Exemple #1
// Change all function entries in the table with the non-mangled name
// to be related to the provided built-in extension. This is a low
// performance operation, and only intended for symbol tables that
// live across a large number of compiles.
void TSymbolTableLevel::relateToExtension(const char* name, const TString& ext)
    for (tLevel::iterator it = level.begin(); it != level.end(); ++it) {
        TSymbol* symbol = it->second;
        if (symbol->getName() == name)
Exemple #2
// Return a writable version of the variable 'name'.
// Return nullptr if 'name' is not found.  This should mean
// something is seriously wrong (e.g., compiler asking self for
// built-in that doesn't exist).
TVariable* TParseContextBase::getEditableVariable(const char* name)
    bool builtIn;
    TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(name, &builtIn);

    assert(symbol != nullptr);
    if (symbol == nullptr)
        return nullptr;

    if (builtIn)

    return symbol->getAsVariable();
Exemple #3
// Make all function overloads of the given name require an extension(s).
// Should only be used for a version/profile that actually needs the extension(s).
void TSymbolTableLevel::setFunctionExtensions(const char* name, int num, const char* const extensions[])
    tLevel::const_iterator candidate = level.lower_bound(name);
    while (candidate != level.end()) {
        const TString& candidateName = (*candidate).first;
        TString::size_type parenAt = candidateName.find_first_of('(');
        if (parenAt != candidateName.npos && candidateName.compare(0, parenAt, name) == 0) {
            TSymbol* symbol = candidate->second;
            symbol->setExtensions(num, extensions);
        } else
bool ValidateLimitations::validateFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate *node)
    ASSERT(node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall);

    // If not within loop body, there is nothing to check.
    if (!withinLoopBody())
        return true;

    // List of param indices for which loop indices are used as argument.
    typedef std::vector<size_t> ParamIndex;
    ParamIndex pIndex;
    TIntermSequence *params = node->getSequence();
    for (TIntermSequence::size_type i = 0; i < params->size(); ++i)
        TIntermSymbol *symbol = (*params)[i]->getAsSymbolNode();
        if (symbol && isLoopIndex(symbol))
    // If none of the loop indices are used as arguments,
    // there is nothing to check.
    if (pIndex.empty())
        return true;

    bool valid = true;
    TSymbolTable& symbolTable = GetGlobalParseContext()->symbolTable;
    TSymbol *symbol           = symbolTable.find(node->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->getName(),
    ASSERT(symbol && symbol->isFunction());
    TFunction *function = static_cast<TFunction *>(symbol);
    for (ParamIndex::const_iterator i = pIndex.begin();
         i != pIndex.end(); ++i)
        const TConstParameter &param = function->getParam(*i);
        TQualifier qual = param.type->getQualifier();
        if ((qual == EvqOut) || (qual == EvqInOut))
                  "Loop index cannot be used as argument to a function out or inout parameter",
            valid = false;

    return valid;
Exemple #5
/* AddSymbol() - add a symbol to a symbol.
 * Every symbol has an associated vector of zero or more other symbols.
 *     nonterminal - vector of rule names
 *     rule        - vector of heterogenous production symbols
 *     terminal    - <empty>
void TSymbolAtom::AddSymbol(TSymbol Symbol, TTokenIndex TokenId)
    auto SymbolName = Symbol->Name();

    printf("Add symbol '%s' to '%s'\n",
        Symbol->Name_.c_str(), Name_.c_str());

    // either every symbol should be getting token IDs or none of them...
//    assert(Derives.size() == TokenIds.size() || TokenId < 0);
//    if(TokenId >= 0)
//        TokenIds.push_back(TokenId);
    printf("    count(Derives) = %d\n", (int)Derives.size());
Exemple #6
bool Halyard::operator==(const TSymbol &inS1, const TSymbol &inS2) {
    return inS1.GetName() == inS2.GetName();
// Do all the semantic checking for declaring an array, with and 
// without a size, and make the right changes to the symbol table.
// size == 0 means no specified size.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::arrayErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType type, TVariable*& variable)
    // Don't check for reserved word use until after we know it's not in the symbol table,
    // because reserved arrays can be redeclared.

