Exemple #1
void processImage(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback)
    v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
    if (!curwin)
        QMessageBox::information(0, "", "You don't have any image open in the main window.");

    Image4DSimple* p4DImage = callback.getImage(curwin);

    if (!p4DImage)
        QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!");

    unsigned char* data1d = p4DImage->getRawData();

    V3DLONG N = p4DImage->getXDim();
    V3DLONG M = p4DImage->getYDim();
    V3DLONG P = p4DImage->getZDim();
    ImagePixelType pixeltype = p4DImage->getDatatype();

    // display new  this was copied from plug_watershed and is substantially different
    // from ZZs local enhancement code.
    Image4DSimple new4DImage;
    new4DImage.setData((unsigned char *)data1d,N, M, P, 1, pixeltype);
    v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
    callback.setImage(newwin, &new4DImage);
    callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Local_adaptive_enhancement_result"));
Exemple #2
void IBioformatIOPlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
    if (menu_name == tr("load an image using Bioformats Java library"))

        // input
        QString m_FileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(parent, QObject::tr("Open An Image"),
                                                          QObject::tr("Image File (*.*)"));

             printf("\nError: Your image does not exist!\n");

        // temp
        QString baseName = QFileInfo(m_FileName).baseName();
        QString tmpfile = QDir::tempPath().append("/").append(baseName).append(".tif");

        QFile tmpqfile(tmpfile);
        if (tmpqfile.exists()) system(qPrintable(QString("rm -f \"%1\"").arg(tmpfile)));

        //look for loci_tools.jar
        QString lociDir = ("loci_tools.jar");
        if (!QFile(lociDir).exists())
             printf("loci_tools.jar is not in current directory, search v3d app path.\n");
             lociDir = getAppPath().append("/loci_tools.jar");
             if (!QFile(lociDir).exists())
                  v3d_msg("Cannot find loci_tools.jar, please download it and make sure it is put under the Vaa3D executable folder, parallel to the Vaa3D executable and the plugins folder.");

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
        QSettings settings("HHMI", "Vaa3D");
        QString fileOpenName = settings.value("JavaPath").toString();
            fileOpenName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("Open Java Executable File"),
                    QObject::tr("Supported file (*.exe)"
            settings.setValue("JavaPath", fileOpenName);

        QString cmd_loci = QString("\"\"%1\" -cp \"%2\" loci.formats.tools.ImageConverter \"%3\" \"%4\"\"").arg(fileOpenName.toStdString().c_str()).arg(lociDir.toStdString().c_str()).arg(m_FileName.toStdString().c_str()).arg(tmpfile.toStdString().c_str());
        QString cmd_loci = QString("java -cp \"%1\" loci.formats.tools.ImageConverter \"%2\" \"%3\"").arg(lociDir.toStdString().c_str()).arg(m_FileName.toStdString().c_str()).arg(tmpfile.toStdString().c_str());
        v3d_msg(cmd_loci, 0);


        if (!tmpqfile.exists())
            v3d_msg("The temprary file does not exist. The conversion of format using Bioformats has failed. Please sue another way to convert and load using Vaa3D.\n");

        // load
        V3DLONG sz_relative[4];
        int datatype_relative = 0;
        unsigned char* relative1d = 0;

        if (simple_loadimage_wrapper(callback, const_cast<char *>(tmpfile.toStdString().c_str()), relative1d, sz_relative, datatype_relative)!=true)
             fprintf (stderr, "Error happens in reading the subject file [%s]. Exit. \n",tmpfile.toStdString().c_str());

        // visualize
        Image4DSimple p4DImage;

        if(datatype_relative == V3D_UINT8)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_UINT8);
        else if(datatype_relative == V3D_UINT16)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_UINT16);
        else if(datatype_relative == V3D_FLOAT32)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_FLOAT32);
             printf("\nError: The program only supports UINT8, UINT16, and FLOAT32 datatype.\n");

        v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
        callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
        callback.setImageName(newwin, tmpfile.toStdString().c_str());

