Exemple #1
int DiracOp::Ritz(Vector **psi_all, int N_eig, Float &lambda, 
		  Float RsdR_a, Float RsdR_r, Float Rsdlam, 
		  Float Cutl_zero, int n_renorm, int Kalk_Sim,
		  int N_min, int N_max, Float Cv_fact,
		  int MaxCG, int ProjApsiP)

{ /* Local Variables */

  int n_count;
  Complex xp;
  Float mu;  // Double
  Float p2;  // Double
  Float g2;  // Double
  Float a;  // Double
  Float d;  // Double
  Float s1;  // Double
  Float s2;  // Double
  Float s3;  // Double
  Float g2_0;
  Float del_lam;
  Float rsd;
  Float rsda_sq;
  Float rsdr_sq;
  Float ct;
  Float st;
  Float b;
  Float acc;
  int k;
  int nn;
  char *fname = "Ritz(V*,F,...)";

// Flash the LED and then turn it off

// Set the node checkerboard size of the fermion field
  int f_size = RitzLatSize();
// Set the node checkerboard size of the fermion field
  Vector *psi = (Vector *) smalloc(cname,fname, "psi", f_size * sizeof(Float));

  Vector *p = (Vector *) smalloc(cname,fname, "p", f_size * sizeof(Float));

  Vector *Apsi = (Vector *) smalloc(cname,fname, "Apsi", f_size * sizeof(Float));
  Vector *Ap = (Vector *) smalloc(cname,fname, "Ap", f_size * sizeof(Float));

  VRB.Input(cname,fname,"RsdR_a=%e RsdR_r=%e Rsdlam=%e Cv_fact=%e\n", 

  //TIZB acc = 2.0e-6;
  acc = 2.0e-24;
  acc *= acc;
  rsda_sq = RsdR_a * RsdR_a;
  rsdr_sq = RsdR_r * RsdR_r;
  rsda_sq = (rsda_sq > acc) ? rsda_sq : acc;

  /*  Make Psi_all(N_eig-1) orthogonal to the previous eigenvectors  */
  nn = N_eig - 1;

  /*  First copy it into a the local psi  */
  psi->CopyVec(psi_all[nn], f_size);

  GramSchm(&psi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

  /* Normalize */
  d = sqrt(psi->NormSqGlbSum(f_size));
  ct = 1.0 / d;
  psi->VecTimesEquFloat(ct, f_size);

  /* Now we can start */
  /*  Apsi[0]   :=  A . Psi[0]  */
  RitzMat(Apsi, psi);

  xp = psi->CompDotProductGlbSum(Apsi, f_size);
  mu = psi->ReDotProductGlbSum(Apsi, f_size);

  /*  Project to orthogonal subspace, if wanted  */
  /** Should not be necessary, following Kalkreuter-Simma **/
  if (ProjApsiP == 1)
    GramSchm(&Apsi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

  /*  mu  := < Psi[0] | A Psi[0] >  */
  mu = psi->ReDotProductGlbSum(Apsi, f_size);

  /*  p[0] = g[0]   :=  ( A - mu[0] ) Psi[0]  =  Apsi - mu psi */
  lambda = mu;
  p->FTimesV1PlusV2(-lambda, psi, Apsi, f_size);

  /*  g2 = p2 = |g[0]|^2 = |p[0]|^2 */
  g2 = p->NormSqGlbSum(f_size);
  p2 = g2;
  g2_0 = g2;
  g2_0 *= Cv_fact;
  g2_0 = (g2_0 > acc) ? g2_0 : acc;

  if (ProjApsiP == 1)
    VRB.Result(cname,fname,"nn = %d, lambda=%g, g2=%g, g2_0=%g\n",
	    nn, (IFloat)mu, (IFloat)g2, (IFloat)g2_0);

  /*  IF |g[0]| <= min(RsdR_a, RsdR_r |mu[0]|) THEN RETURN; */
  rsd = rsdr_sq * lambda * lambda;
  rsd = (rsda_sq > rsd) ? rsda_sq : rsd;
  if ( Kalk_Sim == 0 && N_min <= 0 && g2 <= rsd )
    /*  Copy psi back into psi_all(N_eig-1)  */
    psi_all[nn]->CopyVec(psi, f_size);

    sfree(cname,fname, "Ap", Ap);
    sfree(cname,fname, "Apsi", Apsi);
    sfree(cname,fname, "p", p);
    sfree(cname,fname, "psi", psi);

    n_count = 0;
    return n_count;

  del_lam = mu;

