Connection::Connection(cb::Event::Base &base, DNSBase &dns, const URI &uri, const SmartPointer<SSLContext> &sslCtx) : con(0), deallocate(true) { bool https = uri.getScheme() == "https"; #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL if (https && sslCtx.isNull()) THROW("Need SSL context for https connection"); BufferEvent bev(base, https ? sslCtx : 0, uri.getHost()); #else if (https) THROW("C! not built with OpenSSL support"); BufferEvent bev(base, 0, uri.getHost()); #endif // TODO OpenSSL connections do not work with async DNS con = evhttp_connection_base_bufferevent_new (base.getBase(), sslCtx.isNull() ? dns.getDNSBase() : 0, bev.adopt(), uri.getHost().c_str(), uri.getPort()); LOG_DEBUG(5, "Connecting to " << uri.getHost() << ':' << uri.getPort()); if (!con) THROWS("Failed to create connection to " << uri); }
Request::Request(RequestMethod method, const URI &uri, float version) : Message(version), method(method), uri(uri) { if (version != 1.0) { set("Host", uri.getHost()); if ((uri.getScheme() == "http" && uri.getPort() != 80) || (uri.getScheme() == "https" && uri.getPort() != 443)) append("Host", String(uri.getPort())); } }
bool Proxy::ShouldBypass(URI& uri) { const std::string& uriHost = uri.getHost(); const std::string& uriScheme = uri.getScheme(); unsigned short uriPort = uri.getPort(); for (size_t i = 0; i < bypassList.size(); i++) { SharedURI entry =; // An empty bypass entry equals an unconditional bypass. if (entry.isNull()) { return true; } else { const std::string& entryHost = entry->getHost(); const std::string& entryScheme = entry->getScheme(); unsigned short entryPort = entry->getPort(); if (entryHost == "<local>" && uriHost.find(".") == string::npos) { return true; } else if (EndsWith(uriHost, entryHost) && (entryScheme.empty() || entryScheme == uriScheme) && (entryPort == 0 || entryPort == uriPort)) { return true; } } } return false; }
static bool ShouldBypassWithEntry(URI& uri, SharedPtr<BypassEntry> entry) { const std::string& uriHost = uri.getHost(); const std::string& uriScheme = uri.getScheme(); unsigned short uriPort = uri.getPort(); const std::string& entryHost = entry->host; const std::string& entryScheme = entry->scheme; unsigned short entryPort = entry->port; GetLogger()->Debug("bypass entry: scheme='%s' host='%s' port='%i'", entry->scheme.c_str(), entry->host.c_str(), entry->port); // An empty bypass entry equals an unconditional bypass. if (entry.isNull()) { return true; } else { if (entryHost == "<local>" && uriHost.find(".") == string::npos) { return true; } else if (EndsWith(uriHost, entryHost) && (entryScheme.empty() || entryScheme == uriScheme) && (entryPort == 0 || entryPort == uriPort)) { return true; } } return false; }
void Transaction::get(const URI &uri, float version) { if (!isConnected()) connect(IPAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort())); Request request(RequestMethod::HTTP_GET, resolve(uri), version); request.setPersistent(false); ProxyManager::instance().addCredentials(request); send(request); }
bool URI::equals(const URI& uri) const { return _scheme == uri._scheme && _userInfo == uri._userInfo && _host == uri._host && getPort() == uri.getPort() && _path == uri._path && _query == uri._query && _fragment == uri._fragment; }
HttpRequest::HttpRequest( const URI &uri, MethodType type ) : mMethod( type ), mUri( uri ) { char buf[16]; snprintf( buf, 15, "%d", uri.getPort() ); std::string host = uri.getHost(); host += ":"; host += buf; addField( HttpFieldMap::kFieldHost, host.c_str() ); addDateField(); }
URI Transaction::resolve(const URI &_uri) { URI uri = _uri; if (uri.getHost().empty()) { uri.setHost(address.getHost()); if (uri.getScheme().empty()) uri.setScheme("http"); if (!uri.getPort()) uri.setPort(address.getPort()); } return uri; }
string Transaction::getString(const URI &uri, SmartPointer<TransferCallback> callback) { ostringstream str; IPAddress ip(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()); connect(ip); get(uri); download(str, receiveHeader(), callback); return str.str(); }