    else if (menu_name == tr("click me if you are unhappy with the loading result..."))
       v3d_msg("This program is designed to use a system call to invoke the LOCI Bioformats Image IO Java library loci_tools.jar"
               " to load an image. It first calls bioformats library to generate a temporary 3D TIF file on your harddrive"
               " and then uses Vaa3D to load that temporary file. Therefore, if you see some wrong loading result using this plugin, it is"
               " likely that you will get the same thing if you run the bioformats library directly. Of course, you may find a newer"
               " version of the loci_tools.jar at the LOCI website http://loci.wisc.edu/bio-formats/downloads; we encourage you"
               " to copy the latest version to the Vaa3D executable folder and try if it would fix your problem.", 1);
    else if (menu_name == tr("About"))
        QMessageBox::information(parent, "Version info", QString("Simple image reading using Bioformats library %1 (2011-2012) developed by Yang Yu, Yinan Wan, and Hanchuan Peng. (Janelia Research Farm Campus, HHMI)").arg(getPluginVersion()).append("\n"));
Exemple #3
void processImage(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, unsigned int rotateflag)
    v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
        QMessageBox::information(0, "", "You don't have any image open in the main window.");

    Image4DSimple* image = callback.getImage(curwin);

	if (!image)
		QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!");

	unsigned char* data1d = image->getRawData();

	V3DLONG szx = image->getXDim(), szy = image->getYDim(), szz = image->getZDim(), szc = image->getCDim();
	// V3DLONG szchan = image->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel(), szplane = image->getTotalUnitNumberPerPlane();
	// V3DLONG N = image->getTotalBytes();
	// V3DLONG i,j,k,c;

	if (!data1d || szx<=0 || szy<=0 || szz<=0 || szc<=0)
		throw("Your data to the plugin is invalid. Check the program.");

     ImagePixelType pixeltype = image->getDatatype();

     V3DLONG in_sz[4];
     in_sz[0]=szx; in_sz[1]=szy;  in_sz[2]=szz;  in_sz[3]=szc;

     unsigned char* outimg=0;
     rotateimage(data1d, in_sz, pixeltype, rotateflag, outimg);

     // image->setData(outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());

     // display
     Image4DSimple * new4DImage = new Image4DSimple();
          case 1:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());
          case 2:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szy, szx, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());
          case 3:
               new4DImage->setData((unsigned char*)outimg, szx, szy, szz, szc, image->getDatatype());

     v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
     callback.setImage(newwin, new4DImage);
     callback.setImageName(newwin, title);

bool anisodiff_func(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, input_PARA &PARA, bool bmenu)
	unsigned char* p_img_input = 0;
	V3DLONG sz_img_input[4];
		v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
		if (!curwin)
			QMessageBox::information(0, "", "You don't have any image open in the main window.");
			return false;
		Image4DSimple* p4DImage = callback.getImage(curwin);
		if (!p4DImage)
			QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!");
			return false;
			QMessageBox::information(0, "", "Please convert the image to be UINT8 and try again!");
			return false;
			QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The input image is not one channel image!");
			return false;
		p_img_input = p4DImage->getRawData();
		sz_img_input[0] = p4DImage->getXDim();
		sz_img_input[1] = p4DImage->getYDim();
		sz_img_input[2] = p4DImage->getZDim();
		sz_img_input[3] = 1;
		int datatype = 0;
		if (!simple_loadimage_wrapper(callback,PARA.inimg_file.toStdString().c_str(), p_img_input, sz_img_input, datatype))
			fprintf (stderr, "Error happens in reading the subject file [%s]. Exit. \n",PARA.inimg_file.toStdString().c_str());
			return false;
		if(PARA.channel < 1 || PARA.channel > sz_img_input[3])
			fprintf (stderr, "Invalid channel number. \n");
			return false;

		if(datatype !=1)
			fprintf (stderr, "Please convert the image to be UINT8 and try again!\n");
			return false;

	printf("1. Find the bounding box and crop image. \n");
	long l_boundbox_min[3],l_boundbox_max[3];//xyz
	V3DLONG sz_img_crop[4];
	long l_npixels_crop;
	unsigned char *p_img8u_crop=0;
	//find bounding box
	unsigned char ***p_img8u_3d=0;
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for the 4d pointer of image.\n");
		if(p_img8u_3d) 				{delete3dpointer(p_img8u_3d,sz_img_input[0],sz_img_input[1],sz_img_input[2]);}
		return false;

