Exemple #1
  /** Dimensionality check during initialization */
  bool dimCheck(){

    if( Sx_.rows() != Sx_.cols() ){
      std::cerr << "Error: MatType must be a square matrix \n";
      return false;
    if( Sx_.rows() != x_.size() ){
      std::cerr << "Error: VecType and MatType dimension mismatch \n";
      return false;
    nDim_ = x_.size();
    return true;
Exemple #2
 inline typename VecType::value_type entry_or_zero(const VecType &v, unsigned i)
   if (i >= v.size())
     return 0;
     return v[i];
      PartialVolumeAnalysisClusteringCalculator::CalculateCurves(ParamsType params, VecType xVals) const

    int arraysz = xVals.size();
    ClusterResultType result(arraysz);

    for( int j=0; j<2; j++)
      for(int i=0; i<arraysz; i++)
        double d   = xVals(i)-params.means[j];
        double amp = params.ps[j]/sqrt(2*PVA_PI*params.sigmas[j]);

        result.vals[j](i) = amp*exp(-0.5 * (d*d)/params.sigmas[j]);

    for(int i=0; i<arraysz; i++)
      result.mixedVals[0](i) = 0;

    for(double t=0; t<=1; t = t + 1.0/(m_StepsNumIntegration-1.0))
      for(int i=0; i<arraysz; i++)
        double d = xVals(i)-(t*params.means[0]+(1-t)*params.means[1]);
        double v = t*params.sigmas[0]+(1-t)*params.sigmas[1];
        double p = 1.0 - params.ps[0] - params.ps[1];
        double amp = (1.0/m_StepsNumIntegration) * p / sqrt(2.0*PVA_PI*v);

        result.mixedVals[0](i) = result.mixedVals[0](i) + amp*exp(-0.5 * (d*d)/v);

        //        MITK_INFO << "d=" << d << "v=" <<v << "p=" << p << "amp=" << amp << "result=" << amp*exp(-0.5 * (d*d)/v) << std::endl;
      //      MITK_INFO << "t=" << t << std::endl;
      //      params.Print();
      //      result.Print();

    for(int i=0; i<arraysz; i++)
      result.combiVals(i) = result.mixedVals[0](i) + result.vals[0](i) + result.vals[1](i);

    return result;
inline void setVec(DblVec& x, const VarVector& vars, const VecType& vals) {
  assert(vars.size() == vals.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
    x[vars[i].var_rep->index] = vals[i];
Exemple #5
bool Legalizer::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
  // If the ISel pipeline failed, do not bother running that pass.
  if (MF.getProperties().hasProperty(
    return false;
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Legalize Machine IR for: " << MF.getName() << '\n');
  const TargetPassConfig &TPC = getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>();
  MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter MORE(MF, /*MBFI=*/nullptr);
  LegalizerHelper Helper(MF);

  // FIXME: an instruction may need more than one pass before it is legal. For
  // example on most architectures <3 x i3> is doubly-illegal. It would
  // typically proceed along a path like: <3 x i3> -> <3 x i8> -> <8 x i8>. We
  // probably want a worklist of instructions rather than naive iterate until
  // convergence for performance reasons.
  bool Changed = false;
  MachineBasicBlock::iterator NextMI;
  using VecType = SmallSetVector<MachineInstr *, 8>;
  VecType WorkList;
  VecType CombineList;
  for (auto &MBB : MF) {
    for (auto MI = MBB.begin(); MI != MBB.end(); MI = NextMI) {
      // Get the next Instruction before we try to legalize, because there's a
      // good chance MI will be deleted.
      NextMI = std::next(MI);

      // Only legalize pre-isel generic instructions: others don't have types
      // and are assumed to be legal.
      if (!isPreISelGenericOpcode(MI->getOpcode()))
      unsigned NumNewInsns = 0;
      Helper.MIRBuilder.recordInsertions([&](MachineInstr *MI) {
        // Only legalize pre-isel generic instructions.
        // Legalization process could generate Target specific pseudo
        // instructions with generic types. Don't record them
        if (isPreISelGenericOpcode(MI->getOpcode())) {
      LegalizerCombiner C(Helper.MIRBuilder, MF.getRegInfo(),
      bool Changed = false;
      LegalizerHelper::LegalizeResult Res;
      do {
        assert(!WorkList.empty() && "Expecting illegal ops");
        while (!WorkList.empty()) {
          NumNewInsns = 0;
          MachineInstr *CurrInst = WorkList.pop_back_val();
          Res = Helper.legalizeInstrStep(*CurrInst);
          // Error out if we couldn't legalize this instruction. We may want to
          // fall back to DAG ISel instead in the future.
          if (Res == LegalizerHelper::UnableToLegalize) {
            if (Res == LegalizerHelper::UnableToLegalize) {
              reportGISelFailure(MF, TPC, MORE, "gisel-legalize",
                                 "unable to legalize instruction", *CurrInst);
              return false;
          Changed |= Res == LegalizerHelper::Legalized;
          // If CurrInst was legalized, there's a good chance that it might have
          // been erased. So remove it from the Combine List.
          if (Res == LegalizerHelper::Legalized)

#ifndef NDEBUG
          if (NumNewInsns)
            for (unsigned I = WorkList.size() - NumNewInsns,
                          E = WorkList.size();
                 I != E; ++I)
              DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. .. New MI: " << *WorkList[I];);
        // Do the combines.
        while (!CombineList.empty()) {
          NumNewInsns = 0;
          MachineInstr *CurrInst = CombineList.pop_back_val();
          SmallVector<MachineInstr *, 4> DeadInstructions;
          Changed |= C.tryCombineInstruction(*CurrInst, DeadInstructions);
          for (auto *DeadMI : DeadInstructions) {
            DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Erasing Dead Instruction " << *DeadMI);
#ifndef NDEBUG
          if (NumNewInsns)
            for (unsigned I = CombineList.size() - NumNewInsns,
                          E = CombineList.size();
                 I != E; ++I)
              DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. .. Combine New MI: " << *CombineList[I];);
      } while (!WorkList.empty());

 void writeGlobalArray(std::ostream& os, const string& prefix, const VecType& g) {
     for (size_t i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i) {
         os << prefix << g[i].type << " " << g[i].name << ";\n";