  /*  FOR k FROM 1 TO MaxCG DO */
  for(k = 1; k <= MaxCG; ++k)
    if (k % 100 == 0){
      VRB.Result(cname,fname,"nn = %d, iter=%d, lambda=%e, del_lam=%e\n", 
          nn, k, (IFloat)mu, del_lam);
      VRB.Result(cname,fname, "g2/g2_0=%e/%e=Cv_fact=%e > %e\n",
(IFloat)g2, (IFloat)g2_0, (IFloat)g2/g2_0, (IFloat)Cv_fact);
//   if (k % 100 == 0)
//      VRB.Result(cname,fname,"nn = %d, lambda=%g, g2=%g, g2_0=%g\n",
//		 nn, (IFloat)mu, (IFloat)g2, (IFloat)g2_0);

    /*  Ap = A * p  */
    RitzMat(Ap, p);

    /*  Project to orthogonal subspace, if wanted  */
    /** Should not be necessary, following Kalkreuter-Simma **/
    if (ProjApsiP == 1)
      GramSchm(&Ap, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

    /*  d = < p | A p >  */
    d = p->ReDotProductGlbSum(Ap, f_size);

    d = d / p2;
    s1 = 0.5 * (mu+d);
    s2 = 0.5 * (mu-d);
    p2 = sqrt(p2);
    p2 = 1.0 / p2;
    s3 = g2 * p2;
    a = (s2 > 0.0) ? s2 : -s2;
    if( a >= s3 )
      d = s3 / s2;
      d = sqrt(1.0 + d*d);
      a = a * d;
      d = s2 / s3;
      d = sqrt(1.0 + d*d);
      a = s3 * d;

    s2 /= a;			/* Now s2 is cos(delta) */
    s3 /= a;			/* Now s3 is sin(delta) */
    if( s2 > 0 )
      s2 = 0.5 * (1.0+s2);
      d = sqrt(s2);
      d = - d;			/* Now d is sin(theta) */
      s2 = -0.5 * s3 / d;	/* Now s2 is cos(theta) */
      s2 = 0.5 * (1.0-s2);
      s2 = sqrt(s2);		/* Now s2 is cos(theta) */
      d = -0.5 * s3 / s2;	/* Now d is sin(theta) */

    /* mu[k] = mu[k-1] - 2 a d^2 */
    s1 = 2.0 * a * d * d;
    mu -= s1;
    lambda = mu;
    del_lam = s1;

    st = d*p2;		        /* Now st is sin(theta)/|p| */
    ct = s2;		        /* Now ct is cos(theta) */

    /*  Psi[k] = ct Psi[k-1] + st p[k-1] */
    /*  Apsi[k] = ct Apsi[k-1] + st Ap */
    psi->VecTimesEquFloat(ct, f_size);
    psi->FTimesV1PlusV2(st, p, psi, f_size);
    Apsi->VecTimesEquFloat(ct, f_size);
    Apsi->FTimesV1PlusV2(st, Ap, Apsi, f_size);

    /*  Ap = g[k] = Apsi[k] - mu[k] Psi[k] */
    Ap->FTimesV1PlusV2(-lambda, psi, Apsi, f_size);

    /*  g2  =  |g[k]|**2 = |Ap|**2 */
    s1 = g2;			/* Now s1 is |g[k-1]|^2 */
    g2 = Ap->NormSqGlbSum(f_size);

    /*+  */
    /*  IF |g[k]| <= min(RsdR_a, RsdR_r |mu[k]|)
	   && |del_lam| <= Rsdlam*|lambda|  THEN RETURN; */
    rsd = rsdr_sq * lambda * lambda;
    rsd = (rsda_sq > rsd) ? rsda_sq : rsd;
    st = Rsdlam * fabs(mu);	/* old value of st is no longer needed */

/*    if ( TO_REAL(g2) <= rsd && del_lam <= st ) */
    if ( (Kalk_Sim == 0 && k >= N_min && (fabs(mu) < Cutl_zero ||
	       (g2 <=  rsd && del_lam <= st ) ) ) ||
	 (Kalk_Sim == 1 && ( del_lam <= st || fabs(mu) < Cutl_zero ||
	       (k >= N_min && (g2 < g2_0 || k >= N_max ) ) ) ) )
      VRB.Result(cname, fname, "Converged at iter %d, lambda = %g, del_lam = %g\n",
		 k, (IFloat)lambda, (IFloat)del_lam);
      VRB.Result(cname, fname, "  rsd = %g, g2 = %g, g2_0 = %g\n",
		 (IFloat)rsd, (IFloat)g2, (IFloat)g2_0);
      n_count = k;

      /* Renormalize and recompute lambda */
      /*  Project to orthogonal subspace  */
      GramSchm(&psi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

      d = sqrt(psi->NormSqGlbSum(f_size));
      ct = 1.0 / d;
      psi->VecTimesEquFloat(ct, f_size);
      d -= 1.0;
      VRB.Result(cname, fname, "Deviation at convergence: %g\n", (IFloat)d);

