  // Check value of @scope attribute.
  static Element::AttrValuesArray scopeValues[] =
    { &nsGkAtoms::col, &nsGkAtoms::colgroup,
      &nsGkAtoms::row, &nsGkAtoms::rowgroup, nullptr };
  int32_t valueIdx =
    mContent->AsElement()->FindAttrValueIn(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::scope,
                                           scopeValues, eCaseMatters);

  switch (valueIdx) {
    case 0:
    case 1:
      return roles::COLUMNHEADER;
    case 2:
    case 3:
      return roles::ROWHEADER;

  TableAccessible* table = Table();
  if (!table)
    return roles::NOTHING;

  // If the cell next to this one is not a header cell then assume this cell is
  // a row header for it.
  uint32_t rowIdx = RowIdx(), colIdx = ColIdx();
  Accessible* cell = table->CellAt(rowIdx, colIdx + ColExtent());
  if (cell && !nsCoreUtils::IsHTMLTableHeader(cell->GetContent()))
    return roles::ROWHEADER;

  // If the cell below this one is not a header cell then assume this cell is
  // a column header for it.
  uint32_t rowExtent = RowExtent();
  cell = table->CellAt(rowIdx + rowExtent, colIdx);
  if (cell && !nsCoreUtils::IsHTMLTableHeader(cell->GetContent()))
    return roles::COLUMNHEADER;

  // Otherwise if this cell is surrounded by header cells only then make a guess
  // based on its cell spanning. In other words if it is row spanned then assume
  // it's a row header, otherwise it's a column header.
  return rowExtent > 1 ? roles::ROWHEADER : roles::COLUMNHEADER;