Exemple #1
Q: This approach of passing a hash table by reference and adding entries to it is common here.
But it also implies certain assumptions about the input - i.e. empty input table. 
Why PHash is never used? - why not let the function allocate the new table and return a smart ptr PHash..
void TTable::GroupByIntCol(TStr GroupBy, THash<TInt,TIntV>& grouping, const TIntV& IndexSet, TBool All) const{
  if(!ColTypeMap.IsKey(GroupBy)){TExcept::Throw("no such column " + GroupBy);}
  if(GetColType(GroupBy) != INT){TExcept::Throw(GroupBy + " values are not of expected type integer");}
     // optimize for the common and most expensive case - itearte over only valid rows
    for(TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++){
      UpdateGrouping<TInt>(grouping, it.GetIntAttr(GroupBy), it.GetRowIdx());
  } else{
    // consider only rows in IndexSet
    for(TInt i = 0; i < IndexSet.Len(); i++){
        TInt RowIdx = IndexSet[i];
        const TIntV& Col = IntCols[GetColIdx(GroupBy)];       
        UpdateGrouping<TInt>(grouping, Col[RowIdx], RowIdx);
Exemple #2
void TTable::SaveSS(const TStr& OutFNm){
  FILE* F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "w");
  // debug
  if(F == NULL){
    printf("failed to open file %s\n", OutFNm.CStr());
    perror("fail ");

  TInt L = S.Len();
  // print title (schema)
  for(TInt i = 0; i < L-1; i++){
    fprintf(F, "%s\t", GetSchemaColName(i).CStr());
   fprintf(F, "%s\n", GetSchemaColName(L-1).CStr());
  // print table contents
  for(TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++){
    for(TInt i = 0; i < L; i++){
      char C = (i == L-1) ? '\n' : '\t';
	      case INT:{
		    fprintf(F, "%d%c", RowI.GetIntAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
	     case FLT:{
		    fprintf(F, "%f%c", RowI.GetFltAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
	    case STR:{
		    fprintf(F, "%s%c", RowI.GetStrAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).CStr(), C);
Exemple #3
// Q: Do we want to have any gurantees in terms of order of the 0t rows - i.e. 
// ordered by "this" table row idx as primary key and "Table" row idx as secondary key
 // This means only keeping joint row indices (pairs of original row indices), sorting them
 // and adding all rows in the end. Sorting can be expensive, but we would be able to pre-allocate 
 // memory for the joint table..
PTable TTable::Join(TStr Col1, const TTable& Table, TStr Col2) {
    TExcept::Throw("no such column " + Col1);
    TExcept::Throw("no such column " + Col2);
  if (GetColType(Col1) != GetColType(Col2)) {
    TExcept::Throw("Trying to Join on columns of different type");
  // initialize result table
  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(Table);
  // hash smaller table (group by column)
  TYPE ColType = GetColType(Col1);
  TBool ThisIsSmaller = (NumValidRows <= Table.NumValidRows);
  const TTable& TS = ThisIsSmaller ? *this : Table;
  const TTable& TB = ThisIsSmaller ?  Table : *this;
  TStr ColS = ThisIsSmaller ? Col1 : Col2;
  TStr ColB = ThisIsSmaller ? Col2 : Col1;
  // iterate over the rows of the bigger table and check for "collisions" 
  // with the group keys for the small table.
    case INT:{
      THash<TInt, TIntV> T;
      TS.GroupByIntCol(Col1, T, TIntV(), true);
      for(TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++){
        TInt K = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColB);
          TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
          for(TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++){
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
            } else{
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
    case FLT:{
      THash<TFlt, TIntV> T;
      TS.GroupByFltCol(Col1, T, TIntV(), true);
      for(TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++){
        TFlt K = RowI.GetFltAttr(ColB);
          TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
          for(TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++){
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
            } else{
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
    case STR:{
      THash<TStr, TIntV> T;
      TS.GroupByStrCol(Col1, T, TIntV(), true);
      for(TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++){
        TStr K = RowI.GetStrAttr(ColB);
          TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
          for(TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++){
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
            } else{
              JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
 return JointTable; 