Exemple #1
/* CTexture::parseDefine
 * Parses a HIRESTEX define block
bool CTexture::parseDefine(Tokenizer& tz)
	this->type = "Define";
	this->extended = true;
	this->defined = true;
	name = tz.getToken().Upper();
	def_width = tz.getInteger();
	def_height = tz.getInteger();
	width = def_width;
	height = def_height;
	ArchiveEntry* entry = theResourceManager->getPatchEntry(name);
	if (entry)
		SImage image;
		if (image.open(entry->getMCData()))
			width = image.getWidth();
			height = image.getHeight();
			scale_x = (double)width / (double)def_width;
			scale_y = (double)height / (double)def_height;
	CTPatchEx* patch = new CTPatchEx(name);
	return true;
Exemple #2
/* Translation::parse
 * Parses a text definition [def] (in zdoom format, detailed here:
 * http://zdoom.org/wiki/Translation)
void Translation::parse(string def)
	// Open definition string for processing w/tokenizer
	Tokenizer tz;

	//wxLogMessage("Parse translation \"%s\"", CHR(def));

	// Read original range
	uint8_t o_start, o_end;
	o_start = tz.getInteger();
	if (tz.peekToken() == "=") o_end = o_start;
	else if (!tz.checkToken(":")) return;
	else o_end = tz.getInteger();
	if (!tz.checkToken("=")) return;

	// Check for reverse origin range
	bool reverse = (o_start > o_end);

	// Type of translation depends on next token
	if (tz.peekToken() == "[")
		// Colour translation
		rgba_t start, end;

		tz.getToken();	// Skip [

		// Read start colour
		start.r = tz.getInteger();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		start.g = tz.getInteger();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		start.b = tz.getInteger();

		if (!tz.checkToken("]")) return;
		if (!tz.checkToken(":")) return;
		if (!tz.checkToken("[")) return;

		// Read end colour
		end.r = tz.getInteger();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		end.g = tz.getInteger();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		end.b = tz.getInteger();

		if (!tz.checkToken("]")) return;

		// Add translation
		TransRangeColour* tr = new TransRangeColour();
		if (reverse)
			tr->o_start = o_end;
			tr->o_end = o_start;
			tr->o_start = o_start;
			tr->o_end = o_end;

		//wxLogMessage("Added colour translation");
	else if (tz.peekToken() == "%")
		// Desat colour translation
		float sr, sg, sb, er, eg, eb;

		tz.getToken();	// Skip %
		if (!tz.checkToken("[")) return;

		// Read start colour
		sr = tz.getFloat();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		sg = tz.getFloat();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		sb = tz.getFloat();

		if (!tz.checkToken("]")) return;
		if (!tz.checkToken(":")) return;
		if (!tz.checkToken("[")) return;

		// Read end colour
		er = tz.getFloat();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		eg = tz.getFloat();
		if (!tz.checkToken(",")) return;
		eb = tz.getFloat();

		if (!tz.checkToken("]")) return;

		// Add translation
		TransRangeDesat* tr = new TransRangeDesat();
		if (reverse)
			tr->o_start = o_end;
			tr->o_end = o_start;
			tr->d_sr = er;
			tr->d_sg = eg;
			tr->d_sb = eb;
			tr->d_er = sr;
			tr->d_eg = sg;
			tr->d_eb = sb;
			tr->o_start = o_start;
			tr->o_end = o_end;
			tr->d_sr = sr;
			tr->d_sg = sg;
			tr->d_sb = sb;
			tr->d_er = er;
			tr->d_eg = eg;
			tr->d_eb = eb;

		//wxLogMessage("Added desat translation");
		// Palette range translation
		uint8_t d_start, d_end;

		// Read range values
		d_start = tz.getInteger();
		if (!tz.checkToken(":")) d_end = d_start;
		else d_end = tz.getInteger();

		// Add translation
		TransRangePalette* tr = new TransRangePalette();
		if (reverse)
			tr->o_start = o_end;
			tr->o_end = o_start;
			tr->d_start = d_end;
			tr->d_end = d_start;
			tr->o_start = o_start;
			tr->o_end = o_end;
			tr->d_start = d_start;
			tr->d_end = d_end;

