FrameTimeManager::Timing FrameTimeManager::GetFrameTiming(unsigned frameIndex)
    Timing frameTiming = LocklessTiming.GetState();

    if (frameTiming.ThisFrameTime != 0.0)
        // If timing hasn't been initialized, starting based on "now" is the best guess.
        frameTiming.InitTimingFromInputs(frameTiming.Inputs, RenderInfo.Shutter.Type,
                                         ovr_GetTimeInSeconds(), frameIndex);
    else if (frameIndex > frameTiming.FrameIndex)
        unsigned frameDelta    = frameIndex - frameTiming.FrameIndex;
        double   thisFrameTime = frameTiming.NextFrameTime +
                                 double(frameDelta-1) * frameTiming.Inputs.FrameDelta;
        // Don't run away too far into the future beyond rendering.
        OVR_ASSERT(frameDelta < 6);

        frameTiming.InitTimingFromInputs(frameTiming.Inputs, RenderInfo.Shutter.Type,
                                         thisFrameTime, frameIndex);
    return frameTiming;
Exemple #2
void arch_dump_summary(struct arch_t *arch, FILE *f)
	Emu *emu = arch->emu;
	Timing *timing = arch->timing;

	/* If no instruction was run for this architecture, skip
	 * statistics summary. */
	if (!emu->instructions)

	/* Architecture-specific emulation statistics */
	emu->DumpSummary(emu, f);

	/* Timing simulation statistics */
	if (arch->sim_kind == arch_sim_kind_detailed)
		/* Architecture-specific */
		timing->DumpSummary(timing, f);

	/* End */
	fprintf(f, "\n");
Exemple #3
void arch_run(int *num_emu_active_ptr, int *num_timing_active_ptr) {
  struct arch_t *arch;
  long long cycle;

  int run;
  int i;

  Emu *emu;
  Timing *timing;

  /* Reset active emulation and timing simulation counters */
  *num_emu_active_ptr = 0;
  *num_timing_active_ptr = 0;

  /* Run one iteration for all architectures */
  for (i = 0; i < arch_list_count; i++) {
    /* Get architecture */
    arch = arch_list[i];
    if (arch->sim_kind == arch_sim_kind_functional) {
      /* Emulation iteration */
      emu = arch->emu;
      assert(emu && emu->Run);
      arch->active = emu->Run(emu);

      /* Increase number of active emulations if the architecture
       * actually performed a useful emulation iteration. */
      *num_emu_active_ptr += arch->active;
    } else {
      /* Check whether the architecture should actually run an
       * iteration. If it is working at a slower frequency than
       * the main simulation loop, we must skip this call. */
      timing = arch->timing;
      cycle = esim_domain_cycle(timing->frequency_domain);
      run = cycle != arch->last_timing_cycle;

      /* Timing simulation iteration */
      if (run) {
        /* Do it... */
        arch->active = timing->Run(timing);

        /* ... but only update the last timing
         * simulation cycle if there was an effective
         * execution of the iteration loop. Otherwise,
         * there is a deadlock: 'esim_time' will not
         * advance (no call to 'esim_process_events')
         * because no architecture ran, and no
         * architecture will run because 'esim_time'
         * did not advance. */
        if (arch->active) arch->last_timing_cycle = cycle;

      /* Increase number of active timing simulations if the
       * architecture actually performance a useful iteration. */
      *num_timing_active_ptr += arch->active;
Exemple #4
Timing CSSTimingData::convertToTiming(size_t index) const {
  Timing timing;
  timing.startDelay = getRepeated(m_delayList, index);
  timing.iterationDuration = getRepeated(m_durationList, index);
  timing.timingFunction = getRepeated(m_timingFunctionList, index);
  return timing;
// TODO: we might want to use multiple buffers at the same time
void Measurement::WriteDataBin(FILE *f, int channel)
	Timing t;
	long size_written;
	int i, j;

	const unsigned int length_datachunk = 1000000;
	char data_8bit[1000000];
	// std::vector<char>data_8bit(1000);

	std::cerr << "Write binary data for channel " << (char)('A'+channel) << " ... ";
	// TODO: test if file exists
	if(channel < 0 || channel >= GetNumberOfChannels()) {
		throw "You can only write data for channels 0 - (N-1).";
	} else {
		if(GetChannel(channel)->IsEnabled()) {

			size_written = fwrite(data[channel], sizeof(short), GetLengthFetched(), f);
			// make sure the data is written
			if(size_written < GetLengthFetched()) {
				FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Measurement::WriteDataBin didn't manage to write to file.";
			// TODO: if only 8 bits
			int length_fetched   = GetLengthFetched();
			// int length_datachunk = data_8bit.size();
			for(i=0; i<length_fetched; i+=length_datachunk) {
				if(GetSeries() == PICO_6000) {
					for(j=0; j<length_datachunk && i+j<length_fetched; j++) {
						data_8bit[j] = data[channel][i+j] >> 8;
					size_written = fwrite(data_8bit, sizeof(char), j, f);
				} else {
					// TODO: test!!!
					size_written = fwrite(data[channel]+1, sizeof(data[0][0]), j, f);
				if(size_written < j) {
					FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Measurement::WriteDataBin didn't manage to write to file.";
			// size_written = fwrite(data[channel], sizeof(short), GetLengthFetched(), f);
			// make sure the data is written
			// fflush(f);
			// if(size_written < GetLengthFetched()) {
			// 	FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Measurement::WriteDataBin didn't manage to write to file.";
			// }
		} else {
Timing TimingInput::convert(const Dictionary& timingInputDictionary)
    Timing result;

    // FIXME: This method needs to be refactored to handle invalid
    // null, NaN, Infinity values better.
    // See:
    double startDelay = Timing::defaults().startDelay;
    timingInputDictionary.get("delay", startDelay);
    setStartDelay(result, startDelay);

    double endDelay = Timing::defaults().endDelay;
    timingInputDictionary.get("endDelay", endDelay);
    setEndDelay(result, endDelay);

    String fillMode;
    timingInputDictionary.get("fill", fillMode);
    setFillMode(result, fillMode);

    double iterationStart = Timing::defaults().iterationStart;
    timingInputDictionary.get("iterationStart", iterationStart);
    setIterationStart(result, iterationStart);

    double iterationCount = Timing::defaults().iterationCount;
    timingInputDictionary.get("iterations", iterationCount);
    setIterationCount(result, iterationCount);

    double iterationDuration = 0;
    if (timingInputDictionary.get("duration", iterationDuration)) {
        setIterationDuration(result, iterationDuration);

    double playbackRate = Timing::defaults().playbackRate;
    timingInputDictionary.get("playbackRate", playbackRate);
    setPlaybackRate(result, playbackRate);

    String direction;
    timingInputDictionary.get("direction", direction);
    setPlaybackDirection(result, direction);

    String timingFunctionString;
    timingInputDictionary.get("easing", timingFunctionString);
    setTimingFunction(result, timingFunctionString);


    return result;
//Formats a given input string such that it follows the iEta, iPhi, iSlice naming convention
//Will take text written in quotes without requiring a variable
string AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getNameByIndex(int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, const std::string & strInputPrefix, const std::string & strInputName){
    //Variable Declaration
    string ret_Name = "";
    if (iSlice > -1) {
        ret_Name = strInputPrefix + "_iEta" + getString(iEta) + "iPhi" + getString(iPhi) + "Slice" + getString(iSlice) + "_" + strInputName;
    else if (iPhi > -1){ //Case: Specific (iEta,iPhi) sector
        ret_Name = strInputPrefix + "_iEta" + getString(iEta) + "iPhi" + getString(iPhi) + "_" + strInputName;
    } //End Case: Specific (iEta,iPhi) sector
    else{ //Case: iEta Sector, sum over sector's iPhi
        ret_Name = strInputPrefix + "_iEta" + getString(iEta) + "_" + strInputName;
    } //End Case: iEta Sector, sum over sector's iPhi

    return ret_Name;
} //End AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getNameByIndex()
bool CompositorAnimationsImpl::convertTimingForCompositor(const Timing& timing, double timeOffset, CompositorTiming& out, double playerPlaybackRate)

