void WebClientApp::onConnect( TcpSessionRef session )
	mHttpResponse	= HttpResponse();
	mSession		= session;
	mText.push_back( "Connected" );
	mSession->connectCloseEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onClose, this );
	mSession->connectErrorEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onError, this );
	mSession->connectReadCompleteEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onReadComplete, this );
	mSession->connectReadEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onRead, this );
	mSession->connectWriteEventHandler( &WebClientApp::onWrite, this );
	mSession->write( mHttpRequest.toBuffer() );
void TcpClientApp::write()
	// This sample is meant to work with only one session at a time.
	if ( mSession && mSession->getSocket()->is_open() ) {
		// Write data is packaged as a ci::Buffer. This allows 
		// you to send any kind of data. Because it's more common to
		// work with strings, the session object has static convenience 
		// methods for converting between std::string and ci::Buffer.
		Buffer buffer = TcpSession::stringToBuffer( mRequest );
		mSession->write( buffer );
	} else {	
		// Before we can write, we need to establish a connection 
		// and create a session. Check out the onConnect method.
		mText.push_back( "Connecting to: " + mHost + ":" + toString( mPort ) );
		mClient->connect( mHost, (uint16_t)mPort );