void Transaction::post(const URI &uri, const char *data, unsigned length, const string &contentType, float version) { if (!isConnected()) connect(IPAddress(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort())); Request request(RequestMethod::HTTP_POST, resolve(uri), version); request.set("Content-Length", String(length)); request.set("Content-Type", contentType); request.setPersistent(false); ProxyManager::instance().addCredentials(request); send(request); if (data) {write(data, length); flush();} }
//------------------------------------------------------------- string API::doUpload( string image ){ if ( !bAuthenticated ){ ofLogWarning( "Not authenticated! Please call authenticate() with proper api key and secret" ); return ""; } else if ( currentPerms != FLICKR_WRITE ){ ofLogWarning( "You do not have proper permissions to upload! Please call authenticate() with permissions of ofxFlickr::FLICKR_WRITE" ); return ""; } map<string,string> args; args["api_key"] = api_key; args["auth_token"] = auth_token; string result; FilePartSource * fps = new FilePartSource(image, "image/jpeg"); try { // prepare session const URI uri( "https://" + api_base ); HTTPSClientSession session( uri.getHost(), uri.getPort() ); HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_POST, "/services/upload/", HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_0); req.setContentType("multipart/form-data"); // setup form HTMLForm form; form.set("api_key", api_key); form.set("auth_token", auth_token); form.set("api_sig", apiSig( args )); form.setEncoding(HTMLForm::ENCODING_MULTIPART); form.addPart("photo", fps); form.prepareSubmit(req); std::ostringstream oszMessage; form.write(oszMessage); std::string szMessage = oszMessage.str(); req.setContentLength((int) szMessage.length() ); //session.setKeepAlive(true); // send form ostream & out = session.sendRequest(req) << szMessage; // get response HTTPResponse res; cout << res.getStatus() << " " << res.getReason() << endl; // print response istream &is = session.receiveResponse(res); StreamCopier::copyToString(is, result); } catch (Exception &ex) { cerr << "error? " + ex.displayText() <<endl; } string photoid; ofxXmlSettings xml; xml.loadFromBuffer(result); xml.pushTag("rsp");{ photoid = xml.getValue("photoid", ""); }; xml.popTag(); return photoid; }
void URITest::testConstruction() { URI uri; assert (uri.getScheme().empty()); assert (uri.getAuthority().empty()); assert (uri.getUserInfo().empty()); assert (uri.getHost().empty()); assert (uri.getPort() == 0); assert (uri.getPath().empty()); assert (uri.getQuery().empty()); assert (uri.getFragment().empty()); uri.setScheme("ftp"); assert (uri.getScheme() == "ftp"); assert (uri.getPort() == 21); uri.setScheme("HTTP"); assert (uri.getScheme() == "http"); uri.setAuthority(""); assert (uri.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri.getPort() == 80); uri.setAuthority("[email protected]:8000"); assert (uri.getUserInfo() == "user"); assert (uri.getHost() == ""); assert (uri.getPort() == 8000); uri.setPath("/index.html"); assert (uri.getPath() == "/index.html"); uri.setPath("/file%20with%20spaces.html"); assert (uri.getPath() == "/file with spaces.html"); uri.setPathEtc("/query.cgi?query=foo"); assert (uri.getPath() == "/query.cgi"); assert (uri.getQuery() == "query=foo"); assert (uri.getFragment().empty()); assert (uri.getPathEtc() == "/query.cgi?query=foo"); assert (uri.getPathAndQuery() == "/query.cgi?query=foo"); uri.setPathEtc("/query.cgi?query=bar#frag"); assert (uri.getPath() == "/query.cgi"); assert (uri.getQuery() == "query=bar"); assert (uri.getFragment() == "frag"); assert (uri.getPathEtc() == "/query.cgi?query=bar#frag"); assert (uri.getPathAndQuery() == "/query.cgi?query=bar"); uri.setQuery("query=test"); assert (uri.getQuery() == "query=test"); uri.setFragment("result"); assert (uri.getFragment() == "result"); URI uri2("file", "/home/guenter/"); assert (uri2.getScheme() == "file"); assert (uri2.getPath() == "/home/guenter/"); URI uri3("http", "", "/index.html"); assert (uri3.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri3.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri3.getPath() == "/index.html"); URI uri4("http", "", "/index.html"); assert (uri4.