    // FIXME: Compositor does not know anything about endDelay.
    if (timing.endDelay != 0)
        return false;

    if (std::isnan(timing.iterationDuration) || !timing.iterationCount || !timing.iterationDuration)
        return false;

    if (!std::isfinite(timing.iterationCount)) {
        out.adjustedIterationCount = -1;
    } else {
        out.adjustedIterationCount = timing.iterationCount;

    out.scaledDuration = timing.iterationDuration;
    out.direction = timing.direction;
    // Compositor's time offset is positive for seeking into the animation.
    out.scaledTimeOffset = -timing.startDelay / playerPlaybackRate + timeOffset;
    out.playbackRate = timing.playbackRate * playerPlaybackRate;
    out.fillMode = timing.fillMode == Timing::FillModeAuto ? Timing::FillModeNone : timing.fillMode;
    out.iterationStart = timing.iterationStart;
    return true;
Exemple #9
void arch_dump(struct arch_t *arch, FILE *f)
	double time_in_sec;
	int i;

	Emu *emu;
	Timing *timing;

	/* Get objects */
	emu = arch->emu;
	timing = arch->timing;

	/* Nothing to print if architecture was not active */
	if (!emu->instructions)

	/* Header */
	for (i = 0; i < 80; i++)
		fprintf(f, "=");
	fprintf(f, "\nArchitecture '%s'\n", arch->name);
	for (i = 0; i < 80; i++)
		fprintf(f, "=");
	fprintf(f, "\n\n");

	/* Emulator */
	time_in_sec = (double) m2s_timer_get_value(emu->timer) / 1.0e6;
	fprintf(f, "SimKind = %s\n", str_map_value(&arch_sim_kind_map, arch->sim_kind));
	fprintf(f, "Time = %.2f\n", time_in_sec);
	fprintf(f, "Instructions = %lld\n", emu->instructions);
	fprintf(f, "\n");
	emu->DumpSummary(emu, f);

	/* Continue with timing simulator only it active */
	if (arch->sim_kind == arch_sim_kind_functional)

	/* Timing simulator */
	fprintf(f, "Cycles = %lld\n", timing->cycle);
	fprintf(f, "\n");
	timing->DumpSummary(timing, f);
Exemple #10
void setInputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal) {
    Timing timer;
    memset(dst, 0, sizeof(float_tt) * numVal); // empty cells are implicit zeros for sparse matrices

    enum dummy {DBG_DENSE_ALGEBRA_WITH_NAN_FILL=0};  // won't be correct if empty cells present
        valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // any non-signalling nan will do
        LOG4CXX_WARN(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING: prefill matrix memory with NaN for debug");
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "setInputMatrixToAlgebraDefault took " << timer.stop());
Exemple #11
SolveTheBGIP(BGIP_sharedPtr bgip)
    // Specify the solution method.
    // (See above and in BGIP_SolverType.h)
    BGIP_SolverType::BGIP_Solver_t method = BGIP_SolverType::AM;
    try {
        Timing timer;
        timer.Start( SoftPrint(method) );
        BayesianGameIdenticalPayoffSolver * bgip_solver = NewBGIPSolver(bgip, method);
        cout << "running " <<  SoftPrint(method) << "..."<<endl;
        cout << "...value is " << bgip_solver->Solve() << endl;
        timer.Stop(  SoftPrint(method) );
        delete bgip_solver;
    catch(E& e)
bool CompositorAnimationsImpl::convertTimingForCompositor(const Timing& timing, CompositorTiming& out)

    // All fill modes are supported (the calling code handles them).

    // FIXME: Support non-zero iteration start.
    if (timing.iterationStart)
        return false;

    // FIXME: Compositor only supports positive, integer iteration counts.
    // Zero iterations could be converted, but silly.
    if ((std::floor(timing.iterationCount) != timing.iterationCount) || timing.iterationCount <= 0)
        return false;

    if (std::isnan(timing.iterationDuration) || !timing.iterationDuration)
        return false;

    // FIXME: Support other playback rates
    if (timing.playbackRate != 1)
        return false;

    // All directions are supported.

    // Now attempt an actual conversion
    out.scaledDuration = timing.iterationDuration;
    ASSERT(out.scaledDuration > 0);

    double scaledStartDelay = timing.startDelay;
    if (scaledStartDelay > 0 && scaledStartDelay > out.scaledDuration * timing.iterationCount)
        return false;

    out.reverse = (timing.direction == Timing::PlaybackDirectionReverse
        || timing.direction == Timing::PlaybackDirectionAlternateReverse);
    out.alternate = (timing.direction == Timing::PlaybackDirectionAlternate
        || timing.direction == Timing::PlaybackDirectionAlternateReverse);

    if (!std::isfinite(timing.iterationCount)) {
        out.adjustedIterationCount = -1;
    } else {
        out.adjustedIterationCount = std::floor(timing.iterationCount);
        ASSERT(out.adjustedIterationCount > 0);

    // Compositor's time offset is positive for seeking into the animation.
    out.scaledTimeOffset = -scaledStartDelay;
    return true;
int main(){
    Timing timer;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    int size = 4;{
    for(int size=1; size>0; size*=2){
        std::cout << "size: " << size << '\n';
        const int times = 10;
        Matrix a, b;


        for(int i=0; i<times; i++){
            Matrix c = MatrixMultiplication::recursive(a, b);
#ifdef _DEBUG

        for(int i=0; i<times; i++){
            Matrix c = MatrixMultiplication::strassen(a, b);
#ifdef _DEBUG

    return system("pause");
float AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getFitBoundary(std::string &strInputExp, std::shared_ptr<TH1F> hInput, TSpectrum &specInput){
    //Variable Declaration
    map<string, float> map_key2Val;
    //Search the input expression for each of the supported keywords
    //Store these Keywords with their values
    for (int i=0; i < vec_strSupportedKeywords.size(); ++i) { //Loop Through Supported Keywords
        if ( strInputExp.find( vec_strSupportedKeywords[i] ) != std::string::npos ) { //Case: Keyword Found!
            map_key2Val[vec_strSupportedKeywords[i]] = getValByKeyword( vec_strSupportedKeywords[i], hInput, specInput );
        } //End Case: Keyword Found!
    } //End Loop Through Supported Keywords
    //Check if map_key2Val has any entries, if so user requested complex expression; parse!
    //If map_key2Val is empty, user has a numeric input; convert to float!
    if (map_key2Val.size() > 0) { //Case: Complex Expression!
        //Setup the expression parser
        symbol_table_t symbol_table;    //Stores the variables in expression and maps them to C++ objects
        expression_t expression;        //Stores the actual expression & the symbol table
        parser_t parser;                //Parses the information for evaluation
        //Load all found keywords into the symbol table
        for (auto iterMap = map_key2Val.begin(); iterMap != map_key2Val.end(); ++iterMap) {
            symbol_table.add_variable( (*iterMap).first, (*iterMap).second);
        //Give the expression the variables it should have
        //Compile the parsing
        parser.compile(strInputExp, expression);
        //Return value to the user
        return expression.value();
    } //End Case: Complex Expression!
    else{ //Case: Numeric Input
        return stofSafe( strInputExp );
    } //End Case: Numeric Input
} //End AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getFitBoundary()
Exemple #15
int main()
	/******************************* [ signal ] ******************************/
	Type a = 0;
	Type b = Ls-1;
	Vector<Type> t = linspace(a,b,Ls) / Type(Fs);
	Vector<Type> s = sin( Type(400*PI) * pow(t,Type(2.0)) );

	/******************************** [ widow ] ******************************/
	a = 0;
	b = Type(Lg-1);
	Type u = (Lg-1)/Type(2);
	Type r = Lg/Type(8);
	t = linspace(a,b,Lg);
	Vector<Type> g = gauss(t,u,r);
	g = g/norm(g);

	/********************************* [ WFT ] *******************************/
	Type runtime = 0;
	Timing cnt;
	cout << "Taking windowed Fourier transform." << endl;
    Matrix< complex<Type> > coefs = wft( s, g );
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	/******************************** [ IWFT ] *******************************/
	cout << "Taking inverse windowed Fourier transform." << endl;
	Vector<Type> x = iwft( coefs, g );
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	cout << "The relative error is : " << "norm(s-x) / norm(s) = "
		 << norm(s-x)/norm(s) << endl << endl;

	return 0;
Exemple #16
void setOutputMatrixToAlgebraDefault(float_tt* dst, size_t numVal, log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger) {
    Timing timer;
    valsSet(dst, ::nan(""), numVal); // ScaLAPACK algorithm should provide all entries in matrix
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(SCALAPACKPHYSICAL_HPP_logger, "setOutputMatrixToAlgebraDefault took " << timer.stop());
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	Timing t;
	int i;

