int Window_( lua_State* L ) { UIWindow* window = new UIWindow; SetName(L, window); SetTopLeftWidthHeight(L, window); SetTooltip(L, window); SetAnim(L, window, UIPanel::NORMAL_ANIM_, "normalAnim"); SetAnim(L, window, UIPanel::DISABLED_ANIM_, "disabledAnim"); SetTextUserData(L, window); AddWidget(L, window); // 配置关闭按钮 if (util::HasField(L, "closeBtn")) { lua_pushstring(L, "closeBtn"); lua_gettable(L, -2); if (lua_istable(L, -1)) SetButton(L, window->GetCloseButton()); lua_pop(L, 1); } SetAlpha(L, window); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, window); return 1; }
void UI::render () { std::vector<UIWindow*> renderOrder; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; renderOrder.push_back(window); // we can skip here if (window->isFullscreen()) break; } for (std::vector<UIWindow*>::reverse_iterator i = renderOrder.rbegin(); i != renderOrder.rend(); ++i) { (*i)->render(0, 0); } // TODO: move cursor and progress bar into frontend if ( { renderProgress(); } if (_cursorX != -1 && _cursorY != -1 && _cursor) { const int w = _mouseCursor->getWidth(); const int h = _mouseCursor->getHeight(); _frontend->renderImage(_mouseCursor.get(), _cursorX, _cursorY, w, h, 0, 1.0f); } const bool debug = Config.getConfigVar("debugui")->getBoolValue(); if (debug) { const BitmapFontPtr& font = getFont(); const std::string s = String::format("%i:%i", _cursorX, _cursorY); font->print(s, colorWhite, 0, 0); } }
bool LayoutManager::ProcessPointer(float x, float y, float z, Msg msg, int button, PointerType pointerType, unsigned int pointerID) { #ifndef NDEBUG _lastPointerLocation[pointerID] = Vector2(x, y); #endif if(UIWindow *captured = GetCapture(pointerID) ) { // calc relative mouse position and route message to captured window for(UIWindow *wnd = captured; _desktop.Get() != wnd; wnd = wnd->GetParent() ) { assert(wnd); x -= wnd->GetX(); y -= wnd->GetY(); } if( ProcessPointerInternal(captured, x, y, z, msg, button, pointerType, pointerID, true) || ProcessPointerInternal(captured, x, y, z, msg, button, pointerType, pointerID, false)) return true; } else { // handle all children of the desktop recursively; offer to topmost windows first if( ProcessPointerInternal(_desktop.Get(), x, y, z, msg, button, pointerType, pointerID, true) || ProcessPointerInternal(_desktop.Get(), x, y, z, msg, button, pointerType, pointerID, false)) return true; } if( _hotTrackWnd.Get() ) { _hotTrackWnd->OnMouseLeave(); _hotTrackWnd.Set(nullptr); } return false; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout<<"Under Construction ... "<<endl<<"Hello"<<argc<<endl; QApplication app(argc, argv); UIWindow window;; return app.exec(); }
void UICanvas::showMessageBox(const String& message) { Widget* modalBackground = new Widget(); UIWindow* surface = addSurface("modal"); surface->attach(modalBackground); modalBackground->setRect(surface->getRect()); UILabel* label = new UILabel(message); label->setSize(700,50); //label->setCenter(modalBackground->getMiddlePosition()); modalBackground->attach(label); };
void UI::onMouseButtonPress (int32_t x, int32_t y, uint8_t button) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onMouseButtonPress(_cursorX, _cursorY, button)) break; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } }
void UIButtonGroup::SetFocusedIndex(int index) { if (index >=0 && (unsigned int)index < GetChildrenCount()) { m_currentFocusedIndex = index; #ifndef KINDLE_FOR_TOUCH UIWindow* pWin = GetChildByIndex(index); if (pWin) { pWin->SetFocus(true); } #endif } }