	l_boundbox_min[0]=sz_img_input[0];	l_boundbox_min[1]=sz_img_input[1];	l_boundbox_min[2]=sz_img_input[2];
	l_boundbox_max[0]=0;				l_boundbox_max[1]=0;				l_boundbox_max[2]=0;
	for(long X=0;X<sz_img_input[0];X++)
		for(long Y=0;Y<sz_img_input[1];Y++)
			for(long Z=0;Z<sz_img_input[2];Z++)
					if(l_boundbox_min[0]>X) l_boundbox_min[0]=X;	if(l_boundbox_max[0]<X) l_boundbox_max[0]=X;
					if(l_boundbox_min[1]>Y) l_boundbox_min[1]=Y;	if(l_boundbox_max[1]<Y) l_boundbox_max[1]=Y;
					if(l_boundbox_min[2]>Z) l_boundbox_min[2]=Z;	if(l_boundbox_max[2]<Z) l_boundbox_max[2]=Z;
	printf(">>boundingbox: x[%ld~%ld],y[%ld~%ld],z[%ld~%ld]\n",l_boundbox_min[0],l_boundbox_max[0],

	//crop image

	p_img8u_crop=new(std::nothrow) unsigned char[l_npixels_crop]();
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for p_img32f_crop!\n");
		if(p_img8u_3d) 				{delete3dpointer(p_img8u_3d,sz_img_input[0],sz_img_input[1],sz_img_input[2]);}
		return false;
	unsigned char *p_tmp=p_img8u_crop;
	for(long Z=0;Z<sz_img_crop[2];Z++)
		for(long Y=0;Y<sz_img_crop[1];Y++)
			for(long X=0;X<sz_img_crop[0];X++)
				*p_tmp = p_img8u_3d[Z+l_boundbox_min[2]][Y+l_boundbox_min[1]][X+l_boundbox_min[0]];
	if(p_img8u_3d) 			{delete3dpointer(p_img8u_3d,sz_img_input[0],sz_img_input[1],sz_img_input[2]);}

	//convert image data type to float
	printf("2. Convert image data to float and scale to [0~255]. \n");
	float *p_img32f_crop=0;
	p_img32f_crop=new(std::nothrow) float[l_npixels_crop]();
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for p_img32f_crop!\n");
		if(p_img8u_crop) 			{delete []p_img8u_crop;		p_img8u_crop=0;}
		if(p_img32f_crop) 			{delete []p_img32f_crop;			p_img32f_crop=0;}
		return false;
	//find the maximal intensity value
	float d_maxintensity_input=0.0;
	for(long i=0;i<l_npixels_crop;i++)
	//convert and rescale
	for(long i=0;i<l_npixels_crop;i++)
	//free input image to save memory
	//if(p_img_input) 			{delete []p_img_input;		p_img_input=0;}
	if(p_img8u_crop) 			{delete []p_img8u_crop;		p_img8u_crop=0;}

	//do anisotropic diffusion
	printf("3. Do anisotropic diffusion... \n");
	float *p_img32f_crop_output=0;
		printf("ERROR: q_AnisoDiff3D() return false!\n");
		if(p_img8u_crop) 			{delete []p_img8u_crop;		p_img8u_crop=0;}
		if(p_img32f_crop) 				{delete []p_img32f_crop;		p_img32f_crop=0;}
		if(p_img32f_crop_output) 		{delete []p_img32f_crop_output;	p_img32f_crop_output=0;}
		return false;
	if(p_img32f_crop) 				{delete []p_img32f_crop;		p_img32f_crop=0;}

	printf("4. Reconstruct processed crop image back to original size. \n");
	unsigned char *p_img8u_output=0;
	long l_npixels=sz_img_input[0]*sz_img_input[1]*sz_img_input[2]*sz_img_input[3];
	p_img8u_output=new(std::nothrow) unsigned char[l_npixels]();
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for p_img8u_output!\n");
		if(p_img32f_crop_output) 		{delete []p_img32f_crop_output;	p_img32f_crop_output=0;}
		return false;
	//copy original image data to output image
	for(long i=0;i<l_npixels;i++)