      /*  Apsi  :=  A . Psi  */
      RitzMat(Apsi, psi);

      /*  mu  := < Psi | A Psi >  */
      s1 = mu;
      mu = psi->ReDotProductGlbSum(Apsi, f_size);
      lambda = mu;
      VRB.Result(cname, fname, "Mu-s at convergence: old %g vs. nn %g\n", 
		 (IFloat)s1, (IFloat)mu);

      /*  Copy psi back into psi_all(N_eig-1)  */
      psi_all[nn]->CopyVec(psi, f_size);

      VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "Ap", Ap);
      VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "Apsi", Apsi);
      VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "p", p);
      VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "psi", psi);

// Flash the LED and then turn it on
      return k;

    /* b = beta[k] = cos(theta) |g[k]|^2 / |g[k-1]|^2 */
    b = ct * g2 / s1;
    ct *= 0.05 * b;
    d = sqrt(g2);
    ct /= (p2*d);
    if( ct > 1.0 )
      /* Restart: p[k] = g[k] = Ap */
      VRB.Result(cname, fname, "Restart at iter %d since beta = %g\n", 
		 k, (IFloat)b);
      p->CopyVec(Ap, f_size);
      /* xp = < Psi[k] | p[k-1] > */
      xp = psi->CompDotProductGlbSum(p, f_size);

      /* p[k] = g[k] + b (p[k-1] - xp psi[k]) */
      p->CTimesV1PlusV2(-xp, psi, p, f_size);
      p->FTimesV1PlusV2(b, p, Ap, f_size);

    if( k%n_renorm == 0 )
      /* Renormalize, and re-orthogonalize */
      /*  Project to orthogonal subspace  */
      GramSchm(&psi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

      /* Normalize */
      d = sqrt(psi->NormSqGlbSum(f_size));
      ct = 1.0 / d;
      psi->VecTimesEquFloat(ct, f_size);
      d -= 1.0;

      if (ProjApsiP == 1)
	VRB.Result(cname,fname,"Deviation at iter %d: %g\n", k, (IFloat)d);

      /*  Apsi  :=  A . Psi  */
      RitzMat(Apsi, psi);

      /*  Project to orthogonal subspace, if wanted  */
      /** Should not be necessary, following Kalkreuter-Simma **/
      if (ProjApsiP == 1)
	GramSchm(&Apsi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

      /*  mu  := < Psi | A Psi >  */
      s1 = mu;
      mu = psi->ReDotProductGlbSum(Apsi, f_size);
      if (ProjApsiP == 1)
	VRB.Result(cname,fname,"Mu-s at iter %d: old %g vs. new %g\n", 
		   k, (IFloat)s1, (IFloat)mu);

      /*  g[k] = Ap = ( A - mu ) Psi  */
      lambda = mu;
      Ap->FTimesV1PlusV2(-lambda, psi, Apsi, f_size);

      /*  g2  =  |g[k]|**2 = |Ap|**2 */
      g2 = Ap->NormSqGlbSum(f_size);

      VRB.Result(cname,fname,"g2 at iter %d: %g\n", k, (IFloat)g2);

      /*  Project p[k] to orthogonal subspace  */
      GramSchm(&p, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

      /*  Make p[k] orthogonal to Psi[k]  */
      GramSchm(&p, 1, &psi, 1, f_size);

      /*  Make < g[k] | p[k] > = |g[k]|**2: p[k] = p_old[k] + xp g[k],
	  xp = (g2 - < g | p_old >) / g2; g[k] = Ap */
      xp = g2 - Ap->CompDotProductGlbSum(p, f_size);
      ct = 1.0 / g2;
      xp *= ct;
      p->CTimesV1PlusV2(xp, Ap, p, f_size);
    else if (ProjApsiP == 1 && nn > 0)
      /*  Project psi and p to orthogonal subspace  */
      GramSchm(&psi, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);
      GramSchm(&p, 1, psi_all, nn, f_size);

    /*  p2  =  |p[k]|**2 */
    p2 = p->NormSqGlbSum(f_size);

#if 1
    if (ProjApsiP == 1)
      VRB.Result(cname,fname,"At iter %d, lambda = %g, del_lam = %g, g2 = %g\n",
	     k, (IFloat)lambda, (IFloat)del_lam, (IFloat)g2);

  /*  Copy psi back into psi_all(N_eig-1)  */
  psi_all[nn]->CopyVec(psi, f_size);

  n_count = MaxCG;
  VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "Ap", Ap);
  VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "Apsi", Apsi);
  VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "p", p);
  VRB.Sfree(cname,fname, "psi", psi);

  ERR.General(cname,fname, "too many CG/Ritz iterations: %d\n",n_count);
  return n_count;