ASTassign_expression::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    TypeSpec vt = var()->typecheck ();
    TypeSpec et = expr()->typecheck (vt);

    if (! var()->is_lvalue()) {
        error ("Can't assign via %s to something that isn't an lvalue", opname());
        return TypeSpec();

    ASSERT (m_op == Assign);  // all else handled by binary_op

    // We don't currently support assignment of whole arrays
    if (vt.is_array() || et.is_array()) {
        error ("Can't assign entire arrays");
        return TypeSpec();

    // Special case: ok to assign a literal 0 to a closure to
    // initialize it.
    if (vt.is_closure() && ! et.is_closure() &&
        (et.is_float() || et.is_int()) &&
        expr()->nodetype() == literal_node &&
        ((ASTliteral *)&(*expr()))->floatval() == 0.0f) {
        return TypeSpec(); // it's ok

    // If either argument is a structure, they better both be the same
    // exact kind of structure.
    if (vt.is_structure() || et.is_structure()) {
        int vts = vt.structure(), ets = et.structure();
        if (vts == ets)
            return m_typespec = vt;
        // Otherwise, a structure mismatch
        error ("Cannot assign '%s' to '%s'", type_c_str(et), type_c_str(vt));
        return TypeSpec();

    // Expression must be of a type assignable to the lvalue
    if (! assignable (vt, et)) {
        error ("Cannot assign '%s' to '%s'", type_c_str(et), type_c_str(vt));
        // FIXME - can we print the variable in question?
        return TypeSpec();

    return m_typespec = vt;
ASTternary_expression::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    // FIXME - closures
    TypeSpec c = typecheck_list (cond(), TypeDesc::TypeInt);
    TypeSpec t = typecheck_list (trueexpr(), expected);
    TypeSpec f = typecheck_list (falseexpr(), expected);

    if (c.is_closure())
        error ("Cannot use a closure as a condition");
    if (c.is_structure())
        error ("Cannot use a struct as a condition");
    if (c.is_array())
        error ("Cannot use an array as a condition");

    // No arrays
    if (t.is_array() || t.is_array()) {
        error ("Not allowed: '%s ? %s : %s'",
               type_c_str(c), type_c_str(t), type_c_str(f));
        return TypeSpec ();

    // The true and false clauses need to be equivalent types, or one
    // needs to be assignable to the other (so one can be upcast).
    if (assignable (t, f) || assignable (f, t))
        m_typespec = higherprecision (t.simpletype(), f.simpletype());
        error ("Not allowed: '%s ? %s : %s'",
               type_c_str(c), type_c_str(t), type_c_str(f));

    return m_typespec;
ASTvariable_declaration::typecheck_initlist (ref init, TypeSpec type,
                                             const char *name)
    // Loop over a list of initializers (it's just 1 if not an array)...
    for (int i = 0;  init;  init = init->next(), ++i) {
        // Check for too many initializers for an array
        if (type.is_array() && i > type.arraylength()) {
            error ("Too many initializers for a '%s'", type_c_str(type));
        // Special case: ok to assign a literal 0 to a closure to
        // initialize it.
        if (type.is_closure() && ! init->typespec().is_closure() &&
              init->typespec().is_int_or_float() &&
              init->nodetype() == literal_node &&
            ((ASTliteral *)init.get())->floatval() == 0.0f) {
            continue;  // it's ok
        if (! type.is_array() && i > 0)
            error ("Can't assign array initializers to non-array %s %s",
                   type_c_str(type), name);
        if (! assignable(type.elementtype(), init->typespec()))
            error ("Can't assign '%s' to %s %s", type_c_str(init->typespec()),
                   type_c_str(type), name);
ASTindex::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    typecheck_children ();
    const char *indextype = "";
    TypeSpec t = lvalue()->typespec();
    if (t.is_structure()) {
        error ("Cannot use [] indexing on a struct");
        return TypeSpec();
    if (t.is_closure()) {
        error ("Cannot use [] indexing on a closure");
        return TypeSpec();
    if (index3()) {
        if (! t.is_array() && ! t.elementtype().is_matrix())
            error ("[][][] only valid for a matrix array");
        m_typespec = TypeDesc::FLOAT;
    } else if (t.is_array()) {
        indextype = "array";
        m_typespec = t.elementtype();
        if (index2()) {
            if (t.aggregate() == TypeDesc::SCALAR)
                error ("can't use [][] on a simple array");
            m_typespec = TypeDesc::FLOAT;
    } else if (t.aggregate() == TypeDesc::VEC3) {
        indextype = "component";
        TypeDesc tnew = t.simpletype();
        tnew.aggregate = TypeDesc::SCALAR;
        tnew.vecsemantics = TypeDesc::NOXFORM;
        m_typespec = tnew;
        if (index2())
            error ("can't use [][] on a %s", type_c_str(t));
    } else if (t.aggregate() == TypeDesc::MATRIX44) {
        indextype = "component";
        TypeDesc tnew = t.simpletype();
        tnew.aggregate = TypeDesc::SCALAR;
        tnew.vecsemantics = TypeDesc::NOXFORM;
        m_typespec = tnew;
        if (! index2())
            error ("must use [][] on a matrix, not just []");
    } else {
        error ("can only use [] indexing for arrays or multi-component types");
        return TypeSpec();

