void VWindowBase::Serialize( VArchive &ar )
  char iLocalVersion = 0;
  const char *szScriptFile = NULL;
  if (ar.IsLoading())
    ar >> iLocalVersion; VASSERT_MSG(iLocalVersion==0,"Invalid version");
    ar >> m_pOwner;
    VMemoryTempBuffer<1024> buffer;
    m_iID = VGUIManager::GetID(buffer.ReadStringBinary(ar));
    ar >> m_iDialogResult >> m_iOrder >> m_iTabOrder >> m_iStatus;
    ar >> m_vPosition >> m_vSize >> m_ClientAreaBorder;
    ar >> m_sTooltipText;
    szScriptFile = buffer.ReadStringBinary(ar);
  } else
void VTextState::Paint(VGraphicsInfo *pGraphics, VWindowBase *pParentWnd, VColorRef iColor)
  m_iNumTextLines = 0;
  const char *szText = GetText();
  if (!m_spFont || !szText || !szText[0])

  VSimpleRenderState_t state = VGUIManager::DefaultGUIRenderState();
  if (m_fFontScaling!=1.0f)

  VRectanglef v = pParentWnd->GetBoundingBox(); // clipping box of parent control

  if (m_bTextWrap)
    float fMaxWidth = v.GetSizeX()/m_fFontScaling;
    float fLineHeight = m_spFont->GetFontHeight() * m_fRelativeFontHeight * m_fFontScaling;
    hkvVec2 vPos = v.m_vMin;

    const char *szStart = szText;
    VMemoryTempBuffer<512> tmpBuffer;

    while (szStart[0])
      // byte offsets
      int iOffset;
      int iNextOffset;

      // search for next newline
      const char *pCR = strchr(szStart, '\n');

      // compute automatic wrap character index
      int iCharCount = m_spFont->GetCharacterIndexAtPos(szStart, fMaxWidth, -1, false);
      int iWrapOffset = VString::GetUTF8CharacterOffset(szStart, iCharCount);

      if (pCR != NULL && (pCR - szStart) < iCharCount)
        // newline occurs before automatic text wrap
        iOffset = static_cast<int>(pCR - szStart);
        iNextOffset = iOffset + 1;
        // automatic text wrap
        iOffset = iWrapOffset;
        // try to find white space
        if (iOffset > 0)
          while (iOffset > 0 && szStart[iOffset] != 0 && szStart[iOffset] != ' ')
          if (iOffset == 0) // no whitespace found? then wrap inside word
            iOffset = iWrapOffset;
          iOffset = 1;
        iNextOffset = iOffset;

      // put together line
      const int iLineBufferSize = (iOffset+1) * sizeof(char);
      char *szLineBuffer = static_cast<char*>(tmpBuffer.GetBuffer());

      memcpy(szLineBuffer, szStart, iLineBufferSize);
      szLineBuffer[iOffset] = 0;

      // draw line
      if (pGraphics)
        hkvVec2 vAlignedPos = m_spFont->GetTextPositionOfs(szLineBuffer, v.GetSize(), 
          m_hAlign, m_vAlign) * m_fFontScaling;
        vAlignedPos.set(vAlignedPos.x + vPos.x, vPos.y); // only consider the x-ofs
        m_spFont->PrintText(&pGraphics->Renderer, vAlignedPos, szLineBuffer, iColor, state, 
          m_fFontScaling, m_pCustomBBox ? m_pCustomBBox : &v);
      vPos.y += fLineHeight;

      szStart = &szStart[iNextOffset];
      while (szStart[0] == ' ')