	unsigned char ***p_img8u_3d=0;
		printf("ERROR: Fail to allocate memory for the 4d pointer of image.\n");
		if(p_img8u_output) 				{delete []p_img8u_output;	p_img8u_output=0;}
		if(p_img32f_crop_output) 		{delete []p_img32f_crop_output;	p_img32f_crop_output=0;}
		return false;

	float *p_tmp=p_img32f_crop_output;
	for(long Z=0;Z<sz_img_crop[2];Z++)
		for(long Y=0;Y<sz_img_crop[1];Y++)
			for(long X=0;X<sz_img_crop[0];X++)
				p_img8u_3d[Z+l_boundbox_min[2]][Y+l_boundbox_min[1]][X+l_boundbox_min[0]]=(unsigned char)(*p_tmp);

	if(p_img8u_3d) 	{delete3dpointer(p_img8u_3d,sz_img_input[0],sz_img_input[1],sz_img_input[2]);}
	if(p_img32f_crop_output) 		{delete []p_img32f_crop_output;	p_img32f_crop_output=0;}

	//save or display
		printf("5. Display the processed image in Vaa3D. \n");
		//push result image back to v3d
		v3dhandle newwin=callback.newImageWindow("output");
		Image4DSimple img4D_output;
		printf("5. Save the processed image to file. \n");
		QString str_outimg_filename = PARA.inimg_file + "_anisodiff.raw";

		if(p_img8u_output) 		{delete []p_img8u_output;		p_img8u_output=0;}

	printf(">>Program complete success!\n");
	return true;
void GVFplugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
    if (menu_name == tr("Gradient vector flow based Segmentation"))

        // the GVF function wants a pointer to a Vol3DSimple, which I haven't seen before.
        // this code below generates it  (take from plugin_FL_cellseg)

        // check what's up with the current window: is there a valid image pointer?
        v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
        if (!curwin)
            v3d_msg("Please open an image.");

        Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
        QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);

        if (!subject)
            QMessageBox::information(0, "", QObject::tr("No image is open."));
        if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
            QMessageBox::information(0, "", QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

        V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
        V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
        V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
        V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();

        Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);

        V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

        float *pLabel = 0;
        unsigned char *pData = 0;

        gvfsegPara segpara;  // set these fields one at a time:

        segpara.diffusionIteration=  5;
        segpara.fusionThreshold = 10;
        segpara.minRegion = 10;
        segpara.sigma = 3;  // doesn't seem to be used in the actual function?

        //input parameters
        bool ok1;
        int c=1;

        if (sz3>1) //only need to ask if more than one channel
            c = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Channel",
                                             "Choose channel for segmentation:",
                                             1, 1, sz3, 1, &ok1);
            c = c-1; //channels are indexed to 0 in Image4DSimple->getRawDataAtChannel
            if (!ok1)

        // read in parameters

        segpara.diffusionIteration = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Diffusion Iterations",
                                         "Choose Number of Diffusion Iterations:",
                                         5, 1, 10, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        segpara.fusionThreshold = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Fusion Threshold",
                                         "Choose Fusion Threshold :",
                                         2, 1, 10, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        segpara.minRegion= QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Minimum Region",
                                         "Choose Minimum Region Size (voxels):",
                                         10, 1, 1000, 1, &ok1);
        if (!ok1)

        // allocate memory for the images

        Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> * tmp_inimg = 0;
        Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> * tmp_outimg = 0;
            tmp_inimg = new Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
            tmp_outimg = new Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
        catch (...)
            v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory for processing.");
            if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}
            if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;}

        //copy image data into our new memory
        memcpy((void *)tmp_inimg->getData1dHandle(), (void *)subject->getRawDataAtChannel(c), sz0*sz1*sz2);

        //now do computation

        //bool b_res = gvfCellSeg(img3d, outimg3d, segpara);
        bool b_res = gvfCellSeg(tmp_inimg, tmp_outimg, segpara);

        // clear out temporary space
        if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}

        if (!b_res)
            v3d_msg("image segmentation  using gvfCellSeg()  failed \n");
        {   // now display the results