		//wxLogMessage("Added range translation");
Exemple #3
/* MainWindow::createStartPage
 * Builds the HTML start page and loads it into the html viewer
 * (start page tab)
void MainWindow::createStartPage() {
	// Get relevant resource entries
	Archive* res_archive = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive();
	if (!res_archive)
	ArchiveEntry* entry_html = res_archive->entryAtPath("html/startpage.htm");
	ArchiveEntry* entry_logo = res_archive->entryAtPath("logo.png");
	ArchiveEntry* entry_tips = res_archive->entryAtPath("tips.txt");

	// Can't do anything without html entry
	if (!entry_html) {
		html_startpage->SetPage("<html><head><title>SLADE</title></head><body><center><h1>Something is wrong with slade.pk3 :(</h1><center></body></html>");

	// Get html as string
	string html = wxString::FromAscii((const char*)(entry_html->getData()), entry_html->getSize());

	// Generate tip of the day string
	string tip = "It seems tips.txt is missing from your slade.pk3";
	if (entry_tips) {
		Tokenizer tz;
		tz.openMem((const char*)entry_tips->getData(), entry_tips->getSize(), entry_tips->getName());
		int numtips = tz.getInteger();
		if (numtips < 2) // Needs at least two choices or it's kinda pointless.
			tip = "Did you know? Something is wrong with the tips.txt file in your slade.pk3.";
		else {
			int tipindex = 0;
			// Don't show same tip twice in a row
			do { tipindex = 1 + (rand() % numtips); } while (tipindex == lasttipindex);
			lasttipindex = tipindex;
			for (int a = 0; a < tipindex; a++)
				tip = tz.getToken();

	// Generate recent files string
	string recent;
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
		if (a >= theArchiveManager->numRecentFiles())
			break;	// No more recent files

		// Add line break if needed
		if (a > 0) recent += "<br/>\n";

		// Add recent file link
		recent += S_FMT("<a href=\"recent://%d\">%s</a>", a, theArchiveManager->recentFile(a));

	// Insert tip and recent files into html
	html.Replace("#recent#", recent);
	html.Replace("#totd#", tip);

	// Write html and images to temp folder
	if (entry_logo) entry_logo->exportFile(appPath("logo.png", DIR_TEMP));
	string html_file = appPath("startpage.htm", DIR_TEMP);
	wxFile outfile(html_file, wxFile::write);

	// Load page

	// Clean up
	wxRemoveFile(appPath("logo.png", DIR_TEMP));
Exemple #4
/* MainWindow::createStartPage
 * Builds the HTML start page and loads it into the html viewer
 * (start page tab)
void MainWindow::createStartPage(bool newtip)
	// Get relevant resource entries
	Archive* res_archive = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive();
	if (!res_archive)

	// Get entries to export
	vector<ArchiveEntry*> export_entries;
	ArchiveEntry* entry_html = res_archive->entryAtPath("html/startpage.htm");
	ArchiveEntry* entry_tips = res_archive->entryAtPath("tips.txt");

	// Can't do anything without html entry
	if (!entry_html)
		LOG_MESSAGE(1, "No start page resource found");
		html_startpage->SetPage("<html><head><title>SLADE</title></head><body><center><h1>Something is wrong with slade.pk3 :(</h1><center></body></html>", wxEmptyString);

	// Get html as string
	string html = wxString::FromAscii((const char*)(entry_html->getData()), entry_html->getSize());

	// Generate tip of the day string
	string tip = "It seems tips.txt is missing from your slade.pk3";
	if (entry_tips)
		Tokenizer tz;
		tz.openMem((const char*)entry_tips->getData(), entry_tips->getSize(), entry_tips->getName());
		int numtips = tz.getInteger();
		if (numtips < 2) // Needs at least two choices or it's kinda pointless.
			tip = "Did you know? Something is wrong with the tips.txt file in your slade.pk3.";
			int tipindex = 0;
			if (newtip || lasttipindex == 0)
				// Don't show same tip twice in a row
				do { tipindex = 1 + (rand() % numtips); } while (tipindex == lasttipindex);
				tipindex = lasttipindex;
			lasttipindex = tipindex;
			for (int a = 0; a < tipindex; a++)
				tip = tz.getToken();

	// Generate recent files string
	string recent;
	recent += "<table class=\"box\">";
	if (theArchiveManager->numRecentFiles() > 0)
		for (unsigned a = 0; a < 12; a++)
			if (a >= theArchiveManager->numRecentFiles())
				break;	// No more recent files

			recent += "<tr><td valign=\"middle\" class=\"box\">";