	// TODO: debug should be enabled with a command-line option
	// FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("DEBUG4");
	// FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("DEBUG1");
	FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString("INFO");
	FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "starting";

	try {

		Picoscope6000 *pico = new Picoscope6000();
		Measurement   *meas = new Measurement(pico);
		Channel       *ch[4];

		for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
			ch[i] = meas->GetChannel(i);
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - Channel " << (char)('A'+i) << " has index " << ch[i]->GetIndex();

		Args x;
		x.parse_options(argc, argv, meas);
		if(x.IsJustHelp()) {
			return 0;

		if(x.GetFilename() == NULL) { // TODO: maybe we want to use just text file
			throw("You have to provide some filename using '--name <filename>'.\n");

		// meas->SetTimebaseInPs(10000);

		// TODO: fixme
		for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {

		// a->SetVoltage(U_100mV);
		// a[0]->SetVoltage(x.GetVoltage());
		// meas->SetLength(GIGA(1));

		if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
			// TODO: fix trigger
			FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - checking for triggered events";
			if(x.IsTriggered()) {
				for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS && !(ch[i]->IsEnabled()); i++);
				FILE_LOG(logDEBUG4) << "main - will trigger on channel " << (char)('A'+i);
		} else {

		// std::cerr << "test w5\n";

		// it only makes sense to measure if we decided to use some positive number of samples
		if(x.GetLength()>0) {

			FILE *f = NULL;

			struct tm *current;
			time_t now;
			current = localtime(&now);

			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
					if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
						ft[i] = fopen(x.GetFilenameText(i), "wt");
						if(ft[i] == NULL) {
							throw("Unable to open text file.\n"); // TODO: write filename
					if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
						fb[i] = fopen(x.GetFilenameBinary(i), "wb");
						if(fb[i] == NULL) {
							throw("Unable to open binary file.\n"); // TODO: write filename

			double tmp_dbl;
			short  tmp_short;

			/* metadata */
			f = fopen(x.GetFilenameMeta(), "wt");
			if(f == NULL) {
				throw("Unable to open file with metadata.\n");
			fprintf(f, "command:   ");
			for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
				fprintf(f, " %s", argv[i]);
			fprintf(f, "\n");
			fprintf(f, "timestamp:  %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n\n",
				current->tm_year+1900, current->tm_mon+1, current->tm_mday,
				current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec);
			fprintf(f, "channels:   ");
			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
					fprintf(f, "%c", 'A'+i);
			fprintf(f, "\n");
			fprintf(f, "length:     %ld\n", x.GetLength());
			fprintf(f, "samples:    %ld\n", x.GetNTraces());
			// fprintf(f, "unit_x:    %.1lf ns | %.1lf ns\n", meas->GetTimebaseInNs(), meas->GetReportedTimebaseInNs());
			tmp_dbl = meas->GetTimebaseInNs();
			fprintf(f, "unit_x:     %.1lf ns\n", tmp_dbl);
			fprintf(f, "range_x:    %.1lf ns\n", x.GetLength()*tmp_dbl);
			tmp_dbl = x.GetVoltageDouble();
			fprintf(f, "unit_y:     %.10le V\n", tmp_dbl*3.0757874015748e-5); // 1/(127*256) actually, but this might have to be fixed for series 4000
			fprintf(f, "range_y:    %g V\n", tmp_dbl);

			if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
				if(x.IsTriggered()) {
					fprintf(f, "trigger_ch: %c\n", (char)(meas->GetTrigger()->GetChannel()->GetIndex()+'A'));
					// fprintf(f, "trigger_xfrac: %g\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetXFraction());
					// fprintf(f, "trigger_yfrac: %g\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetYFraction());
					fprintf(f, "trigger_dx: %d (%g %% of %ld)\n", meas->GetLengthBeforeTrigger(), meas->GetLengthBeforeTrigger()*100.0/x.GetLength(), x.GetLength());
					tmp_short = meas->GetTrigger()->GetThreshold();
					tmp_dbl   = meas->GetTrigger()->GetYFraction();
					fprintf(f, "trigger_dy: %g V (%d)\n", meas->GetTrigger()->GetThresholdInVolts() /*tmp_dbl*x.GetVoltageDouble()*/, tmp_short);

			// fprintf(f, "unit_x:    %.1lf ns | %.1lf ns\n", meas->GetTimebaseInNs(), meas->GetReportedTimebaseInNs());
			fprintf(f, "out_bin:    %s\n", x.IsBinaryOutput() ? "yes" : "no");
			fprintf(f, "out_dat:    %s\n", x.IsTextOutput()   ? "yes" : "no");
			// triggered (TODO: we could also ask for a single triggered event)
			if(x.GetNTraces() > 1) {
				unsigned int run=0;
				for(run=0; run<x.GetNRepeats() && !_kbhit(); run++) {
					//FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Running experiment nr. " << run+1;
					if(run>0) {
						cerr << "\nRepeat #" << run+1 << endl;
					while(meas->GetNextDataBulk() > 0) {
						for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
							if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
								if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataTxt(ft[i], i); // zero for channel A
								if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataBin(fb[i], i); // zero for channel A
				if(run>1) {
					fprintf(f, "repeats:    %u\n", run);
				// tmp_dbl = meas->GetRatePerSecond();
				// fprintf(f, "\nrate:       \n");
				// if(fabs(tmp_dbl) > 1e6) {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%.3f MS/s\n", tmp_dbl*1e-6);
				// } else if(fabs(tmp_dbl) > 1e3) {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%.3f kS/s\n", tmp_dbl*1e-3);
				// } else {
				// 	fprintf(f, "%f S/s\n", tmp_dbl);
				// }
			} else {
				unsigned int run=0;
				for(run=0; run<x.GetNRepeats() && !_kbhit(); run++) {
					if(run>0) {
						cerr << "\nRepeat #" << run+1 << endl;
					while(meas->GetNextData() > 0) {
						for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
							if(ch[i]->IsEnabled()) {
								if(x.IsTextOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataTxt(ft[i], i); // zero for channel A
								if(x.IsBinaryOutput()) {
									meas->WriteDataBin(fb[i], i); // zero for channel A
				if(run>1) {
					fprintf(f, "repeats:    %u\n", run);


			for(i=0; i<PICOSCOPE_N_CHANNELS; i++) {
				if(ft[i] != NULL) {
				if(fb[i] != NULL) {

			// apparently this doesn't work for some weird reason
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();
			// meas->RunBlock(); meas->GetNextData();


			cerr << "Timing: " << t.GetSecondsDouble() << "s\n";

		delete pico; pico = NULL;
		delete meas; meas = NULL;

	} catch(Picoscope::PicoscopeException& ex) {
		cerr << "Some picoscope exception:" << endl
		     << "Error number " << ex.GetErrorNumber() << ": " << ex.GetErrorMessage() << endl
		     << '(' << ex.GetVerboseErrorMessage() << ')' << endl;
		try {
			// pico.Close();
		} catch(...) {}
	} catch(Picoscope::PicoscopeUserException& ex) {
		cerr << "Some exception:" << endl
		     << ex.GetErrorMessage() << endl;
	// catch any exceptions
	} catch(const char* s) {
		cerr << "Some exception has occurred:\n" << s << endl;
	} catch (std::bad_alloc& ba) {
		std::cerr << "Exception: bad_alloc: " << ba.what() << endl;
	} catch (const std::exception &exc) {
		// catch anything thrown within try block that derives from std::exception
		std::cerr << "Exception: " << exc.what() << endl;
	} catch(...) {
		cerr << "Some exception has occurred" << endl;
	return 0;
Exemple #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    DecPOMDPDiscreteInterface* decpomdp;
    try {
        ArgumentHandlers::Arguments args;
        argp_parse (&ArgumentHandlers::theArgpStruc, argc, argv, 0, 0, &args);

