// If this is an expires line, then modify it by adding timeNow to the expiration time value.
// Otherwise don't mess with it.
void RegistrationDbTestContext::timeShiftExpiresLine(UtlString& line, long timeNow)
   const char* EXPIRES_BEGIN = "<expires>";
   const int EXPIRES_TAG_LENGTH = 9; 
   const char* EXPIRES_END = "</expires>";
   ssize_t pos1, pos2;
   // If the line has an expiration value, then time-shift it
   if (((pos1 = line.index(EXPIRES_BEGIN)) != UTL_NOT_FOUND) &&
       ((pos2 = line.index(EXPIRES_END)) != UTL_NOT_FOUND))
      pos1 += EXPIRES_TAG_LENGTH;    // skip past the tag, to the expires value
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pos2 > pos1);   // expires value cannot be empty
      UtlString timeText(line(pos1, pos2 - pos1));
      char* endptr = NULL;
      long timeNumber = strtol(timeText, &endptr, 10);
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(*endptr, '\0');
      char newTime[20];          // room for up to a 64-bit number, may have minus sign
      int newTimeLen = sprintf(newTime, "%ld", timeNow + timeNumber);
      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(newTimeLen > 0);

      // Replace the old expiration value with the new shifted value
      UtlString lineEnd(line(pos2, line.length() - pos2));
      line.replace(pos1, newTimeLen, newTime);
      line.replace(pos1 + newTimeLen, lineEnd.length(), lineEnd);
Exemple #2
// Static callback routine used to find and replace variable string values in
// subscription content.
// For example the NOTIFY message in the SIP stack contains "&version;" rather
// than an actual version number [like "22"].
// The content provided by publish() provides the "context
// independent" part of the content, and the SIP stack keeps knowledge
// of the version number sequence for each subscription.  This
// callback combines these sources of information.
UtlBoolean SipSubscribeServer::standardVersionCallback(SipMessage& notifyRequest,
                                                       int version)
   // Search and replace the version number in the Notify.
   UtlBoolean result = FALSE;

   if (notifyRequest.getBody() != NULL)
      UtlString msgBytes;
      ssize_t msgLength;
      // Extract the NOTIFY body as a UtlString.
      notifyRequest.getBody()->getBytes(&msgBytes, &msgLength);
      const char* contentType = notifyRequest.getBody()->getContentType();

      // Look for the placeholder for the version number, "&version;".
      ssize_t msgIndex = msgBytes.index(VERSION_PLACEHOLDER);
      if (msgIndex != UTL_NOT_FOUND)
         char buffer[20];
         sprintf(buffer, "%d", version);
         msgBytes.replace(msgIndex, sizeof (VERSION_PLACEHOLDER) - 1, buffer);

         HttpBody* tempBody =
            new HttpBody(msgBytes.data(), msgBytes.length(), contentType);

         // Write the new message contents (this deletes the old body)
         result = TRUE;

   return result;
void CallStateEventBuilder_DB::replaceSingleQuotes(const UtlString& value, UtlString& newValue)
    size_t startIndex = 0;
    ssize_t newIndex = 0;

    newValue = value;

    newIndex = newValue.index('\'', startIndex);
    while ((newIndex = newValue.index('\'', startIndex)) != UTL_NOT_FOUND)
        startIndex = newIndex + 2;
        newValue = newValue.replace(newIndex, 1, "\\'");
// Extract the contents of an HttpBody.
UtlString extract_contents(HttpBody* body)
   UtlString res;

   res.append("Content-Type: ");

   // Replace the boundary string with "[boundary]".
   const char* boundary_string = body->getMultipartBoundary();
   ssize_t location;
   while ((location = res.index(boundary_string)) != UTL_NOT_FOUND)
      res.replace(location, strlen(boundary_string),

   return res;
Exemple #5
// Initialize the chain value.
void CallId::initialize()
   // Get the start time.
   OsTime currentTime;

   // Get the process ID.
   PID processId;
   processId = OsProcess::getCurrentPID();

   // Get the host identity.
   UtlString thisHost;
   // Ensure it does not contain @.

   // Force usecs. to be 6 digits with leading zeros so that we do
   // not have to do 64 bit integer math just to build a big unique
   // string.
   char buffer[256];
   sprintf(buffer, "%d/%d.%.6d/%s",
           currentTime.seconds(), currentTime.usecs(),
   OsSysLog::add(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "CallId::initialize sChainValue generated from '%s'",
   // Hash them.
   NetMd5Codec encoder;
   encoder.encode(buffer, sChainValue);
   // Truncate the hash to CHAIN_VALUE_LENGTH characters.

