bool AAIController::RunBehaviorTree(UBehaviorTree* BTAsset)
    // @todo: find BrainComponent and see if it's BehaviorTreeComponent
    // Also check if BTAsset requires BlackBoardComponent, and if so
    // check if BB type is accepted by BTAsset.
    // Spawn BehaviorTreeComponent if none present.
    // Spawn BlackBoardComponent if none present, but fail if one is present but is not of compatible class
    if (BTAsset == NULL)
        UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Warning, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: Unable to run NULL behavior tree"));
        return false;

    bool bSuccess = true;
    bool bShouldInitializeBlackboard = false;

    // see if need a blackboard component at all
    UBlackboardComponent* BlackboardComp = Blackboard;
    if (BTAsset->BlackboardAsset && (Blackboard == nullptr || Blackboard->IsCompatibleWith(BTAsset->BlackboardAsset) == false))
        bSuccess = UseBlackboard(BTAsset->BlackboardAsset, BlackboardComp);

    if (bSuccess)
        UBehaviorTreeComponent* BTComp = Cast<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(BrainComponent);
        if (BTComp == NULL)
            UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Log, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: spawning BehaviorTreeComponent.."));

            BTComp = NewObject<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(this, TEXT("BTComponent"));

        // make sure BrainComponent points at the newly created BT component
        BrainComponent = BTComp;

        check(BTComp != NULL);
        BTComp->StartTree(*BTAsset, EBTExecutionMode::Looped);

    return bSuccess;
bool AAIController::RunBehaviorTree(UBehaviorTree* BTAsset)
	// @todo: find BrainComponent and see if it's BehaviorTreeComponent
	// Also check if BTAsset requires BlackBoardComponent, and if so 
	// check if BB type is accepted by BTAsset.
	// Spawn BehaviorTreeComponent if none present. 
	// Spawn BlackBoardComponent if none present, but fail if one is present but is not of compatible class
	if (BTAsset == NULL)
		UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Warning, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: Unable to run NULL behavior tree"));
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = true;
	bool bShouldInitializeBlackboard = false;

	// see if need a blackboard component at all
	UBlackboardComponent* BlackboardComp = NULL;
	if (BTAsset->BlackboardAsset)
		bSuccess = UseBlackboard(BTAsset->BlackboardAsset);
		BlackboardComp = FindComponentByClass<UBlackboardComponent>();

	if (bSuccess)
		UBehaviorTreeComponent* BTComp = Cast<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(BrainComponent);
		if (BTComp == NULL)
			UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Log, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: spawning BehaviorTreeComponent.."));

			BrainComponent = BTComp = ConstructObject<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(UBehaviorTreeComponent::StaticClass(), this, TEXT("BTComponent"));

		check(BTComp != NULL);
		BTComp->StartTree(*BTAsset, EBTExecutionMode::Looped);

	return bSuccess;
bool AAIController::RunBehaviorTree(UBehaviorTree* BTAsset)
	// @todo: find BrainComponent and see if it's BehaviorTreeComponent
	// Also check if BTAsset requires BlackBoardComponent, and if so 
	// check if BB type is accepted by BTAsset.
	// Spawn BehaviorTreeComponent if none present. 
	// Spawn BlackBoardComponent if none present, but fail if one is present but is not of compatible class
	if (BTAsset == NULL)
		UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Warning, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: Unable to run NULL behavior tree"));
		return false;

	bool bSuccess = true;
	bool bShouldInitializeBlackboard = false;

	// see if need a blackboard component at all
	UBlackboardComponent* BlackboardComp = NULL;
	if (BTAsset->BlackboardAsset)
		BlackboardComp = FindComponentByClass<UBlackboardComponent>();
		if (BlackboardComp == NULL)
			BlackboardComp = ConstructObject<UBlackboardComponent>(UBlackboardComponent::StaticClass(), this, TEXT("BlackboardComponent"));
			if (BlackboardComp != NULL)
				bShouldInitializeBlackboard = true;
		else if (BlackboardComp->GetBlackboardAsset() == NULL)
		else if (BlackboardComp->GetBlackboardAsset() != BTAsset->BlackboardAsset)
			bSuccess = false;
			UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Log, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: BTAsset %s requires blackboard %s while already has %s instantiated"),
				*GetNameSafe(BTAsset), *GetNameSafe(BTAsset->BlackboardAsset), *GetNameSafe(BlackboardComp->GetBlackboardAsset()) );
	if (bSuccess)
		UBehaviorTreeComponent* BTComp = Cast<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(BrainComponent);
		if (BTComp == NULL)
			UE_VLOG(this, LogBehaviorTree, Log, TEXT("RunBehaviorTree: spawning BehaviorTreeComponent.."));

			BrainComponent = BTComp = ConstructObject<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(UBehaviorTreeComponent::StaticClass(), this, TEXT("BTComponent"));

			if (BrainComponent->bWantsInitializeComponent)
				// make sure that newly created component is initialized before running BT
				// both blackboard and BT to must exist before calling it!

		if (bShouldInitializeBlackboard && BlackboardComp && BlackboardComp->bWantsInitializeComponent)
			// make sure that newly created component is initialized before running BT
			// both blackboard and BT to must exist before calling it!


		check(BTComp != NULL);
		BTComp->StartTree(BTAsset, EBTExecutionMode::Looped);

	return bSuccess;