        Timing times;
        decpomdp = GetDecPOMDPDiscreteInterfaceFromArgs(args);
        TransitionObservationIndependentMADPDiscrete *toi=0;
        if((toi=dynamic_cast<TransitionObservationIndependentMADPDiscrete*>(decpomdp)) &&
           args.qheur==eQMDP &&
           !args.cache_flat_models /* otherwise
                                    * GetDecPOMDPDiscreteInterfaceFromArgs
                                    * already caches the flat
                                    * models */)
            // we don't need a centralized obs model


        size_t horizon;


        PlanningUnitMADPDiscreteParameters params;
#if 0 // Caching doesn't seem worth the trouble if we're computing
      // just one thing (not to mention the memory savings)
        if(Qheur==eQMDP) // don't need any of this for solving the MDP

        NullPlanner np(params,horizon,decpomdp);

        struct timeval tvStart, tvEnd;
        gettimeofday (&tvStart, NULL);

        QFunctionJAOHInterface* q=0;
        for(int restartI = 0; restartI < args.nrRestarts; restartI++)
            // with hybrid heuristics already some computation is done
            // before Compute(), so start timing now
            q = GetQheuristicFromArgs(&np, args);

            // we want to keep the last q computed
                delete q;

        gettimeofday (&tvEnd, NULL);

        clock_t wallclockTime = 
            static_cast<clock_t>(((tvEnd.tv_sec - tvStart.tv_sec) +
                                  static_cast<double>(tvEnd.tv_usec-tvStart.tv_usec)/1e6) * sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));

        cout << "Wallclock: from "
             << tvStart.tv_sec << "." << tvStart.tv_usec
             << " until "
             << tvEnd.tv_sec << "." << tvEnd.tv_usec
             << " which took " << wallclockTime << " clock ticks"
             << endl;
        times.AddEvent("WallclockTime", wallclockTime);

            if(args.verbose >= 0)
                cout << "Q saved to " << q->GetCacheFilename() << endl;

        if(args.verbose >= 0)

            stringstream ss;
            ss << directories::MADPGetResultsDir("GMAA",*decpomdp)
               << "/calculateQheuristic" << q->SoftPrintBrief() << "_h"
               << horizon;
                ss << "_g" << decpomdp->GetDiscount();
            ss << "_Timings";
            if(args.verbose >= 0)
                cout << "Timings saved to " << ss.str() << endl;

            double Vjb0=-DBL_MAX;
            for(Index a=0;a!=np.GetNrJointActions();++a)
            cout << "Value of jaohI 0 = " << Vjb0 << endl;

        delete q;
    catch(E& e){ e.Print(); }

    cout << "cleanup..." << endl;
    delete decpomdp;
Exemple #19
int main()

	/******************************* [ signal ] ******************************/
	Vector<double> t = linspace( 0.0, (Ls-1)/fs, Ls );
	Vector<double> st = sin( 200*PI*pow(t,2.0) );
	st = st-mean(st);

	/******************************** [ CWT ] ********************************/
	Matrix< complex<double> > coefs;
	CWT<double> wavelet("morlet");
	wavelet.setScales( fs, fs/Ls, fs/2 );
	Timing cnt;
	double runtime = 0.0;
	cout << "Taking continuous wavelet transform(Morlet)." << endl;
	coefs = wavelet.cwtC(st);
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	/******************************** [ ICWT ] *******************************/
	cout << "Taking inverse continuous wavelet transform." << endl;
	Vector<double> xt = wavelet.icwtC(coefs);
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	cout << "The relative error is : " << endl;
	cout << "norm(st-xt) / norm(st) = " << norm(st-xt)/norm(st) << endl;
	cout << endl << endl;

    /******************************* [ signal ] ******************************/
    Vector<float> tf = linspace( float(0.0), (Ls-1)/float(fs), Ls );
	Vector<float> stf = sin( float(200*PI) * pow(tf,float(2.0) ) );
	stf = stf-mean(stf);

	/******************************** [ CWT ] ********************************/
	CWT<float> waveletf("mexiHat");
	waveletf.setScales( float(fs), float(fs/Ls), float(fs/2), float(0.25) );
	runtime = 0.0;
	cout << "Taking continuous wavelet transform(Mexican Hat)." << endl;
	Matrix<float> coefsf = waveletf.cwtR(stf);
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	/******************************** [ ICWT ] *******************************/
	cout << "Taking inverse continuous wavelet transform." << endl;
	Vector<float> xtf = waveletf.icwtR(coefsf);
	runtime =;
	cout << "The running time = " << runtime << " (ms)" << endl << endl;

	cout << "The relative error is : " << endl;
	cout << "norm(st-xt) / norm(st) = " << norm(stf-xtf)/norm(stf) << endl << endl;

	return 0;
//Opens a text file set by the user and loads the requested parameters
void ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParameters(string & strInputSetupFile, AnalysisSetupUniformity &aSetupUniformity){
    //Variable Declaration
    bool bExitSuccess = false;
    pair<string,string> pair_strParam; //Input file is setup in <Field, Value> pairs; not used here yet but placeholder
    string strLine = "";    //Line taken from the input file
    //string strHeading = ""; //For storing detector heading
    vector<string> vec_strList; //For storing char separated input; not used here yet but placeholder
    //Open the Data File
    if (bVerboseMode_IO) { //Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParameters", ("trying to open and read: " + strInputSetupFile).c_str() );
    } //End Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
    ifstream fStream( strInputSetupFile.c_str() );
    //Check to See if Data File Opened Successfully
    if (!fStream.is_open() && bVerboseMode_IO) {
        perror( ("Uniformity::ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParameters(): error while opening file: " + strInputSetupFile).c_str() );
    ////Loop Over data Input File
    //Read the file via std::getline().  Obey good coding practice rules:
    //  -first the I/O operation, then error check, then data processing
    //  -failbit and badbit prevent data processing, eofbit does not
    while ( getlineNoSpaces(fStream, strLine) ) {
        //Reset exit flag used in string manipulation
        bExitSuccess = false;
        //Does the user want to comment out this line?
        if ( 0 ==,1,"#") ) continue;
        cout<<"strLine = " << strLine.c_str() << endl;
        //Identify Section Headers
        if ( 0 == ) { //Case: Reached End of File
            cout<<"Found End of Analysis Section"<<endl;
        } //End Case: Reached End of File
        else if ( 0 == ) { //Case: Analysis Header
            //Filler for now; intentionally empty
        } //End Case: Analysis Header
        else if ( 0 == ) { //Case: Timing Parameters
            cout<<"Found Start of Timing Section"<<endl;
            loadAnalysisParametersTiming(fStream, aSetupUniformity);
        } //End Case: Timing Parameters
        else if ( 0 == ) { //Case: Uniformity Parameters
            cout<<"Found Start of Uniformity Section"<<endl;
            loadAnalysisParametersUniformity(fStream, aSetupUniformity);
        } //End Case: Uniformity Parameters
        else { //Case: Unsorted Parameters
            //Filler for now; intentionally empty but may return to it later
        } //End Case: Unsorted Parameters
    } //End Loop Over Input File
    //Check to see if we had problems while reading the file
    if (fStream.bad() && bVerboseMode_IO) {
        perror( ("Uniformity::ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParameters(): error while reading file: " + strInputSetupFile).c_str() );
} //End ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParameters()
Exemple #21
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  char* myString;
  int* suffixArray;
  int stringLength;
  int i;
  ifstream inFile;[1]);
  Timing timehere;

  if (strcmp(argv[1], "test.dat") != 0) 
    if (strstr(argv[1], ".fas")[0] == '.')
      read_fasta(inFile, myString, stringLength);
      read_input(inFile, myString, stringLength);
    cout << "finish read "
	 << stringLength << " characters."<< endl;
    read_input(inFile, myString, stringLength);
    cout << "finish read " 
	 << stringLength << " characters."<< endl;

  suffixArray = LinearSuffixSort(myString, stringLength);
  timehere.outtime("finish suffix sort,");

  if (strcmp(argv[1], "test.dat") == 0) 
    int result;
    bool pass = true;
    ifstream resultF;"result.test.dat");

    cout << "Testing the Suffix Array" << endl;

    for (i = 0; i < stringLength; i++)
      resultF >> result;
      if (result != suffixArray[i])
	pass = false;
    if (pass == false)
      cout << endl;
      cout << "***************" << endl;
      cout << "test has failed" << endl;
      cout << "***************" << endl;
      cout << endl;
      cout << "******************" << endl;
      cout << "test is successful" << endl;
      cout << "******************" << endl;
void ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(ifstream &inputFileStream, HistoSetup &hSetup){
    //Variable Declaration
    bool bExitSuccess;
    pair<string,string> pair_strParam;
    string strLine;
    vector<string> vec_strList;
    //Loop through the section
    while ( getlineNoSpaces(inputFileStream, strLine) ) {
        bExitSuccess = false;
	//cout<<"loadAnalysisParametersHistograms (Base Level); strLine = " << strLine << endl;