   // Note initialization is done.
   sChainValueInitialized = TRUE;
Exemple #6
void Url::gen_value_unescape(UtlString& escapedText)
#if 0
   printf("Url::gen_value_unescape before escapedText = '%s'\n",

    //UtlString unescapedText;
    int numUnescapedChars = 0;
    const char* unescapedTextPtr = escapedText;
    // The number of unescaped characters is always less than
    // or equal to the number of escaped characters.  Therefore
    // we will cheat a little and used the escapedText as
    // the destiniation to directly write characters in place
    // as the append method is very expensive
    char* resultPtr = new char[escapedText.length() + 1];

    // Skip initial whitespace, which may be before the starting double-quote
    // of a quoted string.  Tokens and hosts are not allowed to start with
    // whitespace.
    while (*unescapedTextPtr &&
           (*unescapedTextPtr == ' ' || *unescapedTextPtr == '\t'))
       // Consume the whitespace character.

    // Examine the first character to see if it is a double-quote.
    if (*unescapedTextPtr == '"')
       // Skip the initial double-quote.
       while (*unescapedTextPtr)
          // Substitute a (backslash-)quoted-pair.
          if (*unescapedTextPtr == '\\')
             // Get the next char.
             // Don't get deceived if there is no next character.
             if (*unescapedTextPtr)
                // The next character is copied unchanged.
                resultPtr[numUnescapedChars] = *unescapedTextPtr;
          // A double-quote without backslash ends the string.
          else if (*unescapedTextPtr == '"')
          // Char is face value.
             resultPtr[numUnescapedChars] = *unescapedTextPtr;
          // Go to the next character
       // It is a token or host, and can be copied unchanged.
       while (*unescapedTextPtr)
          resultPtr[numUnescapedChars] = *unescapedTextPtr;
          // Go to the next character
    // Copy back into the UtlString.
    resultPtr[numUnescapedChars] = '\0';
    escapedText.replace(0, numUnescapedChars, resultPtr);
    delete[] resultPtr;

#if 0
   printf("Url::gen_value_unescape after escapedText = '%s'\n",
Exemple #7
CallerAlias::authorizeAndModify(const UtlString& id,    /**< The authenticated identity of the
                                                         *   request originator, if any (the null
                                                         *   string if not).
                                                         *   This is in the form of a SIP uri
                                                         *   identity value as used in the
                                                         *   credentials database (user@domain)
                                                         *   without the scheme or any parameters.
                                const Url&  requestUri, ///< parsed target Uri
                                RouteState& routeState, ///< the state for this request.  
                                const UtlString& method,///< the request method
                                AuthResult  priorResult,///< results from earlier plugins.
                                SipMessage& request,    ///< see AuthPlugin regarding modifying
                                bool bSpiralingRequest, ///< spiraling indication 
                                UtlString&  reason      ///< rejection reason
   // get the call-id to use in logging
   UtlString callId;

   if (   (priorResult != DENY) // no point in modifying a request that won't be sent
      UtlString callerFrom;
      UtlString callerFromTagOffsetStr;
      UtlString aliasFrom;
      UtlString aliasFromTagOffsetStr;
      UtlString originalFromTag;

      if (   !routeState.getParameter(mInstanceName.data(), CALLER_FROM_PARAM, callerFrom)
          || !routeState.getParameter(mInstanceName.data(), CALLER_TAG_OFFSET_PARAM, callerFromTagOffsetStr)
          || !routeState.getParameter(mInstanceName.data(), ALIAS_FROM_PARAM, aliasFrom)
          || !routeState.getParameter(mInstanceName.data(), ALIAS_TAG_OFFSET_PARAM, aliasFromTagOffsetStr)
          || !routeState.originalCallerFromTagValue(mInstanceName.data(), originalFromTag)
         if (   routeState.isMutable()
             && routeState.directionIsCallerToCalled(mInstanceName.data())
             ) // a new dialog?
             * Get the callers identity by getting the caller URI and:
             *    remove all parameters
             *    remove the scheme name
            UtlString callerIdentity;

            UtlString originalFromField;
            Url originalFromUrl(originalFromField);
             * Extract the from identity as a key for the caller alias table
             * Start with the From header field (someday we should use the Identity if present)
            Url fromUrl(originalFromUrl);
            fromUrl.removeParameters(); // parameters are not relevant for this 
            Url::Scheme fromUrlScheme = fromUrl.getScheme();
            switch (fromUrlScheme)
            case Url::SipsUrlScheme:
               // sips and sip are equivalent for identity purposes,
               //   so just set to sip 
               //   and fall through to extract the identity...