			// Determine icon
			string fn = theArchiveManager->recentFile(a);
			string icon = "archive";
			if (fn.EndsWith(".wad"))
				icon = "wad";
			else if (fn.EndsWith(".zip") || fn.EndsWith(".pk3") || fn.EndsWith(".pke"))
				icon = "zip";
			else if (wxDirExists(fn))
				icon = "folder";

			// Add recent file link
			recent += S_FMT("<img src=\"%s.png\"></td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"box\">", icon);
			recent += S_FMT("<a href=\"recent://%d\">%s</a></td></tr>", a, fn);
		recent += "<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"box\">No recently opened files</td></tr>";
	recent += "</table>";

	// Insert tip and recent files into html
	html.Replace("#recent#", recent);
	html.Replace("#totd#", tip);

	// Write html and images to temp folder
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < export_entries.size(); a++)
		export_entries[a]->exportFile(appPath(export_entries[a]->getName(), DIR_TEMP));
	Icons::exportIconPNG(Icons::ENTRY, "archive", appPath("archive.png", DIR_TEMP));
	Icons::exportIconPNG(Icons::ENTRY, "wad", appPath("wad.png", DIR_TEMP));
	Icons::exportIconPNG(Icons::ENTRY, "zip", appPath("zip.png", DIR_TEMP));
	Icons::exportIconPNG(Icons::ENTRY, "folder", appPath("folder.png", DIR_TEMP));
	string html_file = appPath("startpage.htm", DIR_TEMP);
	wxFile outfile(html_file, wxFile::write);

#ifdef __WXGTK__
	html_file = "file://" + html_file;

	// Load page

#ifdef __WXMSW__

	// Clean up
	//wxRemoveFile(appPath("logo.png", DIR_TEMP));
Exemple #5
/* MapPreviewCanvas::openMap
 * Opens a map from a mapdesc_t
bool MapPreviewCanvas::openMap(Archive::mapdesc_t map)
	// All errors = invalid map
	Global::error = "Invalid map";

	// Check if this map is a pk3 map
	bool map_archive = false;
	if (map.archive)
		map_archive = true;

		// Attempt to open entry as wad archive
		temp_archive = new WadArchive();
		if (!temp_archive->open(map.head))
			delete temp_archive;
			return false;

		// Detect maps
		vector<Archive::mapdesc_t> maps = temp_archive->detectMaps();

		// Set map if there are any in the archive
		if (maps.size() > 0)
			map = maps[0];
			return false;

	// Parse UDMF map
	if (map.format == MAP_UDMF)
		ArchiveEntry* udmfdata = NULL;
		for (ArchiveEntry* mapentry = map.head; mapentry != map.end; mapentry = mapentry->nextEntry())
			// Check entry type
			if (mapentry->getType() == EntryType::getType("udmf_textmap"))
				udmfdata = mapentry;
		if (udmfdata == NULL)
			return false;

		// Start parsing
		Tokenizer tz;
		tz.openMem(udmfdata->getData(), udmfdata->getSize(), map.head->getName());

		// Get first token
		string token = tz.getToken();
		size_t vertcounter = 0, linecounter = 0, thingcounter = 0;
		while (!token.IsEmpty())
			if (!token.CmpNoCase("namespace"))
				//  skip till we reach the ';'
				do { token = tz.getToken(); }
				while (token.Cmp(";"));
			else if (!token.CmpNoCase("vertex"))
				// Get X and Y properties
				bool gotx = false;
				bool goty = false;
				double x = 0.;
				double y = 0.;
					token = tz.getToken();
					if (!token.CmpNoCase("x") || !token.CmpNoCase("y"))
						bool isx = !token.CmpNoCase("x");
						token = tz.getToken();
						if (token.Cmp("="))
							wxLogMessage("Bad syntax for vertex %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
							return false;
						if (isx) x = tz.getDouble(), gotx = true;
						else y = tz.getDouble(), goty = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
				if (gotx && goty)
					addVertex(x, y);
					wxLogMessage("Wrong vertex %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
					return false;
			else if (!token.CmpNoCase("linedef"))
				bool special = false;
				bool twosided = false;
				bool gotv1 = false, gotv2 = false;
				size_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
					token = tz.getToken();
					if (!token.CmpNoCase("v1") || !token.CmpNoCase("v2"))
						bool isv1 = !token.CmpNoCase("v1");
						token = tz.getToken();
						if (token.Cmp("="))
							wxLogMessage("Bad syntax for linedef %i in UDMF map data", linecounter);
							return false;
						if (isv1) v1 = tz.getInteger(), gotv1 = true;
						else v2 = tz.getInteger(), gotv2 = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
					else if (!token.CmpNoCase("special"))
						special = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
					else if (!token.CmpNoCase("sideback"))
						twosided = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
				if (gotv1 && gotv2)
					addLine(v1, v2, twosided, special);
					wxLogMessage("Wrong line %i in UDMF map data", linecounter);
					return false;
			else if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "thing"))
				// Get X and Y properties
				bool gotx = false;
				bool goty = false;
				double x = 0.;
				double y = 0.;
					token = tz.getToken();
					if (!token.CmpNoCase("x") || !token.CmpNoCase("y"))
						bool isx = !token.CmpNoCase("x");
						token = tz.getToken();
						if (token.Cmp("="))
							wxLogMessage("Bad syntax for thing %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
							return false;
						if (isx) x = tz.getDouble(), gotx = true;
						else y = tz.getDouble(), goty = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); } while (token.Cmp(";"));
				} while (token.Cmp("}"));
				if (gotx && goty)
					addThing(x, y);
					wxLogMessage("Wrong thing %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
					return false;
				// Check for side or sector definition (increase counts)
				if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "sidedef"))
				else if (S_CMPNOCASE(token, "sector"))

