const TCHAR* UInterfaceProperty::ImportText_Internal( const TCHAR* InBuffer, void* Data, int32 PortFlags, UObject* Parent, FOutputDevice* ErrorText/*=NULL*/ ) const
	FScriptInterface* InterfaceValue = (FScriptInterface*)Data;
	UObject* ResolvedObject = InterfaceValue->GetObject();
	void* InterfaceAddress = InterfaceValue->GetInterface();

	const TCHAR* Buffer = InBuffer;
	if ( !UObjectPropertyBase::ParseObjectPropertyValue(this, Parent, UObject::StaticClass(), PortFlags, Buffer, ResolvedObject) )
		// we only need to call SetObject here - if ObjectAddress was not modified, then InterfaceValue should not be modified either
		// if it was set to NULL, SetObject will take care of clearing the interface address too
		return NULL;

	// so we should now have a valid object
	if ( ResolvedObject == NULL )
		// if ParseObjectPropertyValue returned true but ResolvedObject is NULL, the imported text was "None".  Make sure the interface pointer
		// is cleared, then stop
		return Buffer;

	void* NewInterfaceAddress = ResolvedObject->GetInterfaceAddress(InterfaceClass);
	if ( NewInterfaceAddress == NULL )
		// the object we imported doesn't implement our interface class
		ErrorText->Logf( TEXT("%s: specified object doesn't implement the required interface class '%s': %s"),
						*GetFullName(), *InterfaceClass->GetName(), InBuffer );

		return NULL;

	return Buffer;