"neu pz = lep pz - 20","l") ; leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison3,"neu pz = close to lep pz","l") ; //leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison4,"neu pz = dltaR far jet pz","l") ; leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison4,"neu pz = slove function smaller","l"); leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison5,"neu pz = slove function larger","l") ; //leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison5_1,"neu pz = slove function sara","l") ; leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison5_2,"neu pz = slove function +delta","l") ; //leg->AddEntry (pz_comparison6,"neu pz = Francesco","l") ; /* pz_comparison1->SetLineColor(kYellow+3); pz_comparison1->Draw(); */ pz_comparison2->SetLineColor(kOrange+7); pz_comparison2->Draw(); // pz_comparison2_1->SetLineColor(kGrey; // pz_comparison2_1->Draw("same"); pz_comparison3->SetLineColor(kYellow-2); pz_comparison3->Draw("same"); pz_comparison4->SetLineColor(kMagenta+1); pz_comparison4->Draw("same"); pz_comparison5->SetLineColor(kBlue); pz_comparison5->Draw("same"); pz_comparison5_1->SetLineColor(kSpring-7); pz_comparison5_1->Draw("same"); pz_comparison5_2->SetLineColor(kAzure+10); pz_comparison5_2->Draw("same"); pz_comparison6->SetLineColor(kRed); pz_comparison6->Draw("same"); leg->Draw(); c1->Print("pz_comparison.png","png"); /* lvjj_comparison1->SetLineColor(kYellow+3); lvjj_comparison1->Draw(); */ lvjj_comparison2->SetLineColor(kOrange+7); lvjj_comparison2->Draw(); // lvjj_comparison2_1->SetLineColor(kGrey); // lvjj_comparison2_1->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison3->SetLineColor(kYellow-2); lvjj_comparison3->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison4->SetLineColor(kMagenta+1); lvjj_comparison4->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison5->SetLineColor(kBlue); lvjj_comparison5->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison5_1->SetLineColor(kSpring-7); lvjj_comparison5_1->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison5_2->SetLineColor(kAzure+10); lvjj_comparison5_2->Draw("same"); lvjj_comparison6->SetLineColor(kRed); lvjj_comparison6->Draw("same"); leg->Draw(); c1->Print("lvjj_comparison.png","png"); leg->AddEntry (hlvjj0,"neu pz = true","l") ; hlvjj0->SetLineColor(kBlack); hlvjj0->SetTitle("hlvjj_allin"); hlvjj0->Draw(); /* hlvjj1->SetLineColor(kYellow+3); hlvjj1->Draw("same"); */ hlvjj2->SetLineColor(kOrange+7); hlvjj2->Draw("same"); // hlvjj2_1->SetLineColor(kGrey); // hlvjj2_1->Draw("same"); hlvjj3->SetLineColor(kYellow-2); hlvjj3->Draw("same"); hlvjj4->SetLineColor(kMagenta+1); hlvjj4->Draw("same"); hlvjj5->SetLineColor(kBlue); hlvjj5->Draw("same"); hlvjj5_1->SetLineColor(kSpring-7); hlvjj5_1->Draw("same"); hlvjj5_2->SetLineColor(kAzure+10); hlvjj5_2->Draw("same"); hlvjj6->SetLineColor(kRed); hlvjj6->Draw("same"); leg->Draw(); c1->Print("hlvjj_allin.png","png"); }
void Ntp1Finalizer_ComputeQGLikelihood::finalize() { if( outFile_==0 ) this->createOutputFile(); const int nBins = 18; Double_t ptBins[nBins+1]; fitTools::getBins_int( nBins, ptBins, 20., 1000. ); ptBins[nBins] = 3500.; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon; std::vector<TH1D*> vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark; for( unsigned iBin=0; iBin<nBins; iBin++ ) { float ptMin = ptBins[iBin]; float ptMax = ptBins[iBin+1]; char histoname[500]; sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_norms_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_norms_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_noptD_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 100, 0., 0.1 ); h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon.push_back(h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 100, 0., 0.1 ); h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark.push_back(h1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon_new); sprintf( histoname, "QGLikelihood_eta35_quark_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax); TH1D* h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark_new = new TH1D(histoname, "", 50, 0., 1.); h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark_new->Sumw2(); vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark.push_back(h1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark_new); } //for bins Int_t run; tree_->SetBranchAddress("run", &run); Float_t eventWeight; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eventWeight", &eventWeight); Float_t rhoPF; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rhoPF", &rhoPF); Float_t ptHat; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptHat", &ptHat); Int_t nJet; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nJet", &nJet); Float_t eJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("eJet", eJet); Float_t ptJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptJet", ptJet); Float_t etaJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaJet", etaJet); Float_t phiJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiJet", phiJet); Int_t nChargedJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nChargedJet", nChargedJet); Int_t nNeutralJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nNeutralJet", nNeutralJet); Float_t rmsCandJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("rmsCandJet", rmsCandJet); Float_t ptDJet[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptDJet", ptDJet); Int_t nPart; tree_->SetBranchAddress("nPart", &nPart); Float_t ePart[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ePart", ePart); Float_t ptPart[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("ptPart", ptPart); Float_t etaPart[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("etaPart", etaPart); Float_t phiPart[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("phiPart", phiPart); Int_t pdgIdPart[20]; tree_->SetBranchAddress("pdgIdPart", pdgIdPart); //QGLikelihoodCalculator *qglikeli = new QGLikelihoodCalculator("QG_QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_Fall10.root", nBins); //QGLikelihoodCalculator *qglikeli = new QGLikelihoodCalculator("QG_QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_Spring11-PU_S1_START311_V1G1-v1.root", nBins); QGLikelihoodCalculator *qglikeli = new QGLikelihoodCalculator("QG_QCD_Pt-15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_Summer11-PU_S3_START42_V11-v2.root", nBins); int nEntries = tree_->GetEntries(); //nEntries = 10000; for(int iEntry=0; iEntry<nEntries; ++iEntry) { //for(int iEntry=0; iEntry<500000; ++iEntry) { if( (iEntry % 100000)==0 ) std::cout << "Entry: " << iEntry << " /" << nEntries << std::endl; tree_->GetEntry(iEntry); if( eventWeight <= 0. ) eventWeight = 1.; //for( unsigned iJet=0; iJet<nJet; ++iJet ) { for( unsigned iJet=0; (iJet<nJet && iJet<3); ++iJet ) { //only 3 leading jets considered TLorentzVector thisJet; thisJet.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptJet[iJet], etaJet[iJet], phiJet[iJet], eJet[iJet]); float deltaRmin=999.; int partFlavor=-1; TLorentzVector foundPart; for( unsigned iPart=0; iPart<nPart; iPart++ ) { TLorentzVector thisPart; thisPart.SetPtEtaPhiE( ptPart[iPart], etaPart[iPart], phiPart[iPart], ePart[iPart]); float thisDeltaR = thisJet.DeltaR(thisPart); if( thisDeltaR < deltaRmin ) { deltaRmin = thisDeltaR; partFlavor = pdgIdPart[iPart]; foundPart = thisPart; } } //for partons if( deltaRmin > 0.5 ) continue; //if( deltaRmin > 0.5 ) partFlavor=21; //lets try this int thisBin=-1; if( thisJet.Pt() > ptBins[nBins] ) { thisBin = nBins-1; } else { for( unsigned int iBin=0; iBin<nBins; ++iBin ) { if( thisJet.Pt()>ptBins[iBin] && thisJet.Pt()<ptBins[iBin+1] ) { thisBin = iBin; break; } } } if( thisBin==-1 ) continue; //float QGLikelihood = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood( thisJet.Pt(), nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], ptDJet[iJet], rmsCandJet[iJet] ); //float QGLikelihood_norms = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood( thisJet.Pt(), nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], ptDJet[iJet], -1. ); //float QGLikelihood_noptD = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood( thisJet.Pt(), nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], -1., rmsCandJet[iJet] ); //float QGLikelihood_norms_noptD = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood( thisJet.Pt(), nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], -1., -1. ); //float QGLikelihood_onlyNch = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihood( thisJet.Pt(), nChargedJet[iJet], -1., -1., -1. ); // change to new var: -ln rmsCand: rmsCandJet[iJet] = -log(rmsCandJet[iJet]); if( fabs(thisJet.Eta())<2. ) { float QGLikelihood = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], ptDJet[iJet], rmsCandJet[iJet] ); float QGLikelihood_norms = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], ptDJet[iJet], -1. ); float QGLikelihood_noptD = -1.; float QGLikelihood_norms_noptD = -1.; float QGLikelihood_onlyNch = -1.; //float QGLikelihood_noptD = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], -1., rmsCandJet[iJet] ); //float QGLikelihood_norms_noptD = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, nChargedJet[iJet], nNeutralJet[iJet], -1., -1. ); //float QGLikelihood_onlyNch = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodPU( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, nChargedJet[iJet], -1., -1., -1. ); if( abs(partFlavor)< 4 ) { //light quark vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_norms, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_noptD, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_norms_noptD, eventWeight ); if( QGLikelihood_norms<0.9 ) vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark[thisBin]->Fill( rmsCandJet[iJet], eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_onlyNch, eventWeight ); } else if( partFlavor==21 ) { //gluon vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_norms, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_noptD, eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_norms_noptD, eventWeight ); if( QGLikelihood_norms<0.9 ) vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( rmsCandJet[iJet], eventWeight ); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood_onlyNch, eventWeight ); } } else if( fabs(thisJet.Eta())>3. && fabs(thisJet.Eta())<5. ) { float QGLikelihood = qglikeli->computeQGLikelihoodFwd( thisJet.Pt(), rhoPF, ptDJet[iJet], rmsCandJet[iJet] ); if( abs(partFlavor)< 4 ) { //light quark vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood, eventWeight ); } else if( partFlavor==21 ) { //gluon vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon[thisBin]->Fill( QGLikelihood, eventWeight ); } //if gluon } //if eta } // for jets } //for entries std::vector<TGraphErrors*> vgr_eff_vs_rej; std::vector<TGraphErrors*> vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms; std::vector<TGraphErrors*> vgr_eff_vs_rej_noptD; std::vector<TGraphErrors*> vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD; std::vector<TGraphErrors*> vgr_eff_vs_rej_onlyNch; for( unsigned iBin=0; iBin<nBins; ++iBin ) { float ptMin = ptBins[iBin]; float ptMax = ptBins[iBin+1]; char graphName[200]; sprintf( graphName, "eff_vs_rej_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax ); TGraphErrors* newGraph = new TGraphErrors(0); newGraph->SetName(graphName); vgr_eff_vs_rej.push_back(newGraph); sprintf( graphName, "eff_vs_rej_norms_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax ); TGraphErrors* newGraph_norms = new TGraphErrors(0); newGraph_norms->SetName(graphName); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms.push_back(newGraph_norms); sprintf( graphName, "eff_vs_rej_noptD_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax ); TGraphErrors* newGraph_noptD = new TGraphErrors(0); newGraph_noptD->SetName(graphName); vgr_eff_vs_rej_noptD.push_back(newGraph_noptD); sprintf( graphName, "eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax ); TGraphErrors* newGraph_norms_noptD = new TGraphErrors(0); newGraph_norms_noptD->SetName(graphName); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD.push_back(newGraph_norms_noptD); sprintf( graphName, "eff_vs_rej_onlyNch_pt%.0f_%.0f", ptMin, ptMax ); TGraphErrors* newGraph_onlyNch = new TGraphErrors(0); newGraph_onlyNch->SetName(graphName); vgr_eff_vs_rej_onlyNch.push_back(newGraph_onlyNch); } // compute eff-rej curves: for( unsigned iBin=0; iBin<nBins; ++iBin ) { for( unsigned iHistoBin=1; iHistoBin<vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX(); ++iHistoBin ) { float eff_q = vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_g = vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_q_norms = vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_g_norms = vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_q_noptD = vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_g_noptD = vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_q_norms_noptD = vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_g_norms_noptD = vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_q_onlyNch = vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); float eff_g_onlyNch = vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[iBin]->Integral(iHistoBin, vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX())/vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[iBin]->Integral(1, vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[iBin]->GetNbinsX()); vgr_eff_vs_rej[iBin]->SetPoint( vgr_eff_vs_rej[iBin]->GetN(), eff_q, 1.-eff_g ); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms[iBin]->SetPoint( vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms[iBin]->GetN(), eff_q_norms, 1.-eff_g_norms ); vgr_eff_vs_rej_noptD[iBin]->SetPoint( vgr_eff_vs_rej_noptD[iBin]->GetN(), eff_q_noptD, 1.-eff_g_noptD ); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD[iBin]->SetPoint( vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD[iBin]->GetN(), eff_q_norms_noptD, 1.-eff_g_norms_noptD ); vgr_eff_vs_rej_onlyNch[iBin]->SetPoint( vgr_eff_vs_rej_onlyNch[iBin]->GetN(), eff_q_onlyNch, 1.-eff_g_onlyNch ); } } outFile_->cd(); for( unsigned iBin=0; iBin<nBins; ++iBin ) { vh1_QGLikelihood_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_noptD_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_norms_noptD_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_onlyNch_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_QGLikelihood_eta35_quark[iBin]->Write(); vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_gluon[iBin]->Write(); vh1_rmsCand_cutOnQGLikelihood_norms_quark[iBin]->Write(); vgr_eff_vs_rej[iBin]->Write(); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms[iBin]->Write(); vgr_eff_vs_rej_noptD[iBin]->Write(); vgr_eff_vs_rej_norms_noptD[iBin]->Write(); vgr_eff_vs_rej_onlyNch[iBin]->Write(); } outFile_->Close(); }
void tree1r() { bool muon=0; //JetCorrectionUncertainty *jecUnc; // jecUnc= new JetCorrectionUncertainty("Fall12_V7_DATA_Uncertainty_AK5PFchs.txt"); TChain myTree("analyzeBasicPat/MuonTree"); myTree.Add("/afs/"); TH1::AddDirectory(true); Double_t PU_npT; Double_t PU_npIT; double EvtInfo_NumVtx; double MyWeight; double nup; Int_t event; double realdata; int run; // int lumi; double HLT_Elec17_Elec8; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepPt=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepEta=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepPhi=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepE=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepM=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepId=0; std::vector<double> *Dr01LepStatus=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepPt=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepEta=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepPhi=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepE=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepM=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepId=0; std::vector<double> *Bare01LepStatus=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonPt=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonEta=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonPhi=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonE=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonM=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonId=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonMomId=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonNumberMom=0; std::vector<double> *St01PhotonStatus=0; std::vector<double> *St03Pt=0; std::vector<double> *St03Eta=0; std::vector<double> *St03Phi=0; std::vector<double> *St03E=0; std::vector<double> *St03M=0; std::vector<double> *St03Id=0; std::vector<double> *St03Status=0; std::vector<double> *GjPt=0; std::vector<double> *Gjeta=0; std::vector<double> *Gjphi=0; std::vector<double> *GjE=0; std::vector<double> *GjPx=0; std::vector<double> *GjPy=0; std::vector<double> *GjPz=0; vector<double> *patMuonEn_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonCharge_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonPt_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonEta_=0; vector<double> *patMuonPhi_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonCombId_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonTrig_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonDetIsoRho_ =0; vector<double> *patMuonPfIsoDbeta_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecTrig_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecCharge_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecEnergy_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecEta_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecScEta_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecPhi_ =0; // std::vector<double> *patElecEcalEnergy_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecPt_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecPfIso_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecPfIsodb_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecPfIsoRho_ =0; std::vector<double> *patElecMediumIDOff_ =0; // std::vector<double> *patElecMVATrigId_ =0; // std::vector<double> *patElecMVANonTrigId_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05En_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05Pt_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05Eta_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05Phi_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05JesUncert_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05LooseId_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05Et_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05HadEHF_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05EmEHF_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05RawPt_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05RawEn_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05jetBetaClassic_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05jetBeta_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05jetBetaStar_ =0; // vector<double> *patJetPfAk05jetBetaStarClassic_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05jetpuMVA_ =0; vector<bool> *patJetPfAk05jetpukLoose_ =0; vector<bool> *patJetPfAk05jetpukMedium_ =0; vector<bool> *patJetPfAk05jetpukTight_ =0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05chf_=0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05nhf_=0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05cemf_=0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05nemf_=0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05cmult_=0; vector<double> *patJetPfAk05nconst_=0; myTree.SetBranchAddress("event",&event); myTree.SetBranchAddress("MyWeight",&MyWeight); myTree.SetBranchAddress("realdata",&realdata); myTree.SetBranchAddress("run",&run); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("lumi",&lumi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("PU_npT", &PU_npT); myTree.SetBranchAddress("PU_npIT", &PU_npIT); myTree.SetBranchAddress("nup", &nup); myTree.SetBranchAddress("EvtInfo_NumVtx", &EvtInfo_NumVtx); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonEn_", &patMuonEn_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonCharge_", &patMuonCharge_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonPt_", &patMuonPt_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonEta_", &patMuonEta_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonPhi_", &patMuonPhi_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonCombId_", &patMuonCombId_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonTrig_", &patMuonTrig_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonDetIsoRho_", &patMuonDetIsoRho_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patMuonPfIsoDbeta_", &patMuonPfIsoDbeta_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecCharge_",&patElecCharge_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecPt_",&patElecPt_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecEnergy_",&patElecEnergy_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecEcalEnergy_",&patElecEcalEnergy_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecEta_",&patElecEta_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecScEta_",&patElecScEta_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecPhi_",&patElecPhi_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecPfIso_",&patElecPfIso_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecPfIsodb_",&patElecPfIsodb_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecPfIsoRho_",&patElecPfIsoRho_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecMediumIDOff_",&patElecMediumIDOff_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecMVATrigId_",&patElecMVATrigId_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecMVANonTrigId_",&patElecMVANonTrigId_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patElecTrig_",&patElecTrig_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05RawEn_",&patJetPfAk05RawEn_); //myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05HadEHF_",&patJetPfAk05HadEHF_); //myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05EmEHF_",&patJetPfAk05EmEHF_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05chf_",&patJetPfAk05chf_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05nhf_",&patJetPfAk05nhf_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05cemf_",&patJetPfAk05cemf_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05nemf_",&patJetPfAk05nemf_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05cmult_",&patJetPfAk05cmult_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05nconst_",&patJetPfAk05nconst_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05En_", &patJetPfAk05En_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05Pt_", &patJetPfAk05Pt_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05Eta_", &patJetPfAk05Eta_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05Phi_", &patJetPfAk05Phi_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05JesUncert_", &patJetPfAk05JesUncert_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05LooseId_", &patJetPfAk05LooseId_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05Et_", &patJetPfAk05Et_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05HadEHF_", &patJetPfAk05HadEHF_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05EmEHF_", &patJetPfAk05EmEHF_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05RawPt_", &patJetPfAk05RawPt_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05RawEn_", &patJetPfAk05RawEn_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetBetaClassic_", &patJetPfAk05jetBetaClassic_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetBeta_", &patJetPfAk05jetBeta_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetBetaStar_", &patJetPfAk05jetBetaStar_); // myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetBetaStarClassic_", &patJetPfAk05jetBetaStarClassic_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetpuMVA_", &patJetPfAk05jetpuMVA_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetpukLoose_", &patJetPfAk05jetpukLoose_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetpukMedium_", &patJetPfAk05jetpukMedium_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("patJetPfAk05jetpukTight_", &patJetPfAk05jetpukTight_); myTree.SetBranchAddress("HLT_Elec17_Elec8",&HLT_Elec17_Elec8); //Gen jets// myTree.SetBranchAddress("GjPt",&GjPt); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Gjeta",&Gjeta); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Gjphi",&Gjphi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("GjE",&GjE); myTree.SetBranchAddress("GjPx",&GjPx); myTree.SetBranchAddress("GjPy",&GjPy); myTree.SetBranchAddress("GjPz",&GjPz); //Dressed Leptons// myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepPt",&Dr01LepPt); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepEta",&Dr01LepEta); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepPhi",&Dr01LepPhi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepE",&Dr01LepE); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepM",&Dr01LepM); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepId",&Dr01LepId); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Dr01LepStatus",&Dr01LepStatus); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepPt",&Bare01LepPt); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepEt",&Bare01LepEta); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepPhi",&Bare01LepPhi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepE",&Bare01LepE); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepM",&Bare01LepM); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepId",&Bare01LepId); myTree.SetBranchAddress("Bare01LepStatus",&Bare01LepStatus); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonPt",&St01PhotonPt); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonEta",&St01PhotonEta); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonPhi",&St01PhotonPhi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonE",&St01PhotonE); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonM",&St01PhotonM); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonId",&St01PhotonId); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonMomId",&St01PhotonMomId); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonNumberMom",&St01PhotonNumberMom); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St01PhotonStatus",&St01PhotonStatus); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03Pt",&St03Pt); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03Eta",&St03Eta); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03Phi",&St03Phi); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03E",&St03E); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03M",&St03M); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03Id",&St03Id); myTree.SetBranchAddress("St03Status",&St03Status); ////Histogram booking/////////// TFile *theFile = new TFile ("test.root","RECREATE"); theFile->cd(); TH1D* h_MZ = new TH1D("MZ","M(Z)#rightarrow #mu#mu",40, 71,111.); TH1D* h_GMZElec = new TH1D("GMZElec","M(Z)#rightarrow #mu#mu",40, 71,111.); int puYear(2013); cout << "Pile Up Distribution: " << puYear << endl; standalone_LumiReWeighting puWeight(puYear), puUp(puYear,1), puDown(puYear,-1); Int_t nevent = myTree.GetEntries(); nevent =100000; for (Int_t iev=0;iev<nevent;iev++) { if (iev%100000 == 0) cout<<"DATA"<<" ===>>> "<<iev<<"/"<<nevent<<endl; myTree.GetEntry(iev); if(HLT_Elec17_Elec8!=1)continue; //require global trigger fired /////////////////////////////// double PUweight =1; double PUweightUp =1; double PUweightDn =1; if (PU_npT > 0) PUweight = PUweight * puWeight.weight(int(PU_npT)); if (PU_npT > 0) PUweightUp = PUweightUp * puUp.weight(int(PU_npT)); if (PU_npT > 0) PUweightDn = PUweightDn * puDown.weight(int(PU_npT)); int Gcommon = 0; int Gindex1[10],Gindex2[10]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < Dr01LepPt->size(); ++j){ for (unsigned int jk = j; jk < Dr01LepPt->size(); ++jk){ // if(fabs(Dr01LepId->at(j))==11)cout<<Dr01LepId->at(j)<<endl; if (j == jk) continue; if ( Dr01LepStatus->at(j) == 1 && Dr01LepStatus->at(jk) == 1 && (Dr01LepId->at(j)*Dr01LepId->at(jk)) == -121 && //common1 Dr01LepPt->at(j) > 30. && Dr01LepPt->at(jk) > 30. && //common2 fabs(Dr01LepEta->at(j)) <2.4 && fabs(Dr01LepEta->at(jk)) <2.4 //common3 ){ Gindex1[Gcommon] = j; Gindex2[Gcommon] = jk; Gcommon++; } } } // cout<<Gcommon<<endl; float GMZElec = 0; // float Gdielecpt =0; // float Gdielecrapidity =0; // float Gdielecphi =0; int Gind1 = -99; int Gind2 = -99; for (int gg = 0;gg<Gcommon;++gg){ Gind1 = Gindex1[gg]; Gind2 = Gindex2[gg]; } if (Gind1 != -99 && Gind2 != -99){ TLorentzVector m1; TLorentzVector m2; m1.SetPtEtaPhiE(Dr01LepPt->at(Gind1), Dr01LepEta->at(Gind1) ,Dr01LepPhi->at(Gind1),Dr01LepE->at(Gind1) ); m2.SetPtEtaPhiE(Dr01LepPt->at(Gind2), Dr01LepEta->at(Gind2) ,Dr01LepPhi->at(Gind2),Dr01LepE->at(Gind2) ); GMZElec= (m1+m2).M(); if (GMZElec > 20.){ // Gdielecpt = (m1+m2).Perp(); // Gdielecrapidity = (m1+m2).Rapidity(); // Gdielecphi=(m1+m2).Phi(); if (GMZElec > 71.&& GMZElec < 111.){ h_GMZElec->Fill(GMZElec,PUweight); } } } int common = 0; int select_dielec=0; int index1[100],index2[100]; //if(doUnf)cout<<"NEW EVENT"<<endl; if(muon==0){ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < patElecPt_->size(); ++j){ for (unsigned int jk = j; jk < patElecPt_->size(); ++jk){ if (j == jk) continue; if (select_dielec==1) continue; if ( (patElecCharge_->at(j)*patElecCharge_->at(jk)) == -1 && patElecPt_->at(j) > 20. && patElecPt_->at(jk) > 20. && fabs(patElecScEta_->at(j)) <=2.4 && fabs(patElecScEta_->at(jk)) <=2.4 && ( !(fabs(patElecScEta_->at(j)) >1.4442 && fabs(patElecScEta_->at(j))<1.566) && !(fabs(patElecScEta_->at(jk)) >1.4442 && fabs(patElecScEta_->at(jk))<1.566) ) && patElecTrig_->at(j) > 0 && patElecTrig_->at(jk) > 0 && patElecPfIsoRho_->at(j)<0.150 && patElecPfIsoRho_->at(jk)<0.150 && patElecMediumIDOff_->at(j) >0 && patElecMediumIDOff_->at(jk) >0 ){ select_dielec=1; if(fabs(patElecScEta_->at(j)) >1.4442 && fabs(patElecScEta_->at(j))<1.566)cout<<"Elektron gap dışlanmamış!!"<<endl; TLorentzVector e1_tmp; TLorentzVector e2_tmp; e1_tmp.SetPtEtaPhiE(patElecPt_->at(j), patElecEta_->at(j) ,patElecPhi_->at(j),patElecEnergy_->at(j) ); e2_tmp.SetPtEtaPhiE(patElecPt_->at(jk), patElecEta_->at(jk) ,patElecPhi_->at(jk),patElecEnergy_->at(jk) ); float MZElec_tmp= (e1_tmp+e2_tmp).M(); if(MZElec_tmp<71. || MZElec_tmp>111.)continue; index1[common] = j; index2[common] = jk; common++; } } } } double ptcut = 20; if(muon==1){ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < patMuonPt_->size(); ++j){ for (unsigned int jk = j; jk < patMuonPt_->size(); ++jk){ if (j == jk) continue; if ((patMuonCharge_->at(j)*patMuonCharge_->at(jk)) == -1 && patMuonPt_->at(j) > ptcut && patMuonPt_->at(jk) > ptcut && fabs(patMuonEta_->at(j)) <2.4 && fabs(patMuonEta_->at(jk)) <2.4 && patMuonTrig_->at(j) ==1 && patMuonTrig_->at(jk) == 1 && patMuonPfIsoDbeta_->at(j)<0.2 && patMuonPfIsoDbeta_->at(jk)<0.2 && patMuonCombId_->at(j) ==1 && patMuonCombId_->at(jk) ==1 ) { index1[common] = j; index2[common] = jk; common++; } } } } int ind1 = -99; int ind2 = -99; if(common>0){ ind1 = index1[0]; ind2 = index2[0]; } float MZ = 0; // float Zpt =0; // float Zphi =0; // float Zrapidity =0; TLorentzVector l1; TLorentzVector l2; if (ind1 != -99 && ind2 != -99 &&common>0 /*&&common==1*/){ if(muon==0){ l1.SetPtEtaPhiE(patElecPt_->at(ind1), patElecEta_->at(ind1) ,patElecPhi_->at(ind1),patElecEnergy_->at(ind1) ); l2.SetPtEtaPhiE(patElecPt_->at(ind2), patElecEta_->at(ind2) ,patElecPhi_->at(ind2),patElecEnergy_->at(ind2) ); } if(muon==1){ l1.SetPtEtaPhiE(patMuonPt_->at(ind1), patMuonEta_->at(ind1) ,patMuonPhi_->at(ind1),patMuonEn_->at(ind1) ); l2.SetPtEtaPhiE(patMuonPt_->at(ind2), patMuonEta_->at(ind2) ,patMuonPhi_->at(ind2),patMuonEn_->at(ind2) ); } MZ= (l1+l2).M(); if ( MZ > 20.){ // Zpt= (l1+l2).Perp(); // Zrapidity = (l1+l2).Rapidity(); // Zphi = (l1+l2).Phi(); if (MZ>71 && MZ<111){ h_MZ->Fill(MZ,PUweight); } } } TLorentzVector j1_BEF; TLorentzVector j2_BEF; TLorentzVector j1G_BE; TLorentzVector j2G_BE; int Gn_jet_30_n=0; int n_jet_30_n_bef=0; /////////////Gen Jets/////////////////////// for (unsigned int pf=0;pf < GjPt->size();pf++){ if (GjPt->at(pf) > 30. && fabs(Gjeta->at(pf))<2.4){ Gn_jet_30_n++; if(Gn_jet_30_n==1){ j1G_BE.SetPtEtaPhiE(GjPt->at(pf),Gjeta->at(pf),Gjphi->at(pf),GjE->at(pf)); } if(Gn_jet_30_n==2){ j2G_BE.SetPtEtaPhiE(GjPt->at(pf),Gjeta->at(pf),Gjphi->at(pf),GjE->at(pf)); } } }/// end Gen jet loop /////////////Jets/////////////////////// for (unsigned int pf=0;pf < patJetPfAk05Pt_->size();pf++){ if(patJetPfAk05Pt_->at(pf) > 30.