            case Url::SipUrlScheme:
               // case Url::TelUrlScheme: will go here, since 'tel' and 'sip' are the same length
               callerIdentity.remove(0,4 /* strlen("sip:") */); // strip off the scheme name

               // for all other schemes, treat identity as null
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_WARNING,
                             "CallerAlias[%s]::check4andApplyAlias From uses unsupported scheme '%s'"
                             " - using null identity",

             * Determine whether the identity is one for which this proxy
             * is authoritative; if not, we will not use wildcard matches.
            bool identityIsLocal = mpSipRouter->isLocalDomain(fromUrl);
            // now we have callerIdentity set; use for looking up each contact.
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "CallerAlias[%s]::check4andApplyAlias "
                          "\n  caller '%s' %s",
                          identityIsLocal ? "is local" : "is not local"

             * Examine the request URI,
             * checking for a caller alias set for its domain(including asssociated gateway sipxecsLineid)  with callerIdentity

            UtlString sipxecsLineIdField;
            requestUri.getUrlParameter(SIPX_SIPXECS_LINEID_URI_PARAM, sipxecsLineIdField);

            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                             "getUrlParameter: sipxecsLineid[%s]"
                             " in CallerAlias",

            UtlString targetDomain;

            if (!(sipxecsLineIdField.isNull()))

            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "CallerAlias::targetDomain [%s]",

            // look up any caller alias for this identity and contact domain
            UtlString callerAlias;
            if (identityIsLocal && getCallerAlias(callerIdentity, targetDomain, callerAlias) )
               // found a caller alias, so rewrite the From information
                * The From header requires special handling
                * - we need to preserve the tag, if any, from the original header
               originalFromUrl.getFieldParameter("tag", originalFromTag);

               Url newFromUrl(callerAlias.data());
               newFromUrl.removeFieldParameter("tag"); // specifying a tag is a no-no
               if ( !originalFromTag.isNull() )
                  newFromUrl.setFieldParameter("tag", originalFromTag.data());
               UtlString newFromFieldValue;
               // log the change we are making before stripping the tag from the field values
               Os::Logger::instance().log( FAC_SIP, PRI_INFO,
                             "CallerAlias[%s]::check4andApplyAlias call %s set caller alias\n"
                             "  Original-From: %s\n"
                             "  Aliased-From:  %s",
                             mInstanceName.data(), callId.data(),

               // rewrite the caller identity with the aliased value

               // Factor the tag values out of the field values stored in the RouteState
               //  We do this because otherwise we'll end up encoding and sending two copies
               //  of the tag; since some phones send really long tag values (no one knows why),
               //  this can cause such large Record-Route headers that they cause interop problems.
               if ( ! originalFromTag.isNull() )
                  // find the offset of the tag value in the callers from field
                  ssize_t callerFromTagOffset;
                  callerFromTagOffset = originalFromField.index(originalFromTag);
                  // strip the tag value from the original From value to be stored in the RouteState
                  originalFromField.replace(callerFromTagOffset, originalFromTag.length(), "");
                  // find the offset of the tag value in the aliased from field
                  ssize_t aliasFromTagOffset;
                  aliasFromTagOffset = newFromFieldValue.index(originalFromTag);
                  // strip the tag value from the aliased From value to be stored in the RouteState
                  newFromFieldValue.replace(aliasFromTagOffset, originalFromTag.length(), "");

               // save the original and new values so that we can fix them later
               Os::Logger::instance().log( FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                             "CallerAlias[%s]::check4andApplyAlias call %s found no alias",
                             mInstanceName.data(), callId.data()
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                          "CallerAlias[%s]::authorizeAndModify "
                          "not mutable - no rewrite",
      else // the callerFrom and aliasFrom parameters were found
          * This request has had its From rewritten, so fix either the From
          * or the To depending on which direction this request is going.
         if (!request.isResponse()) // can't modify responses, so don't bother
            size_t tagOffset;
            if (routeState.directionIsCallerToCalled(mInstanceName.data()))
               // replace the from tag value in the stored aliased header
               tagOffset = strtol(aliasFromTagOffsetStr.data(), NULL, 10);
               aliasFrom.insert(tagOffset, originalFromTag);

               // put the aliased header into the message
               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "CallerAlias[%s]::authorizeAndModify "
                             "call %s reset From",
                             mInstanceName.data(), callId.data()
            else // direction is Called to Caller
               // replace the from tag value in the stored original header
               tagOffset = strtol(callerFromTagOffsetStr.data(), NULL, 10);
               callerFrom.insert(tagOffset, originalFromTag);

               Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "CallerAlias[%s]::authorizeAndModify "
                             "call %s reset To",
                             mInstanceName.data(), callId.data()
   return AuthPlugin::CONTINUE;