virtual float getSampleSpacing()
    return mBlock->getSquareSize();
void SoftSelectAction::process(Selection * sel, const Gui3DMouseEvent &, bool selChanged, Type type)
   TerrainBlock *terrBlock = mTerrainEditor->getActiveTerrain();
   if ( !terrBlock )
   // allow process of current selection
   Selection tmpSel;
   if(sel == mTerrainEditor->getCurrentSel())
      tmpSel = *sel;
      sel = &tmpSel;

   if(type == Begin || type == Process)
      mFilter.set(1, &mTerrainEditor->mSoftSelectFilter);

      F32 radius = mTerrainEditor->mSoftSelectRadius;
      if(radius == 0.f)

      S32 squareSize = terrBlock->getSquareSize();
      U32 offset = U32(radius / F32(squareSize)) + 1;

      for(U32 i = 0; i < sel->size(); i++)
         GridInfo & info = (*sel)[i];

         info.mPrimarySelect = true;
         info.mWeight = mFilter.getValue(0);


         Point2F infoPos((F32)info.mGridPoint.gridPos.x, (F32)info.mGridPoint.gridPos.y);

         for(S32 x = info.mGridPoint.gridPos.x - offset; x < info.mGridPoint.gridPos.x + (offset << 1); x++)
            for(S32 y = info.mGridPoint.gridPos.y - offset; y < info.mGridPoint.gridPos.y + (offset << 1); y++)
               Point2F pos((F32)x, (F32)y);

               F32 dist = Point2F(pos - infoPos).len() * F32(squareSize);

               if(dist > radius)

               F32 weight = mFilter.getValue(dist / radius);

               GridInfo gInfo;
               GridPoint gridPoint = info.mGridPoint;
               gridPoint.gridPos.set(x, y);

               if(mTerrainEditor->getCurrentSel()->getInfo(Point2I(x, y), gInfo))

                  if(gInfo.mWeight < weight)
                     gInfo.mWeight = weight;
                  Vector<GridInfo> gInfos;
                  mTerrainEditor->getGridInfos(gridPoint, gInfos);

                  for (U32 z = 0; z < gInfos.size(); z++)
                     gInfos[z].mWeight = weight;
                     gInfos[z].mPrimarySelect = false;
void blTerrainProxy::lightVector(LightInfo * light)
   // Grab our terrain object
   TerrainBlock* terrain = getObject();
   if (!terrain)

   // Get the direction to the light (the inverse of the direction
   // the light is pointing)
   Point3F lightDir = -light->getDirection();

   // Get the ratio between the light map pixel and world space (used below)   
   F32 lmTerrRatio = (F32)mTerrainBlockSize / (F32) mLightMapSize;
   lmTerrRatio *= terrain->getSquareSize();

   // Get the terrain position
   Point3F terrPos( terrain->getTransform().getPosition() );

   U32 i = 0;
   for (U32 y = 0; y < mLightMapSize; y++)
      for (U32 x = 0; x < mLightMapSize; x++)
         // Get the relative pixel position and scale it
         // by the ratio between lightmap and world space
         Point2F pixelPos(x, y);
         pixelPos *= lmTerrRatio;         
         // Start with a default normal of straight up
         Point3F normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
         // Try to get the actual normal from the terrain.
         // Note: this won't change the default normal if
         // it can't find a normal.
         terrain->getNormal(pixelPos, &normal);

         // The terrain lightmap only contains shadows.
         F32 shadowed = 0.0f;

         // Get the height at the lightmap pixel's position
         F32 height = 0.0f;
         terrain->getHeight(pixelPos, &height);

         // Calculate the 3D position of the pixel
         Point3F pixelPos3F(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y, height);

         // Translate that position by the terrain's transform

         // Offset slighting along the normal so that we don't
         // raycast into ourself
         pixelPos3F += (normal * 0.1f);

         // Calculate the light's position.
         // If it is a vector light like the sun (no position
         // just direction) then translate along that direction
         // a reasonable distance to get a point sufficiently
         // far away
         Point3F lightPos = light->getPosition();
         if(light->getType() == LightInfo::Vector)
            lightPos = 1000.f * lightDir;            
            lightPos = pixelPos3F + lightPos;

         // Cast a ray from the world space position of the lightmap pixel to the light source.
         // If we hit something then we are in shadow. This allows us to be shadowed by anything
         // that supports a castRay operation.
         RayInfo info;
         if(terrain->getContainer()->castRay(pixelPos3F, lightPos, STATIC_COLLISION_TYPEMASK, &info))
            // Shadow the pixel.
            shadowed = 1.0f;

         // Set the final lightmap color.
         mLightmap[i++] += ColorF::WHITE * mClampF( 1.0f - shadowed, 0.0f, 1.0f );