&&0.0<fabs(patJetPfAk05Eta_->at(pf)) && fabs(patJetPfAk05Eta_->at(pf))<4.7 ){ if ( patJetPfAk05LooseId_->at(pf)>=1 && patJetPfAk05jetpukLoose_->at(pf)==1){ n_jet_30_n_bef++; TLorentzVector j; j.SetPtEtaPhiE(patJetPfAk05Pt_->at(pf),patJetPfAk05Eta_->at(pf),patJetPfAk05Phi_->at(pf),patJetPfAk05En_->at(pf)); if(n_jet_30_n_bef==1){ j1_BEF.SetPtEtaPhiE(j.Pt(),j.Eta(),j.Phi(),j.E()); } if(n_jet_30_n_bef==2){ j2_BEF.SetPtEtaPhiE(j.Pt(),j.Eta(),j.Phi(),j.E()); } } } } }// end of event loop theFile->Write(); theFile->Close(); }//end void
int xAna::HggTreeWriteLoop(const char* filename, int ijob, bool correctVertex, bool correctEnergy, bool setRho0 ) { //bool invDRtoTrk = false; if( _config == 0 ) { cout << " config file was not set properly... bail out" << endl; return -1; } if (fChain == 0) return -1; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); // nentries = 10000; cout << "nentries: " << nentries << endl; Long64_t entry_start = ijob *_config->nEvtsPerJob(); Long64_t entry_stop = (ijob+1)*_config->nEvtsPerJob(); if( _config->nEvtsPerJob() < 0 ) { entry_stop = nentries; } if( entry_stop > nentries ) entry_stop = nentries; cout << " *** doing entries from: " << entry_start << " -> " << entry_stop << endl; if( entry_start > entry_stop ) return -1; EnergyScaleReader enScaleSkimEOS; /// skim EOS bugged so need to undo the energy scale in the skim EnergyScaleReader enScale; // enScaleSkimEOS.setup( "ecalCalibFiles/EnergyScale2012_Lisbon_9fb.txt" ); enScale.setup( _config->energyScaleFile() ); Float_t HiggsMCMass = _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getHiggsMass(); Float_t HiggsMCPt = -1; bool isHiggsSignal = false; if( HiggsMCMass > 0 ) isHiggsSignal = true; mode_ = _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->mode(); isData = false; if(mode_==-1) isData = true; // mode_ = ijob; // DoCorrectVertex_ = correctVertex; DoCorrectEnergy_ = correctEnergy; DoSetRho0_ = setRho0; doJetRegression = _config->getDoJetRegression(); doControlSample = _config->getDoControlSample(); phoID_2011[0] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2011[1] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2012[0] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); phoID_2012[1] = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); DiscriDiPho_2011 = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); DiscriDiPho_2012 = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); if(doJetRegression!=0) jetRegres = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent"); Setup_MVA(); if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) phoID_mva[i] = phoID_2011[i]; else for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) phoID_mva[i] = phoID_2012[i]; MassResolution massResoCalc; massResoCalc.addSmearingTerm(); if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) Ddipho_mva = DiscriDiPho_2011; else Ddipho_mva = DiscriDiPho_2012; float Ddipho_cat[5]; Ddipho_cat[4] = -1; if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.89; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.72; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.55; Ddipho_cat[3] = +0.05; } else { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.91; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.79; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.49; Ddipho_cat[3] = -0.05; } // else { Ddipho_cat[0] = 0.88; Ddipho_cat[1] = 0.71; Ddipho_cat[2] = 0.50; Ddipho_cat[3] = -0.05; } DiscriVBF_UseDiPhoPt = true; DiscriVBF_UsePhoPt = true; DiscriVBF_cat.resize(2); DiscriVBF_cat[0] = 0.985; DiscriVBF_cat[1] = 0.93; DiscriVBF_useMvaSel = _config->doVBFmvaCat(); /// depending on the selection veto or not on electrons (can do muele, elemu,eleele) bool vetoElec[2] = {true,true}; if( _config->invertElectronVeto() ) { vetoElec[0] = false; vetoElec[1] = false; } if( _config->isEleGamma() ) { vetoElec[0] = false; vetoElec[1] = true ; } if( _config->isGammaEle() ) { vetoElec[0] = true ; vetoElec[1] = false; } cout << " --------- veto electron config -----------" << endl; cout << " Leading Pho VetoElec: " << vetoElec[0] << endl; cout << " Trailing Pho VetoElec: " << vetoElec[1] << endl; DoDebugEvent = true; bool DoPreselection = true; // bool DoPrint = true; TString VertexFileNamePrefix; TRandom3 *rnd = new TRandom3(); rnd->SetSeed(0); /// output tree and cross check file".xcheck.txt"); // _xcheckTextFile = cout; _minitree = new MiniTree( filename ); TTree * tSkim = 0; if( _config->doSkimming() ) tSkim = (TTree*) fChain->CloneTree(0); InitHists(); _minitree->mc_wXsec = _weight_manager->xSecW(); _minitree->mc_wNgen = 100000./_weight_manager->getNevts(); if( isData ) { _minitree->mc_wXsec = 1; _minitree->mc_wNgen = 1; } Int_t isprompt0 = -1; Int_t isprompt1 = -1; set<Long64_t> syncEvt; cout <<" ================ mode " << mode_ <<" =============================== "<<endl; /// setupType has to be passed via config file // photonOverSmearing overSmearICHEP("Test52_ichep"); photonOverSmearing overSmearHCP( "oversmear_hcp2012" ); photonOverSmearing overSmear( _config->setup() ); int overSmearSyst = _config->getEnergyOverSmearingSyst(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// Start the loop //////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// vector<int> nEvts; vector<string> nCutName; nCutName.push_back("TOTAL :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("2 gammas :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("triggers :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("nan weight :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("presel kin cuts:"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("pass 2 gam incl:"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back("pass all :"); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back(" --> pass 2 gam lep: "); nEvts.push_back(0); nCutName.push_back(" --> pass 2 gam vbf: "); nEvts.push_back(0); vector<int> selVtxSumPt2(3); selVtxSumPt2[0] = 0; selVtxSumPt2[1] = -1; selVtxSumPt2[2] = -1; for (Long64_t jentry=entry_start; jentry< entry_stop ; ++jentry) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < -9999) break; if( jentry % 10000 == 0) cout<<"processing event "<<jentry<<endl; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; /// reset minitree variables _minitree->initEvent(); // study mc truth block if( !isData ) { fillMCtruthInfo_HiggsSignal(); _minitree->fillMCtrueOnly(); } /// reco analysis unsigned icutlevel = 0; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( nPho < 2 ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; /// set synchronisation flag if( syncEvt.find(event) != syncEvt.end() ) DoDebugEvent = true; else DoDebugEvent = false; if( DoDebugEvent ) _xcheckTextFile << "==========================================================" << endl; if( DoDebugEvent ) _xcheckTextFile << "================= debugging event: " << event << endl; /// PU & BSz reweightings if( !isData ) { int itpu = 1; /// 0 without OOT PU - 1 with OOT PU _minitree->mc_wPU = _weight_manager->puW( nPU[itpu] ); // PUwei = _weight_manager->puWTrue( puTrue[itpu] ); } hTotEvents->Fill(1,_minitree->mc_wPU); bool sigWH = false ; bool sigZH = false ; int mc_whzh_type = 0; _minitree->mc_wHQT = 1; if( isHiggsSignal ) { if ( _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getMCType() == "vh" ) for( Int_t i=0; i < nMC && i <= 1; ++i ) { if( abs(mcPID[i]) == 24 ) sigWH=true; if( abs(mcPID[i]) == 23 ) sigZH=true; } if( sigWH ) mc_whzh_type = 1; if( sigZH ) mc_whzh_type = 2; for( Int_t i=0; i<nMC; ++i) if ( abs(mcPID[i]) == 25 ) HiggsMCPt = mcPt[i]; if( _weight_manager->getCrossSection()->getMCType() == "ggh" && _config->setup().find( "ReReco2011" ) != string::npos ) _minitree->mc_wHQT = getHqTWeight(HiggsMCMass, HiggsMCPt); } if ((mode_ == 2 || mode_ ==1 || mode_ == 18 || mode_ == 19) && processID==18) continue; // Remove double counting in gamma+jets and QCDjets Int_t mcIFSR_pho = 0; Int_t mcPartonic_pho = 0; if (mode_ == 1 || mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 18 || mode_ == 19 ) { for (Int_t i=0; i<nMC; ++i) { if (mcPID[i] == 22 && (fabs(mcMomPID[i]) < 6 || mcMomPID[i] == 21)) mcIFSR_pho++; if (mcPID[i] == 22 && mcMomPID[i] == 22) mcPartonic_pho++; } } // if pythia is used for diphoton.. no IFSR removing from QCD and Gjets!!!!!! if ((mode_==1 || mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 18 ) && mcIFSR_pho >= 1 && mcPartonic_pho >=1) continue; if ((mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 )&& mcIFSR_pho == 2) continue; bool prompt2= false; bool prompt1= false; bool prompt0= false; vertProb = -1; if (mode_ == 2 || mode_ == 1 || mode_ == 18 ){ if ( mcPartonic_pho >= 1 && mcIFSR_pho >= 1 ) prompt2 = true; else if ( mcPartonic_pho >= 1 && mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt1 = true; else if ( mcPartonic_pho == 0 && mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt0 = true; } else if(mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 ){ if ( mcIFSR_pho >= 2 ) prompt2 = true; else if ( mcIFSR_pho == 1 ) prompt1 = true; else if ( mcIFSR_pho == 0 ) prompt0 = true; if( prompt1 ) _minitree->mc_wXsec = 1.3*_weight_manager->xSecW(); } if(mode_==1 || mode_==2 || mode_==3 || mode_==18 || mode_==19){ if(prompt0)isprompt0=1; else isprompt0=0; if(prompt1)isprompt1=1; else isprompt1=0; } if( mode_ == 20 && isZgamma() ) continue; /// wei weight is just temporary and may not contain all info. float wei = _minitree->mc_wXsec * _minitree->mc_wPU * _minitree->mc_wNgen * _minitree->mc_wHQT; if( isData && !PassTriggerSelection() ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( std::isinf( wei ) || std::isnan( wei ) )continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; //// ********************* define S4 variable **********************//// for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i){ if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) phoS4ratio[i] = 1; else phoS4ratio[i] = phoE2x2[i] / phoE5x5[i]; } //// ************************************************************* //// if( !isData ) { //// ************** MC corrections (mostly MC) ******************* //// // 1. energy shifting / smearing for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) if( fabs(phoSCEta[i]) <= 2.5 ) { float smearing = overSmear.randOverSmearing(phoSCEta[i],phoR9[i],isInGAP_EB(i),overSmearSyst); phoRegrE[i] *= (1 + smearing); phoE[i] *= (1 + smearing); /// from MassFactorized in gglobe: energyCorrectedError[ipho] *=(l.pho_isEB[ipho]) ? 