  // recompute the alignment offset
  if (!m_bAlignmentValid)
    m_vCurrentOfs = m_vOfs + m_spFont->GetTextPositionOfs(szText, v.GetSize(),
      m_hAlign,m_vAlign) * m_fFontScaling;
    m_bAlignmentValid = true;

  m_iNumTextLines = 1;
  if (pGraphics)
    m_spFont->PrintText(&pGraphics->Renderer, v.m_vMin+m_vCurrentOfs, szText, 
      iColor, state, m_fFontScaling, m_pCustomBBox ? m_pCustomBBox : &v);
Exemple #3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Method: LoadGame
// Notes: The file format for save games in this example is as follows:
//        "SERIALIZE_API_SAMPLE"  magic "number" (a string, really)
//        <version>
//        <map_number>            the current map number
//        <time>                  the current game timer's value
//        <num_recreate_ent>      number of re-creatable entities
//        <num_full_ent>          number of fully serialized entities
//        <recreate_ent>...       re-creatable entity data
//        <full_ent>...           fully serialized entities
//        "END_OF_ARCHIVE"        ending key (useful for validating the file)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VBool LoadGame(int iNum)
  if ( (iNum < 1) || (iNum > 6) )
    return FALSE;

  GameLoadData_t snap;

  int i;
  char pszLoadFileName[FS_MAX_PATH];
  char szArchiveTag[FS_MAX_PATH];
  sprintf(pszLoadFileName,SAVEGAME_NAME, iNum);

  IVFileInStream* pIn = Vision::File.Open(pszLoadFileName);
  // opening the file didn't work!
  if (!pIn)
    return FALSE;

  VArchive ar( pszLoadFileName, pIn, Vision::GetTypeManager() );

  ar.ReadStringBinary(szArchiveTag, FS_MAX_PATH);
  if (strcmp(szArchiveTag, ARCHIVE_START_TAG) != 0)
    return FALSE;

  ar >> i;                        // loading version
  if (! Vision::IsValidArchive(ar))
    // TODO
    return FALSE;
  ar >> snap.iMapNumber;          // map number
  if (snap.iMapNumber == g_iCurrentMap)
    snap.bJustReset = TRUE;
    snap.bJustReset = FALSE;

  ar >> snap.fTime;               // game timer
  ar >> snap.iRecreateEntityCount;// number of re-createable entities
  ar >> snap.iFullEntityCount;    // number of fullly serialized entities

  //snap.bJustReset = FALSE;
  if (snap.bJustReset == TRUE)
    // as it's the same map, we just clean up and re-use it :-)
    // load the other map (without entities)


  // now re-create all the "RECREATE" entities
  VMemoryTempBuffer<1024> modelFileName;
  VMemoryTempBuffer<1024> entityParams;
  VMemoryTempBuffer<1024> entityKey;
  VMemoryTempBuffer<1024> className;

  // now re-create all the "RECREATE" entities
  for (i = 0; i < snap.iRecreateEntityCount; i++)
    char* pszClassName;
    char* pszEntityKey;
    hkvVec3 vOrigin;
    hkvVec3 vOrientation;
    char* pszModelFile;
    char* pszEntityParams;
    // get entity data
    pszClassName = className.ReadStringBinary(ar);
    pszEntityKey = entityKey.ReadStringBinary(ar);
    vOrigin.SerializeAsVisVector (ar);
    vOrientation.SerializeAsVisVector (ar);
    pszModelFile = modelFileName.ReadStringBinary(ar);
    pszEntityParams = entityParams.ReadStringBinary(ar);
    SerializeBaseEntity_cl* pSerEnt = static_cast<SerializeBaseEntity_cl*>(
      Vision::Game.CreateEntity(pszClassName, vOrigin, pszModelFile,

  // finally, re-create all the "FULL" entities
  for (i = 0; i < snap.iFullEntityCount; i++)
    SerializeBaseEntity_cl *pSerEnt;
    // get an entity from the archive...
    ar >> pSerEnt;

  // check if the ARCHIVE_END_TAG exists
  ar.ReadStringBinary(szArchiveTag, FS_MAX_PATH);
  if (strcmp(szArchiveTag, ARCHIVE_END_TAG) != 0)
    Vision::Error.FatalError("No (or invalid) end tag found in save game!");
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;