UEdGraphNode* FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2AddCallOnVariable::PerformAction(class UEdGraph* ParentGraph, UEdGraphPin* FromPin, const FVector2D Location, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

	// Snap the node placement location to the grid, ensures calculations later match up better
	FVector2D LocalLocation;
	LocalLocation.X = FMath::GridSnap( Location.X, SNAP_GRID );
	LocalLocation.Y = FMath::GridSnap( Location.Y, SNAP_GRID );

	// First use the base functionality to spawn the 'call function' node
	FVector2D TempLocation = LocalLocation;
	UEdGraphNode* CallNode = FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2NewNode::PerformAction(ParentGraph, FromPin, TempLocation, bSelectNewNode);

	// this is the guesstimate of the function node's height, snapped to grid units
	const float FunctionNodeHeight = FMath::GridSnap( TempLocation.Y - LocalLocation.Y, SNAP_GRID );
	// this is roughly the middle of the function node height
	const float FunctionNodeMidY = LocalLocation.Y + FunctionNodeHeight * 0.5f;
	// this is the offset up from the mid point at which we start placing nodes 
	const float StartYOffset = -NodeLiteralHeight * 0.5f;
	// The Y location we start placing nodes from
	const float ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation = FunctionNodeMidY + StartYOffset;

	// Now we need to create the variable literal to wire up
	if(VariableName != NAME_None)
		UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode =  NewObject<UK2Node_VariableGet>(ParentGraph);
		ParentGraph->AddNode(GetVarNode, false, bSelectNewNode);

		GetVarNode->NodePosX = LocalLocation.X - FunctionNodeLiteralReferencesXOffset;
		GetVarNode->NodePosY = ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation;


		// Connect the literal out to the self of the call
		UEdGraphPin* LiteralOutput = GetVarNode->GetValuePin();
		UEdGraphPin* CallSelfInput = CallNode->FindPin(K2Schema->PN_Self);
		if(LiteralOutput != NULL && CallSelfInput != NULL)

	return CallNode;
Exemple #2
void UK2Node_Timeline::ExpandForPin(UEdGraphPin* TimelinePin, const FName PropertyName, FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
	if (TimelinePin && TimelinePin->LinkedTo.Num() > 0)
		UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_VariableGet>(this, SourceGraph);
		UEdGraphPin* ValuePin = GetVarNode->GetValuePin();
		if (NULL != ValuePin)
			CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*TimelinePin, *ValuePin);
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("ExpandForPin_Error", "ExpandForPin error, no property found for @@").ToString(), TimelinePin);
void UK2Node_VariableGet::ExpandNode(class FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
	Super::ExpandNode(CompilerContext, SourceGraph);

	// Do not attempt to expand the node when not a pure get nor when there is no property. Normal compilation error detection will detect the missing property.
	if (!bIsPureGet && GetPropertyForVariable() != nullptr)
		const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = CompilerContext.GetSchema();
		UEdGraphPin* ValuePin = GetValuePin();

		// Impure Get nodes convert into three nodes:
		// 1. A pure Get node
		// 2. An IsValid node
		// 3. A Branch node (only impure part
		// Create the impure Get node
		UK2Node_VariableGet* VariableGetNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_VariableGet>(this, SourceGraph);
		VariableGetNode->VariableReference = VariableReference;
		CompilerContext.MessageLog.NotifyIntermediateObjectCreation(VariableGetNode, this);

		// Move pin links from Get node we are expanding, to the new pure one we've created
		CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*ValuePin, *VariableGetNode->GetValuePin());
		if (!VariableReference.IsLocalScope())
			CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*FindPin(Schema->PN_Self), *VariableGetNode->FindPin(Schema->PN_Self));

		// Create the IsValid node
		UK2Node_CallFunction* IsValidFunction = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallFunction>(this, SourceGraph);

