Exemple #1
GMPLoaderImpl::Load(const char* aUTF8LibPath,
                    uint32_t aUTF8LibPathLen,
                    char* aOriginSalt,
                    uint32_t aOriginSaltLen,
                    const GMPPlatformAPI* aPlatformAPI,
                    GMPAdapter* aAdapter)
  std::string nodeId;
  if (!CalculateGMPDeviceId(aOriginSalt, aOriginSaltLen, nodeId)) {
    return false;

  // Start the sandbox now that we've generated the device bound node id.
  // This must happen after the node id is bound to the device id, as
  // generating the device id requires privileges.
  if (mSandboxStarter && !mSandboxStarter->Start(aUTF8LibPath)) {
    return false;

  // Load the GMP.
  PRLibSpec libSpec;
#ifdef XP_WIN
  int pathLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, aUTF8LibPath, -1, nullptr, 0);
  if (pathLen == 0) {
    return false;

  auto widePath = MakeUnique<wchar_t[]>(pathLen);
  if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, aUTF8LibPath, -1, widePath.get(), pathLen) == 0) {
    return false;

  libSpec.value.pathname_u = widePath.get();
  libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_PathnameU;
  libSpec.value.pathname = aUTF8LibPath;
  libSpec.type = PR_LibSpec_Pathname;
  PRLibrary* lib = PR_LoadLibraryWithFlags(libSpec, 0);
  if (!lib) {
    return false;

  GMPInitFunc initFunc = reinterpret_cast<GMPInitFunc>(PR_FindFunctionSymbol(lib, "GMPInit"));
  if ((initFunc && aAdapter) ||
      (!initFunc && !aAdapter)) {
    // Ensure that if we're dealing with a GMP we do *not* use an adapter
    // provided from the outside world. This is important as it means we
    // don't call code not covered by Adobe's plugin-container voucher
    // before we pass the node Id to Adobe's GMP.
    return false;

  // Note: PassThroughGMPAdapter's code must remain in this file so that it's
  // covered by Adobe's plugin-container voucher.
  mAdapter.reset((!aAdapter) ? new PassThroughGMPAdapter() : aAdapter);

  if (mAdapter->GMPInit(aPlatformAPI) != GMPNoErr) {
    return false;

  mAdapter->GMPSetNodeId(nodeId.c_str(), nodeId.size());

  return true;