				// map preview ignores sidedefs, sectors, comments,
				// unknown fields, etc. so skip to end of block
				do { token = tz.getToken(); }
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
			// Iterate to next token
			token = tz.getToken();

	// Non-UDMF map
	if (map.format != MAP_UDMF)
		// Read vertices (required)
		if (!readVertices(map.head, map.end, map.format))
			return false;

		// Read linedefs (required)
		if (!readLines(map.head, map.end, map.format))
			return false;

		// Read things
		if (map.format != MAP_UDMF)
			readThings(map.head, map.end, map.format);

		// Read sides & sectors (count only)
		ArchiveEntry* sidedefs = NULL;
		ArchiveEntry* sectors = NULL;
		while (map.head)
			// Check entry type
			if (map.head->getType() == EntryType::getType("map_sidedefs"))
				sidedefs = map.head;
			if (map.head->getType() == EntryType::getType("map_sectors"))
				sectors = map.head;

			// Exit loop if we've reached the end of the map entries
			if (map.head == map.end)
				map.head = map.head->nextEntry();
		if (sidedefs && sectors)
			// Doom64 map
			if (map.format != MAP_DOOM64)
				n_sides = sidedefs->getSize() / 30;
				n_sectors = sectors->getSize() / 26;

			// Doom/Hexen map
				n_sides = sidedefs->getSize() / 12;
				n_sectors = sectors->getSize() / 16;

	// Clean up
	if (map_archive)
		delete temp_archive;
		temp_archive = NULL;

	// Refresh map

	return true;
Exemple #6
/* CTexture::parse
 * Parses a TEXTURES format texture definition
bool CTexture::parse(Tokenizer& tz, string type)
	// Check if optional
	if (S_CMPNOCASE(tz.peekToken(), "optional"))
		tz.getToken();	// Skip it
		optional = true;

	// Read basic info
	this->type = type;
	this->extended = true;
	this->defined = false;
	name = tz.getToken().Upper();
	tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
	width = tz.getInteger();
	tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
	height = tz.getInteger();

	// Check for extended info
	if (tz.peekToken() == "{")
		tz.getToken();	// Skip {

		// Read properties
		string property = tz.getToken();
		while (property != "}")
			// Check if end of text is reached (error)
			if (property.IsEmpty())
				wxLogMessage("Error parsing texture %s: End of text found, missing } perhaps?", name);
				return false;

			// XScale
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "XScale"))
				scale_x = tz.getFloat();

			// YScale
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "YScale"))
				scale_y = tz.getFloat();

			// Offset
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Offset"))
				offset_x = tz.getInteger();
				tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
				offset_y = tz.getInteger();

			// WorldPanning
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "WorldPanning"))
				world_panning = true;

			// NoDecals
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "NoDecals"))
				no_decals = true;

			// NullTexture
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "NullTexture"))
				null_texture = true;

			// Patch
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Patch"))
				CTPatchEx* patch = new CTPatchEx();

			// Graphic
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Graphic"))
				CTPatchEx* patch = new CTPatchEx();
				patch->parse(tz, PTYPE_GRAPHIC);

			// Read next property
			property = tz.getToken();

	return true;
Exemple #7
/* CTPatchEx::parse
 * Parses a ZDoom TEXTURES format patch definition
bool CTPatchEx::parse(Tokenizer& tz, uint8_t type)
	// Read basic info
	this->type = type;
	name = tz.getToken().Upper();
	tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
	offset_x = tz.getInteger();
	tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
	offset_y = tz.getInteger();