1.07 : 1.045 ; float smearFactor = 1; if( _config->setup() == "ReReco2011" ) smearFactor = fabs(phoSCEta[i]) < 1.45 ? 1.07: 1.045; phoRegrErr[i] *= smearFactor; } // 2. reweighting of photon id variables (R9...) for (int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) ReweightMC_phoIdVar(i); //// ************************************************************* //// } //// ********** Apply regression energy ************* //// float phoStdE[500]; for( int i=0; i<nPho; ++i) if( fabs(phoSCEta[i]) <= 2.5 ) { if( isData ){ float enCorrSkim = 1;//enScaleSkimEOS.energyScale( phoR9[i], phoSCEta[i], run); float phoEnScale = enScale.energyScale( phoR9[i], phoSCEta[i], run)/enCorrSkim; phoRegrE[i] *= phoEnScale; phoE[i] *= phoEnScale; } phoStdE[i] = phoE[i]; phoE[i] = phoRegrE[i]; /// transform calo position abd etaVtx, phiVtx with SC position for( int x = 0 ; x < 3; x++ ) phoCaloPos[i][x] = phoSCPos[i][x]; for( int ivtx = 0 ; ivtx < nVtxBS; ivtx++ ) { TVector3 xxi = getCorPhotonTVector3(i,ivtx); phoEtaVtx[i][ivtx] = xxi.Eta(); phoPhiVtx[i][ivtx] = xxi.Phi(); } /// additionnal smearing to go to data energy resolution phoRegrSmear[i] = phoE[i]*overSmearHCP.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[i],phoR9[i],isInGAP_EB(i),0); phoEt[i] = phoE[i] / cosh(phoEta[i]); } //// ************************************************* //// /// lepton selection int iElecVtx(-1), iMuonVtx(-1); vector<int> elecIndex = selectElectronsHCP2012( wei, iElecVtx ); vector<int> muonIndex = selectMuonsHCP2012( wei, iMuonVtx ); vector<int> event_vtx; vector<int> event_ilead ; vector<int> event_itrail; vector<TLorentzVector> event_plead ; vector<TLorentzVector> event_ptrail; TLorentzVector leptag; int lepCat = -1; bool exitLoop = false; for( int ii = 0 ; ii < nPho ; ++ii ) { for( int jj = (ii+1); jj < nPho ; ++jj ) { // Preselection 2nd leg if (DoPreselection && !preselectPhoton(ii,phoEt[ii])) continue; if (DoPreselection && !preselectPhoton(jj,phoEt[jj])) continue; /// define i, j locally, so when they are inverted this does not mess up the loop int i = ii; int j = jj; if(phoEt[j] > phoEt[i]){ i = jj; j = ii; } // Select vertex int selVtx = 0; TLorentzVector gi,gj; double mij(-1); vector<int> selVtxIncl; if(_config->vtxSelType()==0) selVtxIncl = getSelectedVertex(i,j,true,true ); else //use sumpt2 ranking selVtxIncl = selVtxSumPt2; selVtx = selVtxIncl[0]; if( selVtx < 0 ) continue; /// check lepton tag if( muonIndex.size() > 0 ) { //selVtx = iMuonVtx; leptag.SetPtEtaPhiM( muPt[muonIndex[0]], muEta[muonIndex[0]], muPhi[muonIndex[0]],0); if( selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) { lepCat = 0; } } /// check electron tag only if muon tag failed if( elecIndex.size() > 0 && lepCat == -1 ) { //selVtx = iElecVtx; leptag.SetPtEtaPhiM( elePt[elecIndex[0]], eleEta[elecIndex[0]], elePhi[elecIndex[0]],0); if( selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) { lepCat = 1; if( fabs( (leptag+gi).M() - 91.19 ) < 10 || fabs( (leptag+gj).M() - 91.19 ) < 10 ) lepCat = -1; /// this is not actually the cut, but it should be but ok (dR(pho,eleTrk) > 1 no dR(pho,anyTrk) > 1 ) if(phoCiCdRtoTrk[i] < 1 || phoCiCdRtoTrk[j] <1 ) lepCat = -1; } } if( lepCat >= 0 ) { mij = (gi+gj).M(); if( _config->analysisType() == "MVA" ) if( gi.Pt() / mij < 45./120. || gj.Pt() / mij < 30./120. ) lepCat = -1; if( _config->analysisType() == "baselineCiC4PF" ) if( gi.Pt() / mij < 45./120. || gj.Pt() < 25. ) lepCat = -1; if( leptag.DeltaR(gi) < 1.0 || leptag.DeltaR(gj) < 1.0 ) lepCat = -1; } if( lepCat >= 0 ) { cout << " ****** keep leptag event pts[photons] i: " << i << " j: " << j << " -> event: " << ientry << endl; cout << " leptonCat: " << lepCat << endl; /// if one pair passes lepton tag then no need to go further /// fill in variables event_vtx.resize( 1); event_vtx[0] = selVtx; event_ilead.resize( 1); event_ilead[0] = i; event_itrail.resize(1); event_itrail[0] = j; event_plead.resize( 1); event_plead[0] = gi; event_ptrail.resize(1); event_ptrail[0] = gj; exitLoop = true; break; } else { /// inclusive + VBF + MetTag preselection /// apply kinematic cuts if( !selectTwoPhotons(i,j,selVtx,gi,gj,vetoElec) ) continue; /// drop photon pt cuts from inclusive cuts (add them in categorisation only) mij = (gi+gj).M(); if( ! _config->doSkimming() && ( gi.Pt() < _config->pt1Cut() || gi.Pt() < _config->pt2Cut() || gi.Pt()/mij < _config->loosePt1MCut() || gj.Pt()/mij < _config->loosePt2MCut() ) ) continue; } /// here i = lead; j = trail (selectTwoPhotons does that) /// fill in variables event_vtx.push_back( selVtx ); event_ilead.push_back( i ); event_itrail.push_back( j ); event_plead.push_back( gi ); event_ptrail.push_back( gj ); } if( exitLoop ) break; } if(event_ilead.size()==0 || event_itrail.size()==0)continue; if(event_vtx.size() == 0 ) continue; // no pairs selected nEvts[icutlevel++]++; // Now decide which photon-photon pair in the event to select // for lepton tag (size of arrays is 1, so dummy selection) unsigned int selectedPair = 0; float sumEt = -1; for (unsigned int p=0; p < event_vtx.size(); p++) { float tempSumEt = event_plead[p].Pt() + event_ptrail[p].Pt(); if( tempSumEt > sumEt) { sumEt = tempSumEt; selectedPair = p; } } int ilead = event_ilead[ selectedPair ]; int itrail = event_itrail[ selectedPair ]; int selVtx = event_vtx[ selectedPair ]; TLorentzVector glead = event_plead[selectedPair]; TLorentzVector gtrail = event_ptrail[selectedPair]; TLorentzVector hcand = glead + gtrail; int CAT4 = cat4(phoR9[ilead], phoR9[itrail], phoSCEta[ilead], phoSCEta[itrail]); if( glead.Pt() < _config->pt1Cut() ) continue; if( gtrail.Pt() < _config->pt2Cut() ) continue; if( hcand.M() < _config->mggCut() ) continue; nEvts[icutlevel++]++; _minitree->mtree_runNum = run; _minitree->mtree_evtNum = event; _minitree->mtree_lumiSec = lumis; // TLorentzVector g1,g2; // g1.SetPtEtaPhiM(phoE[ilead ]/cosh(phoEta[ilead]),phoEta[ilead ], phoPhi[ilead ], 0); // g2.SetPtEtaPhiM(phoE[itrail]/cosh(phoEta[ilead]),phoEta[itrail], phoPhi[itrail], 0); // TLorentzVector lgg = g1 + g2; //_minitree->mtree_massDefVtx = lgg.M(); _minitree->mtree_massDefVtx = hcand.M()/sqrt(phoE[ilead]*phoE[itrail])*sqrt(phoStdE[ilead]*phoStdE[itrail]); // calc again vertex to get correct vertex probability (can be different from last one in loop) vector<int> sortedVertex; if(_config->vtxSelType()==0) sortedVertex = getSelectedVertex( ilead, itrail, true, true ); else //use sumpt2 ranking sortedVertex = selVtxSumPt2; if( sortedVertex.size() < 2 ) sortedVertex.push_back(-1); if( sortedVertex.size() < 3 ) sortedVertex.push_back(-1); if( lepCat >= 0 ) { /// lepton tag sortedVertex[0] = selVtx; sortedVertex[1] = -1; sortedVertex[2] = -1; // vertProb = 1; } _minitree->mtree_rho = rho2012; _minitree->mtree_rho25 = rho25; _minitree->mtree_zVtx = vtxbs[selVtx][2]; _minitree->mtree_nVtx = nVtxBS; _minitree->mtree_ivtx1 = selVtx; _minitree->mtree_ivtx2 = sortedVertex[1]; _minitree->mtree_ivtx3 = sortedVertex[2]; _minitree->mtree_vtxProb = vertProb; _minitree->mtree_vtxMva = vertMVA; _minitree->mtree_mass = hcand.M(); _minitree->mtree_pt = hcand.Pt(); _minitree->mtree_piT = hcand.Pt()/hcand.M(); _minitree->mtree_y = hcand.Rapidity(); /// spin variables TLorentzVector gtmp1 = glead; gtmp1.Boost( -hcand.BoostVector() ); TLorentzVector gtmp2 = gtrail; gtmp2.Boost( -hcand.BoostVector() ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaLead_heli = cos( gtmp1.Angle(hcand.BoostVector()) ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaTrail_heli = cos( gtmp2.Angle(hcand.BoostVector()) ); _minitree->mtree_cThetaStar_CS = 2*(glead.E()*gtrail.Pz() - gtrail.E()*glead.Pz())/(hcand.M()*sqrt(hcand.M2()+hcand.Pt()*hcand.Pt())); /// fill photon id variables in main tree _minitree->mtree_minR9 = +999; _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB = +999; _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE = +999; _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta = -1; _minitree->mtree_minSCEta = +999; for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) { int ipho = -1; if( i == 0 ) ipho = ilead; if( i == 1 ) ipho = itrail; fillPhotonVariablesToMiniTree( ipho, selVtx, i ); if( _minitree->mtree_r9[i] < _minitree->mtree_minR9 ) _minitree->mtree_minR9 = _minitree->mtree_r9[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) < 1.5 && _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i] < _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB ) _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEB = _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) >= 1.5 && _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i] < _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE ) _minitree->mtree_minPhoIdEE = _minitree->mtree_mvaid[i]; if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) > _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta ) _minitree->mtree_maxSCEta = fabs(_minitree->mtree_sceta[i]); if( fabs( _minitree->mtree_sceta[i] ) < _minitree->mtree_minSCEta ) _minitree->mtree_minSCEta = fabs(_minitree->mtree_sceta[i]); } //------------ compute diphoton mva (add var to minitree inside function) ----------------// massResoCalc.setP4CalPosVtxResoSmear( glead,gtrail, TVector3(phoCaloPos[ilead ][0], phoCaloPos[ilead ][1],phoCaloPos[ilead ][2]), TVector3(phoCaloPos[itrail][0], phoCaloPos[itrail][1],phoCaloPos[itrail][2]), TVector3(vtxbs[selVtx][0], vtxbs[selVtx][1], vtxbs[selVtx][2]), _minitree->mtree_relResOverE, _minitree->mtree_relSmearing ); _minitree->mtree_massResoTot = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_total( vertProb ); _minitree->mtree_massResoEng = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_energy( ); _minitree->mtree_massResoAng = massResoCalc.relativeMassResolutionFab_angular(); float diphotonmva = DiPhoID_MVA( glead, gtrail, hcand, massResoCalc, vertProb, _minitree->mtree_mvaid[0],_minitree->mtree_mvaid[1] ); // ---- Start categorisation ---- // _minitree->mtree_lepTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_metTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_vbfTag = 0; _minitree->mtree_hvjjTag = 0; // 1. lepton tag if( lepCat >= 0 ) { _minitree->mtree_lepTag = 1; _minitree->mtree_lepCat = lepCat; _minitree->mtree_fillLepTree = true; // if( lepCat == 0 ) fillMuonTagVariables(lepTag,glead,gtrail,elecIndex[0],selVtx); // if( lepCat == 1 ) fillElecTagVariables(lepTag,glead,gtrail,muonIndex[0],selVtx); } // 3. met tag (For the jet energy regression, MET needs to be corrected first.) _minitree->mtree_rawMet = recoPfMET; _minitree->mtree_rawMetPhi = recoPfMETPhi; // if( !isData ) { /// bug in data skim, met correction already applied //3.1 Soft Jet correction (FC?) applyJEC4SoftJets(); //3.2 smearing if( !isData ) METSmearCorrection(ilead, itrail); //3.3 shifting (even in data? but different in data and MC) METPhiShiftCorrection(); //3.4 scaling if( isData) METScaleCorrection(ilead, itrail); // } _minitree->mtree_corMet = recoPfMET; _minitree->mtree_corMetPhi = recoPfMETPhi; // 2. dijet tag Int_t nVtxJetID = -1; if( _config->doPUJetID() ) nVtxJetID = nVtxBS; //vector<int> goodJetsIndex = selectJets( ilead, itrail, nVtxJetID, wei, selVtx ); vector<int> goodJetsIndex = selectJetsJEC( ilead, itrail, nVtxJetID, wei, selVtx ); int vbftag(-1),hstratag(-1),catjet(-1); dijetSelection( glead, gtrail, goodJetsIndex, wei, selVtx, vbftag, hstratag, catjet); _minitree->mtree_vbfTag = vbftag; _minitree->mtree_hvjjTag = hstratag; _minitree->mtree_vbfCat = catjet; // 2x. radion analysis // take the very same photon candidates as in the H->GG analysis above _minitree->radion_evtNum = event; *(_minitree->radion_gamma1) = glead; *(_minitree->radion_gamma2) = gtrail; vector<int> goodJetsIndexRadion = selectJetsRadion(nVtxJetID, selVtx); _minitree->radion_bJetTags->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_genJetPt ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_eta ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_cef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_mef ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nconstituents ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_chf ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_JECUnc ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_ptLeadTrack ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxPt ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3dL ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptPtCut ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_dPhiMETJet ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_nch ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3deL ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxMass ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_ptRaw ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_EnRaw ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptptRelCut->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptdRCut ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_partonID ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_jet_dRJetGenJet ->Set(goodJetsIndexRadion.size()); _minitree->radion_MET = recoPfMET; _minitree->radion_rho25 = rho25; for (unsigned i = 0; i < goodJetsIndexRadion.size(); i++) { int iJet = goodJetsIndexRadion[i]; //_minitree->radion_bJetTags->AddAt(jetCombinedSecondaryVtxMVABJetTags[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_bJetTags->AddAt(jetCombinedSecondaryVtxBJetTags[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_genJetPt ->AddAt(jetGenJetPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_eta ->AddAt(jetEta[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_cef ->AddAt(jetCEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nef ->AddAt(jetNEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_mef ->AddAt(jetMEF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nconstituents ->AddAt(jetNConstituents[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_chf ->AddAt(jetCHF[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_JECUnc ->AddAt(jetJECUnc[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_ptLeadTrack ->AddAt(jetLeadTrackPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxPt ->AddAt(jetVtxPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3dL ->AddAt(jetVtx3dL[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptPtCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_nch ->AddAt(jetNCH[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtx3deL ->AddAt(jetVtx3deL[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_vtxMass ->AddAt(jetVtxMass[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_ptRaw ->AddAt(jetRawPt[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_EnRaw ->AddAt(jetRawEn[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptptRelCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptPtRel[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_SoftLeptdRCut ->AddAt(jetSoftLeptdR[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_partonID ->AddAt(jetPartonID[iJet], i); _minitree->radion_jet_dRJetGenJet ->AddAt(sqrt(pow(jetEta[iJet]-jetGenEta[iJet],2)+pow(jetPhi[iJet]-jetGenPhi[iJet],2)), i); float tmpPi = 3.1415927, tmpDPhi=fabs(jetPhi[iJet]-recoPfMETPhi); if(tmpDPhi>tmpPi) tmpDPhi=2*tmpPi-tmpDPhi; _minitree->radion_jet_dPhiMETJet ->AddAt(tmpDPhi, i); TLorentzVector* jet = new((*(_minitree->radion_jets))[_minitree->radion_jets->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(); jet->SetPtEtaPhiE(jetPt[iJet], jetEta[iJet], jetPhi[iJet], jetEn[iJet]); } // Continue step 3. if ( MetTagSelection(glead,gtrail,goodJetsIndex) && _minitree->mtree_vbfTag == 0 && _minitree->mtree_lepTag == 0 && _minitree->mtree_corMet > 70. && fabs( phoSCEta[ilead] ) < 1.45 && fabs( phoSCEta[itrail]) < 1.45 ) _minitree->mtree_metTag = 1; //----------- categorisation (for now incl + vbf + lep + met) -----------// _minitree->mtree_catBase = CAT4; _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; for( int icat_mva = 0 ; icat_mva < 4; icat_mva++ ) if( diphotonmva >= Ddipho_cat[icat_mva] ) { _minitree->mtree_catMva = icat_mva; break; } if ( _minitree->mtree_lepTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = _minitree->mtree_lepCat + 6; _minitree->mtree_catMva = _minitree->mtree_lepCat + 6; } else if( _minitree->mtree_vbfTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = _minitree->mtree_vbfCat + 4; _minitree->mtree_catMva = _minitree->mtree_vbfCat + 4; } else if( _minitree->mtree_metTag == 1 ) { _minitree->mtree_catBase = 8; _minitree->mtree_catMva = 8; } if( diphotonmva < Ddipho_cat[3] ) _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; /// photon pt cut was dropped from the inclusive cuts if( _minitree->mtree_catMva < 4 && (glead.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./3. || gtrail.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./4.) ) _minitree->mtree_catMva = -1; if( _minitree->mtree_catBase < 4 && (glead.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./3. || gtrail.Pt()/hcand.M() < 1./4.) ) _minitree->mtree_catBase = -1; //------------ MC weighting factors and corrections if( !isData ) { /// needs to be recomputed for each event (because reinit var for each event) _minitree->mc_wNgen = 100000./_weight_manager->getNevts(); _minitree->mc_wXsec = _weight_manager->xSecW(mc_whzh_type); if( ( mode_ == 3 || mode_ == 19 ) && isprompt1 == 1 ) _minitree->mc_wXsec *= 1.3; _minitree->mc_wBSz = _weight_manager->bszW(vtxbs[selVtx][2]-mcVtx[0][2]); _minitree->mc_wVtxId = _weight_manager->vtxPtCorrW( hcand.Pt() ); /// photon identification float wPhoId[] = { 1., 1.}; for( int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ ) { wPhoId[i] = 1; int index = -1; if( i == 0 ) index = ilead; if( i == 1 ) index = itrail; wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdPresel(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( _config->analysisType() == "baselineCiC4PF" ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdCiC(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( _config->analysisType() == "MVA" ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdMVA(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); if( vetoElec[i] ) wPhoId[i] *= _weight_manager->phoIdEleVeto(phoR9[index],phoSCEta[index]); } _minitree->mc_wPhoEffi = wPhoId[0]*wPhoId[1]; /// trigger efficiency _minitree->mc_wTrigEffi = 0.9968; /// FIX ME /// cross section volontary not included in total weight _minitree->mc_wei = _minitree->mc_wPU * _minitree->mc_wBSz * _minitree->mc_wHQT * /// = 1 but in 2011 _minitree->mc_wVtxId * _minitree->mc_wPhoEffi * _minitree->mc_wTrigEffi * _minitree->mc_wNgen; wei = _minitree->mc_wei; } nEvts[icutlevel++]++; if( _minitree->mtree_lepTag ) nEvts[icutlevel+0]++; if( _minitree->mtree_vbfTag ) nEvts[icutlevel+1]++; //// following crap can be removed when the synchornization will be successfull. if( DoDebugEvent ) { _minitree->setSynchVariables(); _xcheckTextFile << " pho1 pos: " << phoPos[ilead] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " ieta1 : " << phoSeedDetId1[ilead] << " iphi1: " << phoSeedDetId2[ilead] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " pho2 pos: " << phoPos[itrail] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " ieta1 : " << phoSeedDetId1[itrail] << " iphi1: " << phoSeedDetId2[itrail] << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " oversmear 1: " << overSmear.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[ilead],phoR9[ilead] ,isInGAP_EB(ilead),0) << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " oversmear 2: " << overSmear.meanOverSmearing(phoSCEta[itrail],phoR9[itrail],isInGAP_EB(itrail),0) << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " mass reso (eng only): " << _minitree->mtree_massResoEng << endl; _xcheckTextFile << " mass reso (ang only): " << _minitree->mtree_massResoAng << endl; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_iName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_iName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_iVal[i] << " "; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_lName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_lName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_lVal[i] << " "; for( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _minitree->sync_fName.size(); i++ ) cout << _minitree->sync_fName[i] << ":" << *_minitree->sync_fVal[i] << " "; cout << endl; cout << " myVtx = " << selVtx << "; 1=" << sortedVertex[1] << " 2= " << sortedVertex[2] << endl; for( int ivtx = 0; ivtx < nVtxBS; ivtx++ ) { cout << " etas[ ivtx = " << ivtx << "] = " << phoEtaVtx[ilead][ivtx] << " - " << phoEtaVtx[itrail][ivtx] << " - zVtx = " << vtxbs[ivtx][2] << endl; } } _minitree->fill(); if( _config->doSkimming() && tSkim ) { /// undo all modifs before filling the skim fChain->GetEntry(jentry); tSkim->Fill(); } //--------------- // } }// end for entry if( _config->doSkimming() ) { _minitree->mtree_file->cd(); TH1F *hEvents = new TH1F("hEvents","hEvents",2,0,2); hEvents->SetBinContent(1,_weight_manager->getNevts()); hEvents->SetBinContent(2,nEvts[nEvts.size()-1]); hEvents->Write(); tSkim->Write(); _minitree->mtree_file->Close(); } else _minitree->end(); for( unsigned icut = 0 ; icut < nEvts.size(); icut++ ) cout << nCutName[icut] << nEvts[icut] << endl; delete rnd; return nEvts[nEvts.size()-1]; }
