TQmParam(const TStr& FNm) { EAssertR(TFile::Exists(FNm), "Missing configuration file " + FNm); // load configuration file PJsonVal ConfigVal = TJsonVal::GetValFromSIn(TFIn::New(FNm)); EAssertR(ConfigVal->IsObj(), "Invalid setting file - not valid JSON"); // parse out common stuff RootFPath = TStr::GetNrFPath(ConfigVal->GetObjStr("directory", TDir::GetCurDir())); LockFNm = RootFPath + "./lock"; DbFPath = ConfigVal->GetObjStr("database", "./db/"); PortN = TFlt::Round(ConfigVal->GetObjNum("port")); // parse out unicode definition file TStr UnicodeFNm = ConfigVal->GetObjStr("unicode", TQm::TEnv::QMinerFPath + "./UnicodeDef.Bin"); if (!TUnicodeDef::IsDef()) { TUnicodeDef::Load(UnicodeFNm); } // parse cache if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("cache")) { PJsonVal CacheVal = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("cache"); // parse out index and default store cache sizes IndexCacheSize = int64(CacheVal->GetObjNum("index", 1024)) * int64(TInt::Mega); DefStoreCacheSize = int64(CacheVal->GetObjNum("store", 1024)) * int64(TInt::Mega); // prase out store specific sizes, when available if (CacheVal->IsObjKey("stores")) { PJsonVal StoreCacheVals = CacheVal->GetObjKey("stores"); for (int StoreN = 0; StoreN < StoreCacheVals->GetArrVals(); StoreN++) { PJsonVal StoreCacheVal = StoreCacheVals->GetArrVal(StoreN); TStr StoreName = StoreCacheVal->GetObjStr("name"); uint64 StoreCacheSize = int64(StoreCacheVal->GetObjNum("size")) * int64(TInt::Mega); StoreNmCacheSizeH.AddDat(StoreName, StoreCacheSize); } } } else { // default sizes are set to 1GB for index and stores IndexCacheSize = int64(1024) * int64(TInt::Mega); DefStoreCacheSize = int64(1024) * int64(TInt::Mega); } // load scripts if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("script")) { // we have configuration file, read it PJsonVal JsVals = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("script"); if (JsVals->IsArr()) { for (int JsValN = 0; JsValN < JsVals->GetArrVals(); JsValN++) { JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, JsVals->GetArrVal(JsValN))); } } else { JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, JsVals)); } } else { // no settings for scripts, assume default setting TStr SrcFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("src", RootFPath); TFFile File(SrcFPath, ".js", false); TStr SrcFNm; while (File.Next(SrcFNm)) { JsParamV.Add(TJsParam(RootFPath, SrcFNm)); } } // load serving folders //TODO: Add to qm config ability to edit this if (ConfigVal->IsObjKey("wwwroot")) { PJsonVal WwwVals = ConfigVal->GetObjKey("wwwroot"); if (WwwVals->IsArr()) { for (int WwwValN = 0; WwwValN < WwwVals->GetArrVals(); WwwValN++) { AddWwwRoot(WwwVals->GetArrVal(WwwValN)); } } else { AddWwwRoot(WwwVals); } } // check for folder with admin GUI TStr GuiFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("gui", TQm::TEnv::QMinerFPath); if (TDir::Exists(GuiFPath)) { WwwRootV.Add(TStrPr("admin", GuiFPath)); } // check for any default wwwroot TStr DefaultWwwRootFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath("www", RootFPath); if (TDir::Exists(DefaultWwwRootFPath)) { WwwRootV.Add(TStrPr("www", DefaultWwwRootFPath)); } }
void TExp::GetBiDescV(TStrPrV& BiDescV){ BiDescV.Clr(); // constants BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("True", "Logical 'True' == 1.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("False", "Logical 'False' == 0.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E", "Nat. logarithm basis (2.7182...).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Pi", "Constant pi (3.1415...).")); // trigonometric funcions BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Sin(X)", "Sine of angle in radians.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Cos(X)", "Cosine of angle in radians.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Tan(X)", "Tangent of angle in radians.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("ASin(X)", "Arc sine of (-1..+1).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("ACos(X)", "Arc cosine of (-1..+1).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("ATan(X)", "Arc tangent of (-inf..+inf).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("SinH(X)", "Hyperbolic sine.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("CosH(X)", "Hyperbolic cosine.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("TanH(X)", "Hyperbolic tangent.")); // exponential functions BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Pow(X, Y)", "X to the power of Y.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Exp(X)", "Exponential E to the power of X.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Sqr(X)", "X squared.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Sqrt(X)", "Positive square root.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Log(X)", "Natural logarithm.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Log10(X)", "Base 10 logarithm.")); // number manipulation functions BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Ceil(X)", "The smallest integer not less than X.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Floor(X)", "The largest integer not greater than X.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Int(X)", "Integer part of X.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Frac(X)", "Fractional part of X.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("Abs(X)", "Absolute value of X.")); // random deviates BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("UniDev()", "Uniform deviate (0..1).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("NrmDev()", "Normal deviate (0, 1).")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("ExpDev()", "Exponential deviate.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("GamDev(Order)", "Gamma deviate of Order.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("PoiDev(Mean)", "Poisson deviate.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("BinDev(Prb, Trials)", "Binomial deviate.")); // operators BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("+N", "Unary plus.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("-N", "Unary minus.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("!L", "Not.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1+N2", "Plus.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1-N2", "Minus.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1*N2", "Multiply.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1/N2", "Division.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1#N2", "Integer division.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("N1%N2", "Modulo.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("L1&L2", "And.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("L1|L2", "Or.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1=E2", "Equal.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1<>E2", "Not equal.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1<E2", "Less.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1>E2", "Greater.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1<=E2", "Less or equal.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("E1>=E2", "Greater or equal.")); BiDescV.Add(TStrPr("L?E1:E2", "If L then return E1 else return E2.")); }
void AddWwwRoot(const PJsonVal& WwwVal) { WwwRootV.Add(TStrPr(WwwVal->GetObjStr("name"), TStr::GetNrAbsFPath(WwwVal->GetObjStr("path"), RootFPath))); }