Exemple #1
V3Formula::V3Formula(V3NtkHandler* const handler, const uint32_t& constrSize, const uint32_t& maxCard, const V3GateType& gateType, const uint32_t& noPIorFF) : _handler(handler) {
   assert (handler); assert (constrSize); assert (maxCard); assert (!(noPIorFF & ~3ul));
   assert (BV_AND == gateType || BV_OR == gateType || BV_XOR == gateType || BV_XNOR == gateType);
   // Collect Leaf Candidates
   V3Ntk* const ntk = handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
   V3NetVec leafId; leafId.clear(); leafId.reserve(ntk->getInputSize() + ntk->getInoutSize() + ntk->getLatchSize());
   if (!(1ul & noPIorFF)) {
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ntk->getInputSize(); ++i) 
         if (1 == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInput(i))) leafId.push_back(ntk->getInput(i));
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ntk->getInoutSize(); ++i) 
         if (1 == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i))) leafId.push_back(ntk->getInout(i));
   if (!(2ul & noPIorFF)) {
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ntk->getLatchSize(); ++i) 
         if (1 == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getLatch(i))) leafId.push_back(ntk->getLatch(i));
   V3UI32Vec constrId; constrId.clear(); constrId.reserve(constrSize); _formula.clear();
   // Create Constraints
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < constrSize; ++i) {
      const uint32_t startId = _formula.size();
      // Create Leaf Nodes
      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < maxCard; ++j) {
         if (j && !(rand() % maxCard)) break;
         const V3NetId id = (rand() % 5) ? leafId[rand() % leafId.size()] : ~leafId[rand() % leafId.size()];
         _formula.push_back(make_pair(V3_PI, V3InputVec())); _formula.back().second.push_back(V3NetType(id));
      assert (startId < _formula.size());
      // Link Leaf Nodes with the Specified GateType
      for (uint32_t j = 0, k = _formula.size() - startId; j < k; ++j) {
         if (!j) constrId.push_back(startId + j);
         else {
            _formula.push_back(make_pair(gateType, V3InputVec()));
            _formula.back().second.push_back(startId + j);
            constrId.back() = _formula.size() - 1;
      assert ((1 + i) == constrId.size());
   // Combine Constraints
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < constrId.size(); ++i) {
      if (!i) _rootId = constrId[i];
      else {
         _formula.push_back(make_pair(BV_AND, V3InputVec()));
         _rootId = _formula.size() - 1;
Exemple #2
// Constructor for Random Formula
V3Formula::V3Formula(V3NtkHandler* const handler, const V3SimTraceVec& cexTrace, const double& strength) : _handler(handler) {
   assert (handler); assert (cexTrace.size()); assert (strength > 0 && strength <= 1.00);
   V3UI32Vec constrId; constrId.clear(); constrId.reserve(cexTrace.size()); _formula.clear();
   // Create Constraints
   V3Ntk* const ntk = handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cexTrace.size(); ++i) {
      const uint32_t startId = _formula.size(), end = 1 + (uint32_t)(strength * ntk->getLatchSize());
      assert (cexTrace[i].size()); assert (ntk->getLatchSize() == cexTrace[i].size());
      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < end; ++j) {
         const uint32_t index = rand() % cexTrace[i].size(); assert (1 == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getLatch(index)));
         const V3NetId id = ('0' == cexTrace[i][index][0]) ? ~(ntk->getLatch(index)) : ntk->getLatch(index);
         _formula.push_back(make_pair(V3_PI, V3InputVec())); _formula.back().second.push_back(V3NetType(id));
      assert (startId <= _formula.size());
      // Conjunction of Leaf Nodes
      for (uint32_t j = 0, k = _formula.size() - startId; j < k; ++j) {
         if (!j) constrId.push_back(startId + j);
         else {
            _formula.push_back(make_pair(BV_AND, V3InputVec()));
            _formula.back().second.push_back(startId + j);
            constrId.back() = _formula.size() - 1;
   // Disjunction of Constraints
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < constrId.size(); ++i) {
      if (!i) _rootId = constrId[i];
      else {
         _formula.push_back(make_pair(BV_OR, V3InputVec()));
         _rootId = _formula.size() - 1;