void Ntp1Analyzer_QG::Loop() { DEBUG_VERBOSE_ = false; if (fChain == 0) return; Long64_t nentries; if( DEBUG_ ) nentries = 100000; else nentries = fChain->GetEntries(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; TRandom3 rand; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; if( DEBUG_VERBOSE_ ) std::cout << "entry n." << jentry << std::endl; if( (jentry%100000) == 0 ) std::cout << "Event #" << jentry << " of " << nentries << std::endl; //HLT_Mu11_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_Mu11"); //HLT_Ele17_SW_EleId_L1R_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_Ele17_SW_EleId_L1R"); //HLT_DoubleMu3_ = this->PassedHLT("HLT_DoubleMu3"); run_ = runNumber; LS_ = lumiBlock; event_ = eventNumber; eventWeight_ = -1.; //default nvertex_ = nPV; rhoPF_ = rhoFastjet; if( !isGoodEvent(jentry) ) continue; //this takes care also of integrated luminosity and trigger if( nPV==0 ) continue; bool goodVertex = (ndofPV[0] >= 4.0 && sqrt(PVxPV[0]*PVxPV[0]+PVyPV[0]*PVyPV[0]) < 2. && fabs(PVzPV[0]) < 24. ); if( !goodVertex ) continue; for( unsigned iBX=0; iBX<nBX; ++iBX ) { if( bxPU[iBX]==0 ) nPU_ = nPU[iBX]; } ptHat_ = (isMC_) ? genPtHat : ptHat_; if( isMC_ ) if( (ptHat_ > ptHatMax_) || (ptHat_ < ptHatMin_) ) continue; bool noLeptons = false; TLorentzVector lept1MC, lept2MC; int zIndexqq=-1; int zIndexll=-1; // ----------------------------- // FROM NOW ON RECO // ----------------------------- // ------------------ // MUONS // ------------------ std::vector<TLorentzVector> muons; int chargeFirstMuon; for( unsigned int iMuon=0; iMuon<nMuon && (muons.size()<2); ++iMuon ) { TLorentzVector thisMuon( pxMuon[iMuon], pyMuon[iMuon], pzMuon[iMuon], energyMuon[iMuon] ); // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisMuon.Pt() < 20. ) continue; // -------------- // ID: // -------------- if( !( (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>8)&1 ) ) continue; //GlobalMuonPromptTight if( !( (muonIdMuon[iMuon]>>11)&1 ) ) continue; //AllTrackerMuons if( pixelHitsTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]==0 ) continue; // to compute dxy, look for primary vertex: int hardestPV = -1; float sumPtMax = 0.0; for(int v=0; v<nPV; v++) { if(SumPtPV[v] > sumPtMax) { sumPtMax = SumPtPV[v]; hardestPV = v; } } float dxy; if( hardestPV==-1 ) { dxy = 0.; } else { dxy = fabs(trackDxyPV(PVxPV[hardestPV], PVyPV[hardestPV], PVzPV[hardestPV], trackVxTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], trackVyTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], trackVzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pxTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pyTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]], pzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]])); } if( dxy > 0.02 ) continue; float dz = fabs(trackVzTrack[trackIndexMuon[iMuon]]-PVzPV[hardestPV]); if(dz > 1.0) continue; // -------------- // isolation: // -------------- // (this is sum pt tracks) //if( sumPt03Muon[iMuon] >= 3. ) continue; // combined isolation < 15%: if( (sumPt03Muon[iMuon] + emEt03Muon[iMuon] + hadEt03Muon[iMuon]) >= 0.15*thisMuon.Pt() ) continue; // for now simple selection, will have to optimize this (T&P?) if( muons.size()==0 ) { muons.push_back( thisMuon ); chargeFirstMuon = chargeMuon[iMuon]; } else { if( chargeMuon[iMuon]==chargeFirstMuon ) continue; if( fabs(muons[0].Eta())>2.1 && fabs(thisMuon.Eta())>2.1 ) continue; muons.push_back(thisMuon); } } //for muons // ------------------ // ELECTRONS // ------------------ std::vector<TLorentzVector> electrons; int chargeFirstEle = 0; bool firstPassedVBTF80 = false; for( unsigned int iEle=0; (iEle<nEle) && (electrons.size()<2); ++iEle ) { TLorentzVector thisEle( pxEle[iEle], pyEle[iEle], pzEle[iEle], energyEle[iEle] ); // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisEle.Pt() < 20. ) continue; if( (fabs(thisEle.Eta()) > 2.5) || ( fabs(thisEle.Eta())>1.4442 && fabs(thisEle.Eta())<1.566) ) continue; Float_t dr03TkSumPt_thresh95; Float_t dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh95; Float_t dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh95; Float_t combinedIsoRel_thresh95; Float_t sigmaIetaIeta_thresh95; Float_t deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh95; Float_t deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh95; Float_t hOverE_thresh95; Float_t dr03TkSumPt_thresh80; Float_t dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh80; Float_t dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh80; Float_t combinedIsoRel_thresh80; Float_t sigmaIetaIeta_thresh80; Float_t deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh80; Float_t deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh80; Float_t hOverE_thresh80; if( fabs(thisEle.Eta())<1.4442 ) { dr03TkSumPt_thresh95 = 0.15; dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh95 = 2.; dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh95 = 0.12; combinedIsoRel_thresh95 = 0.15; dr03TkSumPt_thresh80 = 0.09; dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh80 = 0.07; dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh80 = 0.10; combinedIsoRel_thresh80 = 0.07; sigmaIetaIeta_thresh95 = 0.01; deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh95 = 0.8; deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh95 = 0.007; hOverE_thresh95 = 0.15; sigmaIetaIeta_thresh80 = 0.01; deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh80 = 0.06; deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh80 = 0.004; hOverE_thresh80 = 0.04; } else { dr03TkSumPt_thresh95 = 0.08; dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh95 = 0.06; dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh95 = 0.05; combinedIsoRel_thresh95 = 0.1; dr03TkSumPt_thresh80 = 0.04; dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh80 = 0.05; dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh80 = 0.025; combinedIsoRel_thresh80 = 0.06; sigmaIetaIeta_thresh80 = 0.03; deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh80 = 0.7; deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh80 = 0.007; hOverE_thresh80 = 0.025; sigmaIetaIeta_thresh95 = 0.03; deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh95 = 0.7; deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh95 = 0.01; hOverE_thresh95 = 0.07; } // -------------- // isolation: // -------------- //// no relative iso, using combined //if( dr03TkSumPtEle[iEle]/thisEle.Pt() > dr03TkSumPt_thresh ) continue; //if( dr03EcalRecHitSumEtEle[iEle]/thisEle.Pt() > dr03EcalRecHitSumEt_thresh ) continue; //if( dr03HcalTowerSumEtEle[iEle]/thisEle.Pt() > dr03HcalTowerSumEt_thresh ) continue; Float_t combinedIsoRel; if( fabs(thisEle.Eta())<1.4442 ) combinedIsoRel = ( dr03TkSumPtEle[iEle] + TMath::Max(0., dr03EcalRecHitSumEtEle[iEle] - 1.) + dr03HcalTowerSumEtEle[iEle] ) / thisEle.Pt(); else combinedIsoRel = ( dr03TkSumPtEle[iEle] + dr03EcalRecHitSumEtEle[iEle] + dr03HcalTowerSumEtEle[iEle] ) / thisEle.Pt(); bool iso_VBTF95 = (combinedIsoRel < combinedIsoRel_thresh95); bool iso_VBTF80 = (combinedIsoRel < combinedIsoRel_thresh80); // -------------- // electron ID: // -------------- bool eleID_VBTF95 = (covIEtaIEtaSC[iEle] < sigmaIetaIeta_thresh95) && (fabs(deltaPhiAtVtxEle[iEle]) < deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh95) && (fabs(deltaEtaAtVtxEle[iEle]) < deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh95) && (hOverEEle[iEle] < hOverE_thresh95); bool eleID_VBTF80 = (covIEtaIEtaSC[iEle] < sigmaIetaIeta_thresh80) && (fabs(deltaPhiAtVtxEle[iEle]) < deltaPhiAtVtx_thresh80) && (fabs(deltaEtaAtVtxEle[iEle]) < deltaEtaAtVtx_thresh80) && (hOverEEle[iEle] < hOverE_thresh80); bool passed_VBTF95 = (iso_VBTF95 && eleID_VBTF95); bool passed_VBTF80 = (iso_VBTF80 && eleID_VBTF80); if( !passed_VBTF95 ) continue; // check that not matched to muon (clean electrons faked by muon MIP): bool matchedtomuon=false; for( std::vector<TLorentzVector>::iterator iMu=muons.begin(); iMu!=muons.end(); ++iMu ) if( iMu->DeltaR(thisEle)<0.1 ) matchedtomuon=true; if( matchedtomuon ) continue; // for now simple selection, will have to optimize this (T&P?) // one electron required to pass VBTF80, the other VBTF95 if( electrons.size()==0 ) { electrons.push_back( thisEle ); chargeFirstEle = chargeEle[iEle]; if( passed_VBTF80 ) firstPassedVBTF80 = true; } else if( chargeEle[iEle] != chargeFirstEle && ( firstPassedVBTF80||passed_VBTF80 ) ) { electrons.push_back( thisEle ); } } //for electrons if( requireLeptons_ ) if( electrons.size() < 2 && muons.size() < 2 ) continue; std::vector< TLorentzVector > leptons; if( electrons.size() == 2 && muons.size() == 2 ) { //veto H->ZZ->4l continue; } else if( electrons.size() == 2 ) { leptType_ = 1; if( electrons[0].Pt() > electrons[1].Pt() ) { leptons.push_back( electrons[0] ); leptons.push_back( electrons[1] ); } else { leptons.push_back( electrons[1] ); leptons.push_back( electrons[0] ); } } else if( muons.size() == 2 ) { leptType_ = 0; if( muons[0].Pt() > muons[1].Pt() ) { leptons.push_back( muons[0] ); leptons.push_back( muons[1] ); } else { leptons.push_back( muons[1] ); leptons.push_back( muons[0] ); } } else { //std::cout << "There must be an error this is not possible." << std::endl; //exit(9101); } eLept1_ = (leptons.size()>0) ? leptons[0].Energy() : 0.; ptLept1_ = (leptons.size()>0) ? leptons[0].Pt() : 0.; etaLept1_ = (leptons.size()>0) ? leptons[0].Eta() : 0.; phiLept1_ = (leptons.size()>0) ? leptons[0].Phi() : 0.; eLept2_ = (leptons.size()>1) ? leptons[1].Energy() : 0.; ptLept2_ = (leptons.size()>1) ? leptons[1].Pt() : 0.; etaLept2_ = (leptons.size()>1) ? leptons[1].Eta() : 0.; phiLept2_ = (leptons.size()>1) ? leptons[1].Phi() : 0.; // -------------------- // match leptons to MC: // -------------------- int correctIdMc = (leptType_==0 ) ? 