       // parameters for the new image data
            V3DLONG new_sz0 = tmp_outimg->sz0();
            V3DLONG new_sz1 = tmp_outimg->sz1();
            V3DLONG new_sz2 = tmp_outimg->sz2();
            V3DLONG new_sz3 = 1;
            V3DLONG tunits = new_sz0*new_sz1*new_sz2*new_sz3;

            USHORTINT16 * outvol1d = new USHORTINT16 [tunits];

         //   USHORTINT16 * tmpImg_d1d = (USHORTINT16 *)(tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle());

            memcpy((void *)outvol1d, (void *)tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle(), tunits*sizeof(USHORTINT16));
            if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory

            Image4DSimple p4DImage;
            p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)outvol1d, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);

            v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
            callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
            callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Segmented Image"));

        v3d_msg(tr("A plugin for cell segmentation using Gradient Vector Flow. "
            "Developed based on the source code developed by Tianming Liu, Fuhui Long, and Hanchuan Peng (2010-2014)"));
void processImage(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, const QString & menu_name)
    v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
        v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");

    Image4DSimple* p4DImage = callback.getImage(curwin);
	if (!p4DImage)
		v3d_msg("The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!");
    unsigned char* data1d = p4DImage->getRawData();

    V3DLONG sc = p4DImage->getCDim();

    bool b_res;
	bool ok1;
	V3DLONG c=-1;

    if (menu_name==QString("Split Channels"))
        c = -1;
    else if (menu_name==QString("Extract One Channel"))
        if (sc>1) //only need to ask if more than one channel
            c = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Channel",
                                             "Enter channel # (0, 1... for the 1st, 2nd... channels; -1 for all channels):",
                                             -1, -1, sc-1, 1, &ok1);
            if (!ok1)
    V3DLONG in_sz[4];
    in_sz[0] = p4DImage->getXDim(); 
    in_sz[1] = p4DImage->getYDim(); 
    in_sz[2] = p4DImage->getZDim(); 
    in_sz[3] = sc;

    V3DLONG cb, ce, k;
    if (c<0) {cb=0; ce=sc-1;}
    else {cb = ce = c;}
    void * outimg=0;
    for (k=cb; k<=ce; k++)
            case V3D_UINT8: 
                b_res = extract_a_channel(data1d, in_sz, k, outimg); 
            case V3D_UINT16: 
                b_res = extract_a_channel((unsigned short int *)data1d, in_sz, k, outimg); 
            case V3D_FLOAT32: 
                b_res = extract_a_channel((float *)data1d, in_sz, k, outimg); 
            default: b_res = false; v3d_msg("Right now this plugin supports only UINT8/UINT16/FLOAT32 data. Do nothing."); return;

        Image4DSimple * new4DImage = new Image4DSimple();
        new4DImage->createImage(in_sz[0], in_sz[1], in_sz[2], 1, p4DImage->getDatatype());        
        memcpy(new4DImage->getRawData(), (unsigned char *)outimg, new4DImage->getTotalBytes());
        v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
        callback.setImage(newwin, new4DImage);
        callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("").setNum(k).prepend("_C").prepend(p4DImage->getFileName()));
void call_open_using_imagej(bool ismenu, QString inputfile, QString savefile,V3DPluginCallback2 &callback)
    QSettings setting("Vaa3D_tools", "open_imagej");
    QString imagej_binary_file = "non-existing"; //setting.value("imagej_binary_path").toByteArray();

    v3d_msg(QString("The default path of imagej is [%1]").arg(imagej_binary_file), 0);
   // v3d_msg(QString("The default temporary location for saving intermediate conversion files is [%1]").arg(tmp_conversion_folder), 0);

    QFile f_imagej_binary_file(imagej_binary_file);
    if (!f_imagej_binary_file.exists())