    // Make sure the indices (children 1+) are integers
    for (size_t c = 1;  c < nchildren();  ++c)
        if (! child(c)->typespec().is_int())
            error ("%s index must be an integer, not a %s", 
                   indextype, type_c_str(index()->typespec()));

    // If the thing we're indexing is an lvalue, so is the indexed element
    m_is_lvalue = lvalue()->is_lvalue();

    return m_typespec;
OSOReaderQuery::symbol (SymType symtype, TypeSpec typespec, const char *name)
    if (symtype == SymTypeParam || symtype == SymTypeOutputParam) {
        m_reading_param = true;
        OSLQuery::Parameter p;
        p.name = name;
        p.type = typespec.simpletype();   // FIXME -- struct & closure
        p.isoutput = (symtype == SymTypeOutputParam);
        p.varlenarray = (typespec.arraylength() < 0);
        p.isstruct = typespec.is_structure();
        p.isclosure = typespec.is_closure();
        m_query.m_params.push_back (p);
    } else {
        m_reading_param = false;
ASTconditional_statement::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    typecheck_list (cond ());
    oslcompiler->push_nesting (false);
    typecheck_list (truestmt ());
    typecheck_list (falsestmt ());
    oslcompiler->pop_nesting (false);

    TypeSpec c = cond()->typespec();
    if (c.is_closure())
        error ("Cannot use a closure as an 'if' condition");
    if (c.is_structure())
        error ("Cannot use a struct as an 'if' condition");
    if (c.is_array())
        error ("Cannot use an array as an 'if' condition");
    return m_typespec = TypeDesc (TypeDesc::NONE);
ASTloop_statement::typecheck (TypeSpec expected)
    typecheck_list (init ());
    oslcompiler->push_nesting (true);
    typecheck_list (cond ());
    typecheck_list (iter ());
    typecheck_list (stmt ());
    oslcompiler->pop_nesting (true);

    TypeSpec c = cond()->typespec();
    if (c.is_closure())
        error ("Cannot use a closure as an '%s' condition", opname());
    if (c.is_structure())
        error ("Cannot use a struct as an '%s' condition", opname());
    if (c.is_array())
        error ("Cannot use an array as an '%s' condition", opname());
    return m_typespec = TypeDesc (TypeDesc::NONE);
OSLCompilerImpl::code_from_type (TypeSpec type) const
    std::string out;
    TypeDesc elem = type.elementtype().simpletype();
    if (type.is_structure()) {
        out = Strutil::format ("S%d", type.structure());
    } else if (type.is_closure()) {
        out = 'C';
    } else {
        if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeInt)
            out = 'i';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeFloat)
            out = 'f';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeColor)
            out = 'c';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypePoint)
            out = 'p';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeVector)
            out = 'v';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeNormal)
            out = 'n';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeMatrix)
            out = 'm';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::TypeString)
            out = 's';
        else if (elem == TypeDesc::NONE)
            out = 'x';
            ASSERT (0);

    if (type.is_array()) {
        int len = type.arraylength ();
        if (len > 0)
            out += Strutil::format ("[%d]", len);
            out += "[]";

    return out;