        //Does the user want to comment out this line?
        if ( 0 ==,1,"#") ) continue;
        //Has this section ended?
        if ( 0 == ) break;
        //Get Parameter Pairing
        pair_strParam = Timing::getParsedLine(strLine, bExitSuccess);
        //transform field name to upper case
        //Parse pair
        if (bExitSuccess) { //Case: Parameter Fetched Successfully
            if( 0 =="HISTO_BINRANGE") ){
                //Get comma separated list
                vec_strList = Timing::getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second,',');
                //for(int i=0; i<vec_strList.size(); ++i){
                //	cout<<"vec_strList["<<i<<"] = " << vec_strList[i] << endl;
                if (vec_strList.size() >= 2) { //Case: at least 2 numbers
                    hSetup.fHisto_xLower = Timing::stofSafe(pair_strParam.first, vec_strList[0]);
                    hSetup.fHisto_xUpper = Timing::stofSafe(pair_strParam.first, vec_strList[1]);
                    //Reset to ensure they are both correctly lower & upper values
                    hSetup.fHisto_xLower = std::min(hSetup.fHisto_xLower, hSetup.fHisto_xUpper);
                    hSetup.fHisto_xUpper = std::max(hSetup.fHisto_xLower, hSetup.fHisto_xUpper);
                    //Tell the user they entered more than what was expected
                    if (vec_strList.size() > 2) { //Case: 3 or more numbers
                        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ( "Sorry you entered 3 or more numbers for " + pair_strParam.first + "\n" ).c_str() );
                        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", "\tI have only used the first two and ignored the rest:\n" );
                        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ("\t" + getString( hSetup.fHisto_xLower ) ).c_str() );
                        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ("\t" + getString( hSetup.fHisto_xUpper ) ).c_str() );
                    } //End Case: 3 or more numbers
                } //End Case: at least 2 numbers
                else{ //Case: Not enough numbers
                    if (vec_strList.size() == 1) { //Case: only 1 number entered
                        hSetup.fHisto_xUpper = Timing::stofSafe(pair_strParam.first, vec_strList[0]);
                    } //End Case: only 1 number entered
                    //Reset to ensure they are both correctly lower & upper values
                    hSetup.fHisto_xLower = std::min(hSetup.fHisto_xLower, hSetup.fHisto_xUpper);
                    hSetup.fHisto_xUpper = std::max(hSetup.fHisto_xLower, hSetup.fHisto_xUpper);
                    //Output to User
                    printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ( "Sorry I was expecting a comma separated list of 2 numbers for: " + pair_strParam.first + "\n" ).c_str() );
                    printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", "\tRight now I have set:\n" );
                    printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ("\t" + getString( hSetup.fHisto_xLower ) ).c_str() );
                    printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ("\t" + getString( hSetup.fHisto_xUpper ) ).c_str() );
                } //End Case: Not enough numbers
            } //End Case: Assign Histo Bin Range
            /*else if( 0 =="HISTO_NAME") ) {
                hSetup.strHisto_Name = pair_strParam.second;
            else if( 0 =="HISTO_NUMBINS") ){
                hSetup.iHisto_nBins = Timing::stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first, pair_strParam.second);
            else if( 0 =="HISTO_XTITLE") ){
                hSetup.strHisto_Title_X = pair_strParam.second;
            else if( 0 =="HISTO_YTITLE") ){
                hSetup.strHisto_Title_Y = pair_strParam.second;
            else if( 0 =="PERFORM_FIT") ){
                hSetup.bFit = convert2bool(pair_strParam.second, bExitSuccess);
            else{ //Case: Parameter not recognized
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","Error!!! Parameter Not Recognized:\n");
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms",( "\tField = " + pair_strParam.first + "\n" ).c_str() );
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms",( "\tValue = " + pair_strParam.second + "\n" ).c_str() );

            } //End Case: Parameter not recognized
        } //End Case: Parameter Fetched Successfully
        else{ //Case: Parameter was NOT fetched Successfully
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","Error!!!  I didn't parse parameter correctly\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms",("\tCurrent line: " + strLine).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Parameter was NOT fetched Successfully
    } //End Loop through Section
} //End ParameterLoaderAnalysis::loadAnalysisParametersHistograms() - Histogram specific
//Loads parameters defined in file read by inputFileStream and sets tehm to the aSetupUniformity
//Note this should only be called within the Uniformity heading if the user has configured the file correctly
void ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersUniformity(ifstream &inputFileStream, AnalysisSetupUniformity &aSetupUniformity){
    //Variable Declaration
    bool bExitSuccess = false;
    pair<string,string> pair_strParam; //Input file is setup in <Field, Value> pairs; not used here yet but placeholder
    //string strField = "";   //From input file we have <Field,Value> pairs
    string strLine = "";    //Line taken from the input file
    //string strHeading = ""; //For storing detector heading
    vector<string> vec_strList; //For storing char separated input; not used here yet but placeholder
    if (bVerboseMode_IO) { //Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity", "Found Uniformity Heading");
    } //End Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
    while ( getlineNoSpaces(inputFileStream, strLine) ) {
        //Does the user want to comment out this line?
        if ( 0 ==,1,"#") ) continue;
        //Do we reach the end of the section?
        if ( 0 == ) ) break;
        //Should we be storing histogram/fit setup parameters?
        if ( 0 == ) { //Case: Fit Setup
            loadAnalysisParametersFits(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustADC);
	    continue; //Tell it to move to the next loop iteration (e.g. line in file)
        } //End Case: Fit Setup
        else if( 0 == ){ //Case: Histo Setup
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity);
	    continue; //Tell it to move to the next loop iteration (e.g. line in file)
        } //End Case: Histo Setup
        cout<<"strLine: = " << strLine.c_str() << endl;
        //Parse the line
        pair_strParam = getParsedLine(strLine,bExitSuccess);
        if (bExitSuccess) { //Case: Parameter Fetched Correctly
            //transform(pair_strParam.first.begin(), pair_strParam.second.end(),pair_strParam.first.begin(),toupper);
            string strTmp = pair_strParam.first;
            transform(strTmp.begin(), strTmp.end(), strTmp.begin(), toupper);
            pair_strParam.first = strTmp;

