Exemple #1
void RegisterBank::verify(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) const {
  assert(isValid() && "Invalid register bank");
  assert(ContainedRegClasses.size() == TRI.getNumRegClasses() &&
         "TRI does not match the initialization process?");
  for (unsigned RCId = 0, End = TRI.getNumRegClasses(); RCId != End; ++RCId) {
    const TargetRegisterClass &RC = *TRI.getRegClass(RCId);

    if (!covers(RC))
    // Verify that the register bank covers all the sub classes of the
    // classes it covers.

    // Use a different (slow in that case) method than
    // RegisterBankInfo to find the subclasses of RC, to make sure
    // both agree on the covers.
    for (unsigned SubRCId = 0; SubRCId != End; ++SubRCId) {
      const TargetRegisterClass &SubRC = *TRI.getRegClass(RCId);

      if (!RC.hasSubClassEq(&SubRC))

      // Verify that the Size of the register bank is big enough to cover
      // all the register classes it covers.
      assert((getSize() >= SubRC.getSize() * 8) &&
             "Size is not big enough for all the subclasses!");
      assert(covers(SubRC) && "Not all subclasses are covered");
MachineRegisterInfo::MachineRegisterInfo(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) {
  RegClass2VRegMap = new std::vector<unsigned>[TRI.getNumRegClasses()];
  // Create the physreg use/def lists.
  PhysRegUseDefLists = new MachineOperand*[TRI.getNumRegs()];
  memset(PhysRegUseDefLists, 0, sizeof(MachineOperand*)*TRI.getNumRegs());
Exemple #3
void RegisterBankInfo::addRegBankCoverage(unsigned ID, unsigned RCId,
                                          const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
                                          bool AddTypeMapping) {
  RegisterBank &RB = getRegBank(ID);
  unsigned NbOfRegClasses = TRI.getNumRegClasses();

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Add coverage for: " << RB << '\n');

  // Check if RB is underconstruction.
  if (!RB.isValid())
  else if (RB.covers(*TRI.getRegClass(RCId)))
    // If RB already covers this register class, there is nothing
    // to do.

  BitVector &Covered = RB.ContainedRegClasses;
  SmallVector<unsigned, 8> WorkList;


  unsigned &MaxSize = RB.Size;
  do {
    unsigned RCId = WorkList.pop_back_val();

    const TargetRegisterClass &CurRC = *TRI.getRegClass(RCId);

    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Examine: " << TRI.getRegClassName(&CurRC)
                 << "(Size*8: " << (CurRC.getSize() * 8) << ")\n");

    // Remember the biggest size in bits.
    MaxSize = std::max(MaxSize, CurRC.getSize() * 8);

    // If we have been asked to record the type supported by this
    // register bank, do it now.
    if (AddTypeMapping)
      for (MVT::SimpleValueType SVT :
           make_range(CurRC.vt_begin(), CurRC.vt_end()))
        recordRegBankForType(getRegBank(ID), SVT);

    // Walk through all sub register classes and push them into the worklist.
    bool First = true;
    for (BitMaskClassIterator It(CurRC.getSubClassMask(), TRI); It.isValid();
         ++It) {
      unsigned SubRCId = It.getID();
      if (!Covered.test(SubRCId)) {
        if (First)
          DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Enqueue sub-class: ");
        DEBUG(dbgs() << TRI.getRegClassName(TRI.getRegClass(SubRCId)) << ", ");
        // Remember that we saw the sub class.
        First = false;
    if (!First)
      DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');

    // Push also all the register classes that can be accessed via a
    // subreg index, i.e., its subreg-class (which is different than
    // its subclass).
    // Note: It would probably be faster to go the other way around
    // and have this method add only super classes, since this
    // information is available in a more efficient way. However, it
    // feels less natural for the client of this APIs plus we will
    // TableGen the whole bitset at some point, so compile time for
    // the initialization is not very important.
    First = true;
    for (unsigned SubRCId = 0; SubRCId < NbOfRegClasses; ++SubRCId) {
      if (Covered.test(SubRCId))
      bool Pushed = false;
      const TargetRegisterClass *SubRC = TRI.getRegClass(SubRCId);
      for (SuperRegClassIterator SuperRCIt(SubRC, &TRI); SuperRCIt.isValid();
           ++SuperRCIt) {
        if (Pushed)
        for (BitMaskClassIterator It(SuperRCIt.getMask(), TRI); It.isValid();
             ++It) {
          unsigned SuperRCId = It.getID();
          if (SuperRCId == RCId) {
            if (First)
              DEBUG(dbgs() << "  Enqueue subreg-class: ");
            DEBUG(dbgs() << TRI.getRegClassName(SubRC) << ", ");
            // Remember that we saw the sub class.
            Pushed = true;
            First = false;
    if (!First)
      DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
  } while (!WorkList.empty());