Exemple #1
void Process::set_args(Term args, Word len) {
  ctx_.live = len;
  Term* reg = &ctx_.regs_[0];
  while (args.is_cons()) {
    args.cons_head_tail(*reg, args);
Exemple #2
Either<Word*, Term> Process::apply(Term m,
                                   Term f,
                                   Term args) {
  // Check the arguments which should be of the form apply(M,F,Args) where
  // F is an atom and Args is an arity long list of terms
  if (!f.is_atom()) {
    error_badarg(f);  // fail right here
    return nullptr;

  // The module argument may be either an atom or an abstract module
  // (currently implemented using tuples, but this might change)
  Term _this = the_non_value;
  if (!m.is_atom()) {
    if (!m.is_tuple() || m.tuple_get_arity() < 1) {
      return nullptr;
    // TODO: can optimize here by accessing tuple internals via pointer and
    // checking arity and then taking 2nd element
    _this = m;
    m = m.tuple_get_element(1);
    if (!m.is_atom()) {
      return nullptr;

  Word arity = 0;
  if (args.is_small()) {
    // Small unsigned in args means args already are loaded in regs
    arity = args.small_word();
  } else {
    // Walk down the 3rd parameter of apply (the argument list) and copy
    // the parameters to the x registers (regs[]). If the module argument
    // was an abstract module, add 1 to the function arity and put the
    // module argument in the n+1st x register as a THIS reference.
    Term tmp = args;
    while (tmp.is_cons()) {
      if (arity < erts::max_regs - 1) {
        tmp.cons_head_tail(ctx_.regs_[arity++], tmp);
      } else {
        return nullptr;
    if (tmp.is_not_nil()) {  // Must be well-formed list
      return nullptr;
    if (_this != the_non_value) {
      ctx_.regs_[arity++] = _this;
  ctx_.live = arity;

  // Get the index into the export table, or failing that the export
  // entry for the error handler.
  MFArity mfa(m, f, arity);

  auto maybe_bif = vm_.find_bif(mfa);
  if (maybe_bif) {
    return vm_.apply_bif(this, mfa.arity, maybe_bif, ctx_.regs_);

  Export* ep = vm_.codeserver().find_mfa(mfa);
  if (!ep) {
    // if ((ep = apply_setup_error_handler(proc, m, f, arity, regs)) == NULL)
    // goto error;
    return nullptr;
  if (ep->is_bif()) {
    return vm_.apply_bif(this, ep->mfa.arity, ep->bif_fn(), ctx_.regs_);
  //  else if (ERTS_PROC_GET_SAVED_CALLS_BUF(proc)) {
  //      save_calls(proc, ep);
  //  }
  //  return ep->addressv[erts_active_code_ix()];
  return ep->code();