//        v3d_msg("Cannot find the specified default ImageJ location. Adding path");
#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
         imagej_binary_file = getAppPath().append("/Fiji.app/Contents/MacOS/ImageJ-macosx");
#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
        imagej_binary_file = getAppPath().append("/Fiji.app/ImageJ-linux64");
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
        imagej_binary_file = getAppPath().append("/Fiji.app/ImageJ-win32.exe");
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
        imagej_binary_file = getAppPath().append("/Fiji.app/ImageJ-win64.exe");
        v3d_msg(tr("Currently only available for Linux, Mac OSX 10.5+ and Windows"));

        v3d_msg(QString("Now set the new imagej path to [%1]").arg(imagej_binary_file), 0);

    if (!f_imagej_binary_file.exists())
        v3d_msg("Cannot locate the executable of ImageJ/Fiji program. Please specify Fiji location.");
//        v3d_msg("Cannot locate the executable of ImageJ/Fiji program. Now you can specify where it is.",0);
        // use this code above for dofunc version- prints to command line instead of window

        imagej_binary_file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, QObject::tr("Locate your ImageJ/Fiji application"),
                                                          QObject::tr(" *"));


        // the user will select the .app location, not the the command line executable location, which is OS-dependent

        //  need these for WIN32, WIN64, LINUX and MAC
        #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
        // mac

                 QString fijiPath = imagej_binary_file.append("/Contents/MacOS/ImageJ-macosx");
        #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
        // linux
                 QString fijiPath = imagej_binary_file.append("/ImageJ-linux64");
        #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
               //32 bit windows
                 QString fijiPath = imagej_binary_file.append("/ImageJ-win32.exe");
        #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
        // 64 bit windows
                 QString fijiPath = imagej_binary_file.append("/ImageJ-win64.exe");
                v3d_msg(tr("Currently only available for Linux, Mac OSX 10.5+ and Windows"));


    // the user will select the .app location on mac and linux

    //now have found the ImageJ location. thus save it for future use

    setting.setValue("imagej_binary_path", qPrintable(imagej_binary_file));

    //now call ImageJ

    QString v3dAppPath = getAppPath();

    QString cmd_Fiji = QString("%1  --headless -batch  %2/brl_FijiConvert.js %3:%4").arg(imagej_binary_file.toStdString().c_str()).arg(v3dAppPath.toStdString().c_str()).arg(inputfile.toStdString().c_str()).arg(savefile.toStdString().c_str());
    v3d_msg(cmd_Fiji, 0);

    //the folowing direct call work nicely: //20141004, PHC
    //  /Users/pengh/work/v3d_external/bin/Fiji.app/Contents/MacOS/ImageJ-macosx  --headless -batch  /Users/pengh/work/v3d_external/bin/brl_FijiConvert.js /workdata/v3d_demo_data/single_neuron/Twin-Spot_GH146_lAL_39-2.lsm:/Users/pengh/Downloads/44/11.avi
    //Thus it seems the problem is "Unrecognized command: "raw writer""


    if (!QFile(savefile).exists()) v3d_msg("File conversion failed.\n"); //need change later

    if (ismenu) { // display image if it's being called from the menu. otherwise don't!
        // load
        V3DLONG sz_relative[4];
        int datatype_relative = 0;
        unsigned char* relative1d = 0;

        if (simple_loadimage_wrapper(callback, const_cast<char *>(savefile.toStdString().c_str()), relative1d, sz_relative, datatype_relative)!=true)
             fprintf (stderr, "Error happens while reading the subject file [%s]. Exit. \n",savefile.toStdString().c_str());

        // visualize
        Image4DSimple p4DImage;

        if(datatype_relative == V3D_UINT8)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_UINT8);
        else if(datatype_relative == V3D_UINT16)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_UINT16);
        else if(datatype_relative == V3D_FLOAT32)
             p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)relative1d, sz_relative[0], sz_relative[1], sz_relative[2], sz_relative[3], V3D_FLOAT32);
             printf("\nError: The program only supports UINT8, UINT16, and FLOAT32 datatype.\n");

        v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
        callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
        callback.setImageName(newwin, savefile.toStdString().c_str());
Exemple #8
void bwlabelimg(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent, int method_code)
	v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
		v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");
	if (method_code!=3 && method_code!=2)
		v3d_msg("Invalid BWLabel method code. You should never see this message. Report this bug to the developer");
	LabelImgObjectParaDialog dialog(callback, parent);
	if (!dialog.image)
	if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)
	V3DLONG ch = dialog.ch;
	V3DLONG th_idx = dialog.th_idx;
	double tt = dialog.thresh;
	V3DLONG volsz_thres = (dialog.b_filtersmallobjs) ? dialog.volsz : 0; //the threshold to filter out small objects