		// Based on if the type is an "Object" or a "Class" changes which function to use
		if (ValuePin->PinType.PinCategory == UObject::StaticClass()->GetName())
			IsValidFunction->SetFromFunction(UKismetSystemLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetSystemLibrary, IsValid)));
		else if (ValuePin->PinType.PinCategory == UClass::StaticClass()->GetName())
			IsValidFunction->SetFromFunction(UKismetSystemLibrary::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(UKismetSystemLibrary, IsValidClass)));
		CompilerContext.MessageLog.NotifyIntermediateObjectCreation(IsValidFunction, this);

		// Connect the value pin from the new Get node to the IsValid
		UEdGraphPin* ObjectPin = IsValidFunction->Pins[1];
		check(ObjectPin->Direction == EGPD_Input);

		// Create the Branch node
		UK2Node_IfThenElse* BranchNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_IfThenElse>(this, SourceGraph);
		CompilerContext.MessageLog.NotifyIntermediateObjectCreation(BranchNode, this);

		// Connect the bool output pin from IsValid node to the Branch node
		UEdGraphPin* BoolPin = IsValidFunction->Pins[2];
		check(BoolPin->Direction == EGPD_Output);

		// Connect the Branch node to the input of the impure Get node
		CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*GetExecPin(), *BranchNode->GetExecPin());

		// Move the two Branch pins to the Branch node
		CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*FindPin(Schema->PN_Then), *BranchNode->FindPin(Schema->PN_Then));
		CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*FindPin(Schema->PN_Else), *BranchNode->FindPin(Schema->PN_Else));

void UK2Node_CallFunctionOnMember::ExpandNode(class FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
	// This skips UK2Node_CallFunction::ExpandNode.  Instead it spawns a new CallFunction node and does hookup that this is interested in,
	// and then that CallFunction node will get its own Expansion to handle the parent portions
	UK2Node::ExpandNode(CompilerContext, SourceGraph);

	if (CompilerContext.bIsFullCompile)
		const UEdGraphSchema_K2* Schema = CompilerContext.GetSchema();
		UFunction* Function = GetTargetFunction();

		// Create real 'call function' node.
		UK2Node_CallFunction* CallFuncNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallFunction>(this, SourceGraph);
		UEdGraphPin* CallFuncSelfPin = Schema->FindSelfPin(*CallFuncNode, EGPD_Input);

		// Now because you can wire multiple variables to a self pin, need to iterate over each one and create a 'get var' node for each
		UEdGraphPin* SelfPin = Schema->FindSelfPin(*this, EGPD_Input);
		if(SelfPin != NULL)
			if (SelfPin->LinkedTo.Num() == 0)
				UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_VariableGet>(this, SourceGraph);

				if (UEdGraphPin* ValuePin = GetVarNode->GetValuePin())
				for (int32 TargetIdx = 0; TargetIdx < SelfPin->LinkedTo.Num(); TargetIdx++)
					UEdGraphPin* SourcePin = SelfPin->LinkedTo[TargetIdx];
					if (SourcePin != NULL)
						// Create 'get var' node to get the member
						UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_VariableGet>(this, SourceGraph);
						GetVarNode->VariableReference = MemberVariableToCallOn;

						UEdGraphPin* VarNodeSelfPin = Schema->FindSelfPin(*GetVarNode, EGPD_Input);
						if (VarNodeSelfPin != NULL)

							UEdGraphPin* ValuePin = GetVarNode->GetValuePin();
							// Failed to find the member to call on for this expansion, so warn about it
							CompilerContext.MessageLog.Warning(*LOCTEXT("CallFunctionOnInvalidMember_Warning", "Function node @@ called on invalid target member.").ToString(), this);

		// Now move the rest of the connections (including exec connections...)
		for(int32 SrcPinIdx=0; SrcPinIdx<Pins.Num(); SrcPinIdx++)
			UEdGraphPin* SrcPin = Pins[SrcPinIdx];
			if(SrcPin != NULL && SrcPin != SelfPin) // check its not the self pin
				UEdGraphPin* DestPin = CallFuncNode->FindPin(SrcPin->PinName);
				if(DestPin != NULL)
					CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*SrcPin, *DestPin); // Source node is assumed to be owner...

		// Finally, break any remaining links on the 'call func on member' node