            if ( 0 =="CUT_ADC_MIN") ) {
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_ADCNoise = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Minimum ADC Value
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERMULTI_MIN") ){ //Case: Min Cluster Multiplicity
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_MultiMin = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Max Cluster Multiplicity
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERMULTI_MAX") ){
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_MultiMax = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case:
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERSIZE_MIN") ) {
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_SizeMin = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Min Cluster Size
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERSIZE_MAX") ) {
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_SizeMax = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Max Cluster Size
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERTIME_MIN") ) {
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_TimeMin = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Min Cluster Time
            else if( 0 =="CUT_CLUSTERTIME_MAX") ) {
                aSetupUniformity.selClust.iCut_TimeMax = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Max Cluster Time
            if( 0 =="EVENT_FIRST") ){ //Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
                aSetupUniformity.iEvt_First = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
            else if( 0 =="EVENT_TOTAL") ){ //Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
                aSetupUniformity.iEvt_Total = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
            else if( 0 =="UNIFORMITY_GRANULARITY") ){ //Case: Uniformity Granularity
                aSetupUniformity.iUniformityGranularity = stoiSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Uniformity Granularity
            else if( 0 =="UNIFORMITY_TOLERANCE") ){ //Case: Uniformity Granularity
                aSetupUniformity.fUniformityTolerance = stofSafe(pair_strParam.first,pair_strParam.second);
            } //End Case: Uniformity Granularity
            else{ //Case: Parameter Not Recognized
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity","Error!!! Parameter Not Recognizd:\n");
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity",( "\tField = " + pair_strParam.first + "\n" ).c_str() );
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity",( "\tValue = " + pair_strParam.second + "\n" ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Parameter Not Recognized
        } //End Case: Parameter Fetched Correctly
        else{ //Case: Parameter Failed to fetch correctly
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity","Error!!!  I didn't parse parameter correctly\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity",("\tCurrent line: " + strLine).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Parameter Failed to fetch correctly
    } //End Loop through Uniformity Heading
} //End ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersUniformity()
void ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersFits(ifstream & inputFileStream, HistoSetup &hSetup){
    //Variable Declaration
    bool bExitSuccess = false;
    pair<string,string> pair_strParam; //Input file is setup in <Field, Value> pairs; not used here yet but placeholder
    string strLine = "";    //Line taken from the input file
    vector<string> vec_strList; //For storing char separated input; not used here yet but placeholder
    if (bVerboseMode_IO) { //Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
        printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits", "Found Fit Heading");
    } //End Case: User Requested Verbose Error Messages - I/O
    while ( getlineNoSpaces(inputFileStream, strLine) ) {
        //Does the user want to comment out this line?
        if ( 0 ==,1,"#") ) continue;
        //Do we reach the end of the section?
        if ( 0 == ) ) break;
        cout<<"strLine: = " << strLine.c_str() << endl;
        //Parse the line
        pair_strParam = getParsedLine(strLine,bExitSuccess);
        if (bExitSuccess) { //Case: Parameter Fetched Correctly
            //transform(pair_strParam.first.begin(), pair_strParam.second.end(),pair_strParam.first.begin(),toupper);
            string strTmp = pair_strParam.first;
            transform(strTmp.begin(), strTmp.end(), strTmp.begin(), toupper);
            pair_strParam.first = strTmp;
            if( 0 =="FIT_FORMULA") ){ //Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
                hSetup.strFit_Formula = pair_strParam.second;
            } //End Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
            else if( 0 =="FIT_OPTION") ){ //Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
                hSetup.strFit_Option = pair_strParam.second;
                //Ensure that the result of the fit is returned in the TFitResultPtr by included the option "S" by default
                if (hSetup.strFit_Option.find("S") == std::string::npos ) {
                    hSetup.strFit_Option = hSetup.strFit_Option + "S";
            } //End Case: ADC Spectrum Fit Equation
            else if( 0 =="FIT_PARAM_IGUESS") ){
                hSetup.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess = getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second,',');
            else if( 0 =="FIT_PARAM_LIMIT_MAX") ){
                hSetup.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max = getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second, ',');
            else if( 0 =="FIT_PARAM_LIMIT_MIN") ){
                hSetup.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min = getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second, ',');
            else if( 0 =="FIT_PARAM_MAP") ){
                hSetup.vec_strFit_ParamMeaning = Timing::getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second,',');
            else if( 0 =="FIT_RANGE") ){
                hSetup.vec_strFit_Range = getCharSeparatedList(pair_strParam.second, ',');
            else{ //Case: Parameter Not Recognized
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits","Error!!! Parameter Not Recognizd:\n");
                //printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersUniformity",( "\t(Field,Value) = (" + pair_strParam.first "," + pair_strParam.second + ")\n" ).c_str() );
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits",( "\tField = " + pair_strParam.first + "\n" ).c_str() );
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits",( "\tValue = " + pair_strParam.second + "\n" ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Parameter Not Recognized
        } //End Case: Parameter Fetched Correctly
        else{ //Case: Parameter Failed to fetch correctly
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits","Error!!!  I didn't parse parameter correctly\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersFits",("\tCurrent line: " + strLine).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Parameter Failed to fetch correctly
    } //End Loop through Fit Heading
} //End ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersFits
//Called when loading analysis parameters; relative to histograms
//This is the top level method; this method calls loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(ifstream, Timing::HistoSetup) depending on which histogram is requested by the user
void ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(ifstream & inputFileStream, AnalysisSetupUniformity &aSetupUniformity){
    //Variable Declaration
    bool bExitSuccess = false;
    bool bSetup = false;
    pair<string,string> pair_strParam; //<Field, Value>

    string strName = "";    //What Histo Case should we create?
    string strLine = "";
    string strTmp = "";     //Used for case insensitive comparison of strName
    //Loop through to find "Histo_Name" Should be the first one
    while ( getlineNoSpaces(inputFileStream, strLine) ) { //Loop through file to find "Histo_Name"
	//cout<<"loadAnalysisParametersHistograms (Top Level); strLine = " << strLine << endl;

        //Does the user want to comment out this line?
        if ( 0 ==,1,"#") ) continue;
        //Do we reach the end of the section? If so the user has configured the file incorrectly
        if ( 0 == ) { //Section End Reached Prematurely
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","I have reached the END of a Histogram Heading\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","\tBut I Have NOT found the 'Histo_Name' field\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","\tYou have configured this heading incorrectly, the 'Histo_Name' field is expected to be the FIRST line after the Heading\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","\tThis object has been skipped, please cross-check\n");
            //Exit the Loop to find "Detector_Name"
        } //End Case: Section End Reached Prematurely
        pair_strParam = getParsedLine(strLine,bExitSuccess);
        if (bExitSuccess) { //Case: Parameter Fetched Successfully
            if ( 0 =="HISTO_NAME") ) { //Case: Name found!
                //Store name locally & convert to upper case
                strName = pair_strParam.second;
                //Set the correct exit flag
                bSetup = true;
                //Exit the Loop to find "Detector_Name"
            } //End Case: Detector Name found!
            else{ //Case: Detector Name not found!
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","I am parsing a Histogram Heading\n");
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","\tHowever I expected the 'Histo_Name' field to be the first line after the heading\n");
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ( "\tThe current line I am parsing: " + strLine ).c_str() );
                printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","\tHas been skipped and may lead to undefined behavior");
            } //End Case: Name not found!
        }//End Case: Parameter Fetched Successfully
        else{ //Case: Parameter was NOT fetched Successfully
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms","Sorry I didn't parse parameter correctly\n");
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ( "\tCurrent line: " + strLine ).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Parameter was NOT fetched Successfully
    } //Loop through file to find "Name"
    //Fetch the values for the map for the correct case
    if (bSetup) { //Case: Setup Correct
        strTmp = strName;
        transform(strTmp.begin(), strTmp.end(), strTmp.begin(), toupper);
        if (0 =="CLUSTADC") ) { //Case: Cluster ADC's
            aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustADC.strHisto_Name = strName;
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustADC);
        } //End Case: Cluster ADC's
        else if (0 =="CLUSTMULTI") ) { //Case: Cluster Multi
            aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustMulti.strHisto_Name = strName;
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustMulti);
        } //End Case: Cluster Multi
        else if (0 =="CLUSTPOS") ) { //Case: Cluster Position
            aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustPos.strHisto_Name = strName;
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustPos);
        } //End Case: Cluster Position
        else if (0 =="CLUSTSIZE") ) { //Case: Cluster Size
            aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustSize.strHisto_Name = strName;
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustSize);
        } //End Case: Cluster Size
        else if (0 =="CLUSTTIME") ) { //Case: Cluster Time
            aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustTime.strHisto_Name = strName;
            loadAnalysisParametersHistograms(inputFileStream, aSetupUniformity.histoSetup_clustTime);
        } //End Case: Cluster Time
        else{ //Case: Undefined Behavior
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", ( "Histogram Type" + strName + " Not Recognized\n" ).c_str() );
            printClassMethodMsg("ParameterLoaderAnaysis","loadAnalysisParametersHistograms", "\tI Only Support Case-Insenstive versions from this set {CLUSTADC, CLUSTMULTI, CLUSTPOS, CLUSTSIZE, CLUSTTIME}\n");
        } //End Case: Undefined Behavior
    } //End Case: Setup Correct
} //End ParameterLoaderAnaysis::loadAnalysisParametersHistograms() - Top Level
Exemple #26
// Returns the default timing function.
const PassRefPtr<TimingFunction> timingFromAnimationData(const CSSAnimationData* animationData, Timing& timing, bool& isPaused)
    if (animationData->isDelaySet())
        timing.startDelay = animationData->delay();
    if (animationData->isDurationSet()) {
        timing.iterationDuration = animationData->duration();
        timing.hasIterationDuration = true;
    if (animationData->isIterationCountSet()) {
        if (animationData->iterationCount() == CSSAnimationData::IterationCountInfinite)
            timing.iterationCount = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
            timing.iterationCount = animationData->iterationCount();
    if (animationData->isFillModeSet()) {
        switch (animationData->fillMode()) {
        case AnimationFillModeForwards:
            timing.fillMode = Timing::FillModeForwards;
        case AnimationFillModeBackwards:
            timing.fillMode = Timing::FillModeBackwards;
        case AnimationFillModeBoth:
            timing.fillMode = Timing::FillModeBoth;
        case AnimationFillModeNone:
            timing.fillMode = Timing::FillModeNone;
    } else {
        timing.fillMode = Timing::FillModeNone;
    if (animationData->isDirectionSet()) {
        switch (animationData->direction()) {
        case CSSAnimationData::AnimationDirectionNormal:
            timing.direction = Timing::PlaybackDirectionNormal;
        case CSSAnimationData::AnimationDirectionAlternate:
            timing.direction = Timing::PlaybackDirectionAlternate;
        case CSSAnimationData::AnimationDirectionReverse:
            timing.direction = Timing::PlaybackDirectionReverse;
        case CSSAnimationData::AnimationDirectionAlternateReverse:
            timing.direction = Timing::PlaybackDirectionAlternateReverse;