	// Check if there is any extended info
	if (tz.peekToken() == "{")
		// Skip {

		// Parse extended info
		string property = tz.getToken();
		while (property != "}")
			// FlipX
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "FlipX"))
				flip_x = true;

			// FlipY
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "FlipY"))
				flip_y = true;

			// UseOffsets
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "UseOffsets"))
				use_offsets = true;

			// Rotate
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Rotate"))
				rotation = tz.getInteger();

			// Translation
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Translation"))
				// Add first translation string

				// Add any subsequent translations (separated by commas)
				while (tz.peekToken() == ",")
					tz.getToken();	// Skip ,

				blendtype = 1;

			// Blend
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Blend"))
				double val;
				wxColour col;
				blendtype = 2;

				// Read first value
				string first = tz.getToken();

				// If no second value, it's just a colour string
				if (tz.peekToken() != ",")
					colour.set(col.Red(), col.Green(), col.Blue());
					// Second value could be alpha or green
					tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
					double second = tz.getDouble();

					// If no third value, it's an alpha value
					if (tz.peekToken() != ",")
						colour.set(col.Red(), col.Green(), col.Blue(), second*255);
						blendtype = 3;
						// Third value exists, must be R,G,B,A format
						tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
						colour.r = val*255;
						colour.g = second*255;
						colour.b = tz.getDouble()*255;
						if (tz.peekToken() != ",")
							wxLogMessage("Invalid TEXTURES definition, expected ',', got '%s'", tz.getToken());
							return false;
						tz.getToken();	// Skip ,
						colour.a = tz.getDouble()*255;
						blendtype = 3;

			// Alpha
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Alpha"))
				alpha = tz.getFloat();

			// Style
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(property, "Style"))
				style = tz.getToken();

			// Read next property name
			property = tz.getToken();

	return true;
/* MapPreviewCanvas::openMap
 * Opens a map from a mapdesc_t
bool MapPreviewCanvas::openMap(Archive::mapdesc_t map)
	// All errors = invalid map
	Global::error = "Invalid map";

	// Check if this map is a pk3 map
	bool map_archive = false;
	if (map.archive)
		map_archive = true;

		// Attempt to open entry as wad archive
		temp_archive = new WadArchive();
		if (!temp_archive->open(map.head))
			delete temp_archive;
			return false;

		// Detect maps
		vector<Archive::mapdesc_t> maps = temp_archive->detectMaps();

		// Set map if there are any in the archive
		if (maps.size() > 0)
			map = maps[0];
			return false;

	// Parse UDMF map
	if (map.format == MAP_UDMF)
		ArchiveEntry* udmfdata = NULL;
		for (ArchiveEntry* mapentry = map.head; mapentry != map.end; mapentry = mapentry->nextEntry())
			// Check entry type
			if (mapentry->getType() == EntryType::getType("udmf_textmap"))
				udmfdata = mapentry;
		if (udmfdata == NULL)
			return false;

		// Start parsing
		Tokenizer tz;
		tz.openMem(udmfdata->getData(), udmfdata->getSize(), map.head->getName());

		// Get first token
		string token = tz.getToken();
		size_t vertcounter = 0, linecounter = 0;
		while (!token.IsEmpty())
			if (!token.CmpNoCase("namespace"))
				//  skip till we reach the ';'
				do { token = tz.getToken(); }
				while (token.Cmp(";"));
			else if (!token.CmpNoCase("vertex"))
				// Get X and Y properties
				bool gotx = false;
				bool goty = false;
				double x = 0.;
				double y = 0.;
					token = tz.getToken();
					if (!token.CmpNoCase("x") || !token.CmpNoCase("y"))
						bool isx = !token.CmpNoCase("x");
						token = tz.getToken();
						if (token.Cmp("="))
							wxLogMessage("Bad syntax for vertex %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
							return false;
						if (isx) x = tz.getDouble(), gotx = true;
						else y = tz.getDouble(), goty = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
				if (gotx && goty)
					addVertex(x, y);
					wxLogMessage("Wrong vertex %i in UDMF map data", vertcounter);
					return false;
			else if (!token.CmpNoCase("linedef"))
				bool special = false;
				bool twosided = false;
				bool gotv1 = false, gotv2 = false;
				size_t v1 = 0, v2 = 0;
					token = tz.getToken();
					if (!token.CmpNoCase("v1") || !token.CmpNoCase("v2"))
						bool isv1 = !token.CmpNoCase("v1");
						token = tz.getToken();
						if (token.Cmp("="))
							wxLogMessage("Bad syntax for linedef %i in UDMF map data", linecounter);
							return false;
						if (isv1) v1 = tz.getInteger(), gotv1 = true;
						else v2 = tz.getInteger(), gotv2 = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
					else if (!token.CmpNoCase("special"))
						special = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
					else if (!token.CmpNoCase("sideback"))
						twosided = true;
						// skip to end of declaration after each key
						do { token = tz.getToken(); }
						while (token.Cmp(";"));
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
				if (gotv1 && gotv2)
					addLine(v1, v2, twosided, special);
					wxLogMessage("Wrong line %i in UDMF map data", linecounter);
					return false;
				// map preview ignores things, sidedefs, sectors, comments,
				// unknown fields, etc. so skip to end of block
				do { token = tz.getToken(); }
				while (token.Cmp("}"));
			// Iterate to next token
			token = tz.getToken();