HRESULT UIButtonGroup::Draw(DK_IMAGE drawingImg) { if (!m_bIsVisible) return S_OK; HRESULT hr(S_OK); DK_IMAGE imgSelf; int left = m_iLeft, top = m_iTop, right = m_iLeft + m_iWidth, bottom = m_iTop + m_iHeight; DK_RECT rcSelf={left, top, right, bottom}; RTN_HR_IF_FAILED(CropImage( drawingImg, rcSelf, &imgSelf )); CTpGraphics grf(imgSelf); ValidChildBtnShown(); int iSize = GetChildrenCount(); for (int i = 0; i < iSize; i++) { UIWindow* pWin = GetChildByIndex(i); if (pWin && pWin->IsVisible()) { DebugPrintf(DLC_GUI_VERBOSE, "%s: Drawing Child %d / %d : %s, (%d, %d)-(%d, %d), %s ...", GetClassName(), i, iSize, pWin->GetClassName(), pWin->GetX(), pWin->GetY(), pWin->GetWidth(), pWin->GetHeight(), pWin->GetText()); hr = pWin->Draw(imgSelf); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DebugPrintf(DLC_GUI_VERBOSE, "Draw child failed"); } } else { DebugPrintf(DLC_ERROR, "%s: FAILED to get child %d/%d !!!", GetClassName(), i, iSize); } } if (m_btnsDirection == BGD_Horizontal) { DrawTopLine(grf); DrawBottomLine(grf); } DrawSplitLine(grf); if (m_currentFocusedIndex >= 0 && (unsigned int)m_currentFocusedIndex < GetChildrenCount()) { DrawFocusedSymbol(imgSelf); } return hr; }
void UI::onGestureRecord (int64_t gestureId) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onGestureRecord(gestureId)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) return; } debug(LOG_CLIENT, "gesture record event was not handled"); }
void UI::onControllerButtonPress (const std::string& button) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onControllerButtonPress(_cursorX, _cursorY, button)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) return; } debug(LOG_CLIENT, "controller button " + button + " was pressed and not handled"); }
void UI::onGesture (int64_t gestureId, float error, int32_t numFingers) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onGesture(gestureId, error, numFingers)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) return; } debug(LOG_CLIENT, "gesture event was not handled"); }
void UI::onJoystickButtonPress (uint8_t button) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onJoystickButtonPress(_cursorX, _cursorY, button)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) return; } debug(LOG_CLIENT, String::format("joystick button %i was pressed and not handled", (int)button)); }
bool UI::onTextInput (const std::string& text) { if (_restart) return false; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onTextInput(text)) return true; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } return false; }
void UI::onMultiGesture (float theta, float dist, int32_t numFingers) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onMultiGesture(theta, dist, numFingers)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) return; } debug(LOG_CLIENT, "multi gesture event was not handled"); }
void UI::onMouseWheel (int32_t x, int32_t y) { if (_restart) return; GETSCALE_W(x); GETSCALE_H(y); UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onMouseWheel(x, y)) break; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } }
/** * 隐藏Panel */ int UILib::hidepanel(UIStub* stub,script::tixmlCodeNode * node) { if (stub && stub->base) { UIWindow *window = stub->base->getDepthWindow(); if (window) { UIPanel *target = window->getPanel(node->getAttr("name")); if (target) { target->hide(); } } } return 1; }
bool UI::onKeyPress (int32_t key, int16_t modifier) { if (_restart) return false; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onKeyPress(key, modifier)) return true; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } return false; }