	int start_t = clock(); // record time 
	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
	QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);
	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

	if (th_idx==0 || th_idx==1)
		double mm, vv;
		mean_and_std(subject->getRawDataAtChannel(ch), subject->getTotalUnitNumberPerChannel(), mm, vv);
		tt = (th_idx == 0) ? mm : mm+vv;
		v3d_msg(QString("in fast image object labeling: ch=%1 mean=%2 std=%2").arg(ch).arg(mm).arg(vv), 0);
	Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);
	V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();
	V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

	unsigned short int *pLabel = 0;
	unsigned char *pData = 0;
		pLabel = new unsigned short int [channelsz];
		pData = new unsigned char [channelsz]; 
	catch (...)
		v3d_msg("Fail to allocate memory in Fast Object Labeling Plugin.");
		if (pLabel) {delete []pLabel; pLabel=0;}
		if (pData) {delete []pData; pData=0;}
	unsigned char * pSubtmp = pSub.begin();
	for(V3DLONG i = 0; i < channelsz;  i++) 
		pData[i] = (pSubtmp[i]<=tt) ? 0 : 1;
	// dist transform
	V3DLONG sz_data[4]; sz_data[0]=sz0; sz_data[1]=sz1; sz_data[2]=sz2; sz_data[3]=1;
	V3DLONG nobjs=0;
	if (method_code==3)
		V3DLONG nh_code=26; //6,18,or 26
		nobjs = findConnectedComponent(pData, sz_data, 3, nh_code, pLabel);
	else if (method_code==2)
		V3DLONG nh_code=8; //4 or 8
		nobjs = findConnectedComponent(pData, sz_data, 2, nh_code, pLabel);
		v3d_msg("Invalid BWLabelN method code. You should never see this message. Report this bug to the developer");
	if (pData) {delete []pData; pData=0;}
	if (volsz_thres>0) //filter out small objects
		try {
			float * hh = new float [nobjs];
			float * mapval = new float [nobjs];
			V3DLONG j;
			for (j=0;j<nobjs;j++) {hh[j]=0; mapval[j]=j;} //of course, 0 also map to 0!
			for (j=0;j<channelsz;j++)
				//pLabel[j]--; //it seems Fuhui's data is 1-based, so subtract 1. Is this correct?
			V3DLONG k=0;
			for (j=1;j<nobjs;j++) //start from 1 as it is the background!
				if (hh[j]<volsz_thres)
					mapval[j]=0; //if less than a thres, then map to 0, which is background
					printf("Obj [%ld] = [%ld]\n", V3DLONG(j), V3DLONG(hh[j]));
					mapval[j] = k; //otherwise map to a continous label-value
			for (j=0;j<channelsz;j++)
				pLabel[j] = mapval[pLabel[j]];

			if (hh) {delete []hh; hh=0;}
			if (mapval) {delete []mapval; mapval=0;}
		catch (...) {
			v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory to filter small objects. Thus skip it.");

	int end_t = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for labeling objects!\n", (end_t-start_t)/1000000);
	Image4DSimple p4DImage;
	p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)pLabel, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);
	v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
	callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
	callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Object-Labeled Image"));
Exemple #9
// show different datatype data in V3D
int datatype_converting(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
    v3dhandleList win_list = callback.getImageWindowList();

        v3d_msg("No image is open.");
		return -1;

	DTCDialog dialog(callback,parent);
	if (dialog.exec()!=QDialog::Accepted)	return -1;


	V3DLONG isub = dialog.isub;
	V3DLONG dt = dialog.dt;

	ImagePixelType cnvrt_dt;

		cnvrt_dt = V3D_UINT8;
	else if(dt==1)
		cnvrt_dt = V3D_UINT16;
	else if(dt==2)
		cnvrt_dt = V3D_FLOAT32;

	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(win_list[isub]);

	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("Image does not exist."));
		return -1;

    unsigned char* subject1d = subject->getRawData();

	V3DLONG sx = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sy = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sc = subject->getCDim();

