Exemple #1
TraCIServerAPI_POI::processSet(TraCIServer& server, tcpip::Storage& inputStorage,
                               tcpip::Storage& outputStorage) {
    std::string warning = ""; // additional description for response
    // variable & id
    int variable = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
    std::string id = inputStorage.readString();
    // check variable
    if (variable != libsumo::VAR_TYPE &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_COLOR &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_POSITION &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_WIDTH &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_HEIGHT &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_ANGLE &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_IMAGEFILE &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_HIGHLIGHT &&
            variable != libsumo::ADD &&
            variable != libsumo::REMOVE &&
            variable != libsumo::VAR_PARAMETER) {
        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "Change PoI State: unsupported variable " + toHex(variable, 2) + " specified", outputStorage);
    // process
    try {
        switch (variable) {
            case libsumo::VAR_TYPE: {
                std::string type;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, type)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The type must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setType(id, type);
            case libsumo::VAR_COLOR: {
                libsumo::TraCIColor col;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The color must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setColor(id, col);
            case libsumo::VAR_POSITION: {
                libsumo::TraCIPosition pos;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingPosition2D(inputStorage, pos)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The position must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setPosition(id, pos.x, pos.y);
            case libsumo::VAR_WIDTH: {
                double width;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, width)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The width must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setWidth(id, width);
            case libsumo::VAR_HEIGHT: {
                double height;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, height)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The height must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setHeight(id, height);
            case libsumo::VAR_ANGLE: {
                double angle;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, angle)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The angle must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setAngle(id, angle);
            case libsumo::VAR_IMAGEFILE: {
                std::string imageFile;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, imageFile)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The type must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setImageFile(id, imageFile);
            case libsumo::VAR_HIGHLIGHT: {
                // Highlight the POI by adding a polygon (NOTE: duplicated code exists for vehicle domain)
                if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "A compound object is needed for highlighting an object.", outputStorage);
                int itemNo = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
                if (itemNo > 5) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "Highlighting an object needs zero to five parameters.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::TraCIColor col = libsumo::TraCIColor(255, 0, 0);
                if (itemNo > 0) {
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The first parameter for highlighting must be the highlight color.", outputStorage);
                double size = -1;
                if (itemNo > 1) {
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, size)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The second parameter for highlighting must be the highlight size.", outputStorage);
                int alphaMax = -1;
                if (itemNo > 2) {
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingUnsignedByte(inputStorage, alphaMax)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The third parameter for highlighting must be maximal alpha.", outputStorage);
                double duration = -1;
                if (itemNo > 3) {
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, duration)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "The fourth parameter for highlighting must be the highlight duration.", outputStorage);
                int type = 0;
                if (itemNo > 4) {
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingUnsignedByte(inputStorage, type)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_VEHICLE_VARIABLE, "The fifth parameter for highlighting must be the highlight type id as ubyte.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::highlight(id, col, size, alphaMax, duration, type);
            case libsumo::ADD: {
                if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "A compound object is needed for setting a new PoI.", outputStorage);
                //read itemNo
                const int parameterCount = inputStorage.readInt();
                std::string type;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, type)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The first PoI parameter must be the type encoded as a string.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::TraCIColor col;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The second PoI parameter must be the color.", outputStorage);
                int layer = 0;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, layer)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The third PoI parameter must be the layer encoded as int.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::TraCIPosition pos;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingPosition2D(inputStorage, pos)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The fourth PoI parameter must be the position.", outputStorage);
                if (parameterCount == 4) {
                    if (!libsumo::POI::add(id, pos.x, pos.y, col, type, layer)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "Could not add PoI.", outputStorage);
                } else if (parameterCount == 8) {
                    std::string imgFile;
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, imgFile)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The fifth PoI parameter must be the imgFile encoded as a string.", outputStorage);
                    double width;
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, width)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The sixth PoI parameter must be the width encoded as a double.", outputStorage);
                    double height;
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, height)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The seventh PoI parameter must be the height encoded as a double.", outputStorage);
                    double angle;
                    if (!server.readTypeCheckingDouble(inputStorage, angle)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The eighth PoI parameter must be the angle encoded as a double.", outputStorage);
                    if (!libsumo::POI::add(id, pos.x, pos.y, col, type, layer, imgFile, width, height, angle)) {
                        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "Could not add PoI.", outputStorage);
                } else {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE,
                                                      "Adding a PoI requires either only type, color, layer and position parameters or these and imageFile, width, height and angle parameters.",
            case libsumo::REMOVE: {
                int layer = 0; // !!! layer not used yet (shouldn't the id be enough?)
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, layer)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The layer must be given using an int.", outputStorage);
                if (!libsumo::POI::remove(id, layer)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "Could not remove PoI '" + id + "'", outputStorage);
            case libsumo::VAR_PARAMETER: {
                if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != libsumo::TYPE_COMPOUND) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "A compound object is needed for setting a parameter.", outputStorage);
                //readt itemNo
                std::string name;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, name)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The name of the parameter must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
                std::string value;
                if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, value)) {
                    return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, "The value of the parameter must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
                libsumo::POI::setParameter(id, name, value);
    } catch (libsumo::TraCIException& e) {
        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, e.what(), outputStorage);
    server.writeStatusCmd(libsumo::CMD_SET_POI_VARIABLE, libsumo::RTYPE_OK, warning, outputStorage);
    return true;
Exemple #2
TraCIServerAPI_Simulation::commandPositionConversion(TraCIServer& server, tcpip::Storage& inputStorage,
        tcpip::Storage& outputStorage, int commandId) {
    std::pair<MSLane*, SUMOReal> roadPos;
    Position cartesianPos;
    Position geoPos;
    SUMOReal z = 0;