13 : 11; for( unsigned iLept=0; iLept<leptons.size(); ++iLept ) { float deltaRmin = 100.; TLorentzVector matchedLeptonMC; for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc; ++iMc ) { if( statusMc[iMc]==1 && fabs(idMc[iMc])==correctIdMc && idMc[mothMc[mothMc[iMc]]]==23 ) { TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); float thisDeltaR = leptons[iLept].DeltaR( *thisParticle ); if( thisDeltaR < deltaRmin ) { deltaRmin = thisDeltaR; matchedLeptonMC = *thisParticle; } delete thisParticle; thisParticle = 0; } //if correct id mc } // for i mc } //for i leptons // ------------------ // JETS // ------------------ float jetPt_thresh = 20.; // first save leading jets in event: std::vector<AnalysisJet> leadJets; std::vector<int> leadJetsIndex; //index in the event collection (needed afterwards for PFCandidates) if( chargedHadronSubtraction_ ) { for( unsigned int iJet=0; iJet<nAK5PFNoPUJet; ++iJet ) { AnalysisJet thisJet( pxAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet], pyAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet], pzAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet], energyAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] ); // save at least 3 lead jets (if event has them) and all jets with pt>thresh: if( leadJets.size()>=3 && thisJet.Pt()<jetPt_thresh ) break; // far away from leptons: if( leptons.size()>0 ) if( thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[0] ) <= 0.5 ) continue; if( leptons.size()>1 ) if( thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[1] ) <= 0.5 ) continue; thisJet.nCharged = chargedHadronMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] + electronMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] + muonMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutral = neutralHadronMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] + photonMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] + HFHadronMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet] + HFEMMultiplicityAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.ptD = ptDAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.rmsCand = rmsCandAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis1 = axis1AK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis2 = axis2AK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pull = pullAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.tana = tanaAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.ptD_QC = ptD_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.rmsCand_QC = rmsCand_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis1_QC = axis1_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis2_QC = axis2_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pull_QC = pull_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.tana_QC = tana_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_ptCut = nChg_ptCutAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_QC = nChg_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_ptCut_QC = nChg_ptCut_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutral_ptCut = nNeutral_ptCutAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rchg = RchgAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rneutral = RneutralAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.R = RAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rchg_QC = Rchg_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMax = pTMaxAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxChg = pTMaxChgAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxNeutral = pTMaxNeutralAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxChg_QC = pTMaxChg_QCAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; thisJet.betastar = betastarAK5PFNoPUJet[iJet]; leadJets.push_back(thisJet); leadJetsIndex.push_back(iJet); } //for jets } else { // 'normal' PFJets: for( unsigned int iJet=0; iJet<nAK5PFPUcorrJet; ++iJet ) { AnalysisJet thisJet( pxAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], pyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], pzAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet], energyAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] ); // save at least 3 lead jets (if event has them) and all jets with pt>thresh: if( leadJets.size()>=3 && thisJet.Pt()<jetPt_thresh ) break; // far away from leptons: if( leptons.size()>0 ) if( thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[0] ) <= 0.5 ) continue; if( leptons.size()>1 ) if( thisJet.DeltaR( leptons[1] ) <= 0.5 ) continue; thisJet.nCharged = chargedHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + electronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + muonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutral = neutralHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + photonMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + HFHadronMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet] + HFEMMultiplicityAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.ptD = ptDAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.rmsCand = rmsCandAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis1 = axis1AK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis2 = axis2AK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pull = pullAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.tana = tanaAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.ptD_QC = ptD_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.rmsCand_QC = rmsCand_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis1_QC = axis1_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.axis2_QC = axis2_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pull_QC = pull_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.tana_QC = tana_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_ptCut = nChg_ptCutAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_QC = nChg_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nChg_ptCut_QC = nChg_ptCut_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.nNeutral_ptCut = nNeutral_ptCutAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rchg = RchgAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rneutral = RneutralAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.R = RAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.Rchg_QC = Rchg_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMax = pTMaxAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxChg = pTMaxChgAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxNeutral = pTMaxNeutralAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.pTMaxChg_QC = pTMaxChg_QCAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; thisJet.betastar = betastarAK5PFPUcorrJet[iJet]; leadJets.push_back(thisJet); leadJetsIndex.push_back(iJet); } //for jets } //if/else CHS nJet_ = 0; nPart_ = 0; for( unsigned iJet=0; iJet<leadJets.size(); ++iJet ) { AnalysisJet thisJet = leadJets[iJet]; // -------------- // kinematics: // -------------- if( thisJet.Pt() < jetPt_thresh ) continue; //if( fabs(thisJet.Eta()) > 2.4 ) continue; if( nJet_ < 20 ) { eJet_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].Energy(); ptJet_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].Pt(); etaJet_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].Eta(); phiJet_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].Phi(); nCharged_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].nCharged; nNeutral_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].nNeutral; ptD_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].ptD; rmsCand_[nJet_] = leadJets[nJet_].rmsCand; axis1_[nJet_] = thisJet.axis1; axis2_[nJet_] = thisJet.axis2; pull_[nJet_] = thisJet.pull; tana_[nJet_] = thisJet.tana; ptD_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.ptD_QC; rmsCand_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.rmsCand_QC; axis1_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.axis1_QC; axis2_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.axis2_QC; pull_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.pull_QC; tana_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.tana_QC; nChg_ptCut_[nJet_] = thisJet.nChg_ptCut; nChg_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.nChg_QC; nChg_ptCut_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.nChg_ptCut_QC; nNeutral_ptCut_[nJet_] = thisJet.nNeutral_ptCut; Rchg_[nJet_] = thisJet.Rchg; Rneutral_[nJet_] = thisJet.Rneutral; R_[nJet_] = thisJet.R; Rchg_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.Rchg_QC; pTMax_[nJet_] = thisJet.pTMax; pTMaxChg_[nJet_] = thisJet.pTMaxChg; pTMaxNeutral_[nJet_] = thisJet.pTMaxNeutral; pTMaxChg_QC_[nJet_] = thisJet.pTMaxChg_QC; betastar_[nJet_] = thisJet.betastar; // match to gen jet: float deltaR_genJet_best = 999.; TLorentzVector foundGenJet; for( unsigned iGenJet=0; iGenJet<nAK5GenJet; ++iGenJet ) { TLorentzVector* thisGenJet = new TLorentzVector( pxAK5GenJet[iGenJet], pyAK5GenJet[iGenJet], pzAK5GenJet[iGenJet], energyAK5GenJet[iGenJet] ); if( thisGenJet->Pt()<3. ) continue; float deltaR = thisGenJet->DeltaR(leadJets[nJet_]); if( deltaR<deltaR_genJet_best ) { deltaR_genJet_best = deltaR; foundGenJet = *thisGenJet; } } //for genjets if( deltaR_genJet_best<999. ) { eJetGen_[nJet_] = foundGenJet.Energy(); ptJetGen_[nJet_] = foundGenJet.Pt(); etaJetGen_[nJet_] = foundGenJet.Eta(); phiJetGen_[nJet_] = foundGenJet.Phi(); } else { eJetGen_[nJet_] = 0.; ptJetGen_[nJet_] = 0.; etaJetGen_[nJet_] = 0.; phiJetGen_[nJet_] = 0.; } nJet_++; } //if less than 20 } //for i if( isMC_ ) { // store event partons in tree: for( unsigned iMc=0; iMc<nMc; ++iMc ) { if( statusMc[iMc]==3 && (fabs(idMc[iMc])<=6 || idMc[iMc]==21) ) { TLorentzVector* thisParticle = new TLorentzVector(); thisParticle->SetPtEtaPhiE( pMc[iMc]*sin(thetaMc[iMc]), etaMc[iMc], phiMc[iMc], energyMc[iMc] ); if( nPart_<20 ) { ptPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Pt(); etaPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Eta(); phiPart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Phi(); ePart_[nPart_] = thisParticle->Energy(); pdgIdPart_[nPart_] = idMc[iMc]; nPart_++; } else { std::cout << "Found more than 20 partons, skipping." << std::endl; } delete thisParticle; thisParticle = 0; } //if correct id mc } // for i mc } // if is mc reducedTree_->Fill(); } //for entries } //loop