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri4.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri4.getPath() == "/index.html"); URI uri5("http", "[email protected]:8000", "/index.html"); assert (uri5.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri5.getUserInfo() == "user"); assert (uri5.getHost() == ""); assert (uri5.getPort() == 8000); assert (uri5.getAuthority() == "[email protected]:8000"); assert (uri5.getPath() == "/index.html"); URI uri6("http", "[email protected]:80", "/index.html"); assert (uri6.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri6.getUserInfo() == "user"); assert (uri6.getHost() == ""); assert (uri6.getPort() == 80); assert (uri6.getAuthority() == "*****@*****.**"); assert (uri6.getPath() == "/index.html"); URI uri7("http", "[email protected]:", "/index.html"); assert (uri7.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri7.getUserInfo() == "user"); assert (uri7.getHost() == ""); assert (uri7.getPort() == 80); assert (uri7.getAuthority() == "*****@*****.**"); assert (uri7.getPath() == "/index.html"); URI uri8("http", "", "/index.html", "query=test"); assert (uri8.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri8.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri8.getPath() == "/index.html"); assert (uri8.getQuery() == "query=test"); URI uri9("http", "", "/index.html", "query=test", "fragment"); assert (uri9.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri9.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri9.getPath() == "/index.html"); assert (uri9.getPathEtc() == "/index.html?query=test#fragment"); assert (uri9.getQuery() == "query=test"); assert (uri9.getFragment() == "fragment"); uri9.clear(); assert (uri9.getScheme().empty()); assert (uri9.getAuthority().empty()); assert (uri9.getUserInfo().empty()); assert (uri9.getHost().empty()); assert (uri9.getPort() == 0); assert (uri9.getPath().empty()); assert (uri9.getQuery().empty()); assert (uri9.getFragment().empty()); URI uri10("ldap", "[2001:db8::7]", "/c=GB?objectClass?one"); assert (uri10.getScheme() == "ldap"); assert (uri10.getUserInfo().empty()); assert (uri10.getHost() == "2001:db8::7"); assert (uri10.getPort() == 389); assert (uri10.getAuthority() == "[2001:db8::7]"); assert (uri10.getPathEtc() == "/c=GB?objectClass?one"); URI uri11("http", "", "/index.html?query=test#fragment"); assert (uri11.getScheme() == "http"); assert (uri11.getAuthority() == ""); assert (uri11.getPath() == "/index.html"); assert (uri11.getPathEtc() == "/index.html?query=test#fragment"); assert (uri11.getQuery() == "query=test"); assert (uri11.getFragment() == "fragment"); }
int main( int argc, char*argv[] ) { LOG_NOTICE( "Test Started" ); URI u; u.setScheme( "http" ); u.setAuthority( "" ); u.setPath( "pages/index.html" ); string ustr = u.getString(); LOG_NOTICE( "URI is: %s", ustr.c_str() ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE( test_urls ); i++) { bool res = u.setString( test_urls[i] ); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTS cout << "scheme: " << u.getScheme() << endl; cout << "authority: " << u.getAuthority() << endl; cout << "host: " << u.getHost() << endl; cout << "port: " << u.getPort() << endl; cout << "query: " << u.getQuery() << endl; cout << "path: " << u.getPath() << endl; cout << "fragment: " << u.getFragment() << endl; cout << "query param \"c\": " << u.getQueryParam( "c" ) << endl; cout << "query param \"e\": " << u.getQueryParam( "e" ) << endl; cout << "is relative: " << u.isRelative() << endl; #endif if ( not res ) { LOG_WARN( "parse uri %s: FAILED", test_urls[i] ); exit( 1 ); } else { LOG_NOTICE( "parse uri %s: PASSED", test_urls[ i ] ); } } u.clear(); u.setScheme( "http" ); u.setAuthority( "" ); u.setPath( "pages/index.html" ); u.appendQueryParam( "a", "b" ); u.appendQueryParam( "c", "d" ); u.setFragment( "m" ); URI copy = u; ustr = u.getString(); LOG_NOTICE( "URI is: %s", ustr.c_str() ); ustr = copy.getString(); LOG_NOTICE( "Copy is: %s", ustr.c_str() ); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINTS cout << "scheme: " << u.getScheme() << endl; cout << "scheme: " << copy.getScheme() << endl; cout << "authority: " << u.getAuthority() << endl; cout << "authority: " << copy.getAuthority() << endl; cout << "host: " << u.getHost() << endl; cout << "host: " << copy.getHost() << endl; cout << "port: " << u.getPort() << endl; cout << "port: " << copy.getPort() << endl; cout << "query: " << u.getQuery() << endl; cout << "query: " << copy.getQuery() << endl; cout << "path: " << u.getPath() << endl; cout << "path: " << copy.getPath() << endl; cout << "fragment: " << u.getFragment() << endl; cout << "fragment: " << copy.getFragment() << endl; cout << "query param \"a\": " << u.getQueryParam( "a" ) << endl; cout << "query param \"a\": " << copy.getQueryParam( "a" ) << endl; cout << "query param \"c\": " << u.getQueryParam( "c" ) << endl; cout << "query param \"c\": " << copy.getQueryParam( "c" ) << endl; cout << "is relative: " << u.isRelative() << endl; cout << "is relative: " << copy.isRelative() << endl; #endif if ( u.getScheme() != copy.getScheme() or u.getAuthority() != copy.getAuthority() or u.getQuery() != copy.getQuery() or u.getPath() != copy.getPath() or u.getFragment() != copy.getFragment() or u.getQueryParam( "a" ) != copy.getQueryParam( "a" ) or u.getQueryParam( "c" ) != copy.getQueryParam( "c" ) or u.isRelative() != copy.isRelative() ) { LOG_WARN( "copy of uri: FAILED" ); } else { LOG_NOTICE( "copy of uri: PASSED" ); } return 0; }
std::istream* HTTPStreamFactory::open(const URI& uri) { poco_assert (uri.getScheme() == "http"); URI resolvedURI(uri); URI proxyUri; HTTPClientSession* pSession = 0; HTTPResponse res; bool retry = false; bool authorize = false; std::string username; std::string password; try { do { if (!pSession) { pSession = new HTTPClientSession(resolvedURI.getHost(), resolvedURI.getPort()); if (proxyUri.empty()) pSession->setProxy(_proxyHost, _proxyPort); else pSession->setProxy(proxyUri.getHost(), proxyUri.getPort()); pSession->setProxyCredentials(_proxyUsername, _proxyPassword); } std::string path = resolvedURI.getPathAndQuery(); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; HTTPRequest req(HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET, path, HTTPMessage::HTTP_1_1); if (authorize) { HTTPCredentials::extractCredentials(uri, username, password); HTTPCredentials cred(username, password); cred.authenticate(req, res); } pSession->sendRequest(req); std::istream& rs = pSession->receiveResponse(res); bool moved = (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_FOUND || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_SEE_OTHER || res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT); if (moved) { resolvedURI.resolve(res.get("Location")); if (!username.empty()) { resolvedURI.setUserInfo(username + ":" + password); } throw URIRedirection(resolvedURI.toString()); } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_OK) { return new HTTPResponseStream(rs, pSession); } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_USEPROXY && !retry) { // The requested resource MUST be accessed through the proxy // given by the Location field. The Location field gives the // URI of the proxy. The recipient is expected to repeat this // single request via the proxy. 305 responses MUST only be generated by origin servers. // only use for one single request! proxyUri.resolve(res.get("Location")); delete pSession; pSession = 0; retry = true; // only allow useproxy once } else if (res.getStatus() == HTTPResponse::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && !authorize) { authorize = true; retry = true; Poco::NullOutputStream null; Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(rs, null); } else throw HTTPException(res.getReason(), uri.toString()); } while (retry); throw HTTPException("Too many redirects", uri.toString()); } catch (...) { delete pSession; throw; } }
Request::Request(evhttp_request *req, const URI &uri, bool deallocate) : req(req), deallocate(deallocate), originalURI(uri), uri(uri), clientIP(uri.getHost(), uri.getPort()), incoming(false), secure(false), finalized(false) { if (!req) THROW("Event request cannot be null"); }