void TSessionStoreFactory::loadPlugins()
    if (!ssifs) {
        ssifs = new QList<TSessionStoreInterface *>();
        // Init hash
        hash.insert(TSessionSqlObjectStore().key().toLower(), SqlObject);
        hash.insert(TSessionCookieStore().key().toLower(), Cookie);
        hash.insert(TSessionFileStore().key().toLower(), File);

        QDir dir(Tf::app()->pluginPath());
        QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
        for (QStringListIterator i(list); i.hasNext(); ) {
            QPluginLoader loader(dir.absoluteFilePath(i.next()));
            TSessionStoreInterface *iface = qobject_cast<TSessionStoreInterface *>(loader.instance());
            if ( iface ) {
                QStringList keys = iface->keys();
                for (QStringListIterator j(keys); j.hasNext(); ) {
                    hash.insert(j.next(), Plugin);
  Creates and returns a TSessionStore object that matches the given key,
  or returns 0 if no matching session store is found.
TSessionStore *TSessionStoreFactory::create(const QString &key)
    T_TRACEFUNC("key: %s", qPrintable(key));

    static const QString COOKIE_KEY = TSessionCookieStore().key().toLower();
    static const QString SQLOBJECT_KEY = TSessionSqlObjectStore().key().toLower();
    static const QString FILE_KEY = TSessionFileStore().key().toLower();
    static const QString REDIS_KEY = TSessionRedisStore().key().toLower();

    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);

    TSessionStore *ret = 0;

    QString k = key.toLower();
    if (k == COOKIE_KEY) {
        ret = new TSessionCookieStore;
    } else if (k == SQLOBJECT_KEY) {
        ret = new TSessionSqlObjectStore;
    } else if (k == FILE_KEY) {
        ret = new TSessionFileStore;
    } else if (k == REDIS_KEY) {
        ret = new TSessionRedisStore;
    } else {
        TSessionStoreInterface *ssif = sessIfMap->value(k);
        if (ssif) {
            ret = ssif->create(key);

    return ret;
TSessionStore *TSessionStoreFactory::create(const QString &key)
    T_TRACEFUNC("key: %s", qPrintable(key));

    QMutexLocker locker(&mutex);
    TSessionStore *ret = 0;
    QString k = key.toLower();
    int type = hash.value(k, Invalid);
    switch (type) {
    case SqlObject:
        ret = new TSessionSqlObjectStore;

    case Cookie:
        ret = new TSessionCookieStore;

    case File:
        ret = new TSessionFileStore;

    case Plugin: {
        for (QListIterator<TSessionStoreInterface *> i(*ssifs); i.hasNext(); ) {
             TSessionStoreInterface *p = i.next();
             if (p->keys().contains(k)) {
                 ret = p->create(k);
         break; }

        // do nothing

    return ret;
  Loads session store plugins in the plugin directory.
void TSessionStoreFactory::loadPlugins()
    if (!sessIfMap) {
        sessIfMap = new QMap<QString, TSessionStoreInterface*>();

        QDir dir(Tf::app()->pluginPath());
        QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
        for (QStringListIterator i(list); i.hasNext(); ) {
            QPluginLoader loader(dir.absoluteFilePath(i.next()));

            tSystemDebug("plugin library for session store: %s", qPrintable(loader.fileName()));
            if (!loader.load()) {
                tSystemError("plugin load error: %s", qPrintable(loader.errorString()));

            TSessionStoreInterface *iface = qobject_cast<TSessionStoreInterface *>(loader.instance());
            if ( iface ) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
                QVariantList array = loader.metaData().value("MetaData").toObject().value("Keys").toArray().toVariantList();
                for (QListIterator<QVariant> it(array); it.hasNext(); ) {
                    QString key = it.next().toString().toLower();
                    tSystemInfo("Loaded session store plugin: %s", qPrintable(key));
                    sessIfMap->insert(key, iface);
                QStringList keys = iface->keys();
                for (QStringListIterator j(keys); j.hasNext(); ) {
                    QString key = j.next().toLower();
                    tSystemInfo("Loaded session store plugin: %s", qPrintable(key));
                    sessIfMap->insert(key, iface);