void CreatureManager::UnSelectCreature() { if (m_nSelectNum >= 0) { int nLastSelect = m_nSelectNum; if (g_getRButtonState(App::sInstance().GetHGE()) == eRButtonState_Up) { Character* lastChar = GetCreature(nLastSelect); if(lastChar!=NULL && lastChar->GetCamp()==eCamp_Friend && !(lastChar->GetFinish())) { //返回至原位置 eActionStage stage = lastChar->GetActionStage(); if(stage == eActionStage_HandleStage) { lastChar->SetActionStage(eActionStage_MoveStage); lastChar->CancelMove(); //关闭操作界面 UIWindow* commandWindow = UISystem::sInstance().GetWindow(eWindowID_Command); if(commandWindow) { commandWindow->SetShow(false); } } //攻击阶段、技能阶段、使用物品阶段可以返回至操作阶段 else if(stage == eActionStage_AttackStage || stage == eActionStage_GoodStage || stage == eActionStage_SkillStage) { lastChar->SetActionStage(eActionStage_HandleStage); //打开操作界面 UIWindow* commandWindow = UISystem::sInstance().GetWindow(eWindowID_Command); if(commandWindow) { commandWindow->SetShow(true); commandWindow->SetBindChar(lastChar); } } //右键取消选中的友方,需要重置行动阶段,处于移动中的单位不可以当时取消 else if(stage == eActionStage_MoveStage && lastChar->GetCharacterState()==eCharacterState_Stand) { lastChar->SetActionStage(eActionStage_WaitStage); m_nSelectNum = -1; } } else m_nSelectNum = -1; } } }
bool UI::onFingerPress (int64_t finger, float x, float y) { if (_restart) return false; const uint16_t _x = _frontend->getCoordinateOffsetX() + x * _frontend->getWidth(); const uint16_t _y = _frontend->getCoordinateOffsetY() + y * _frontend->getHeight(); UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onFingerPress(finger, _x, _y)) return true; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } return false; }
/** * 绑定自身panel 的处理逻辑 C++ 写的逻辑 */ int UILib::panelbind(UIStub* stub,script::tixmlCodeNode * node) { if (stub && stub->base) { UIPanel *panel = stub->base->getPanel(); if (panel) { UIWindow *window = panel->getWindow(); if (window) { UIPanel *target = window->getPanel(node->getAttr("name")); if (target) target->bindBtnClick(node->getAttr("btnname"),UICALLBACK(node->getAttr("event"))); } } } return 1; }
void UI::pushRoot (const std::string& windowID) { _noPushAllowed = true; while (!_stack.empty()) { UIWindow* window = *_stack.rbegin(); window->onPop(); _stack.pop_back(); if (!_stack.empty()) { _stack.back()->onActive(); } if (window->shouldDelete()) { delete window; } } _noPushAllowed = false; push(windowID); }
void UI::onFingerMotion (int64_t finger, float x, float y, float dx, float dy) { if (_restart) return; const uint16_t _x = _frontend->getCoordinateOffsetX() + x * _frontend->getWidth(); const uint16_t _y = _frontend->getCoordinateOffsetY() + y * _frontend->getHeight(); const int16_t _dx = dx * _frontend->getWidth(); const int16_t _dy = dy * _frontend->getHeight(); UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onFingerMotion(finger, _x, _y, _dx, _dy)) break; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } }
/** * 展示panel */ int UILib::showpanel(UIStub* stub,script::tixmlCodeNode * node) { if (stub && stub->base) { UIWindow *window = stub->base->getDepthWindow(); if (window) { UIPanel *panel = window->showPanel(node->getAttr("name")); std::string tag = node->getAttr("model"); if (tag == "true" && panel) { window->pushModel(panel); } if (panel) panel->setVisible(true); } } return 1; }
void UI::popMain () { _noPushAllowed = true; // don't pop the root window while (_stack.size() > 1) { UIWindow* window = *_stack.rbegin(); if (window->isMain()) break; info(LOG_CLIENT, "pop window " + window->getId()); window->onPop(); _stack.pop_back(); _stack.back()->onActive(); if (window->shouldDelete()) { delete window; } } _noPushAllowed = false; }