    // For CSS, the constraints on the timing properties are tighter than in
    // the general case of the Web Animations model.
    ASSERT(timing.playbackRate == 1);
    ASSERT(timing.iterationDuration >= 0 && std::isfinite(timing.iterationDuration));

    isPaused = animationData->isPlayStateSet() && animationData->playState() == AnimPlayStatePaused;
    return animationData->isTimingFunctionSet() ? animationData->timingFunction() : CSSAnimationData::initialAnimationTimingFunction();
//Loops over all stored clusters in detMPGD and Book histograms for the full detector
void AnalyzeResponseUniformity::fillHistos(){
    //Variable Declaration
    //vector<Cluster> vec_clust;
    //Initialize Summary Histograms
    //hEta_v_SliceNum_Occupancy = std::make_shared<TH2F>( TH2F("hEta_v_SliceNum_Occupancy","",3. * aSetup.iUniformityGranularity, 1, 3. * aSetup.iUniformityGranularity + 1, detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.size(), 1, detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.size() + 1 ) );
    //Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    for (auto iterEta = detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.begin(); iterEta != detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.end(); ++iterEta) { //Loop Over iEta Sectors
        //Grab Eta Sector width (for ClustPos Histo)
        aSetup.histoSetup_clustPos.fHisto_xLower = -0.5*(*iterEta).second.fWidth;
        aSetup.histoSetup_clustPos.fHisto_xUpper = 0.5*(*iterEta).second.fWidth;
        //Initialize iEta Histograms - 1D
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram((*iterEta).first, -1, aSetup.histoSetup_clustADC ) );
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustMulti = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram((*iterEta).first, -1, aSetup.histoSetup_clustMulti ) );
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustPos = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram((*iterEta).first, -1, aSetup.histoSetup_clustPos ) );
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustSize = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram((*iterEta).first, -1, aSetup.histoSetup_clustSize ) );
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustTime = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram((*iterEta).first, -1, aSetup.histoSetup_clustTime ) );
        //Initialize iEta Histograms - 2D
        (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC_v_ClustPos = make_shared<TH2F>( TH2F( ("hiEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) + "_ClustADC_v_ClustPos").c_str(),"Response Uniformity", 3. * aSetup.iUniformityGranularity,-0.5*(*iterEta).second.fWidth,0.5*(*iterEta).second.fWidth,300,0,15000) );
        //cout<<"(*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC->GetName() = " << (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC->GetName() << endl;
        //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
        for (auto iterPhi = (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.begin(); iterPhi != (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.end(); ++iterPhi) { //Loop Over iPhi Sectors
            //Initialize iPhi Histograms - 1D
            (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, aSetup.histoSetup_clustADC ) );
            (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustMulti = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, aSetup.histoSetup_clustMulti ) );
            (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustSize = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, aSetup.histoSetup_clustSize ) );
            (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustTime = make_shared<TH1F>(getHistogram( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, aSetup.histoSetup_clustTime ) );
            //Initialize iPhi Histograms - 2D
            (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC_v_ClustPos = make_shared<TH2F>( TH2F( ("hiEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) + "iPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) + "_ClustADC_v_ClustPos").c_str(),"Response Uniformity", aSetup.iUniformityGranularity, (*iterPhi).second.fPos_Xlow, (*iterPhi).second.fPos_Xhigh,300,0,15000) );
            //Loop Over Stored Clusters
            for (auto iterClust = (*iterPhi).second.vec_clusters.begin(); iterClust != (*iterPhi).second.vec_clusters.end(); ++iterClust) { //Loop Over Stored Clusters
                //Fill iEta Histograms
                (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC->Fill( (*iterClust).fADC );
                //(*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustMulti->Fill( (*iterClust). );
                (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustPos->Fill( (*iterClust).fPos_X );
                (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustSize->Fill( (*iterClust).iSize );
                (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustTime->Fill( (*iterClust).iTimeBin );
                (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC_v_ClustPos->Fill( (*iterClust).fPos_X, (*iterClust).fADC );
                //Fill iPhi Histograms
                (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC->Fill( (*iterClust).fADC );
                (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustSize->Fill( (*iterClust).iSize);
                (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustTime->Fill( (*iterClust).iTimeBin);
                (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC_v_ClustPos->Fill( (*iterClust).fPos_X, (*iterClust).fADC );
            } //End Loop Over Stored Clusters
            //Now that all clusters have been analyzed we extract the slices
            for (int i=1; i<= aSetup.iUniformityGranularity; ++i) { //Loop Over Slices
                //Create the slice
                SectorSlice slice;
                //string strSliceName = "hiEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) + "iPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) + "Slice" + getString(i) + "_ClustADC";
                //Grab ADC spectrum for this slice
                slice.hSlice_ClustADC = make_shared<TH1F>( *( (TH1F*) (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC_v_ClustPos->ProjectionY( ("hiEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) + "iPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) + "Slice" + getString(i) + "_ClustADC").c_str(),i,i,"") ) );
                //Store position information for this slice
                slice.fPos_Center = (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC_v_ClustPos->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i);
                slice.fWidth = (*iterPhi).second.hPhi_ClustADC_v_ClustPos->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(i);
                //Store the slice
                (*iterPhi).second.map_slices[i] = slice;
            } //End Loop Over Slices
        } //End Loop Over iPhi Sectors
        std::cout<<"(*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC->Integral() = " << (*iterEta).second.hEta_ClustADC->Integral() << std::endl;
    } //End Loop Over iEta Sectors
} //End AnalyzeResponseUniformity::fillHistos() - Full Detector
//Stores booked histograms (for those histograms that are non-null)
void AnalyzeResponseUniformity::storeHistos( string strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption ){
    //Variable Declaration
    //std::shared_ptr<TFile> ptr_fileOutput;
    TFile * ptr_fileOutput = new TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1);
    //Assign the TFile to the ptr_fileOutput
    //ptr_fileOutput = make_shared<TFile>(TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1) );
    //Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    if ( !ptr_fileOutput->IsOpen() || ptr_fileOutput->IsZombie()  ) {
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos","Error: File I/O");
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos", "\tPlease cross check input file name, option, and the execution directory\n" );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeHistos", "\tExiting; No Histograms have been stored!\n" );
    } //End Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    //Loop over ieta's
        //Create/Load file structure
        //Store ieta level histograms
        //Loop over iphi's within ieta's
            //Create/Load file structure
            //Store iphi level histograms
                //Loop over slices
                    //Create/Load file structure
                    //store slice level histograms
    //Close File
    //Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    for (auto iterEta = detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.begin(); iterEta != detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.end(); ++iterEta) { //Loop Over iEta Sectors
        //Get Directory
        //Check to see if the directory exists already
        TDirectory *dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->GetDirectory( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory" );
        //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
        if (dir_SectorEta == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->mkdir( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
        cout<<"dir_SectorEta->GetName() = " << dir_SectorEta->GetName()<<endl;
        //Store Histograms - SectorEta Level
        //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors within this iEta Sector
        for (auto iterPhi = (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.begin(); iterPhi != (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.end(); ++iterPhi) { //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
            //Get Directory
            //Check to see if the directory exists already
            TDirectory *dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->GetDirectory( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
            //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
            if (dir_SectorPhi == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->mkdir( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            cout<<"dir_SectorPhi->GetName() = " << dir_SectorPhi->GetName()<<endl;
            //Store Histograms - SectorPhi Level
            //Loop through Slices
                //To be implemented
            //Now that all clusters have been analyzed we extract the slices
            for (auto iterSlice = (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(); iterSlice != (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.end(); ++iterSlice ) { //Loop Over Slices
                //int iSliceCount = std::distance( (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(), iterSlice ) + 1;
                //Get Directory
                //Check to see if the directory exists already
                TDirectory *dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->GetDirectory( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
                //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
                if (dir_Slice == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                    dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->mkdir( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str() );
                } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                //Store Histograms - Slice Level
            } //End Loop Over Slices
        } //End Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
    } //End Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    //Close the ROOT file
} //End storeHistos()
void AnalyzeResponseUniformity::storeFits( string strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption ){
    //Variable Declaration
    TFile * ptr_fileOutput = new TFile(strOutputROOTFileName.c_str(), strOption.c_str(),"",1);
    //Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    if ( !ptr_fileOutput->IsOpen() || ptr_fileOutput->IsZombie()  ) {
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits","Error: File I/O");
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits", "\tPlease cross check input file name, option, and the execution directory\n" );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","storeFits", "\tExiting; No Fits have been stored!\n" );
    } //End Check if File Failed to Open Correctly
    //Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    for (auto iterEta = detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.begin(); iterEta != detMPGD.map_sectorsEta.end(); ++iterEta) { //Loop Over iEta Sectors
        //Get Directory
        //Check to see if the directory exists already
        TDirectory *dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->GetDirectory( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory" );
        //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
        if (dir_SectorEta == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            dir_SectorEta = ptr_fileOutput->mkdir( ( "SectorEta" + getString( (*iterEta).first ) ).c_str() );
        } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
        //cout<<"dir_SectorEta->GetName() = " << dir_SectorEta->GetName()<<endl;
        //Store Fits - SectorEta Level
        //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors within this iEta Sector
        for (auto iterPhi = (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.begin(); iterPhi != (*iterEta).second.map_sectorsPhi.end(); ++iterPhi) { //Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
            //Get Directory
            //Check to see if the directory exists already
            TDirectory *dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->GetDirectory( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
            //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
            if (dir_SectorPhi == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                dir_SectorPhi = dir_SectorEta->mkdir( ( "SectorPhi" + getString( (*iterPhi).first ) ).c_str() );
            } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
            //cout<<"dir_SectorPhi->GetName() = " << dir_SectorPhi->GetName()<<endl;
            //Store Fits - SectorPhi Level
            //No Fits defined at this level - yet

