Exemple #1
Track *SyncLockedTracksIterator::StartWith(Track * member)
   Track *t = NULL;

   // A sync-locked group consists of any positive number of wave tracks followed by any
   // non-negative number of label tracks. Step back through any label tracks,
   // and then through the wave tracks above them.

   while (member && member->GetKind() == Track::Label) {
      member = l->GetPrev(member);

   while (member && (member->GetKind() == Track::Wave
#ifdef USE_MIDI
                  || member->GetKind() == Track::Note
                    )) {
      t = member;
      member = l->GetPrev(member);

   // Make it current (if t is still NULL there are no wave tracks, so we're
   // not in a sync-locked group).
   if (t)
      cur = (TrackListNode *) t->GetNode();

   mInLabelSection = false;

   return t;
Exemple #2
bool TrackList::MoveDown(Track * t)
   if (t) {
      Track *n = GetNext(t, true);
      if (n) {
         SwapNodes(t->GetNode(), n->GetNode());
         return true;

   return false;
Exemple #3
bool TrackList::MoveUp(Track * t)
   if (t) {
      Track *p = GetPrev(t, true);
      if (p) {
         SwapNodes(p->GetNode(), t->GetNode());
         return true;

   return false;
Exemple #4
// Precondition: if either of s1 or s2 are "linked", then
// s1 and s2 must each be the FIRST node of the linked pair.
// This is used when you want to swap the track or pair of
// tracks in s1 with the track or pair of tracks in s2.
// The complication is that the tracks are stored in a single
// linked list, and pairs of tracks are marked only by a flag
// in one of the tracks.
void TrackList::SwapNodes(TrackListNode * s1, TrackListNode * s2)
   Track *link;
   Track *source[4];
   TrackListNode *target[4];

   // if a null pointer is passed in, we want to know about it

   // Deal with firat track in each team
   link = s1->t->GetLink();
   if (!s1->t->GetLinked() && link) {
      s1 = (TrackListNode *) link->GetNode();

   link = s2->t->GetLink();
   if (!s2->t->GetLinked() && link) {
      s2 = (TrackListNode *) link->GetNode();

   target[0] = s1;
   source[0] = target[0]->t;
   if (source[0]->GetLinked()) {
      target[1] = target[0]->next;
      source[1] = target[1]->t;
   else {
      target[1] = NULL;
      source[1] = NULL;

   target[2] = s2;
   source[2] = target[2]->t;
   if (source[2]->GetLinked()) {
      target[3] = target[2]->next;
      source[3] = target[3]->t;
   else {
      target[3] = NULL;
      source[3] = NULL;

   int s = 2;
   for (int t = 0; t < 4; t++) {
      if (target[t]) {
         target[t]->t = source[s];
         target[t]->t->SetOwner(NULL, NULL);
         target[t]->t->SetOwner(this, target[t]);

         s = (s + 1) % 4;
         if (!source[s]) {
            s = (s + 1) % 4;

Exemple #5
// This is used when you want to swap the track or pair of
// tracks in s1 with the track or pair of tracks in s2.
// The complication is that the tracks are stored in a single
// linked list, and pairs of tracks are marked only by a flag
// in one of the tracks.
void TrackList::SwapNodes(TrackNodePointer s1, TrackNodePointer s2)
   // if a null pointer is passed in, we want to know about it

   // Deal with first track in each team
   Track *link;
   link = (*s1)->GetLink();
   bool linked1 = link != nullptr;
   if (linked1 && !(*s1)->GetLinked()) {
      s1 = link->GetNode();

   link = (*s2)->GetLink();
   bool linked2 = link != nullptr;
   if (linked2 && !(*s2)->GetLinked()) {
      s2 = link->GetNode();

   // Safety check...
   if (s1 == s2)

   // Be sure s1 is the earlier iterator
   if ((*s1)->GetIndex() >= (*s2)->GetIndex()) {
      std::swap(s1, s2);
      std::swap(linked1, linked2);

   // Remove tracks
   value_type save11 = std::move(*s1), save12{};
   s1 = erase(s1);
   if (linked1) {
      wxASSERT(s1 != s2);
      save12 = std::move(*s1), s1 = erase(s1);
   const bool same = (s1 == s2);

   value_type save21 = std::move(*s2), save22{};
   s2 = erase(s2);
   if (linked2)
      save22 = std::move(*s2), s2 = erase(s2);

   if (same)
      // We invalidated s1!
      s1 = s2;

   // Reinsert them
   Track *pTrack;
   if (save22)
      pTrack = save22.get(), pTrack->SetOwner(this, s1 = insert(s1, std::move(save22)));
   pTrack = save21.get(), pTrack->SetOwner(this, s1 = insert(s1, std::move(save21)));

   if (save12)
      pTrack = save12.get(), pTrack->SetOwner(this, s2 = insert(s2, std::move(save12)));
   pTrack = save11.get(), pTrack->SetOwner(this, s2 = insert(s2, std::move(save11)));

   // Now correct the Index in the tracks, and other things