bool VFSNodeCopyDirectoryCallback::handleNextNode(const VFSNode& source) { VFSNode dest(mDestDir, source.getName()); if (source.isFile()) { VFSNode::copyFile(source, dest); } else if (mRecursive) { VFSNode::copyDirectory(source, dest, mRecursive); } return true; }
void VFSNodeUnit::_testBinaryFileIO(const VString& seriesLabel, VFSNode& node, VAbstractFileStream& fileStream) { // This output line is just to mark which kind of file i/o we're doing: this->logStatus(seriesLabel); VBinaryIOStream io(fileStream); fileStream.openWrite(); io.writeS8(1); io.writeU8(2); io.writeS16(3); io.writeU16(4); io.writeS32(5L); io.writeU32(6L); io.writeS64(CONST_S64(7)); io.writeU64(CONST_U64(8)); io.writeFloat(9.9f); io.writeDouble(3.1415926); io.writeBool(true); io.writeString("hello"); io.flush(); fileStream.close(); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(node.size() != 0, "non-empty file"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(node.isFile(), "is file"); VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(node.isDirectory(), "is not directory"); fileStream.openReadOnly(); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readS8() == 1, "S8 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readU8() == 2, "U8 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readS16() == 3, "S16 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readU16() == 4, "U16 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readS32() == 5L, "S32 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readU32() == 6L, "U32 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readS64() == CONST_S64(7), "S64 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readU64() == CONST_U64(8), "U64 match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readFloat() == 9.9f, "Float match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readDouble() == 3.1415926, "Double match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readBool() == true, "Bool match"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(io.readString() == "hello", "String match"); try { // We should not be able to read any more data. (void) io.readU8(); // If we get here, there's junk past the proper end of the file. VUNIT_ASSERT_FAILURE("EOF mark position"); } catch (const VEOFException& /*ex*/) { VUNIT_ASSERT_SUCCESS("EOF mark position"); } catch (...) { VUNIT_ASSERT_FAILURE("EOF mark position (unexpected exception type)"); } fileStream.close(); }
void VFSNodeUnit::_testTextFileIO(const VString& seriesLabel, VFSNode& node, VAbstractFileStream& fileStream) { // This output line is just to mark which kind of file i/o we're doing: this->logStatus(seriesLabel); VTextIOStream io(fileStream); fileStream.openWrite(); for (VStringVector::const_iterator i = mTextFileLines.begin(); i != mTextFileLines.end(); ++i) io.writeLine(*i); io.flush(); fileStream.close(); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(node.size() != 0, "non-empty file"); VUNIT_ASSERT_TRUE_LABELED(node.isFile(), "is file"); VUNIT_ASSERT_FALSE_LABELED(node.isDirectory(), "is not directory"); fileStream.openReadOnly(); VString line; int lineNumber = 1; for (VStringVector::const_iterator i = mTextFileLines.begin(); i != mTextFileLines.end(); ++i) { io.readLine(line); VUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_LABELED(line, *i, VSTRING_FORMAT("Line %d match", lineNumber)); ++lineNumber; } try { // We should not be able to read any more lines. io.readLine(line); // If we get here, there's junk past the proper end of the file. VUNIT_ASSERT_FAILURE("EOF mark position"); } catch (const VEOFException& /*ex*/) { VUNIT_ASSERT_SUCCESS("EOF mark position"); } catch (...) { VUNIT_ASSERT_FAILURE("EOF mark position (unexpected exception type)"); } fileStream.close(); }