	// Read vertices
	if (map.format == MAP_DOOM || map.format == MAP_HEXEN || map.format == MAP_DOOM64)
		// Find VERTEXES entry
		ArchiveEntry* mapentry = map.head;
		ArchiveEntry* vertexes = NULL;
		while (mapentry)
			// Check entry type
			if (mapentry->getType() == EntryType::getType("map_vertexes"))
				vertexes = mapentry;

			// Exit loop if we've reached the end of the map entries
			if (mapentry == map.end)
				mapentry = mapentry->nextEntry();

		// Can't open a map without vertices
		if (!vertexes)
			return false;

		// Read vertex data
		MemChunk& mc = vertexes->getMCData();
		mc.seek(0, SEEK_SET);

		if (map.format == MAP_DOOM64)
			doom64vertex_t v;
			while (1)
				// Read vertex
				if (!mc.read(&v, 8))

				// Add vertex
				addVertex((double)v.x/65536, (double)v.y/65536);
			doomvertex_t v;
			while (1)
				// Read vertex
				if (!mc.read(&v, 4))

				// Add vertex
				addVertex((double)v.x, (double)v.y);

	// Read linedefs
	if (map.format == MAP_DOOM || map.format == MAP_HEXEN || map.format == MAP_DOOM64)
		// Find LINEDEFS entry
		ArchiveEntry* mapentry = map.head;
		ArchiveEntry* linedefs = NULL;
		while (mapentry)
			// Check entry type
			if (mapentry->getType() == EntryType::getType("map_linedefs"))
				linedefs = mapentry;

			// Exit loop if we've reached the end of the map entries
			if (mapentry == map.end)
				mapentry = mapentry->nextEntry();

		// Can't open a map without linedefs
		if (!linedefs)
			return false;

		// Read line data
		MemChunk& mc = linedefs->getMCData();
		mc.seek(0, SEEK_SET);
		if (map.format == MAP_DOOM)
			while (1)
				// Read line
				doomline_t l;
				if (!mc.read(&l, sizeof(doomline_t)))

				// Check properties
				bool special = false;
				bool twosided = false;
				if (l.side2 != 0xFFFF)
					twosided = true;
				if (l.type > 0)
					special = true;

				// Add line
				addLine(l.vertex1, l.vertex2, twosided, special);
		else if (map.format == MAP_DOOM64)
			while (1)
				// Read line
				doom64line_t l;
				if (!mc.read(&l, sizeof(doom64line_t)))

				// Check properties
				bool macro = false;
				bool special = false;
				bool twosided = false;
				if (l.side2  != 0xFFFF)
					twosided = true;
				if (l.type > 0)
					if (l.type & 0x100)
						macro = true;
					else special = true;

				// Add line
				addLine(l.vertex1, l.vertex2, twosided, special, macro);
		else if (map.format == MAP_HEXEN)
			while (1)
				// Read line
				hexenline_t l;
				if (!mc.read(&l, sizeof(hexenline_t)))

				// Check properties
				bool special = false;
				bool twosided = false;
				if (l.side2 != 0xFFFF)
					twosided = true;
				if (l.type > 0)
					special = true;

				// Add line
				addLine(l.vertex1, l.vertex2, twosided, special);

	// Clean up
	if (map_archive)
		delete temp_archive;
		temp_archive = NULL;

	// Refresh map

	return true;