Exemple #1
TypeExpression* TypeFunction::buildMethod(ClassMethodNode* methodNode, Method* methodSymbol, TypeExpression* returnType) {

	//let's build the FunctionType:
	TypeFunction* typeFunction = new TypeFunction(methodSymbol->functionSignatures, methodSymbol->getName()
		, methodSymbol->getUniqueName());

	//extract params TypeExpressions and add them to @paramsTE
	for (auto &paramNode : methodNode->paramsList->nodes) {
		typeFunction->paramsSymbols.push_back(dynamic_cast<ParameterNode*>(paramNode)->parSym);//append symbol as well

	//extract return type: 
	//check if a returnType exists in the symbol (might be a constructor)
	if (methodSymbol->getReturnType() != nullptr) {
		typeFunction->returnType = TypesTable::getInstance()->getType(methodSymbol->getReturnType());

		if (strcmp(methodSymbol->getReturnType(), dynamic_cast<TypeClass*>(returnType)->getName().c_str()) == 0) {
			typeFunction->returnType = returnType;

		//if return type not found, return a TypeError
		TypeError* errorReturnType = dynamic_cast<TypeError*>(typeFunction->returnType);
		if (errorReturnType != nullptr)
			return new TypeError("return type: " + string(methodSymbol->getReturnType()) + " is undefied.");

	//everything is ok
	//now let's resize according to the new params
	typeFunction->isConstructorFT = methodSymbol->isConstructor;
	typeFunction->isStaticMethod = false;

	return typeFunction;
Exemple #2
TypeExpression* TypeFunction::buildFunction(FunctionDefineNode* functionNode, Function* functionSymbol) {

	//try to find a TypeFunction from the first signature of the given function symbol.
	//the @TypeFunction::isDeclared() returns false if a name of the function already found, not just unmatched signature.
	//this behaviour can be changed, so we can obtain the functionality of Function Overloading.
	bool isDeclared = TypeFunction::isDeclared(functionNode->functionSym->functionSignatures.at(0));
	//if isDeclared, throw a TypeError with already defined
	if (isDeclared)
		return new TypeError(string(functionSymbol->getName())  + "already defined.");

	//let's build the FunctionType:
	TypeFunction* typeFunction = new TypeFunction(functionSymbol->functionSignatures, functionSymbol->getName()

	//extract params TypeExpressions and add them to @paramsTE
	for (auto &paramNode : functionNode->paramsList->nodes) {
		typeFunction->paramsSymbols.push_back(dynamic_cast<ParameterNode*>(paramNode)->parSym);//append symbol as well

	//extract return type
	typeFunction->returnType = TypesTable::getInstance()->getType(functionSymbol->getReturnType());
	//if return type not found, return a TypeError
	TypeError* errorReturnType = dynamic_cast<TypeError*>(typeFunction->returnType);
	if (errorReturnType != nullptr)
		return new TypeError("return type: " + string(functionSymbol->getReturnType()) + " is undefied.");

	//everything is ok
	//now let's resize according to the new params
	typeFunction->isConstructorFT = false; // not a constructor
	typeFunction->isStaticMethod = false;

	//and finally, add it to the FunctionType's we have:

	return typeFunction;