    // actual position type that will be converted
    int srcPosType = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();

    switch (srcPosType) {
        case POSITION_2D:
        case POSITION_3D:
        case POSITION_LON_LAT:
        case POSITION_LON_LAT_ALT: {
            SUMOReal x = inputStorage.readDouble();
            SUMOReal y = inputStorage.readDouble();
            if (srcPosType != POSITION_2D && srcPosType != POSITION_LON_LAT) {
                z = inputStorage.readDouble();
            geoPos.set(x, y);
            cartesianPos.set(x, y);
            if (srcPosType == POSITION_LON_LAT || srcPosType == POSITION_LON_LAT_ALT) {
            } else {
        case POSITION_ROADMAP: {
            std::string roadID = inputStorage.readString();
            SUMOReal pos = inputStorage.readDouble();
            int laneIdx = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
            try {
                // convert edge,offset,laneIdx to cartesian position
                cartesianPos = geoPos = getLaneChecking(roadID, laneIdx, pos)->getShape().positionAtOffset(pos);
                z = cartesianPos.z();
            } catch (TraCIException& e) {
                server.writeStatusCmd(commandId, RTYPE_ERR, e.what());
                return false;
            server.writeStatusCmd(commandId, RTYPE_ERR, "Source position type not supported");
            return false;

    int destPosType = 0;
    if (!server.readTypeCheckingUnsignedByte(inputStorage, destPosType)) {
        server.writeStatusCmd(commandId, RTYPE_ERR, "Destination position type must be of type ubyte.");
        return false;

    switch (destPosType) {
        case POSITION_ROADMAP: {
            // convert cartesion position to edge,offset,lane_index
            roadPos = convertCartesianToRoadMap(cartesianPos);
            // write result that is added to response msg
            const std::vector<MSLane*> lanes = roadPos.first->getEdge().getLanes();
            outputStorage.writeUnsignedByte((int)distance(lanes.begin(), find(lanes.begin(), lanes.end(), roadPos.first)));
        case POSITION_2D:
        case POSITION_3D:
        case POSITION_LON_LAT:
        case POSITION_LON_LAT_ALT:
            if (destPosType == POSITION_LON_LAT || destPosType == POSITION_LON_LAT_ALT) {
            } else {
            if (destPosType != POSITION_2D && destPosType != POSITION_LON_LAT) {
            server.writeStatusCmd(commandId, RTYPE_ERR, "Destination position type not supported");
            return false;
    return true;
TraCIServerAPI_Polygon::processSet(TraCIServer& server, tcpip::Storage& inputStorage,
                                   tcpip::Storage& outputStorage) {
    std::string warning = ""; // additional description for response
    // variable
    int variable = inputStorage.readUnsignedByte();
    if (variable != VAR_TYPE && variable != VAR_COLOR && variable != VAR_SHAPE && variable != VAR_FILL
            && variable != ADD && variable != REMOVE) {
        return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "Change Polygon State: unsupported variable specified", outputStorage);
    // id
    std::string id = inputStorage.readString();
    Polygon* p = 0;
    ShapeContainer& shapeCont = MSNet::getInstance()->getShapeContainer();
    if (variable != ADD && variable != REMOVE) {
        p = getPolygon(id);
        if (p == 0) {
            return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "Polygon '" + id + "' is not known", outputStorage);
    // process
    switch (variable) {
        case VAR_TYPE: {
            std::string type;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, type)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The type must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
        case VAR_COLOR: {
            RGBColor col;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The color must be given using an according type.", outputStorage);
        case VAR_SHAPE: {
            PositionVector shape;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingPolygon(inputStorage, shape)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The shape must be given using an accoring type.", outputStorage);
            shapeCont.reshapePolygon(id, shape);
        case VAR_FILL: {
            int value = 0;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingUnsignedByte(inputStorage, value)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "'fill' must be defined using an unsigned byte.", outputStorage);
            p->setFill(value != 0);
        case ADD: {
            if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != TYPE_COMPOUND) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "A compound object is needed for setting a new polygon.", outputStorage);
            //readt itemNo
            std::string type;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingString(inputStorage, type)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The type must be given as a string.", outputStorage);
            RGBColor col;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingColor(inputStorage, col)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The second polygon parameter must be the color.", outputStorage);
            int value = 0;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingUnsignedByte(inputStorage, value)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The third polygon parameter must be 'fill' encoded as ubyte.", outputStorage);
            bool fill = value != 0;
            int layer = 0;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, layer)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The fourth polygon parameter must be the layer encoded as int.", outputStorage);
            PositionVector shape;
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingPolygon(inputStorage, shape)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The fifth polygon parameter must be the shape.", outputStorage);
            if (!shapeCont.addPolygon(id, type, col, (SUMOReal)layer,
                                      Shape::DEFAULT_ANGLE, Shape::DEFAULT_IMG_FILE, shape, fill)) {
                delete p;
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "Could not add polygon.", outputStorage);
        case REMOVE: {
            int layer = 0; // !!! layer not used yet (shouldn't the id be enough?)
            if (!server.readTypeCheckingInt(inputStorage, layer)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "The layer must be given using an int.", outputStorage);
            if (!shapeCont.removePolygon(id)) {
                return server.writeErrorStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, "Could not remove polygon '" + id + "'", outputStorage);
    server.writeStatusCmd(CMD_SET_POLYGON_VARIABLE, RTYPE_OK, warning, outputStorage);
    return true;