Exemple #1
TXshCell TTool::getImageCell() {

  TXshCell result;

  TFrameHandle *currentFrame    = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
  TXshLevelHandle *currentLevel = m_application->getCurrentLevel();

  if (currentFrame->isEditingLevel()) {
    if (TXshLevel *xl = currentLevel->getLevel()) {
      if (TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel()) {
        result.m_level   = xl;
        result.m_frameId = currentFrame->getFid();
  } else {
    if (TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet()) {
      if (!m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) {
        int row = currentFrame->getFrame();
        int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();

        result = xsh->getCell(row, col);

  return result;
 void undo() const override {
   TXshLevel *level = m_levelHandle->getLevel();
   if (level) {
     std::vector<TFrameId> fids;
     invalidateIcons(level, fids);
Exemple #3
TImage *TTool::touchImage() {
  if (!m_application) return 0;


  m_isLevelCreated  = false;
  m_isFrameCreated  = false;
  Preferences *pref = Preferences::instance();

  bool isAutoCreateEnabled   = pref->isAutoCreateEnabled();
  bool animationSheetEnabled = pref->isAnimationSheetEnabled();
  bool isAutoStretchEnabled  = pref->isAutoStretchEnabled();

  TFrameHandle *currentFrame    = m_application->getCurrentFrame();
  TXshLevelHandle *currentLevel = m_application->getCurrentLevel();

  if (currentFrame->isEditingLevel()) {
    // Editing level

    // no level => return 0
    TXshLevel *xl = currentLevel->getLevel();
    if (!xl) return 0;
    TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
    if (!sl || sl->isEmpty()) return 0;

    TFrameId fid = currentFrame->getFid();
    TImageP img  = sl->getFrame(fid, true);
    if (!img) {
      // no drawing found
      if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly() || !isAutoCreateEnabled)
        return 0;

      // create a new drawing
      img = sl->createEmptyFrame();
      sl->setFrame(fid, img);
      m_isFrameCreated = true;
    return img.getPointer();
  } else {
    // editing xsheet
    if (m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) return 0;

    TSceneHandle *currentScene = m_application->getCurrentScene();
    ToonzScene *scene          = currentScene->getScene();
    int row                    = currentFrame->getFrame();
    int col = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
    if (col < 0) return 0;

    TXsheetHandle *currentXsheet = m_application->getCurrentXsheet();
    TXsheet *xsh                 = currentXsheet->getXsheet();
    if (!xsh) return 0;

    TXshCell cell       = xsh->getCell(row, col);
    TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();

    if (sl != 0) {
      // current cell is not empty
      if (isAutoCreateEnabled && animationSheetEnabled && row > 0 &&
          xsh->getCell(row - 1, col) == xsh->getCell(row, col)) {
        // animationSheet is enabled and the current cell is a "hold". We must
        // create a new drawing.
        // measure the hold length (starting from the current row) : r0-r1
        int r0 = row, r1 = row;
        if (isAutoStretchEnabled)
          while (xsh->getCell(r1 + 1, col) == cell) r1++;
        // find the proper frameid (possibly addisng suffix, in order to avoid a
        // fid already used)
        TFrameId fid = getNewFrameId(sl, row);
        // create the new drawing
        TImageP img      = sl->createEmptyFrame();
        m_isFrameCreated = true;
        // insert the drawing in the level
        sl->setFrame(fid, img);
        // update the cell
        cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
        // update the xsheet (change the current cell and possibly all the
        // following "hold")
        for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) xsh->setCell(r, col, cell);
        // notify
      // we've found the image. return it.
      return cell.getImage(true).getPointer();

    // current cell is empty.
    if (!isAutoCreateEnabled) return 0;

    // get the column range
    int r0, r1;
    xsh->getCellRange(col, r0, r1);

    if (animationSheetEnabled && r0 <= r1) {
      // animation sheet enabled and not empty column. We must create a new
      // drawing in the column level and possibly add "holds"

      // find the last not-empty cell before the current one (a) and the first
      // after (b)
      int a = row - 1, b = row + 1;
      while (a >= r0 && xsh->getCell(a, col).isEmpty()) a--;
      while (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).isEmpty()) b++;

      // find the level we must attach to
      if (a >= r0) {
        // there is a not-emtpy cell before the current one
        sl = xsh->getCell(a, col).getSimpleLevel();
      } else if (b <= r1) {
        sl = xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel();
      if (sl) {
        // note: sl should be always !=0 (the column is not empty)
        // if - for some reason - it is ==0 then we skip to the standard (i.e.
        // !animationSheetEnabled) beahviour

        // create the drawing
        // find the proper frameid (possibly addisng suffix, in order to avoid a
        // fid already used)
        TFrameId fid = getNewFrameId(sl, row);
        // create the new drawing
        TImageP img      = sl->createEmptyFrame();
        m_isFrameCreated = true;
        // insert the drawing in the level
        sl->setFrame(fid, img);
        // update the cell
        cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
        xsh->setCell(row, col, cell);

        // create holds
        if (!isAutoStretchEnabled) {
          m_cellsData.push_back(2);  // vuoto => nuovo
        } else {
          if (a >= r0) {
            // create a hold before : [a+1, row-1]
            TXshCell aCell = xsh->getCell(a, col);
            for (int i = a + 1; i < row; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, aCell);
            m_cellsData.push_back(a + 1);
            m_cellsData.push_back(row - 1);
            m_cellsData.push_back(1);  // vuoto => vecchio

            if (b <= r1 && xsh->getCell(b, col).getSimpleLevel() == sl) {
              // create also a hold after
              for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell);
              m_cellsData.push_back(b - 1);
              m_cellsData.push_back(2);  // vuoto => nuovo
            } else {
              m_cellsData.push_back(2);  // vuoto => nuovo
          } else if (b <= r1) {
            // create a hold after
            for (int i = row + 1; i < b; i++) xsh->setCell(i, col, cell);
            m_cellsData.push_back(b - 1);
            m_cellsData.push_back(2);  // vuoto => nuovo
      // notify & return
      return cell.getImage(true).getPointer();

    if (row > 0 && xsh->getCell(row - 1, col).getSimpleLevel() != 0 &&
        !animationSheetEnabled) {
      sl = xsh->getCell(row - 1, col).getSimpleLevel();
      if (sl->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL ||
          sl->getPath().getFrame() != TFrameId::NO_FRAME) {
        // la cella precedente contiene un drawing di un livello. animationSheet
        // e' disabilitato
        // creo un nuovo frame
        if (sl->isSubsequence() || sl->isReadOnly()) return 0;
        TFrameId fid     = sl->index2fid(sl->getFrameCount());
        TImageP img      = sl->createEmptyFrame();
        m_isFrameCreated = true;
        sl->setFrame(fid, img);
        cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
        xsh->setCell(row, col, cell);
        return img.getPointer();

    // animation sheet disabled or empty column. autoCreate is enabled: we must
    // create a new level
    int levelType    = pref->getDefLevelType();
    TXshLevel *xl    = scene->createNewLevel(levelType);
    sl               = xl->getSimpleLevel();
    m_isLevelCreated = true;

    // create the drawing
    TFrameId fid = animationSheetEnabled ? getNewFrameId(sl, row) : TFrameId(1);
    TImageP img  = sl->createEmptyFrame();
    m_isFrameCreated = true;
    sl->setFrame(fid, img);
    cell = TXshCell(sl, fid);
    xsh->setCell(row, col, cell);
    if (animationSheetEnabled) {
      m_cellsData.push_back(2);  // vuoto => nuovo

    return img.getPointer();