Exemple #1
 * Helper function to extract the histograms from the canvas file. <br>
 * Takes references to pointers in order to fill them.
void getHistograms(const TString canvasName, TH1F * & histo1, TH1D * & histo2, const TString & resonance)
  std::cout << "canvasName = " << canvasName << std::endl;
  TFile * inputFile = new TFile("plotMassOutput.root");
  TCanvas * canvas = (TCanvas*)inputFile->Get(canvasName);
  TString resonanceNum("_1");
  if( resonance == "Upsilon3S" ) resonanceNum = "_2";
  if( resonance == "Upsilon2S" ) resonanceNum = "_3";
  if( resonance == "Upsilon" ) resonanceNum = "_4";
  if( resonance == "Psi2S" ) resonanceNum = "_5";
  if( resonance == "JPsi" ) resonanceNum = "_6";

  if( resonance == "Psis" ) resonanceNum = "_1";
  if( resonance == "Upsilons" ) resonanceNum = "_2";
  if( resonance == "LowPtResonances" ) resonanceNum = "_3";
  if( resonance == "AllResonances" ) resonanceNum = "_4";

  TPad * pad = (TPad*)canvas->GetPrimitive(canvasName+resonanceNum);
  histo1 = (TH1F*)pad->GetPrimitive("hRecBestResAllEvents_Mass");
  if( resonance == "Z" || resonance == "AllResonances" ) histo2 = (TH1D*)pad->GetPrimitive("Mass_PProf");
  else histo2 = (TH1D*)pad->GetPrimitive("Mass_fine_PProf");
  // if( resonance == "Z" || resonance == "AllResonances" ) histo2 = (TH1D*)pad->GetPrimitive("Mass_Probability");
  // else histo2 = (TH1D*)pad->GetPrimitive("Mass_fine_Probability");

  // cout << "histo1 = " << histo1 << ", histo2 = " << histo2 << endl;
  // cout << "histo1 = " << histo1->GetEntries() << ", histo2 = " << histo2->GetEntries() << endl;
//----------  Retrieve data histo  -----------------
TH1F* GetData(TFile* fin, string region, string varname)
    string cname = CHANNEL_NAME+string("/")+region+"/"+varname;
    TCanvas* c = (TCanvas*) fin->Get(cname.c_str());
    TList* l = c->GetListOfPrimitives();
    TPad* pad = (TPad*) l->At(0);
    string hname = "v:"+varname+"|r:"+region+string("|c:")+CHANNEL_NAME+string("|t:1DSumData");
    TH1F* h = (TH1F*) pad->GetPrimitive(hname.c_str());
    return (TH1F*) h->Clone();
TH1F* GetHisto(TFile* fin, string region, string process, string varname, float& norm, bool do_norm, float input_norm)
    string cname = CHANNEL_NAME+string("/")+region+"/"+varname;
    TCanvas* c = (TCanvas*) fin->Get(cname.c_str());
    string hname = "v:"+varname+"|p:"+process+"|r:"+region+string("|c:")+CHANNEL_NAME+string("|t:1DEntries");
    TH1F* h = 0;
 	 cerr<<"cname :"<<cname<<endl;
   	 cerr<<"histo name: "<<hname<<endl;
   	 cerr<<"pointer: "<<c<<endl;
    TList* l = c->GetListOfPrimitives();
    TPad* pad = (TPad*) l->At(0);
    THStack* stack = (THStack*) pad->GetPrimitive("");
    h = (TH1F*) stack->GetHists()->FindObject(hname.c_str());
    if(do_norm) h->Scale(input_norm/h->Integral());
    norm = h->Integral();
    return (TH1F*) h->Clone();