            //Now that all clusters have been analyzed we extract the slices
            for (auto iterSlice = (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(); iterSlice != (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.end(); ++iterSlice ) { //Loop Over Slices
                //int iSliceCount = std::distance( (*iterPhi).second.map_slices.begin(), iterSlice );
                //Get Directory
                //Check to see if the directory exists already
                TDirectory *dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->GetDirectory( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str(), false, "GetDirectory"  );
                //If the above pointer is null the directory does NOT exist, create it
                if (dir_Slice == nullptr) { //Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                    dir_Slice = dir_SectorPhi->mkdir( ( "Slice" + getString( (*iterSlice).first ) ).c_str() );
                } //End Case: Directory did not exist in file, CREATE
                //Store Fits - Slice Level
                //(*iterSlice).second.pmrkSlice_ClustADC->Write( getNameByIndex( (*iterEta).first, (*iterPhi).first, (*iterSlice).first, "PeakMrk", "clustADC" ).c_str() );
            } //End Loop Over Slices
        } //End Loop Over Stored iPhi Sectors
    } //End Loop Over Stored iEta Sectors
    //Close the ROOT file
} //End storeHistos()
TF1 AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getFit(int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, HistoSetup & setupHisto, shared_ptr<TH1F> hInput, TSpectrum &specInput ){
    //Variable Declaration
    float fLimit_Max = setupHisto.fHisto_xUpper, fLimit_Min = setupHisto.fHisto_xLower;
    vector<string>::const_iterator iterVec_IGuess; //Iterator to use for setting initial guess of fit
    vector<float> vec_fFitRange;
    for (auto iterRange = aSetup.histoSetup_clustADC.vec_strFit_Range.begin(); iterRange != aSetup.histoSetup_clustADC.vec_strFit_Range.end(); ++iterRange) { //Loop Over Fit Range
        vec_fFitRange.push_back( getFitBoundary( (*iterRange), hInput, specInput ) );
    } //End Loop Over Fit Range
    if (vec_fFitRange.size() > 1) {
        fLimit_Min = (*std::min_element(vec_fFitRange.begin(), vec_fFitRange.end() ) );
        fLimit_Max = (*std::max_element(vec_fFitRange.begin(), vec_fFitRange.end() ) );
    TF1 ret_Func( getNameByIndex(iEta, iPhi, iSlice, "fit", setupHisto.strHisto_Name).c_str(), setupHisto.strFit_Formula.c_str(), fLimit_Min, fLimit_Max);
    //Check to see if the number of parameters in the TF1 meets the expectation
    if ( ret_Func.GetNpar() < setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess.size() || ret_Func.GetNpar() < setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min.size() || ret_Func.GetNpar() < setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max.size() ) { //Case: Set points for initial parameters do not meet expectations
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit","Error! Number of Parameters in Function Less Than Requested Initial Guess Parameters!");
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit", ("\tNum Parameter: " + getString( ret_Func.GetNpar() ) ).c_str() );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit", ("\tNum Initial Guesses: " + getString( setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess.size() ) ).c_str() );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit", ("\tNum Initial Guess Limits (Min): " + getString( setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min.size() ) ).c_str() );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit", ("\tNum Initial Guess Limits (Max): " + getString( setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max.size() ) ).c_str() );
        printClassMethodMsg("AnalyzeResponseUniformity","getFit", "No Initial Parameters Have Been Set! Please Cross-Check Input Analysis Config File" );
        return ret_Func;
    } //End Case: Set points for initial parameters do not meet expectations
    //Set Fit Parameters - Initial Value
    //Keywords are AMPLITUDE, MEAN, PEAK, SIGMA
    for (int i=0; i<setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess.size(); ++i) { //Loop over parameters - Initial Guess
        iterVec_IGuess = std::find(vec_strSupportedKeywords.begin(), vec_strSupportedKeywords.end(), setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess[i]);
        if ( iterVec_IGuess == vec_strSupportedKeywords.end() ) { //Case: No Keyword Found; Try to set a Numeric Value
            ret_Func.SetParameter(i, stofSafe( setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamIGuess[i] ) );
        } //End Case: No Keyword Found; Try to set a Numeric Value
        else{ //Case: Keyword Found; Set Value based on Keyword
            ret_Func.SetParameter(i, getValByKeyword( (*iterVec_IGuess), hInput, specInput ) );
        } //End Case: Keyword Found; Set Value based on Keyword
    } //End Loop over parameters - Initial Guess
    //Set Fit Parameters - Boundaries
    if (setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min.size() == setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max.size() ) { //Check: Stored Parameter Limits Match

        //Here we use vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min but we know it has the same number of parameters as vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max
        //For each fit parameter, set the boundary
        for (int i=0; i<setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min.size(); ++i) { //Loop over boundary parameters
            fLimit_Min = getFitBoundary(setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min[i], hInput, specInput);
            fLimit_Max = getFitBoundary(setupHisto.vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max[i], hInput, specInput);
		//cout<<"(fLimit_Min, fLimit_Max) = (" << fLimit_Min << ", " << fLimit_Max << ")\n";

            (fLimit_Max > fLimit_Min) ? ret_Func.SetParLimits(i, fLimit_Min, fLimit_Max ) : ret_Func.SetParLimits(i, fLimit_Max, fLimit_Min );
        } //End Loop over boundary parameters
    } //End Check: Stored Parameter Limits Match
    //Set Fit Parameters - Fixed?
    //Placeholder; maybe we add functionality in the future
    //Set Other Fit Data Members
    //Delete Pointers
    //delete iterVec_IGuess;
    //Return fit
    return ret_Func;
} //End AnalyzeResponseUniformity::getFit()