    bool builtIn = false; 
    bool sameScope = false;
    TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(identifier, &builtIn, &sameScope);
    if (symbol == 0 || !sameScope) {
        if (reservedErrorCheck(line, identifier))
            return true;
        variable = new TVariable(&identifier, TType(type));

        if (type.arraySize)

        if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
            delete variable;
            error(line, "INTERNAL ERROR inserting new symbol", identifier.c_str(), "");
            return true;
    } else {
        if (! symbol->isVariable()) {
            error(line, "variable expected", identifier.c_str(), "");
            return true;

        variable = static_cast<TVariable*>(symbol);
        if (! variable->getType().isArray()) {
            error(line, "redeclaring non-array as array", identifier.c_str(), "");
            return true;
        if (variable->getType().getArraySize() > 0) {
            error(line, "redeclaration of array with size", identifier.c_str(), "");
            return true;
        if (! variable->getType().sameElementType(TType(type))) {
            error(line, "redeclaration of array with a different type", identifier.c_str(), "");
            return true;

        TType* t = variable->getArrayInformationType();
        while (t != 0) {
            if (t->getMaxArraySize() > type.arraySize) {
                error(line, "higher index value already used for the array", identifier.c_str(), "");
                return true;
            t = t->getArrayInformationType();

        if (type.arraySize)

    if (voidErrorCheck(line, identifier, type))
        return true;

    return false;
void TLValueTrackingTraverser::traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node)
    bool visit = true;

    TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence();
    if (node->getOp() == EOpPrototype)
        addToFunctionMap(node->getFunctionSymbolInfo()->getNameObj(), sequence);

    if (preVisit)
        visit = visitAggregate(PreVisit, node);

    if (visit)
        bool inFunctionMap = false;
        if (node->getOp() == EOpFunctionCall)
            inFunctionMap = isInFunctionMap(node);
            if (!inFunctionMap)
                // The function is not user-defined - it is likely built-in texture function.
                // Assume that those do not have out parameters.


        if (inFunctionMap)
            TIntermSequence *params             = getFunctionParameters(node);
            TIntermSequence::iterator paramIter = params->begin();
            for (auto *child : *sequence)
                ASSERT(paramIter != params->end());
                TQualifier qualifier = (*paramIter)->getAsTyped()->getQualifier();
                setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);

                if (visit && inVisit)
                    if (child != sequence->back())
                        visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);


            // Find the built-in function corresponding to this op so that we can determine the
            // in/out qualifiers of its parameters.
            TFunction *builtInFunc = nullptr;
            TString opString = GetOperatorString(node->getOp());
            if (!node->isConstructor() && !opString.empty())
                // The return type doesn't affect the mangled name of the function, which is used
                // to look it up from the symbol table.
                TType dummyReturnType;
                TFunction call(&opString, &dummyReturnType, node->getOp());
                for (auto *child : *sequence)
                    TType *paramType = child->getAsTyped()->getTypePointer();
                    TConstParameter p(paramType);

                TSymbol *sym = mSymbolTable.findBuiltIn(call.getMangledName(), mShaderVersion);
                if (sym != nullptr && sym->isFunction())
                    builtInFunc = static_cast<TFunction *>(sym);
                    ASSERT(builtInFunc->getParamCount() == sequence->size());

            size_t paramIndex = 0;

            for (auto *child : *sequence)
                TQualifier qualifier = EvqIn;
                if (builtInFunc != nullptr)
                    qualifier = builtInFunc->getParam(paramIndex).type->getQualifier();
                setInFunctionCallOutParameter(qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut);

                if (visit && inVisit)
                    if (child != sequence->back())
                        visit = visitAggregate(InVisit, node);




    if (visit && postVisit)
        visitAggregate(PostVisit, node);
Exemple #9
TRefSys::TRefSys(const TSymbol& symbol, ValueType value )
	:TComplex(TSymbol{symbol.GetScope(), symbol.GetName(), TSymbol::TYPE_COMPLEX,TypeName()})
	m_valueNames = { "a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z" };
Exemple #10
TBool::TBool(const TSymbol& symbol, ValueType value)
	:TVariate(TSymbol{ symbol.GetScope(), symbol.GetName(), TSymbol::BOOL,TypeName() })
	, m_value(value)