void SAXHandler() { TSAXParser *saxParser = new TSAXParser(); SaxHandler *saxHandler = new SaxHandler(); saxParser->ConnectToHandler("SaxHandler", saxHandler); TString dir = gSystem->DirName(gInterpreter->GetCurrentMacroName()); saxParser->ParseFile(dir+"/saxexample.xml"); }
int execSaxParserSimple() { const Int_t nIterations = 1000; TSAXParser *saxParser = new TSAXParser(); SAXHandler *saxHandler = new SAXHandler(); TStopwatch timer; saxParser->ConnectToHandler("SAXHandler", saxHandler); timer.Start(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nIterations; i++) { saxParser->ParseFile("./saxSimpleExample.xml"); saxHandler->Quiet(); } auto realTime = timer.RealTime(); float threshold = 15; #ifdef __aarch64__ threshold = 30; #endif if (realTime > threshold) std::cout << "WARNING: The parsing took " << realTime << " seconds. This may be too much\n"; return 0; }
void TBDataParser::Parse(const char *file) { TSAXParser *parser = new TSAXParser(); parser->ConnectToHandler("TBDataParser", this); parser->ParseFile(file); }