	V3DLONG	sz_sub = sx*sy*sz*sc;
	ImagePixelType sub_dt = subject->getDatatype();

	if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_UINT8)
		unsigned char * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new unsigned char [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, unsigned char>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, unsigned char>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, unsigned char>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_UINT8); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
	else if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_UINT16)
		unsigned short * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new unsigned short [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, unsigned short>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, unsigned short>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, unsigned short>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_UINT16); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
	else if(cnvrt_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
		float * data1d = NULL;

			data1d = new float [sz_sub];
			printf("Error allocating memory. \n");
			return -1;

		if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT8)
            converting<unsigned char, float>((unsigned char *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_UINT16)
            converting<unsigned short, float>((unsigned short *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);
		else if(sub_dt == V3D_FLOAT32)
            converting<float, float>((float *)subject1d, data1d, sz_sub, cnvrt_dt);

		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)data1d, sx, sy, sz, sc, V3D_FLOAT32); //

		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, "Converted Image");
		printf("Currently this program only support UINT8, UINT16, and FLOAT32 data type.\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;

void FL_cellseg(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
	v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
	if (!curwin)
		v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window.");
	Image4DSimple* subject = callback.getImage(curwin);
	QString m_InputFileName = callback.getImageName(curwin);
	if (!subject)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
	if (subject->getDatatype()!=V3D_UINT8)
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("This demo program only supports 8-bit data. Your current image data type is not supported."));

	V3DLONG sz0 = subject->getXDim();
    V3DLONG sz1 = subject->getYDim();
    V3DLONG sz2 = subject->getZDim();
	V3DLONG sz3 = subject->getCDim();
	Image4DProxy<Image4DSimple> pSub(subject);
	V3DLONG channelsz = sz0*sz1*sz2;

	float *pLabel = 0;
	unsigned char *pData = 0;

	//get the segmentation parameters
	segParameter segpara;
	dialog_watershed_para *p_mydlg=0;
	if (!p_mydlg) p_mydlg = new dialog_watershed_para(&segpara, subject);
	int res = p_mydlg->exec();
	if (res!=QDialog::Accepted)
	if (p_mydlg) {delete p_mydlg; p_mydlg=0;}

	// now allocate memory and do computation
	int start_t = clock();
	Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> * tmp_inimg = 0;
	Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> * tmp_outimg = 0;
		tmp_inimg = new Vol3DSimple <unsigned char> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
		tmp_outimg = new Vol3DSimple <USHORTINT16> (sz0, sz1, sz2);
	catch (...)
		v3d_msg("Unable to allocate memory for processing. Do nothing.");
		if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;}
		if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;}
	//do computation
	memcpy((void *)tmp_inimg->getData1dHandle(), (void *)subject->getRawDataAtChannel(segpara.channelNo), sz0*sz1*sz2);
	bool b_res = FL_cellseg(tmp_inimg, tmp_outimg, segpara);

	if (tmp_inimg) {delete tmp_inimg; tmp_inimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory
	if (!b_res)
		v3d_msg("Fail to do the cell segmentation using FL_cellseg().\n");
		V3DLONG new_sz0 = tmp_outimg->sz0();
		V3DLONG new_sz1 = tmp_outimg->sz1();
		V3DLONG new_sz2 = tmp_outimg->sz2();
		V3DLONG new_sz3 = 1;
		V3DLONG tunits = new_sz0*new_sz1*new_sz2*new_sz3;
		USHORTINT16 * outvol1d = new USHORTINT16 [tunits];
		USHORTINT16 * tmpImg_d1d = (USHORTINT16 *)(tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle());
		memcpy((void *)outvol1d, (void *)tmp_outimg->getData1dHandle(), tunits*sizeof(USHORTINT16));
		if (tmp_outimg) {delete tmp_outimg; tmp_outimg=0;} //free the space immediately for better use of memory
		Image4DSimple p4DImage;
		p4DImage.setData((unsigned char*)outvol1d, sz0, sz1, sz2, 1, V3D_UINT16);
		v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
		callback.setImage(newwin, &p4DImage);
		callback.setImageName(newwin, QString("Segmented Image"));


	int end_t = clock();
	printf("time eclapse %d s for labeling objects!\n", (end_t-start_t)/1000000);