static void Normalize(vector<cv::Point2d> * shape, const TrainingParameters &tp) { cv::Point2d center; for (const cv::Point2d p : *shape) center += p; center *= 1.0 / shape->size(); for (cv::Point2d &p : *shape) p -= center; cv::Point2d left_eye = (*shape).at(tp.left_eye_index); cv::Point2d right_eye = (*shape).at(tp.right_eye_index); double eyes_distance = cv::norm(left_eye - right_eye); double scale = 1 / eyes_distance; double theta = -atan((right_eye.y - left_eye.y) / (right_eye.x - left_eye.x)); // Must do translation first, and then rotation. // Therefore, translation is done separately Transform t; t.scale_rotation(0, 0) = scale * cos(theta); t.scale_rotation(0, 1) = -scale * sin(theta); t.scale_rotation(1, 0) = scale * sin(theta); t.scale_rotation(1, 1) = scale * cos(theta); t.Apply(shape, false); }
vector<cv::Point2d> MeanShape(vector<vector<cv::Point2d>> shapes, const TrainingParameters &tp) { const int kIterationCount = 10; vector<cv::Point2d> mean_shape = shapes[0]; for (int i = 0; i < kIterationCount; ++i) { for (vector<cv::Point2d> & shape: shapes) { Transform t = Procrustes(mean_shape, shape); t.Apply(&shape); } for (cv::Point2d & p : mean_shape) p.x = p.y = 0; for (const vector<cv::Point2d> & shape : shapes) for (int j = 0; j < mean_shape.size(); ++j) { mean_shape[j].x += shape[j].x; mean_shape[j].y += shape[j].y; } for (cv::Point2d & p : mean_shape) p *= 1.0 / shapes.size(); Normalize(&mean_shape, tp); } return mean_shape; }
vector<cv::Point2d> FaceX::Alignment(cv::Mat image, vector<cv::Point2d> initial_landmarks) const { vector<vector<double>> all_results(test_init_shapes_[0].size() * 2); for (int i = 0; i < test_init_shapes_.size(); ++i) { Transform t = Procrustes(initial_landmarks, test_init_shapes_[i]); vector<cv::Point2d> init_shape = test_init_shapes_[i]; t.Apply(&init_shape); for (int j = 0; j < stage_regressors_.size(); ++j) { vector<cv::Point2d> offset = stage_regressors_[j].Apply(image, mean_shape_, init_shape); Transform t = Procrustes(init_shape, mean_shape_); t.Apply(&offset, false); init_shape = ShapeAdjustment(init_shape, offset); } for (int i = 0; i < init_shape.size(); ++i) { all_results[i * 2].push_back(init_shape[i].x); all_results[i * 2 + 1].push_back(init_shape[i].y); } } vector<cv::Point2d> result(test_init_shapes_[0].size()); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { nth_element(all_results[i * 2].begin(), all_results[i * 2].begin() + test_init_shapes_.size() / 2, all_results[i * 2].end()); result[i].x = all_results[i * 2][test_init_shapes_.size() / 2]; nth_element(all_results[i * 2 + 1].begin(), all_results[i * 2 + 1].begin() + test_init_shapes_.size() / 2, all_results[i * 2 + 1].end()); result[i].y = all_results[i * 2 + 1][test_init_shapes_.size() / 2]; } return result; }
void SetTransform(const Transform &inTrans) { int points = mCount; if (points!=mTransformed.size() || inTrans!=mTransform) { mTransform = inTrans; mTransformed.resize(points); UserPoint *src= (UserPoint *)&mData[ mData0 ]; for(int i=0;i<points;i++) { mTransformed[i] = mTransform.Apply(src[i].x,src[i].y); } } }
vector<cv::Point2d> Regressor::Apply(const vector<cv::Point2d> &mean_shape, cv::Mat image_infrared, cv::Mat image_depth, const vector<cv::Point2d> &init_shape) const { cv::Mat pixels_val(1, pixels_.size(), CV_64FC1); Transform t = Procrustes(init_shape, mean_shape); vector<cv::Point2d> offsets(pixels_.size()); for (int j = 0; j < pixels_.size(); ++j) offsets[j] = pixels_[j].offset; t.Apply(&offsets, false); vector<cv::Point> pixels_pos; for (int j = 0; j < pixels_.size(); ++j) pixels_pos.push_back(init_shape[pixels_[j].base_landmark] + offsets[j]); pair<double, double> coeffs = ComputePose(image_depth, pixels_pos); double *p = pixels_val.ptr<double>(0); for (int j = 0; j < pixels_.size(); ++j) { if (pixels_pos[j].inside(cv::Rect(0, 0, image_infrared.cols, image_infrared.rows))) { if (pixels_[j].type == 0) p[j] =<ushort>(pixels_pos[j]); else { p[j] =<ushort>(pixels_pos[j]) - alpha_ * (coeffs.first * pixels_pos[j].x + coeffs.second * pixels_pos[j].y); } } else p[j] = 0; } cv::Mat base_coeffs = cv::Mat::zeros(base_.cols, 1, CV_64FC1); for (int i = 0; i < ferns_.size(); ++i) ferns_[i].ApplyMini(pixels_val, base_coeffs); cv::Mat result_mat = base_ * base_coeffs; vector<cv::Point2d> result(mean_shape.size()); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { result[i].x =<double>(i * 2); result[i].y =<double>(i * 2 + 1); } return result; }
vector<cv::Point2d> FaceX::Alignment(cv::Mat image_infrared, cv::Mat image_depth, cv::Rect face_rect) const { CV_Assert(is_loaded_); vector<vector<double>> all_results(test_init_shapes_[0].size() * 2); for (int i = 0; i < test_init_shapes_.size(); ++i) { vector<cv::Point2d> init_shape = MapShape(cv::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), test_init_shapes_[i], face_rect); for (int j = 0; j < stage_regressors_.size(); ++j) { vector<cv::Point2d> offset = stage_regressors_[j].Apply(mean_shape_, image_infrared, image_depth, init_shape); Transform t = Procrustes(init_shape, mean_shape_); t.Apply(&offset, false); init_shape = ShapeAdjustment(init_shape, offset); } for (int i = 0; i < init_shape.size(); ++i) { all_results[i * 2].push_back(init_shape[i].x); all_results[i * 2 + 1].push_back(init_shape[i].y); } } vector<cv::Point2d> result(test_init_shapes_[0].size()); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { nth_element(all_results[i * 2].begin(), all_results[i * 2].begin() + test_init_shapes_.size() / 2, all_results[i * 2].end()); result[i].x = all_results[i * 2][test_init_shapes_.size() / 2]; nth_element(all_results[i * 2 + 1].begin(), all_results[i * 2 + 1].begin() + test_init_shapes_.size() / 2, all_results[i * 2 + 1].end()); result[i].y = all_results[i * 2 + 1][test_init_shapes_.size() / 2]; } return result; }
void RTree::Apply(int num_trees, int num_lm, int index_tree, int index_lm, const cv::Mat &image, const vector<cv::Point2d> &mean_shape, const vector<cv::Point2d> &init_shape, cv::Mat &bin_feat) const { int num_nodes_split = (num_nodes - 1) / 2; int idx_node = 0; while (idx_node < num_nodes_split){ // get the feature and go ahead double feat; Transform t = Procrustes(init_shape, mean_shape); vector<cv::Point2d> offset_pair(2); offset_pair[0] = feats[idx_node].first; offset_pair[1] = feats[idx_node].second; t.Apply(&offset_pair, false); cv::Point feat_pos_first = init_shape[index_lm] + offset_pair[0]; cv::Point feat_pos_second = init_shape[index_lm] + offset_pair[1]; if (feat_pos_first.inside(cv::Rect(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows)) && feat_pos_second.inside(cv::Rect(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows))) { feat =<uchar>(feat_pos_first)<uchar>(feat_pos_second); } else feat = 0; if (feat < thresholds[idx_node]) idx_node = 2 * idx_node + 1; else idx_node = 2 * idx_node + 2; } if (idx_node >= num_nodes) throw out_of_range("idx_node is greater than or equal to num_nodes during appling the tree"); // calculate the index of this leaf node in the binary feature vector int num_leaves = num_nodes - num_nodes_split; int bool_index = index_lm * num_trees * num_leaves + index_tree * num_leaves + idx_node - (num_nodes - num_leaves); if (bool_index > num_lm * num_trees * num_leaves) throw out_of_range("bool index is out of the range of bin_feat during appling the tree");<float>(0, bool_index) = 1; }