ColorSample::ColorSample(Actor *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool _bEditControls) : Actor(getRandomName(), parent, CANVAS, w, _bEditControls?56:h) { rEdit = gEdit = bEdit = NULL; setColor(255, 255, 255); SetPos(x, y); if(_bEditControls) { Text *text; text = AddText(" Red: ", Width() + 5, 0); rEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 48); rEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); text = AddText("Green: ", text->Left(), rEdit->Down() + 2); gEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 48); gEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); text = AddText(" Blue: ", text->Left(), gEdit->Down() + 2); bEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 48); bEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); } }
TutorialReminder::TutorialReminder() : Panel("TutorialReminder", (GameControl::Get()->Width() - (WIDTH_REMINDER - 85))/2, (GameControl::Get()->Height() - HEIGHT_REMINDER)/2, WIDTH_REMINDER, HEIGHT_REMINDER) { SetModal(); bAlreadyShow = true; chdir((GameControl::getEditorPath() + DIR_SEP + "Tutorials" + DIR_SEP + "Getting Started").c_str()); Text *text; Button *button; int y; //Title text = AddText("Welcome", CENTER_TEXT, 5); y = DrawHLine(text->Down() + 2); //Body text = AddText("Thank you for choosing Game Editor\nFor a quick start, select a option below:", 30, y); //Create a new game y = DrawHLine(text->Down() + 10); text = AddText("Create a new game:", 30, y); button = AddButton("Create now", 58, text->Down() + 10, 0, 0, BT_NEWGAME); //Demos y = DrawHLine(button->Down() + 5); text = AddText("Get game demos:", 30, y); button = AddButton("Go to demo page", 58, text->Down() + 10, 0, 0, BT_DEMOS); //Tutorials y = DrawHLine(button->Down() + 5); text = AddText("See the tutorials:", 30, y); listTutorialDir = AddListDirectory(10, text->Down() + 10, 0, 0, LS_TUTORIAL, " Click here for the tutorials "); listTutorialDir->setCanUseSystemFileDialog(false); #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(GAME_EDITOR_HOME_EDITION) button = AddButton("Get the newest tutorials", 58, listTutorialDir->Down() + 5, 0, 0, BT_UPDATE); text = AddText("For more tutorials, select from Help Menu above", text->Left(), button->Down() + 5); #else text = AddText("For more tutorials, select from Help Menu above", text->Left(), listTutorialDir->Down() + 25); #endif listTutorialDir->SetPos((WIDTH_REMINDER - listTutorialDir->Width())/2, listTutorialDir->getImage()->Y()); listTutorialDir->AddFilter("gedt"); listTutorialDir->setShowDir(false); listTutorialDir->setShowExtension(false); //Help y = DrawHLine(text->Down() + 5); text = AddText("Get help:", 30, y); button = AddButton("Read the documentation", 58, text->Down() + 10, 0, 0, BT_DOCS); button = AddButton("Go to Game Editor's forum", 58, button->Down() + 5, 0, 0, BT_FORUM); //Close y = DrawHLine(button->Down() + 5); button = AddButton("Close", (WIDTH_REMINDER-135)/2 - 30, y, 0, 0, BT_CLOSE); button = AddButton(" Don't show again ", button->Right() + 10, y, 0, 0, BT_DONTSHOW); //Logo { EditorDirectory dir; logo = new Actor("ged_TutorialReminder_logo", this); logo->AddAnimation("logo", "logo.png", 1, 1, 0, 0); logo->SetPos(-logo->Width(), 0); } }
ColorPicker::ColorPicker(int _r, int _g, int _b) : Panel("DlgColorPicker", (GameControl::Get()->Width() - WIDTH)/2, (GameControl::Get()->Height() - HEIGHT)/2, WIDTH, HEIGHT) { SetModal(); Text *text; Button *button; //Title text = AddText("Color Picker", CENTER_TEXT, 5); int y = DrawHLine(text->Down() + 2); //Body canvas = new ColorCanvas(this); oldColor = new ColorSampleOfPicker(this); newColor = new ColorSampleOfPicker(this); canvas->SetPos(10, y + 2); colorSlide = AddSlide(canvas->Right() + 5, canvas->Top(), 20, 256, SL_COLOR); colorSlide->SetPos(1.0); newColor->SetPos(colorSlide->Right() + 5, colorSlide->Top()); oldColor->SetPos(newColor->Left(), newColor->Down()); text = AddText(" Red: ", oldColor->Left(), oldColor->Down() + 16); rEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); rEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); text = AddText(" Green: ", text->Left(), rEdit->Down() + 2); gEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); gEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); text = AddText(" Blue: ", text->Left(), gEdit->Down() + 2); bEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); bEdit->SetNumeric(0, 255, 1); text = AddText(" Hue: ", text->Left(), bEdit->Down() + 16); hEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); hEdit->SetNumeric(0, 359, 1); text = AddText("Saturation: ", text->Left(), hEdit->Down() + 2); sEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); sEdit->SetNumeric(0, 100, 1); text = AddText("Brightness: ", text->Left(), sEdit->Down() + 2); vEdit = AddEditBox(text->Right(), text->Top(), 32); vEdit->SetNumeric(0, 100, 1); listFix = AddListPop(oldColor->Left(), vEdit->Down() + 16, 104, 0, LS_FIX_COLOR); //Close y = DrawHLine(canvas->Down() + 2); button = AddButton("Ok", (WIDTH-135)/2, y, 0, 0, OK_BUTTON); SetConfirmButton(button); button = AddButton("Cancel", button->Right()+8, y, 0, 0, CANCEL_BUTTON); SetCancelButton(button); listFix->AddText("Red"); listFix->AddText("Green"); listFix->AddText("Blue"); listFix->AddText("Hue"); listFix->AddText("Saturation"); listFix->AddText("Brightness"); listFix->SetText("Red"); fixedColor = FIX_RED; r = _r; g = _g; b = _b; oldColor->SetColor(r, g, b); colorSlide->SetPos(r / 255.0); UpdateSample(r, g, b); UpdateCanvas(r, fixedColor); UpdateSlideColor(r, g, b, fixedColor); }