bool LayoutManager::SetFocusWnd(UIWindow* wnd) { assert(!_dbgFocusIsChanging); if( _focusWnd.Get() != wnd ) { WindowWeakPtr wp(wnd); WindowWeakPtr oldFocusWnd(_focusWnd.Get()); // try setting new focus. it should not change _focusWnd #ifndef NDEBUG _dbgFocusIsChanging = true; #endif bool focusAccepted = wnd && wnd->GetEnabledCombined() && wnd->GetVisibleCombined() && wnd->OnFocus(true); #ifndef NDEBUG _dbgFocusIsChanging = false; #endif if( !focusAccepted && wp.Get() && oldFocusWnd.Get() ) { for(UIWindow *w = wp.Get()->GetParent(); w; w = w->GetParent() ) { if( w == oldFocusWnd.Get() ) { // don't reset focus from parent return false; } } } // set new focus _focusWnd.Set(focusAccepted ? wp.Get() : nullptr); assert(!_focusWnd.Get() || _focusWnd->GetEnabledCombined() && _focusWnd->GetVisibleCombined()); // reset old focus if( oldFocusWnd.Get() && oldFocusWnd.Get() != _focusWnd.Get() ) { oldFocusWnd->OnFocus(false); // _focusWnd may be destroyed here if( oldFocusWnd.Get() && oldFocusWnd->eventLostFocus ) oldFocusWnd->eventLostFocus(); } } return nullptr != _focusWnd.Get(); }
void UI::onJoystickMotion (bool horizontal, int v) { if (_restart) return; UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; if (window->onJoystickMotion(horizontal, v)) return; if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } if (Config.getBindingsSpace() != BINDINGS_UI) return; if (_time - _lastJoystickMoveTime < 350 || horizontal) { _lastJoystickMovementValue = v; return; } // skip focus change if we go back to initial position if (v > 0 && v < _lastJoystickMovementValue) { _lastJoystickMovementValue = v; return; } else if (v < 0 && v > _lastJoystickMovementValue) { _lastJoystickMovementValue = v; return; } // now check whether our value is bigger than our movement delta const int delta = 2000; if (v < -delta) { focusPrev(); } else if (v > delta) { focusNext(); } _lastJoystickMoveTime = _time; _lastJoystickMovementValue = v; }
/** * 设置panel 上UILabel 的值 */ int UILib::panel_label_set_value(UIStub* stub,script::tixmlCodeNode * node) { if (stub && stub->base) { UIPanel *panel = stub->base->getPanel(); if (panel) { UIWindow *window = panel->getWindow(); if (window) { UIPanel *target = window->getPanel(node->getAttr("name")); if (target) { target->setUILabelvalue(node->getAttr("labelname"),node->getAttr("value")); } } } } return 1; }
/** * 展示所有文件 */ int UILib::files_show(UIStub* stub,script::tixmlCodeNode * node) { if (stub && stub->base) { UIWindow *window = stub->base->getDepthWindow(); if (window) { UIFileList *list = UIFileList::create(window,node->getAttr("showxml")); if (list) { std::string dirShowName = node->getAttr("dirshow"); std::string fileShowName = node->getAttr("fileshow"); list->showes.push_back(node->getAttr("showfile")); list->show(".","list",dirShowName.c_str(),fileShowName.c_str()); window->pushModel(list); } } } return 1; }
void UI::update (uint32_t deltaTime) { _time += deltaTime; if (_delayedPop) { _delayedPop = false; pop(); } if (_restart) restart(); UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; window->update(deltaTime); } for (Fonts::iterator i = _fonts.begin(); i != _fonts.end(); ++i) { i->second->update(deltaTime); } }
void UI::onMouseMotion (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t relX, int32_t relY) { if (_restart) return; GETSCALE_W(relX); GETSCALE_H(relY); _frontend->setCursorPosition(_cursorX + relX, _cursorY + relY); UIStack stack = _stack; for (UIStackReverseIter i = stack.rbegin(); i != stack.rend(); ++i) { UIWindow* window = *i; const bool focus = window->checkFocus(_cursorX, _cursorY); if (focus) { window->onMouseMotion(_cursorX, _cursorY, relX, relY); break; } if (window->isModal() || window->isFullscreen()) break; } }